This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
15 NOV 2023 | Supply Chain Orchestration |
Use Your Own Group Codes to Manage Purchase Requests in Buyer Planning | Updated document. Revised feature description. |
02 JUN 2023 | Created initial document. |
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
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Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Configure Offerings.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Use REST API to Process Supply Request Lines that Pass Validation
Use the Create Supply Request REST API to process supply request lines that pass validation. If your supply request includes more than one supply request line, and if you set the AllowPartialRequestFlag attribute to Y in your REST API payload, then REST API will process the lines that pass validation. It won't process the lines that don't pass validation and mark them in error. If you set AllowPartialRequestFlag to N, and if any line in the supply request doesn't pass validation, then REST API will reject all lines in the request, including the ones that do pass validation. The default value for AllowPartialRequestFlag is N.
Use this feature to process the supply request lines that pass validation when your supply request includes more than one supply request line.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- See Use REST API to Manage Supply Chain Orchestration and Using Supply Chain Orchestration on Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)
If you're maintaining your own job roles, no new privileges were introduced to support this feature.
Use the Supply Chain Orchestration Work Area to Synchronize Supply Documents
Use the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to synchronize supply documents between Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration and Oracle Procurement. Use this feature in your outside processing flow when Supply Chain Orchestration can't record a purchase requisition or purchase order because of a technical failure.
Keep your data up to date so Supply Chain Orchestration has the latest purchasing details and can accurately orchestrate supply for your sales orders.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 24A
Tips And Considerations
Synchronize your purchase requisitions and purchase orders:
- Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then click Tasks > Manage Supply Lines.
- On the Manage Supply Lines page, click a link in the Supply Order Number column, such as 300100083428746.
- On the Supply Order Details page, click Actions > Synchronize Supply Documents.
Supply Chain Orchestration will synchronize data for your purchase requisitions and purchase orders between Supply Chain Orchestration and Procurement.
Key Resources
- See Using Supply Chain Orchestration and Supply Chain Orchestration on Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)
- Synchronize Supply Document (DOS_SYNC_SUPPLY_DOCS)
Use Your Own Group Codes to Manage Purchase Requests in Buyer Planning
Use your own group codes to manage purchase requests in the Buyer Planning work area, which is available as part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning starting in update 23D. You can already use predefined codes such as Buyer, Category, Item, Location, Supplier, and None. This new feature allows buyer planners to create their own group code, and then use it to organize purchase requests into a group and take advantage of price breaks, order minimums, and so on. Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration will send the group code for each purchase request to Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement. Oracle Procurement will group these purchase requests into purchase requisitions according to the value in the Group Code attribute.
Use this feature to group purchase requests to take advantage of price breaks, order minimums and other constraints.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
- See Using Supply Chain Orchestration and Supply Chain Orchestration on Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)
If you're maintaining your own job roles, no new privileges were introduced to support this feature.
Extend Supply Chain Orchestration's Integration with Inventory Management
Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration allows you to create service mappings to integrate with Oracle Inventory Management starting in update 23B. This feature extends that capability. You can include a change entity and other attributes when you map attributes between Supply Chain Orchestration and your inventory management system. Here are the new attributes that you can map:
- SourceOrganizationId
- SourceSubinventoryCode
- DestinationLocationId
- ItemRevision
- FreightCarrierId
- ModeOfTransportLookup
- ServiceLevelLookup
- ShipmentPriorityLookup
- FirmFlag
- RepriceFlag
- AllowItemSubstitutionFlag
Use service mappings to tailor how you process the change that happens in your supply chain during order fulfillment. You can now use service mappings to integrate with inventory, procurement, or manufacturing.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- This is an enhancement to an existing opt-in feature that is always optional.
- Make sure your integration can satisfy the validations that Inventory Management applies. Your request payload might be fine, but Inventory Management might not accept the request.
- Make sure the objects that you reference in your integration algorithm exist, especially when you query for more than one request line. If you reference an object that doesn't exist at runtime, you might encounter an error.
- If you encounter an error, fix it, then use the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to resubmit your request.
Access Requirements
Use these predefined privileges to set up this feature:
- Manage DOS Service Mappings
- Manage DOS Algorithms
- Administer Sandbox
- View Modified Data, so you can view the runtime results
Prevent Duplicate Supply Requests for Back-to-Back Sales Orders
Prevent Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration from creating excess supply when a communication problem happens. Sometimes there's a disruption that prevents Oracle Order Management from sending a supply request to Supply Chain Orchestration. The disruption might never get resolved and orchestration never receives the request, or receive it only after a long delay. If Order Management doesn't receive a reply from Supply Chain Orchestration after a specific amount time, then Order Management might resend a create, update, or cancel request, and this makes it difficult for Supply Chain Orchestration to interpret how to handle the resent request.
Use this feature to prevent Supply Chain Orchestration from creating duplicate supply requests for the same demand when there's a communication problem between Order Management and Supply Chain Orchestration.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order.
View Manual Reservations for Your Back-to-Back Sales Orders
You might need to manually create a reservation when Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration can't create enough supply to meet Oracle Order Management's demand. You can view these reservations in the Supply Orchestration work area:
- View details about each reservation that you create manually in a back-to-back flow for your sales order.
- View the work orders, purchase requests, and transfer orders that create supply for these reservations.
- Click a link that takes you to the work order, purchase request, or transfer order.
- View the current state of the supply lines and tracking lines for each manual reservation.
- View an icon on each supply line and tracking line to quickly determine whether you're using it for a manual reservation.
- The Supply Orchestration work area displays a manual reservation only when supply doesn't meet the requested quantity.
Get a picture of the supply that's allocated to the sales order outside of automated processing.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 24A
Tips And Considerations
- Supply Chain Orchestration doesn't modify a manual reservation for a demand change that it receives from Order Management. Any necessary changes must be done manually.
- The quantity for the work order, purchase request, or transfer order might be different from the reservation's quantity or the quantity on the supply or tracking line because other requests might also use the work order, purchase request, or transfer order.
Access Requirements
The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order.
Use High-Volume Order Processing with Supply Chain Orchestration for Configured Items
Use High-Volume Order Processing with Supply Chain Orchestration to orchestrate the supply that you need to fulfill configured items when you have a high volume of sales orders to process.
Improve performance when you need to orchestrate fulfillment for sales orders that have a lot of configured items, or your configured items are large and complex and have many child components.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
The feature is available to any privilege that can create and submit a sales order with configured items.
Honor Decimal Precision for Unit of Measure Conversions
In some industries, it’s necessary to maintain various unit of measure (UOM) conversion rates at a very high level of precision. The profile option MSC_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_PRECISION is currently used to specify the level of precision required for various planning processes and is honored for planning calculations. With this update, the precision specified will be honored on various display pages as well.
Example: The preceding image shows the MSC_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_PRECISION profile parameter with a value of 5 decimal points. The following image shows the UOM measure on the Plan Inputs page displayed in the decimal precision specified in the profile value.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Restrict Access to Specific Plans
In enterprises with a large number of planners, it’s beneficial to restrict some actions, such as running a plan, to a subset of users. With this update, in the plan options for a plan, you can create a private plan, assign planners to the plan, and specify the type of access for each planner you assign to the plan. The Full Access and Limited Access access types are now available.
Planners assigned the Limited Access type won’t be able to:
- Run a plan
- Edit plan options
- Save a plan to database
- Delete a plan
Planners assigned the Limited Access type will be able to:
- Make changes to plan data
- Save changes to plan data
- Release planned orders
- Copy the plan for purposes such as simulating plan changes
Users Access Menu Dialog
On the Plan Options page, you can use enhanced selections for private users to configure full or limited access to a plan. For example, In the preceding image, the APS_ALL user was granted limited access to the plan in the users access menu.
Actions Menu Options for Limited Access Users
As you can see in the preceding image, the options in the Actions menu for a limited access user are restricted. The Run, Save Plan to Database, and Delete actions are disabled. Also, changes to the Plan Options page aren't allowed. For example, a limited-access user can't assign user access, make any changes to scope, planning attributes, or advanced options. However a limited access user can review the setting for all plan options. The Save buttons on the Plan Options UI will be disabled for limited-access users.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
No new privileges are required to access this feature.
Use Forecast Designators When Uploading Forecasts in the Targeted Collection Mode
If you’re loading forecasts to Oracle Supply Planning, you can use a forecast designator to name your forecasts. Previously, loading a forecast using a forecast designator in the targeted mode wiped out all the previously loaded forecasts. With this update, only the forecasts with the same forecast designator are deleted and replaced with the new forecast.
Use forecast designators to upload named forecasts reliably for various business reasons. For example, you may have a forecast that’s intended for spares demand that you named SPARES and another one for new sales orders that you named NEW. When uploading forecasts for the designator SPARES, only the data associated with the designator SPARES is replaced.
Select the Yes value for the Retain Other External Forecast Designators parameter on the Load Planning Data from Files process page to use this feature.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Organization group behavior will be respected if the Retain Other External Forecast Designators parameter is used in combination with the Organization Group parameter. For example, external forecast data belonging to one organization group will be updated or added, but another organization's external forecast data will be kept as it is even if that's included in the new external forecast data file.
- If the collection type is Net change, even if Yes is selected for the Retain Other External Forecast Designators parameter, the external forecast file will be loaded ignoring the Retain Other External Forecast Designators parameter.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privilege can access this feature:
- Monitor Demand and Supply Planning Work Area (MSC_MONITOR_DEMAND_AND_SUPPLY_PLANNING_WORK_AREA_PRIV)
These privileges were available prior to this update.
Plan with Flexible Time Buckets
Telescopic time buckets enable you to plan with greater granularity in the near-term horizon and less granularity for the remainder of the planning horizon. By selecting a larger planning time bucket, you eliminate unnecessary plan precision and details for the time period that you choose.
With this update, you can elect to run a plan with week and period combinations. Previously, you could only select a day level bucket for the near-term. Use this new combination for additional flexibility to model the right level of planning granularity for your business. Additionally, you can use this capability to run plans with a much longer time horizon in a constrained planning mode.
You can select the Week and Period time bucket combination in the Edit Plan Options page as shown in the following screenshot:
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Points to take into consideration using this feature:
- The Don't create partial buckets option will be disabled if the Week and Period time buckets combination is selected for the plan on the Edit Plan Options page.
- Planning happens on the last working day of the time buckets, but in pivot tables the measure value is shown on the first date of the time buckets.
- The maximum combination of Week and Period time buckets is 120 for a constrained supply plan.
Generate feasible factory schedules that maximize shop floor throughput and return on investment in resources and labor. You can calculate, manage, and monitor realistic schedules that the shop floor can execute on, while optimizing the usage of critical resources and meeting customer demand on time as best as possible.
After you opt in to the feature named Production Scheduling, you can use the features in this section.
Copy a Schedule and Simulate Schedule Changes
Previously, duplicating a schedule copied only the schedule options, not the underlying data, so a schedule refresh of current data from Oracle Manufacturing was necessary. Because execution data may have changed after the source schedule had been refreshed, the new schedule's data could be different.
With this update, you can create an exact copy of a schedule, including the data, to enable an accurate understanding of the impact of what-if changes when compared to the current schedule.
You duplicate a schedule from the schedule's action menu. Here's an example of creating a copy of an existing schedule with all its data to evaluate whether adding overtime in a particular work center would be beneficial to overall schedule quality.
Example: Duplicate a Schedule to Simulate the Impact of Adding Overtime on Certain Resources
After schedule duplication completes, you can open the new schedule and adjust its data as desired. In this example you would modify the calendar of the assembly resources, re-solve the schedule, evaluate the schedule results, and then make an informed decision for whether you should implement the overtime scenario or not.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
Tips And Considerations
If you want to use the Copy a Schedule and Simulate Schedule Changes feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Production Scheduling. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Make Mass Calendar Changes as Needed for Schedule Simulation
Previously, you could make changes in resource uptime and downtime for only a single calendar event. With this update, you can change uptime and downtime simultaneously on a single resource or on all resources belonging to a resource group. Additionally, you can make these changes for a single event or for many recurring events.
For example, you can make calendar changes at the same time to add:
- An extra shift every Saturday for the next 8 weeks
- Two hours of extra work each workday for the next 4 weeks
You can do these changes simultaneously to minimize the time you spend setting up simulation data.
Here's an example of adding Saturday shifts throughout January for all resources in the Extrusion resource group:
Example of Adding Saturday Shifts Throughout January for All Resources in the Extrusion Resource Group
After clicking OK, the resource availability is updated accordingly.
Extrusion Resources Updated with More Available Time
A subsequent solve can use the additional resource availability.
After Solving the Schedule Again, You Can Evaluate the Results
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
Tips And Considerations
If you want to use the Make Mass Calendar Changes as Needed for Schedule Simulation feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Production Scheduling. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Include Unscheduled Operations in Pegging Links Visualization
You can now include pegging visualizations in the Gantt chart for unscheduled work order operations in addition to scheduled work order operations. Your inclusion of these operations ensures a full, unbroken visualization of the end-to-end chain of pegging links.
Previously, pegging link visualization terminated once an unscheduled operation was present. With this update, pegging links will be drawn across unscheduled operations by drawing between the latest preceding and the first succeeding scheduled operation. This approach provides the ability to see which upstream or downstream work orders provide components to selected work order operations. Pegging links will be shown upon selecting an operation in the Gantt Chart. Two types of pegging links are possible:
- A dashed line indicates a link across two separate work orders
- A solid line indicates a link across operations within the same work order
Here's an example where the downstream work order to the right of the dashed line has the first operation scheduled.
In this example, the first operation in the downstream work order is now unscheduled so isn't shown on the Gantt Chart. The pegging links are now drawn to the next scheduled operation.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
Tips And Considerations
If you want to use the Include Unscheduled Operations in Pegging Links Visualization feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Production Scheduling. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Reschedule your order backlog by prioritizing orders based on flexible demand priority rules. You can simulate the effect of different rules to find the best combination of scheduled dates and sources based upon the latest supply information, and then release the updated orders to order management systems for execution.
After you opt in to to the feature named Backlog Management, you can use the features in this section.
Control Shipment Cutoff Times by Carrier and Destination During Rescheduling
The last carrier pickup time for a transit mode and route may take place before an order is received, making it infeasible to ship on the current date. During rescheduling, Oracle Backlog Management compares the current time with the cut-off time specified for the carrier and destination within the shipping organization. If the current time is later than the cut-off time, then the shipment date is set to the next open day available in the shipment calendar for the combination of the organization and the carrier for that destination.
Order Shipment Cutoff Time Column on the Interlocation Shipping Networks Tab (Navigation: Plan Inputs work area > Manage Supply Network Model task > Interlocation Shipping Networks tab)
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
If you want to use the Control Shipment Cutoff Times by Carrier and Destination During Rescheduling feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Order Backlog Management. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again.
Steps you must take for Oracle Backlog Management to plan sales order lines using this feature:
- Navigate to the Maintain Supply Network Model page in the Plan Inputs work area.
- On the Maintain Supply Network Model page, navigate to the Interlocation Shipping Networks tab to provide a cutoff time for a source, destination, and carrier combination, or to the Carriers tab to provide a cutoff time for a shipping method, or to the Organization tab to provide a cutoff time for an organization.
- Enter the cutoff time in hh:mm format by making the appropriate selection.
- Save the settings.
Tips And Considerations
- Oracle Fusion Backlog Management Cloud will use the following hierarchy to prioritize cutoff times, if they're defined in multiple tabs:
- Use the cutoff time defined for the source-destination-carrier combination, if applicable
- Use the cutoff time defined for the carrier, if applicable
- Use the cutoff time defined for the organization
Cutoff times are applied only in cases where the scheduled ship date is calculated to be on the system date at the shipping organization, after considering all factors like lead time offsets, calendars, and other constraints
- The start time of backlog plan run in the organization time zone is compared with the cutoff time in the same organization time zone. Possible cases:
- If backlog plan is run before the cutoff time, then an order line is shipped on the same day or the system date
- If the plan is run after the cutoff time, then an order line is shipped on the next working day in the shipping calendar
Cutoff times aren't supported for drop ship cases
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Plan Order Lines Earlier Than Requested Date When Needed to Avoid Delay
Previously, Oracle Backlog Management didn’t schedule an order to ship or arrive before a customer’s requested date. However, when production, shipment, or transit options are limited, it may not be feasible to ship or deliver for several days after the requested date. With this update, rather than delay the order line, Backlog Management will now schedule orders to ship or deliver earlier than the customer’s requested date. You can specify the earliest acceptable date on the order line to control how much earlier this scheduling can occur.
With this update, you'll see the following planning behavior in Backlog Management:
On the Backlog Analysis page, a planned date may be on or before the requested date, but will be as close as possible to the requested date, subject to constraints and the earliest acceptable date.
There's no limit to how early the planned date can be relative to the requested date when an earliest acceptable date isn't specified. However, this doesn't mean that Backlog Management will plan the order as early as possible.
The earliest acceptable date and both the shipping and receiving calendars are respected.
Planned ship date and planned arrival date are on or later than the earliest acceptable date for ship and arrival type orders respectively.
If you opt in to this feature, the earliest acceptable date won't be be treated as a requested date so orders won't be expedited to be planned early per the earliest acceptable date.
You can override the planned ship date or planned arrival date to a date earlier than requested date even if an earliest acceptable date isn't specified.
The Backlog Analysis page with some planned dates earlier than the requested date
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning No Longer Optional From: Update 24A
Tips And Considerations
If you want to use the Plan Order Lines Earlier Than Requested Date When Needed to Avoid Delay feature, then you must opt in to two features:
- Order Backlog Management. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again.
- Plan Order Lines Earlier Than Requested Date When Needed to Avoid Delay feature
Additional Tips and Considerations:
- If you want to use the earliest acceptable date as a requested date where earliest acceptable date is much earlier than the requested date, then don't opt in to this feature. Example for a ship type order where requested date is 1/21/2030 and earliest acceptable date is 1/7/2030, assuming both dates are work days and item is available on 1/7/2030, then you’ll see following behavior:
- If you opt in to this feature, then planned ship date is 1/21/2030
- If you don't opt into this feature, then the order can be expedited to be planned at earliest acceptable so the planned date can be 1/7/2030
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Review Allocation Details for Order Lines Displayed on the Backlog Analysis Page
You can now navigate from the Backlog Analysis page to the Allocation Workbench page to review the supply allocation details for your selected order line. The Allocation Workbench page displays the total and consumed allocation for the item at its assigned ship-from organization for the weekly bucket that includes the request date. You can also review demand satisfaction metrics associated with the supply allocation, such as the fill rate percentage and planned on-time revenue.
Steps to navigate from the Backlog Analysis page to the Allocation Workbench page and save the results to an allocation scenario:
- On the Backlog Analysis page, highlight or select a single order line for an item under allocation.
- Click on Actions and then select the action Review Allocation Workbench.
- The context of item, organization, allocation nodes, and the bucket in which requested date falls is passed from the Backlog Analysis page to the the Allocation Workbench page
- The Allocation Workbench page is opened in another tab and shows the details based on the context passed in the previous step. Additionally, you'll see 3 more buckets over and above the bucket in which requested date falls.
- You will also see a set of default measures in the Demand Satisfaction and Allocation Details section.
- If you like the results of navigation and are interested in analyzing the allocation details further, you can save the results of navigation to an allocation scenario.
- To save the results to an allocation scenario, click on the Configure Allocation Scenario button.
- The Configure Allocation Scenario dialog will open.
- Enter a scenario name.
- You can modify the number of buckets from the default 4 buckets or add more measures over and above the list of measures already selected by default in the Demand Satisfaction Metrics and Allocation Measures tab.
- You can also select more allocation nodes in the Allocation Nodes tab.
- You can also make this scenario default by selecting the Default check box.
- Click the Save and Close button to save the results to a scenario.
- The scenario created in the previous step will now show in the Allocation Workbench page and is available for further analysis.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
When you opt in to use this feature, you must opt in to 2 features in the Supply Chain Planning offering:
- The Backlog Management feature
- Either the Attribute-Based Planning feature or the Project-Driven Supply Chain feature
Opting in to the Backlog Management feature and the Attribute-Based Planning or Project-Driven Supply Chain feature also enables the feature described here. If you previously opted in to the Backlog Management feature and either the Attribute-Based Planning feature or Project-Driven Supply Chain feature, then this feature is automatically enabled.
After the opt ins are enabled, perform these steps to begin to allocate supply based on plan attributes:
- Define value sets and flexfield segments for user-defined planning attributes in your Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM applications if collecting planning attributes from an Oracle Fusion source system.
- Define planning attributes on the Manage Planning Attributes page and define planning attributes mapping.
- Specify planning attributes mapping with the Allocation Tier on the Manage Backlog Planning Options page in the Backlog Management work area.
- Prepare file-based data import (FBDI) csv files for planning attribute values and demands with planning attribute values if collecting data from an external source system.
- Run data collections.
Tips And Considerations
- You can navigate from the Backlog Analysis page to the Allocation Workbench page only if the order is for an item under allocation.
- The order line on the Backlog Analysis page should have a valid allocation node specified on it.
- The Review Allocation Workbench action is enabled only if a single order line is selected. The action gets disabled if no order line is selected or multiple order lines are selected.
- Allocation node information must be available for the selected order line, otherwise the action Review Allocation Workbench will be disabled.
- When you navigate from the Backlog Analysis page to the Allocation Workbench page, only the Configure Allocation Scenario and Done buttons are enabled, other buttons, like Run Plan and Save Planning Results, are disabled.
- Immediately after navigation to the Allocation Workbench, you won't be able to modify the Manual allocation measure or run a simulation plan.
- You need to save the navigation results to a scenario and then edit the Manual allocation measure in the scenario to enable a plan run.
- The next time when you navigate using the Review Allocation Workbench action on the Backlog Analysis page from the same order line, the Allocation workbench will show you the data in context of navigation with scenario field as blank, it won't show the last scenario that you created or saved even if it was the default scenario.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Upload Quantity-Based Supply Allocations in Oracle Backlog Management
You can now set or override quantity-based supply allocations in bulk by uploading them using file-based data import (FBDI) in addition to maintaining them using a REST service. Oracle Backlog Management provides a new tab, the SupplyAllocationQuantities tab, on the Supply Chain Planning Planning Allocation Rules FBDI template (ScpPlanningAllocationRulesImportTemplate.xlsm) for you to edit these values in a spreadsheet or map them from an external source.
Other important points for this feature related to SupplyAllocationQuantities tab:
In the Allocation Date attribute, specify the start date of the weekly allocation bucket. The Allocation start date can only correspond to Mondays.
The Allocation Value is the value of the allocation as specified at an allocation node, per weekly bucket. The value specified in this attribute should always be a positive number.
Attributes are based on name and value combination. A validation is performed against the relationship between the attribute levels after you upload the file and run collections.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
When you opt in to use this feature, you must opt in to 2 features in the Supply Chain Planning offering:
- The Backlog Management feature
- Either the Attribute-Based Planning feature or the Project-Driven Supply Chain feature
Opting in to the Backlog Management feature and the Attribute-Based Planning or Project-Driven Supply Chain feature also enables the feature described here. If you previously opted in to the Backlog Management feature and either the Attribute-Based Planning feature or Project-Driven Supply Chain feature, then this feature is automatically enabled.
After the opt ins are enabled, perform these steps to begin to allocate supply based on plan attributes:
- Define value sets and flexfield segments for user-defined planning attributes in your Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM applications if collecting planning attributes from an Oracle Fusion source system.
- Define planning attributes on the Manage Planning Attributes page and define planning attributes mapping.
- Specify planning attributes mapping with the Allocation Tier on the Manage Backlog Planning Options page in the Backlog Management work area.
- Prepare file-based data import (FBDI) csv files for planning attribute values and demands with planning attribute values if collecting data from an external source system.
- Run data collections.
Tips And Considerations
The allocation values uploaded via an FBDI file will show in the Manual Allocation measure in the Allocation Workbench table in the Backlog Management work area.
If the data from the FBDI file is collected in Net change mode after REST upload of bulk allocation numbers, then the allocation values in the FBDI file will override the allocation numbers uploaded through REST.
Similarly, if a REST-based bulk update of allocation numbers happens after data is collected through FBDI, then the allocation values from REST will override allocation values uploaded from the FBDI file.
Access Requirements
Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Honor Decimal Precision for Unit of Measure Conversions
In some industries, it’s necessary to maintain various unit of measure (UOM) conversion rates at a very high level of precision. The profile option MSC_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_PRECISION is currently used to specify the level of precision required for various planning processes and is honored for planning calculations. With this update, the precision specified will be honored on various display pages as well.
Example: The preceding image shows the MSC_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_PRECISION profile parameter with a value of 5 decimal points. The following image shows the UOM measure on the Plan Inputs page displayed in the decimal precision specified in the profile value.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Supply Chain Planning
Tips And Considerations
If you want to use the Horizon Decimal Prevision for Unit of Measure Conversion feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Order Backlog Management. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again
IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations
Changes to File-Based Data Import (FBDI) Templates
A Supply Chain Planning FBDI template has changed in this update. For details of the specific changes, refer to the Instructions tab of this FBDI template:
- ERP Integration Service Parameters (ScpErpIntegrationServiceParamsImportTemplate.xlsm)
You can find the latest template in the Supply Chain Planning section of Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for SCM, available on the Oracle Help Center.