This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Update Version | Notes |
20 OCT 2017 | Update 17D | New features delivered in update 17D. |
01 SEP 2017 | Update 17C | New features delivered in update 17C. |
21 APR 2017 | Update 17B | New features delivered in update 17B. |
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
20 OCT 2017 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security and New Features
The Role section of each feature in this guide identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the setup unless otherwise indicated.
If you have created custom job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways: by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
To opt in using the New Features work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
- On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
- Click Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
- On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
- On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close.
- Click Done.
This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.
Action Required to Enable Feature |
Feature |
None (Automatically Available) |
Enable via Opt In UI Only |
Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps |
Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required |
Issue Service Request |
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Optionally Report Materials for an Assembly Serial From the Dispatch List |
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Integrate with External Systems with Additional REST Services |
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Prioritize Work Order Execution Based on Material Availability |
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Capture Lot and Serial Attributes During Work Order Transactions |
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Enable Inline Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures for Manufacturing |
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Display Issued Quantities by Assembly Serial Number
When you have serial tracked production, you want all material issue transactions to be tracked against a specific assembly serial number to ensure complete genealogy and traceability. Oracle Manufacturing Cloud supports serial tracked production and tracks all materials as they are issued against a specific assembly serial.
Prior to this release, when you performed material transactions and there was more than one serial number for a work order, you could not see if you had previously issued material against a specific parent serial.
With this release, during material issue, on the Report Material Transactions page, you can view the exact quantity of components that have been previously issued against every parent serial. This is a new column attribute which will help you verify that you have correctly issued all required materials to each serial.
The following screenshot shows the quantities for materials that were previously issued to an assembly serial number:
Issued Quantities at Assembly Serial Level
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Role Information
- Privilege Name and Code: Report Material Transactions(WIP_REPORT_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code: Production Operator(ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_OPERATOR_JOB)
Optionally Report Materials for an Assembly Serial From the Dispatch List
Most companies that have serial-tracked assemblies use manual reporting of key materials to keep a complete track of cradle-to-grave genealogy. It’s even more critical when you have to remove and return components due to quality issues found in assemblies. When you have to return or replace components for serial-tracked assemblies, you need to have an error-free method to remove components from the right assembly serial.
Until this release, you always issued or returned materials in the context of an operation from the dispatch list. You would select the assembly serial number only within the context of a material transaction, and the list of serials displayed all serials on the work order, regardless of their current status at the operation.
To enable mistake-proofing for your material transactions, you can now select the assembly serial number directly from the dispatch list, and then start the material issue transaction.. This enables you to search for assembly serials by status, ensuring that only those serial numbers eligible for material transactions are visible.
The following screenshot shows the Review Dispatch List page with the material reporting icons for an assembly serial:
Material Transaction for an Assembly Serial From the Dispatch List
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, follow these steps:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.
- On the Setup: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management page, select the Manufacturing functional area.
- Select the task Manage Plant Parameters.
- For the manufacturing organization that you want to enable this feature for, set the value of the parameter Material Reporting Level for Serialization Operations to Item Serial.
Role Information
- Privilege Name and Code: Report Material Transactions(WIP_REPORT_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code: Production Operator(ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_OPERATOR_JOB)
Integrate with External Systems with Additional REST Services
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud provides web services to enable integration to external systems, such as external manufacturing execution systems, shop floor devices, and mobile devices. With this release, the following REST services have been added or updated:
Prior to this release, you could create work orders from outside the application using an excel template predefined by file-based data import (FBDI). With this release, you are now able to create a work order using a REST service with the following capabilities:
- Create any type of a manufacturing work order (for example a standard, a rework, or a transform work order)
- Create a work order using the default work definition, or by providing a primary or alternate work definition. The work definition will be used to create the operation, material, and resource details.
- Create and assign assembly serials to serial-tracked work orders.
- When you create a rework or a transform work order for a serial-tracked or lot-tracked assembly, you can specify the lot or serial number of the assembly that is being reworked or transformed.
If you are using an external scheduling application or a manufacturing execution system to control shop floor activities, you may want to update the work order dates based on the output of these application. Prior to this release, the Update Work Order REST service had the capability to update only some header level information, such as work order priority, planned start date, planned completion date, work order status, canceled reason code, planned start quantity, and the firm planned attribute. With this release, you can update the following work order dates with or without triggering rescheduling in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud:
- Work order header start and end date
- Work order operation planned start and end date
- Work order operation planned material required date
- Work order operation resources planned start and end date
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud allows you to record the exact number of times a specific work order operation was either running or paused. This enables the application to capture the actual runtime for a work order operation.
With this release, you are now able to perform the following operation start or stop transactions from an external system using a REST service:
- Start or stop an individual operation or an individual operation serial.
- Start or stop operations or serials in a batch mode.
- Get the start and stop times that have been recorded for any operation or serial.
You can query the details of the dispatch list using the start or stop status of an operation.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Role Information
- Users provisioned with the Production Supervisor role will automatically be able to use the Work Order REST service.
- Users provisioned with the Production Operator role will automatically be able to use the Operation Start / Stop and Dispatch List REST services.
Use Simplified Scanning for Reporting Materials
During a serialized production process, most companies perform material transactions by scanning the component name, followed by the serial number, and the serial attributes. This improves productivity on the shop floor and also reduces errors. However, in situations where the you need to issue large quantities of the same component, having to scan the component number for each serial is burdensome and unproductive. Prior to this release, for every serial number, you had to scan both the component number and the serial number, and you were not able to scan serial attributes.
With this release, the Report Material Transaction task has been updated to enable you to perform the following actions:
- Scan the component number only once
You are now able to scan the component number only once, and then scan all of the serial numbers that need to be issued. Once you have scanned the component number, you have a numeric indicator to tell you how many serial numbers need to be issued. With the capture of each serial number, this numeric indicator decrements by 1, providing you with a visual indicator of how many serial numbers are left to be issued.
- Optionally scan component serial attributes
Oracle Inventory Management Cloud provides a capability to define items that require attribute definition, using the Manage Lot and Serial descriptive flexfields setup task. Once you have defined the attributes, you can scan serial attributes during material issue for components that are serial-tracked at issue.
The following screenshot show how multiple serial numbers can be scanned by scanning the component only once:
Scan Multiple Serial Numbers
The following screenshot shows how serial attributes can be scanned. Mac Address is a configured serial attribute.
Scan Serial Attributes
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Role Information
- Privilege Name and Code: Report Material Transactions(WIP_REPORT_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code: Production Operator(ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_OPERATOR_JOB)
Prioritize Work Order Execution Based on Material Availability
As a production supervisor, you can ensure all materials are available for a work order prior to its release to the shop floor. As priorities change, you might need to execute work orders of lower priority that now have become a high priority. When materials are scarce, you can decide which work orders you can release, and which work orders you must place on hold until materials become available..
To gain visibility into material availability for work orders, you can now do the following in this release:
- Recommend a list of work orders for material prioritization to be released, based on a combination of various attributes such as item, customer, and date criteria.
- Reassign available materials to work orders with higher priority when shortages exist.
- Release or hold work orders based on material availability and shortages to minimize shop floor disruptions.
You can define material availability rules that are used by the application to create an initial recommendation based on which work orders should be released when materials are scarce. The set of rules can be defined at an organization level to list work orders for material prioritization based on the following sorting and filtering criteria:
- List work orders in the order of material assignment priority based on critical items, customers, work order start date, and sales order scheduled ship date.
- Include work orders within a specified time fence and having specific statuses, types, and subtypes.
- Include work orders with specific materials, or materials based on attributes such as make versus buy, and supply type.
Exclude work orders from material deprioritization based on specific attributes of the item, work order, customer, or sales order.
You can configure the rules using the Work Order Assignment Priority tab of the Material Availability Rules task, as shown in the following screenshot:
Work Order Assignment Priority Tab
You can configure which work orders to include in the assignment criteria using the Inclusion Criteria of the Material Availability Rules task. This helps you to include work orders and specific materials based on time fence and specific attributes, as shown in the following screenshot:
Inclusion Criteria Tab
You can configure to exclude work orders from deprioritization on force assignment of other work orders in the Force Assignment Criteria tab of the Material Availability Rules task, as shown in the following screenshot:
Force Assignment Criteria Tab
You can view the list of work orders with assignment priority to assess if materials are available or if there is a shortage of materials in the Work Orders tab of the Material Availability Assignments task, as shown in the following screenshot:
Availability Assignments: Work Orders Tab
You can view the material availability details for a work order, as shown in the following screenshot:
Assignment Details: Work Orders Tab
In case of material shortages, you can view the expected supplies information of purchase orders and transfer orders for the scarce material. This helps you to decide whether to release a work order or to unrelease a released work order.
You can view the expected supplies for the material, as shown in the following screenshot:
Expected Supplies for Materials
In case of material shortages, you can view the work orders that require materials and the corresponding availability and shortages pertaining to the material. This helps you know which material is critical for a work order, and you can decide to manually adjust the work order material assignments.
You can view the material shortages in the Materials tab as shown in the following screenshot:
Material Availability Assignments: Materials Tab
You can view the work orders requiring the materials in the Materials tab, as shown in the following screenshot:
Affected Work Orders: Materials Tab
From the list of prioritized work orders, you can manually change the material assignments. You can either force assign materials for a selected work order to ensure that all of its critical materials are available, or force unassign materials to release all of the critical materials for a work order. When changing the material assignment, you can preview the changes affecting the selected work order and other impacted work orders that are prioritized or deprioritized. A visual indicator of reassigned materials is shown in the list of work orders after implementing the change.
You can view the work order material availability and force assign the work order as shown in the following screenshot:
Force Assign Work Order
You can preview the work orders which are unassigned on force assigning of the work order, as shown in the the following screenshot:
Preview of Force Assigned and Unassigned Work Orders
You can view the visual indicator to identify the force assigned and force unassigned work orders after implementing the material reassignment as shown in the following screenshot:
Visual Indicator to Identify the Force Assigned and Force Unassigned Work Orders
Once you have previewed the material assignments and adjusted your changes accordingly, you can release work orders that are ready for execution, unreleased work orders, or place a hold on work orders that you do not want the shop floor to work on currently.
You can achieve greater shop floor efficiency, flexibility, and higher profits by ensuring that the highest priority work orders are released to the shop floor when there are material shortages. Work orders without all materials available can be quickly unreleased, or put on hold until materials are available and assigned. By only working on work orders that can be completed and shipped, companies can improve efficiency and increase revenue.
You can change the status of one or multiple work orders using the mass action menu as shown in the following screenshot:
Mass Action: Release Work Order
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to and enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Tips And Considerations
This feature is also applicable to Oracle Maintenance Cloud.
Role Information
- Privilege Name and Code: Manage Material Availability Rules and Assignments (WIP_MANAGE_MATERIAL_AVAIL_RULES_AND_ASSIGN)
- Job Role Name and Code: Production Supervisor (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_SUPERVISOR_JOB)
Capture Lot and Serial Attributes During Work Order Transactions
Product attributes vary by the lot or serial produced, depending on the industry. It becomes important to capture the attributes and display them while viewing, generating, or transacting the serial or lot number. Depending on when serial-tracking is initiated, such as at material issue or at receipt into the inventory, the point of capture of lot and serial attributes can vary. The manufacturing system provides you access to capture lot-specific and serial-specific attributes on components that are serialized at material issue, and on final assemblies that are serial-tracked or lot-tracked at inventory receipt. You need to record these attributes for work order based production and orderless production.
You can define items in the inventory that require attribute definition using the Manage Descriptive Flexfields setup task. Once you have defined the attributes, you can capture the attributes for both assemblies and components in Manufacturing.
- You can record, view, and update the assembly lot and serial attributes during work order product completion and orderless completion, when the assembly is lot-tracked or serial-tracked.
- You can record, view, and update assembly serial attributes during any operation completion, when using serial-tracked production.
- You can record, view, or update component lot and serial attributes during work order material issue, work order operation completion, and orderless completion, when components are lot-tracked or serial-tracked.
You can also import the lot and serial attributes using the updated operation and material transaction REST or SOAP services, or the updated file-based data import (FBDI) .xlsm template.
The following screenshot shows a sample of the lot and serial attributes captured during product completion of a lot-tracked and serial-tracked product with a work order, and for orderless completion:
Capture Lot and Serial Attributes During Product Completion
Capture Lot and Serial Attributes During Orderless Completion
Steps to Enable
To capture lot and serial attributes for work order transactions and orderless transactions, you must set up the required flexfield definitions for lot attributes and serial attributes in Oracle Inventory Management Cloud and deploy the flexfields. No additional setup steps are required in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud.
Tips And Considerations
For capturing lot and serial attributes in production transactions, the items should be appropriately setup in Oracle Inventory Management Cloud. Consider the following while setting up parameters in the inventory:
- Define the product as lot-tracked in the item definition at the organization level to capture lot attributes.
- Set up serialization as predefined or at receipt for the serial-tracked products.
- Set up serialization as predefined, at receipt, or at issue for the serial-tracked components.
- You can capture lot and serial attributes for both serial-tracked and nonserial-tracked manufacturing processes.
- You can set up the required attributes as mandatory or optional. If the attribute is mandatory, then you must also enter a value to complete the transaction.
- You can progressively capture serial attributes across operations for serial-tracked manufacturing. For this you must set up the required serial attribute as optional.
Role Information
Users provisioned with the Production Operator role will automatically be able to capture the lot and serial attributes for products and components.
- Privilege Name and Code: No special privilege required.
- Job Role Name and Code: Production Operator (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_OPERATOR_JOB).
Enable Inline Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures for Manufacturing
Companies in regulated industries must keep detailed records of their product manufacturing processes in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation on electronic records and signatures called 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 11. Oracle E-Signatures and E-Records is a configurable framework for securely capturing, storing, retrieving, and printing electronic records and signatures.
The following business events in manufacturing support the creation of an electronic record and inline capture of an electronic signature. If the initiator is also an approver, the initiator's signature is captured in the inline signature page. Notifications are sent to subsequent approvers to capture the remaining signatures. The new or updated transaction data is held in a pending status until all approvals are complete.
- Standard operations includes the following actions:
- Creation
- Update
- Material transactions includes the following transaction types:
- Material issue
- Material return
- Operation transactions includes the following transaction types and operation-specific information about material backflush, and optionally quality inspection results and quality issues when applicable:
- Completion
- Scrap
- Reject
- Product completion
- Orderless transactions includes the following transaction types:
- Completion
- Scrap
- Return
The electronic records created are stored in a secured document repository and cannot be modified or deleted. You can search the electronic records based on the transactional information displayed in the electronic record heading in order to retrieve and print an electronic record.
The following is a screenshot of inline electronic signature capture as initiated when you submit an operation transaction:
Initiation of Electronic Signature Capture for an Operation Transaction
The following is a screenshot of how you can search for an electronic record and retrieve it in the new Electronic Records work area:
Search and Retrieval of an Electronic Record
Steps to Enable
You must opt in to and enable the Capture Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures for SCM Transactions feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
To enable e-records and capture electronic signatures for manufacturing, you must determine and configure electronic signatures for each inventory organization using the Configure E-Signature Preferences task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Once you enable electronic signatures for a transaction, you can also define configurable business process rules in Oracle Business Process Management using the Manage Task Configurations for Supply Chain Management, and the Manage Approval Groups tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area to determine the approvers for each transaction.
Role Information
To configure electronic signature preferences and set up approval rules for standard operations management, work order material transactions, work order operation transactions, and orderless transactions:
- Privilege Name and Code: Determine Transactions Requiring Electronic Signature (EDR_DETERMINE_ESIGNATURES_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code: Supply Chain Application Administrator (ORA_RCS_SUPPLY_CHAIN_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB)
To initiate the e-records and e-signatures process after creating or updating a standard operation:
- Privilege Name and Code: Add Electronic Signatures (EDR_ADD_ESIGNATURES_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code: Manufacturing Engineer (ORA_WIS_MANUFACTURING_ENGINEER_JOB)
To initiate the e-records and e-signatures process after submitting a work order material transaction, or a work order operation transaction, or an orderless transaction:
- Privilege Name and Code: Add Electronic Signatures (EDR_ADD_ESIGNATURES_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
- Job Role Name and Code: Production Operator (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_OPERATOR_JOB)
Analyze Production Exceptions and Impacted Work Orders
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) for Manufacturing helps production supervisors to create operational and ad-hoc analyses, which covers both in-house and contract manufacturing work orders, operations, material transactions, and resource transactions. As a production supervisor, you can gain visibility into production exceptions data which includes material shortages, resource breakdowns, or other exceptions related to work areas or work centers. This visibility complements the real-time manufacturing reporting capabilities and is essential in providing a full picture of operational efficiency and productivity.
With this release, you can build OTBI analyses to satisfy the following business needs:
- Summary count of production exceptions classified by exception type, severity, and exception status
- Aging of open production exceptions
- Average cycle time for resolution of closed exceptions
- Count and list of work orders impacted by open, and critical production exceptions
- Work orders affected by production exception types for components, resources, work areas, and work centers
As a result, self-service reporting by a business user is quicker and helps to achieve insights into manufacturing operations.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Role Information
Users provisioned with the Production Supervisor role will automatically be able to access the Manufacturing subject areas in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.
- Job Role Name and Code: Production Supervisor (ORA_WIE_PRODUCTION_SUPERVISOR_JOB)
- BI Duty Role Name and Code: Manufacturing Execution Analysis Duty (FBI_MFG_EXECUTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | What's Changed | Notes |
01 SEP 2017 | Initial Document Creation. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
If your system has modified security structures, you may need to advise your security administrator of new features you would like to take advantage of.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to Oracle Cloud Applications and we now give you the option to take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you. The ‘New Features UI’ is available to you from your cloud homepage, where you can make your choices and do any configuration necessary.
This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.
Action Required to Enable Feature |
Feature |
Automatically Available |
End User Action Required |
Administrator Action Required |
Oracle Service Request Required |
Analyze Work Orders and Transactions Combined with Supply Chain Details |
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Analyze Work Orders and Transactions Combined with Supply Chain Details
Today real-time, self-service reporting for production supervisors is available through Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) for Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, covering in-house and contract manufacturing work orders, operations, material, and resource transactions. You can build custom reports for real-time manufacturing visibility and combine data such as item and inventory details from other subject areas supported for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud in OTBI. However, additional attributes in manufacturing as well as common dimensions and attributes to cross join with item, order management, receiving, shipping, and inventory information are required in order to complete the detailed reporting needed for internal and external manufacturing.
With this release, you can build reports to satisfy the following types of business needs:
- Comparison of work order material shortages versus on-hand inventory
- Material pick list for one or multiple work orders
- Resource requirements for one or multiple work orders
- Production performance and delays with assemble to order model, item category, buyer, planner, sales order, work area, and work center details
- Outside processing lead times, quantities, and delays
- Production transaction history with parent-child lot and serial details
As a result, self-service reporting is quicker and gives you additional insight into manufacturing operations.
The following screenshot shows a sample analysis created using cross-subject area join between Manufacturing and Order Management for showing the work order details along with sales order number, the details of component serial numbers, and serial attribute descriptive flexfields using the new component serial number dimension:
Sample OTBI Analysis Using Cross-Join Between Manufacturing and Order Management
Steps to Enable
To view the lot and serial descriptive flexfield information in Manufacturing, select the Business Intelligence enabled check box in the flexfield definition, deploy the flexfield, and then run the scheduled process Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence. No additional setups are required to use the newly introduced dimensions and cross-subject area joins.
Tips And Considerations
To build cross-subject area analysis, such as between Manufacturing - Work Order Performance Real Time, and Order Management - Fulfillment Lines Real Time subject areas, add at least one metric each from both subject areas to the analysis. They could be hidden if they are not required to be shown in the analysis output.
Role Information
Users provisioned with Production Supervisor role will automatically be able to access the Manufacturing subject areas in OTBI.
View Sales Order Attachments During Work Execution
When building products based on customer orders, companies may need to capture documents from their customer that are specific to an order, such as customer-specific product specifications, testing procedures, packing instructions, an so on. These documents can be in pdf format, or could be word documents, or picture attachments. Some of these documents are important for the production personnel to use during the production process. Other documents may contain pricing or other confidential information that is intended only for the sales or order management personnel.
With this release, for back-to-back enabled work orders for standard or configured products, the following features are enabled:
- Production supervisors are now able to view sales order attachments on the Reservations tab of the Edit Work Orders page.
- Production operators are now able to view sales order attachments from the Dispatch List. This gives them direct access to information from the sales order to use during production.
- Production personnel are able to view all attachments added to the miscellaneous attachments category in the sales order, or any attachment that is assigned to any other category that they have privileges to view.
- Using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Security Console, you are able to configure user-defined attachment categories and assign specific privileges to these categories. These privileges can then be assigned to specific users, so that only users with this particular privilege will be able to view the attachments from these categories. Using these security privileges, a company can restrict users of other departments from accessing certain confidential and pricing related attachments in its organization.
The following screenshot shows sales order attachments as displayed on the Edit Work Order and Review Dispatch List pages:
Edit Work Order - Reservations Tab
Dispatch List
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Sales order header and sales order line attachments belonging to the predefined attachment category Miscellaneous are visible by default in the Work Execution work area pages. You can optionally choose to secure the visibility of sales order attachments for user-defined attachment categories. The following steps outline the process:
- Using the Setup and Maintenance work area, define user-defined attachment categories and associate them to attachment entities corresponding to sales order header and sales order line.
- Using the Setup and Maintenance work area, enable security for attachment entities corresponding to sales order header and sales order line.
- Using Security console, create data security conditions for Application Attachment Category object for the user-defined attachment categories.
- Using Security console, assign data security policies to the job roles such that a person with the Order Entry Specialist role can access all sales order attachment categories, but someone with the Production Supervisor and the Production Operator roles can view only a subset of these sales order attachment categories.
Integrate with External Systems Using Updated REST Services
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud provides web services to enable integration with external systems, such as external manufacturing execution systems (MES), shop floor devices, or mobile devices. With this release, the following REST services are updated:
- You can now capture and update descriptive flexfield information during orderless transactions.
- You can now issue controlled components (for example, lot controlled or serial controlled) during orderless transactions.
- You can now capture and update descriptive flexfield information for all resource and operation transactions.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Role Information
Users provisioned with Production Supervisor role will automatically be able to use the REST service.
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
21 APR 2017 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
Security & New Features
If your system has modified security structures, you may need to advise your security administrator of new features you would like to take advantage of. Appendix A provides a listing of the security attributes needed to employ the new features when you have decided to implement them.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
We continue to add many new features to Oracle Cloud Applications and we now give you the option to take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you. The ‘New Features UI’ is available to you from your cloud homepage, where you can make your choices and do any configuration necessary.
This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.
Action Required to Enable Feature |
Feature |
Automatically Available |
End User Action Required |
Administrator Action Required |
Oracle Service Request Required |
Gain Visibility Into Item Structure Change Orders in Work Definitions |
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View Multilevel Item Structure in Assemble-To-Order Model Work Definitions |
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Manage and Close Exceptions Using the Supervisor Mobile Application |
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Increase Productivity with Improved Assembly Serial Scanning |
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Manage Material Negative Issue and Negative Return Transactions |
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Oracle Manufacturing Cloud delivers discrete manufacturing capabilities in the cloud that allow you to efficiently set up, manage, and operate your production operations. Oracle Manufacturing Cloud supports in-house manufacturing, contract manufacturing, and new in this release, outside processing.
Gain Visibility Into Item Structure Change Orders in Work Definitions
As a product design evolves, it is critical to communicate engineering changes with formal documentation of the modifications and revision control. In this release, you can identify the change order and line that initiated the item structure (such as bill of materials) changes, both in the Manufacturing’s worklist notification for item structure changes and in the Work Definition page. This enhanced visibility of change orders contributes to quicker, more accurate execution of engineering changes that impact work definitions.
The following screenshot gives an example of the notification that shows details of the change order:
Manufacturing Worklist Notification with Change Order Details
The date drop down in the Edit Work Definition page displays the change order details alongside the effective start date of the distinct component(s), which align with the change order:
Edit Work Definition: Date LOV
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
It is important to note that there is one manufacturing notification generated per change order line. Also, it is recommended but optional to create a work definition version that aligns with the change order effectivity.
Key Resources
- Oracle SCM Cloud: Using Manufacturing, available on the Oracle Help Center.
View Multilevel Item Structure in Assemble-To-Order Model Work Definitions
On the existing Work Definition page, the manufacturing engineer can only assign components at the first level of an item structure to specific operations. The lower-level components inherit their operation assignment based on their parent’s assignment. Viewing the hierarchical structure for a highly configurable product (such as the indented list of subassemblies and components that comprise it) and assigning components to operations becomes a tedious, error prone task. As a consequence, you might have created additional option classes and work definitions in order to build multilevel configurations.
With this release, you have the ability to expand the nested levels in a multilevel item structure for an assemble-to-order (ATO) model and assign a component from any level to a work definition operation. Operation assignments for child ATO models, option classes, option items, phantoms, and mandatory components are easily verified by viewing the parent-component hierarchy and operation where-used information on the Work Definition page, exporting to Microsoft Excel, or printing the work definition report. In addition, changes to quantity, inverse quantity, unit of measure, yield, basis, optional, and planning percent attributes at any level in a multilevel ATO model item structure are automatically synchronized with the work definitions using it.
This visibility enables more flexible and accurate data setups for the configure-to-order (CTO) process, which dynamically generates the work definition for a product configuration based on the work definition for the ATO model and options selected during order capture. The following screenshot explains this.
View Multilevel ATO Model Item Structure
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
When assigning operation items, you need to consider whether to assign them at the option class or option level. If each of the options does not require different manufacturing steps, then you can perform the assignment at the option class level. If you do assign operation items at the option level, ensure that all the options are assigned to an operation. If not, the creation of the work order for the configured item will fail.
Select and Access Favorite Work Definitions
To support easy and quick retrieval of a specific work definition (which might be undergoing revision, completion, or collaboration), you can now mark a work definition as a favorite. In prior releases, setting a favorite was managed through the Favorites and Recent Items toolbar, which required a few extra clicks. In this release, you can easily establish work definitions as favorites with a click on the Star icon that appears next to the object title. One click identifies the object as a favorite (solid yellow star), and one click removes it from favorites (empty star). Establishing a favorite provides you with easy access to revisit those objects by opening your Favorites and Recent Items list and clicking on the title.
Favorite Work Definition
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Use Supplier Operations for Outside Processing
Outsourcing of one or more manufacturing operations is done to achieve lower manufacturing cost and to extend the manufacturing capability and capacity. It also requires close coordination with your manufacturing partner. You can now perform outside processing using this feature. This feature supports additional tracking and handling requirements that are associated with outside processing. In this release, you can define a supplier operation for outside processing and associate key details, such as the preferred supplier, service item, expected lead time, and automatic shipment document generation. A supplier operation can be specific to an item’s work definition or reusable as a standard operation across work definitions. Supplier operations promote better visibility of outside processing activities and proper tracking of the supplier-sourced components and service.
The following is a screenshot of a standard operation of the type “Supplier” displaying the additional details that need to be specified for a supplier operation.
Standard “Supplier” Operation
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Rework and Transform Work Definitions
Manufacturing requires alternate processes for reworking or transforming one product into another. To formalize the associated steps and the required materials and resources, you can now model rework and transform processes as separate work definition names, independent of supply chain planning. In addition to the operations, components, and resources you need for rework or transformation, you can identify a component for replacement with a negative quantity or specify the product for conversion, respectively. For information on the execution of these processes, see the associated content in the Work Execution section.
The following screenshot illustrates the work definition of type “rework”. All the work definition names with type “rework” are shown and user can select one among them.
Rework Work Definition
The following screenshot illustrates the work definition of type “transform”. All the work definition names with type “transform” are shown and user can select one among them. ‘Transform from Item’ must be specified in case of a transform work definition.
Transform Work Definition
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Work Execution Work Area Landing Page
At any time during the day, as a production supervisor or an operator, you need to draw your attention to things that need immediate action. This helps you keep the shop floor activities on track. The Work Execution work area landing page has been enhanced to give you additional key metrics of the shop floor that you need to focus on, filtered for the plant, a work area or a work center, and where you can drill down to the underlying objects.
Metrics for the operator include:
- Counts of the work order operations that are past due, ready, and rejected, enabling you to quickly drill down to the operations that you need to work on.
- Graphical representation of the number of units that were scheduled for the current shift versus what has been completed, rejected, or scrapped. This depiction gives you a bird’s eye view of the current status of your shop floor. You can also expand the infolet to get the operation performance at a work center level sorted with worst performers listed first.
- Percentage of work-in-progress inspection rejections in the plant for the last 7 days.
Supervisors are able to see all of the operator metrics, plus:
- Counts of work orders that are past due, on hold, or in unreleased status. You can now focus on work orders that need attention and drill down to view the work order, reschedule it, unrelease it, or take it off hold to get the work order back on track.
- Counts of the open production exceptions for the plant. You can expand this infolet to see the details of specific categories of the exceptions and also drill down to the Manage Exceptions page to take necessary action.
- Counts of the number of open rework or transform work orders.
The Work Execution work area landing page helps guide both supervisors and operators to the most important tasks for them at any moment in time.
The following screenshot illustrates the Work Execution landing page that a production supervisor would see when logged into the application.
Work Execution Work Area Landing Page
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Manage and Close Exceptions Using the Supervisor Mobile Application
The Supervisor Mobile application allows the production supervisor to access the work order execution status and take actions using a smart phone, such as an iPhone or any Android phone. With this release, you can also view the exceptions of a work order and close the exceptions after they are resolved.
Additionally in this release, you can keep the count of work orders with open exceptions and quickly drill down into the list of work orders and their exceptions. On the Work Orders page, you can access the exceptions of a work order and review the details of an exception, as well as view a list of other work order operations impacted by the exception. With a single touch, you can quickly email the details of the exceptions to other stakeholders. After reviewing an exception, you can close the exception for one or more impacted work order operations of the exception.
Count of Work Orders with Open Exceptions in the Mobile Application Landing Page
Exceptions Tab in Work Order Details
Affected Work Order Operations for a Closed Exception
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Perform Operation Start or Pause
In order to better understand shop floor operations, it is important to track the cycle time, elapsed time, idle time, or run time for the various products being manufactured on the shop floor.
With this release, the Operation Start or Pause feature enables the operator to record the exact times a specific work order operation was either running or paused. This enables the system to capture the actual run time for a work order operation. You are also able to record this information for every assembly serial number when the assembly is serial tracked.
Start/ Pause Actions in the Dispatch List
After this data is captured, using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI), you are able to aggregate the actual run time for the plant, and every operation, allowing you to analyze time over runs and unusual production stops.
Cycle Time Performance Report in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
For serialization enabled operations, you can determine whether time needs be captured at operation level or item serial level by configuring the plant parameter: Start or Stop capture Level. The plant parameter is set to Operation level by default.
Manage and Execute Rework Work Orders
Even the highest quality companies occasionally have to rework a finished product due to a quality issue found after the unit was completed.
In this release, you can create a rework order for product that has already been completed and moved to inventory. This specific type of work order allows you to create work orders based on a rework work definition or manually identify the operations required to rework the product, as well as the components that need replacement and the resources required. The operator is then able to remove the damaged component and issue a new component to the work order, as well as capture any resource time required to complete the rework.
The rework work order functionality enables you to plan and cost your rework. Additionally, it provides full traceability for products on your shop floor.
The following screenshot illustrates the creation of the rework work order. Optionally, you can use a rework work definition to create the rework work order; all the work definition names with type rework are shown and user can select one among them.
Rework Work Order
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Manage and Execute Transform Work Orders
In some scenarios, it is possible to take an existing finished product, make some changes, and then transform that result into another finished product. This process can be helpful to meet immediate demand for finished goods that are in short supply.
In this release, you can upgrade, downgrade, or otherwise transform one product into another by creating, tracking, and executing a transform work order. You can create transform work orders using a transform work definition. Or, you can manually transfer work orders by specifying the operations required, the on-hand item you want to transform, the existing components you want removed, the new components you want to add, and the resources required. Even complex manufacturing processes involving assembly and component serial or lot numbers can be tracked through this process, which updates genealogy based on the work performed.
This enables organizations to quickly react to customer orders by transforming existing, in-stock product into what the customer has ordered.
The following screenshot illustrates the creation of the transform work order. You need to specify the ‘Transform from Item’ for the transform work order. Optionally, you can choose a pre-defined “Transform” work definition to create the transform work order; all the work definition names that are valid for the work order item and transform from item combination are shown and the user can select from this list.
Transform Work Order
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Increase Productivity with Improved Assembly Serial Scanning
In the previous release, the item serial numbers associated with a work order are displayed in a drop-down list. Users were forced to search the item serial numbers from the drop-down list to report material usage. There was no quick way for users to choose the item serial number when there was a large number of item serial numbers associated with the work order.
In this release, the item serial numbers associated with the work order are now displayed on the left panel. Operators can either scan the item serial number or manually pick from the list, which further improves the user experience and increases productivity while reporting material usage.
Improved Material Transactions Page
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Manage Material Negative Issue and Negative Return Transactions
In this release, new material transaction types (negative issue and negative return) were introduced. When you want to remove a defective component or replace a component from an assembly, then you can indicate a negative quantity in the work definition and the work order. Also, you can add adhoc components during material transaction and perform a negative issue transaction. These transactions are supported for rework and transform definitions and work orders only.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Additional Manufacturing Enhancements
Manufacturers are faced with an ever-increasing requirement to provide inclusive lot and serial tracking from supplier through production and shipment. The Oracle genealogy solution provides you with tracking capabilities for serialized and lot-tracked finished products and components from the receipt of the component from suppliers, to the work orders and work centers that worked on the product, and to the final shipment to the customer.
Genealogy becomes most important when a failure occurs with a product or component. You want to identify:
- The source and scope of a failure.
- What the relevant identifying pieces of information for the failure are.
- What other items might be impacted due to a relationship or common origin.
- Where the item has been during its lifecycle.
- What occurred at each location or event.
You also want to manage, control, and correct a failure and determine where the problem product is at the moment, where the other potentially impacted items are, and if the failure has been corrected or if it’s ongoing. You can use enhanced search to quickly and easily retrieve genealogy and component information detailing manufacturing and inventory transactions. The Genealogy Search page provides key word search, autosuggest, filters, and a combination of autosuggest or keyword search and filters. In one view of the data, you can identify a lot or serial’s complete transaction history with a graphical timeline that depicts each movement. In an alternate view, you can identify what went into making the item and where the finished product was used, as well as trace the consumption to the end customer.
The following screenshot illustrates how to capture the component lot and serial details for a serial controlled product during work order completion process.
Capturing Component Lot and Serial Details
Users can search product genealogy details by using different search attributes. The following screenshot displays the default search filters you can use to search genealogy of any product.
Review Product Genealogy Search
The Genealogy Details page includes three panels. On the left is the dependency graph where the genealogy instance in focus is displayed with its immediate parent and child by default. The dependency graph can be expanded to two levels. On the bottom right is the dependency map that provides the completed component relationship at overview level. On the top right is a search panel. Genealogy instances that match the value you enter in the search box, are displayed in the search results panel, and are highlighted in the dependency graph and dependency map.
The following screenshot displays genealogy details for a lot and serial enabled assembly and the lot/serial details of the components.
Genealogy Details
The Genealogy Transactions History page displays the manufacturing transaction details of product for the work order. The following screenshot depicts manufacturing transaction history for a particular assembly. Users can click on the hyperlinks to get more details from Manufacturing or Inventory UIs.
Genealogy Transaction History
Steps to Enable
- To enable genealogy data capture, an item must have the following attribute values:
- Lot Control attribute = ‘Full lot control’ OR
- Serial Generation attribute = ‘Dynamic entry at inventory receipt,' ‘Entry at sales order, transfer order or work order issue’ or ‘Predefined serial number’
- For an item that is lot-controlled, serialized or both, the attribute ‘Enable Genealogy Tracking’ must be set to Yes.
Tips And Considerations
In case of serialization enabled manufacturing, the material usage including lot and serial details of components can be reported in reference to specific product serial numbers that are pre-associated to work orders.
So if the components are lot and/or serial control enabled and the assembly is serialized, the genealogy information is accurately displayed for serialization enabled manufacturing.
Key Resources
- Oracle Supply Chain Management Release Training session on Product Genealogy
Outside processing is a common business process in which one or more operations of a work order is outsourced to a supplier. Typically, manufacturers use outside processing when they don’t have the capabilities or equipment to perform a specialized and costly service (such as plating) in house.
Outside processing can be burdensome without system support because you must:
- Understand which step in the process is outsourced.
- Create a service purchase order for the work that is to be performed by your subcontractor.
- Ship the semi-finished product to the subcontractor.
- Track the material and cost when it leaves your facility.
- Receive the semi-finished product back and deliver it to the next operation in the process.
- Apply the outside processing cost to the overall cost of the finished good.
With this release, the entire process is automated, allowing you to streamline and effectively manage your extended supply chain to reduce cost, improve on-time delivery, and improve visibility. You can:
- Create and manage work definitions with supplier operations. You can create a work definition that defines supplier operations as internal or at supplier, identify who the supplier is, and the lead time for the supplier operation. You can define back-to-back supplier operations, where the material can directly go from one supplier to another, and then back to your facility for internal manufacturing. You can also identify if you need to generate shipping documents to facilitate shipping the processed assembly to your supplier.
The following screenshot shows a work definition with a “Supplier” operation displaying the additional details that need to be specified for a supplier operation.
Work Definition with a Supplier Operation
- Plan for supplier operations. Oracle Planning Central Cloud understands supplier operations, their sourcing, and the lead time required to perform those operations, and creates planned orders appropriately.
- Create and manage work orders with supplier operations. You can create work orders, which include operations to be performed internally, as well as at your supplier location.
The following is a screenshot of a work order with a “Supplier” operation.
Work Order with a Supplier Operation
The following is a screenshot displaying the additional details of the “Supplier” operation.
Additional Details Maintained for a Supplier Operation
- Automatically create and manage purchasing documents for the service. The system will automatically create the purchase requisitions and purchase orders to buy the outside manufacturing service, either at release of the work order or when the prior operation is completed, depending on your setups.
The following is a screenshot of an Outside Processing Purchase Order displaying the details of the Work Order maintained at the Line and Schedule levels.
Outside Processing Purchase Order Displaying Details of the Associated Work Order
- Automatically create shipping documents for the partially finished assembly. In this release, as soon as the prior operation is complete, the system will create a shipment line for the partially finished assembly. Users can generate all necessary shipping documents, such as bill of lading, pack slip, commercial invoice, and so on.
The following is a screenshot of a Bill of Lading that is generated for outside processing.
Bill of Lading Generated for Outside Processing
- Receive partial finished assemblies. In this release, you can receive the partially finished assembly on the receiving dock and deliver the material directly to the shop floor. Receipt of the partially finished assembly automatically completes the supplier operation, except in the case of serialized manufacturing, where a user must indicate which serial numbers were received.
The following is a screenshot of receipt of goods in outside processing with destination type as “Manufacturing”.
Receipt and Delivery in Outside Processing with Manufacturing Destination Type
- Manage and execute supplier operations. As a production supervisor, you can also keep an eye on the status of all supplier operations using the Manage Supplier Operations page. This gives you a simple and easy-to-use page to review, monitor, and manage all supplier operations for which you are responsible. In addition, you are able to complete transactions that are not automated by the system (such as completing the supplier operation for serial-tracked assemblies). Also, you can review and print the work order traveler, including the details of supplier operations.
The following is a screenshot of the “Manage Supplier Operations” page.
Manage and Execute Supplier Operations
- Monitor and review supplier operation details. Most of the time, the process of shipment and receipt between your plant and the supplier is without issues. However, you might encounter some instances where there are issues related to shipment errors, receipt errors, and so on. After review of the supplier operation details, you have a bird’s eye view of the purchase request, purchase order, shipment, receipts, overreceipts, and so on. You can make any corrections to receipts, shipments, returns, and submit new purchase requests. You can also resolve any of the exceptions raised due to purchasing or demand issues. The Supplier Operation Details page gives you a complete control on the current status of the supplier operation and also helps you take corrective actions.
The following is a screenshot of the “Review Supplier Operation Details” page.
Purchasing, Shipping, Receiving Details and Actions to Monitor and Manage a Supplier Operation
- Automatic demand and supply changes. In outside processing, a service purchase order is created for every work order. Therefore, you must reflect any change in either the quantity or schedule dates of the work order in the purchase order. Similarly, you must reflect any change in the supplier delivery schedule or quantity in the work order. For work order quantity or schedule date changes, Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud attempts to automatically adjust the purchase order and logs a manufacturing exception if the purchase order can’t be changed for any reason. If the purchase order changes, Supply Chain Orchestration automatically logs a manufacturing exception, which serves as a notification for the production supervisor to take immediate action on the work order.
The following screenshot represents a demand side change where a work order with open purchase orders is closed.
Work Order Change Management in Outside Processing
The following screenshot represents an exception that is automatically logged when the quantity of an outside processing purchase order is reduced.
Supplier Operation Exception
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Determine when purchase requisitions need to be created for outside processing (at work order release/at prior operation completion) and set the “Purchase Requisition Trigger” plant parameter accordingly.
- To model and track consumption of components supplied by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), associate components to the supplier operation with the supply type as Push/Operation Pull/Assembly Pull.
- To inspect goods after they are received from supplier and delivered to the shop floor, create an in-house operation immediately after the supplier operation to record inspection results.
Use Quality Inspection Plans to Selectively Inspect at Work Order Operations and Collect Inspection Results
Early detection of defects in the manufacturing process and proactive initiation of corrective actions is important to ensure superior product quality. You can now enforce quality checks and inspection results collection inline to work order operation transactions. Based on the inspection results collected by the production operator, disposition actions can be initiated, which in turn may result in logging of a quality issue.
The production operator can also initiate standalone inspections to collect results for a work order operation, an item in inventory, or a production resource. For example, resource inspection allows for proactive monitoring of equipment, so that you can detect potential problems early. Production supervisors can query and view the inspection results collected as part of inline and standalone inspections.
Quality inspection plans and results are available with manufacturing execution transactions. Supported features include:
- Selective inspection of operations
- Data collection using quality inspection plans to complete operation transactions
- Disposition driven by inspection results
- Automatic generation of an action in Oracle Quality Management Cloud to perform further analysis and corrective action when a quality inspection results in nonconformance to the quality inspection plan specifications
NOTE: Additional capabilities for quality issues and actions require Oracle Quality Management Cloud. Oracle Quality Management Cloud delivers a unified platform for enabling quality visibility, collaboration, and execution through quality control techniques and closed-loop quality management. For more information, see the Oracle Quality Management Cloud section in the Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud: What's New document.
You can open the Quality Inspection page from a work order Operation Transaction page to collect quality inspection data. The Quality Inspection page captures the quality inspection data directly in Oracle Quality Management Cloud while providing a reference to the operation transaction. When users initiate an operation transaction that requires mandatory inspection, they will have to enter the quality inspection results to proceed and complete recording of the transaction.
Enter Inspection Results While Performing Complete with Details Action
Production supervisors can quickly view quality inspection results by navigating to the Quality Inspection Results page. A new task “Inspections” has been introduced for users to navigate directly from Work Execution Overview page to view the quality inspection data. Additionally, users can view the quality inspection results by navigating from the Work Orders History page.
Search and View Inspection Results
Production operators can perform inspections in standalone mode and associate the inspection results with the work order operations. Production operators can also inspect the resources used in the manufacturing process and finished goods in inventory.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- If mandatory inspection is enabled, then the production operator must perform inspection; else the operation transaction cannot be performed
- Inspections can be enabled only at count point operations
- Inspection can also be modeled as a separate operation in the work definition and in work order operations
This release includes new privileges that facilitate function security for new features. If you have created custom job roles, then you can add new privileges to those custom roles as needed.
Table A-1 Function Security Privileges for Manufacturing
Privilege Name and Code |
Job Role Name and Code |
Edit Inspection Results QA_EDIT_INSPECTION_RESULTS |
View Plan to Produce Infolet Page WIP_VIEW_PLAN_TO_PRODUCE_INFOLET_PAGE |
Get Production Exceptions by Service WIP_GET_PRODUCTION_EXCEPTIONS_SERVICE |

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