Document History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Update Version Notes
28 NOV 2018 Update 18C Revised update 18C.
28 AUG 2018 July Maintenance Pack for 18B Revised July Maintenance Pack for 18B.
20 APR 2018 Update 18B Delivered new features in update 18B.
23 JAN 2018 Update 18A Revised update 18A.

Update 18C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
28 NOV 2018 Incorporate Tax-Inclusive Pricing on Purchase Orders  Updated document.  Revised opt in details.
21 SEP 2018   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Security and New Features

The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)

If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways:  by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To opt in using the New Features work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
  2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
  3. Click Go to Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.

To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close
  5. Click Done.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Opt In Only = These features are made available for use via Opt In. No additional setup steps are required.

Opt In, Plus Additional Steps Required = To use these features you must first Opt In, then perform additional setup steps.

Steps Required (No Opt In) = Setup steps must be performed before these features can be used. For example, new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports. Integration is required to utilize new web services.

New Features Delivered Ready to Use
(Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

New Features That Customer Must Take Action to Use (Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Customer Action:
Opt In Only

Customer Action:
Opt In, Plus Additional Steps Required

Customer Action:
Steps Required (No Opt In)

Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements

Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services


Configure Purchase Order Approval Notifications Using Business Intelligence Publisher

Deliver the Purchase Order PDF in Purchase Order Collaboration Messages

Add Attachments to Imported Purchasing Documents

Use Integration Support with External Tax Partners

Incorporate Tax-Inclusive Pricing on Purchase Orders

Use Attachment Categories to Classify Contract Supporting Documents

Navigate to Purchasing Transactions from Reports

Self Service Procurement

Configure In-App Purchase Requisition Approval Notifications with Business Intelligence Publisher

Fulfill Expense Requisitions for Agreement-Based Catalog Items from Internal Sources

Easier to Use Self-Service Procurement Shopping Home Page

Supplier Model

Import Supplier Third-Party Payment Relationships


Manage Seller Negotiations

Create Sourcing Project Reports

Supplier Qualification Management

Add Supporting Documents to Questionnaires

Default an Initiative's Qualification Owners from the Qualification Area Definitions

Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements

Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services

In this update, Oracle Procurement Cloud delivers new REST APIs to enable and simplify integration with external systems.

New REST resources introduced in this update are:

Steps to Enable

If you're using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Procurement Cloud guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Key Resources


Configure Purchase Order Approval Notifications Using Business Intelligence Publisher

Use an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher template to configure the content, layout, and style of in-application and email purchase order approval notifications to fulfill your specific business needs. 

With this feature now you can use the Purchase Order Notification Report to configure both email and in-application approval notifications for purchase orders and change orders. The following screenshot shows the purchase order in-application approval notification:

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Opt in to the existing feature Configure Purchasing Document Notifications with Business Intelligence Publisher.

Choose where to apply the change by selecting Email and in-app notifications or Email notifications only.

Key Resources

Role Information

Deliver the Purchase Order PDF in Purchase Order Collaboration Messages

The purchase order PDF can now be embedded within the bodies of OAGIS 10.1 purchase order outbound messages to suppliers and trading partner networks set up on Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud. This broadens the capabilities for business to business communications and ensures suppliers have the required information to process your orders.

Steps to Enable

To communicate the purchase order PDF, the Include Attachments in Electronic Communication profile option needs to be enabled and the map for the collaboration message needs to be modified. 

To enable the Include Attachments in Electronic Communication profile option:

  1. In the Navigator, click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. In the Procurement offering, locate the task named Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  3. Search for the following profile option: Include Attachments in Electronic Communication.
  4. Set the value of this profile option to Yes.

To modify the message map:

  1. Download the predefined map from the Collaboration Messaging work area.
  2. Update the line <xsl:variable name="includePOPdf" select="false()"/> to <xsl:variable name="includePOPdf" select="true()"/>.
  3. Upload the revised mapping back to the Collaboration Messaging work area.

Key Resources

Add Attachments to Imported Purchasing Documents

Attachments provide key additional information for purchase orders and purchase agreements. You can now use the ERP Object Attachment Service to upload attachments to purchasing documents created through import or web service.

Steps to Enable

For more details on how to use this feature, review the following white paper on My Oracle Support: Add Attachments to Purchasing Documents Using ERP Object Attachment Service (note 2444554.1).

Tips And Considerations

You can only use the service to add attachments to purchasing documents created by import or web service. Documents must be in Incomplete or Open status. If documents are in Open status, they must have bypassed human approvals and must not have been communicated, acknowledged, or signed. They must also not have a change document open or a change implemented.

Use Integration Support with External Tax Partners

Use external tax partner services to compute tax on purchase requisitions and purchase orders. Tax partners provide comprehensive tax management, including tax calculation for advanced tax requirements.

Steps to Enable

Integration with external tax partners requires configuration of Oracle Tax Cloud. Review the External Tax Partner Integrations chapter of the Oracle Financials Cloud Implementing Tax guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Incorporate Tax-Inclusive Pricing on Purchase Orders

Comply with tax regulations requiring you to use tax-inclusive pricing in your transactions. Capture inclusive and exclusive tax pricing on purchase order lines and calculate and display details of the tax components on the purchase order.

In many countries, the price entered on a purchase order line is considered as the item price and excludes all taxes. Applicable taxes are calculated on top of the line or schedule amount.

In some countries, such as Brazil and India, the price of an item quoted by a supplier is inclusive of some or all applicable taxes. When you enable this feature, purchase orders track the recoverable and nonrecoverable components of inclusive taxes in addition to existing exclusive taxes. The recoverable and non-recoverable tax amounts are calculated and come from the tax engine. You can drill through the ordered amount to see a breakdown of the inclusive taxes. On purchase order lines and distributions, you can also use the View Tax Lines and View Tax Distributions actions to view applicable taxes.

The following screenshots illustrate this feature.

Display and Breakdown of Inclusive Taxes

New Action to View Tax Lines

New Action to View Tax Distributions

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to the feature named "Inclusive Tax handling in Procure to Pay flow" to enable this feature. This feature is available in the Financials offering. For instructions about opting in to features, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Perform the following steps after you opt in to the feature:

To enable the inclusive tax flag for purchase orders:

  1. In the Navigator, click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search for the setup task Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options.
  3. Search for Application Name as Purchasing, Event Class as Purchase Order and Agreement for Enterprise Tax, and Configuration owner as Business Unit or Legal Entity.
  4. For the selected record, enable the Inclusive Treatment for Calculated Tax option.

Enable Inclusive Tax for Purchase Order in Configuration Owner Tax Options

Tips And Considerations

Display and Breakdown of Exclusive Taxes

New Action to View Tax Lines

New Action to View Tax Distributions

Key Resources

Use Attachment Categories to Classify Contract Supporting Documents

You can now further classify the supporting documents on your contracts by creating additional, administrator-defined attachment categories. Having meaningful categories for the supporting documents provides users greater flexibility when attaching contract supporting documents to purchasing documents, and makes it easier for contract reviewers to browse and locate the documents they are looking for.

The following screenshots illustrate this feature.

Display of Attachment Categories for Contract Supporting Documents in Purchase Order

Display of Contract Supporting Documents for Attachment Categories in Review Changes for a Purchase Agreement

Steps to Enable

To create new attachment categories, follow these steps:

  1. In the Navigator, click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page click the Task tab.
  3. Search for the setup task Manage Attachment Categories.
  4. Create a new attachment category for the module Enterprise Contracts.
  5. Map the new attachment category to the OKC_SUPPORTING_DOCS attachment entity.

Tips And Considerations

The following considerations apply to this feature:

  1. Supporting documents uploaded against attachment categories in the Contract Terms tab of a purchase order or purchase agreement will not be visible to the supplier user.
  2. Supporting documents uploaded against attachment categories in the Contract Terms tab of a document change order are always of the type Internal.
  3. Supporting documents added against attachment categories are displayed on the Review Changes page under the Contract Documents section.

Key Resources

Navigate to Purchasing Transactions from Reports

You can now construct and include links to the source purchasing transaction in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reports. These links navigate directly to the source transaction so that you can view the transaction details. The following screenshot shows the source transaction link in the report. 

Link to View Order Page

Steps to Enable

For more details on how to use this feature, review the following white paper on My Oracle Support: Navigate to Purchasing Transactions from Reports (note 2444555.1).

Self Service Procurement

Configure In-App Purchase Requisition Approval Notifications with Business Intelligence Publisher

You can configure the layout, style and format of your approval notifications to meet your unique business requirements. Configure the notification content by adding or removing approval data model attributes.

These template-based notifications include following approval notifications:

Approvers must view and take action online through the BPM application. The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits:

In-App Requisition Approval Notification Using BI Publisher

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

NOTE: This feature is enabled by default starting with Update 19B.

Opt-in for BI Publisher Based Approval Notifications

After you enable the feature, follow these steps to configure the template for requisition approval notifications:

  1. In the Navigator, click Reports and Analytics.
  2. In the Self Service Procurement Business Intelligence Catalog, locate the Requisition Approval Email Report, and then click Customize to create a copy of the report in your Custom folder.
  3. Edit the Requisition Approval Email Report template.
  4. Upload the template. (Select the appropriate locale for your instance).

Key Resources

Role Information

The following role is needed to configure the notification data model and template:

Fulfill Expense Requisitions for Agreement-Based Catalog Items from Internal Sources

When you shop for an expense item from an agreement-based catalog, the item is fulfilled through internal sources when available. This lets you shop from rich catalog content from agreements while taking advantage of quicker delivery times from internal transfers.

Item Can Be Ordered Both Internally and from a Supplier

Item is Sourced Internally

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

NOTE: This feature is a child opt in of Internal Material Transfers. Enable Internal Material Transfers before enabling this feature.

Opt In for the Feature

Tips And Considerations


The following are prerequisites to source an Item internally instead of through an existing blanket purchase agreement:

Easier to Use Self-Service Procurement Shopping Home Page

  1. The shopping home page is enhanced to make it more visually appealing, which in turn makes it easier to use. The changes also make it easier for requesters to quickly find important information. For example,

The following screenshot shows some of these changes to the shopping home page.

Enhanced Shopping Home Page

  1. The underlying components of the shopping home page are also updated to make it easier for an Administrator to modify the page using the Page Composer. For example, an Administrator can now change the page layout from the default two-column layout to a one-column layout, and the width of the page to a fixed value. This screenshot shows an example of a one-column, fixed width layout.

Shopping Home Page in One-Column, Fixed-Width Layout

  1. The return navigation from a punchout catalog is also improved. When a requester returns from a punchout catalog with items, they are now taken directly to the Edit Requisition page where they can see their items as requisition lines and submit the requisition.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Supplier Model

Import Supplier Third-Party Payment Relationships

Supplier Import automates the addition of large volumes of supplier profile information. It now supports the bulk loading of third-party payment relationships as part of the standard supplier site import template. This decreases supplier profile completion time, reduces errors, and removes the need to manually create or update third-party payment relationship information through the user interface.

The following screen capture illustrates this feature.

Supplier Site FBDI Import Template with New Third-Party Payment Relationships Worksheet

Steps to Enable

Download and review the latest Supplier Site import template in the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Procurement Cloud guide, available on the Oracle Help Center. To import data using the template, follow the instructions in the Loading Data into Tables: Explained topic.

Tips And Considerations


Manage Seller Negotiations

The Procurement department is often responsible for liquidating excess inventory or selling retired assets. This requires the ability to conduct a competitive auction to sell these items efficiently to qualifying bidders. Unlike a reverse auction used for procuring items at a lower price, in this forward (or seller) auction, the seller awards to the highest bidder.  Potential buyers compete by increasing their bids over time before the auction closes.  The seller monitors the competitive auction in real time and resourcefully determines the best award.

With this feature, category managers have the ability to conduct seller auctions in Sourcing Cloud.

The feature provides the following capabilities:

The following screens illustrate the feature:

Create and Manage Seller Auction

Create and manage seller auctions with ease to meet your business case.  Take necessary actions to quickly manage the auction such as pause, close, extend, and so on.  Increase competition by inviting bidders at any time until the auction closes.

Bidders Submit Bids Through Supplier Portal

Bidders are managed in the supplier master, which makes it convenient to invite existing suppliers to bid on seller auctions.  Self-service tools in Supplier Portal help bidders create, manage, and monitor their bids.  New bidders can easily self-register to compete in seller auctions.

Monitor Auction in Real Time

Category managers can monitor bidding activity in real time and intervene, if needed, to extend or pause the auction for example. Analytics are available to track important auction metrics such as projected revenue, bids by amount and overtime.

Award Seller Auction

When it comes time to make an award decision, category managers can gain insight into bids with powerful analytics. They help evaluate bid results, determine award progress, and look at revenue projections. With award flexibility, category managers have the option to award to the single highest bidder or split lines among multiple bidders.

Export Award to Spreadsheet

After an award decision is finalized, email notifications help category managers share the decision with bidders. Award information can also be exported to share with interested teams involved in downstream processing like Accounts Receivables. This award report uses a Business Intelligence Publisher template and data model, which allow for easy tailoring of the format and content to meet your business requirements.

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Tips And Considerations

Key Resources

Role Information

To use this feature, the following predefined job roles are required:

If you have defined your own job roles, the following duty roles are required:

If you have defined your own duty roles, the following privileges are required:

Create Sourcing Project Reports

Gaining insight into Sourcing projects in a way that is meaningful to your organization leads to improved performance and strategic decision making.  Create reports on your sourcing projects using Sourcing and Project Management attributes in Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence (OTBI). Track project tasks, timelines, and resources across sourcing events.

The new attributes are available in the following subject areas:

  1. Sourcing - Supplier Negotiations Real Time
    • Negotiation Header
      • Project Detail
      • ProjectTask
  2. Sourcing - Supplier Awards Real Time
    • Award Details
      • Project Detail
      • ProjectTask

Sourcing Project Report Sample

Steps to Enable

You can add the new attributes to your existing reports, or create new reports that use the new attributes. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Oracle Procurement Cloud: Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Tips And Considerations

To see data in these dimensions you need to do all of the following:

Key Resources

Supplier Qualification Management

Add Supporting Documents to Questionnaires

You can now add supporting documents to questionnaires. For an initiative, you can now include questionnaire-level attachments to responders. For automatically created initiatives, you can specify the attachments to send by adding them to the rule sets. Leverage this capability to add supporting information, such as additional  documentation, or instructions to the responders, that relates to the questionnaire as a whole.

Questionnaire-Level Attachments in an Initiative

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Default an Initiative's Qualification Owners from the Qualification Area Definitions

Automatically default a qualification owner based on the qualification area definition. Save time by simply adding qualification areas to an initiative without needing to update the owner for each qualification. When specifying a qualification owner in the qualification area setup, you have the option to set the owner as the default owner.

The following screen captures illustrate this feature.

Set Default Qualification Owner in Qualification Area Setup

Qualification Owner Defaulted from Setup in Initiative Creation

Steps to Enable

To enable default qualification owner on the qualification area, user needs to perform the following steps in the Supplier Qualification work area:

Tips And Considerations

July Maintenance Pack for 18B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
28 AUG 2018 Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services Added security privilege details.
29 JUN 2018   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Customers Upgrading from Release 12

If you're upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, then you should review all of the release readiness content for Release 13 (updates 17B - 17D, as well as, updates 18A - 18B) to learn about all of the features available in release 13.

Security and New Features

The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)

If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Feature Summary

Action Required to Enable Feature


None (Automatically Available)

Enable via Opt In UI Only

Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps

Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required

Issue Service Request

Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements

Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services

Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements

Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services

In this update, Oracle Procurement Cloud delivers new REST APIs to enable and simplify integration with external systems.

The new REST resource introduced in this update is:

The following REST resource was enhanced:

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

To access the Procurement Agents REST resource, the following privileges are required:

Update 18B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
20 APR 2018   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Customers Upgrading from Release 12

If you're upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, then you should review all of the release readiness content for Release 13 (updates 17B - 17D, as well as, updates 18A - 18B) to learn about all of the features available in release 13.

Security and New Features

The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)

If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways:  by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To opt in using the New Features work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
  2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
  3. Click Go to Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.

To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close
  5. Click Done.

Feature Summary

Action Required to Enable Feature


None (Automatically Available)

Enable via Opt In UI Only

Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps

Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required

Issue Service Request

Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements

Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services


Default Purchase Order Payment Terms from Invoice Options

Import Purchase Orders with Agreement References

Extend Outbound Purchase Order Message

View More Descriptive Exception Messages in the Purchasing Document Import Program

Self Service Procurement

Mass Update One-Time Delivery Address and View It in Requisition PDF

Supplier Model

Include Payment Processing Attributes in Supplier Import

Report on Supplier Profile Change Request Activities

Expand Internal Change Management on Supplier Bank Accounts


Upload Price Tiers with Negotiation Lines Spreadsheet

Create Supplier Negotiation Activity Reports

Capture User-Defined Supplier Profile Attributes with Negotiation Requirements

Supplier Qualification Management

Automatically Requalify Suppliers When a New Question Response Is Available

Update Supplier Text Type Descriptive Flexfields from Questionnaire Responses

Provide Reports on Automation, Scoring, and Supplier Visibility Features Using OTBI

Cross-Product Procurement Enhancements

Integrate and Extend Procurement Using REST Services

In this update, Oracle Procurement Cloud delivers new REST APIs to enable and simplify integration with external systems.

New REST resources introduced in this update are:

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Key Resources


Default Purchase Order Payment Terms from Invoice Options

Use the payment terms you define in the Manage Invoice Options task as default values on purchase orders. This feature is helpful for organizations who run procurement operations centrally, but need to support client organization specific standardized payment terms.

Default payment terms populate onto a purchase order from the following sources in this order of precedence:

  1. Source Agreement
  2. Supplier Site
  3. Configure Procurement Business Function
  4. Manage Invoice Options

The following figure illustrates how this feature can be used for client organization specific payment terms defaulting.

Client Organization Specific Default Payment Terms

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Import Purchase Orders with Agreement References

When importing purchase orders, it may be necessary to reference specific agreements on the order lines. You can now import a purchase order using file-based data import and reference a source agreement (blanket or contract) and source agreement line. This will help ensure that agreement references are accurate and that you can maintain accurate spend reporting against those agreements.

The following screen capture illustrates this feature.

Source Agreement Reference in Purchase Order File-Based Data Import Template

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Import Purchase Orders with Agreement References supports both contract purchase agreements as well as blanket purchase agreements.

Extend Outbound Purchase Order Message

Business to Business (B2B) communications sometimes require specific information be delivered to your suppliers in a format that is specialized or unique. Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud helps you simplify the B2B communication configuration with your suppliers and supplier networks. You can now extend the information contained in the purchase order outbound message through Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and then update the map (known as an XSLT file) in Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud so that these changes are communicated to your suppliers.

Steps to Enable

The steps required to enable this feature are as follows:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, on the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, set the Extensible Data Model Used for Electronic Messaging option to Yes.
  2. To extend the purchase order data model by adding new attributes, refer to the Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for further instructions on working with data models and editing data sets. You can access this user guide from the Oracle Help Center.
  3. To communicate the new attributes to the supplier, download the predefined map from the Collaboration Messaging work area, update it, and then upload the revised mapping back to the Collaboration Messaging work area.

Tips And Considerations

Before proceeding with the modification, make a copy of the delivered data model and place it in the Custom folder. Then modify the copy. Once you complete your changes to the copy of the data model, ensure the report points to your modified copy for the changes to take effect.

Key Resources

Refer to the Configure Message Maps section in the Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud 17C What's New, listed under Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration and Visibility Cloud.

Role Information

The following role is needed to create a modified version of the delivered data model.

View More Descriptive Exception Messages in the Purchasing Document Import Program

This feature enhances the error text returned by the purchasing document import program when a document cannot be imported, to provide more information that enables users to identify and correct the issues.

For example, the following shows the old and new messages to indicate a supplier value is not valid.

Old message: The value of the attribute is not valid.

New message: The supplier is not valid. Verify that the supplier is active, has a business relationship that is spend authorized, and has at least one active purchasing site associated to the procurement business unit.

The new message tells users the possible root causes and fixes.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Self Service Procurement

Mass Update One-Time Delivery Address and View It in Requisition PDF

When editing requisitions, you can update one-time delivery address details captured in structured fields such as city, state, zip code and so on for multiple lines in a single operation. In addition, you can view the one-time delivery address details in the requisition PDF.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Supplier Model

Include Payment Processing Attributes in Supplier Import

Supplier import automates the loading or updating of large volumes of supplier profile information. Payment processing attributes are included in supplier import templates to add or update payment processing information on supplier, supplier address, and supplier site records. This decreases supplier profile completion time, reduces errors, and removes the need to manually add payment processing information through the user interface.

The following screen captures illustrate this feature.

Suppliers FBDI Import Template with Payment Processing Attributes  

Supplier Addresses FBDI Template with Payment Processing Attributes  

Supplier Sites FBDI Template with Payment Processing Attributes

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Report on Supplier Profile Change Request Activities

Supplier information must be up to date in order to manage a successful Source to Settle operation. OTBI reporting is a flexible and powerful way for customers to produce reports and analyses on supplier profile change request data. The new Supplier Profile Change Request subject area in OTBI provides insights into supplier profile change requests, including approval history. This information helps you streamline the profile change management process and identify the supplier profile areas that need the most attention in order to obtain the most accurate and current supplier information possible.

The following screen captures illustrate this feature.

Supplier Profile Change Request Real Time Subject Area in OTBI

Sample OTBI Report – Listing of Supplier Profile Change Requests

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Role Information

To use this feature, the following duty or role is required:

Expand Internal Change Management on Supplier Bank Accounts

In order to maintain the integrity of supplier bank accounts and supplier payments, you must have the ability to proactively monitor and control all changes to supplier bank accounts. When a supplier bank account is created or edited, the change request now includes changes to factor accounts and descriptive flexfields. The entire change request must go through the approval process before changes take effect. With complete bank account change control, you can ensure that supplier bank account information is entered and maintained correctly.

The following screen captures illustrate this feature.

Define Factor Accounts and Use Descriptive Flexfields

Review Descriptive Flexfield Changes Before Approval

Steps to Enable

Key Resources

Review the Supplier Model Release Training 'Approve Internal Changes on Supplier Bank Accounts' for more details on how to use the internal change management feature.


Upload Price Tiers with Negotiation Lines Spreadsheet

Category managers can add hundreds of negotiation lines using the negotiation lines import spreadsheet. The ability to add price breaks or quantity based price tiers with the negotiation lines spreadsheet is essential for the bulk upload capability.

This feature increases efficiency by allowing category managers to upload price breaks or quantity based price tiers using the negotiation lines import spreadsheet. They can also make changes to price breaks or quantity based price tiers when creating a new negotiation round or amendment.

Add Lines Template with Price Break Columns

Add Lines Template with Price Tier Columns

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

NOTE: Starting with Release 13 (Update 19A) this feature will not be available for Opt In, as it will be enabled by default.

Tips And Considerations

You must download and use the new template for Negotiation Lines Spreadsheet after you Opt in to this feature. Note that you may risk losing existing price tier data if you continue to use the old import template after Opting In. In an amendment or new round, if you upload negotiation lines with no price tier columns, any existing price tiers will be deleted.

Key Resources

Review Sourcing Release 13 (Update 18B) release training for Upload Price Tiers with Negotiation Lines Spreadsheet for more details on how to use the feature.

Create Supplier Negotiation Activity Reports

Create reports on supplier activity in negotiations with Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. Attributes that capture supplier activity are now available in the Sourcing Negotiations Real Time Subject Areas in the BI application.

Sample Supplier Activity Report

Steps to Enable

There are no steps to enable this feature.

Capture User-Defined Supplier Profile Attributes with Negotiation Requirements

In Supplier Qualification Management, questions can be mapped to a fixed set of supplier profile attributes (such as tax organization type, fiscal year end, and so on). This capability allows questions to be mapped to supplier profile descriptive flexfield (DFF) attributes. These questions are available to Sourcing users to add as negotiation requirements.

When supplier responses are captured for these requirements the flexfield attribute values are passed on when you update the response repository. This will initiate a supplier profile change request to update the supplier profile with the supplier's response.

Steps to Enable

Supplier Qualification Management must be enabled to define questions that are mapped to supplier profile flexfield attributes. Once the questions are set and available in the questions library, no steps are required to enable this feature if Sourcing.

Supplier Qualification Management

Automatically Requalify Suppliers When a New Question Response Is Available

Automatically requalify a supplier when a new response is available for a qualification.

To save time and increase accuracy, enable automatic requalification when a new question response becomes available for a supplier.  For example, if the supplier provides a new response in a sourcing bid, or updates their profile using the supplier portal, and that information impacts the supplier's qualification results-- that supplier is automatically requalified to consider the new data. Keep your qualification outcomes current without manual intervention.

Automatic Requalification on New Question Response

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Key Resources

Review the Automatically Requalify Suppliers on New Question Response Release Training for more details on how to use the feature.

Role Information

Update Supplier Text Type Descriptive Flexfields from Questionnaire Responses

For questions that map to supplier profile descriptive flexfields, any responses you receive now update the underlying flexfield values.

Using this capability, you can create questionnaires to update supplier descriptive flexfields, giving you an easy way to gather supplemental information for the supplier profile. You can also use these mapped questions during supplier registration and sourcing negotiations and update the profile with the supplier responses.

Question Setup to Use Supplier Descriptive Flexfields

Steps to Enable

To map supplier profile descriptive flexfields attribute to a question, we need to first setup supplier profile descriptive flexfield attributes using Setup and Maintenance work area.

Tips And Considerations

This feature currently supports mapping to input type descriptive flexfields at supplier level.

Key Resources

Review the Update Supplier Text Type Descriptive Flexfields from Questionnaire Responses training for more details on how to use the feature.

Role Information

Provide Reports on Automation, Scoring, and Supplier Visibility Features Using OTBI

Provide reporting capability through OTBI for the recently released features.

Gain greater insight into your qualification and assessment activity with additional reporting capabilities using OTBI. Reporting data is now available for the following recently released features: event-based initiative and qualification creation, automatic scoring and evaluation of qualifications and assessments, and sharing of qualifications and assessments with suppliers.

The following are some of the attributes that are available for qualification reporting. Similar information is available for assessment reporting, as well as reporting on the supplier's question responses.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Role Information

Update 18A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
23 JAN 2018 Purchasing: Capture One-Time Delivery Address in Structured Fields on Purchase Orders Updated document.  Revised steps to enable.
19 JAN 2018   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Security and New Features

The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)

If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.

Customers Upgrading from Release 12

If you're upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, then you should review all of the release readiness content for Release 13 (updates 17B - 17D, as well as, updates 18A - 18B) to learn about all of the features available in release 13.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways:  by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To opt in using the New Features work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
  2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
  3. Click Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.

To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close
  5. Click Done.

Release Feature Summary

Action Required to Enable Feature


None (Automatically Available)

Enable via Opt In UI Only

Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps

Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required

Issue Service Request


Capture One-Time Delivery Address in Structured Fields on Purchase Orders

Configure Purchasing Document Notifications with Business Intelligence Publisher

Self Service Procurement

Capture One-Time Delivery Address in Structured Fields on Requisitions

Mobile Access to Punchout Catalogs and Non-Catalog Requests

Configure Purchase Requisition Notifications with Business Intelligence Publisher

Supplier Model

Approve Internal Changes on Supplier Bank Accounts


Configure Negotiation Invitation Email with Business Intelligence Publisher

Define Default Line Attributes in Negotiations

Supplier Qualification Management

Automatically Requalify Qualifications on Expiration

Use Input-Type Descriptive Flexfield Values on Supplier Profile as Question Responses

Supplier Portal

Provide High-Level Transaction and Performance Metrics for Your Suppliers


Capture One-Time Delivery Address in Structured Fields on Purchase Orders

Capturing a one-time address as unstructured text and attaching it to a purchase order can make it difficult for your organization to calculate appropriate taxes or share the address with your suppliers. You can now capture a structured one-time delivery address on a requisition, and share it with suppliers on a purchase order to support situations where deliveries should be made to unique locations. This will allow you to ensure accurate delivery of important goods and services.

The structured one-time address information on the purchase order follows the same display format as on the requisition. The one-time address field has a contextual icon, which upon clicking will take users to the corresponding location in Google Maps™. The tool tip visible while hovering over the tabular display of the formatted one-time address displays the full address.

The following screenshots illustrate this feature.

Display of One-Time Address in Structured Format in Process Requisitions

© 2017 Google Inc, used with permission. Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.

Display of Google Maps for One-Time Address in Structured Format in View Purchase Order

Display of Tool Tip for One-Time Address in Structured Format in View Purchase Order

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

For additional feature setup details, refer to the steps to enable for the "Capture One-Time Delivery Address in Structured Fields on Requisitions" feature in the 18A Self Service Procurement section of this document.

Tips And Considerations

Following are the considerations pertaining to this feature:

  1. A buyer will not be able to enter the one-time address directly on a purchase order
  2. A buyer will not be able to update the one-time address that comes from the requisition
  3. Users will not be able to search with a one-time address using the 'Ship-to Location' and 'Deliver-to Location' attributes
  4. Purchase orders created from requisitions with free-format one-time addresses will not be automatically upgraded to the new one-time addresses in structured fields, after opt-in.

Key Resources

Configure Purchasing Document Notifications with Business Intelligence Publisher

Approvals represent an important business control and visibility tool for you to manage spend. Approval notifications must contain the information needed for the approver to make an informed business decision. System Administrators can use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to tailor the content, layout and style of notifications to fulfill business needs.

This feature covers the purchase order and change order approval notifications. The following screenshot shows the purchase order approval notification:

Purchase Order Approval Notification

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Key Resources

Role Information

The following role is needed to configure the notification report.

Self Service Procurement

Capture One-Time Delivery Address in Structured Fields on Requisitions

When one-time shipping addresses in requisitions are represented in an unstructured way, time consuming and error prone manual intervention is needed to complete downstream documents such as purchase orders and invoices. Automated derivation of other values, such as taxes, isn’t possible.

The ability to capture a one-time address in structured fields is now available for requisitions created in Oracle Self Service Procurement Cloud. After requisition submission, the address information can be re-used in downstream documents such as purchase orders and invoices, and for derivation of other values. As well, the information can be used to support other requisition processing that is dependent on shipping data.

The following screen captures illustrate this feature.

One-Time Address in Structured Format - 1

One-Time Address in Structured Format - 2

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

After you enable access to the feature, apply it to specific requisitioning business units as follows:

  1. In the Navigator, click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Select the Procurement offering.
  3. Search for and select the Configure Requisitioning Business Function task.
  4. From the Requisitioning BU dropdown, select your business unit, and then click OK.
  5. Select the following option: Allow one-time addresses.

Key Resources

Role Information

The ability to create one-time addresses on a requisition line is controlled by the privilege - Create Requisition with One Time Location (POR_CREATE_REQUISITION_ENTER_ONE_TIME_LOCATION_PRIV).

This privilege is assigned out of the box to the duty role - Requisition Self Service User Duty Role (ORA_POR_REQUISITION_SELF_SERVICE_USER_DUTY).

After opting in to use the 'Capture One-Time Delivery Address in Structured Fields on Requisitions' feature and enabling the use of one-time address for the requisitioning BU, a user with the above privilege will be able to enter one-time address in structured fields for a requisition line.

Mobile Access to Punchout Catalogs and Non-Catalog Requests

Effectively shop and create requisitions on your mobile device with expanded shopping options including punchout catalogs, non-catalog requests, and improved search filtering. The following features have been introduced in this release of the mobile application.

The following screenshots illustrate the features:

Filter Search Results By Brand

Search Punchout Catalogs and Shop on Supplier Sites

Request Noncatalog Items

Steps to Enable

  1. Open Apple App Store (iPhone) or the Google Play Store (Android devices).
  2. Search for the Oracle Fusion Self Service Procurement Mobile application and tap it.
  3. Tap INSTALL.
  4. Open the mobile application.
  5. Accept the Legal Terms.

Additional configuration of the host URL, port, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) settings is required before you can sign in and use the application. See the chapter Use the Self Service Procurement Mobile Application (Topic: Configure the Self Service Procurement Mobile Application Access URL) in the Oracle Procurement Cloud Using Procurement guide.

Tips And Considerations

  1. The mobile application cannot be accessed if Self Service Procurement is not implemented.
  2. The Charge Account, Deliver-to Location, Destination Type and Requisitioning Business Unit attributes are configured automatically from your Oracle Procurement Cloud web-based application.
  3. The mobile application user has the same privileges and content zone access that they have in Oracle Procurement Cloud.

Key Resources

Role Information

Configure Purchase Requisition Notifications with Business Intelligence Publisher

Configure purchase requisition email notifications using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates. These template-based emails include approval notifications for standard requisition approvals, re-approval of specific requisition lines updated by the requester, and requisition lines updated by the buyer. You can configure the layout, style and format of your approval notifications to meet your unique business requirements. Configure email notification content by adding or removing approval data model attributes.

Approvers need to view and take action on approval email notifications on a broad range of devices. Email notifications created using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher templates are clear and readable regardless of the rendering device.

The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits:

Standard Approval Notification As Viewed From Laptop

Standard Approval Notification As Viewed From Mobile Device

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

After you enable the feature, follow these steps to configure the template for requisition approval notifications:

  1. In the Navigator, click Reports and Analytics.
  2. In the Self Service Procurement Business Intelligence Catalog, locate the Requisition Approval Email Report, and then click Customize to create a copy of the report in your Custom folder.
  3. Edit the Requisition Approval Email Report template.
  4. Upload the template (select the appropriate locale for your instance).

Key Resources

Role Information

The following role is needed to configure the notification data model and template:

Supplier Model

Approve Internal Changes on Supplier Bank Accounts

Audit compliance and fraud prevention are top priorities. Within these initiatives, it is critical to maintain the integrity of supplier bank accounts and payments to suppliers. Relying on audit alone to resolve problems after they occur limits your ability to be proactive in preventing fraud and improving compliance.

This feature enables you to use change controls and approval routings on all bank account actions including create and edit. New bank accounts or edits to existing bank accounts are submitted for approval before the changes take effect. Approval requirements are defined using flexible approval rules. With change controls enabled, you are assured that supplier bank accounts are entered correctly, are not fraudulent, and processes for managing bank accounts meet audit compliance requirements. This feature, along with the existing supplier self-service profile management solution, provides a complete change management solution for supplier bank accounts.

The following screen captures illustrate this feature.

Capture Changes to Bank Accounts and Submit for Approval

View Changes Submitted for Approval

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Perform the following steps after you opt in to the feature:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page, select Procurement offering, and then click Approval Management functional area.
  3. From the Show dropdown, select All Tasks.
  4. Click Manage Internal Supplier Profile Change Approvals task.
  5. Set up approval rules that will determine approvers responsible for reviewing and approving changes.

Tips And Considerations

Key Resources

Role Information

To use this feature, the following predefined roles with edit access to manage bank accounts are required:

If you have defined your own job roles, the following privileges are required:


Configure Negotiation Invitation Email with Business Intelligence Publisher

The ability to tailor supplier notifications as per business needs is essential for effective communication with suppliers and a successful negotiation process. This feature provides the capability to configure negotiation invitation emails based on a Business Intelligence Publisher template. The template makes it easy to modify the layout and content as required.

Negotiation Invitation Notification Email

Steps to Enable

You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

After you enable the feature, follow these steps to configure the template for negotiation invitation notifications:

  1. In the Navigator, click Reports and Analytics.
  2. In the Sourcing Business Intelligence Catalog, locate the Negotiation Invitation Email Report, and then click Customize. This creates a copy of the report in your custom folder.
  3. Edit the template Negotiation Invitation Email Report.
  4. Upload the template (select the appropriate locale for your instance).

Key Resources

Role Information

Define Default Line Attributes in Negotiations

Applying default line attributes improves operational efficiency and enforces corporate standards and best practices. This feature provides the capability to set default line attributes either in the negotiation template or directly in the negotiation. When default line attributes are set, any new lines added to the negotiation online or using the lines import spreadsheet will have these attributes automatically applied.

Manage Default Line Attributes in Negotiation

Steps to Enable

You must enable 'Default line attributes' in the negotiation style to use this feature in a negotiation template or negotiation. Newly created negotiation styles will have 'Default line attributes' enabled by default.

Key Resources

Role Information

Supplier Qualification Management

Automatically Requalify Qualifications on Expiration

Automatically requalify a supplier for designated qualification areas when they approach expiration, thereby keeping the qualifications current. Automatic requalification reduces the time you require for monitoring qualifications and manually accounting for new information. In addition, it helps you ensure that suppliers always have active qualifications.

Automatical Requalification on Expiration

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Key Resources

Role Information

Use Input-Type Descriptive Flexfield Values on Supplier Profile as Question Responses

Use input-type descriptive flexfields on the supplier profile to store additional information that is relevant for qualification purposes. With this feature, Supplier Qualification Management can read these values automatically as responses for questions without having to prompt the supplier by using a questionnaire. You can leverage data that comes from sources other than the supplier’s. For example, the data could originate from a third-party system that uses the supplier update web service to set the values, thus allowing the qualification process to evaluate that data.

Question Setup for Automatic Responder Type

Viewing Responses for Automatic Responder Type Question

Steps to Enable

To map supplier profile descriptive flexfields attribute to a question, we need to first setup supplier profile descriptive flexfield attributes using Setup and Maintenance work area.

Tips And Considerations

This feature currently supports mapping to input type descriptive flexfields at supplier level.

Key Resources

Role Information

Supplier Portal

Provide High-Level Transaction and Performance Metrics for Your Suppliers

To develop productive relationships with your suppliers it is important suppliers understand how they are performing. Suppliers too often rely on aggregated customer analytics instead of metrics specific to the business activities with your organization. Oracle Supplier Portal Cloud delivers OTBI-based reports on the landing page, where suppliers can review at a glance high-level metrics specific to your organization.

Suppliers have quick access to the following transaction and performance reports:

The landing page provides a summary view of these supplier reports. From there, suppliers can navigate to a dashboard depicting the reports graphically for further analysis. The dashboard has a set of common filters to analyze different reporting views and allows suppliers to drill down to detailed reports by category or item. All reports are controlled by function security to ensure that only supplier users with the appropriate job roles and privileges can view them.

The following screen captures illustrate this feature.

Transaction Reports Infolet on the Supplier Portal Landing Page

Drill Down to Supplier Transaction Reports Dashboard Filtered by Category

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

To use this feature, the following predefined roles are required:

If you have defined your own job roles, the following privileges are required: