This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Update Version | Notes |
21 SEP 2018 | Update 18C | Delivered new features in update 18C. |
06 JUN 2018 | Update 18B | Revised update 18B. |
06 JUN 2018 | Update 18A | Revised update 18A. |
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
21 SEP 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Opt In Only = These features are made available for use via Opt In. No additional setup steps are required.
Opt In, Plus Additional Steps Required = To use these features you must first Opt In, then perform additional setup steps.
Steps Required (No Opt In) = Setup steps must be performed before these features can be used. For example, new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports. Integration is required to utilize new web services.
New Features Delivered Ready to Use Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
New Features That Customer Must Take Action to Use (Delivered Disabled) Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Customer Action: |
Customer Action: |
Customer Action: |
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Return Items or Cancel Services Without a Reference Order
Allows the Order Entry Specialist to create returns for items or cancel services without a reference order. Order import or receive order services will also accept sales orders that include unreferenced return lines.
This enhancement can reduce processing costs and improve customer buying experience greatly. For example, your customer purchases an item from a supplier but must return it to the manufacturer. For another example, you upgrade from an old system to a new system but the new system does not store the reference to the old sales order.
You can add unreferenced return lines to both new and revision orders using the action Add Unreferenced Return Lines in the Create / Edit / Revise Order page:
Next, a popup window is launched where you can select the items to return and enter return details:
All import order interfaces have been enhanced to support unreferenced returns as well.
Pricing calculates prices for the unreferenced return lines based on the item return date or the cancel date. Users can optionally apply manual price adjustments to override the system calculated price.
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
After you opt in, you must promote the pricing algorithms in order to enable this functionality in price execution. To do so, navigate to the Pricing Administration work area > Manage Algorithms task > Promote All action.
If you have previously extended your algorithms, you will need to create a new version from version 0, reconcile your algorithm extension changes to this new version, and then promote the algorithms.
NOTE: For this feature, your ability to opt in expires in update 19B. As of update 19B, this feature will be enabled by default.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management, available on the Oracle Help Center
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Administering Pricing, available on the Oracle Help Center
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud:Performing Your Release 13 Update, available on Oracle Support (doc ID 2337485.1) - refer to the Merge Pricing Algorithm Extensions task
Role Information
- Order Manager
- Order Entry Specialist
Update Selected Lines in Sales Orders
Perform one action to update attributes on one or more order lines.
This enhancement provides significantly improved ease of use when working in the Oracle Order Management Cloud to change data on sales orders, especially those with large numbers of lines.
Users can update multiple lines of a single order (a single draft order or order revision). The updates are processed immediately and can be viewed on the order page. The user can also make additional updates on the order if required and can submit the order. This feature was introduced in a previous product update, where a limited set of attributes were made available for update. This product update makes additional attributes available for update.
Order Management provides query by example capability to the familiar order lines table and its tabs, and some additional attributes are added that can be exposed on those tabs. Using these filters, users can filter the order lines for particular attributes they are interested in updating. User can then select or multi-select or select all once they find which lines they want to update navigates to update lines.
Select Lines to Update
Next, the user sees a two-stop train, where first stop is to select which attributes he wants to update. The attributes that can be updated are presented alphabetically in a shuttle display, and the user selects one or as many of those attributes that they want to update.
Once user finishes selecting the attribute or attribute groups to update, he navigate to next step to specify values.
Select Attributes to Update
When user selects Shipment Set update all related attributes are presented to user for update.
Update Shipment Set
For Tax Determinants, when user clicks on the button, all tax determinants presented to the user in the similar user interface as presented in single line edit.
Update Tax Determinants
With this release, price adjustments can also be applied on the all the selected lines. When user clicks on the button to apply price adjustments in this train stop, a user interface is presented to apply one or more discounts on the selected lines. User can select charge names, type, amount, basis and reason for price adjustment. In case of recurring charge, charge frequency is mandatory. When user click on Update on the page, these adjustments applied in addition to the existing adjustments on the UI and sequenced in similar fashion. For price adjustments to reflect, user should save or re-price the order.
Add Manual Price Adjustments
Note that in the case of configured models and kits, only the root model is selected for update, but the updates cascade to all child lines of the root. Similarly for coverages of a root model – if the root coverage is selected for ‘Update Lines’, any changes cascade to child coverage lines.
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Tips And Considerations
In case of models, when a root model line is selected for update, all lines in the model are also updated with same value. Similarly, when a root coverage line is selected for update all the lines for the component coverage are also updated with same value. Price adjustments applied from this feature are additive on existing adjustments applied on the line from single line edit. To reflect price changes from adjustments, user needs to either save the order or re-price the order. Adjustments applied directly from the single line edit UI can’t be edited using this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Privilege Name:
- Update Selected Lines or Sales Orders
- Job Role Names:
- Order Entry Specialist
- Order Manager
Get Sales Orders Using a REST Service
Order Management Cloud provides REST services to enable and simplify integration with external systems.
- This update introduces a new REST service, Sales Orders for Order Hub, to enable organizations to lookup/find sales orders that were created in Oracle Order Management Cloud.
- The REST service in this update will support primarily GET, which correlate to Search/Find operations.
- The service supports all aspects of a sales order, such as header, lines, charges, sales credits, attachments, extended flexfields, and additional entities mentioned in the REST API documentation.
Steps to Enable
If you're using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST APIs for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Order Entry Specialist
Automatically Release Credit Hold
Relying on a manual release of an order credit hold after a credit manager releases a customer credit hold can slow order processing time, which can lead to revenue delays and potentially have a negative affect on earnings. By listening for an event from Oracle Financials Cloud that a credit approval has occurred, Oracle Order Management Cloud can automatically release the credit check hold, which provides efficient order processing and reduces time to revenue.
In earlier updates, Order Management supported flexible handling of credit check failures during order submission by using a system parameter named Credit Check Failure at Order Submit. Based on this system parameter setting, the order could either move to orchestration with credit check hold on failed lines, or roll back to Draft status.
In this update, the credit check process is an integrated solution that allows full credit check functionality with Oracle Financials Cloud.
If credit check fails at order submission, you can choose one of the following outcomes:
- Allow the order to be submitted with a credit check hold on the failed fulfillment lines, or
- Do not submit the order, and set the order status to Credit Review Pending
You control the outcome by setting the Credit Check Failure at Order Submit system parameter. If you have enabled Credit Management in Oracle Financials Cloud, then you can leverage complete case folder functionality within Credit Management. The following sections provide details about each system parameter setting.
The order will be submitted even if it fails credit check. Lines that failed credit check will have a credit check hold applied. This hold will ensure that the lines are held in the first step of the orchestration process. A case folder for the order and bill-to customer will be opened in Credit Management if the Credit Management feature is enabled.
If the case folder is Closed with a recommendation of Approve Source Transaction Credit Request in Credit Management, then that information is consumed in Order Management, and the fulfillment lines are updated with the credit authorization number and expiration date. The credit check hold is automatically released on the appropriate fulfillment lines, and fulfillment lines continue in the orchestration process.
If the case folder is Closed with a recommendation of Decline Approve Source Transaction Credit Request in Credit Management, then that information is consumed in Order Management, and a message is logged against the appropriate fulfillment lines (the message contains the following case folder details: Closure Date, Status, and Closed By). Fulfillment lines will continue to remain on credit check hold , because the credit review has been declined. You can query on cancel those fulfillment lines based on your business needs.
Credit Check Failed: Case Folder Open Against Order
Credit Check Hold Released Automatically When Case Folder Closed with Approval
If Credit Management is not enabled in Oracle Financials Cloud, then with the system parameter set to Submit Order with Hold on Lines That Failed Credit Check, orders will be submitted even if credit check fails. Lines that failed credit check will have a credit check hold applied. This hold will ensure that the lines are held in the first step of the orchestration process. This credit check hold must be released manually, using offline communication, after the credit issue is resolved.
If any line in an order fails the credit check, then order submission fails, and the order will be saved in Credit Review Pending status (not in Draft status, as in earlier updates). No credit check hold will be applied on any of the lines. A case folder for the order and bill-to customer will be opened in Credit Management if the Credit Management feature is enabled. When the order is in Credit Review Pending status, the order cannot be changed. If changes need to be made, then the order owner must first use the action Revert To Draft, and the order will move to Draft status. At that point, the order owner can make edits and resubmit the order, which invokes credit check again.
If the case folder is closed with a recommendation of Approve Source Transaction Credit Request in Credit Management, then that information is consumed in Order Management, and the fulfillment lines are automatically updated with the credit authorization number and expiration date. A message containing the case folder details is logged against the appropriate fulfillment lines (the message contains the following case folder details: Closure Date, Status, and Closed By). The order status moves from Credit Review Pending status to an appropriate status based on trade compliance check and approvals execution.
If the case folder is closed with a recommendation of Decline Source Transaction Credit Request in Credit Management, then that information is consumed in Order Management, and a message containing the case folder details is logged against the appropriate fulfillment lines (the message contains the following case folder details: Closure Date, Status, and Closed By). The order status moves from Credit Review Pending status back to Draft status, because the credit review for this customer has been declined.
Order Set to Credit Review Pending Status when Credit Check Failed
Order in Processing Status Once Case Folder is Closed with Approval
If Credit Management is not enabled, then with the system parameter set to Save Order in Draft Status, orders that fail credit check on submit will be set to Credit Review Pending status and will wait for the credit issue to be resolved. After a change to the customer's credit exposure occurs, the order must be manually reverted to Draft status and resubmitted. The order must pass credit check to move forward in the flow.
This integrated solution involving Credit Management has been backported to update18B. Customers upgrading from update 18A to later updates will see the change in behavior of the Credit Check Failure at Order Submit system parameter.
- When the original order has lines on credit check hold, you can cancel the entire order, or you can cancel only an individual fulfillment line that's on credit check hold.
- If any revision affects credit check, then the revision will be rejected. If the revision does not affect credit check, the revision will be accepted, but will still undergo credit check, as the customer's credit exposure may have changed from the time the original order was placed. (Attributes affected by credit check are: Bill-to Customer, Currency, Unit Price, Quantity, Unit of Measure, and Extended Amount.)
- You can configure credit check hold to be available for specific user roles only. This enhancement allows only specific user roles to manually release the credit check hold when needed - for example, for a rush order.
- For credit check prior to fulfillment using the credit check step, credit check is reinitiated only if certain attributes on the line have changed. For example, if the quantity, price, amount, bill-to customer, or currency has changed, then the credit check service will execute.
Steps to Enable
Do the following:
- Make sure the customer record exists in Oracle Financials Cloud.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Create Customer task to verify customer account setup.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Order Management Parameters task to set up Order Management parameters:
- Activate Credit Check on Order Submit
- Credit Check Failure at Order Submit
- Optional: In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Hold Codes task to control who can release a credit check hold.
For details, see the topic titled "Managing Credit Check in Order Management: Procedure" in the Oracle SCM Cloud: Implementing Order Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Tips And Considerations
If you don't enable Credit Management in Oracle Financials Cloud, note the following:
- When any revision fails credit check, then the revision will be set to Credit Review Pending status until the credit issue is resolved and the revision passes credit check during submission.
- Without case folder functionality, a revision in Credit Review Pending status can progress forward and merge with the running order when a) the customer's credit exposure changes and the revision is resubmitted and passes credit check, or b) the revision skips credit check.
- When no change has occurred to the customer's credit exposure, and you want to override the revision that's in Credit Review Pending status and merge it with the running order, you must create a validation (using an Order Management extension) to skip the credit check for a revision. This will apply to any customer, for any revision. You can create a condition in the validation that will best meet your business needs.
Key Resources
The following resources provide more information about this feature:
- "SCM - Implementing Credit Check in Order Management Cloud" presentation on Oracle Cloud Customer Connect
- Oracle Financials Cloud Readiness content:
- Release Training on Credit Management
- What's New for Release 13
- Oracle SCM Cloud: Implementing Order Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center
Create Configurations Using a REST Service
Application integrations are inherently difficult and complex. In order to leverage the investments in existing order-to-cash solutions, such as quoting or order management, the Configurations REST service provides a simple, industry-accepted approach to create configured items for usage in those applications.
This update introduces the ability to use a REST API to generate valid configurations according to a set of business rules that govern the selection of options for a product. Use the POST method of the Configurations REST service to do the following:
- Create a new configuration
- Save the new configuration, by setting the FinishConfigurationFlag attribute to true, which finishes and saves the configuration
- Provide parameters that use configuration rules to select the appropriate options for the product before the configuration is saved by the service
Steps to Enable
Review the changes to the Configurations REST service, and update your REST client as desired.
Tips And Considerations
Consider the following sample JSON input payload to create a new configuration:
"CallingApplicationCode": "APP_CODE",
"SessionEffectiveDate": "2018-08-30T13:30:01-07:00",
"InventoryOrganizationCode": "ORG_CODE",
"LineQuantity": 1,
"FinishConfigurationFlag": true,
"CustomParameters":"[{\"Name\":\"SPN\", \"Value\":\"PKG02.CLR01.TRM03\"}]"
This payload provides the inventory item number to start a new configuration as well as a parameter ("SPN") that will be used by a configuration rule to make the appropriate selections for this item. And finally, because the FinishConfigurationFlag attribute is set to true, the configuration is finished and all the lines are immediately saved.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST APIs for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Generate Trace Files for Configurator Runtime Sessions
Generate a trace file for download during a Configurator test model session. The trace file can be used by Oracle to help analyze issues that might arise when modeling large sets of complex rules using constraint technology analysis and other tools and techniques.
Generate Trace File Option from the Test Model Dialog
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Modeling Configurations for SCM guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Product Configurator Manager
Manage Price Lists Using a REST Service
Oracle Pricing Cloud provides web services to enable and simplify integration with external systems, such as order capture systems or other external price management and administration systems.
Use the Price Lists REST service to do the following:
- Manage Price List Header, Access Sets (including approval)
- Manage Price List Items (standard, service, model and its components, coverage items)
- Manage Price List Charges (including component and covered charges)
- Manage Tier and Matrix Adjustments
- Manage Descriptive Flexfields at all levels (header, item, charge, tier header, tier lines)
The Price List REST service helps to streamline your management of price lists by automating the upload and maintenance of pricing rules, and synchronizing changes with external systems.
Steps to Enable
If you're using REST services with your Oracle Cloud implementation for the first time, then follow the instructions in the Quick Start section of the REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Tips And Considerations
Consider the following input JSON input payload...
"PriceListName": "Corporate Price List 001",
"PriceListDescription": "Corporate Price List 001",
"PriceListTypeCode": "SEGMENT",
"BusinessUnit" : "Vision Operations",
"Currency" : "US Dollar",
"StatusCode": "IN_PROGRESS",
"StartDate" : "2009-05-08T09:00:00+05:30"
This payload provides the basic information needed to create a price list header.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST APIs for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud documentation on the Oracle Help Center
- In addition, view the "Manage Price Lists Using a REST Service" release training
Role Information
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
06 JUN 2018 | Expand Price List and Discount List Maintenance in Spreadsheets |
Updated document. Revised feature description. |
20 APR 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
Customers Upgrading from Release 12
If you're upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, then you should review all of the release readiness content for Release 13 (updates 17B - 17D, as well as, updates 18A - 18B) to learn about all of the features available in release 13.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Go to Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Action Required to Enable Feature |
Feature |
None (Automatically Available) |
Enable via Opt In UI Only |
Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps |
Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required |
Issue Service Request |
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Configure Charges and Charge Lines that Order Management Cloud Sends to Oracle Financials Cloud |
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Manage Planning Data Collections from Oracle Cloud Using REST Services |
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Expand Price List and Discount List Maintenance in Spreadsheets |
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Configure Roles for Releasing Order Holds
Define specific role types for release of order holds by hold codes.
Orders are put on hold for a variety of reasons. It may require a user with the right knowledge and authority to make a proper decision about releasing a specific order on hold. Defining a role and the associated hold codes, which can be applied and released by the role, helps reduce the order processing time and the downstream order exceptions. In addition, it also helps organizations adhere to compliance guidelines around segregation of duties.
Validations, in the Order Management work area and in the web services, are used to check the role applicability for managing order holds.
The following additional functionality is also available to manage order holds:
- Applying and releasing holds on orders in Draft status
- Release of hold that is agnostic of the channel that applied the hold, for example, a hold applied through web services can be released from the Order management work area and vice versa
- Migration of hold codes with role applicability across instances
Steps to Enable
Enabled for all roles by default. If specific role applicability is required to manage a given hold, you can use the standard functionality in Setup and Maintenance work area as illustrated in the following figure.
Manage Hold Codes with Role Applicability
Tips And Considerations
When a given hold is defined, all roles can apply and release the hold by default. To set up role privileges for a hold, you must define it in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Role definition does not apply to the Hold for Change Request internal system hold, which can be applied and released by the system only.
Role definition cannot be used to apply the Credit Check hold, but can be used to release the hold.
When hold codes are migrated across application instances (for example, from Test to Production), the hold codes in the source instance are added to the hold codes in the target instance. If the same hold codes exist in both the application instances, the target instance hold code is replaced by the source instance hold code.
Key Resources
- Oracle Applications Cloud: Using Functional Setup Manager Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is through the following roles:
Process Orders with Time Zone-Based Promising
Oracle Order Management Cloud processes orders with scheduled ship date and arrival date with time stamp, computed by Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud based on supply source location time zones.
Order promising when based on supply source location time zones, helps mitigate inaccurate date and time information related to order fulfillment.
You can specify time zone setting for various order promising related date fields such as Requested Ship Date, Requested Arrival Date, Earliest Acceptable Ship Date, Earliest Acceptable Arrival Date, Latest Acceptable Ship Date and Latest Acceptable Arrival Date. Notwithstanding the preferred time zone settings, Order Management sends the date information in UTC to the order promising engine. The order promising engine computes the Scheduled Ship Date and Scheduled Arrival Date in the source organization time zone and sends the response back in UTC.
The process applies to all Order Management interactions with the Order promising engine, initiated from the Order Management work area or from order import.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Applications Cloud: Using Functional Setup Manager Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Configure Charges and Charge Lines that Order Management Cloud Sends to Oracle Financials Cloud
Extend integration between Oracle Order Management Cloud and Oracle Financials Cloud with charges and charge lines.
Charges and additional charge lines can be configured to extend the integration between Order Management Cloud and Oracle Financials Cloud to handle specific business needs. For example, rules for taxes on freight can vary by region and information on an order. Determining the tax manually can delay order completion and introduce tax as well as invoicing errors. Charges and additional charge lines can be used to automate the determination of tax on freight including passing freight charges to Financials to calculate the tax amount, receiving and storing the freight tax on an line order and sending the order with the tax amount to Financials for invoicing. The ability to use the extensions to create an integrated process helps ensure tax compliance, minimizes order exceptions and provides more accurate billing.
Steps to Enable
Set up the feature options as follows:
- In the Navigator, click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup and Maintenance page, click the Order Management offering.
- Click Change Feature Opt In.
- Click Edit Features for Order Management.
- Select Enable Custom Payloads for Downstream Integration and select the Enable checkbox. The Feature name: Enable Custom Payloads for Downstream Integration dialog box appears.
- Select the checkbox for each integration that you want to enable.
- Click Save and Close.
Enable Feature
Modify the Algorithm as follows:
- In the Navigator, click Pricing Administration.
- In the Pricing Administration work area, click Tasks.
- Setup Algorithm to configure charge lines.
- Navigate to Order Management Configuration > Manage Algorithms.
- Search for algorithm name "Integration Algorithm for Sales Order Charges".
- Make sure has status of In progress, if not deactivate it and activate it from the actions menu
- Edit this algorithm
- In the Default actions, uncomment 2 lines and supply the inventory item id that you want to use for recording freight charges.
- Click save and close
- Publish the algorithm
Algorithm Setup
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Administering Pricing Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is through the following role:
Update Selected Lines in Sales Order
As an Order Entry Specialist, you can select one or more lines in a sales order, specify the attributes and values to update, and then update all selected lines.
You can update the sales order data for a large number of lines with significant ease in the Order Management UI. You can update multiple lines of a single draft order or of a single revision draft order. The updates are processed immediately and can be viewed on the order page. If required, you can also make additional updates on an order and submit it.
Order Management provides the query by example filter for the order line tables. It also provides additional attributes that you can expose on the tabs. You can use the filters to sort the order lines by the specific attributes that you want to update. You can then select the lines and update them.
Select Lines to Update
After selecting the line, you must select the attributes to update.
The attributes that can be updated, are displayed alphabetically. You can select a single attribute or multiple attributes to update. Attributes related to Sales Credits and Additional Information are displayed together in the respective dialog boxes. The Bill-to Details and Ship-to Details attributes are also selected as a single group.
Select Attributes to Update
After selecting the attributes for specific lines, you must specify the attribute values to replace the current attribute values. You can also remove values of the attributes that are not required.
You can specify the values to be set, and update the attributes in the line. The updates are processed immediately, and the results display on the View Order, Create Order, or Create Revision pages. You can review the changes and make additional updates if required. After finalizing the changes, you can submit the order to begin the fulfillment process. On submitting the changes, validations are performed and users are informed in case of data validation errors.
In case of configured models and kits, when the root model is updated, the updates also apply to the child lines of the root. Similarly, in case of coverages of a root model, when a root coverage is selected to update lines, the updates also apply to the child coverage lines.
Specify Values to Update
Steps to Enable
You must use the Setup and Maintenance work area to opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
You must have the Update Selected Lines or Sales Orders privilege assign to your job role to perform an update on selected lines.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is available through the following privilege:
- Update Selected Lines or Sales Orders (FOM_UPDATE_SELECTED_LINES_OR_SALES_ORDERS_PRIV)
Access to this feature is available through the following roles:
Migrate Approval Rules Across Instances
Enable migration of Order Management Cloud approval rules across instances using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
This feature allows users to migrate order approval rules across application instances, doing away with the need to recreate those rules in multiple application instances. It also leads to reduced implementation costs and time, and to consistent approval rule-related setup data across application instances.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
When order approval rules are migrated across application instances (for example, from Test to Production), the approval rules from the source application instance replace all the approval rules in the target application instance. Rules defined only in the target application instance are also removed, if the corresponding rules do not exist in the source application instance.
The migration is not completed if even one approval rule has an error during migration.
Key Resources
- Oracle Applications Cloud: Using Functional Setup Manager Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is through the following role:
Schedule Multiple Order Lines for Delivery on the Same Date
Some orders must be planned so that multiple items arrive at the customer’s site on the same day, regardless of their source or transit method. For example, a rack-based computer might need to be delivered on the same date as its rack, which is sourced from a drop ship supplier.
You can now identify multiple order lines that should be scheduled to arrive together using arrival sets. You can also remove order lines from an arrival set, when necessary, to reduce the delays caused by one or more late order lines within the set.
NOTE: This feature is not available when Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud is used with Oracle Order Management Cloud. Global Order Promising requires an order management system that supports arrival sets.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- This feature is only available when Global Order Promising is used with order management solutions other than Order Management.
- Check availability inquiries or rescheduling performed against any order line of an arrival set includes all order lines within that set.
- Set the Request Type attribute to Arrival for order lines that belong to an arrival set.
- You cannot split an order line belonging to a set-by date or ship-from organization.
Key Resources
- The Schedule Multiple Order Lines for Delivery on the Same Date release training, available on Release Readiness.
Assign Time Zones to Locations
Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud processes all transaction and schedule data at a daily level in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone. As a result, order scheduling may not produce the expected results when sourcing and delivery locations are in different time zones. For example, an order requested to arrive at an organization in Asia for a particular day may be scheduled for the previous day when translated to UTC.
You can now assign a time zone to customer sites, supplier sites, and inventory organizations. Global Order Promising considers the difference in time zones when calculating fulfillment lead times. Shipment and arrival dates are calculated and displayed based upon the local time zone of the location.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Time zone support is currently available only for Global Order Promising integrated with Oracle Order Management Cloud. For other configurations, file uploads of transaction data are considered to be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- If supplier time zone is not specified, Global Order Promising interprets the time to be in UTC.
- If the customer time zone is not specified, Global Order Promising applies the time zone of the ship-from organization.
- You can review the time zones for suppliers, customers, and organizations on the Maintain Supply Network Model page.
Key Resources
- The Assign Time Zones to Locations in Global Order Promising release training, available on Release Readiness.
Integrate with E-Business Suite
Some enterprises may want to move a portion of their overall supply chain management processes to the cloud, while continuing to use the existing systems, such as Oracle E-Business Suite, to enable a phased implementation approach.
You can now integrate your on-premises Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.6 application with Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud in one click. All the required information, such as item master, bills of material, routings, and supplies and demands information is transferred from Oracle E-Business Suite to Supply Chain Planning. This full cycle integration allows you to plan your supply chain in Oracle Cloud, and execute in Oracle E-Business Suite. The integration helps you reduce the implementation burden through fully automated prepackaged integration.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The net change mode of collecting data does not support collection of the Price Lists and Fiscal Calendar entities.
- The date filter range for history is not used for targeted mode of collecting data, but is used only when collecting data using the net change mode.
- The following measures are not currently uploaded into Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud. Hence, the value for these entities should be set to No when running the Extract Data for Supply Chain Planning Cloud concurrent program:
- Internal Sales Order History
- Bookings History: Requested Item by Requested Date
- Shipments History: Requested Item by Requested Date
- When the Category filters are used to restrict items during collections from the Oracle E-Business Suite application, the filters should be setup such that the all items that need to be planned across all levels are included in the specified categories. The extract process does not derive the components.
- In the Oracle E-Business Suite application, when importing the recommendations from Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud, the MSC: Self Service Loads Delimiter profile option should be set to “,” (comma) so that the .csv files can be imported.
Key Resources
- Integrate with E-Business Suite release training, available on Release Readiness.
Role Information
Access to this feature is available through the following privilege:
- Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Load (MSP_PERFORM_ORDER_ORCHESTRATION_AND_PLANNING_DATA_LOAD)
Manage Planning Data Collections from Oracle Cloud Using REST Services
Planning technical processes are typically structured as discrete batch activities, with planning data collection being one of them. You may want to automate and orchestrate the discrete batch activities.
You can now use a REST service to run the processes associated with collecting data from Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud as one of the elements of your overall orchestration process. This feature not only takes you a step closer towards fully automated planning, but also increases the productivity of your Information Technology staff by automating the existing manual activities.
NOTE: This feature is not applicable for collection of data using the file-based data import process.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Use the GET method on the Data Collections resource to get the status details of the current or previous collections process.
- Use the POST method on the Data Collections resource to submit a new Data Collections request from the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud source system. All parameters in the POST request must conform to the same validation rules that are enforced when the Launch Collections request is submitted manually in the application. The list of entities to be collected should already be defined in a collection template and the template name should be used as a parameter in the POST request.
- Use the DELETE method on the Data Collections resource to cancel a collections process that is currently running.
Key Resources
Refer to the following:
- REST APIs for Oracle SCM Cloud documentation available on the Oracle Help Center.
- REST Services to Manage Plans and Enable Integrations with External Systems release training, available on Release Readiness.
Role Information
- Privilege Name and Code:
- Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection (MSP_PERFORM_ORDER_ORCHESTRATION_AND_PLANNING_DATA_COLLECTION)
Control Uptake of Pricing Algorithm Updates
Changes to your underlying pricing process need to be carefully evaluated prior to uptake. This update provides improvements in managing the pricing algorithm lifecycle by allowing you to review pricing algorithm updates and decide when you want to uptake the changes into your current pricing process.
From this update, new predefined pricing algorithms are created as a baseline (version 0). Through these new algorithms Pricing delivers the latest functionality and updates. Any existing algorithms extensions are not impacted by the new algorithms until you want to uptake the updates. When you are ready to uptake this new version you can use the promote feature to make the new algorithms your current algorithms. This copies the baseline version to version 1. Algorithm promotion can be performed from the Promote All actions in the Manage Algorithms page.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- If you are on a release that is prior to Release 13 (update 18B), you have not defined any pricing algorithm extensions, and you want to implement new pricing features, you must run the Promote All action.
- The Promote All action promotes all new pricing algorithms that are currently at version 0 to version 1
- As part of the promotion process you have to manually reconcile any algorithm extensions with the new algorithms.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Administering Pricing Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is through the following roles:
- Pricing Administrator
- Pricing Manager
- Pricing Analyst
Expand Price List and Discount List Maintenance in Spreadsheets
Use Oracle ADFdi services to maintain pricing rules and discounts in Microsoft Excel. You can maintain tier adjustment rules and cost-based pricing charges on price lists, and tiered and attribute-based discounts on discount lists.
Pricing administrators often need to make changes across pricing rules in order to reflect the latest pricing policies and profitability targets of the organization. The administrators can efficiently maintain pricing rules through Oracle ADFdi services.
- Price List Maintenance: You can now create and update tier adjustment rules and cost-based pricing charges across price lists using an Excel user interface. The selected rules and charges are downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet. You can create or edit a rule, or charge and upload the changes.
- Discount List Maintenance: You can now create and update tiered and attribute-based discounts across discount lists using an Excel user interface. The selected discounts are downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet. You can create or edit a discount and upload the changes.
Manage Tiered Discount Rules
Manage Matrix Discount Rules
Steps to Enable
- Install the ADF Desktop Integration setup tool.
- In the Pricing Administration work area, navigate to one of the following pages, and download the Microsoft Excel workbook:
- Manage Price Lists
- Manage Discount Lists
The feature does not have an Opt In option and is automatically available after the upgrade. The download of the Manage Price Lists and Manage Discount Lists spreadsheets is a one-time activity.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Administering Pricing guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is through the following roles:
- Pricing Administrator
- Pricing Manager
- Pricing Analyst
Expand Cross-Model Option Feature Maintenance
This update enhances the ability to maintain option features across models through Oracle ADFdi services.
New search capabilities improve the maintenance of option features by allowing the Product Configurator Manager to search across models and workspaces and download the option features to a spreadsheet. The option features can be updated across models or added to new models, or simply uploaded to other environments.
This improves overall user productivity in managing the Configurator supplemental structure, and allows for easy migration across environments.
Steps to Enable
- Install the ADF Desktop Integration setup tool.
- In the Configurator panel drawer, download the Manage Cross Model Structure Excel workbook.
The feature will be automatically available after the upgrade and it does not have an Opt-In option. The download of the spreadsheet is a one time activity.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Configurator Modeling guide, available at Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is through the following role:
- Product Configurator Manager
Efficiently Manage Configurator Model Rules
For companies that have a large number of models with complex rules, maintaining and/or migrating these rules across environments can be time consuming and prone to errors. This update introduces the ability to efficiently maintain Configurator model rules with the integration of Oracle ADFdi services. Configurator model rules can be created or updated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and easily replicated across models and environments. The same rule validation is performed as in the Configurator Modeling Environment (CME) user interface. This provides ease of maintenance of Configurator rules, while still ensuring data accuracy and security.
Steps to Enable
- Install the ADF Desktop Integration setup tool.
- In the Configurator panel drawer, download the Manage Rules Excel workbook.
The feature will be automatically available after the upgrade and it does not have an Opt-In option. The download of the spreadsheet is a one-time activity.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Configurator Modeling guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Access to this feature is through the following role:
- Product Configurator Manager
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
06 JUN 2018 | Manage Pricing Rules and Pricing Profiles in Spreadsheets | Updated document. Revised feature description. |
19 JAN 2018 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
Customers Upgrading from Release 12
If you're upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, then you should review all of the release readiness content for Release 13 (updates 17B - 17D, as well as, updates 18A - 18B) to learn about all of the features available in release 13.
Give Us Feedback
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
Action Required to Enable Feature |
Feature |
None (Automatically Available) |
Enable via Opt In UI Only |
Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps |
Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required |
Issue Service Request |
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Simplify Instance Configuration with Improved Page Templates |
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Specify Different Item Catalogs for Different Sourcing Rules |
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Test to Production Rule Migration
Enable the migration of Order Management pretransformation, product transformation, posttransformation, process assignment, and external interface routing rules across instances using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Steps to Enable
Enabled by default. The standard functionality in Setup and Maintenance work area can be used to export and import setup data.
Tips And Considerations
When you use this functionality to migrate rules across instances, the source instance rules replace all target instance rules in the selected rule dictionary. This includes the rules defined only in the target instance, which are also removed if the same rules do not exist in the source instance.
The migration is not completed if an error occurs during the migration of any rule within the chosen rule dictionary.
The migration facility is available for the following rules:
- Pre-transformation Rules
- Product Transformation Rules
- Post-transformation Rules
- Process Assignment Rules
- External Interface Routing Rules
Any of the following setup tasks can be used for migrating the appropriate rule:
- Manage Pretransformation Defaulting Rules
- Manage Pretransformation Rules for Sales Orders
- Manage Product Transformation Rules
- Manage Posttransformation Defaulting Rules
- Manage Orchestration Process Assignment Rules
- Manage Process Assignment Rules for Sales Orders
- Manage External Interface Routing Rules
- Manage External Integration Routing Rules for Sales Orders
Key Resources
- Using Functional Setup Manager, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Implementing Order Management Guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Order Administrator
Use file-based data import with web services to add items to a price list through price import.
You typically upload price list details to your pricing application during a data migration project or when you transfer pricing data from one system to another. You can use interface tables and Microsoft Excel with file-based data import to upload data. You can also use file-based data import to add new items and their prices to an existing price list.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
When using this feature, plan for sufficient time for the import of price list data.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Administering Pricing guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Job Role Names: Pricing Administrator, Pricing Manager, Pricing Analyst
- Privilege Names: Import Price Lists, Import Approved Price Lists
Manage Pricing Rules and Pricing Profiles in Spreadsheets
Leverage Oracle’s spreadsheet-based ADFdi services to modify multiple price lists, discount lists and customer pricing profiles to reflect changes to your pricing policies and profitability targets. You can apply these changes to multiple objects, such as all of your price lists, standard discounts, and customer pricing profiles.
The following screenshot shows the search capabilities for price lists.
You can perform the following actions in the ADFdi integrated Excel workbook:
- Search and download pricing charges or discounts based on the following attributes, such as Price List Description or Discount List Description, Business Unit, Currency, Status, Item Number, Charge Definition, Price Type, Effectivity Date, and so on.
- Create and update base list prices and attribute adjustments across multiple price lists.
- Create and update discounts across multiple discount lists.
- Upload your changes to Oracle Pricing Cloud.
The following screenshot shows for customer pricing profile search capabilities.
You can perform the following actions in the ADFdi integrated Excel workbook:
- Search and download customer pricing profiles according to different attributes, such as Customer Name, Revenue Potential, Cost to Serve, Customer Value, Customer Rating, Customer Size, Effectivity Date, and so on.
- Edit or create new profiles in the spreadsheet.
- Upload your changes to Oracle Fusion Pricing.
Steps to Enable
- Install the ADF Desktop Integration setup tool.
- In the Pricing Administration work area, navigate to one of the following pages, and then download your pricing data to a Microsoft Excel workbook:
- Manage Price Lists
- Manage Discount Lists
- Manage Customer Pricing Profile
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Administering Pricing guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Job Role Names: Pricing Administrator, Pricing Manager, Pricing Analyst
Manage Component Pricing Across Configurator Models
Define price for a component of a configurator model in a price list, and then apply this price to all configurator models. You may also define a configurator model specific price which will override the component price.
You can specify pricing for a component independent of and across more than one configurator model. It is not necessary to define pricing for the component in the context of each configurator model. Instead, you can maintain component pricing for all configurator models in the same price list.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can also maintain component pricing for the following:
- Price list tier adjustment or pricing adjustment matrix
- Price list rules at the All Items level
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Administering Pricing guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
- Job Role Names: Pricing Administrator, Pricing Manager, Pricing Analyst
- Privilege Names: Manage Price Lists, Manage In-Progress Price Lists, Import Price Lists, Import Approved Price Lists
Expand Supplemental Structure Maintenance
For companies that have a large number of models with complex structures, maintenance of additional supplemental structure information can be difficult and time consuming activity.
This release adds new capabilities for management of supplemental model structure by leveraging Oracle ADFdi services in the Configurator Models work area. Enhancements in this release for supplemental structure maintenance using ADFdi include creating and updating of decimal features, integer features, and text features.
This feature allows managing the date effectivity of attribute values for item snapshots.
This feature also allows adding new options to an existing option feature across multiple models and updating values of a supplemental attribute.
These enhancements provide the Product Configurator Modeler with extensive capabilities to easily design and maintain the supplemental structure associated with their models.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Use Attributes in Page Element Captions
Override the default item display name of a given user interface item by using the UI expression language to replace it with a combination of static text and certain associated model node attributes. This update adds the ability to use supplemental attributes and user-defined attributes when overriding the default display name of a UI element. This improves the end user experience by providing valuable and relevant information during the product configuration.
To modify an item's display name, open the Edit Page item dialog box from the Design tab in the user interface of the model and specify the desired expression in the Page Item Caption field. Additionally, in case of an option class or option feature model node, use the List Item Caption field to modify the display name of the items and options of that model node.
Edit Page Item Dialog Box
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Configurator Modeling guide, available at Oracle Help Center.
Use Web Services to Validate or Copy a Configuration
In order capture systems, use web services in product configuration flows. You can use services to: validate a single configuration as a post-configuration event (for example, validate an existing configuration on in-flight quotes and orders to identify end-of-life items); and copy a single configuration as a post-configuration event (for example, copy a configuration within a quote or cart).
These services are available as custom actions with the configurations REST API.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Configurator Modeling guide, available at Oracle Help Center.
Expand Supplemental Structure with Text Features
This update introduces the capability to quickly and efficiently add text features to model structure from the Configurator Modeling Environment, which can be used to capture contextual information during Configurator runtime sessions. Text features can then be used in model rules to populate text elements, drive business logic and dictate the selection behavior of model components and options.
Text features can be used in the following type of rules:
Default Rules: Text features can be used in default rules, to produce a default value in a text element. Default rules are applied at runtime when an end user manually selects options and enters values during a configuration session, or on the initialization of the configuration. This feature takes the place of the ability to specify an initial value for a text element.
Constraint Rules: Text features can be used in equality constraint rules. These rules are applied when an end user manually selects options and enters values during a configuration session.
The addition of text features provides the Product Configurator Manager greater flexibility to design an intuitive end user process which simplifies the configuration of even the most complex products.
Creating a Text Feature
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Simplify Instance Configuration with Improved Page Templates
Use page template enhancements to design a user interface that allows for easier configuration of multiple item instances. The inclusion of user interface facets in these templates enables you to add dynamic content about the current configuration. This provides a better user experience and simplifies the configuration process, reducing errors in order creation for configured products.
The following figure illustrates a user interface using the Item Instance Management Table with Facets.
Item Instance Management Table with Facets at Design Time
Item Instance Management Table with Facets at Runtime
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Configurator Modeling guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Evaluate the Impact of Releasing a Workspace
Releasing a workspace can potentially impact many models in a production environment. Prior to release, Product Configurator Managers need to assess the impact of releasing the workspace, to evaluate the models that will be affected. The workspace prerelease report simulates the release of a workspace as of a specific date and time and provides the Product Configurator Manager with information on the impact of releasing the workspace participants, without requiring them to actually perform the release. This information reduces the risk of inadvertently making changes to production models that would result in errors or inaccurate orders.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Specify Different Item Catalogs for Different Sourcing Rules
Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud allows you to flexibly define your supply chain by assigning sourcing rules to a product category. Items in a product category use the same sourcing rule for planning purposes. You can define different definitions of a product grouping (product catalogs) when defining sourcing assignments. For example, you can use one product catalog for the assignment set used for Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud, and another one for Oracle Supply Planning Cloud.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
While creating or editing an assignment set, you can specify a catalog to use for category assignments using the Catalog drop-down list. Plan the creation of an assignment set to use specific item catalogs when it is used for a specific purpose. For example, create an assignment set to use for just order promising.

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