Cloud Readiness / Oracle Talent Management Cloud
What's New
Expand All

  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. Learning and Development
    1. Learning Cloud
        1. Self Service Search
        2. Assignment Comments Field in Learner Search Results
        3. Enhance Optimize Learning Item Keyword ESS Job
        4. Offering Listing Selection View
        5. Global Access Group Support
        6. Correction for the Documented URL for the Deep Link for Mobile
        7. Custom Resource Alert Based on REST API
        8. Profile Option to View SCORM Content in New Browser
  1. Update 19A
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. Career and Succession
    1. Career Development
      1. Career Development Redesigned User Experience
        1. Most Career Development Features Added to Redesigned Pages
    2. Succession Management
      1. Succession Redesigned User Expereince
        1. Quick Actions Support for Succession and Talent Pools
        2. Succession Actions Added to Career Overview
        3. Resource Catalog Component Support for Succession and Talent Pool Pages
    3. Profile Management
      1. Profiles Redesigned User Expereince
        1. Enhanced Talent Profile Management
        2. Re-Architecture of Person Profile Real Time Subject Area
        3. New Attribute - Competency Section Name in Performance Rating Real Time
  5. Performance
    1. Goal Management
      1. Goals Redesigned User Experience
        1. Notifications, Target Outcomes, and New Approval Features in Redesigned Goal Management
    2. Performance Management
        1. Data Loader Support to Transfer Performance Goals and Documents Between Assignments
        2. Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents
        3. Send Feedback Request Notifications to Participants Selected Using Data Loaders
      1. Performance Redesigned User Experience
        1. Request Feedback
  6. Learning and Development
    1. Learning Cloud
        1. Enhanced Talent Profile Management
  7. Recruiting
    1. Recruiting
        1. Automated Job Application Notifications
        2. Ad Hoc Candidate Notifications
        3. Current Jobs Location Search
        4. Third Party Candidate Assessment
        5. Enhanced Background Check
        6. Representatives in Approval Rules
        7. Limit Number of Job Offers to Number of Openings
        8. Enhanced Candidate Selection Process
        9. Multiple Career Sites
        10. Candidate Self Service
        11. Job Alerts
        12. Changes to LinkedIn Integration
        13. Complete Redesigned User Experience for Hiring
        14. Campaigns Redesigned
        15. Candidate Pools Redesigned
        16. Candidate Search Flow Redesigned
        17. Job Offer Pages Redesigned
        18. Job Requisition Flows Redesigned
        19. Enhanced Talent Profile Management
  8. HR Optimization
    1. Transactional Business Intelligence for Talent Management
      1. Goals
        1. New Subject Area - Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignment Real Time
      2. Performance
        1. New Subject Area - Workforce Performance - Check-In Eligibility Real Time
      3. Recruiting
        1. Recruiting - Candidate Pool Process Enhancements
        2. Recruiting - Enhanced Job Offer Dimension
        3. New Dimension to Support Questionnaire in Recruiting
        4. Enhanced Recruiting Events Subject Area for Candidate Search

May Maintenance Pack for 19A

Revision History

Date Feature Notes
31 MAY 2019 Learning Cloud: Profile Option to View SCORM Content in New Browser

Updated document. Delivered feature in May Maintenance Pack for 19A.

26 APR 2019   Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (19A, 19B, 19C, and 19D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found on the Oracle Help Center at: under Human Capital Management Release Readiness.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Learning and Development

Learning Cloud

Self Service Search

Assignment Comments Field in Learner Search Results

Enhance Optimize Learning Item Keyword ESS Job

Offering Listing Selection View

Global Access Group Support

Correction for the Documented URL for the Deep Link for Mobile

Custom Resource Alert Based on REST API

Profile Option to View SCORM Content in New Browser

Learning and Development

Learning Cloud

Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.

Self Service Search

Search for items in Self-Service using the improved search functionality. You no longer need to unhide the Title field to use it. It is displayed by default.

Title Field Displayed by Default

You can also search by title without having to use any other values. Title searches now search for items values using “contains” rather than “starts with.”

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For additional information about Self-Service in Learning Cloud, refer to the Employee Self-Service chapter of the Using Learning guide.

Assignment Comments Field in Learner Search Results

Use the Assignment Comments column in the Learner Results section of the Learner Assignment page to display additional information or directions that instructors add for individual assignments.

Assignment Comments Column

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Enhance Optimize Learning Item Keyword ESS Job

Use the Recreate Index drop-down list on the Process Details page for the Optimize Learning Item Keyword job to indicate whether you want to rebuild your index rather than using the optimize process.

Recreate Index Drop-Down List

Recreate Index mode enables you to update your learning item keyword index in less time than it takes to use Optimize mode. The Optimize processing can take much longer than the Recreate Index processing, depending on the number of fragmented token you have.

Recreate Index mode makes your search functionality temporarily unavailable during the rebuild process. Optimize mode does not.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The best practice is to select Yes to drop and recreate the index.

Since rebuilding the index temporarily renders your search functionality unavailable, you may want to run this job at a time when there are fewer people using search. If this is not possible, select No to use the optimize mode instead. Optimize mode doesn't impact search capabilities. 

NOTE: The default setting for this drop-down list is Yes. If you had this job scheduled prior to this release, and you prefer to use the optimize mode, you must edit the Optimize Learning Item Keyword job to select No for Recreate Index.

Key Resources

For more information on this and other jobs, refer to the Processes in Oracle Learning Cloud section of the Oracle Talent Management Cloud Using Learning guide.

Offering Listing Selection View

Use the updated Offering Selection view to scroll through the list of all available offerings. Previously, you could only view three offerings per type.

Offering Search Results

Now, you can search for offerings based on format, start date, location city, and location country. Items are sorted by start date. Self-paced items display first since they do not have a start date, followed by instructor led items based on start date.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Global Access Group Support

Streamline the creation of access groups using global access groups. When you create a global access group, you can apply it to multiple learning items. This makes it easy and quick to create and maintain access groups when you have a large number of learning items and learners. Using global access groups reduces the data growth in certain tables within Oracle Learning Cloud. It increases the performance of features that use access control, because it minimizes the number of records that must be evaluated for access. It also increases the performance for the jobs that are used to reconcile learners that are added or removed from access groups (via analysis objects, org groups, dynamic learner criteria, or other learning items).

Global Access Groups are located in Catalog Resources.

Global Access Groups Tab

You can search for existing global access groups by using the common search capabilities. Click Advanced to view more fields to search with. You can add more columns to the Search Results by clicking View.

Click a global access group in the Search Results to open it in view mode. Click the Definition tile to view the learning Item number, the configuration settings for the Self Service and Manager views, the assignment modes, and prerequisite configurations.

View Mode - Definition Tile

You can also enter edit mode by clicking Edit from this view, or you can click Edit from the global access group main page search results.

NOTE: See Tips & Considerations for additional information about editing global access groups.

Click the Access tile to view all of the users associated to the global access group.

View Mode - Access Tile

You can use advanced search by clicking Advanced. You can change the visible columns in th search results by clicking View.

Reconcile Access Groups Job

Use the new Reconcile Access Groups job to reconcile global and local access groups. Previously, the Reconcile Dynamic Assignments job reconciled local access groups, as well as initiatives, community assignments, and other dynamic assignments. There are now two learning reconciliation jobs:

  1. Reconcile Access Groups – This job only reconciles local and global access groups. Recommended run frequency is daily.
  2. Reconcile Dynamic Assignments – This job reconciles initiatives, community assignments, and other dynamic assignments.

Administrator Privileges

Additional aggregate privileges have been added for administrators:

  • View Global Access Groups - Allows administrators to view global access group details.
  • Manage Global Access Groups - Allows administrators to manage global access groups.

Steps to Enable

Create a Global Access Group

  1. On the Catalog Resources page, click the Global Access Groups tab.
  2. Click Create to create a new Global Access Group.
  3. Enter the details for the access group. The fields are the same as those used with the local access groups feature. (The difference between the global access group and the local access group creation process is that global access groups does not maintain pricing data, and it does not support using a learning item as a destination.)

When you associate a global access group to a learning item, the people associated to the global access group expand and become part of the access list on the learning item.

Recommended Steps to Transition From Local Access Groups to Global Access Groups

  1. Create a global access group that has the same destination of the local access you are replacing.
  2. Associate the global access group to the learning items that have the local access group you are replacing.
  3. Ensure that the global access group is at a higher priority then the local access group.
  4. Use the Access tab to validate that the expansion has occurred, and that the global access records are now present.
  5. Validate that access works with a set of users.
  6. Remove the local access group from learning item.
  7. Run the Expand and Reconcile Job.
  8. Validate that access works with set of users with the new global access group and the local access group removed.

Tips And Considerations

  • When you edit a global access group, the changes impact all learning items that the global access group is associated with.
  • If you edit viewers for learners, organization chart groups, select learning assignments, worker criteria, and learning assignment criteria the changes will occur synchronously. All learning items associated with the global access group are updated. The Generate a List of People from Analysis Report job is called to process this change.
  • If you edit viewers on an analysis, the changes occur asynchronously after the scheduled job Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule runs. All learning items associated with the global access group are updated. When you change an asynchronous item, a message displays to alert you that the changes will be processed.
  • If you edit any basic information or the access details of the access group, the changes will occur synchronously.
  • The “Follow” feature has been removed from Learning Cloud because of this enhancement. In previous versions, when you created a child learning item (such as an offering for a course), you were prompted to indicate whether you wanted to have the learning item to “follow” the access control set on the parent item. This prompt is now gone. Instead, you can use a Global Access Group for both the course and the offering.

Key Resources

For additional information about how access control and access groups work, refer to the Access Control chapter of the Using Learning guide and the Oracle Learning Cloud Access Control white paper.

Correction for the Documented URL for the Deep Link for Mobile

In a previous What’s New document, the URL was incorrectly listed as “hcmcloudmobile://”. The following should be the deep link URL to link to mobile: oraclehcmcloud://.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For additional information about deep links in Learning Cloud, refer to the Deep Links section of the Using Learning guide.

Custom Resource Alert Based on REST API

You can configure Custom Resource alerts in Fusion that use the Oracle Learning Cloud REST endpoints. Oracle Learning Cloud REST endpoints provide a flexible way for you to configure many different types of Learning Alerts based on learning record data (learning assignments).

The learnerLearningRecords resource includes a collection of assignment records, or a single assignment record when queried with assignment record ID for a learner. This is a functional user REST resource. It applies to a learner, not a learning specialist. The assignment records are included for these learning item types:

  • Course,
  • Specialization
  • Video
  • Tutorial

The assignment records include Voluntary and Required assignments, but not Recommended. This resource returns a JSON document with collections or individual learning records and filters you can apply.  It contains the following top level child resources:

  •  ……/Completion Details
  • ……/Completion Summary
  •  ……/Learning Outcomes
  • ……/Learning prerequisites
  • ……/Selected Course Offerings
  • ……/LearningItemDFF

NOTE: Review the Learner Learning Records REST Endpoints chapter of the REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud guide on for the detail levels under these top level child resources.

Sometimes the REST response data needs manipulation or transformation when you create an alert.

  • Dates: “2019-02-23T23:16:05.410+00:00” -> “23rd February”
  • Lookup values: “ORA_ASSN_REC_INPROGRESS” -> “In Progress”
  • Username: “100000008153818” -> “john.smith”
  • Recipient email address of the Learner’s Manager ->
  • ${AlertUtils.empManager(learnerLearningRecords.assignedToId).WorkEmail}

Steps to Enable

Creating a Resource alert is a three-step process:

  1. Defining Filters
  2. Defining Templates
  3. Setting Run Options

NOTE: Refer to the Alerts Composer chapter of the Implementing Talent Management Base guide on for complete instructions.

Tips And Considerations

Before you create a resource alert, consider the following:

  1. When defining the filter, what data should be used in the alert? For example, you may want to find all of the required assignments that have occurred within the last 24 hour period. Does the data need any transformation to execute the filter?  Are you using a date format that needs manipulation in the filter?
  2. When defining the recipients that should receive the alert, who should receive this alert and by ways of what alert method? For example, you may want to send a learner and the learner’s manager both a notification alert and an email alert when the learner has required learning within the last 24 hour period.  Ensure that the recipient you are using is following the correct string tokens.
  3. When defining the message, what is the message subject and body of the message?  What are the tokens that are going to be used in the body of the message? For example, you want to create a message that tells the recipient (the recipient’s name is a token in the message) that they have received a list of required learning (learning is also a token in the message) in the last 24 hour period. When using a token, you may also need to transform it to a correct formatted value so that looks good to the end user.

Key Resources

For additional information about alerts, refer to the following resources.

  • Alerts Composer chapter of the Implementing Talent Management Base guide on
  • Learner Learning Records REST Endpoints chapter of the REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud guide on
  • Alerts section of the Using Learning guide on

Profile Option to View SCORM Content in New Browser

You can set a profile option to enable SCORM eLearning content to open in a browser window when learners access it. This is useful if you have content items that are large and difficult to use when they are viewed in the embedded player within Oracle Learning Cloud.

Steps to Enable

Set a new profile option using the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  1. Under Learning Management and the Learning Module, create a new profile option called WLF_LEARN_ELEARNING_FULLSCREEN_ENABLED.

Profile Option

  1. For Site and User, select Enabled and Updatable.

  2. Navigate to Manage Administrator Profile Values.

Manage Administrator Profile Values

  1. Search for the profile you just created, and type Y for the Profile Value.
  2. In Learning Cloud, enter your SCORM content, and enter preview mode to ensure that a new tab is opened in full page mode.

Key Resources

For additional information about profiles, refer to the Profile Options for Learning Features section of the Implementing Learning guide.

Update 19A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
25 FEB 2021

Performance Management: Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents

Updated document. Revised feature information.

27 MAR 2020

Performance Management: Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 OCT 2019

Recruiting: Candidate Self Service

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 OCT 2019

Recruiting: Job Alerts

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 OCT 2019

Recruiting: Changes to LinkedIn Integration

Updated document. Revised feature information.

22 FEB 2019 Learning Cloud: Enhanced Talent Profile Management

Updated document. Revised feature information.

07 DEC 2018   Created initial document.


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (19A, 19B, 19C, and 19D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found on the Oracle Help Center at: under Human Capital Management Release Readiness.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

New Features Delivered Ready to Use
(Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

New Features That Customer Must Take Action to Use (Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Career and Succession

Career Development

Career Development Redesigned User Experience

Most Career Development Features Added to Redesigned Pages

Succession Management

Succession Redesigned User Expereince

Quick Actions Support for Succession and Talent Pools

Succession Actions Added to Career Overview

Resource Catalog Component Support for Succession and Talent Pool Pages

Profile Management

Profiles Redesigned User Expereince

Enhanced Talent Profile Management

Re-Architecture of Person Profile Real Time Subject Area

New Attribute - Competency Section Name in Performance Rating Real Time


Goal Management

Goals Redesigned User Experience

Notifications, Target Outcomes, and New Approval Features in Redesigned Goal Management

Performance Management

Data Loader Support to Transfer Performance Goals and Documents Between Assignments

Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents

Send Feedback Request Notifications to Participants Selected Using Data Loaders

Performance Redesigned User Experience

Request Feedback

Learning and Development

Learning Cloud

Enhanced Talent Profile Management



Automated Job Application Notifications

Ad Hoc Candidate Notifications

Current Jobs Location Search

Third Party Candidate Assessment

Enhanced Background Check

Representatives in Approval Rules

Limit Number of Job Offers to Number of Openings

Enhanced Candidate Selection Process

Multiple Career Sites

Candidate Self Service

Job Alerts

Changes to LinkedIn Integration

Complete Redesigned User Experience for Hiring

Campaigns Redesigned

Candidate Pools Redesigned

Candidate Search Flow Redesigned

Job Offer Pages Redesigned

Job Requisition Flows Redesigned

Enhanced Talent Profile Management

HR Optimization

Transactional Business Intelligence for Talent Management


New Subject Area - Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignment Real Time


New Subject Area - Workforce Performance - Check-In Eligibility Real Time


Recruiting - Candidate Pool Process Enhancements

Recruiting - Enhanced Job Offer Dimension

New Dimension to Support Questionnaire in Recruiting

Enhanced Recruiting Events Subject Area for Candidate Search

Career and Succession

Career Development

Oracle Fusion Career Development provides tools for workers and managers to manage their career interests and development plan. These tools include:

  • Recommendations on roles based on workers’ qualifications
  • Comparisons to target roles and required development needs for workers
  • Management of roles of interest to the worker
  • Comprehensive development plan for workers to establish development goals and manage development progress

Career Development Redesigned User Experience

Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.

Most Career Development Features Added to Redesigned Pages

Now most of the Career Development features are redesigned and are responsive for any device. The features in this release include:

  • View Current Role
  • Recommended Roles
  • Goal Sharing
  • Development Intents
  • Copy Goal action
  • Print Goals action
  • Updated Keyword Search in Explore Roles
  • Target Outcomes for Development Goals

Redesigned Career Development Page

Careers of Interest Region > Explore Roles > Showing Roles that Best Fit Including the Compatibility Percentage

In the Career of Interest region, when you Explore Roles, you find job profiles that suit you best including the Compatibility percentage. This is to help you manage your next career move. The application recommends these job profiles.

Target Outcomes for Development Goals

You can now add target outcomes of any type to the Career Development responsive page. You are no longer restricted to just the three types of default target outcomes. You can define your own target outcome sections in the Person Profile content sections.

To configure the target outcome sections, you must sign as an administrator. Use the Manage Profile Types task to do this. Edit the Person profile type and select the content section to add for Career Development.

Edit Profile Type: Person Page

Configure the selected content section in the Edit Content Section page. You can subscribe the section for Career Development on this page. You can further configure the selected section according to your Development Goal requirements.

In addition to adding or deleting subscribers, you can configure Career Development subscriber by selecting the Configure icon and selecting the attributes that you would like to be subscribed to for that specific content section and select whether to display or hide those attributes for Career Development.

Edit Content Section Page

You can also add a new content section in the Edit Profile Type: Person page. Use the Add Content Section page to configure the new section.

Add Content Section Page

Career Development administrators can include the new profile content sections as target outcomes in development goals.

You can view the target outcomes that were defined for development goals in the Target Outcomes section of the development goal. Select the target outcome from the list in the Target Outcomes section to view more details about that target outcome.

Now in the BIP Reports, Development Goal Plans are excluded from the Career Development subject areas.

Stay tuned for the following features that not yet available: Favorites, Add Goal from Role, and Mass Goal Approvals.

Steps to Enable

In order to use the Career Development pages, you must enable the following profile options and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience feature in 18A for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources. This table includes the profile options for Career Development Responsive pages.

Profile Option Code Descriptions


Enables mobile-responsive Career Development pages.

To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the profile option.
  3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
  4. Select the Level as Site.
  5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
  6. Click Save and Close.

When the Mobile-Responsive Career Development Pages profile option is enabled, the following pages are rendered in the responsive mode:

  • Career Development
  • Career Overview

To view target outcomes in the responsive Career Development pages, you must do the following:

  • Upgrade to Enhanced Talent Profile.
  • Enable the following Career Development feature choices in Set Up and Maintenance work area > Workforce Development offering > Career Development functional area:
    • Target Outcomes
    • Development Goal Details Drill Down Page

NOTE: To view the Current Role, Recommended Roles, or Roles in Explore Roles pages, you need to use Enhanced Talent Profile.

Key Resources

For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)

For more information on upgrading to Enhanced Talent Profile, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

Role Information

Succession Management

Oracle Succession Management helps to create succession plans to replace key personnel. Succession plans identify workers who are ready now, or can develop the necessary skills, for jobs and positions that aren't currently vacant, insuring, a smooth transition and help you to manage candidate development.

Succession Redesigned User Expereince

Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.

Quick Actions Support for Succession and Talent Pools

Leverage the new Quick Actions to enable your managers and HR specialists to easily perform the following tasks:

  • Add an employee as a candidate to a succession plan
  • Add an employee as a member of a talent pool
  • Create a succession plan

On clicking any of these Quick Actions, managers or HR specialists can view their direct reports.

Managers can use the My Team > Show More navigation to access these Quick Actions grouped under Career and Performance.

My Team - Career and Performance Quick Actions

HR specialists can use the My Client Groups > Show More navigation to access these Quick Actions grouped under Talent. The new Create Talent Pool Quick Action enables HR specialists to easily create a talent pool.

HR Specialist Quick Actions

My Client Groups - Career and Performance Quick Actions

Add to Succession Plan Quick Action

Managers or HR specialists can click a direct report’s name to add the direct report as a candidate to any succession plan that they have security access to or for which they are an administrator or candidate manager owner. When managers or HR specialists try to add a  direct report to a succession plan, the plans in which the direct report is already a candidate are not displayed for selection.

Add to Succession Plan Page

Add to Succession Plan Page

Add to Talent Pool Quick Action

Managers or HR specialists can click a direct report’s name to add the direct report as a member to a talent pool that they own. When managers or HR specialists try to add a direct report to a talent pool, the pools in which the direct report is already a member are not displayed for selection.

Add to Talent Pool Page

Add to Talent Pool Page

Create Succession Plan Quick Action

Managers or HR specialists can use the Create Succession Plan Quick Action to create a succession plan for any direct report if they have the security privilege to create succession plans. By default, the person who creates the plan is added as the owner of the succession plan. The plan type defaults to the default value defined in the Manage Common Lookups task.

Create Succession Plan Page

Create Succession Plan Page

Create Talent Pool Quick Action

HR specialists can use the Create Talent Pool Quick Action to quickly create a talent pool. By default, the HR specialist is added as the owner of the talent pool. HR specialists can add other owners and remove themselves as owners. But, they must ensure that the talent pool has at least one owner.

Create Talent Pool Page

Create Talent Pool Page

The Create Talent Pool page sections are clutter-free and display the most frequently used fields. Fields that are infrequently used are hidden, but can be displayed using Page Composer. For example, the Job and Department fields are not displayed for talent pool members by default.

Steps to Enable

To enable the responsive Succession Management pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience feature in 18A for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.

Succession Management Responsive Pages Profile Option



Profile Option Code


To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the profile option.
  3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
  4. Select the Level as Site.
  5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

  • When you click the Succession Management Quick Actions, you can view the responsive Succession Planning pages only if you enable the HRM_SUCCESSION_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED profile option.
  • The Create Talent Pool action is available only in the responsive My Client Groups Quick Actions.
  • Managers or HR specialists can select only one direct report at a time to add to a succession plan or a talent pool.
  • Managers or HR specialists can create a succession plan for only one direct report at a time.

Key Resources

For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)

For information about displayed and hidden fields, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)

For more information on personalizing pages, refer to the following:

  • Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide
  • The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel

Succession Actions Added to Career Overview

Enhance your user experience with the addition of Succession Management actions in the Career Overview page. These actions enable managers to:

  • Add a direct report to an existing succession plan or a talent pool
  • Create a succession plan for a direct report

Career Overview – Succession Plan Actions

Career Overview – Succession Plan Actions

Add to Succession Plan Action

Selecting the Add to Succession Plan action takes you to the Add to Succession Plan page.

Add to Succession Plan Page

Add to Succession Plan Page

You can only view succession plans that you have security access to or for which you are an administrator or candidate manager owner. When you try to add a direct report to a succession plan, the plans in which the direct report is already a candidate are not displayed for selection.

Add to Talent Pool Action

Selecting the Add to Talent Pool action takes you to the Add to Talent Pool page.

Add to Talent Pool Page

Add to Talent Pool Page

You can add a direct report only to a talent pool that you own. When you try to add a direct report to a talent pool, the pools in which the direct report is already a member are not displayed for selection.

Create Succession Plan Action

You can select the Create Succession Plan action to create a succession plan for a direct report if you have the security privilege to create succession plans. Selecting this action takes you to the Create Succession Plan page.

Create Succession Plan Page

Create Succession Plan Page

By default, the person who creates the plan is added as the owner of the succession plan. The plan type defaults to the default value defined in the Manage Common Lookups task.

Steps to Enable

To enable the responsive Succession Management pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience feature in 18A for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.

Succession Management Responsive Pages Profile Option



Profile Option Code


To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the profile option.
  3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
  4. Select the Level as Site.
  5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

When you select the Succession Management related actions in the Career Overview page, you can view the corresponding responsive Succession Planning page only if you enable the HRM_SUCCESSION_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED profile option.

Key Resources

For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)

Resource Catalog Component Support for Succession and Talent Pool Pages

Leverage the ability to access the resource catalog to add components to the responsive Succession Plans, Talent Pools, and Succession Planning Spotlight pages. Create and share notes to provide feedback to an employee, or add comments about a succession plan or talent pool. Embed reports on the responsive Succession Planning or talent pool pages and bind the reports to either the Person ID, Plan ID, or Pool ID parameters.

Example of Adding Resource Catalog Component in Succession Planning Responsive Page

Example Adding Resource Catalog Component in Succession Planning Responsive Page

To embed the resource catalog component anywhere on the responsive Succession Planning pages:

  1. Activate a sandbox and edit the required responsive page.
  2. Select the Structure tab.
  3. In the Source window, select the panelGroupLayout that is below the FacetWrapper level.
  4. Click the Add icon.
  5. In the Add Content dialog box, select the component to add:
  • To add a report or analytic component, click Open adjacent to Reports and Analytics and select the folder that contains the analysis or report.
  • To add the Notes component, click Add adjacent to Notes.
  1. Close the Add Content dialog box. 
  2. Select the component and in design mode, edit it.
  3. In the Component Property dialog box, configure the contextual parameters:
  • For the Notes component, configure the contextual parameters as shown in the following table.


    EL Expression

    Object Type

    • On Person Spotlight page: PER_PERSON

    • On Succession Management and Talent Pool responsive pages: Customer-defined value. For example, SUCCESSION_PLAN_NOTE

    Object ID

    • On Person Spotlight page: #{pageFlowScope.pPersonId}
    • On Succession Management responsive pages: #{bindings.PlanId.inputValue}
    • On Talent Pool responsive pages: #{bindings.PoolId.inputValue}
  • For analysis component, in the Value 1 column of the filter row, type the corresponding expression given in the following table according to the filter added for the analysis.



    Page in Which You Can Use the Expression

    Person ID


    • Person Spotlight page
    • On Succession Management responsive pages
    • On Talent Pool responsive pages

    Plan ID


    On Succession Management responsive pages

    Pool ID


    On Talent Pool responsive pages

Steps to Enable

To enable the responsive Succession Management pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience feature in 18A for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.




Profile Option Code


Enables responsive Succession Management pages

Profile Option Code


Enables adding the Contextual Notes component in responsive pages

To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the profile option.
  3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
  4. Select the Level as Site.
  5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

  • You must sign in as an Application Administrator to add the resource catalog component.
  • To add the resource catalog component at the bottom of the page, click the Structure tab, and select the panelgroupGrouplayout which is present below all the PanelCollectionEdit components.
  • The analysis that you add to the to the responsive Succession Planning page must contain a prompt set to Is Prompted on any of the following parameters depending on the page you are adding the analysis to:
    • Person ID
    • Plan ID
    • Pool ID
  • When embedding a resource catalog component on the Succession Planning Person Spotlight page, you can pass only the Person ID parameter and not the Plan ID or Pool ID parameters.

Key Resources

For more information on the Notes Resource Catalog Component and Security and Role Information, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

For more information on embedding contextual analysis, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)

For more information on personalizing pages, refer to the following:

  • Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide
  • The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel

Profile Management

Oracle Fusion Profile Management provides a common foundation for the Oracle Fusion talent suite of products and other Oracle Fusion applications to retrieve, insert, and update talent profile information. Profile Management also supports the HR specialists, line managers, matrix managers, and employees in performing critical HR talent functions. Managing people and job profiles, career planning functions, managing, and tracking talent data can be also done through Profile Management.

Profiles Redesigned User Expereince

Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.

Enhanced Talent Profile Management

Enhancements made in Talent Profile Management include changes to the user experience and to talent profile administration. This initial release of the enhanced Talent Profile Management is restricted to Oracle Recruiting Cloud and Oracle Learning Cloud customers, early adopters, and newly provisioned customers. You cannot use this functionality unless you have been explicitly approved to use it by Oracle Product Management.

Profile Management’s presentation of the person profile and talent ratings has been enhanced to provide a more engaging and responsive interface design. The new user experience enables features to be presented on both mobile and web pages. The interfaces are simple, intuitive and are written in a more conversational language.

The Profile Management administration enhancements provide increased product performance and product extensibility. The enhanced solution introduces content templates that represent the talent content (for example, Competencies, Certificates, Skills, and Awards) required to support the requirements of the Oracle Talent Management Suite. Each content template includes unique attributes. These content templates can be used and reused to create the content sections necessary to capture talent data. The templates can be used to design both person and model talent profiles.

Other new features for this release include:

Best Fit Optimization: Administrators are able to run the Manage Best Fit Batch Process ESS job through the Scheduled Process UI to improve best fit performance for Career Development Mobile Responsive Recommended Roles. Administrators are able to:

  • Schedule when to run the process based on run options, for example: As Soon as Possible, or Using a Schedule.
  • Run full jobs or incremental jobs.
  • Set up notifications and/or manage a recipient and the condition for notification (on success, on warning, or on error).
  • Set up process options such as language, territory, time zone, number/time/date formats and currency.

Target Outcomes: Profile Management maintains the requirements for configuring target outcomes that are necessary to measure the success of a task or project defined as part a goal or learning activity. Goal Management, Career Development, and Oracle Learning Cloud are all consumers of the Profile Management library of skills and credentials for providing applicable outcomes. See each consumer’s documentation for specific details.

New Model Profile Type: We added a Prerequisite Profile Type. This additional model profile type supports profile type requirements. The Prerequisite Profile Type allows an administrator to configure the required prerequisites that can be used to define prerequisites for a learning activity when using Oracle Cloud Learning.

Steps to Enable

The enhanced Talent Profile Management requires you to migrate your profile data. For information about how to upgrade to the enhanced Talent Profile Management, see Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Doc ID 2421964.1)

Re-Architecture of Person Profile Real Time Subject Area

Improve your reporting on the Person Profile Real Time subject area with features from the new and enhanced architecture. These changes and new attributes are only usable for Profile Management Responsive pages. To use these attributes you need to turn on the Profile Option for Profile Management. If you are using the classic Profile Management pages, you will see these new attributes in the subject area and can even add them to a report, however the report will not pull the data, as data entry is only available through the responsive pages.

With this enhancement some of the performance issues reported by customers have also been addressed. The subject area has been enhanced with additional attributes, and a few of the existing attributes have been changed to source the data from different database columns. Also, the column names for a few attributes have been modified.

The consolidated list of changes are listed here:

Dimension Name

New/Modified Attributes

Licenses and Certifications

Actual Completion Date


Certification URL


Other Establishment


Last Renewal Date 


License or Certificate Name


License or Certificate Name


Certificate Number


Original Issue Year


Section ID



Person Profile/Competencies (modified)

Assessment Year


Average Calculated Rating


Average Calculated Score






Evaluation Comments


Personal Interest Level


Performance Rating


Performance Rating Model


Proficiency Rating


Proficiency Rating Model


Review End Date


Review Start Date


Section ID

Person Profile/Degrees (modified)

Academic Standing


Area of Study


Awarding Body










Duration Units


Education Level


Education Level Completed


Education URL


Faculty or Department


Highest Education Level


Part Time


Section ID


Summary of Activities



Honors and Awards

Completion Date


Date Awarded




Honor or Award Name


Honor URL


Issue Year


Honor or Award




Section ID


Type of Award

Person Profile/Languages



Evaluated On


Evaluation Location


Evaluation Type






Section ID

Person Profile/Memberships (modified

Affiliation or Professional Body


Current Volunteer




Internal Organization


Monthly Time Commitment


Organization URL


Position End Date


Position Start Date


Affiliation or Professional Body Name


Section ID


Title or Position Held


Volunteer Cause

Person Profile/Performance Ratings (modified)

Other Performance


Section ID

Person Profile/Potential (modified)

Other Potential Rating


Section ID

Person Profile/Previous Employment (modified)

Additional Information


Company URL


Department or Division or Post


Direct Reports


Employer City


Employer Country


Employer Phone


Employer State or Province


Full Time or Part Time




Job Title


Other Compensation


Reason for Leaving




Starting Compensation


Section ID

Person Profile/Risk of Loss (modified)

Other Risk


Section ID

Person Profile/Special Projects (modified)



Business Unit




Project Completion Date


Customer Name


Project Category


Project Description


Project Manager


Project Name


Project Name


Project Role


Project Start Date


Project URL


Section ID

Person Profile/Talent Score (modified)

Other Comments


Section ID



Person Profile/Work Requirements (modified

All Locations




First Excluded Location


Second Excluded Location


Third Excluded Location


Fourth Excluded Location


Length of Willing to Relocate


Pay Range


First Preferred Location


Second Preferred Location


Third Preferred Location


Fourth Preferred Location


Relocation Reason


Section ID

Steps to Enable

These changes and new attributes will only be usable for Profile Management Responsive pages. To use these attributes you will need to have turned on the Profile Option for Profile Management. For instructions for turning on the profile options see Enhanced Talent Profile Management What's New in 19A.

New Attribute - Competency Section Name in Performance Rating Real Time

Improve your reporting on performance document section in Performance Rating Real time subject area with the addition of the attribute Competencies Section Name. This attribute is held in Profile Management to allow a way to differentiate between multiple competency sections in a performance document.

Steps to Enable

To use these attributes you will need to have turned on the Profile Option for Profile Management. For instructions for turning on the profile options see Enhanced Talent Profile Management What's New in 19A.


Goal Management

Oracle Goal Management enables you to transform business objectives into goals across various organization levels, providing a clear line of sight from managers to employees. Business leaders can communicate high-level initiatives which managers can translate into goals for their employees.

Goals Redesigned User Experience

Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.

Notifications, Target Outcomes, and New Approval Features in Redesigned Goal Management

Take advantage of the following new Goal Management features that are now available in the redesigned Talent Management Cloud responsive pages:

  • Goals FYI notifications
  • Target outcomes as part of goals
  • New approval related features

Goal FYI Notifications

An employee will now receive FYI notifications in the redesigned Talent Management Cloud responsive Home page for the following Goals related workflows:

  • Manager creates a goal for the employee
  • Manager assigns a goal to the employee
  • HR specialist performs a mass goal assignment
  • Manager or HR specialist updates a goal of the employee
  • HR specialist deletes a goal of the employee
  • Manager or HR specialist cancels a goal of the employee
  • Manager aligns one or more goals with the employee’s goal
  • Manager cancels an aligned goal

A manager receives notifications in the redesigned Talent Management Cloud responsive Home page for the following Goals related workflows:

  • Any report updates a completed goal
  • Any report or colleague shares a goal

Example Employee FYI Notifications

Example Employee FYI Notifications

Target Outcomes as Part of Goals

You can now add target outcomes of any type to the Goals responsive page. You are no longer restricted to just the three types of default target outcomes. You can define your own target outcome sections in the Person Profile content sections.

To configure the target outcome sections, you must sign as an administrator. Use the Manage Profile Types task to do this. Edit the Person profile type and select the content section to add for Goals.

Edit Profile Type: Person Page

Edit Profile Type: Person Page

Configure the selected content section in the Edit Content Section page. You can subscribe the section for Goals on this page. You can further configure the selected section according to your Goals requirements.

Edit Content Section Page

Edit Content Section Page

You can also add a new content section in the Edit Profile Type: Person page. Use the Add Content Section page to configure the new section.

Add Content Section Page

Add Content Section Page

Goal administrators can include the new profile content sections as target outcomes in goals. They can also add a comment for each profile content section.

Example Adding Profile Content Sections in Target Outcomes

Example Adding Profile Content Sections in Target Outcomes

You can view the target outcomes that were defined for the goals in the Target Outcomes section of the goal. Select the target outcome from the list in the Target Outcomes section to view more details about that target outcome.

Example Target Outcomes in Goal

Example Target Outcomes in Goal

If no approval is required, the target outcomes are stored in the person’s profile along with the comments when the goal is completed. If approval is required, the target outcomes are stored in the person’s profile along with the comments when the goal is completed and the final approver has approved the goal completion.

New Approval Features

Three approval related features have been added in this release:

  • Action to request information
  • Ability to add comments and attachments
  • Approval history details

Action to Request Information

An approver can now request more information before approving any goal changes submitted by an employee by clicking the Request for Information button.

Goal Plan Approval Request – Request for Information

Goal Plan Approval Request – Request for Information

The employee from whom information is requested can see that more information is requested by the approver when the employee views the goal plan.

Employee Goals Page – Message that Approver Wants More Information

Employee Goals Page – Message that Approver Wants More Information

Ability to Add Comments and Attachments

In the Goals approval cycle, comments and attachments can be added to a goal plan approval request in the following scenarios:

  • When an employee submits a goal plan for approval
  • When an approver requests information before approving the submitted request
  • When an employee responds to information request
  • When an approver rejects a goal plan approval request
  • When an approver approves the submitted request

You can use these comments and attachments to further reinforce your goal approval requests, or to justify your goal approvals and rejections.

Example Employee Adding Comments and Attachments before Resubmitting Goal

Example Employee Adding Comments and Attachments Before Resubmitting Goal

Approval History Details

You can now view the following approval history details:

  • The details of the goals submitted for approval
  • The names of the approvers
  • Comments and attachments submitted as part of the approval cycle

Approval history details can be viewed in the following scenarios:

  • When an approver views a goal plan request before approving
  • When an employee gets a request for more information

Goal Plan Approval Request with Approval History

Goal Plan Approval Request with Approval History

Steps to Enable

  • To view the new features in the Goals responsive pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience feature in 18A for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.

    Profile Option Code



    Enables Goal Management responsive pages

  • To enable goals related FYI notifications, a user with administrator privilege must select the Enabled check box corresponding to the notification in the Goal Management tab of the Manage Talent Notifications page.

Manage Talent Notifications Page - Goal Management Tab

Manage Talent Notifications Page - Goal Management Tab

  • To view target outcomes in the responsive Goal pages, you must do all of the following:
    • You should have upgraded to the Enhanced Talent Profile.
    • You must enable the following Goal related profile option codes.

      Profile Option Code



      Enables target outcomes in Goal Management


      Enables drilling down to goal details

To enable any profile options, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the profile option.
  3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
  4. Select the Level as Site.
  5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

  • The existing performance goals target outcomes are migrated when the existing talent profile configuration is upgraded to Enhanced Talent Profile. Users can then access these target outcomes too in the responsive Goals pages.
  • You can’t use HCM Data Loader to mass upload goal target outcomes in this release.
  • You can't use Goal Management subject areas in OTBI to report on upgraded target outcomes in this release.
  • When a manager or an HR Specialist rejects a pending goal plan, the newly added goals of that goal plan are automatically deleted.

Key Resources

For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)

For more information on upgrading to Enhanced Talent Profile, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

Performance Management

Oracle Performance Management supports features and functions for measuring and reporting worker performance.

Data Loader Support to Transfer Performance Goals and Documents Between Assignments

Facilitate transferring employees’ performance goals and documents between assignments following a legal employer change, using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader or HCM Data Loader. When providing the source and new assignment details, specify which review periods the performance goals and documents should be moved for.

Steps to Enable

Setup your HCM Data Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Loader files to take advantage of this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Transfer of performance goals and documents between assignments is not restricted to the assignments resulting from a legal employer change.

Key Resources

For more information go to Application Help for the following topic:

  • Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud

Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents

You can now initiate mass actions for performance documents using the Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents page in the Performance work area. You can search for a set of employees to create, complete, cancel or delete performance documents for. You can view the data set in the spreadsheet template or process it immediately. You can save the data set in the spreadsheet template to review and process later using Spreadsheet data loader or choose to process it immediately.

Save time by processing actions for lots of performance documents at the same time.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The actions you can choose in the Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents page (Cancel, Complete, Create, and Delete) are secured with the same privileges that control access to the HR administration pages for these actions. For example, you can only see the Create action if you have the privilege that controls access to the Create Performance Documents HR admin page.
  • Notifications that HR has created, completed, canceled, or deleted performance documents are not sent when using the Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents page.

Key Resources

For more information go to Application Help for the following topic:

  • Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud

Role Information

The application uses the HCM data loader to process the create, complete, cancel, and delete actions. Therefore you need to assign the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist Job role (ORA_HRC_HUMAN_CAPITAL_MANAGEMENT_INTEGRATION_SPECIALIST_JOB) to the HR specialist to use this functionality.

Send Feedback Request Notifications to Participants Selected Using Data Loaders

Now you can send feedback request notifications to participants when using HCM data loaders. If you set the Send Feedback check box Yes, then the participant’s status is set to “Awaiting reply” and a notification is sent when the data load process is complete. If you set the Send Feedback check box to No, then the status is set to “Request not sent” and no notification is sent. 

Steps to Enable

Setup HCM Data Loader files to take advantage of this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Notifications must be enabled on the Performance tab in the Manage Talent Notifications page. 
  • The ESS job is automatically triggered after the HDL load is successful. The ESS job can also be run manually, in case there were errors, by referring to the UCM Content ID for the dataset used in the HDL load.

Key Resources

For more information go to Application Help for the following topic:

  • Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud

Performance Redesigned User Experience

Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.

Request Feedback

Now, throughout the year anyone in the organization, be it managers, matrix managers, or HR specialists can request feedback from one or more persons for themselves or for others. Workers also can request feedback for themselves.

Creating a Feedback Request for Yourself; Specifying Questions to Elicit Feedback

To create a feedback request for yourself, navigate to the Feedback page from Me:

  1. In the Feedback page, Requests region, click Add.
  2. In the Whom do you want to ask? region, select the person from whom you seek the feedback.
  3. The Share feedback with <PERSON_NAME> check box is selected by default so that the feedback is shared with the person's manager. If you don't want to share, deselect the check box. When you request a feedback for yourself, you have the option of sharing the feedback with your manager. Note: As a manager when you create a feedback request for your team member, then you have option of sharing it with the team member, who is the subject of the feedback. Notifications are sent accordingly.
  4. You can add one or more feedback participants by selecting persons from the Person list. The participant names are listed in the region.
  5. Click Continue to specify the questionnaire in the What do you want to ask? section. Note: You can create a feedback request only when an active feedback template is available.
  6. Select Questionnaire. The questions in the questionnaire appear in the section. Additionally, you can add one or more questions specific to your feedback request in the Additional Questions section.
  7. Click Continue to specify the date by when you want the feedback.
  8. In the When do you need it? section, specify a date for providing the feedback.
  9. Optionally, enter a message for the feedback participant.
  10. Click Submit. You can go to the earlier sections and modify the details if required before submitting the feedback request.

Notifications in the Worklist Requesting Feedback for a Person

Notifications are sent to the concerned persons of the feedback -- feedback participants, feedback subject, or feedback subject's manager, if the option is enabled. The feedback participants respond to the questionnaire and submit the feedback. The feedback request changes its status to Completed. You can view the feedback only after the feedback is submitted by the feedback participant.

However, the HR specialist can request the feedback participant to revise the feedback, if required and initiate the feedback again.

The HR specialist can delete the feedback.

Steps to Enable

In order to enable, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience feature in 18A for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.

Field Value

Profile Option Code


To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the profile option.
  3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
  4. Select the Level as Site.
  5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
  6. Click Save and Close.

The Feedback page is available when you have the View Requested Feedback functional privilege or Manage HCM Person Note functional privilege.

Creating a Feedback Template

As an implementer, you can create and manage feedback templates to facilitate the feedback process. Navigate to My Client Groups> Performance> Tasks > Setup and Maintenance> Manage Feedback Templates task.

Create a feedback template as per your organization requirements and specify a relevant questionnaire and set the status to Active so that it's available to everyone to create a feedback request.

When the feedback template is in use, the application indicates it in the Manage Feedback Templates page. When the feedback template is active, you can modify the template Name and Description, but not the questionnaire. You can set the template status to Inactive so that no feedback requests are created using the inactive template.

Key Resources

For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)

For information about displayed and hidden fields, refer to the following document on My Oracle Support:

  • HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)

For more information on personalizing pages, refer to the following:

  • Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide.
  • The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel.

Learning and Development

Learning Cloud

Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.

Enhanced Talent Profile Management

Enhancements made in Talent Profile Management include changes to the user experience and to talent profile administration. This initial release of the enhanced Talent Profile Management is intended for Oracle Recruiting Cloud and Oracle Learning Cloud customers, early adopters, and newly provisioned customers.

Oracle Learning Cloud customers will need to upgrade to the enhanced Talent Management Profile feature. Customers that are using Learning Outcomes and Prerequisites will be impacted.

For information about how to upgrade to the enhanced Talent Profile Management, see Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Doc ID 2421964.1)

Steps to Enable

The option for the current user experience is generally available to all Profile Management customers and maintains status quo. The enhanced user experience for Profile Management is available only as a controlled release.  Customers are required to have a generated key that will provide the tools required for upgrade and access to the responsive interfaces and enhanced talent profile administration. Note that, once the key has been used to enable the required profile options for upgrade, you will not be able to undo this decision for the relevant environment. In addition, if upgrading to the enhanced talent profile, it is recommended that you include necessary internal and external resources to participate in this upgrade

The following steps describe how to use the Manage Profile Upgrade Mapping task to upgrade to the new enhanced interfaces and administration features:

  • Step One: Setup and Security
  • Step Two: Upgrade Key and Profile Settings
  • Step Three: Preparation for Upgrade
  • Step Four: Talent Profile Mapping and Working Example
  • Step Five: Upgrading Setup Data
  • Step Six: Upgrading User Data
  • Step Seven: Using HDL to Load Profile Data
  • Step Eight: Complete the Upgrade
  • Step Nine: Production Upgrade
  • Step Ten: Final Steps

Please reference this document (Upgrading Profile Management 19A) for the details under the following MOS article:  Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Doc ID 2421964.1)



Oracle Recruiting Cloud provides tools for hiring managers and recruiters to source and nurture candidates, create and manage job requisitions, screen and select candidates, create and manage job offers, and onboard new employees into the organization. It also provides career sites for employees and external candidates to search, discover and apply to jobs using a frictionless application process.

Automated Job Application Notifications

Create and manage a library of notifications that are automatically sent throughout the candidate selection process.

As an administrator, you can create and manage automated job application notifications in the Recruiting Content Library using the new content item Automated Job Application Notification. You can include tokens in the notifications so that the message is specific to the candidate in the context of the job application. Notifications support branding such as logos and images to ensure the candidate experience aligns with the organization’s corporate branding. You can also translate notifications so they are sent in the candidate’s job application language.

Creation of an Automated Job Application Notification

Once notifications are created, you add them to specific phases and states within the candidate selection process. When a job application enters or exits a phase or is moved to a specific state within a phase, a notification is automatically sent to the candidate. You can set a delay so that the notification is sent at a specified time after the job application has been moved.

Send Notification Action in the Candidate Selection Process Configuration Page

As a recruiter or hiring manager, you can view notifications that were sent and the content of those notifications in the candidate’s job application interaction notes.

Interactions Page in the Candidate Job Application

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

To implement automated job application notifications, you must first create automated job application notifications and then define at which points in the selection process notifications are triggered.

To create an automated job application notification:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
  • Task: Manage Recruiting Content Library
  1. On the Recruiting Content Library page, click Create.
  2. Enter a name and a code.
  3. In the Category field, select Automated Job Application Notification.
  4. Set the visibility, that is external, internal, or both.
  5. Enter a subject for the message.
  6. Enter the message text.
    1. Use rich text features to format the text.
    2. Include tokens to personalize the message so that it is specific to the candidate in the context of the job application.
    3. Insert images and logos to align with your organization’s corporate branding.
  7. Click the Translation Editor icon to translate the message subject and message text.

To add automated notifications in the candidate selection process:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
  • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  1. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, create a selection process or select an existing one.
  2. Select the Send Notification action when entering or exiting a phase, or for any state within a phase.
  3. On the Action: Send Notification page, configure the notification.
    1. You can select the members of the hiring team who will receive the review job application notification.
    2. You can select the automated job application notifications for internal candidates, external candidates, or both.
    3. You can set a delay delivery so that the notification is sent at a specified time after the job application is moved to the phase or state.

Watch a Setup Demo

Tips And Considerations

Translate automated notifications so that candidates receive the notifications in their job application language. When not translated, notifications are sent in the source language of the notification.

Decide on key points in the selection process to send automated notifications so that candidates are not confused or overwhelmed by too many notifications. Recruiters and hiring managers can also send notifications manually using the Send Email action.

Only use job offer and assignment tokens in automated notifications that are sent during the offer phase or later phases in the selection process. These tokens won’t resolve if the job offer was not created.

Key Resources

Watch Automated Job Application Notifications Readiness Training

Ad Hoc Candidate Notifications

Create and manage a library of notifications that can be sent in bulk in any candidate context.

As an administrator, you can create and manage candidate notifications in the Recruiting Content Library using new content items:

  • Candidate Job Application Notification
  • Candidate Pool Member Notification
  • Candidate Profile Notification
  • Prospect Candidate Notification

You can include tokens in the notifications so that the message is specific to the candidate. Notifications support branding such as logos and images to ensure the candidate experience aligns with the organization’s corporate branding. You can translate notifications so that they are sent in the candidate’s job application language or candidate preferred language.

Candidate job application and prospect candidate notifications support contextualization on job requisition attributes including recruiting type, organization, location, job family, and job function. This ensures users are using the right templates for the requisition.

Creation of a Candidate Pool Member Notification

As a recruiter or hiring manager, use the Send Email action to send notifications. You can create an email from scratch or select a template. If you have the “Update Email from Template” privilege, you can edit the template. The list of notification templates available for selection depends on the context the Send Email action is initiated from. For example, if you use the Send Email action from the job application list, only job application notifications are available. In the requisition context, the list of templates available for selection may be further refined depending on the contextualization defined on the template.

Send Email Action

Before sending the emails, you can preview how the tokens will resolve and how the notification will appear to candidates, including styling and images. Emails can now be sent to up to 50 candidates at a time.

Send Email Preview

Once the emails are sent, you can view the notifications that were sent and the content of those notifications in the candidate’s interaction notes. By default, the interactions list is filtered to the current candidate context, for example, the current job application or candidate profile. The interactions list can also show all other interactions to which you have access.

Interactions Page in the Candidate Job Application

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

To create ad hoc notifications:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
  • Task: Manage Recruiting Content Library
  1. On the Recruiting Content Library page, click Create.
  2. Enter a name and a code.
  3. In the Category field, select the content type:
  • Candidate Job Application Notification
  • Candidate Pool Member Notification
  • Candidate Profile Notification
  • Prospect Candidate Notification
  1. Set the visibility, that is external, internal, or both. Note: When users select the Send Email action, the list of templates displayed is not based on the visibility set in the template. Users will see all the notification templates.
  2. Enter a subject for the message.
  3. Enter the message text.
    1. Use rich text features to format the text.
    2. Include tokens to personalize the message so that it is specific to the candidate.
    3. Insert images and logos to align with your organization’s corporate branding.
  4. Click the Translation Editor icon to translate the message subject and message text.

Watch a Setup Demo

Tips And Considerations

Translate notifications so that candidates receive the notifications in their job application language or preferred language. When not translated, notifications are sent in the source language of the notification. If you edit the notification templates in the Send Email action, the notifications are only sent out in the language they were edited in, regardless of the job application or candidate preferred language.

Only use job offer and assignment tokens in job application notifications that are sent during the offer phase or later phases in the selection process. These tokens won’t resolve if the job offer was not created.

Tokens that cannot be resolved appear as a blank space in the notification. Also, the preview shows the tokens resolved for one of the selected candidates.

Key Resources

Watch Ad Hoc Candidate Notifications Readiness Training

Current Jobs Location Search

Internal candidates can search for jobs by location and broaden their search using radius search.

When you access the Current Jobs page, you can now search for jobs by location, at the city, state or province, or country level. By default, the location search field defaults to your work location.

Location Search on Current Jobs Page

You can expand your search results by performing a radius search. City level locations support radius search to help expand the search area to nearby locations based on distance.

Radius Search Page

It is not required to search for jobs by location. You can clear the location field and execute the search without any location.

Watch a Demo

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Watch Current Jobs Location Search Readiness Training

Third Party Candidate Assessment

Assessments are used to assess and measure the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attributes of candidates for a job. Assessment packages can be added to job requisitions and job requisition templates.

As an administrator, you can add actions to request assessments during the candidate selection process. You specify if the assessment is triggered when a job application enters or leaves a phase or is moved to a specific state within a phase.

Request Assessment Action in the Candidate Selection Process Configuration Page

Assessments in Job Requisitions

As a recruiter, you can add one or more assessments to job requisitions that are in the Draft state. In the job requisition Screening Services section, add an assessment and select a partner and a user account.

NOTE: If you are associated to only one account, this account is selected automatically.

Then decide if candidates take the assessment when applying for a job, or during the candidate selection process, or both.

  • For assessments during the job application, select the assessments for the internal job application flow, the external flow, or both. Candidates receive a link to take the assessment.
  • For assessments during the selection process, select the phase and state when the assessment request is sent to candidates then select the assessments. When a job application enters or exits a phase or is moved to a specific state within a phase, a call is made to the assessment partner’s service who initiates one or multiple assessments, based on their configuration. The partner validates the user requesting the screening service and retrieves candidate and job requisition information. Once the partner has received all the information, the status of the assessment is set to “Started”. The partner then sends an email to the candidates with a link to take the assessments. The partner updates the status to “In progress” when the candidates start the assessment process.  Once the candidates complete all the assessments, the partner updates the status to “Completed”, “Completed – Fail” or “Completed – Pass” and the overall assessment results are available in the candidate job applications.

Adding Assessments in a Job Requisition

Assessments in Job Requisition Templates

As an administrator, you can add one or more assessments to job requisition templates. This is done in the job requisition template Screening Services section. The configuration is similar to the configuration in job requisitions.

As a recruiter, when you create a job requisition using a template, the assessments selected for the requisition template are added to the job requisition.

Viewing Assessment Results

As a recruiter, you can view the results of the assessments from all partners. You can also click on the link to access the partner’s portal to view more details about the assessment results.

Steps to Enable

As a prerequisite, partners must configure the original integration and provide the implementation file to the customer. The customer administrator must then provision and activate the integration.

To add actions to request assessments during the candidate selection process:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
  • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  1. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, create a selection process or select an existing one.
  2. Select the Request Assessment action when entering or exiting a phase, or for any state within a phase.

To add an assessment in a job requisition template:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Job Requisitions
  • Task: Manage Job Requisition Templates
  1. On the Job Requisition Templates page, create a new template or select an existing template.
  2. Click the Screening Services tab.
  3. Click Add next to Assessment.
  4. Select a partner and a user account.
  5. Select the assessment for the internal job application flow, the external flow, or both.

Enhanced Background Check

Add background check requests in job requisition templates. When creating a job requisition based on a template, background check screening packages selected for the requisition template are added to the job requisition.

As an administrator, you can add background checks to job requisition templates. Once you have selected a background check partner and user account, you must go to the partner's site to select the background check screening packages. You can specify the order in which the partner will run the screening packages. When you save the changes, the list of selected screening packages are displayed on the job requisition template Screening Services tab.

Adding a Background Check in a Job Requisition Template

As a recruiter or hiring manager, when you create a job requisition using a template, the background check screening packages selected for the requisition template are added to the job requisition. You can click on the partner portal link from the job requisition Screening Services section to view, edit, and delete the associated screening packages on the partner portal.

You can filter candidate job applications by background check status:

  • Started
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Error

Other enhancements were done to the background check feature:

  • Partners have access to a new option to capture candidate personal information data such as the national identifier, issuing country, date of issue, date of expiry, and date of birth. This data is sent back to HCM and is added to the person data.
  • Partners can enter comments regarding background checks, for example if info was significantly changed by the candidate. When they do, comments are displayed in the Screening tab of the job application.

Steps to Enable

To add a background check in a job requisition template:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Job Requisitions
  • Task: Manage Job Requisition Templates
  1. On the Job Requisition Templates page, create a new template or select an existing template.
  2. Click the Screening Services tab.
  3. Click Add next to Background Check.
  4. In the Select Partner User Account window, select a partner, a user account, and click Save.

The link Go to Partner Portal appears on the page. When you click the link, you are taken to the partner's site where you add background check screening packages to the job requisition template. You can also specify the order in which the partner will run the screening packages. When you save the changes, the list of selected screening packages is displayed on the job requisition template Screening Services tab.

Representatives in Approval Rules

Representatives can be added to job requisition and job offer approval rules.

Steps to Enable

As an administrator, you can add representatives as part of the list of approvers when configuring approval rules for job requisitions and job offers.

For job requisitions, available representatives are:

  • Hiring Manager's Representative
  • Recruiter's Representative

For job offers, available representatives are:

  • Hiring Manager's Representative
  • Candidate’s Proposed Representative

NOTE: The Candidate’s Proposed Representative is not functional in 19A. It is available as a choice but if selected, no approver will be returned.

When you configure approval rules for job requisitions and job offers, you can define how the approval we be carried out:

  • Serial Approval: When the first approver receives an approval request, the approver approves the item (job requisition or job offer). Once the approver has provided the approval, the approval request goes to the next approver, and so on. The item does not move forward until each approver has approved it in the sequence defined.
  • Parallel Approval: Multiple approvers receive an approval request and they can all approve the item (job requisition or job offer) at the same time. Approvers can approve the item without having to wait for the others.

Limit Number of Job Offers to Number of Openings

Users can extend a job offer to a candidate only if there are still available openings on the job requisition. This prevents extending more job offers than the number of available openings.

A job requisition is considered to have available openings if the number of openings is greater than the number of hired candidates combined with the number of candidates with an extended or accepted job offer.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.

Role Information

A new privilege allows users to hire more candidates than the number of openings: “Communicate Job Offer Ignoring Number of Openings”. This privilege is granted to recruiters by default.

NOTE: The “Communicate Job Offer” privilege is still required to extend job offers.

Enhanced Candidate Selection Process

Control the progression of candidates within the candidate selection process by defining mandatory phases, adding phases after the Offer phase, and by restricting the visibility of job applications on phases.

As an administrator, when you configure a candidate selection process, you can define the following:

  • Set a phase as being mandatory
  • Set a phase as being restricted
  • Add phases after the Offer phase

Set a Phase as Being Mandatory

Configure candidate selection processes so that users are required to move job applications to mandatory phases before moving them further in the selection process. A new option is available to set phases as being mandatory or not mandatory. The Offer phase and HR phase are always mandatory.

Mandatory Option

A new privilege allows users to move job applications over mandatory phases: "Move Candidate Job Applications Skipping Mandatory Phases". This privilege is granted to recruiters by default.

NOTE: The “Move Candidate Job Applications” privilege is still required to move job applications.

Set a Phase as Being Restricted

Prevent users from viewing and managing job applications in some phases of the candidate selection process. A new option is available to set phases as being restricted or unrestricted. By default, all phases are set to unrestricted.

Visibility Option

You can only set a phase as being restricted if:

  • It is the first phase of the process.
  • It is a phase following a restricted phase.

The Offer phase, HR phase, and any phases between the Offer and HR phases can’t be set as Restricted.

A new privilege allows users to view job applications on restricted phases: "View Candidate Job Application on Restricted Phases". This privilege is granted to recruiters by default.

NOTE: The “View Candidate Job Application” privilege is still required to view job applications.

Add Phases After the Offer Phase

Add phases between the Offer phase and HR phase to allow users to temporarily put job applications that have an accepted offer but that are not yet ready to be transferred to HR because tasks, such as background checks, are required.

When you add a phase after the Offer phase, there is no automatic progression for job applications reaching the "Offer - Accepted" status. Users must manually progress job applications into the phase.

NOTE: It is still mandatory for the HR phase to be the last phase of the candidate selection process.

Steps to Enable

To set the visibility of a phase in a candidate selection process:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
  • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  1. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, create a selection process or select an existing one.
  2. Click on a phase.
  3. Click the Edit icon of the Phase Details section.
  4. Set the Visibility option to Restricted or Unrestricted.

To set a phase as mandatory in a candidate selection process:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
  • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  1. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, create a selection process or select an existing one.
  2. Click on a phase.
  3. Click the Edit icon of the Phase Details section.
  4. Set the Mandatory option to Yes or No.

Multiple Career Sites

Administrators can create multiple career sites, adapt branding and content of the sites to their organization business needs, and contextualize career sites based on location, organization, job category, job function, recruiting type.

From the Career Site Look and Feel Configuration page, you can:

  • Create multiple career sites using the Add Site button. The creation editor opens in a new tab.
  • Activate and inactivate career sites.
  • Preview career sites using the Go to Site action. The site preview opens in a new tab. If the site is active, the live site is opened.
  • Edit career sites. The site editor opens in a new tab.
  • Use color tag to assign color to the career site tile.
  • Reorder career sites using the drag and drop functionality. Career sites have a sequence number based on their position on the list. First site on the list has sequence number 1, second site on the list has sequence number 2, on so on. As an example, a job is posted on multiple career sites. When candidates are invited to apply for a job or are referred, they are redirected to the career site where the job is posted and that is the highest on the list.

Career Site Configuration

When you create a career site, you first specify basic settings on the site creation page. You enter the site name, code, default language. You select a template. You can contextualize the career site based on location, organization, job category, job function, recruiting type. When you click the Create Site button, you are taken to the career site editor. In the site editor, you specify detailed configuration such as header, footer, cookie consent message, and the theme color, translation.

Steps to Enable

The configuration of career sites is done in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Candidate Experience
  • Task: Configure Career Site

Candidate Self Service

External candidates can use self service capabilities on the career site to manage their job applications and talent community settings.

Candidates must confirm their identity to access the candidate self service. Once they are authenticated, they can access their page and perform these actions:

  • Check the status of their job applications.
  • Confirm their job applications.
  • Withdraw from their job applications. Withdrawing can be done at any phase in the selection process before the Offer phase.
  • Update their talent community preferences (job locations and job category).
  • Join talent communities.
  • Turn on job alerts to receive updates about new job opportunities matching their preferred job category and location.
  • Edit their profile.
  • Delete their profile. The deletion can be done at any phase in the selection process before the Offer phase.

Candidate Self Service Page

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Job Alerts

External candidates can set up job alerts to receive updates about new job opportunities matching their preferred job category and location.

There are two ways that candidates can set job alerts:

  • In their candidate self-service page. Candidates select the option “I agree to receive updates about new job opportunities” and specify the category of jobs they are interested in and their preferred location.
  • When applying for a job. Candidates select the option “I agree to receive updates about new job opportunities”. The job category and job location are selected for the candidates based on the job category and job location of the job.

When newly posted jobs match the preferred job category and job location, candidates receive an email listing the new job opportunities and links to view details of each job on the career site. The email may also contain a button to see all new job opportunities. Upon clicking the button, candidates are redirected to the career site where they can see all job opportunities. They can filter the list to see jobs matching their preferences.

Option to Receive Job Alerts

Steps to Enable

To implement job alerts, you must activate talent community and enable job alerts in the job application flow.

To activate talent community:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
  • Task: Manage Enterprise Recruiting and Candidate Experience Information
  1. In the Talent Community section, select Active.

To enable job alerts in the job application flow:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Candidate Experience
  • Task: Manage Job Application Flow Configuration
  1. Click a flow.
  2. Click on a version of a flow.
  3. Select the option Job Alert Opt In.
  4. Click Save.

Use the new notification in Alerts Composer: IRC JobAlert

Tips And Considerations

  • One job alert can be set per career site.
  • The job alert is sent in the candidate’s preferred language.

Changes to LinkedIn Integration

Reactivate your LinkedIn integration to use the updated Apply with LinkedIn functionality on external career sites.

Apply with LinkedIn is a plugin that customers can implement on their external career site, enabling candidates to apply with their LinkedIn profiles. Application data from these candidates is then available in both the customer’s ATS and Recruiter.

Here are some of the key benefits of the updated integration:

  • Apply with LinkedIn drives increased conversions from the company career site and provides visibility into Apply Starters (
  • Apply with LinkedIn increases your conversion rate. Improve applicant conversion by making it possible for candidates to automatically complete a job application using their LinkedIn profile data.
  • Apply with LinkedIn improves in mail response rates by identifying warm leads. Anyone who begins the application process using Apply with LinkedIn will be surfaced as Apply Starters in both Recruiter and a weekly digest.

Steps to Enable

To activate the new Apply with LinkedIn integration:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:
  • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
  • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
  • Task: Recruiting Category Provisioning and Configuration
  1. On the Partner Integration Provisioning page, click Edit next to Profile Import Partners.
  2. On the Profile Import Partners page, in the LinkedIn section, add whitelisted zones. These are the URLs of career sites that will be offering the Apply with LinkedIn feature. The URLs must be in the format https://<host>.
  3. Click the Start Activation Process button. Once the activation process is started, the Client ID and Client Secret are assigned to the customer account. 
  4. Click the Request Integration button. Sign in using your LinkedIn credentials. If you have already signed in LinkedIn within the browser, an active cookie will recognize that you are signed in. You must sign in with a LinkedIn account that’s linked to your corporate LinkedIn Recruiter contract or Paid Job Slot contract to enable the integration.
  5. In the Request an Integration window, click the Request button in the Apply with LinkedIn section. The status of the integration changes to Requested.
  6. Once you have successfully completed the above steps and the integration status is Enabled, click the Active checkbox to complete the activation. The Apply with LinkedIn option is now available to candidates on all whitelisted zones.

Complete Redesigned User Experience for Hiring

Allow recruiters and hiring managers to take advantage of the redesigned responsive pages available across all of Hiring. Hiring features including job requisitions, job applications, candidate search, candidate pools, campaigns, and job offers have been redesigned to be both responsive and easy to use on any device.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Campaigns Redesigned

Increase user satisfaction with the campaign pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. The redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use, have a modern look, and use conversational language.

The campaigns list displays the campaign goals and the real-time metrics available at a glance so users don’t have to drill into the details page. 

Campaigns List

The campaign creation flow and the details page have been redesigned to show only the essential fields and provide users with a consistent and streamlined user experience.

Campaign Creation

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Candidate Pools Redesigned

Increase ease of use and responsiveness on desktop and mobile devices with the redesigned candidate pool pages. The candidate pools list and details page use a more streamlined and consistent pattern that offers a clutter-free experience.

Pools List

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Candidate Search Flow Redesigned

Increase ease of use and responsiveness on desktop and mobile devices with the redesigned candidate search flows.

With the new design, the candidate search page is preloaded with the list of candidates, and recruiters can filter the list using keywords and facets.

Candidate Search Page

The activity section in the candidate details page was moved in a new tab to streamline the list of sections shown in the details tab. This provides recruiters with the flexibility to easily navigate to a candidate's activity on other job applications and pools when needed.

Candidate Detail Page

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Job Offer Pages Redesigned

Increase ease of use and responsiveness on desktop and mobile devices with the redesigned job offer pages.

The job offers list and details page use a more streamlined and consistent pattern that offers a clutter-free experience. As part of the redesign, the job offer is only available as a tab on the job application page.

Job Offers List

The job offer creation flow uses an intuitive guided process and provides hiring managers and recruiters a simplified experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Job Requisition Flows Redesigned

Increase ease of use and responsiveness on desktop and mobile devices with the redesigned job requisition flows.

The job requisitions list and details page use a more streamlined and consistent pattern that offers a clutter-free experience. 

Job Requisitions List

The job requisition details page has a new overview tab that highlights predefined counts of filtered job applications, key info of the requisition, and recommended candidates when the Best Candidates feature is enabled.

Job Requisition Page

The job requisition creation flow uses an intuitive guided process and provides hiring managers and recruiters a simplified experience. With the new process, it's easier for a requisition creator to use a template or a preexisting requisition to initiate the process.

Job Requisition Creation

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Enhanced Talent Profile Management

Enhancements made in Talent Profile Management include changes to the user experience and to talent profile administration. This initial release of the enhanced Talent Profile Management is intended for Oracle Recruiting Cloud and Oracle Learning Cloud customers, early adopters, and newly provisioned customers.

Steps to Enable

Oracle Recruiting Cloud customers will need to upgrade to the enhanced Talent Management Profile feature. For information about how to upgrade to the enhanced Talent Profile Management, see Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Doc ID 2421964.1)

HR Optimization

Transactional Business Intelligence for Talent Management

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self-service reporting solution offered to all Oracle Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making.  Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.

Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.


New Subject Area - Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignment Real Time

Enhance your reporting on goal plan assignment to workers with the new subject area Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignment Real Time. This subject area allows you to report on all the performance goal plans that are assigned to workers, whether they have goals assigned in the plan or not.

Some of the attributes included are:

  • Goal Plan ID 
  • Goal Plan Assignment ID
  • Goal Plan Assignment Date
  • Goal Plan Assignment Status

All the other common HCM dimensions and performance goal plan dimensions are available for reporting, including the Time Dimension.

The Time Dimension allows you to report on all the goal plan assignments to workers over a period of time.

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Tips And Considerations

This subject area currently does not report on the goal plan eligibility criteria.

Role Information

Job Role Duty Role
HR Analyst Goal Management Transaction Analysis Duty


New Subject Area - Workforce Performance - Check-In Eligibility Real Time

Enhance your reporting on performance Check-Ins with this new subject area that allows you to report on the eligibility details related to the Check-In Template used to create the Check-In. Workforce Performance - Check-In Eligibility Real Time allows you to report on the eligibility details associated with the Check-In Template. The associated eligibility criteria is not currently available for reporting.

The Check-In Template eligibility details available for reporting include:

  • Eligibility effective start and end dates
  • Eligibility flag 
  • Ineligibility reason
  • Eligibility override flag 

The Check-In Template dimension is also available for reporting. The metrics include: 

  • # Eligible workers which provides the distinct count of workers that are eligible for a specific check-in template.
  •  The time dimension which allows you to report on the template eligibility data over time.

This new subject area can be used along with the existing Workforce Performance - Performance Check In Real Time to create analyses that renders the number of workers who have not created check-ins though they are eligible to create them.

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).


Recruiting - Candidate Pool Process Enhancements

Enhance your reporting on Recruitment with the inclusion of the attributes related to process that is being used for every candidate pool. This enhancement is related to the configurable candidate pool management process in Recruitment.

The changes are done across two subject areas. The dimensions, attributes that are added to the subject areas are as listed below:

  1. Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time    
  • Candidate Pool > Candidate Pool - Basic Information       
    • Candidate Pool Management Process ID
    • Candidate Pool Management Process Name
    • Candidate Pool Management Process Description
  • Candidate Pool > Candidate Pool - Member Candidates         
    • Current Phase Name
    • Current Phase Code
    • Current Phase ID
    • Current Phase Sequence Number
    • Current State Name
    • Current State Code
    • Current State ID
  • Job Application > Job Application - Basic Information        
    • Candidate Selection Process Description
  • Job Application > Job Application - Progression        
    • Current Phase Sequence Number
  • Job requisition > Job requisition - Progression            
    • Current Phase Sequence Number
  1. Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time    
  • Candidate Pool        
    • Candidate Pool Management Process ID
    • Candidate Pool Management Process Name
    • Candidate Pool Management Process Description
  • Pool Candidate History - Event Details        
    • Phase Name
    • State Name
  • Job Application         
    • Candidate Selection Process Description

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Recruiting - Enhanced Job Offer Dimension

Improve your reporting on job offers in recruitment with the addition of new attributes to support job offer basic details, assignment details, compensation details, any media links and URL related to attachments.

The new attributes added to the Recruitment - Recruitment Real Time to support the job offer enhancements includes the following:

  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Basic Information > Additional Text 1
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Basic Information > Additional Text 2
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Compensation Details > Use Salary components
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Compensation Details > Salary Date From
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Compensation Details > Salary Date To
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Assignment Details > Assignment Name
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Media Links > Media Title
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Media Links > Media URL
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Media Links > Media Sequence Number
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Media Links > Media Type
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Media Links > Visibility
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Media Links > Created By
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Media Links > Creation Date
  • Job Offer > Job Offer - Attachments > Attachment Web URL

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

New Dimension to Support Questionnaire in Recruiting

Augment your reporting on recruitment with the new dimensions related to questionnaire and responses that are associated with the job requisitions. The enhancements include the addition of external and internal questionnaire dimensions. For each and every job application you can  also report on what the candidates have answered to which questions.

The new dimensions added to Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time includes the following:

Job Requisition > Job Requisition - Questionnaires

  • External Questionnaire - Basic Information
  • External Questionnaire - Questions
  • Internal Questionnaire - Basic Information
  • Internal Questionnaire - Questions
  • Interview Questionnaires - Basic Information
  • Interview Questionnaires - Questions

Job Application      

  • Job Application - Prescreening Responses
  • Job Application - Interview Feedback

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Enhanced Recruiting Events Subject Area for Candidate Search

Enhance your reporting on recruitment events real time with the addition of dimensions and metrics that support the candidate search and the associated search results for specific job requisitions, for auditing purposes.

The enhancements to the subject area allows you to build analyses that aids in the following functions:

  • All search criteria, even those that might be automatically applied or added using facets, etc.
  • The date and time the search was run
  • The user who ran the search
  • The list of returned candidates

The list of changes to the subject area includes the following

Dimension Name Sub Folders - Dimensions Attributes
Search Queries  
  • Search Date
  • Searching Person Identifier
  • Searching Person Full Name
  • Search ID
  • Search Query
  • Retrieved Candidate ID
Search Queries Action
  • Job Requisition ID
  • Selected Candidate ID
  • Selected Candidate Full Name
  • Selected Candidate Number
  • Action Taken
Candidates Candidate Details
  • Candidate Found Date
Metrics Description
Number of Retrieved Candidates Number of candidates retrieved by the current search.
Number of Selected Candidates Number of candidates selected for action from the current search result.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.