Update 23D
Revision History
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
16 FEB 2024 | Sourcing | Email a Confirmation When Supplier Submits a Response | Updated document. Revised Steps to Enable. |
01 SEP 2023 | Created initial document. |
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Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Configure Offerings.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Feature Summary
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Supply Chain Orchestration
Supply Chain Orchestration
Extend the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders Feature
Extend the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders feature so you can view all of the reservations that you create manually in a back-to-back flow. Before this release, you could view manual reservations only for lines that have an Unassigned supply type on the supply order. Now you can view the supply orders, transfer orders, purchase orders, and work orders that fulfill all of your manual reservations even while Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration is still processing that supply. Also, before this release, you couldn't cancel a manual reservation when you cancel the order line. Now you can.
If a manual reservation might cause excess supply, then the Supply Orchestration work area displays a new icon on the supply line. If you hover over it, you'll see the Excess Supply text.
Quickly see what excess supply you have reserved for each sales order in your back-to-back flows.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You must manually opt into the View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders feature until update 24A.
- Supply Chain Orchestration doesn't automatically modify a manual reservation for a change in demand that it receives from Oracle Order Management. You must manually modify the reservation.
- The quantity for the work order, purchase request, or transfer order might be different from the reservation's quantity or the quantity on the supply or tracking line because other requests might also use the work order, purchase request, or transfer order.
Access Requirements
The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order.
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Initiate Order (FOM_CREATE_ORDER_PRIV)
Hold Changes from Manufacturing Until Purchase Orders Are Ready in Outside Processing Flows
Use Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration to temporarily hold the changes that you receive from Oracle Manufacturing. Use this feature in your outside processing flow when a work order or an operation undergoes change, but Oracle Purchasing hasn't created the purchase order or is revising it.
Here's how it works:
- A work order or an operation undergoes a change in your outside processing flow, and then Oracle Manufacturing sends an update request to Supply Chain Orchestration. Manufacturing might send another request each time a work order or operation undergoes change.
- If Purchasing hasn’t created the purchase order or is revising it, then Supply Chain Orchestration temporarily holds the update request.
- Purchasing creates or finishes revising the purchase order, and then Supply Chain Orchestration automatically sends the most recent update request that it has received from Oracle Manufacturing to Purchasing.
Increase your processing efficiency and prevent failures that happen when you send an update request to Purchasing. Instead of having Supply Chain Orchestration send every request that it receives from Manufacturing to Purchasing, wait until Purchasing creates or finishes revising the purchase order, then send only the latest request.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 24D
Key Resources
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)
No new privileges were introduced to support this feature.
Use Redesigned Pages to Create Transfer Supply Requests
Use a redesigned page to help you create a transfer request on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device. Supply Chain Orchestration will display the supply source that provides the optimal fulfillment for your request, by default. You can accept the default supply source or pick another one from a list of sources when you create the request. You can create the request for a standard item or for an item that's part of a project.
Improve your user experience when you need to create a transfer request on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
Tips And Considerations
Here's some of the cool new stuff you can do:
- Use the New Supply Request task in the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to create a transfer request.
- Use the Manage Item Quantities task in the Inventory Management work area to create the request.
- Set the Destination Type attribute on your request to Inventory or to Expense.
- Set the Transfer Type attribute on your request to Inter Organization or to Intra Organization.
- Create and submit more than one request for one or more destination organizations.
- Your request can use the item's primary UOM or a nonprimary UOM.
- Accept the supply source that provides the optimal fulfillment, or select another source from a list of sources that Supply Chain Orchestration automatically ranks for you according to availability.
- Create a transfer request for a project.
Key Resources
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)
Collaboration Messaging Framework
Collaboration Messaging Framework
Exchange B2B Messages with Your Trading Partners Using Avalara
A new predefined service provider, Avalara, is available for your electronic invoicing needs. If you subscribe to Avalara’s services, you can use it to connect with your trading partners via the Pan-European Public Procurement Online (PEPPOL) network. Avalara is a certified PEPPOL access point and solution provider.
Avalara's messages and delivery methods are predefined, thereby streamlining B2B setup in the Collaboration Messaging work area.
Steps to Enable
Steps to Enable
At a high level, to set up the predefined Avalara service provider:
- Configure Avalara to exchange messages with your trading partners.
- Create trading partners.
- Associate the trading partners with your suppliers or customers.
- Select the documents you want to exchange with your suppliers or customers.
These steps are detailed in the Configuring and Managing B2B Messaging for Oracle Applications Cloud guide.
Configure the Predefined Service Provider Avalara
- Select Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers from the Tasks panel tab, and search for the Avalara service provider.
- On the Edit Collaboration Messaging Service Provider page, select Test or Production in the Outbound Delivery Connection Type field to reflect the environment you are setting up.
- Select the Delivery Methods tab, and enter the username and password for the selected connection type.
Outbound Delivery Connection Type and Delivery Method
- Select the Outbound Collaboration Messages tab, link the delivery method with the message, and activate the message you want to exchange with your trading partners:
- UBL 2.1 PEPPOL Invoice Outbound (Avalara_UBL-2.1-PEPPOL-Invoice-Out)
Avalara Outbound Collaboration Message
- Select the Inbound Collaboration Messages tab, and activate the messages you want to use. The following messages are available:
- UBL 2.1 Invoice Application Response Inbound (Avalara_UBL-2-1-InvoiceApplicationResponse-In)
- UBL 2.1 PEPPOL Invoice Inbound (Avalara_UBL-2.1-PEPPOL-Invoice-In)
Avalara Inbound Messages
Create Trading Partners
After completing the service provider setup, create your trading partners.
- Select Manage B2B Trading Partners on the Tasks panel tab.
- On the Manage B2B Trading Partners page, select Actions > Create, and add your trading partners.
- Select Avalara as the service provider.
Create a Trading Partner
Associate Trading Partners with Your Suppliers or Customers
Next, associate the trading partners with your suppliers or customers for your electronic invoicing documents.
- Select Manage Supplier B2B Configuration on the Tasks panel tab, and search for your suppliers.
- Select a supplier and then select Edit Supplier B2B Configuration.
- On the Edit Supplier B2B Configuration page, select the Trading Partner Assignment tab and click Actions > Add Row to add a trading partner and the Avalara service provider.
Supplier Trading Partner Assignment
- On the Edit Supplier B2B Configuration page, select the Document Setup tab, and add the Invoice-Inbound to exchange with the selected supplier.
Supplier Document Setup
- Select Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration on the Tasks panel tab, and search for your customers.
- Select a customer. On the Edit Customer Account Collaboration Configuration page, select the Avalara service provider and trading partners in the Associated Service Providers section.
- In the Collaboration Documents for Service Provider section, select the documents you want to exchange (outbound invoices or inbound invoice acknowledgments).
Customer Account Collaboration Configuration
Tips And Considerations
Make sure you select the correct endpoint for your message delivery, Test or Production, in the Outbound Delivery Connection Type field on the Edit Service Provider page. If you don’t select a message delivery type, you’ll get an error message during message processing that you didn’t specify an endpoint for Avalara.
Key Resources
- Refer to the How You Configure Predefined Service Providers section of the Configuring and Managing B2B Messaging for Oracle Applications Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners (CMK_B2B_SUPPLIER_TRADING_PARTNERS_PRIV)
- Manage B2B Trading Partners (CMK_B2B_TRADING_PARTNERS_PRIV)
- Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration (CMK_B2B_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_TRADING_PARTNERS_PRIV)
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Receive Streamlined Error Message Reporting for B2B Messages Sent Using Web Services
The validation process for inbound messages received through synchronous web service operations has been improved. Now, the caller receives only relevant and correctable errors that can be fixed before the message is processed. The refined process validates the following:
- Authentication: The caller of the service is a valid user.
- Authorization: The caller of the web service is assigned a job role with the privilege Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service (CMK_INVOKE_INBOUND_COLLAB_DOC_SERVICE_PRIV).
- Sender party: The SENDER_ID and SENDER_ID_TYPE in the payload have a valid trading partner ID and ID type.
- External message definitions: The external message definition in the payload exists in Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework.
- Invalid order numbers Inbound messages that reference a PO such as PO acknowledgments, invoices, and shipments, have valid PO numbers
Other B2B setup errors are logged and managed in the Collaboration Messaging work area. The asynchronous operation remains unchanged, with the credentials validated and errors returned for invalid credentials.
As the sender of B2B messages, you only receive errors that are in your control to fix. As the receiver of B2B messages, you can review errors in Collaboration Messaging Framework that you have access to correct, ensuring a more efficient process for troubleshooting any issues encountered during the exchange of B2B messages.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Configuring and Managing B2B Messaging for Oracle Applications Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Simplify the Exchange of Purchase Orders with Other Oracle Cloud Enterprises
There are six new message definitions available for sending and receiving POs. These message definitions use the Oracle B2B messaging standard and enable you to exchange POs directly with your trading partners, B2B service providers, and other Oracle cloud enterprises:
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-In
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change-In
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Cancel-In
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Out
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change-Out
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Cancel-Out
These messages provide additional options for you to exchange POs with your trading partners and B2B service providers.
Steps to Enable
At a high level, there are two steps to enable these message definitions:
- Set up the message definitions with either a service provider or a trading partner directly.
- Associate the trading partner with your suppliers or customers.
Set Up Message Definitions with a Service Provider or Trading Partner
- Select Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers or Manage B2B Trading Partners from the Tasks panel tab, and search for the service provider or trading partner you want to set up.
- If you are sending POs, on the Outbound Collaboration Messages tab, select the new outbound PO message definition you want to exchange with your trading partners:
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Out
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change-Out
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Cancel-Out
- Associate a delivery method with the message definition and set the status to Active.
Outbound PO Messages
- If you are receiving POs, on the Inbound Collaboration Messages tab, select the new inbound PO message definition you want to exchange with your trading partners and set the status to Active:
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-In
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change-In
- Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Cancel-In
Inbound PO Messages
Associate the Trading Partners with Your Suppliers or Customers
Next, associate the trading partners with your suppliers or customers to exchange POs with them.
- Select Manage Supplier B2B Configuration on the Tasks panel tab, and search for your suppliers.
- Select a supplier and then select Edit Supplier B2B Configuration.
- On the Edit Supplier B2B Configuration page, select the Trading Partner Assignment tab and click Actions > Add Row to add a trading partner, and select your trading partner.
- Select the Document Setup tab, and add the PO documents (Purchase Order-Outbound, Purchase Order Change – Outbound and Purchase Order Cancellation – Outbound) to exchange with the selected supplier.
Supplier and Associated PO Documents
- Select Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration on the Tasks panel tab, and search for your customers.
- Select a customer. On the Edit Customer Collaboration Configuration page, select your trading partners in the Associated Service Providers section.
- In the Collaboration Documents for Service Provider section, select the PO documents you want to exchange (Purchase Order- Inbound, Purchase Order Change - Inbound and Purchase Order Cancellation - Inbound).
Key Resources
- Refer to the Configuring and Managing B2B Messaging for Oracle Applications Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Manage B2B Trading Partners (CMK_B2B_TRADING_PARTNERS_PRIV)
Procurement Common
Common Procurement
Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Resources
In this update, Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement and Oracle Fusion Cloud Self Service Procurement deliver modified REST resources to enable and simplify integration with external systems.
The following REST resources were previously available, and have been updated:
- Purchase Requisitions
- The Submit action is enhanced to support a new funds reservation point: Submission.
- Use the checkFunds custom action to check funds for a requisition indicating if the requisition passed or failed funds check.
- Use the DestinationSubinventory attribute to set or update a destination subinventory (for destination type = Inventory) on requisition lines.
- The Cancel custom action (at the header level) is enhanced to support cancellation of specific lines that aren't placed on an order.
- Use the RejectedReason attribute to display the reason the requisition was automatically rejected.
- Requisition Preferences
- Use the DestinationSubinventory attribute to select a destination subinventory (for destination type = Inventory) in your preferences setup.
- Use the new Purchasing News child REST resource to get purchasing news information for a requisitioning business unit that's configured in your preferences.
- Shopping Catalog Item Details
- Use the getItemExtendedAttributes custom action to retrieve extensible flexfield (EFF) details for a master item that's configured in the Product Information Management work area.
- Draft Purchase Orders
- Use the deleteChangeOrder custom action to delete an incomplete change order as a procurement requester or buyer.
- Use the updateAllLines custom action to mass update attributes on lines of a change order as a procurement requester.
- Use the calculateTaxAndAccounting custom action as a procurement requester or buyer to calculate tax and derive the charge account when any tax determinants or input sources of transactional account builder are modified on a purchase order.
- Use the summaryAttributes custom action as a procurement requester to get summarized information on deliver-to locations, charge accounts, projects, requester, and amounts from the lines, schedules, and distributions of a purchase order.
- Procurement Approved Supplier List Entries
- GET, POST, and PATCH are supported for descriptive flexfield (DFF) attributes in approved supplier list entries.
- Approved Supplier List Source Documents
- GET, POST, and PATCH are supported for DFF attributes in source documents for each approved supplier list entry.
- Supplier Negotiation Responses
- GET is supported for price breaks and quantity-based price tiers that are proposed by suppliers in a response.
You can use these new and modified REST resources to simplify integrations and support standards-based interoperability with your other applications and external systems.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement documentation available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
Refer to the Privileges section in the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Position Hierarchy Routing Delegates to Other Users Based on Vacation Rules
When users go on vacation, they can define vacation rules so that when they’re out of office, tasks can be reassigned or delegated. If you’re using a Position list builder to route workflow tasks, when a user with a position that’s been assigned a task has an active vacation rule, the rule takes effect as long as there are five or less users in that position, and the task is reassigned or delegated.
Position-based assignments are reassigned or delegated according to vacation rules.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is specific to vacation rules, and may not work in other contexts. For example, using the Transaction Console work area isn't supported.
Key Resources
Require Buyers to Process Requester-Initiated Changes
Require buyers to review and process requester-initiated changes to open purchase orders. When the feature is enabled, any changes proposed by requesters will be automatically created as internal change orders. This applies even if the proposed changes include supplier-facing attributes that would create a revision to the purchase order document.
After the internal change order is approved, the buyer will receive a notification and will be required to take action on the requester-initiated change. The Pending Buyer Action status on the requester change order indicates that the buyer must review the proposed changes and either modify them, submit them as they are, or reject them.
When the buyer decides to either modify the proposed changes or submit them as they are, a buyer-initiated change order is created and either submitted for approval or left in an incomplete status for buyers to make further edits.
These screen captures illustrate the feature:
The requester creates requester-initiated change on the open purchase order.
Requester-Initiated Change
The buyer is notified when a requester-initiated change requires their action. The Requester-Initiated Change Requires Action notification can be modified by updating the Purchase Order Approval Notification Layout Template in Oracle Analytics Publisher.
Requester-Initiated Change Requires Action Notification
The buyer reviews the requester-initiated change on Pending Buyer Action status.
Requester-Initiated Change on Pending Buyer Action
The buyer takes the edit action which creates a buyer-initiated change order with the details copied from the requester-initiated change.
Buyer Change Order
When the buyer either decides to edit the requester-initiated change or takes the submit action, an "Accept" action is recorded for the requester change order on the purchase order document history.
Purchase Order Document History
A new infolet called Change Requests is now available for buyers in the Purchase Orders work area. This infolet shows the number of pending requester change orders that require buyer action.
Change Requests Infolet
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
- Change Requests infolet is hidden by default and can be exposed by clicking the My Infolets icon on the Purchase Orders work area.
- A new approval attribute named Processed by Buyer from Requester-Initiated Changes is available to create approval rules. You can set conditions to check if the buyer change order originated from a requester-initiated change and route it for approval accordingly.
- You can create requester-initiated changes using the Self Service Procurement, Responsive Self Service Procurement Application, and the Draft Purchase Orders REST resource.
Key Resources
- For more details about the feature, watch the Require Buyers to Process Requester-Initiated Changes readiness training.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Change Purchase Order as Procurement Requester (PO_CHANGE_PURCHASE_ORDER_AS_PROCUREMENT_REQUESTER_PRIV)
These privileges were available prior to this update.
View Purchase Orders as a Requester Using a Deep Link
View purchase orders associated with requisitions where you are the requester or preparer using a deep link. You can use the link to directly access these purchase orders from business intelligence reports or external applications.
You can use the deep link to view purchase orders associated with requisitions to perform actions on the order or to get detailed information about life cycle, lines, schedules, and distributions.
Order Life Cycle and Actions Menu
Enabled Line Details Icon
Enabled Schedule Details Icon
Enabled Distribution Details Icon
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- For additional details on how to add deep links to OTBI analyses, refer to the Configure Deep Links section in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement: Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for Procurement guide.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- View Requisition - All (POR_VIEW_REQUISITION_ALL_PRIV)
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Create Purchase Order Lines with Negative Amounts Using the Standard Document Style 
Create purchase order lines with negative amounts for recording credit on purchase orders that use the standard document style. After enabling credit line types on the standard document style, you can add credit lines to your existing or new purchase orders that use the standard style.
In update 23A, you could only enable credit line types on user-defined document styles. In this update, you can enable credit line types on the standard document style.
Steps to Enable
Open the standard document style in Manage Document Styles and enable the Credit Line Types Enabled setting. After the setting is enabled, it can't be disabled.
Enable Credit Line Types on the Standard Document Style
Tips And Considerations
You can't disable the Credit Line Types Enabled setting after enabling it on the standard document style.
Key Resources
You can create purchase order lines with negative amounts to record credits to the ordered amount that you have negotiated with your supplier. For more details, refer to the Create Purchase Order Lines with Negative Amounts feature, available in Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud What's New, update 23A.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature in Purchasing:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
To set up this feature, you'll need a configured job role that contains this existing privilege:
Prevent Communication of Purchase Order Changes When Only Promised and Requested Dates Are Updated 
Prevent communication of purchase order changes to suppliers when only promised and requested dates are updated.
Before this update, changes made to the promised and requested dates on the purchase order were communicated to the supplier. With this update, you can now configure a change order template to specify whether a purchase order needs to be revised if these attributes are updated.
Steps to Enable
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Change Order Templates task:
- Offering: Procurement
- Functional Area: Procurement Foundation
- Create a new change order template.
- Deselect the revise document checkbox for promised delivery date, requested delivery date, promised ship date, requested ship date, last acceptable delivery date, and last acceptable ship date.
Change Order Template
You can associate the new change order template to the Procurement Business Unit using these steps:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Configure Procurement Business Function task:
- Offering: Procurement
- Functional Area: Procurement Foundation
- Navigate to Document Types.
- Select the Purchase Order document type.
- Choose the newly created change order template.
Procurement Business Unit Configuration
Tips And Considerations
- The latest change order template applies to the change orders not submitted for approval.
- Promised and Requested Date attributes on the existing change order template will be selected by default and in the read-only mode.
Key Resources
To know more about how to use the change order template, refer to the Change Order Template topic.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature in Purchasing:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
To set up this feature, you'll need a configured job role that contains this existing privilege:
- Manage Purchasing Change Order Template (PO_MANAGE_PO_CHANGE_ORDER_TEMPLATE_PRIV)
Upload Buyer Assignment Rules Based on the Cost Center Using a Spreadsheet 
Use the ADFdi spreadsheet to create and update buyer assignment rules based on the cost center of the requisition distribution.
Before this update, you could use only the UI to create or manage the buyer assignment rules using the Cost Center attribute. With this update, you can use a spreadsheet to create or manage buyer assignment rules in bulk using the Cost Center attribute.
This screen capture illustrates the feature:
Buyer Assignment Rules Spreadsheet
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- To know more about how to use the spreadsheet processing to manage buyer assignment rules, refer to the How You Upload Buyer Assignment Rules topic.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
View the Rejection Reason for Autorejected Purchasing Documents 
View the rejection reason for purchase orders and agreements that have been automatically rejected during the approval process in the rejected FYI notification and document history. You can now configure an appropriate rejection reason for purchasing documents that are automatically rejected.
Before this update, buyers or requesters couldn't know the reason why a purchasing document was autorejected. With this update, you can configure a rejection reason for an autorejection rule, share the reason with buyers or requesters via an online and email notification, and track the rejection reason in the document history.
These screen captures illustrate the feature:
Autorejection Rule
Standard Lookup Code to Configure the Rejection Reason
Rejected FYI Notification
Purchase Order Document History
Steps to Enable
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Standard Lookups task.
- Search for the lookup type ORA_POR_AUTO_REJECT_REASON.
- Create a new lookup code for the autorejection reason.
- You must use the autorejection rule name as the lookup code, however, you must remove any spaces that may be there in the rule name when you specify lookup code for the autorejection rule.
Standard Lookup Code to Configure the Rejection Reason
Tips And Considerations
- When no description is provided corresponding to a lookup code configured for an autorejection rule, the rule name will be displayed as the rejection reason.
- The lookup code has a limit of 30 characters to define a rejection reason for the autorejection rule.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature in Purchasing:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
To set up this feature, you'll need a configured job role that contains this existing privilege:
- Manage Application Standard Lookup (FND_APP_MANAGE_STANDARD_LOOKUP_PRIV)
Selected Purchasing Bug Fixes in This Update
This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Purchasing works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.
Perform Price Tolerance Check Using Foreign Currency
Before this update, the validation process for price change tolerances between requisitions and purchase orders used the functional currency for comparison. However, differences in conversion rates between the requisition and purchase order were causing the validation to be triggered incorrectly, even when there wasn't an actual price change in the transactional currency.
After this update, the validation process for price change tolerances between requisitions and purchase orders uses the functional currency for comparison only when the requisition and purchase order currencies don't match.
Oracle reference: 35387314
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Item Replacement
Capture Additional Information While Defining Item Replacement Tasks
You can now capture the reason for supply disruption while creating item replacement tasks. If it's a temporary replacement, you can also capture the expected availability date for the disrupted item from a supplier. This date is expected to be the end date for replacement of the disrupted item after which you must initiate the reinstatement action on the replacement task. Permanent replacement tasks don’t have the expected availability date attribute.
New Item Replacement
The reason for supply disruption and expected availability date are now available on the Replacement Details page from where you initiate replacements and reinstatements.
Replacement Details
Capturing these attributes in the item replacement task helps you to analyze supply disruptions, identify the root cause, and evaluate the supplier performance enabling you to take better sourcing decisions thereby improving operational efficiency.
Steps to Enable
To use this feature, you must define the lookup codes for the supply disruption reason to help categorize the item replacement tasks based on the different reasons for supply disruption.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Standard Lookups task. In the task window, enter Reason for the Supply Disruption in the Meaning field and click Search. Create new lookup codes under ORA_SCH_PR_SUP_DIS_ REASON: Lookup Codes.
Supply Disruption Reason Lookup Values
Key Resources
- See Item Replacement in Using Procurement on Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains the Manage Item Replacement (SCH_MANAGE_ITEM_REPLACEMENT) privilege can access this feature.
Supplier Model
Require Bank Account to Promote Supplier to Spend Authorized 
To pay suppliers electronically, a bank account is required in the supplier profile. If a request to promote a supplier to spend authorized is submitted without a bank account, it slows the approval process and requires manual intervention by approvers. With the ability to require that a supplier profile has a valid bank account before a spend authorization request can be submitted, approval processing will be smoother and you can transact with the supplier sooner.
When you promote a prospective supplier who doesn't have any active bank account or bank account assignment, an error will be displayed to prevent you from proceeding with the promotion.
Can't Promote a Supplier Without Bank Account
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
Consider these when you opt in to the feature:
- When you award a prospective supplier to a negotiation in Oracle Sourcing, a bank account is also required before promoting the supplier to spend authorized. Review the Require Bank Account When Awarding Prospective Suppliers feature in Sourcing for more details.
In the spend authorized registration, the spend authorization approval is kicked off automatically once the supplier registration is approved and the supplier is created. You should configure bank accounts as required in the setup for spend authorized registration so that bank account information is captured when the supplier is being reviewed for spend authorization.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Attach Documents to Supplier Bank Accounts 
Proper documentation is required to ensure that supplier bank accounts are set up correctly and to verify they are valid for the supplier. Without accurate documentation to verify supplier bank accounts, there's an increased potential for risks such as late payments or worse, fraudulent payments. With the ability to securely collect and store the appropriate documents with the supplier bank account, you can better verify the account ownership, thereby helping prevent fraudulent payments.
With this feature, you can now attach documents when you create or update a supplier bank account. To implement a stringent policy with respect to bank account verification, options are provided to configure attachments as required. If configured as required, a supporting document must be attached when creating a new bank account or when updating any one of these attributes of an existing bank account: country, account number, bank name, branch name, IBAN, and currency.
Create Bank Account in Self-Service Supplier Registration Request
Create Bank Account in Internal Profile Change Request
Add Attachments in Change Request
During the approval process, for a supplier registration or profile change request, the attached documents are made available to the approvers to help them review the bank account for accuracy. After the request is approved, the attached documents are saved along with the bank account in the supplier's profile for future reference.
Bank Account Attachments Available for Approvers
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
- Grant the Maintain Supplier Bank Account Attachment privilege to internal users (approvers, supplier administrators, or managers) who need to access the supplier bank account attachments. This privilege is new in this update and allows both the view and manage access to supplier bank account attachments.
NOTE: Supplier contacts don't need this privilege to access these attachments from Oracle Supplier Portal. Approvers of the self-service registration or profile change requests who review bank accounts must be granted this privilege to ensure they can view the attached documents necessary to validate the bank account.
Additionally, this setup is optional, usage depends on your requirements:
In the Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request setup task, configure the bank account attachments as required. Option to configure the bank account attachments as required for the next-generation self-service supplier registration and for supplier profile change requests are available under Supplier Registration and Supplier Profile Change Request tabs respectively.
Tips And Considerations
- Bank account attachments are supported for both internal and external supplier profile change requests and the next-generation self-service supplier registration flows.
- Bank account attachments are also supported in the supplier profile when bank account is not enabled for change control.
- For security reasons, the bank account attachments aren't available in the email notifications. Approvers can access them only from the worklist notification in the application.
- These ready-to-use document categories are supported: ACH Request Form, Bank Letter, IBAN Certificate, Other Document, and Scanned Check. The bank account attachments attached in self-service supplier registration requests are saved with the category of 'Other Document'.
Default Supplier Site and Contact When Inviting Suppliers 
Currently, when you invite suppliers, you're required to select the supplier site and a supplier contact, or you can notify all contacts. Selecting the site and contact for each supplier can be tedious, especially when the suppliers have only one site, or only one contact.
Now, when you add suppliers, the supplier site and supplier contact will default if the supplier has only one site, and one contact associated with the site.
Supplier Site Defaulted on Adding Suppliers to Selection
Supplier Contact Defaulted on Returning to Suppliers Step
You can now search and add many suppliers efficiently and quickly publish the negotiation.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Cancel a Closed Negotiation 
With this feature, you're now able to cancel negotiations in all statuses before the purchasing documents are created. All the invited and participating suppliers are notified of the cancellation.
Currently, negotiations with response visibility as Open and Blind can be cancelled before they're closed. And negotiations with response visibility as Sealed can be cancelled before proceeding with the award. But there are scenarios which don't lead to an award, such as,
- Running mock auctions before the live auctions
- Budget constraints
- Items negotiated are no longer required by the requester
- Negotiation did not receive responses and got closed but there's no requirement to extend the negotiation
In these business scenarios, it is necessary to cancel the negotiation, and notify the suppliers that the negotiation process won't be completed.
Cancel a Closed Negotiation
You now have the ability to cancel negotiations throughout the negotiation lifecycle based on your business needs.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement No Longer Optional From: Update 24B
Tips And Considerations
Considerations to use the feature are as follows:
- You won't be able to cancel a negotiation in these statuses as they have reached the end of the negotiation lifecycle:
- Completed, purchasing document created
- Amended
- Round completed
- You can't cancel the negotiations whose approval is in process. You must withdraw the approval first, edit the negotiation, and then proceed further.
- Approval in process
- Withdrawn
- Award approval in process
- Award withdrawn
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Email a Confirmation When Supplier Submits a Response 
Suppliers can now receive a notification confirming that their negotiation response was submitted successfully. A new email and in-app notification is sent to the supplier contact who submitted the response. An Oracle Analytics Publisher template is available to configure the layout and content of the notification to meet your business needs.
When a supplier submits a response, a confirmation message is shown as follows.
Confirmation Message for Response Submission
Response Submission Notification to Supplier
Improve supplier communication and provide confidence to the supplier that their response was received.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement No Longer Optional From: Update 24B
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Sourcing Notifications task.
- Offering: Procurement
- Functional area: Sourcing
- Task: Manage Sourcing Notifications
On the Manage Sourcing Notifications setup page, a new notification Response submitted confirmation to supplier is now available, and is enabled by default for the RFI and RFQ negotiation types. You have the option to enable it for Auctions if necessary for your business.
New Notification in Manage Sourcing Notifications
Tips And Considerations
No notification is sent for a surrogate response or responses submitted through REST.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Overview of Analytics Publisher chapter in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for Procurement guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Include Attachments in Online Message Notifications
With this update, any attachments added to the online message to suppliers, or team members in the UI, are also included in the email and in-app notification sent to the recipients.
Online Message Notification Based on The Oracle Analytics Publisher Template
Negotiation participants - both suppliers and team members - can easily access the message attachments in their email without having to log into the application.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Overview of Analytics Publisher chapter in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for Procurement guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Refer to the What's new for Configure Online Message Notification with Oracle Analytics Publisher, available in Update 23B.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message (PON_CREATE_ONLINE_MESSAGE_PRIV)
- Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message (PON_REPLY_ONLINE_MESSAGE_PRIV)
- Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message as Supplier (PON_CREATE_ONLINE_MESSAGE_SUPPLIER_FACING_PRIV)
- Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message as Supplier (PON_REPLY_ONLINE_MESSAGE_SUPPLIER_FACING_PRIV)
These privileges were available prior to this update
Invite More Than 500 Suppliers to a Negotiation 
Many organizations, especially in the public sector, invite suppliers to participate in sourcing negotiations based on the products and services they have registered for. Some products and services categories have 500 or more suppliers registered. Category managers need to ensure that all suppliers registered for these categories are invited to the negotiation.
Before update 23D, only 500 suppliers could be added and were visible on the UI. In this update, the limit is extended, so you can view and add more than 500 suppliers.
You can now invite all suppliers as needed to meet regulatory requirements and provide a fair market opportunity. You can see these suppliers in the UI and in spreadsheets.
Steps to Enable
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, Search for the Manage Profile Options task. Search and update the profile option:
Profile Option Name: Invite More Than 500 Suppliers
Description: Allow adding and viewing more than 500 suppliers in negotiations.
Once the profile option value is set to 'Yes' for the site, you can search and add 500+ suppliers fromt he UI, or with an excel spreadsheet with visual builder plug-in using REST web services.
Tips And Considerations
The number of suppliers you can add may vary based on several factors such as the number of negotiation lines, line details, email server capacity, and network configurations in your environment. Suppliers may experience a delay in receiving invitation emails after the negotiation is published. It's advised to test for your common business requirements to establish limits, and provide guidance to your users accordingly. It's recommended to not exceed 2000 suppliers in a negotiation.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Selected Sourcing Bug Fixes in This Update
This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Sourcing works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.
Use the Import Negotiation Lines Template for Large Negotiations on MAC Devices
The Import Negotiation Lines XLSM format template for FBDI (file-based data import processes) can now be used on MAC devices. This means you can download the template on a computer with MAC OS and use it to generate CSV format files for importing negotiation lines to large negotiations.
Oracle reference: 35124333
Derive the Correct Item Master Organization when Creating Negotiation Base Contracts
Before this update, when you create a base contract in a negotiation, the default inventory organization set for the Procurement BU is expected to be the item master organization included on the contract. But, this is not always the case, as the default inventory organization for a BU can be different from the Item Master. Now, the correct item master organization is derived from the default inventory organization on the Procurement BU, and used for creating the base contract.
Oracle reference: 35348635
Spend Authorization Approval for Awarded Prospective Suppliers in a Large Negotiation
After this fix, in a large negotiation, if your award decision includes prospective suppliers, a spend authorization request will be successfully initiated when the award is completed.
Oracle reference: 35695195
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Require Bank Account When Awarding Prospective Suppliers
When you award a prospective supplier with a missing bank account or an inactive bank account, an error will be displayed to prevent you from proceeding with the award. The supplier administrator can take action to complete the supplier's profile for spend authorization promotion and avoid downstream impacts in the purchase order lifecycle.
Error Displayed When a Prospective Supplier with No Bank Account Is Awarded
Ensure that the awarded prospective supplier is ready for spend authorization, so that purchasing documents can be successfully created after award.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Procurement
Tips And Considerations
To use this feature, you must opt in to the Suppliers feature: Require Bank Account to Promote Supplier to Spend Authorized
Key Resources
- Review the feature Require Bank Account to Promote Supplier to Spend Authorized in Supplier Model for more details.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Spend Classification
Enhance your Classification Results with New Conditions for Rules
Increase the efficiency of your classification with the help of improvements to the conditions you can establish when creating rule definitions. These enhancements include changes to the way keywords are used, conditions to assign default categories, a new drawer component to create and edit transactions, and advanced search options.
When you define a rule, you can now add conditions that check for keywords or strings across each transaction in its entirety, including all the attributes rather than within specific attributes. For example, if you want to search for the keywords oil or petrol within each transaction where it may be part of the line description, item description, or a header description, you can now define the conditions using the attribute Transaction text as shown in this example:
Transaction Text
Sometimes, a category prediction is based on low keyword confidence or the absence of any matching keywords. In such cases, you can create rules to assign a default category if the prediction confidence is lower than a specified threshold or if there are no matching keywords between the unclassified transactions and the training data. In this example, the Purchasing taxonomy attribute is assigned a constant value of Office Supplies when the match confidence is below 30%.
Confidence Percentage
Use the new advanced search function to find and add categories to actions in rules. Using advanced search for categories, you can now search for and select category values easily while defining the actions in a rule.
Advanced Search
Use an improved way to create or edit the conditions, eliminating any data entry issues. Now when you add or edit a condition, a drawer opens on the UI providing an easier way to enter the attribute, operator, and values.
Create and Edit Conditions
These enhancements to using conditions make defining rules easier and more flexible, and hence increase the control that you have over the classification predictions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Spend Classification chapter in Oracle Procurement Cloud documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Administer Spend Classification Application (POI_ADMINISTER_SPEND_CLASSIFICATION_PRIV)
- View Spend Classification Work Area (POI_SPEND_CLASSIFICATION_WORKAREA_PRIV)
Procurement Contracts
Attach Documents When Emailing Contract 
When you use the Email action to send a contract, you can use the Attachments section to attach other documents and send them along with the contract.
Email Contract
You can add attachments by either dragging files to this window or by browsing for the files you'd like to attach.
Attach Documents to Email
Attachments can be of several different file types such as .DOCX, .PDF, .JPG, .PPT, .CSV, .HTML.
You can preview the contract before you send the email using the Preview button. This opens the PDF of the contract in the same way as the Preview action from the Edit Contract page but doesn't include a preview of the documents you've attached to the email.
Sending everything together in a single email helps the recipient get the full context they need to review the contract plus its associated documents, and respond to your email.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Display Approval History from Contract Search 
You can check the approval progress of contracts in Pending approval status directly from the contract search results. From the contracts landing page, Search Contracts by Text, or from the Manage Contracts task, any contracts in Pending approval status will contain a link in the status column.
Pending Approval Link from Search Results
Clicking the Pending approval link opens the Review Approvers page where you can see the approval hierarchy for the contract.
Review Approvers from Pending Approval Link
Using this feature, you can enter search criteria to focus on the right contracts and see where they're stuck and help move them forward.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can also monitor approval progress from the Review Approvers column on the Pending Approvals tab on the contracts landing page.
Configure Contract Approval Notifications
You can configure contract approval notifications to set the content and layout according to your business needs. You can modify the Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher report using RTF templates for layout changes, and the BI data model for content changes. Here's the list of some of the components that can be configured in the default report:
- Logo: Modify the brand logo in the email notification.
- Body: Add or remove existing attributes or add new tables. This includes standard attributes from any table, Descriptive Flexfields and Application Composer attributes.
- Action buttons: Change the text of the buttons.
- Footer Links: Hide link to the transaction page or workflow notification.
- Style: Change the formatting including font size, color, table borders and so on.
Depending on how you choose to configure your approval notification, you may need to make changes to one or more of the following components: the contract approval RTF template, subtemplate and data model.
Email Notification
You can customize the notification to include additional information relevant to your business which will enable better decision making. You can add logo, modify the format, font, style and color of the attributes to be consistent with the notifications in other Fusion applications.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Enterprise Contracts No Longer Optional From: Update 24D
Tips And Considerations
From 24D onwards the feature is not opt-in controlled and this will be the default functionality available.
Key Resources
- Refer the play book How do I configure contract approval notifications?
- Implementing Enterprise Contracts Guide
IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations
Replaced and Removed Features
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features, or removes existing features. Replaced features may be put on a path to removal. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.
This section identifies the feature in this Cloud service that will be removed.
Module | Removed Feature | Target Removal | Replacement Feature | Replaced In | Additional Information |
Common Technologies | AI News Feed Suggestions |
TBD | NA |
NA | As of update 23D, the Controlled Availability feature AI News Feed Suggestions will no longer be supported or enhanced, and no new customers will be accepted into the Controlled Availability program for this feature. If you’re using this feature, you should disable it. For details on how to disable the AI News Feed Suggestions feature, see Fusion Applications: AI Newsfeed Suggestions – End of Life in Release 23D (Doc ID 2969200.1). |