This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Update Version | Notes |
29 NOV 2018 | Update 18C | Revised update 18C. |
20 APR 2018 | Update 18B | Delivered new features in update 18B. |
03 APR 2018 | Update 18A | Revised update 18A. |
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
29 NOV 2018 | Manage Custom Objects Using Application Composer | Updated document. This feature does not provide the ability to create custom OTBI subject areas for customer objects for 18C. This ability is postponed to a future release. |
21 SEP 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
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We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Opt In Only = These features are made available for use via Opt In. No additional setup steps are required.
Opt In, Plus Additional Steps Required = To use these features you must first Opt In, then perform additional setup steps.
Steps Required (No Opt In) = Setup steps must be performed before these features can be used. For example, new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports. Integration is required to utilize new web services.
Common Technology and User Experience
REST APIs for Oracle PPM Cloud
Delete Project Customers Using a REST Service
Use a REST service to delete project customers. The current Project Customers REST service is enhanced to support deletion of one or more project customers of an existing project. Use the batch mode to delete multiple project customers of a project or to delete a project customer across multiple projects.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
- Before deleting the customers using this REST service, consider if end dating them meets your business requirement.
- This is an update to the existing Project Customers REST service. You must uptake the latest version to leverage this new feature.
Key Resources
Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
- Project Execution Application Administration (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB)
Delete Project Team Members Using a REST Service
Use a REST service to delete project team members. The current Project Team Members REST service is enhanced to support deletion of one or more project team members of an existing project. Use the batch mode to delete multiple project team members of a project or to delete a project team member across multiple projects.
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
- Before deleting the team members using this REST service, consider if end dating them meets your business requirement.
- This is an update to the existing Project Team Members REST service. You must uptake the latest version to leverage this new feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
- Project Execution Application Administration (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB)
Manage Additional Project Attributes and Resources Using a REST Service
View, create, and update project descriptive flexfields and additional project attributes using the Projects REST service.
Using the existing project service you can update additional attributes such as:
- Enable Budgetary Control
- Allow Cross Charge
- Cross Charge Labor
- Cross Charge Non Labor
- Labor Transfer Price Schedule
- Labor Transfer Price Fixed Date
- Non Labor Transfer Price Schedule
- Non Labor Transfer Price Fixed Date
- Transaction Control
- Service Type
- Work Type
- Project Descriptive Flexfields
Example Input Payload:
"SourceTemplateName":"T, Time and Materials",
Using the existing project service you can now create, update and view descriptive flex fields configured for the project.
Example Input Payload:
"ProjectName": "sk_DFF_test_7", "SourceTemplateName" : "T, Time and Materials",
"__FLEX_Context":"Project Context1",
"contextSensitiveSegment1": "sk_testin3"
Steps to Enable
This is an update to an existing service. You must uptake the latest release to leverage this new feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The project service now contains additional attributes as well as support for DFF.
If you are using Descriptive Flexfields (DFF) for Additional Information, they exist as child records in the service architecture. When creating a project, the project must be created first, and then the DFF values is created as a child.
Example Path:
~/projects/<project id>/child/ProjectDFF/
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Manage Project Classifications Using a REST Service
View, create, update, and delete project classifications using REST service. Using this service, you can add, update, and delete the project classifications (comprised of predefined project class categories and class codes) to existing projects and during project creation.
Sample request payloads:
- Create a project classification for an existing project.
"ClassCategory":"Funding Source",
- Create a project with a project classification.
"SourceTemplateName":"T, Time and Materials",
"ProjectClassifications": [
"ClassCategory":"Funding Source",
Steps to Enable
The Project Classifications REST service is a child resource of the Projects REST service and hence, it is an update to the existing Projects REST service. You must uptake the latest version of the Projects REST service to leverage this new feature.
Tips And Considerations
This REST service doesn't create new project class categories or class codes. Instead, it adds the existing setup data (combination of project class categories and codes) to a project.
Key Resources
Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
View Expenditure Types Using a REST Service
View expenditure types using a REST service. Using a REST service, users can view expenditure types through various queries and filters. Additionally, finders are provide so you can view all active expenditure types by class or date range.
You can use many attributes to search and view projects such as:
- Type Class
- Expenditure Type Id
- Category Id
- Expenditure Type Start Date
- Expenditure Type End Date
Example Path: ~/expenditureTypesLOV?onlyData=True&q=UnitOfMeasure=Currency'
{"items": [{
"ExpenditureTypeId" : 1000000,
ExpenditureTypeName" : "Communications Equipment",
"RevenueCategory" : "Other",
"RevenueCategoryCode" : "Other",
Steps to Enable
This is a new service. You must uptake the latest release to leverage this new feature.
Tips And Considerations
This service also contains information about the expenditure type class in relations to the expenditure type.
Example Path: /expenditureTypesLOV/<exp_typ_id>/child/ExpenditureTypeClassLOV
This path will get all the expenditure type classes that the expenditure type belongs to.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Functional Privilege:
- Project Integration Specialists
- Project Application Administrator
Data Privilege:
Manage Project and Award Budgets Using a REST Service
Manage project and award budgets using REST services. Use the Award Budgets REST service to view, create, update, and delete award budgets. Use the Project Budgets REST service to view, create, update, and delete project budgets.
Additionally, to view the award budget summary amounts, you can use the Award Budget Summary REST service. Using this service, you can view award budget amounts for the tasks in the task hierarchy and resources in the resource breakdown structure. Similarly, to view the project budget summary amounts you can use the Project Budget Summary REST service. Using this service, you can view project budget amounts for the tasks in the task hierarchy and resources in the resource breakdown structure.
Sample URL to view all the award budget versions for the project Dreamliner Initiative using the Award Budget Summary REST service:
https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/awardBudgetSummary?q=ProjectNumber=Dreamliner Initiative
Sample response to the above query:
"FinancialPlanType": "Award Cost Budget - Approved",
"PlanVersionId": 300100168929179,
"PlanVersionNumber": 1,
"PlanVersionName": "Version 1",
"PlanVersionDescription": null,
"PlanVersionStatus": "Current Working",
"AwardId": 300100052317349,
"AwardNumber": "Award 001",
"AwardName": "Diabetes study on mice",
"ProjectId": 300100168929164,
"ProjectNumber": "Dreamliner Initiative",
"ProjectName": "Dreamliner Initiative",
"PlanningAmounts": "COST",
"PCRawCostAmounts": 1000,
"PCBurdenedCostAmounts": 1500,
"PCRevenueAmounts": 0,
"PFCRawCostAmounts": 1000,
"PFCBurdenedCostAmounts": 1500,
"PFCRevenueAmounts": 0,
Sample URL to view all the project budget versions for the project Rudycorp Software Install using the Project Budgets REST service:
https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/projectBudgets?q=ProjectName=Rudycorp Software Install
Sample response to the above query:
"FinancialPlanType": "PSR CostRev Budget",
"PlanningAmounts": "COST_AND_REV_TOGETHER",
"PlanVersionId": 100000043671551,
"PlanVersionNumber": 11,
"PlanVersionName": "Version 11",
"PlanVersionDescription": null,
"PlanVersionStatus": "Baseline",
"ProjectId": 99999,
"ProjectNumber": "TM001",
"ProjectName": "Rudycorp Software Install",
"BudgetCreationMethod": null,
"SourcePlanVersionId": null,
"BudgetGenerationSource": null,
"SourcePlanType": null,
"SourcePlanVersionStatus": null,
"SourcePlanVersionNumber": null,
"CopyAdjustmentPercentage": null,
"PCRawCostAmounts": 1278040,
"PCBurdenedCostAmounts": 1917060,
"PCRevenueAmounts": 2556080,
"PFCRawCostAmounts": 1278040,
"PFCBurdenedCostAmounts": 1917060,
"PFCRevenueAmounts": 2556080,
"DeferFinancialPlanCreation": null,
"AdministrativeCode": null,
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Award Budget Summary Service:
- Use the finder CurrentWorkingAwardBudgetFinder to view the current working award budget version for any or a combination of project, award, and financial plan type.
- Use the finder CurrentBaselineAwardBudgetFinder to view the current baseline award budget version for any or a combination of project, award, and financial plan type.
Award Budgets Service:
- Use the finder CurrentBaselineAwardBudgetFinder to view the current baseline award budget version for any or a combination of project, award, and financial plan type.
- Use the finder CurrentWorkingAwardBudgetFinder to view the current working award budget version for any or a combination of project, award, and financial plan type.
- Set the value of the attribute DeferFinancialPlanCreation to N if you want your award budget versions to be created in real time during the POST operation.
- Perform the custom operation reprocessFailedAwardBudgets to reprocess the award budget versions that were not successfully created during the POST operation in a deferred mode.
Project Budget Summary Service:
- Use the finder CurrentWorkingProjectBudgetFinder to view the current working project budget for any or a combination of project and financial plan type.
- Use the finder CurrentBaselineProjectBudgetFinder to view the current baseline project budget for any or a combination of project and financial plan type.
Project Budgets Service:
- Use the finder CurrentBaselineProjectBudgetFinder to view the current baseline project budget version for any or a combination of project and financial plan type.
- Use the finder CurrentWorkingProjectBudgetFinder to view the current working project budget version for any or a combination of project and financial plan type.
- Set the value of the attribute DeferFinancialPlanCreation to N if you want your project budget versions to be created in real time during the POST operation.
- Perform the custom operation reprocessFailedProjectBudgets to reprocess the project budget versions that were not successfully created during the POST operation in a deferred mode.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- See the following services in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide:
- Award Budget Summary
- Award Budgets
- Project Budget Summary
- Project Budgets
Role Information
You can access these REST services by using the privilege:
This privilege is granted by default to the following job roles:
Manage Project Assets Using a REST Service
View, create, update, and delete project assets and project asset assignments using the Project Assets REST service.
Project Assets: The project asset resource is used to view, create, update and delete project assets. This includes viewing, creating, updating and deleting project assets that are from Project Portfolio Management and those imported from third-party applications.
Project Asset Assignments: The project asset assignment resource is used to view, create and delete project asset assignments. This includes viewing, creating and deleting project asset assignments that are from Project Portfolio Management and those imported from third-party applications.
Sample request URL to update project assets that originate from third-party application for the project asset 100000016707668:
"AssetDescription": "AirConditionerCommercial"
Sample Response:
"ProjectAssetId": 1000000167007668
“ProjectID”: 100000016707275,
“ProjectName”: “T, Construction (VS)”,
“ProjectNumber”: “T, Construction (VS)”,
“ProjectAssetType”: “ESTIMATED”,
“AssetName”: “Air Conditioner”
“AssetNumber”: null,
“AssetDescription”: “AirConditionerCommercial”
“CapitalEventID”: null,
“EventName”: null,
“CapitalEventNumber”: null,
“EstimatedInServiceDate”: null,
“DatePlacedInService”: null,
“CapitalizedFlag”: false,
“CapitalizedDate”: null,
“CapitalizedCost”: 0,
“TotalAssetCost”: 0,
“ReversFlag”: false,
“ReversalDate”: null,
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can only create asset and asset assignments that honor all the validation rules that are already in place in the UI.
- To update an asset assignment, you must delete the original asset assignment and then create a new one.
- To create multiple assets including Key Flex Fields (KFF), you must first add the assets without KFFs and then perform an update with the desired KFFs.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud R13 (update 18C) Guide.
Role Information
You can access the REST service by using the privileges:
This privilege is granted by default to the following job roles:
Manage Transaction Controls Using a REST Service
View, create, update, and delete project and task transaction controls using the Transaction Controls REST services. Using these services you can view and update attributes such as expenditure category, expenditure type, nonlabor resource, person, job, organization, system person type, and chargeable and billable indicators for existing project and task transaction controls.
This feature enables you to easily control what costs can or can't be charged to your projects and tasks. Use the Project Transaction Controls REST service to manage project level transaction controls and the Task Transaction Controls REST service to manage task level transaction controls.
Sample request payload to create a transaction control that allows only employees to charge costs to a project:
"BillableHint": "Task",
"ChargeableHint": "Yes",
Sample response to the above payload that confirms that the transaction control was created successfully:
"TransactionControlId": 300100152011667,
"RuleNumber": 1,
"ProjectId": 300100005141135,
"StartDateActive": "2010-10-01",
"EndDateActive": null,
"BillableHint": "Task",
"Billable": "T",
"ChargeableHint": "Yes",
"Chargeable": "Y",
"CapitalizableHint": "Task",
"Capitalizable": "T",
"ExpenditureCategoryId": null,
"ExpenditureCategoryName": null,
"ExpenditureTypeId": null,
"ExpenditureTypeName": "null",
"NonLaborResourceId": null,
"NonLaborResourceName": null,
"PersonName": null,
"PersonId": null,
"PersonNumber": null,
"EmailAddress": null,
"JobId": null,
"Job": null,
"PersonTypeHint": "Employee",
"PersonType": "EMP",
"OrganizationId": null,
"Organization": null,
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- See Project Transaction Controls and Task Transaction Controls in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Manage Project Commitments Using a REST Service
Manage project commitments using the Project Commitments REST service. This service enables you to view, create, and delete project commitments that are imported from third-party applications and view commitments that are created in other Oracle Cloud applications such as supplier invoices, requisitions, and purchase orders.
Sample request URL to view project commitments that originate from third-party applications for the project Dreamliner Initiative:
https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/projectCommitments?q=ProjectName=Dreamliner Initiative;CommitmentSourceType=External
Sample response to the above request that returns the commitments for the project that were imported from third-party applications:
"CommitmentId": 2383,
"CommitmentNumber": "130",
"BusinessUnit": "Vision Operations",
"Organization": "Vision Operations",
"TransactionSource": "Commitment Source",
"Document": "Purchase Order",
"DocumentEntry": "Item Cost",
"ProjectNumber": "Dreamliner Initiative",
"ProjectName": "Dreamliner Initiative",
"TaskNumber": "1.1",
"TaskName": "Project Kickoff",
"CommitmentSourceType": "External",
"CommitmentType": "Purchase order",
"ProcessingStatus": "Processed",
"ApprovedFlag": null,
"CommitmentCreationDate": "2016-01-01",
"OriginalTransactionReference": "CMT_RECEIVE_V9087",
"Quantity": 10,
"Currency": "USD",
"BurdenedCostInTransactionCurrency": 3000,
"RawCostInTransactionCurrency": 3000,
"RawCostInProjectCurrency": 3000,
"BurdenedCostInProjectCurrency": 3000,
"RawCostInReceiverLedgerCurrency": 3000,
"BurdenedCostInReceiverLedgerCurrency": 3000,
"RawCostInProviderLedgerCurrency": 3000,
"BurdenedCostInProviderLedgerCurrency": 3000,
"ExpenditureType": "Construction",
"ExpenditureItemDate": "2016-01-01",
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- See Project Commitments in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Access to all operations:
Access to only GET operation:
Manage Billing Events Using a REST Service
Create, update, delete, and view project billing events using the Billing Events REST service. Using this service, you can update amounts, descriptions, and update any editable attribute. Using this service you can automate creation of billing events.
In addition to using the service for billing events, descriptive flexfields, adjustment history, and billing extension event details are available as children of the billing event.
The following sample payload includes the minimum attributes required when creating a billing event:
The following sample payload includes the minimum attributes required when creating a billing event. Depending on your implementation, additional attributes such as Project Name may be required.
"BusinessUnitName": "Vision Corporation",
"ContractTypeName": "Sell: Project Lines",
"ContractNumber": "EWS PUC1 Contract A",
"ContractLineNumber": "1",
"EventTypeName": "Bonus",
"CompletionDate": "2018-05-10",
"BillTrnsAmount": 100,
"BillTrnsCurrencyCode": "USD",
Steps to Enable
You must uptake the REST service change in any integration to leverage this new feature.
Tips And Considerations
If you are using Descriptive Flexfields (DFF) for Additional Information, they exist as child records in the service architecture. When creating a billing event, the event must be created first and then the DFF values updated after creation.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
The following roles provide access to this feature:
- This role has full data access to all revenue data with the service.
The following privileges provide access to this feature:
Data access is determined by the data privileges assigned to the role.
View Project Contract Invoices Using a REST Service
View project contract invoices using a REST service. Using this REST service, you can export the project contract invoice data to other applications such as mobile or third-party applications.
In addition to using this service to view invoice header and invoice line details, you can also access invoice distributions for each line.
Steps to Enable
You must uptake the REST service change in any integration to leverage this new feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
The following roles provide access to this feature:
- This role has full data access to all revenue data with the service.
The following privileges provide access to this feature:
Data access is determined by the data privileges assigned to the role.
View Project Contract Revenue Using a REST Service
View project contract revenue using a REST service. Using this REST service, you can export the project contract revenue data to other applications such as mobile or third-party applications.
Steps to Enable
You must uptake the REST service change in any integration to leverage this new feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
The following roles provide access to this feature:
- This role has full data access to all revenue data with the service.
The following privileges provide access to this feature:
Data access is determined by the data privileges assigned to the role.
View Project Performance Using a REST Service
View project performance data for a specific project or a group of projects using the Project Performance REST service. You can also view the ITD, PTD, QTD, and YTD performance metrics for specific periods or all periods in the project duration. Using this REST service, you can export the project performance data to other applications such as mobile or third-party applications.
Use this feature to track the performance of your projects, based on a number of predefined measures using a lightweight REST service. You can view summary performance data using the Project Performance parent resource and view periodic performance data using the Periodic Project Performance child resource.
Sample request URL to view performance data for the project Dreamliner Initiative:
https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/projectPerformance?q=ProjectName=Dreamliner Initiative
Some key project attributes included in the response are:
- BusinessUnit
- Organization
- ProjectType
- ProjectManager
- ProjectName
- ProjectNumber
- ProjectStatus
- ProjectUnit
Some key summary attributes included in the response that determine what data is returned are:
- CalendarType
- CurrencyType
- Currency
- PeriodName
- SummarizationStatus
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use relevant query parameters to view desirable data. For example, to view data in accounting calendar and ledger currency for the project Dreamliner Initiative, the URL could be: https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/projectPerformance?q=ProjectName=Dreamliner Initiative;CalendarType=Accounting;CurrencyType=Project ledger currency
By default, the response returns summarized data for the current reporting period. The current reporting period is the accounting or project accounting period which contains the current date.
Use the finder findProjectPerformancebyReportingPeriod to view project performance data for projects for a specific period other than the current reporting period.
Use the finder findProjectPerformancebyProjectClassification to view project performance data for the projects that are classified as a specified category and class code.
Use the hash key of the parent record to access periodic data in the child resource. For example, to view performance data for all the periods for a project, the URL could be: https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/projectPerformance/00030000000EACED00057708000110F07EBE164200000001470000000146/child/PeriodicProjectPerformance
If the project finish date is not defined, then the Periodic Project Performance child resource returns data till the current reporting period.
Key Resources
- See the Project Performance REST service in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
You can access the REST service by using the privilege:
This privilege is granted by default to the following job roles:
View Resource Performance Using a REST Service
View resource performance data for a specific project or all projects using the Resource Performance REST service. You can also view the ITD, PTD, QTD, and YTD performance metrics for specific periods in the project resource assignment duration. Using this REST service, you can export the resource performance data to other applications such as mobile or third-party applications. Use this feature to track the performance of your project resources, based on a number of predefined measures using a lightweight REST service.
Sample request URL to view performance data for the resources included in the primary reporting resource breakdown structure of the project Dreamliner Initiative that belong to the Labor resource class:
https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/resourcePerformance?q=ProjectName=Dreamliner Initiative;PrimaryReportingFlag=true;ResourceClass=Labor
Some key resource attributes included in the response are:
- ParentResource
- ResourceBreakdownStructure
- ResourceBreakdownStructureVersion
- PrimaryReportingFlag
- Level
- OutlineNumber
- LowestLevelResourceFlag
- ResourceFormat
- ResourceClass
Some key summary attributes included in the response that determine what data is returned are:
- CalendarType
- CurrencyType
- PeriodName
- SummarizationStatus
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use relevant query parameters to view desirable data. For example, to view data in accounting calendar and ledger currency for the resource Johnson, Ms. Alex included in the primary reporting resource breakdown structure for the project Dreamliner Initiative, the URL could be: https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/resourcePerformance?q=ProjectName=Dreamliner Initiative;PrimaryReportingFlag=true;ResourceName=Johnson, Ms. Alex;CalendarType=Accounting;CurrencyType=Project ledger currency
- By default, the response returns summarized data for the current reporting period. The current reporting period is the accounting or project accounting period which contains the current date.
- Use the finder findResourcePerformancebyLowestLevelResources to view resource performance data for the lowest level resources in the primary reporting resource breakdown structure attached to a project.
- Use the finder findResourcePerformancebyTopLevelResources to view resource performance data for the top level resources in the primary reporting resource breakdown structure attached to a project.
- Use the finder findResourcePerformancebyReportingPeriod to view resource performance data for a specific period other than the current reporting period.
- Use the finder findResourcePerformancebyProjectClassification to view resource performance data for the resources in the primary reporting resource breakdown structure for projects with the specified class category and class code.
- If resource performance data is available, the attribute SummarizationStatus denotes the date on which the resource data was last summarized.
Key Resources
- See the Resource Performance REST service in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
You can access the REST service by using the privilege:
This privilege is granted by default to the following job roles:
View Task Performance Using a REST Service
View task performance data for a specific task or across tasks using the Task Performance REST service. You can also view the ITD, PTD, QTD, and YTD performance metrics for specific periods in the task duration. Using this REST service, you can export the task performance data to other applications such as mobile or third-party applications. Use this feature to track the performance of your tasks, based on a number of predefined measures using a lightweight REST service.
Sample request URL to view performance data for the task number 1.0 that belongs to the project Dreamliner Initiative:
https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/taskPerformance?q=ProjectNumber=Dreamliner Initiative;TaskNumber=1.0
Some key task attributes included in the response are:
- ParentTaskId
- TaskLevel
- LowestLevelTaskFlag
Some key summary attributes included in the response that determine what data is returned are:
- CalendarType
- CurrencyType
- PeriodName
- SummarizationStatus
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use relevant query parameters to view desirable data. For example, to view data in accounting calendar and ledger currency for the task 1.0 of the project Dreamliner Initiative, the URL could be: https://hostname/fscmRestApi/resources/latest/taskPerformance?q=ProjectName=Dreamliner Initiative;TaskNumber=1.0;CalendarType=Accounting;CurrencyType=Project ledger currency
- By default, the response returns summarized data for the current reporting period. The current reporting period is the accounting or project accounting period which contains the current date.
- Use the finder findTaskPerformancebyLowestLevelTasks to view task performance data for the lowest level tasks of a project.
- Use the finder findTaskPerformancebyTopLevelTasks to view task performance data for the top level tasks of a project.
- Use the finder findTaskPerformancebyReportingPeriod to view task performance data for a specific period other than the current reporting period.
- Use the finder findTaskPerformancebyProjectClassification to view task performance data for the tasks that belong to the projects that are classified as a specified category and class code.
- If task performance data is available, the attribute SummarizationStatus denotes the date on which the task data was last summarized.
Key Resources
- See the Task Performance REST service in the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
You can access the REST service by using the privilege:
This privilege is granted by default to the following job roles:
Manage Grants Personnel Using a REST Service
Create, update, or retrieve Grants personnel using a REST service. You can indicate if a person is eligible to become a principal investigator or search for eligible principal investigators using the REST service.
Sample payload to create a Grants personnel:
{"EmailAddress" : "",
"EligiblePiFlag": "true",
"CertifiedDate": "2018-01-01",
"ReviewCompleted": "true"}
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use the batch operation to create multiple Grants personnel.
- Use the Describe operation to see the valid values for a list of values attribute.
Key Resources
- The REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud document on Oracle Help Center includes the overview of REST web services and the technical details of the REST APIs that you can implement.
Role Information
Add Tasks to Projects with a Work Plan Template Using the Project Plan REST Service
Leverage the project plan REST Service to add tasks to an existing project from a work plan template. For example, after you create a project from a sales opportunity, each line on the opportunity needs a distinct set of tasks on the project to complete the work. You can use a service to create the project in an integration with the source of the sales opportunity, and then incrementally add tasks to automate the creation of the project's complete work breakdown structure.
This feature enables the project managers to quickly create tasks from the work plan template from external systems thus increasing the project planning efficiency.
Sample payload to create tasks from the work plan template “Report Design and Test” with task prefix as “RDT”:
"TaskID": "1109876577980",
"WorkPlanTemplateName": "Report Design and Test Template",
"TaskNumberPrefix": "RDT"
Steps to Enable
You must uptake the REST service change in any integrations to leverage this new feature. Existing use of the service is not impacted.
Tips And Considerations
- Use the PATCH operation for the task to create tasks from a work plan template. You can specify either a valid Work Plan Template ID or Work Plan Template Name in the payload to create tasks from a work plan template. Optionally, you can also specify task number prefix for the tasks created from the work plan template.
- You can specify the project task ID to create tasks from the work plan template directly under the project.
- Ensure that the user has appropriate access to use work plan templates for task creation. To use a work plan template, you should either be an owner of that work plan template or it should be a public work plan template.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
- The user must also be a project manager or a custom project manager of the project in order to have data access to the project information (data privilege: PJT_MANAGE_PROJECT_WORK_PLAN_DATA).
Create and Read Project Enterprise Resources Using a REST Service
Create and read project enterprise resources using a REST service. You can use the service during the initial data migration or for integration with any external application.
Sample Payload
Create Project Enterprise Labor Resources:
Non HCM resource :
"FirstName" : "Steve" ,
"LastName" : "Williams" ,
"Email" : "" ,
"FromDate" : "2017-01-01",
"CalendarName" : "PJT Standard US Calendar",
"PrimaryProjectRoleName" : "Oracle DBA",
"BillRate" : 200,
"BillRateCurrencyCode" : "USD",
"CostRate" : 200,
"CostRateCurrencyCode" : "USD",
"ManageResourceStaffingFlag" : "Y",
"ResourcePoolName" : "Development Resources",
"PoolMembershipFromDate" : "2017-06-06"
Create Project Enterprise Expense Resources :
Expense Resource
Input :
"Description": "Exepenses for construction work",
"ResourceName" : "Construction",
"ExternalId" : "1234"
Steps to Enable
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Tips And Considerations
Project Application Administrators can create project enterprise resources using the REST APIs. The administrator can create a project enterprise resource from an existing HCM Cloud person, or create it directly as a project enterprise resource without any link to HCM Cloud person.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud R13 (update 18C) Guide.
Role Information
Manage Deliverables Using a REST Service
Create and maintain project deliverables from third-party applications using a REST service. This service enables project managers, team members, and project administrators to transfer or manage deliverables from external applications.
Use this service when you need to import deliverable data during a conversion, or to provide users with an alternate user interface for managing deliverables. This service can also be used to manage attachments to a deliverable and to manage the association of a deliverable to project tasks and requirement backlog items.
Sample request to find deliverables that are In progress, for the deliverable owner Connor Horton:
/deliverables?onlyData=true&q=Status='In progress';OwnerName='Connor Horton'&fields=DeliverableName,Status,NeedByDate
"items": [
"OwnerEmail": "",
"NeedByDate": "2018-11-17",
"Status": "In progress",
"DeliverableName": "Competitor Review"
"OwnerEmail": "",
"NeedByDate": "2018-12-16",
"Status": "In progress",
"DeliverableName": "Timeline Draft"
Steps to Enable
This is a new service. You must uptake the latest release to leverage this new feature.
If you are using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Tips And Considerations
- A deliverable can be associated to one or more project task in a Project Plan, and/or one or more backlog items in the Requirements application.
- You can manage the associations for a deliverable using the REST service.
- You can manage the attachments to a deliverable with the REST service.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
- Can manage deliverables for all tasks in projects on which the user is a project manager or a custom project manager
- Can manage deliverables for tasks to which user is assigned
- These roles can manage all deliverables. It is expected that users with one of these roles will perform data conversion from another source. The privilege PJF_MANAGE_PROJECT_DELIVERABLE_SERVICE_PRIV has been added to these roles so that they can manage deliverables using REST.
Update and Delete Change Orders Using a REST Service
Update or delete project change orders from third-party applications using a REST service.
Optionally, you can delete any redundant change orders using a Representational State Transfer service. This service enables Integration Specialists and Project Administrators to update or delete change orders from external systems.
URL: {Host}:{Port}/fscmRestApi/resources/{ChangeDocumentId}/child/ChangeParticipants/{ParticipantId}
Sample payload to update the review status as Completed for the participant specified in the PATCH service URL:
"ReviewStatus": "Completed:
Steps to Enable
You must uptake the REST service change in any integrations to leverage this new feature. Existing use of the service is not impacted.
Tips And Considerations
- You cannot update closed or canceled change orders.
- You can only delete change orders in Draft status.
Key Resources
Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
View Project Plan Data Using a REST Service
Enable project managers to view the list of the projects they manage and read the project plan data using the Project Plans REST resource. Information about each project plan includes: general project information, list of project tasks, dependencies between tasks, and labor and expense resources assigned to the project tasks.
You can use many attributes to search and view projects such as:
- Project ID
- Project Number
- Name
- Primary Project Manager Name
- Project Status Code
- Percent Complete
Payload Request to find projects starting on January 1st, 2018:
{"items": [{
"Name": "Customer Service Android Application",
"ProjectId": 300100148052007,
"Status": "Approved"
Steps to Enable
This is a new service. You must uptake the latest release to leverage this new feature.
The projects in projectPlans service contains also information about:
- Tasks (Basic task attributes for all project tasks)
- Task Dependencies (All dependencies between tasks on a project)
- Task Deliverables (All deliverables associated to all tasks on a project)
- Task Labor Resource Assignments (All labor resource assignments for all project tasks)
- Task Expense Resource Assignments (All expense resource assignments for all project tasks)
Request Payload example to get the tasks of a specific project:
Tips And Considerations
To use this service, you should either be the project manager or have any custom project manager project role in the projects you need to query.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
- Project Manager job role (privilege: Manage Project Work Plan)
- The user must also be a project manager or a custom project manager of the project in order to have data access to the project information (data privilege: PJT_MANAGE_PROJECT_WORK_PLAN_DATA).
Create Planning Resource Breakdown Structure Using File Based Data Import
Create planning resource breakdown structure using file-based data import template. Additionally, add new resources to existing planning and billing resource breakdown structures and edit the existing resources.
You can create both centrally and non-centrally controlled planning resource breakdown structures using this file-based data import template.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Follow the instructions mentioned in the Instructions and CSV Generation sheet of the Excel template to prepare and load the planning resource breakdown structures into the application.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
View the Root Cause Message of a Period Close Exception
Project accountants can analyze the root cause of an exception using the Projects-Period Close Exceptions subject area in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI).
All period close related messages are available in a centralized repository. You can create your own analysis using the Root Cause Message Details dimension that is available in the Projects-Period Close Exceptions subject area in OTBI to have great visibility of all pending transactions and their related messages.
You can also add additional attributes to view the project and task names, transaction type, and amounts.
Root Cause Message Details
Embed your analysis in your own dashboard to have a consolidated view of all pending transactions that impact the period closure, you can use different key performance indicators and drill down to the transaction details.
Period Close Exceptions Dashboard
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- After the period is closed, all transactions from this period are erased from Projects-Period Close Exceptions subject area.
- You must run the Project Accounting Period Close Exceptions report or the Accounting Period Close Exceptions report processes to refresh the data in Projects-Period Close Exceptions subject area.
- Token values are not visible in the Subledger Accounting messages.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- See Registering Business Intelligence to Support Deep Linking: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide.
- See Creating Deep Links in Analyses: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide.
Role Information
- Project Costing Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PROJECT_COSTING_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
Drill Down to Project Details from a Real-Time Analysis
You can drill down from an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence analysis to the Project Details page.
Enable an action link on a column, such as Project Number, to enable the drill down.
You can easily navigate back and forth from an OTBI analysis to the application to review multiple projects and make additional edits.
Select the Project Name Hyperlink to see the financial details of the Project.
Project Report
Drilled Down Page - Once you open the Project, you can view or edit the project or navigate to view or edit the financial plan, setting and costs for the project.
If you have configured the return application attribute then you will have the return button available on the top right corner near the Home icon.
Steps to Enable
Enabling deep linking:
Create an OTBI Report that includes the project object key.
Select the Format tab for Project ID and set the Decimal places to 0. (Note: This needs to be set on the Project ID column even if a different column is used for the action link).
Define an Action Link on the Project Name Column by going to the Column Properties page. Project Name > Column Properties > Interaction > Action Links.
Create Action Link with this URL: https://hostname/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&objKey=ProjectId=@{2}&action={3}&returnApp=@{4}&returnAppParams=PortalGo%26path=/users/@{5}/@{6}
Replace the "hostname" with the name of your local environment.
- If you do not want the return option enabled, remove lines 4 and 5. The deep link URL should be: https://hostname/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&objKey=ProjectId=@{2}&action=@{3}
- Enable the option 'Do not display in a popup if only one action link is available at runtime' to disable popup.
- The action={3} value will determine which page the deep link will go to. Potential values for {3}
Navigates to Project Overview Page (Default) |
PROJECT | OVERVIEW | Navigates to Project Overview Page |
PROJECT | MANAGE_FIN_PLAN | Navigates to Manage Financial Plan Page |
PROJECT | MANAGE_BUDGET | Navigates to Manage Project Budget Page |
PROJECT | TRACK_PROGRESS | Navigates to Track Financial Project Progress Page |
PROJECT | MANAGE_PROGRESS | Navigates to Manage Project Forecast Page |
1 | objType | Value | PROJECT | X | X | |
2 | objKey | Column Value | "Project"."Project Key" | X | X | |
3 | action | Value | NONE* | X | X | |
4 | returnApp | Value | AnalyticsApp** | X | X | |
5 | Logged in User | Session Variable | USER | X | X | |
6 | Report Name | Value | Project Drill Down *** | X | X |
*Change parameter 3 if you want to navigate to another page The default value is none which is the project overview page.
**Change parameter 4 if you have a different name for your analytics app registered as a third-party application.
*** Change parameter 6 and put the name of the report that you created.
Registering analytics application, for example, AnalyticsApp as a third-party application in Fusion:
- Create an application so that users can return to Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence or OTBI.
- Third-party applications must register their URL at: Setup and Maintenance > Manage Custom Setup Content > Manage Third-Party Applications.
- Set this option only if you click the Return button to return to your original OTBI report.
End User Task:
- Open the OTBI report.
- Click on the desired Project Number.
- Click on the Return icon to return to the report for additional analysis.
Tips And Considerations
- You must have privileges to access the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence analysis and the Project Financial Management pages.
- You can reuse the same Action link for other analyses that you build if you want to navigate to the same page using the same column. When you assign this Action link to a column in a report. You can then choose to specify for all reports by selecting the appropriate Save as Default option on the Interaction page.
- While the Project ID must be added to a report to use for the action link, the actual link can be set on any column and the ID column can be hidden from the report view if, for example, you wanted the link to be available from the Project Name column for each Project Event.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topics: See the topic Registering Business Intelligence to Support Deep Linking: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide or Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM.
Role Information
- Users must be assigned to a role that has access the project pages.
Configure Financial Project Pages Based on Business Requirements
Configure the user interface to create projects, duplicate projects, view project overview, and manage financial project settings based on your business requirements using Oracle Page Composer. For example, if the business requirement is to make the project end date mandatory during project creation, the users can now use Oracle Page Composer to make the end date field, already present in the Create Project user interface, mandatory. Similarly, a set of project attributes such as business unit will now be available for configuring the Create Project, Duplicate Project, Project Overview, and Manage Financial Project Settings pages.
Use Page Composer to Set Project Finish Date Mandatory During Project Creation for a Specific Business Unit
Steps to Enable
The capability to configure the Create Project, Duplicate Project, Project Overview and Manage Financial Project Settings user interfaces is enabled by default. However, you will have to use the Page Composer framework to access the properties of these pages in order to configure them based on your business requirements. Following are the steps to use the Page Composer based customization.
- Enable a Sandbox.
- Navigate to the Project Financial Management work area.
- Go to the page which you want to configure.
- Select Customize Pages from the dropdown menu by the user name on the top right of the screen.
- Select Structure on the top left. Find the Source region and expand it.
- While in the Structure view, click the region component you want to configure and select Edit to make the changes.
- After making the desired changes, close out of Page Composer.
- After testing successfully, publish the sandbox.
Tips And Considerations
- While using the Page Composer customization framework, if you don't see or find the Source region, scroll to the bottom of the page as it is typically docked at the bottom of the window by default. If not available, select Source from the View dropdown on the top left of the page.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the Configuring and Extending Applications guide.
Role Information
- In particular, the Customize Projects UI (PJF_CUSTOMIZE_PROJECTS_UI) privilege.
Generate Invoice and Revenue Based on Rates Defined for Project and Task
Invoice labor and nonlabor transactions based on rates defined for the project and task associated to the contract, when using rate-based invoice methods. You can generate revenue for labor and nonlabor transactions based on rates defined for the project and task associated to the contract, when using rate-based revenue methods.
Project and Task Level Bill Rate Overrides
Project and Task Level Revenue Rate Overrides
Steps to Enable
Once the Project Application Administrator enables this feature, no additional setup is required to invoke the events.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select Project Financial Management offering in the Setup offering choice list.
- Click on the Change Feature Opt In link.
- Click on the Features icon in the Project Billing functional area row available under the Features column.
- In the Edit Features: Project Billing page, enable the Generate Invoice and Revenue Based on Rates Defined for Project and Task feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can specify project and/or task level bill and revenue rate overrides for either a person or job, but not both. Therefore, person assignment level rate overrides are not supported.
- Following is the precedence rule for rate determination:
- If a rate exists for the Project, Task, Contract Line, Person, Expenditure Type combination then use that, if not continue to next combination.
- Project, Task, Contract Line, Job, Expenditure Type
- Project, Task, Contract Line, Person
- Project, Task, Contract Line, Job
- Project, Task, Contract Line, Expenditure Type
- Project, Task, Person, Expenditure Type
- Project, Task, Job, Expenditure Type
- Project, Task, Person
- Project, Task, Job
- Project, Task, Expenditure Type
- Project, Contract Line, Person, Expenditure Type
- Project, Contract Line, Job, Expenditure Type
- Project, Contract Line, Person
- Project, Contract Line, Job
- Project, Contract Line, Expenditure Type
- Project, Person, Expenditure Type
- Project, Job, Expenditure Type
- Project, Person
- Project, Job
- Project, Expenditure Type
- Contract Line, Person, Expenditure Type
- Contract Line, Job, Expenditure Type
- Contract Line, Person
- Contract Line, Job
- Contract Line, Expenditure Type
- Person, Expenditure Type
- Job, Expenditure Type
- Person
- Job
- Expenditure Type
- The Import Project Rate Schedules file-based data loader will contain a worksheet to load the project and/or task level bill and revenue rate overrides in bulk.
- The opt-in feature 'Generate Invoice and Revenue Based on Rates Defined for Project and Task' will not be optional from release version.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide. (specifically, Import Project Rate Schedules)
Role Information
- Application User Interface:
- File-Based Data Import:
Calculate Cost Based on Rates Defined for Project and Task
Calculate actual labor and nonlabor transactions based on the rates defined for the person, job, or expenditure type at project and task level. Further, plan, budget, and generate forecasts for labor and nonlabor transactions based on the rates defined at the project and task levels.
Project and Task Level Cost Rate Overrides
Steps to Enable
Once the Project Application Administrator enables this feature, no additional setup is required to invoke the events.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select Project Financial Management offering in the Setup offering choice list.
- Click the Change Feature Opt In link.
- Click the Features icon in the Project Financial Management offering row available under the Features column.
- In the Edit Features: Project Financial Management page, enable the Calculate Cost Based on Rates Defined for Project and Task feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can specify project and/or task level cost rate overrides for either a person or job, but not both. Therefore, person assignment level rate overrides are not supported.
- Following is the precedence rule for rate determination:
- If a rate exists for the Task, Person, Expenditure Type combination then use that, if not continue to next combination.
- Task, Job, Expenditure Type
- Task, Person
- Task, Job
- Task, Expenditure Type
- Person, Expenditure Type
- Job, Expenditure Type
- Person
- Job
- Expenditure Type
- The Import Project Rate Schedules file-based data loader will contain a worksheet to load the project and/or task level cost rate overrides in bulk.
- The opt-in feature 'Calculate Cost Based on Rates Defined for Project and Task' will not be optional from release version.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide. (specifically, Import Project Rate Schedules)
Manage Financial Project Plan Using a SOAP Service
Read, create, delete, and replace multiple resources for financial tasks using the Project Plan SOAP service. You can leverage the following operations to perform these actions:
- deleteResourceAssignment: Delete select resource assignments in the financial project plan by passing the list of resource assignments to be deleted.
- createResourceAssignment: Create resource assignments in the financial project plan by passing the list of the resource assignments to be created.
- replaceResourceAssignment: Replace select resource assignments in the financial project plan by passing the list of the resource assignments to be replaced.
- findResourceAsgByTask: Find resource assignments for a specific task in a financial project plan by searching with the task number, task name, or task ID.
- findResourceAsgByProject: Find resource assignments for a financial project plan by searching with the project number, project name, or project ID.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can use the StartDate and EndDate attributes for filtering the results while searching for resource assignments in the financial project plan.
- If you provide a value for StartDate, the assignments that start before this date will not be shown.
- If you provide a value for EndDate, the assignments that start after this date will not be shown.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Project Plan Service in the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide
Role Information
The functional security privilege Manage Project Financial Plans Service (PJO_MANAGE_PROJECT_FINANCIAL_PLANS_SERVICE_PRIV) grants access to this feature and is available to the following job roles by default:
Automatically Defer Financial Plan Creation
Using historical data, the application automatically determines when to defer the generation of financial plans so that you can continue with your work and not wait for the lengthy processing to complete.
Steps to Enable
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select Project Financial Management offering in the Setup offering choice list.
- Click on the Change Feature Opt In link.
- Click on the Features icon in the Project Control offering row available under the Features column.
- In the Edit Features: Project Control page, enable the Automatically Defer Financial Plan Creation feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The decision to defer the generation of financial plans will apply in the following scenarios
- During project creation when a financial plan is copied to the new project from the template.
- Budget generated when the financial project plan is baselined.
- Forecast generated when a budget is baselined.
- Financial plan duplicated, copied or generated from another source
- Creation of the working version of the financial plan during baseline of a budget or approval of a forecast version.
- Budget creations from the Cost Budget infolet
- Financial plan generation deferral will be invoked only for very high volume scenarios, with thresholds monitored and adjusted over time to ensure the best user experience.
- A financial plan version will have a status of 'Processing' until the deferred generation is complete. No actions can be taken when the financial plan is in this status.
- In the rare case that the financial plan ends in a 'Failed' status, the version can be processed again using the 'Reprocess' option in the Actions menu.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Budget and Forecast Creation Methods: Critical Choices topic in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide.
Role Information
Drill Down to Budgets, Forecasts, and Progress from a Real-Time Analysis
You can drill down from multiple real-time analyses that display financial plan information to manage project budgets and forecasts, and track financial project progress. You can enable an action link on a column, such as version identifier, name, or number to enable the drill down. You can easily navigate back and forth from the analysis to the application to review the respective financial plan versions.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Drill Down to Project Details from a Real-Time Analysis
Generate Public Events on Change in Financial Project Plan
Create public events when you create or modify task assignments in financial project plan. You can list the resources that contributed to changes to amounts on the financial project plan from any interface such as the Project Financial Management or the Project Management work area or the Microsoft Project application.
By subscribing to this public event, additional business processes can be triggered utilizing the details of the changes made to the financial project plan. For example, the burden amounts associated to each changed resource can be recalculated and updated using a web service.
Steps to Enable
Once the Project Application Administrator enables this feature, no additional setup is required to invoke the events.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select Project Financial Management offering in the Setup offering choice list.
- Click on the Change Feature Opt In link.
- Click on the Features icon in the Project Control offering row available under the Features column.
- In the Edit Features: Project Control page, enable the Generate Public Events on Change in Financial Project Plan feature.
Tips And Considerations
- This public event is raised whenever a change to the financial project plan is saved. For example, when a new resource assignment is added, or the quantity or amounts assigned to an existing resource assignments are updated.
The events can be subscribed to from the Integrated Cloud Service (ICS) to initiate additional steps required to complete this business process.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Financial Project Plan Change Event in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Role Information
Generate Public Events When Publishing Financial Project Progress
Create public events when you publish financial progress. For example, you can generate revenue when you publish the financial project progress from any interface such as the Project Financial Management or Project Management work area or the Microsoft Project application.
Steps to Enable
Once the Project Application Administrator enables this feature, no additional setup is required to invoke the events.
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Select Project Financial Management offering in the Setup offering choice list.
- Click on the Change Feature Opt In link.
- Click on the Features icon in the Project Control offering row available under the Features column.
- In the Edit Features: Project Control page, enable the Generate Public Events When Publishing Financial Project Progress feature.
Tips And Considerations
- This public event is raised whenever financial project progress is published.
- The events can be subscribed to from the Integrated Cloud Service (ICS) to initiate additional steps required to complete this business process.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Publish Financial Project Progress Event in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide.
Role Information
View Project Cost Comments in Real-Time Analyses
You can view and report on comments entered for project costs using the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time and Project Costing - Expenditure Item Performance - Real Time subject areas in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. You can view the project cost comments by including the attribute Expenditure Comments in the analyses and dashboards that you build using these subject areas.
Example of an Analysis Built Using the Project Costing - Expenditure Item Performance - Real Time Subject Area
Steps to Enable
Add the Expenditure Comments attribute to the BI analytics where you want to view the project cost comments.
Tips And Considerations
- In the Project Costing - Expenditure Item Performance - Real Time subject area, the attribute Expenditure Comments is available in the Expenditure Item Details folder.
- In the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area, the attribute Expenditure Comments is available in the Expenditure Item and Cost Distribution Details folder.
Role Information
Manage Project Assets Using File-Based Data Import
Create, update, and delete large volumes of project assets and project asset assignments using the Import Project Assets file-based data import.
The project asset and project asset assignments interface allows you to integrate asset and asset assignment transactions from 3rd party systems to Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management. Use this template to prepare the comma separated values (CSV) files.
Project Assets
Project Asset Assignments
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The Import Project Assets process validates and processes the data in the project asset interface tables and all exceptions are exported in the process output report.
This template supports three modes: Create new records, Update existing records for Project Assets only, and Delete Obsolete records. Although this spreadsheet supports mixing of these three modes in one worksheet, we suggest you perform one operation per workbook for convenience of management. You can check the detailed error messages and suggestions in the report.
The output report will also generate the excel file that will have the failed records. You can correct the errors and reimport them.
The workbook contains the tab "Instructions and CSV Generation" that provides detailed explanations for your understanding, instructions for completing, and examples for illustrating the steps necessary for completing your workbook.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Guide.
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the following roles:
The Integration Specialist must have access to the PJC_RUN_IMPORT_ASSET_AND_ASSIGNMENTS_PROCESS.
Improved Usability for Invoice Overview Page
You can experience an improved response time and access information faster with the usability enhancements to the Invoice Overview page.
To improve response time, by default the Error Billing Transaction Exceptions and Process Monitor sections of the page remain closed and you can expand them to load the sections. This allows the page to load faster by only getting the related details when you expand the sections.
In addition, Totals fields that appeared in these regions have been removed to streamline performance and the impact related to this data.
Steps to Enable
The Project Billing feature Improve Usability for Invoice Overview Page can be enabled through the Project Financial Management setup opt in. No additional setup is required.
NOTE: This enhancement will be activated for all customers in the release as noted in the Not Optional From column in opt in.
Role Information
This enhancement is available to all roles and users given access to the Invoice Overview work area.
You can now generate invoices more quickly by specifying a number of instances of the process to be run in parallel. Each instance will process a subset of the contracts, using a system-generated contract number range.
Steps to Enable
This enhancement can be enabled through the setup of a new profile option.
- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Click the Tasks icon and click Search.
- Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values link in the Name column.
- Search for the Number of Parallel Invoice Generation Programs profile display name.
- Update the Site Profile Value to a number between 2 and 5 inclusive.
Tips And Considerations
- Based on our testing, the gain in performance decreases with each parallel instance and is negligible when the number of instances run in parallel is greater than 5.
- Each parallel instance has its own process request number, which is a child of the parent process request. Once all child processes are complete, the parent process request is updated to complete.
Role Information
Perform Project Contract Revenue Accounting in Revenue Management
You can perform external project contract revenue accounting in the Revenue Management Cloud Service to meet the more complex accounting requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard 15 and Accounting Standards Codification 606.
You can utilize integration between Enterprise Contracts, Project Billing, and Revenue Management to:
- Identify contracts with customers across many source applications, such as Order Management, Service Contracts, and Project Contracts.
- Identify separate performance obligations across these source applications.
- Determine the transaction price of each separate performance obligation.
- Allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation.
When you use the integrated solution, Revenue Management must perform the revenue accounting for external customer contracts. This feature, when enabled, instructs the Generate Revenue process within Project Billing to bypass the creation of Subledger Accounting events for external contracts. When you later run Create Accounting in Project Billing, you don't create any Subledger Accounting revenue accounting entries. Instead, you create revenue accounting entries by running Create Accounting in Revenue Management.
Steps to Enable
This enhancement can be enabled through opt in. The following additional setup is required within Revenue Management:
- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Click the Tasks icon and click Search.
- Search for Manage System Options for Revenue Management and click the corresponding link in the Name column.
- For each ledger matching the ledgers on the project contract revenue distributions for which you want Revenue Management to create the accounting:
- Add a Source Document Type of Oracle Fusion Contracts, with the appropriate Extraction Start Date.
- Add a Revenue Accounting and Thresholds with the appropriate Adoption Period.
- Click Save and Close.
Manage System Options for Revenue Management - Source Document Types
Manage System Options for Revenue Management - Revenue Accounting and Thresholds
Tips And Considerations
You can leave this feature disabled if all the following points are true:
- You never bundle project-related sell activity with service, subscriptions or orders.
- You always represent performance obligations as project contract lines.
- You never discount project-related performance obligations that are bundled together into a project contract. In other words, the negotiated contract line price is always the estimated variable consideration, the standalone selling price, and the allocated transaction price.
- You measure the satisfaction of a performance obligation using one of the existing Project Billing revenue method classifications.
Role Information
Delete Associated Projects for Unprocessed Contract Lines
You have more freedom to modify existing associated projects and tasks. You can delete unwanted associated projects if no billing transactions exist, even if the contract has been made active. You can change the level of a specified branch of the task hierarchy at which an association has been made, if the otherwise conflicting association has been inactivated or is on a canceled or closed contract line. You can reopen a closed contract line if no conflicting active associated projects and tasks exist.
Deleting an associated project or task during contract amendment process would update the associated projects and tasks from a previously active version of the contract as inactive. This will prevent revenue and invoice generation of the transactions that were created using the deleted associated project or task.
You can perform the delete action both during the initial drafting of the contract and during contract amendment process.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Deleting an associated project or task during contract amendment process would update the associated projects and tasks from a previously active version of the contract as inactive. This will prevent revenue and invoice generation of the transactions that were created using the now deleted associated project or task.
Role Information
Support Partner Tax Integration for Project Contract Invoices
You can now use third party tax applications for calculation from within the Invoices Work Area UI, but not during the Generate Invoice process.
You can define tax rates for the contract, contract line, and transaction type and use the rates to calculate tax for an invoice line. In the Invoices Work Area, you can even override the tax code for an invoice line and recalculate tax amounts.
The Calculate Tax option is available in the Action menu at both invoice header and line levels. The following screen capture illustrates the calculate tax action.
Calculate Tax
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Tax calculation honors partner tax integration only through the Calculate Tax action in the Invoices Work Area. The Generate Invoices process continues to use the Oracle Fusion Tax setup.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Can I use third-party applications to calculate tax?
Role Information
Ensure Invoice Dates Are in Chronological Order
You can optionally ensure invoice dates on released invoices are in chronological order. After you enable the option, the invoice dates are automatically set to the current date and you cannot change this date when the invoices are released.
In some countries, you must numerically sequence public documents, like customer invoices. Often you are not allowed to have gaps in the sequence numbering and you are not allowed to backdate the documents. When enabled, this feature prevents such backdating.
The following page shot shows the invoice date as display only and defaulting to today. The same handling applies to the Release All action.
Release Invoices
Steps to Enable
This enhancement can be enabled through opt in. No additional setup is required.
Tips And Considerations
This feature mainly applies for companies:
- Using document sequencing in Receivables and enforcing chronological order on document dates for a primary ledger; and,
- Rejecting accounting dates out of order for a Receivables business unit.
Role Information
Use Receipt Amount for Billing
You can use the receipt amount of expenses as the basis for billing external contracts where the receipt currency matches the invoice revenue currency.
Currently, after entering the expenses the application converts the entered receipt amount in the expense report to the transaction amount. If the expense is billable, then while generating invoices the application uses the raw cost in transaction currency to determine the amount to bill.
In multi currency scenarios the expense receipt is entered with a conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency. When the invoice is created, the transaction amount is converted to the invoice amount based on the conversion settings defined on the project contract. In situations in which the currency of the invoice is the same as the currency of the receipt, this can result in a billable amount that deviates from the receipt based on variations of the conversion rate entered on the expense report and the conversion rate used to convert the transaction amount to the invoice amount.
If you want the invoice amount to exactly match the amount used to bill, then enable this feature to change the way the invoice is generated. The application copies the exact receipt amount from the expense report which results in the exact amount used on the invoice and ensures that the receipt and the invoice match.
Steps to Enable
The Project Billing feature Use Receipt Amount for Billing can be enabled through the Project Financial Management setup opt in. No additional setup is required.
- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
- Select the Project Financial Management setup.
- Click on the Change Feature Opt In link.
- Click on the Features pencil icon for Project Billing.
- Select the Enable check box for the Improve Use Receipt Amount for Billing feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Once enabled, this feature applies if multiple currencies are used and under the following conditions
- The related Bill Plan Billing Currency Type is Contract.
- The Receipt currency matches the the currency of the Invoice.
Role Information
The following role has access to enable this feature. Once enabled, the feature will use the receipt amount for billing for all users.
Transfer Performance Obligation Identifier to Receivables
You can transfer the project contract line number, which represents the performance obligation, to Receivables.
With the new International Financial Reporting Standard 15 and Accounting Standards Codification 606, you are to record contract assets and contract liabilities at a performance obligation level. In Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing, a performance obligation is best modeled as a contract line. As contract assets are replaced by customer payment obligations, each invoice line needs to be assigned to a specific performance obligation.
With this feature enabled:
- The Transfer Invoice Details to Receivables process transfers the contract line identifier to the Receivables interface lines table using the Interface Line Attribute9 attribute.
- You can see the contract line identifier in the Additional Information region of the Review Invoice Line page in Receivables.
- You can create an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence report that contains the contract line identifier.
The following page shots illustrate the benefits of the feature.
Review Invoice Line
Oracle Business Intelligence
Steps to Enable
This enhancement is automatically enabled through opt in. You can disable it, however, if you choose. The following additional setup is required within Receivables:
- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Click the Tasks icon and click Search.
- Search for Manage Receivables Descriptive Flexfields and click the corresponding link in the Name column.
- Select Transactions in the Module LOV and click Search.
- Select the Line Transactions row and click Edit.
- Select Contract Invoices in the Context LOV and click Create in the Context Sensitive Segments region.
- Enter the following data into the Create Segment page:
- Name: Contract Line ID.
- Code: Contract Line ID.
- API Name: contractLineId.
- Enabled: Yes.
- Data Type: Character.
- Required: No.
- Prompt: Contract Line ID.
- Display Type: Text Box.
- Display Size: 18.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Save.
- Select Contract Internal Invoices in the Context LOV and click Create in the Context Sensitive Segments region.
- Repeat step 7.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Deploy Flexfield.
- Click Done.
- Create an Analysis in Transactional Business Intelligence containing the Line Transaction Interface Flexfield Segment 9 attribute.
Manage Receivables Descriptive Flexfields
Edit Descriptive Flexfield: Line Transactions
Create Segment
Tips And Considerations
This feature is a prerequisite to upcoming features that will enable you to see contract line number and contract line name in the invoice UI and reports in Receivables.
Key Resources
- Transaction Flexfields and AutoInvoice: Explained
Role Information
Import Internal Contract Lines Using File-Based Data Import
You can import billing attributes for an intercompany contract using file-based data import.
You can import and update the following attributes:
- Provider Business Unit Name
- Receiver Project Number
- Receiver Task Number
- Receiver Business Unit Name
- Receiver Setup Code
- Expenditure Organization Name
- Expenditure Type Name
- Expenditure Organization Source
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can use the action code column in LineInternalBillingAttributes.csv to create a new record or update an existing record. The following table explains the value and behavior of each option:
Value | Behavior |
INSERT | Creates a new record for billing internal attributes |
UPDATE | Updates existing billing internal attributes |
Key Resources
- Related Guide: File-Based Data Import for Oracle Sales Cloud
Role Information
Schedule Generate Revenue Process
You can schedule the Generate Revenue process to run on a user-specified frequency and recognize revenue for new eligible transactions without having to manually increment the transaction date range.
With this feature enabled:
- The From Date and To Date process parameters of the Generate Revenue process are optional and defaulted to null.
- When you submit the Generate Revenue process with a newly defined schedule:
- A new parent process request is created with the process parameter values you specified.
- A new child process request is created with the process parameter values you specified.
- Immediately after the first child process request completes, a new child process request is created with the process parameter values you specified, except this time with appropriately updated From Date and To Date process parameter values.
The following page shots illustrate the feature:
Generate Revenue - Parameters
Generate Revenue - Schedule
Steps to Enable
This enhancement can be enabled through opt in. No additional setup is required.
Tips And Considerations
- The Generate Revenue process interprets a null From Date as January 1, 1952.
- The Generate Revenue process interprets a null To Date as today’s date.
- The Generate Revenue process calculates a non-null From Date or To Date as the previous request value plus the schedule frequency value converted to minutes multiplied by the schedule every value.
Role Information
Access Project Performance Dashboard Using Custom Roles
Users other than project managers can access the Project Performance Dashboard and view the projects that they have access to by using a custom role that includes the relevant security privilege. For example, project team members can view the projects to which they are added, project accountants can view the projects that belong to the business units to which they have access, and business unit administrators can view the projects that belong to the business units which they administer.
Project Performance Dashboard
Steps to Enable
Assign the functional security privilege Manage Project Performance (PJS_MANAGE_PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_PRIV) to custom roles and grant these custom roles to users who require to access the Project Performance dashboard.
Tips And Considerations
- You can add the following columns to the Project List region to view relevant data:
- Service Type
- Work Type
- Business Unit
- Project Unit
- Project Type
- Project Status
- Project Manager
- Enable the View Closed Projects check box in the Project List and Project Comparison regions to view data for projects that are in closed status.
- Users other than project managers (for example, project administrators or accountants) that navigate to the Project Performance dashboard can navigate to the Project Overview page by clicking Project Overview from the Actions menu.
- Project administrators who navigate to the Project Performance dashboard can access the Review Project Performance and Analyze KPI Categories pages from the Actions menu if they are granted the required data privileges.
Role Information
- Grant the functional security privilege Manage Project Performance (PJS_MANAGE_PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_PRIV) to custom roles that require to access the Project Performance dashboard.
- Optionally, to navigate to the Review Project Performance and Analyze KPI Categories pages from the Project Performance dashboard, grant the following data security privileges to the custom roles:
- PJS_REVIEW_PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_DATA to access Review Project Performance page
View Project Performance Reporting Data Using Project Calendar in Real-Time Analyses
You can use the Project Calendar dimension in analyses and dashboards that you build in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) using the Projects - Performance Reporting Real Time subject area. Use this information to gain a more accurate picture of the performance of your projects through the ITD, PTD, and EAC performance measures, based on project calendar periods.
Example of an Analysis Built Using the Projects - Performance Reporting Real Time Subject Area
Steps to Enable
Include attributes from the Projects Calendar dimension in the BI analytics built using the Projects - Performance Reporting Real Time subject area.
Tips And Considerations
- If you include the project accounting period, quarter, or year in your analysis, then the base measures available directly in the measures folders for different sources provide the PTD values. For example, the Actual Raw Cost measure present in the Actual Cost Measures displays the PTD Actual Raw Cost measure.
- If you don't include the project accounting period, quarter, or year in your analysis, then the base measures available directly in the measures folders for different sources provide the ITD values. For example, the Actual Raw Cost measure present in the Actual Cost Measures displays the ITD Actual Raw Cost measure.
Key Resources
See the following topics in the chapter Subject Areas and Predefined Analyses of the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide:
- Subject Areas for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Real-Time Analyses: Overview
- Available Dimensions for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Subject Areas: Overview
Role Information
Access Awards by Award Organization Hierarchy
As a department-level award administrator, manage awards belonging only to the organizations granted to you, instead of all the organizations in the entire business unit. Use the new Grants Department Administrator role to efficiently manage the awards similar to the current business unit level Grants Administrator role.
For example, Sophie can manage awards and projects belonging to College of Science, Physics and Biology organizations because as grants department administrator she is assigned to the College of Science parent organization. Whereas Jack and Alex can only manage awards belonging to their organizations, Physics and Biology respectively. Jack and Alex cannot manage awards that belong to the College of Science parent organization. As the grants department administrator they can view costs and commitments for their awards.
Data Access Assignments for Grants Department Administrator User
If the project organization is not the same as the award organization then the user must be assigned to the project organization using the Project Administrator role and Project Organization Classification context in the Manage Data Access page. By doing so, they can manage project financial settings, project plan and other functions in the Project Financial Management work area. The users require similar access to manage the budget for the award project in the Awards work area.
Steps to Enable
Use the job role Grants Department Administrator to manage awards belonging to certain organizations and not the entire business unit. For data access, assign the user to the Award Organization Hierarchy context available to the Grants Department Administrator role and provide the organization hierarchy, version, and starting organization. The starting organization can be any node in the organization hierarchy. If a higher level organization is selected, then the user can access awards that belong to the starting organization and any of the organizations under the starting organizations.
Assign Data Access to the Grants Department Administrator
Tips And Considerations
- In the Manage Data Access page for the new security context of Award Organization Hierarchy, add the Security Context Value 2 and Security Context Value 3 from the View menu to select the organization hierarchy version and the starting organization.
- Only organization hierarchies assigned to project business unit in the Define Project Business Unit Implementations page will be available as organization hierarchies in the Manage Data Access page for the Grants Department Administrator role and Award Organization Hierarchy context.
- Only award templates belonging to the organizations in the award organization hierarchy will be available to the user with the Grants Department Administrator role to create awards.
- Only project templates belonging to the organizations in the award organization hierarchy will be available to the user with the Grants Department Administrator role to create projects.
NOTE: The seeded Project Administrator role does not have access to set the budget to baseline.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Award Creation: Explained topic in the Using Grants Management guide
- What awards appear in the Awards work area? topic in the Using Grants Management guide
Role Information
Fund Award and Award Project in a Different Currency than Ledger Currency
Manage awards in a different currency other than the ledger currency. The projects associated with the award have the same currency as the award currency. Use this feature by clicking the Enable Multicurrency option on the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties page for the corresponding contract business unit.
You can create an award in a different currency other than the ledger currency using the user interface or file-based import. When using FBDI, if currency is not provided in the XLSM, then the currency from the award template is used. If an award template is not provided in the XLSM, then the ledger currency of the contract business unit is used as the award currency.
Create Award in Different Currency than the Ledger Currency
The budget and the control budgets for award project are created and managed in the project currency.
View the financial details for the award in both award and award ledger currency on the Award home page. Drill down to the Manage Project Costs or Manage Committed Costs page to see the costs and commitments in all currencies.
Financial Details of the Award
Steps to Enable
Select the Enable Multicurrency option on the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties page for the corresponding contract business unit.
Enable Multicurrency for Contract Business Unit
Tips And Considerations
- The funding amount is available only in the award currency. As a result, the unbudgeted amount is also available only in the award currency and isn't displayed when ledger currency is selected on the Award home page.
- The projects associated to the award inherits the same currency as the award currency. If the award has many projects, all the projects within the award will have the same currency as the award currency.
- The control budget balances is available only in the award project currency and not in the ledger currency.
- Financial amounts in the Federal Financial Report is available only in the award currency.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- Multifunding for Awards or Award Projects and Ledger Currencies: Explained topic in the Using Grants Management guide
- Using Grants Management topic in the Using Grants Management guide
Role Information
Warn Users When Supplement Funding is Added Instead of Base Funding
Warn users if they attempt to create the Supplement funding type as initial funding for a funding source instead of the Base funding type.
A warning message displays when grants administrators and principal investigators create the initial funding for a funding source with the funding type as Supplement. If they don't want to continue, they should select the funding type as Base to create the initial funding.
Warn User When Initial Funding is Supplement Funding Type
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Role Information
View Billing Information on the Review Award Page
Grants administrators and principal investigators can view key billing information of an award, such as invoice method and revenue method, on the Review Award page.
You can view the billing details for a draft award contract as soon as the bill plan and revenue plan is created for the contract line. For active, pending approval and under amendment award contracts, the billing details are shown from the current active version of the contract.
Review Billing Details
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Role Information
Designate New Tasks as Automatically Scheduled Tasks
Create new tasks and have them designated as automatically scheduled tasks as the default schedule mode. For example, you can create a series of tasks and link them in a dependency chain. When the first task in the chain is designated as automatic, the work plan schedules without the need to enter or modify the date for the first task. This approach modifies the existing default approach where new tasks are designated as manually scheduled tasks until either a predecessor exists or the project manager manually changes the option.
This feature makes planning more streamlined and less confusing as it eliminates the need to enter a start date on the first task in a dependency chain for subsequent tasks to be scheduled.
Show the Schedule Mode Column to View and Edit the Mode for a Task
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Creating a work plan template from a project copies the schedule mode of the project tasks to the work plan template.
- Updating the task dates for an automatic task will turn the task to Manual and delete any associated predecessor dependencies.
- Use fill down action to copy down the schedule mode of the first selected task to all the selected tasks below.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Can I update the schedule type of the Automatic tasks in the Project Plan? in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Role Information
Enhance Project Manager Experience to Directly Plan for HCM Resources
Directly select employees and contingent workers from HCM when planning your projects. When you select the person, the application automatically adds the person as a project enterprise resource with the project team member role. This automation eliminates the need for a project application administrator to get involved and streamlines the project planning process.
This feature allows project managers to find labor resources in the list of employees and contingent workers in HCM directly without waiting for them to be added as Project Enterprise Resource first. Project Managers can now see all the labor resources and whether they come from the Project Enterprise Resource directory or from HCM directly in a single list. And whenever the project manager selects a labor resource directly from HCM, it gets added to the Project Enterprise Resource list with default attributes from HCM.
Selecting an HCM Person for Project Planning
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- User can only add an employee or contingent worker to a project directly if that person has a valid active assignment in HCM and a unique email address.
- User can find whether a labor resource listed in the search results is a project enterprise resource, based on the value specified in the Primary Project Role column. Only project enterprise resources have value in this column.
Role Information
Manage Custom Objects Using Application Composer
Create custom objects to track data about an object that is not already delivered with Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud. After you create the object, you can then add new fields and design user interface pages where your users can enter object records. Generate REST services for your new objects. For example, you can create a new project risk object to capture and track risks.
When you create a custom object, you can:
- Create user interface pages, and fields to capture data within the custom object.
- Add role-based security to the user interface pages created within the custom object.
- Create or update an instance of the custom object using an automatically-generated REST service.
Creating a Custom Object Using Application Composer
Steps to Enable
You must create new custom objects to take advantage of this feature. Existing use of application composer is not impacted.
High level steps for creating a custom object:
- Create and activate a sandbox.
- Create a custom object.
- Add fields to the custom object.
- Create actions for the custom object.
- Create pages for the custom object.
- Optionally create one or more child custom objects and build out those objects.
- Add the main custom object page to the springboard and navigator as needed.
- Test.
- Publish the sandbox.
Tips And Considerations
When you navigate to Application Composer, select the ERP and SCM Cloud application.
Selecting the ERP and SCM Cloud Application
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Configuring Project Execution Management Applications: Explained in the Implementing Project Execution Management guide
- Related Help Topic: Creating a Projects Custom Object: Worked Example in the Implementing Project Execution Management guide
Role Information
Manage Project Status Changes for Nonfinancial Projects Using Workflow
Manage the complete project status life cycle for nonfinancial projects with an enhanced project status model. With the enhanced model, you can define approval workflow for a status, control the actions allowed in any status, and define what the next allowable status is in the life cycle of the project.
With this feature, the project status approval workflow can also be configured for nonfinancial projects. Additionally, when a project is enabled for financial management the project status remains unchanged as it is no longer inherited from the project template.
Steps to Enable
To enable workflow for a particular project status:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Statuses setup task and open it.
- Select the Enable Workflow for a status check box which needs to be enabled for workflow.
- Select statuses for the Status After Change Accepted and Status After Change Rejected.
- Save and close the page.
To configure the workflow for the project status change:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Task Configurations for Project Execution Management setup task and open it.
- Search for the ProjectStatusNotificationApproval task.
- Change the workflow rules as needed.
Tips And Considerations
- As, the project status of the nonfinancial project will be honored over the status stamped on the project template that is used for enabling the project for financial management, so you will have to manage the project status change independent of the enablement for financial management.
- Project managers can now update the status of a financial enabled project from within the Project Management work area from the Project Details page.
By default, for new customers, the project status change approval notification goes to the EPS owner of the project EPS Node for nonfinancial projects. If there is no EPS Node assigned to the project or there is no owner for a particular EPS Node, the project status change approval notification is sent to the Primary Project Manager on the project. These default project status change approval workflow settings can be changed in the BPM Worklist.
For upgrading customers,
if you have customized the Project Status Change Approval workflow, the workflow will remain unchanged. Any changes desired to manage the project status change approvals for nonfinancial projects differently from the existing approval workflow for the financial enabled projects, would need to be done manually and explicitly.
If you haven't customized the Project Status Change Approval workflow, then the workflow will be upgraded such that the existing approval for the financial enabled projects would remain unchanged. The workflow will be updated such that the project status change approval notifications for nonfinancial projects will be sent to the EPS Owner of the project EPS Node. If there is no EPS Owner or the EPS Node is not specified for the project, the approval notification will go to the Primary Project Manager.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- See the following topics in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide:
- Project Status Components: How They Work Together
- Project Status Change Workflow: Explained
- Project Statuses: Points to Consider
Role Information
Specify a Default Project Starting Status in Project Execution Management
Specify a default initial status for projects created for planning and scheduling work such as nonfinancial projects. You can specify the default initial status for these new projects to be created using the Manage Project Statuses setup task. If there are multiple or no eligible initial project statuses defined, then new nonfinancial projects are assigned the Active status.
With this feature, if you have just one of the Project Statuses marked as Initial Project Status, then all nonfinancial projects created from user interface are created in the default initial status. Whenever a project is created using REST services or File Based Data Import, the project will be created in the default status if no project status is specified in the payload and if no project template is specified.
Set Initial Project Status on Manage Project Statuses Page
Steps to Enable
After opting-in, follow these steps to enable the feature:
- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance from the Settings and Actions menu.
- From the Tasks panel, select Search.
- Enter Manage Project Statuses in the search box and click the Search icon.
- Navigate to Manage Project Statues setup page.
- Select Initial Project Status checkbox for the appropriate project status and ensure it's unchecked for all the other project statuses.
- Save the changes.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Project Statuses: Points to Consider topic in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide.
Role Information
Allow Project Managers to Associate the Project to a Project Hierarchy Element
Project Managers can associate their projects to the project hierarchy element allowing the PMO and other executives to view project information within a project hierarchy. Expanding the outreach of project information keeps the extended virtual team invested in the success of the project.
Updating the Enterprise Project Hierarchy Element on the Project Details Page
Steps to Enable
Upgrade customers need to opt-in for this feature using the option Allow Project Managers to Associate the Project to a Project Hierarchy Element as part of the Project Execution offering. For new customers, this feature will be opted-in automatically.
Once the feature has been opted-in, then you can:
- Navigate to Manage Project Plan.
- Select the Project Name.
- From Edit Project Details, edit the Project Hierarchy Element to associate the project.
Tips And Considerations
Pre-Requirement: Opt-in Allow Project Managers to Associate the Project to a Project Hierarchy Element needs to be opted-in.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13 (Update 18C): Oracle Project Execution Cloud Enhancements: Expanded Project Transparency
Role Information
Report on Gate Approvers in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)
Report on gate approver statuses using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). You can use OTBI to create reports and analytics showing gate approver details such as approver name, status, comments, and approval date.
You can see quickly across multiple projects the detailed state of gates that are currently in the In Review status, including which approvers have and have not approved the opening of a gate. You can also see historical statistics on approvals and elapsed time, by approver or by gate name.
Example of a Report You Can Create with This Feature
Steps to Enable
To use this feature, update an existing report in OTBI, or create a new report, and make use of the new columns.
Tips And Considerations
- Create a report that shows which approvers are currently holding up approval of which gates in which projects.
- Create a report that shows which approvers typically approve or reject which kinds of gates and how long it takes approvers to respond when gates are set to the In Review status.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Available Dimensions for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Subject Areas: Overview topic in the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide.
Role Information
Secure the Ability to Create Projects
Restrict which project managers have the ability to create projects using a security privilege and implementation-defined user roles. For example, the project management office can create a new role for associate project managers so that they can maintain existing projects, but not create any new projects, while allowing senior project managers to create and update projects.
The new privilege Create Project Work Plan now secures the create project access for non-financial projects. You can create new roles and remove this privilege to restrict the ability to create projects based on your business needs.
Note that the Create Project Work Plan privilege is automatically available for the users with Project Execution role. You must update any existing custom roles to add this privilege if you want users with the roles to continue to have access to creating projects.
Dove John is an Associate Project Manager Who Manages the Projects but Cannot Create New Projects
Steps to Enable
- Predefined roles from Oracle will automatically receive the new Create Project Work Plan privilege. Nothing will change for users with those roles.
- You can optionally create custom roles and remove the Create Project Work Plan privilege. Users with these roles will not have access to create non-financial projects.
If you have defined custom roles prior to this release, ensure that you add the Create Project Work Plan privilege manually to the custom roles.
Create Project Work Plan Privilege Allows Users to Create New Non-financial Projects and the Privilege is Rolled up to the Project Execution Role by Default
Key Resources
Related Help Topic: Creating Projects: Points to Consider in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Role Information
- In particular, the Create Project Work Plan (PJT_CREATE_PROJECT_WORK_PLAN) privilege.
Track Actual and Remaining Expense Amounts Separately from Planned Expense Amounts
Capture actual and remaining expense amounts separately from the planned expense amount for the project tasks. For example, project managers can now capture the actual or remaining expense amounts that are beyond or within the planned expense amount. Project managers can compare planned, actual, remaining, and current expense amounts on the Manage Project Plan page or use Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence to analyze project expenses in detail.
This feature gives project managers greater visibility into project performance to identify potential execution issues sooner.
Project Manager Tracks Actual and Remaining Expense Amounts Separately from Planned Expense Amounts
Project Manager Reviews the Current Labor and Expense Amounts at the Task Level on the Manage Project Plan Page
Steps to Enable
To use this feature, you must enable the option “Capture actual and remaining expense amounts above or below planned expense amounts” on the Define Project Management Implementation Options page.
Once you enable the option, you cannot revert at a later point in time.
Enable the Option on the Define Project Management Implementation Options Page
Tips And Considerations
- You can view the cost percent complete and the total current amounts at each individual task level on the Manage Project Plan page.
- You should also consider enabling the "Capture actual and remaining hours above or below planned hours" option at the same time (previously available) to align your progress approach for labor and expanse resources.
Key Resources
Related Help Topic: See Project Expenses: Examples in the Using Project Execution Management guide.
Role Information
Manage Gate Approvers in Work Plan Templates
Add gate approvers to projects when gates are added from work plan templates. Maintain current gate approvers for individual gates in work plan templates.
This feature allows you to streamline and standardize the management of gate approvers on projects. This is helpful when you have the same approvers on a type of gate across multiple projects.
Gate Approvers for a Gate in Work Plan Template
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- If your projects follow regular patterns, with the same approvers on certain gates in projects of the same type, add the approvers to the gate in the template.
- You can still manage gate approvers for a gate in a project individually, even when the approvers initially came from the work plan template. You can think of the values in the template as default values.
- You can add subsequent groups of tasks, including gates and gate approvers, to a project incrementally over time with work plan templates. Work plan templates are not just for initial project creation.
- Changing approvers in the work plan template does not affect approvers in a project created using that template. This is true in general of information in work plan templates.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Work Plan Templates: Explained in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Role Information
Resource managers can nominate resources for a project resource request. Project managers review the nominated resources and update the status of nominated resources as the evaluation process progresses. Resource managers can also update the resource status on the request as needed. Project managers select the resource that best fits the needs of the project, determine the desired assignment status, and request approval of the resource from the resource manager. Resource managers review the requested resource and approve or reject the resource's assignment to the project based on the most current staffing demands.
When responding to a project resource request, resource managers have the option to nominate resources to a project manager for a detailed evaluation process. The project manager can communicate the status of each nominated resource while proceeding through the evaluation process. The resource manager will be apprised of the progress of each resource to gain insight into the evaluation conducted by the project manager. The resource manager can also set statuses for resources on the request to inform the project manager of things that may impact the resource on the request. The resource manager can withdraw a resource if more urgent or higher priority staffing needs arise. Having the knowledge of the resource's status in the evaluation process allows the resource manager to make informed decisions if the need to withdraw a resource occurs.
When the project manager decides on the desired resource, the project manager can request assignment approval from the resource manager. At that time, the project manager can decide whether it is most appropriate to have the resource fully confirmed or reserved on the project. The resource manager can approve or reject the resource based on the most current staffing demands, which may have changed from when the resource was originally nominated. This allows for more accurate staffing decisions in the midst of fluctuating supply and demand.
Resource Manager Nominates Resources for Request
Project Manager and Resource Manager Update Resource Status
Resource Manager Reviews Resource Requested by Project Manager
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default for the resource manager and project manager, however, there is optional setup available to fully utilize the feature.
The project application administrator can select the project resource request fulfillment option that is most suitable to the organization:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options setup task.
- Under Project Resource Request Fulfillment section, choose one of the following options:
- Nominate or propose resources for confirmed and reserved assignments
- Nominate resources only
The project application administrator can also define staffing statuses that resource managers and project managers can use for nominated resources:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Resources Staffing Statuses work area.
- Select the Add Row icon to add staffing statuses.
Tips And Considerations
- Project staffing status setup is not required but is recommended for the project manager and resource manager to track and communicate interim statuses for nominated resources. If staffing statuses are not set up, then the resource can still be nominated for a request.
- A project resource staffing status can be set up to be used only by project managers, resource managers, or both.
- Project resource staffing statuses are available only on project resource requests where the resource manager nominated resources.
- The resource manager can withdraw a nominated resource from the request. The project manager can reject a nominated resource from a request.
- A rejected or withdrawn resource can be nominated back to the request again, if desired.
- The ability to nominate resources to a project resource request is supported for requests for a single resource only.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management: Nominate and Review Resources
Related Help Topic: See Nominating Resources on a Resource Request: Points to Consider topic in the Using Project Execution Management guide.
Role Information
Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile Innovation
Project team members want actual time to be included with the time entries that are automatically populated to a new time card to streamline the entry and accuracy of collecting time. Actual time is based on the hours entered to the same time entries (tasks) on prior time cards when the user is charging the same couple of tasks week after week. Additionally, users can quickly add time entries from the main time card page and create time entries while not connected to the internet. Finally, they can preview a summary of the time entered before submitting their time card.
Quickly Add Time Entries from the Time Card
Preview Your Time Entries Before Submitting
Steps to Enable
- Search for Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile in the Google Play or Apple App Store to find the application.
- Ensure that user has Projects Time Entry Profile for their time card.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is enabled by giving users the Project Time Entry Mobile Duty. This duty has all the privileges needed to access PPM and HCM rest services. The duty is rolled-up to the employee and contingent worker abstract roles out of the box.
This feature only supports the following set up:
- Project Name, Task Name, and Expenditure type fields when capturing time
- Weekly time card only
Ensure the logged in user can enter and submit time on the web app (Navigator > About Me > Time > Manage Time Cards > Create Time Card)
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Microsoft Project and Oracle Fusion Project Management: How They Work Together
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Project Costing Cloud Enhancements: Mobile Time Capture
Role Information
- Contingent Worker (ORA_PER_ CONTINGENT_WORKER)
Control Progress Reporting by Project Team Members Based on Project Status
Specify the project statuses in which team members can report progress against the project tasks they are assigned. Team members will not be able to access tasks to progress them for a project with a status for which progress reporting by team members is not allowed. This applies to web application, REST services and Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile applications.
This feature gives greater control to the businesses in deciding when to allow team members to report progress in a project's life cycle based on their business processes. In the My Work work area, team members can only view their assigned tasks from a project if the current project status allows reporting progress by team members.
Project Status Control to Allow Progress Reporting by Team Members
Steps to Enable
To allow progress reporting by Project Team Members for a particular project status:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Statuses setup task and open it.
- Select the particular project status and refer to its details section.
- Check the checkbox for 'Progress reporting by team members' in Status Controls section.
- Save and close the page.
Key Resources
- Refer to the topic Why can't I see my tasks in Manage Tasks page? in the Using Project Execution Management guide.
Role Information
Display Project-Level Information in the View-Only Project Plan
Display project-level information, such as project manager, calendar, and schedule type along with extensible project attributes from the view-only project plan.
If you have access to view a project plan, you can easily view project level information through the link on the first row of the project plan.
Project Information from the View-Only Project Plan
Steps to Enable
Upgrade customers need to opt-in for this feature using the option Display Project-Level Information in the View-Only Project Plan as part of the Project Execution offering. For new customers, this feature will be opted-in automatically.
Once the feature has been enabled, any person with access to view a project plan can see the project-level information from the first row on the project plan.
Link for the Project-Level Information from the View-Only Project Plan
Tips And Considerations
- Pre-Requirement: Opt-in Extended Access to View Project Plans needs to be opted-in.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: How can I view a project plan in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Role Information
Display Deliverables in the View-Only Project Plan
Display deliverables associated to tasks from the view-only project plan. This enables anyone with access to the view-only project plan to see the latest information about key project deliverables.
You can track the deliverables for each task in the project context and view the information of each deliverable including the name, owner, status, need-by date, and attachments if they were entered.
Deliverables for a Project Task
Steps to Enable
Upgrade customers need to opt-in for this feature using the option Display Deliverables in the View-Only Project Plan as part of the Project Execution offering. For new customers, this feature will be opted-in automatically.
Once the feature has been opted-in, if you have access to view a project plan, then you can:
- Navigate to My Work work area.
- From Tasks Panel tab, choose View Projects to search for any project.
- Select the project name for which you want to view the deliverables.
- Make sure the column Deliverables is visible.
- Identify the deliverables that you need to view for each task and click on one of them to view the details.
Tips And Considerations
Pre-Requirement: Opt-in Extended Access to View Project Plans needs to be opted-in.
Key Resources
- Refer to the topic How can I view a project plan in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Role Information
Provide Access to View-Only Project Plans for Participants of the Project Hierarchy
Provides access to the project plan in view-only mode to participants of an element in the Enterprise Project Structure project hierarchy. Access to the view-only project plan is through Oracle Task Management Cloud.
All participants in an enterprise project structure element can easily view all information available about a project plan such as general details, task details, work items, and deliverables. If you are a participant on a parent element, then you can view this information for all projects for that element and for its child elements.
Participants of an Element in Enterprise Project Structure
Steps to Enable
Upgrade customers need to opt-in for this feature using the option Provide Access to View-Only Project Plans for Participants of the Project Hierarchy as part of the Project Execution offering. For new customers, this feature will be opted-in automatically.
Once the feature has been opted-in, you need to add participants on the corresponding enterprise project structure elements to give them access to view the project plans for those projects. You can view project plan information from anywhere where the project contextual information icon is displayed, for example, from the Project Hierarchy Dashboard, open the project contextual action:
- In the project contextual action popup, open the second tab called Actions.
- Open the View Project Plan link.
Tips And Considerations
Pre-Requirement: Opt-in Extended Access to View Project Plans needs to be opted-in.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: How can I share a project plan with others in the enterprise? in the Using Project Execution Management guide
Role Information
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
20 APR 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Customers Upgrading from Release 12
If you're upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, then you should review all of the release readiness content for Release 13 (updates 17B - 17D, as well as, updates 18A - 18B) to learn about all of the features available in release 13.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Leverage New Project Contextual Action
Use the project contextual actions throughout Oracle PPM Cloud. Project contextual actions enable you to view information and navigate and perform project-related actions while in the context of your current work.
This replaces the previous project contextual action and expands it to additional pages with alternate navigation options. For example, a resource manager can use the project contextual action on the project resource request to get a quick snapshot of key project details. Similarly, anyone reviewing a change order can learn about the project from the contextual action and, with appropriate access, navigate to view the project plan details.
View the Project Contextual Action on a Project Resource Request
Navigate to View the Project Plan
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can use the project contextual action to view the following information:
- All projects
- Name
- Number
- Description
- Project manager
- Start date
- Finish date
- Financially-enabled projects only
- Project image
- To upload a project image
- Navigate to the Project Financial Management work area.
- On the My Projects page, from the View menu > Columns, select to show the Project Image column.
- Select the Project Image icon.
- Select the Browse... button and select your image.
- Select the Save button.
- To upload a project image
- Customer
- Business unit
- Organization
- Project image
- Projects with a default staffing owner on the Manage Project Resources page
- Staffing owner
- All projects
- If you are a team member on the project or if the project is set as publicly available, then you can navigate directly from the project contextual action to view the project plan details. You must implement Project Execution Management to use this navigation.
Role Information
Quickly Access Another Project from Anywhere in Project Financial Management Work Area
Access a project from anywhere within the Project Financial Management work area by simply searching by project name. When you select a project, you will navigate to the Project Overview page in the context of that project.
This minimizes the number of clicks and time to select another project, while working on a specific project function. For example, if you are in the Manage Financial Project Settings page to add a team member to a project, you can quickly select another project to add team members to another project using this feature. You can find the Open Project option in the panel drawer of the Project Financial Management work area. The Open Project window allows you to search and select a project, while also suggesting projects as you type.
The 'Open Project' Link in the Panel Drawer
Quickly Search and Open a New Project Using the 'Open Project' Feature
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Project Administrators can search and select only the projects accessible to them based on the business units and organizations they have access to.
- Project Team Members can search and select only the projects in which they are assigned the Project Team Member role.
Role Information
Review Project Period Close Exceptions in an Analysis
Project accountants can review project period close exceptions using the Projects - Period Close Exceptions subject area in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. They can create their own analysis and view pending transactions by using dimensions such as project, task, expenditure type, project organization, and type of message.
The subject area displays data after you run the Project Accounting Period Close Exceptions Report or the Accounting Period Close Exceptions Report process from the Actions panel tab in Project Costing. You can simply schedule to run the reports and all data will be automatically refreshed in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.
Create an analysis or consolidate different indicators into a single dashboard. You can group the exceptions by the message name to create different representation of the same data. Use filters for a better analysis and prioritize the actions by the message type.
Accounting Period Close Exceptions Dashboard - Overview
Get visibility of pending transactions by project and work with project managers to fix or reduce the number of exceptions. Review the source of the transaction to identify possible bottlenecks. Schedule an Agent in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence to send the exceptions report to the main stakeholders on a regular basis, the collaboration on the exception resolution can help closing the period quickly.
Accounting Period Close Exceptions Dashboard - Project Detail
If you want to take a closer look into the transactions, you can drill down from the dashboard to a detailed analysis, and then open the Expenditure Item details to edit the data or initiate an action. Creating detailed analysis and links between the dashboard and analysis gives you more flexibility to act upon the issue and fix the exception.
Detailed Analysis
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- After the period is closed, all transactions from this period are erased from Projects - Period Close Exceptions subject area.
- Use filters such as Period Name, Message Type (Error or Warning), and Period Type (Accounting Period or Project Accounting Period) for a better analysis.
- Fixing the transaction won't update the Projects Period Close Exceptions subject area. You must run the Project Accounting Period Close Exceptions report or the Accounting Period Close Exceptions report processes to refresh the data.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- See Registering Business Intelligence to Support Deep Linking: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide.
- See Creating Deep Links in Analyses: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for PPM guide.
Role Information
- Project Costing Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PROJECT_COSTING_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
Allow Negative Burden Multipliers
Apply negative burden multipliers to calculate the burdened cost, revenue, or bill amount of expenditure items that are only partially reimbursable.
In scenarios where the sponsor of a project agrees to pay only a certain percentage of the total project costs, you can now apply appropriate burden multipliers to account for the portion of the costs that is not recoverable. For such cases, you can apply a negative burden multiplier to calculate the burdened cost, revenue, or bill amount of each expenditure item.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- In order to enter negative burden multipliers, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, search and go to the Manage Burden Schedules task. In the Burden Multipliers section at the bottom of the page, you can now enter negative values.
- Enter a multiplier of -0.152 for a burden rate of -15.2 percent.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See Burden Costs: How They're Calculated in the Implementing Project Financial and Grants Management guide.
Role Information
Use the Project Customer Dimension with the Projects - Cross Subject Area Analysis - Real Time Subject Area
Added dimensions for Project Customer added to the Projects – Cross Subject Area Analysis – Real Time for enhanced ability to create Analysis based on the Project Customers associated with Projects.
Previously this subject area included all the key financial measures for forecast, cost, budget, revenue but lacked effective ways to create analysis to show this information based on Project Customers. As a result, it was not possible to show these measured by customer.
With the addition of these new Project Customer dimensions, it is now possible to more effectively report on project financials by the Customer associated to the project on the Parties tab found by selecting Manage Financial Project Plan from the Tasks menu on the Project Overview.
Steps to Enable
Create a reporting analysis with the Project - Cross Subject Area Analysis - Real Time. Open the Projects Folder and then open the Project Customers folder to find the new attributes available to add to an analysis.
Allow Percentage Field in Project Classification Codes to Contain Decimals
Users can now assign project classifications and codes to a project using percentages in decimals (Example: 20.5% Internal 79.5% Federal).
This feature is enabled both on the UI and File-Based Data Import. It will allow users more granular control over their project classifications and assignments.
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default.
Tips And Considerations
- Users can enter up to three decimal places for the percentage field.
- This applies only to project classifications with percentages enabled.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Define Project: Manage Project Options in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide.
Save Time Searching for Projects Due to Retained Search Results
Allows user to search for a set of projects using a search criteria, and then retain the search in order to work efficiently on them without querying for them again.
Generally, the project administrators and project team members search for a list of projects to view or update details on a subset of those projects, if not all. For example, if the project administrator wants to change the project manager on all the projects related to the customer 'Dixon', they can search for projects starting with Dixon, and navigate to the Manage Financial Project Settings page to add a new project manager. When they return to the My Projects page, the search results are retained and they can then select the next Dixon project to repeat the action, without having to search for the project again.
Retained Search Results
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
If you need to work on multiple projects, use a specific search criteria to search the projects such that you don't have to search for the projects again.
Role Information
Enhanced Exception Handling for Projects Import Using File-Based Data Import
File-Based Data Import lets users load data into Oracle Cloud Applications from external sources such as legacy systems or third-party applications. In the current reporting framework, users upload data from an Excel template and the success or error report data is shown in the form of a PDF report. The new framework additionally provides end users with a downloadable Excel file containing the error report. The users can use the Excel file to correct the errors and upload the data into the application.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Correct the errors in the Import Projects Rejections report and generate the CSV files again. If the Import Projects Rejections report is not generated due to large volume of failed records (greater than the 65535 Excel limit), correct the errors in the original Import Projects template and generate the CSV files.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See Import Projects Process in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Role Information
Refresh Currency Conversion Rates
Retrieve the latest currency conversion rates defined in the application during financial project planning, budgeting, and forecasting. For example, you plan for the next five years with the current currency conversion rates. Later, you can choose to refresh the rates to update your plan based on the latest available information.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The Refresh Conversion Rates action is enabled only if the financial project plan, budgets, and forecasts are multicurrency enabled.
- Whenever the latest currency conversion attributes are defined in the application, you can refresh your financial project plan, budgets, and forecasts.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See Can i change the currency rates after scheduling a project plan? in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide.
Role Information
- Project Manager (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_MANAGER_JOB) role.
Assign Resource at Line Level or Periodic Level Using File-Based Data Import
You can choose whether to enter data for resource assignments at line level or periodic level for budget lines or forecast lines using file-based data import.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Follow the instructions mentioned in the Instructions and CSV Generation sheet of the Excel template to prepare and load the budgets or forecasts into the application.
- Line Type allows you to choose whether to enter data for budget lines or forecast lines at line level or periodic level. If using PERIODIC line type, you must specify the Period Name. If using LINE, specifying the Start and Finish Dates is optional and they are derived from task planned dates when the Start and Finish Dates are not specified.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Defer Budget Generation When Setting a Financial Project Plan Baseline
Set the financial project plan baseline and continue with other activities such as capturing progress without waiting for the generation of a budget version to be completed. The application will either immediately generate the budget version or defer the generation using background processing based on the size of the project.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See Budget and Forecast Creation Methods: Critical Choices in the Defining and Managing Financial Projects guide
Role Information
Derive Amounts Automatically Using File-Based Data Import
Calculate amounts for rate-based resources while creating budget or forecast lines using file-based data import. When specifying only quantity, the import process will determine the rate and calculate the amounts for the line based on the rate settings of the respective financial plan type.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Create and Assign Resources to a Project Forecast Using a SOAP Service
Create and assign new resources to a project forecast when you create forecasts using the Project Forecast SOAP service.
Using the Project Forecast SOAP service you can now perform multiple operations in a single flow. For example, in a single operation, you can now add new resources to a project-specific planning resource breakdown structure while creating the forecast lines.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Planning resource breakdown structures associated with the project must be set up to allow changes at the project level.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
Automatically Add Resources to Planning Resource Breakdown Structures
Add resources to the planning resource breakdown structure of a project after you complete planning and scheduling and choose the action to update the financial plan. If a project uses a project-specific planning resource breakdown structure, then the update process automatically adds any missing resources for named-person and expenditure type resource formats.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Planning resource breakdown structures associated with the project must be set up to allow changes at the project level.
- Support is only for single-level resource formats – Named Person and Expenditure Type.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See Planning Resource Breakdown Structures: Explained in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide.
Role Information
Maintain Workflow and Multicurrency Settings on Financial Plan Types
Project application administrators can easily maintain the existing financial plan types by allowing modifications to the workflow status change attribute. They can also enable a financial plan type for multicurrency after creating a financial plan type version.
The flexibility to modify the workflow status change and multicurrency attributes in an existing financial plan allows the users to address any required changes based on the organization requirements.
Edit Financial Plan Type
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See Financial and Project Plan Types: Explained in the Implementing Project Financial Management and Grants Management guide
Role Information
View Bill Rate Overrides for Managing Project Costs
You can view the bill rate override values for an expenditure item in the Manage Project Costs page. These values are also available for reporting within the Project Costing – Actual Costs Real Time and the Project Costing – Expenditure Item Performance - Real Time subject areas. The values that are now displayed are Override Source Application, Source Reference Identifier, Override Bill Rate, and Override Bill Rate Currency.
You can identify which Expenditure Items were updated with Bill Rate Override values that were used to generate revenue labor and nonlabor transactions when using rate-based billing methods.
The following screen captures illustrates the feature and its benefits.
Manage Project Costs Expenditure Item - Billing
Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Expenditure item bill rate override values are populated and updated through the use of Project Expenditure Items REST Endpoints.
Role Information
Users must be assigned to a role that has access to the privilege "PJC_MANAGE_PROJECT_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_PRIV".
Review and Approve Project Cost Adjustments
Review the pending adjustments performed on your project costs and then approve or reject the adjustments based on your business rules. You can use the newly added project cost attributes such as expenditure type, project type, expenditure organization, and funding source to configure your business rules appropriately in the approval workflow.
Available Workflow Payload Attributes
You can use the following 47 new attributes that are available in the project cost adjustment workflow to define approval rules:
- Award Business Unit
- Award Organization
- Award Type
- Billable Task
- Burdened Cost in Provider Ledger Currency
- Burdened Cost in Receiver Ledger Currency
- Capitalizable Task
- Contract Number
- Contract Type
- Expenditure Item ID
- Expenditure Item Date
- Expenditure Organization
- Expenditure Type
- Funding Source Number
- New Award Business Unit
- New Award Organization
- New Award Type
- New Billable Task
- New Capitalizable Task
- New Contract Number
- New Contract Type
- New Funding Source Number
- New Principal Investigator
- New Principal Investigator Display Name
- New Project Manager
- New Project Manager Display Name
- New Project Number
- New Project Organization
- New Project Owning Business Unit
- New Project Type
- New Task Number
- New Task Organization
- New Work Type
- Principal Investigator
- Principal Investigator Display Name
- Project Manager
- Project Manager Display Name
- Project Number
- Project Organization
- Project Owning Business Unit
- Project Type
- Quantity
- Raw Cost in Provider Ledger Currency
- Raw Cost in Receiver Ledger Currency
- Task Number
- Task Organization
- Work Type
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The following attributes that are prefixed with New are applicable only for the Transfer and Split and Transfer cost adjustments. For example, the New Project Number attribute maps to the project number of the new project to which a project cost was transferred.
- New Award Business Unit: The business unit of the award project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Award Organization: The award owning organization of the award to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Award Type: The classification type of the new award, for example, grant or sub contract to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Billable Task: Indicates if the project task to which the adjusted project cost is transferred is billable.
- New Capitalizable Task: Indicates if the project task to which the adjusted project cost is transferred is capitalizable.
- New Contract Number: The number of the contract created for the award project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Contract Type: The classification of the contract created for the award project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Funding Source Number: The number of the award funding source to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Principal Investigator: The primary person responsible for research work on the award project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Principal Investigator Display Name: The display name of the primary person responsible for research work on the award project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Project Manager: The manager of the project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Project Manager Display Name: The display name of the manager of the project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Project Number: The number of the project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Project Organization: The project owning organization of the project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Project Owning Business Unit: The business unit associated to the project to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Project Type: The project type of the project to which the adjusted project cost is transferred.
- New Task Number: The number of the task in the task hierarchy to which the project cost is transferred.
- New Task Organization: The task owning organization of the task to which the project cost is transferred.
- The attribute New Work Type indicates the classification of the new work associated with the project cost.
Key Resources
- See the topic Workflows in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management: Explained in the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Getting Started with Your Implementation guide.
- See the chapter Define Approval Management in the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Implementing Project Financial Management guide.
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Application Administrator (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) role who can perform administrative actions in the workflow such as creating and editing approval rules.
Create External Project Commitment Transactions Incrementally Using a SOAP Service
Use the Project Unprocessed Commitment Transaction SOAP service to create external project commitment transactions incrementally. You don't have to purge existing external commitment transactions for a transaction source or project to create new external commitment transactions for the project. This feature enables you to create only the new external commitment transactions without having to manually track and maintain existing external commitment transactions outside the application.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
If you don't want to delete existing external project commitments for a project or transaction source, then you must pass a value of Y for the new parameter incrementallyReceiveTransactions in the service request payload. This parameter determines if the existing external project commitments are retained in the application or not.
If you provide the value:
- Y for the parameter, then only those commitment transactions that are included in the request payload are captured without purging existing commitments.
- N or don't provide a value for this parameter, then this parameter is ignored and existing external project commitments are deleted based on the value provided for the existing parameter purgeAtProjectLevel.
Key Resources
- See the topic Project Unprocessed Commitment Transaction Version 3 in the Business Object Services chapter of the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
- See the sample payload in the topic Example Payloads: Project Unprocessed Commitment Transaction included in the Business Object Services Example Payloads chapter of the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the following roles:
Additionally, the feature is also available for the Project Management Duty (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_MANAGEMENT_DUTY_ABSTRACT) abstract role.
Mobile Project-Based Time Capture Ease of Entry and Navigation
Project team members want to be able to quickly navigate and easily enter their actual time worked. Team members can add time entries for a selected day and those same time entries will automatically be included for the remaining days within the time period. The start day of the mobile time card user's standard work week will be determined by the start day of the time period in the web application.
As executives digitally transform their organizations, one of their focus areas is mobilizing their employees' day-to-day activities. One important daily activity is understanding what employees are working on and how billable they are. A simplified mobile time capture capability on an employee’s smartphone provides value into downstream activities that rely on accurate time capture such as revenue forecasts, labor costs, and resource utilization. Capturing time also increases the accuracy in estimating future work on similar projects and tasks.
Mobile Time Card Now Supports Any Time Period Start Day
Steps to Enable
- Search for Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile in the Google Play or Apple App Store to find the application
- Ensure that user has Projects Time Entry Profile for their time card.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is enabled by giving users the Project Time Entry Mobile Duty. This duty has all the privileges needed to access PPM and HCM rest services. The duty is rolled-up to the employee and contingent worker abstract roles out of the box.
This feature only supports the following set up
- Project Name, Task Name, and Expenditure type fields when capturing time
- Weekly time card only
Ensure the logged in user can enter and submit time on the web app (Navigator > About Me > Time > Manage Time Cards > Create Time Card)
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Microsoft Project and Oracle Fusion Project Management: How They Work Together
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Release 13: Oracle Project Costing Cloud Enhancements: Mobile Time Capture
Role Information
- Contingent Worker (ORA_PER_ CONTINGENT_WORKER)
Drill Down to a Project Contract Invoice and Billing Event Detail from Real-Time Analysis
You can now navigate from an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) report containing project contract billing information to view a specific invoice or billing event in the application.
Using deep linking, you can use an Action link to configure the ability to link directly to the related record as shown below.
Steps to Enable
Deep linking to project contract invoices and billing events can be enabled by configuring Action links in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). For deep linking to project invoices, the subject area must include the Invoice ID attribute and, for billing events, the subject are must include the Event ID attribute.
For example, the subject area Project Billing - Invoices Real Time has the Invoice ID attribute. The Project Billing - Events Real Time has the Events ID attribute and can be used to deep link to billing events.
- Create an analysis and make sure the Invoice ID or Event ID is included in the analysis. (Note: The Action Link can be added to any column in the report and, if desired, the Invoice ID/Event ID attribute can be hidden from the result, but must be included to support deep linking.)
- From the column gear icon menu, select Column Properties.
- Select the Format tab and set the Decimal places to 0. (Note: This needs to be set on the Invoice ID or Event ID column even if a different column is used for the action link).
- Select the Interaction tab.
- Select Action Links from the Primary Interaction menu.
- Give the action link a name and select the Create New Action icon and select Navigate to a Web Page.
- Copy in the URL as described below.
- Define the Parameters using the parameters provided in the table below.
- Select the Options button and check the Open in New Window check box.
- Select OK to close the pop ups and return to the report.
Your done! Now from the Results tab you can click on a value in one of the attributes in the column and the Action Menu item will appear. Select the Action link to open the related Invoice or Billing Event in the application.
Use the following URL with the associated parameters for your environment depending on whether you are creating a deep link for contract invoices or billing events. Replace the <> and text as defined below.
https://<your environment path>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&action=NONE&objKey=@{2}=@{3}
To get <your environment path> log into the application and select the Home page to get the unique address for your environment.
Use the following parameters to complete the Action Link for project invoices.
Name | Prompt | Type | Value | Fixed | Hidden | Optional |
1 | Object Type | Value | PROJECT_INVOICES | X | X | |
2 | Object Key | Value | InvoiceId | X | X | |
3 | Invoice ID | Column Value | "Invoice details"."Invoice ID" | X | X |
Use the following parameters to complete the Action Link for project billing events.
Name | Prompt | Type | Value | Fixed | Hidden | Optional |
1 | Object Type | Value | INV_BILLING_EVENTS | X | X | |
2 | Object Key | Value | eventId | X | X | |
3 | Invoice ID | Column Value | "Event details"."Event Key" | X | X |
Tips And Considerations
- You can reuse the same Action link for other analyses that you build if you want to navigate to the same page using the same column. When you assign this Action link to a column in a report. You can then choose to specify for all reports by selecting the appropriate Save as Default option on the Interaction page.
- While the Event ID or Invoice ID must be added to a report to use for the action link, the actual link can be set on any column and the ID column can be hidden from the report view if, for example, you wanted the link to be available from the Amount column for each Invoice or Billing Event.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: See the topic Registering Business Intelligence to Support Deep Linking: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide.
Role Information
Users must have privileges with access to project invoices or billing events and OTBI to use deep linking.
Invoice Internal Contracts with Open Receivables or Post to GL Indicators Unchecked
You can choose to set the Open Receivables or Post to GL indicators on the Accounts Receivable Transaction Type setup to Yes or No for Intercompany and Interproject contracts.
Currently you must set the Open Receivables and Post to GL indicators to Yes for Oracle Receivables Cloud to process the invoices. Uncheck the Open Receivables indicator on the Receivables Transaction Type if you want to transfer funds to clear balances, rather than paying individual invoices. You can also choose to leave the Post to GL indicator unchecked to prevent accounting of these invoices in Oracle Receivables Cloud.
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default. The following screen capture illustrates the indicators to be unchecked on the Accounts Receivable Transaction Type
Open Receivables and Post to GL Indicators on the Accounts Receivable Transaction Type
Key Resources
- See the chapter Project Billing Configuration: Define Intercompany Project Billing in the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Implementing Project Financial Management guide.
Role Information
Contract Amendment Without Versioning
You can now decide if you want a new version created each time you amend a contract. Versioning provides a historical record of the changes made to a contract and allows you to abandon the changes made and revert to the previous version. Versioning also allows you to generate invoices and recognize revenue from a previously active version without reactivating the current version. Not versioning a contract may contribute to better performance as there is less historical data to retrieve and process, but prevents invoicing and revenue recognition for the contract while it is under amendment.
When you amend a contract without versioning, you set the contract status to Under Amendment and you change the values of attributes directly on the latest version. Until you approve the amendment and because the application does not know the previously approved values, you cannot generate invoices or revenue, nor even further process or adjust existing invoices or revenue for such a contract. When you do approve the amendment, the application cannot identify what attributes you have changed, so no previously processed transactions are marked for adjustment processing.
The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.
Edit Contract Type
Amend Contract
Steps to Enable
Select the option Allow amendment without versioning on the Edit Contract Type page for the applicable contract types.
Tips And Considerations
You should amend a contract with versioning, whenever amendments may affect past invoicing and revenue recognition.
You should amend a contract without versioning only when users can complete the amendment from end to end in minutes and past invoicing and revenue recognition is unaffected. Good examples include:
- Adding a new contract line for additional contract scope; and,
- Changing a bill-to contact or ship-to site for future invoices.
Role Information
Expanded Cross-Subject Area Reporting Between Project Billing and Receivables
Create more robust cross-subject are reports between project billing and receivables subject areas leveraging new common dimensions for enhanced ability to bring data from both areas together in a single analysis.
The Project Contract Header folder and related dimensions has been added to the Receivables - Transaction Real Time subject area and the Transaction Date and Transaction number have been added to the Project Billing - Invoices Real Time subject area.
In addition to Project Billing - Invoices Real Time, many other project billing subject areas include the Project Contract Header folder and common dimensions. Below is an example of an analysis now possible with this enhancement.
Steps to Enable
- Create a new analysis in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) with the Receivables - Transactions Real Time subject area.
- Add a Project Billing subject area such as Project Billing - Invoices Real Time. Confirm the Project Billing subject area includes the dimension Project Contract Header Details dimension or the Receivables Invoice Detail.
- Add at least one attribute from the common Project Contract Header Details dimension or Receivables Invoice Detail.
- Add any additional Contract header and Transaction header dimensions from either subject area.
The following table shows the new common dimensions shared between the subject areas.
Project Billing - Invoices Real Time | Receivables - Transactions Real Time |
Tips And Considerations
- Cross-subject area reports can only include header level project contract and transaction dimensions.
- Take advantage of the new enhancement for deep-linking to project contracts to open the project invoices in the application right from the report.
- For more detailed analysis of data not supported at the header level, consider creating detailed reports and drilling down to those reports from the cross-subject analysis.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: Cross Subject-Area Analysis: Explained for more information on cross-subject reporting.
Role Information
The Role for Project Billing Specialist (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_BILLING_SPECIALIST_JOB) includes the ability to access Receivables transaction data related to invoices and revenue transactions they have access to in Projects Billing.
Allow Invoice Processing in Any Sequence
You can choose to allow project contract invoices to be processed through their normal life cycle in any order. You no longer need to submit, approve, or release invoices in ascending invoice number sequence.
Previously, you had to process invoices in ascending invoice number sequence, so your customers would see the oldest transactions and invoices first and there would not be any gaps in the invoice number sequence in Project Billing. Now you can process the project contract invoices in any order. This allows you to decentralize invoice approval, approve invoices more quickly, and improve cash flow.
Steps to Enable
Set the Allow invoice processing in any sequence profile option to Yes. The following screen capture illustrates the setup.
Manage Administrator Profile Values
Tips And Considerations
By enabling invoice processing in any sequence, you can end up with the following results:
- You more frequently invoice customers out of transaction date and even invoice date ascending order.
- You have gaps in the invoice number sequence in Project Billing, by releasing an invoice generated later and then rejecting an invoice generated earlier.
- You release an invoice with a transaction partially billed because you encountered a hard limit, even though you later make more funds available by removing a transaction off a draft invoice you generated earlier.
Role Information
The profile option is defaulted to No, but can be overridden by the Project Billing Specialist (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_BILLING_SPECIALIST_JOB).
Performance Obligation Accrual
You can now record the initial performance event that accrues the contract asset and contract liability for a performance obligation, under the new IFRS 15 and Accounting Standards Codification 606 revenue guidelines.
The new revenue standard calls for an end to the use of Unbilled Receivables and Deferred Revenue, as of day 1 of your fiscal year starting in 2018. In its place, the revenue standard mandates you accrue the full value of a performance obligation once performance has begun.
We have renamed the Reclassify Billing Offset Balances process Create Accounting Transactions. When you run Create Accounting Transactions, you:
- Continue to reclassify billing offset balances for all intercompany and interproject contracts.
- Continue to reclassify billing offset balances for all external contracts when the Revenue Management extraction start date is not on or before the first day of the Accounting Period process parameter.
- Accrue performance obligations for all external contracts when the Revenue Management extraction start date is on or before the first day of the Accounting Period process parameter.
The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.
Create Accounting Transactions
Manage Accounting Transactions
View Original Accounting Transaction Details
Steps to Enable
Insert rows for applicable ledgers and Oracle Fusion Contracts source document type, with Extraction Start Dates that are the first day of the accounting period in which you need performance obligations to be accrued.
The following screen capture illustrates the setup needed.
Manage System Options in Revenue Management
Tips And Considerations
When you accrue performance obligations, you create Project Billing accounting transactions, similar to billing offset reclassifications, but with a unique accounting type. You should change your Subledger Accounting (SLA) setup for the reclassify billing offsets accounting event class to derive contract asset and contract liability accounts for external contracts. You should similarly change your SLA setup for the external revenue and invoice accounting event classes.
Role Information
- The setup is performed by a Project Application Administrator (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) role.
- Access to Create Accounting Transactions and the Manage Accounting Transactions UI is granted by default to the Project Accountant (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_ACCOUNTANT_JOB) role.
Identify a Contract for Migration of Invoice and Revenue Details
You can identify a contract in Oracle Sales Cloud to migrate invoicing and revenue details from an external system to Oracle PPM Cloud. The identified contract generates revenue and invoice only for events marked for migration. Invoicing and revenue recognition for new transactions is processed only if the Migration in progress indicator is turned off.
You can summarize revenue and invoice amounts at the project or associated task level in the existing system and then create migration billing events in Oracle PPM Cloud with event amount equal to the summary amount. The identified contract generates revenue and invoice only for events marked for migration. You cannot make adjustments to invoices and revenue that contain migration events.
You can reconcile revenue and invoice balances in Oracle PPM Cloud with the corresponding balances in the existing system. After successful reconciliation, you can turn off Migration in progress indicator for the identified contract and process new transactions for invoicing and revenue recognition.
Steps to Enable
Enable the Migration in progress indicator in the billing setup for a contract. The following screen capture illustrates the indicator to be enabled.
Identify a Contract for Migration of Invoice and Revenue Details
Tips And Considerations
Invoicing and revenue recognition for new transactions is processed only if the Migration in progress indicator is turned off.
Role Information
Project Optionally Required on Billing Event
You can now choose to require each active contract line to have at least one associated project and every billing event to have a project specified. A new Manage Administrator Profile option has been added which includes the option to enforce projects on all events. This be a crucial benefit for organizations that rely on this information to, for example, define subledger accounting based on the project selected on the event. Enabling this feature enforces validation on all entry points including FBDI and services.
Steps to Enable
- Navigate to Setup and Management from the Settings and Actions menu.
- From the task panel, select Search.
- Enter "Manage Administrator Profile Values" in the search box and select the search icon.
- Select Project Billing in the Application search field and select the Search button.
- Select the new PJB_PROJ_REQUIRED profile option.
- Set the Site option to Yes.
- Select Save and Close.
Now you can confirm the setting by navigating to the Create Billing Events page and attempt to save the event without selecting a Project and the following error will now appear.
Tips And Considerations
- Once the feature is turned on, it will no longer be possible to create events for Contract lines that are not associated to a project.
- The typical * indicating a required field does not appear when this feature is turned on. Using Page Composer, you can set the field to Required to make the '*' appear next to the field.
Role Information
To set the new profile, the user must have existing roles with access to the Setup and Administration work area.
View Project Performance Reporting Data in Real-Time Analyses
View project performance reporting data by creating analyses and dashboards using the Projects - Performance Reporting Real Time subject area in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. You can create real-time analyses to view metrics, such as ITD actual cost, ITD revenue, and EAC budget cost for projects in both project and ledger currencies. You can also view summarized data for the task hierarchy, resource hierarchy, and specific tasks and resources for a project or group of projects.
Example of an Analysis Built Using the Subject Area
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Performance measures for various data sources are included in respective folders such as Actual Cost Measures, Budget Measures, and Revenue Measures.
- Calculated measures that are computed using measures across data sources, such as Actual Margin, Remaining Budget, and Cost Percent Remaining, are included in the Calculated Measures folder.
Key Resources
See the following topics in the chapter Subject Areas and Predefined Analyses of the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide:
- Subject Areas for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Real-Time Analyses: Overview
- Available Dimensions for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Subject Areas: Overview
Role Information
Use Facet Filters to Efficiently Manage Project Resources
Use the facet filter on the Manage Project Resources page to filter and search on a variety of resource-related fields. As the project manager, use keyword search to locate resources by name, status, and role to display specific resources in the search results when sorting through larger quantities of resources on projects. Project Managers can organize and find their resources in a meaningful way using keyword search and filtering options. Filtering makes it easy for project managers to narrow down resources.
Keyword search and filtering is an essential feature for enhancing the user experience for project managers. Filters and keyword search empower project managers to narrow down resources to only the resources that match their unique preferences. Project managers can better analyze data when using filters to expose only the information relevant at a given time. Project managers can minimize and maximize filters and completely hide all filters from view.
All Labor Resources
Filtered for Planned and Confirmed Labor Resources
Steps to Enable
The filters are available to project managers automatically.
- Navigate to the Manage Project Resources page.
- On the left hand side of the page, choose the option to Show Filters.
- Update filters as appropriate.
Tips And Considerations
The project manager can enter a resource’s name in the keyword search tool to locate resources. Project managers can filter by resource type, status, start date, end date, and role.
Role Information
Schedule projects as of a specific date in the past or future. For example, project managers can schedule legacy projects as of a past date, or pipeline projects that are yet to start on a future date.
This feature enhances the project manager's capability to efficiently schedule projects and eliminates the need to manually track the project schedules for past or future dated projects.
Project Manager Chooses the Schedule Date From Schedule as-of Date Pop-Up
Project Manager Reviews the Plan After Scheduling the Project as-of a Specific Date
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use the Schedule button directly to schedule the project tasks based on the project start date or current system date, whichever is latest.
- Scheduling the project will assign task dates only to the automatically scheduled not started tasks in the project plan. Manually scheduled tasks are not scheduled by the application.
Key Resources
Related Help Topics:
- See Fixed Duration Scheduling: Explained in the Using Project Execution Management guide.
- See Fixed Effort Scheduling: Explained in the Using Project Execution Management guide.
Role Information
Create and Read Change Orders Using a REST Service
Create and read project change orders using a Representational State Transfer (REST) Service. This service enables you to transfer or read change orders from external applications.
Request Payload to Create the Change Order
Response for the Request Payload
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use the batch operation to create multiple project change orders.
- Use describe operation to see the valid values for a list of values attribute.
Key Resources
The REST API for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud document on Oracle Help Center includes the overview of REST web services and the technical details of the REST APIs that you can implement.
Role Information
Track Work Items in View-Only Project Plan
Exposes information on the work items related to a task in the View-Only Project Plan. Viewers of the project plan can track work items that drive the completion of the task without having to navigate to the Task Details page for each task, and can also use the work items to navigate to the associated objects.
The read-only information about work items include: the type of object and name, its revision, the current status, and the event that would complete the task. Also, if you have the appropriate privileges, you can navigate to the associated object using the Open Work Item icon.
Viewing Work Items Details
Steps to Enable
There are no steps to enable this feature, but you must display the "Work Items" column in View-Only Project Plan if you want to see the work items related to the tasks:
- Once in the view-only project plan, choose Manage Columns under the menu View
- Select column "Work Items" to view the work items for the tasks
Tips And Considerations
The Work Items column is available in the View-Only Project Plan only if at least one of the following functional areas under either the Product Management or Procurement offerings have an implementation status of In Progress or Implemented:
- Product Management Offering
- Concept Design Management
- Product Requirements and Ideation Management
- Product Development
- Procurement Offering
- Sourcing
Role Information
Propose Multiple Resources for Project Resource Request
Resource managers can propose multiple resources for a project resource request. Project managers can review the proposed resources and select and approve the resource that best fits the project. In the case of a request for multiple resources, project managers can select and approve up to the number of resources requested.
Selecting the most capable resource for a project can be a challenging task. Many factors are considered when determining the right resource for a particular role. Resource managers use the information provided from the project manager to find the best resource. Many times there is more than one resource that's a great fit. Resource managers can propose several candidates and allow the project manager to pick from this list. Resource managers don't have to restrict the project manager's choice to just one resource to approve or reject. This gives both the resource manager and the project manager greater flexibility and control in how a project is staffed. In addition, by providing a choice of candidates, both the chances of staffing the best resources for the project and overall staffing efficiency are increased.
Resource Manager Proposes Multiple Resources
Project Manager Reviews Proposed Resources to Determine the Best Fit Resource for the Project
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Multiple resources can be proposed to a request seeking one resource.
- For requests that seek more than one resource, resource managers can propose more than the number of resources requested.
- Resource managers can continue to propose more resources to a request when resources are already proposed.
- Previously rejected resources can be proposed again to the same request, if desired.
- After the project manager approves enough resources to fulfill the request, any remaining proposed resources will automatically be set to Rejected status on the request.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management: Propose Multiple Resources for Project Resource Request
Role Information
Define security so that resource managers can only view and select resources from a limited set of resource pools. When security is enabled, resource managers can't see or assign resources from other resources pools. This approach secures resources across the organization and increases resource managers' efficiency in searching and staffing resources that they are authorized to staff.
To secure resources in Project Resource Management, the project application administrator needs to Enable security in the Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options setup page and assign resource pool managers in the Manage Resource Pools setup page.
Resource Pool Managers for a resource pool is introduced in Manage Resource Pools setup page. Resource Managers can manage only those resources who belong to the resource pools to which they are assigned as resource pool managers.
Add Resource Pool Managers to Resource Pools
A person becomes a resource pool manager for a resource pool in the following ways:
- When the person is assigned as a resource pool manager in the Resource Pool Managers region in the Create or Edit Resource Pools window.
- When the person is a resource pool owner for a resource pool. Resource pool owners become resource pool managers for the pools they own.
- When the person is a resource pool manager on a parent resource pool. The person becomes resource pool manager on all the child resource pools.
The seeded resource pool Resources with No Pool Membership is available to all resource managers. You don't need to explicitly assign resource pool managers to this pool.
Resource Management Pages Impacted by Resource Supply Security
Once security is enabled, resources, resource pools, resource assignments and certain actions are secured. The table below gives the details of all secured areas:
Page | Functionality | Description |
Manage Resources page |
Search and View Resources |
Resource Managers can search and view resources that belong to the resource pools for which they are resource pool managers. |
Manage Resource Request page |
Propose Resource on a Request |
Resource Managers can propose resources that belong to the resource pools for which they are resource pool managers. |
Search and Evaluate Resources Page |
Search and Evaluate Resources |
Resource Managers can search and evaluate resources that belong to the resource pools for which they are resource pool managers. |
Manage Resource Assignments page |
Search and View resource assignments |
Resource Managers can search for assignments for resources that currently belong to, or for resources that in the past belonged to the resource pools for which they are resource pool managers. |
Manage Resource Assignments page |
Create Assignments |
Resource Managers can create assignments for resources that belong to the resource pools for which they are resource pool managers. |
Manage Resource Assignments page |
Cancel Assignments |
Resource Managers can cancel assignments for resources that belong to the resource pools for which they are resource pool managers. |
Manage Resource Assignments page | Change Assignment Schedule |
Resource Managers can change assignment schedules for resources that belong to the resources pools for which they are resource pool managers. |
Resource Details Page | All actions on the page | The Resource Details page is available to all users. The actions on the page are secured. Resource Managers can perform actions on the page, such as Create Assignment, only if the resource belongs to the resource pool for which they are resource pool managers. |
Manage Project Resources page | Actions Confirm Resource and Confirm Assignment | Actions Confirm Resource and Confirm Assignment are secured. A project manager can perform the actions only if the resource on the assignment belongs to the resource pool on which the project manager is a resource pool manager. |
Resource Manager Dashboard |
Hierarchy Viewer |
The hierarchy viewer shows all resource pools because the tree can't be broken, but the data is masked for resource pools the resource manager doesn't have access to. |
Resource Manager Dashboard |
Resource Manager Dashboard |
The Resource Pool list of values in the Resource Manager Dashboard is secured to show only the resource pools on which the resource manager is a resource pool manager. |
Steps to Enable
To secure resources in Project Resource Management, the project application administrator must do the following:
- Enable security in the Project Resource Management Implementation Options page.
- Assign resource pool managers in the Manage Resource Pools page.
To enable security:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options setup task and open it.
- Select the check box Secure resources in project resource pools.
- Save and close the page.
To assign resource pool managers:
- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for the Manage Resource Pools setup task and open it.
- Choose to create a new resource pool or edit an existing resource pool.
- Enter resource pool managers for the resource pool.
- Save and close the page.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management: Secure Resource Supply
Role Information
After the feature is enabled in the Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options page, the feature is available for:
Drill Down to Award Overview from Real-Time Analysis
You can now drill down from an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence analysis to the Award Overview page.
You can enable an Action link on a column, such as Award Number, to enable the drill down.
You can navigate back and forth from the report to the application to review multiple awards.
Select the Award Number hyperlink to see the financial details of the award.
Award Report - Award Number Link
Award Overview Page
Once you open the Award, you can view or edit the Award or drilldown to view or edit the budget, cost and commitments for the award project.
If you have given the Return Application name then you will have the return button available on the top right corner near the Home icon.
Steps to Enable
Enabling deep linking:
- Create an OTBI Report that includes the object key.
- Define an Action Link.
- Create Action Link with this URL: https://hostname/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&objKey=paraAwardId=@{2};searchInd=@{3}&action=@{4}&returnApp=@{5}&returnAppParams=PortalGo%26path=/users/@{6}/@{7}
- Replace the "hostname" with the name of the environment.
- If you do not click the return icon, remove lines 4 and 5. The URL should be: https://hostname/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&objKey=paraAwardId=@{2};searchInd=@{3}&action=@{4}
- Enable the option 'Do not display in a popup if only one action link is available at runtime'.
- Ensure that the data format for Award ID does not have any decimal places
Name | Prompt | Type | Value | Fixed | Hidden | Optional |
1 | objType | Value | Awardoverview | X | X | |
2 | objKey | Column Value | "Award"."Award ID" | X | X | |
3 | searchInd | Value | O | X | X | |
4 | action | Value | EDIT | X | X | |
5 | returnApp | Value | AnalyticsApp | X | X | |
6 | Logged in User | Session Variable | USER | X | X | |
7 | Report Name | Value | Award Drill Down ** | X | X |
** Change parameter 6 and put the name of the report that you created.
Registering analytics application, for example, AnalyticsApp) as a third-party application in Fusion:
- Create an application so that users can return to Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence or OTBI.
- Third-party applications must register their URL at: Setup and Maintenance > Manage Custom Setup Content > Manage Third-Party Applications.
- Set this option only if you click the Return button to return to your original OTBI report.
End User Task:
- Open the OTBI report.
- Click on the desired Award Number.
- Click on the Return icon to return to the report for additional analysis.
Tips And Considerations
- You must have privileges to access the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence analysis and the Award Overview page.
- You can reuse the same Action link for other analyses that you build if you want to navigate to the same page using the same column. When you assign this Action link to a column in a report. You can then choose to specify for all reports by selecting the appropriate Save as Default option on the Interaction page.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topics: See the topic Registering Business Intelligence to Support Deep Linking: Procedure in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide.
Role Information
Users must be assigned to a role that has access to the privilege "GMS_MANAGE_AWARD_PERFORMANCE_PRIV".
Allow for Projects not Enabled for Budgetary Control to be Created in Quick Create Award
Grants administrators and principal investigators can create and associate projects that are not enabled for Budgetary Control on the Create Award page.
Project Not Enabled for Budgetary Control
You can either create a project in the quick Create Award page or select an existing project to be associated with the new award.
Create and Associate Project with Award in Quick Create Award Page
Award Overview
The award is created successfully and the project that is not enabled for budgetary control is associated with the award.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Role Information
Enhanced User Interface for Grants Management
Grants Administrators and Principal Investigators can define their own landing page. By using this enhanced user interface and the specific search function, they can quickly and more efficiently access information and complete daily activities. Additionally, they can get an overview of the most recent awards or initiate actions from a single window.
Click Set Preference and select either Award Overview or Manage Awards as your preferred landing on the Grants Management Preferences page. The selected page will appear whenever you navigate to the Awards work area.
User's Preferences
You can now use the Panel Drawer to initiate an action or open a report from Analytics.
Panel Drawer
By default, the Manage Awards page lists the twenty most recent awards. You can use the keyword search option to find your awards from the Award list. You can also use Show Filters to open the filters panel and predefine a different saved search.
To drill down into the details of an award, select the row that contains the award and click the Edit button on the tool bar. To navigate to the Award Financial page, click the name of the award.
Manage Awards
You can now add financial metrics for awards, such as elapsed days and remaining days, and for projects, such as budget amount and commitment amount, on the Manage Awards page. You can now get a complete overview of the performance of awards in a single view.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The Overview page is the default landing page. To change the home page to Manage Awards, you must set it in your user preferences.
- By default, financial metrics on the Manage Awards page are hidden. You can use the view option on the toolbar to add columns.
Role Information
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
03 APR 2018 | Automatically Capture Hours Worked from Project Costing for Utilization | Updated document. Revised screenshot in the Steps to Enable section. |
19 JAN 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Customers Upgrading from Release 12
If you're upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, then you should review all of the release readiness content for Release 13 (updates 17B - 17D, as well as, updates 18A - 18B) to learn about all of the features available in release 13.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Action Required to Enable Feature |
Feature |
None (Automatically Available) |
Enable via Opt In UI Only |
Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps |
Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required |
Issue Service Request |
Simplified Microsoft Project Integration for Project Financial Management |
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Enhanced Exception Handling for Project Rate Schedule Import |
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Project and Task Search Enhancements in Oracle Time and Labor Cloud |
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Add Time Entries from Favorite Time Cards in Oracle Time and Labor Cloud |
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Assignment of Assets to Multiple Tasks Within Application Development Framework Desktop Integration |
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Support Provider and Receiver Fiscal Calendar as Valid Dimensions to Commitment Fact |
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Automatically Capture Hours Worked from Project Costing for Utilization |
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Project Foundation includes common components that are shared across products within Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud. It includes the basic project plan structure and components such as resource breakdown structures, rate schedules, pricing, burdening, and cross-charge processing, as well as delivered integration to Microsoft Project.
Simplified Microsoft Project Integration for Project Financial Management
Allow users with the Project Administrator role to download and use the Microsoft Project client from the Project Financial Management work area.
As a Project Administrator, use the Microsoft Project integration client to integrate Microsoft Project versions 2010, 2013, and 2016 for desktop with Project Financial Management applications.
Steps to Enable
This feature is enabled by default.
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for Project Administrator (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) role.
Use Facet Filters to Search for Your Projects
Use the facet filters and keyword search capabilities to quickly find the projects that you want to view. You can filter for projects by their status and other key attributes. You can also do a text search by project number, name, or saved search query. In the example below, we are searching for the name 'Newton' in either the project name, number, or saved search name. You are able to filter for projects based on project status including those in Closed status.
Searching on Project Name with Autosuggestion
If you have particular searches that you tend to use over and over again, you can save your search criteria, and recall the search easily. There is one saved search that is automatically available to you, My Open Projects.
Saved Searches
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can save your filter selections as a saved search. This enables you to search quickly and consistently for projects you manage.
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Manager (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_MANAGER_JOB) role.
Enhanced Exception Handling for Project Rate Schedule Import
Use the new Excel based error report generated for the Import Project Rate Schedules process to review the reported errors, correct them and resubmit the file for import processing. In case of no errors, the output section of the scheduled process will only show the PDF report; otherwise the output section will have both the Excel and PDF reports.
This feature enhances the capability of the Import Project Rate Schedules process to produce an output file, which will has all error transactions and corresponding errors in the same format as needed by the import process.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Correct the errors in the Import Project Rate Schedules Rejections report and generate the CSV files again. If the Import Project Rate Schedules Rejections report is not generated due to large volume of failed records (greater than the 65535 Excel limit), correct the errors in the original Import Project Rate Schedules template and generate the CSV files.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topic: File-Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Application Administrator (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) and the Project Integration Specialist (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_INTEGRATION_SPECIALIST_JOB) roles.
Oracle Project Costing Cloud captures commitments and costs from across Oracle Cloud applications and supports third-party integrations. The unique cost collection and processing needs of different sources are streamlined to provide timely insight into validated project costs.
Project and Task Search Enhancements in Oracle Time and Labor Cloud
Efficiently search for project-related time cards in Oracle Time and Labor Cloud based on project number and task number. Quickly retrieve the list of time cards that have entries for a particular project or task.
Workers and managers both have the option to search for time cards that have time entries for a specific project or project and task combination. This search option makes it easy to find and review time cards of interest.
Worker Search for Time Cards by Project and Task Number
Manager Search for Time Cards by Project and Task Number
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
To search by a project number or a project and task number combination, select the Advanced Search option from the search panel and then use the Add Fields option to add these search fields.
- If you only know the project name or task name, then open the list of values for the project number or task number field and search by name.
If you frequently search using project number and task number, then save your search and optionally designate it as your default search option.
Create a Saved Search for Project Time Cards
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the following roles:
Add Time Entries from Favorite Time Cards in Oracle Time and Labor Cloud
Identify your favorite time cards and later select from a list of favorite time cards to quickly add entries to a time card. You have an option to either replace existing time card entries or add to any existing time card entries. You can then update the hours per day, modify or remove entries, or add additional entries as needed. The entries can be project or non-project related, depending on the time card format. The favorite can represent recurring project work, a training week, or any other repeating pattern that you want to reuse in the future to accelerate time entry.
Specify Your Favorite Time Cards and Optionally Provide a Name
Select a Favorite Time Card From Which to Copy Time Entries
Navigate to Favorite Time Cards From the Favorites and Recent Items Menu
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Designate a time card as a favorite on either the Manage Time Cards page or the detail page for a time card.
- Choose to copy the time card entries to an in progress time card from the Create Time Card or Edit Time Card page. From the Actions menu, select the option to Copy Time Card Data. You can optionally select the Favorite check box on the Copy Time Card Data page to display only your favorite time cards. Choose whether to replace any existing entries on the time card with the time card entries from the favorite, or simply append or add the time card entries from the favorite to the existing time card.
- Use the global Favorites and Recent Items option at the top of the page (start icon next to the home icon) to navigate directly to a favorite time card and review the details.
- Name each favorite time card to make them easier to identify. If you want to rename a time card, then deselect it as a favorite and reselect it.
Optionally Change the Default Name for a Favorite
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the following roles:
Assignment of Assets to Multiple Tasks Within Application Development Framework Desktop Integration
You can now assign an asset to multiple tasks using the Create and Assign Assets Application Development Framework Desktop Integration (ADFdi) spreadsheet.
Create and Assign Assets
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topics: See Desktop Integration for Excel for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Accountant (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_ACCOUNTANT_JOB) role.
Support Provider and Receiver Fiscal Calendar as Valid Dimensions to Commitment Fact
You can now report on Project Commitments using the Fiscal and Receiver Fiscal Calendars using the Project Costing - Commitments Real Time subject area.
OTBI Reporting Subject Area: Project Costing - Commitments Real Time
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Related Help Topics: See Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the Project Accountant (ORA_PJF_PROJECT_ACCOUNTANT_JOB) role.
Project Management extends project planning, management, and scheduling capabilities to all individuals within the enterprise who are required to manage project-based work. Project managers can engage with team members to develop tasks, resolve issues, report progress, and monitor the status of the project to ensure that objectives are realized.
Application Composer for Project Execution Management
Include business-specific attributes on project resource requests, deliverables, issues, and backlog items using Application Composer. You can quickly and easily add attributes in addition to meet your specific business needs.
Application Composer provides you with abilities such as:
- Creating new attributes for objects and adding the attributes as fields on the user interface.
- Writing additional application logic, such as triggers and validation rules for an object.
For example, using Application Composer, you can:
- Add fields to a project resource request to track company-specific information related to the request, its priority, and desired resources.
- Use issue type to drive additional information that you need to collect for a particular type of issue.
- Track links to external test cases for backlog items.
Use Application Composer for Backlog Items, Deliverables, Issues, and Resource Requests
Create New Fields to Add to Pages
Add Fields to Pages for the Selected Object
Copy the Page Layout and Create a New Layout for Users
Steps to Enable
While Application Composer is available automatically, you must carefully plan, implement, and test all changes in a sandbox before publishing the changes.
- Plan: Collect requirements from users and determine the scope of change that you intend to implement.
- Create and activate a sandbox: In a sandbox, you can implement and test your changes without affecting other users. For example, if you are adding fields to a page, you don't want others to see your work until you have added all the fields. To prevent others from seeing your changes, you work in a sandbox. To work in a sandbox, you create a sandbox and make it active. Anyone who makes a sandbox active can see the changes that are made in that sandbox. When a sandbox is published, the changes that are made in that sandbox are visible to all users who have the permissions to view the affected pages and fields.
Implement: You have two tools for working with pages:
Application Composer: Use Application Composer to add custom attributes to an object and add business rules for the object. Using Application Composer you can:
Add custom attributes to existing objects.
Add custom attributes in the user interface alongside predefined standard attributes.
Add validation rules for the custom attributes.
Page Composer: Use this tool to make a change that's specific to a job role, or if you want to make a field change to only the internal or external version of a page. Also use this tool if you want to make a site-wide change to the field only on a specific page. The changes affect the field only on the page where you make the change. The field changes that you can make with this tool are:
Make a field required
Show or hide a field
Change a field label
Make a field read-only
Reorder fields
- Test: Thoroughly test all changes from within the sandbox.
- Publish: After completing the testing in the sandbox, publish the changes to make them available in the application.
Tips And Considerations
- In Application Composer, Select ERP and SCM Cloud in the Application field and then filter on the PPM object tag.
- When you add an attribute, you must separately add the attribute to each page where you want it to appear. The pages currently supported for each object are:
- Project Resource Requests
- Manage Project Resource Request Page in Project Management Work Area
- Manage Project Resource Request Page in Project Resources Work Area
- Edit Project Resource Request Page in Project Management Work Area
- Edit Project Resource Request Page in Project Resources Work Area
- Project Issues
- Create and Edit Issue Page in My Work Work Area
- Create and Edit Issue Windows in Team Member Dashboard Issues Section
- Project Deliverables
- Creation Page
- Backlog Items
- Landing Page
- Project Resource Requests
- Application Composer provides a set of standard field types that you can choose from when creating a new field for an object. The types of fields that you can create are:
- Check box: Select to indicate a true or false attribute of a record.
- Currency: Enter a currency amount.
- Date: Enter a date, or select one from a calendar.
- Date Time: Enter a date, or select a date from a calendar, and enter a time of day. During field creation, you choose whether to show the date or time.
- Dynamic choice list: Select from a list of values populated from another object's set of records.
- Fixed choice list: Select from a list of static values populated from an FND lookup type.
- Formula: Calculated in the run time application using the Groovy-based expression included in the formula field definition. This is a read-only field that users in the run time application do not update. However, the application logic that you write can update these fields directly.
- Long text: Not currently supported in Project Execution Management.
- Number: Enter a number in this field.
- Percentage: Enter a percentage. The system automatically adds the percent sign.
- Record Type: Select from a list of static values populated from an FND lookup type. You can associate each choice list value with a role or a page layout.
- Text: Enter a combination of letters, numbers, or symbols. This field type is limited to 1500 characters.
Selecting a Field Type for a New Field
- The number of new fields you can create per object (project resource requests, deliverables, issues, and backlog items) is as follows:
- Varchar2 (Text, Checkbox, Fixed Choice List) = 100
- Number (Number, Percentage, Currency, Dynamic Choice List) = 50
- Timestamp (Date, Date Time) = 20
- Long Text = 0
Key Resources
Related Help:
- See the Sandbox Manager topic in the Oracle Applications Cloud Configuring and Extending Application (update 18A) Guide.
- See the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Implementing Project Execution Management (update 18A) Guide. In particular, see the following topics:
- Configuring Project Execution Management Applications: Explained
- Adding a Text Field: Procedure 3. Adding a Fixed Choice List Field: Procedure
- Adding a Fixed Choice List Field: Procedure
Role Information
To use this feature you must create and provision the user with a custom role that includes the privilege Manage Extensible Objects (ZCX_MANAGE_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT_PRIV) in addition to the seeded Project Application Administrator role (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB).
Organizations can optimize the allocation and utilization of their most precious resource: their people. Innovative and intuitive tools let resource managers and project managers ensure that the best-fit resource is identified and placed on each and every project assignment, to the benefit of the organization, the project resource, and the end customer, whether it be for internal or external billable projects.
Automatically Capture Hours Worked from Project Costing for Utilization
Capture actual hours worked for resources as part of the financial management of a project and use that information for utilization calculations. You can schedule regular updates to resource utilization metrics from actual hours captured on time cards.
You now have the option of importing resource actual hours worked from either spreadsheets or directly from the information in Project Costing. You choose which source your actual hours will come from as an implementation option in Setup and Maintenance.
The import is done through a scheduled process Job Set, called “Import Resource Actual Hours and Update Utilization Data.”
The Job Set Used to Import Actual Hours
Steps to Enable
The setup for this feature is achieved in Manage Project Resource Management Implementation Options, by setting the value of Actual Hours Source to Project Costing.
Selecting the Option to Import Actual Hours from Project Costing
Tips And Considerations
- The Job Set “Import Resource Actual Hours and Update Utilization Data” has three jobs:
- For the first job in the job set, there are no parameters.
- For the second, called “Import Resource Actual Hours” you do not need to set any parameters. Select values only if you wish to limit what you import.
- To see the utilization statistics on the Resource Manager Dashboard make sure the value in the third job for “Populate utilization data on the Resource Manager Dashboard” is set to ‘Yes’.
- You will probably want to schedule this process to run at regular intervals. That way, you never need to touch this process again, and your utilization data will always be current.
Key Resources
- Release Training for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud: Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management: Simplify Management of Resource Assignments and Actual Hours
- Related Help Topic: Import Resource Actual Hours Process in the Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Implementing Project Execution Management (update 18A) Guide
Role Information
This feature is enabled by default for the following roles:
- Project Execution Application Administration (ORA_PJF_PROJECTS_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB)
Edit Multiple Project Resource Assignments and Requests
Resource managers can update multiple assignment schedules or requests either as a group or individually. When the resource manager updates assignment schedules or requests as a group, the same changes specified are made to all the selected items. In addition, when making changes to start or finish dates, it is possible to shift the existing dates by a number of working days or to a date specified.
When resource managers choose to update these items individually, all the selected assignments or requests are presented in an editable table. This allows the resource manager to update individual values for each of the selected assignments or requests.
Project managers have the same ability to update requests for their project either as a group or individually.
Resource managers can quickly respond to changes in project scope and schedule. Being able to apply changes to multiple requests or assignments keeps all parties up to date on the changing needs of a project. When varying changes are needed, resource managers can view multiple request or assignment details and make the needed updates in one table form, which saves time from opening up individual requests and assignments.
Project managers benefit from being able to update multiple requests so that they can keep staffing owners apprised of updates as project needs change. For example, as project planning proceeds, project dates may shift. When these changes occur, it is easy to update requests by shifting the requested start and or finish dates by a number of working days relative to the project date change.
Update Project Resource Requests as a Group
Update Project Resource Requests Individually
Change Assignment Schedules as a Group
Change Assignment Schedules Individually
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Request information that can be updated includes request name, start date, finish date, hours per day, staffing owner, project role, project name, cost rate, bill rate, requester, resource, and location.
- Assignment information that can be updated includes start date, finish date, and hours per day.
- Moving a requested start date or finish date by a specified number of working days considers the working days defined in the project calendar. If a request does not specify a project, the dates cannot be moved using this method.
Role Information

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