August Maintenance Pack for 20B
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
31 JUL 2020 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (20A, 20B, 20C, and 20D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
- Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):
- Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
- Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
- Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)
Additional Optional Reading:
- Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)
NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Action is Needed BEFORE Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.
Notice the following enhancements to the What to Learn page:
- Required and Voluntary Learning Cards no longer show recently completed learning. Completed learning is displayed on the View Transcript page.
- Multiple recommendations for the same item are no longer consolidated into one card. They are repeated so that users can see all of the recommendation comments.
What to Learn Page
Completed learning was removed from this page because it is already displayed on the View Transcript page. Showing recommendations multiple times helps users to view all recommendation comments for each item.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Descriptive Flexfields Available in Assign to My Team
Use Descriptive Flexfields when assigning items in My Team. Descriptive Flexfields display in the following scenarios:
When a manager assigns learning to team members
My Team
Assign Learning
When a manager requests noncatalog learning for team members
Request Noncatalog Learning
Request Noncatalog Learning
When a manager records external learning for team members.
Record External Learning for Team Members
Record External Learning for Team Members
Enabling Descriptive Flexfields in the manager flows helps organizations capture additional information in My Team.
Steps to Enable
Enable Defined Flexfield segments in:
- DFF Name: Learning Request Additional Attributes
Enable DFF segments in HCM design studio.
HCM Experience Design Studio
- Actions = Learning Manager Actions
- Under Page Attributes
- Region = Assignment Details & Completion Details
- Learner Record Descriptive Flexfield = Visible
HCM Experience Design Studio
Key Resources
Refer to the Descriptive Flexfields chapter of the Oracle Talent Management Cloud Implementing Learning Guide for complete information on Flex Fields for Learning Cloud.
Preview Mode for eLearning Content
Use the Preview button after you upload SCORM elearning Content to preview the content in full page mode.
Preview Mode
Improves the administrator experience by making content easy to preview.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Last Recorded Assessment Attempt Review
Use the new Review Try button to see the answers you made on your last recorded assessment attempt.
Review Try Button
You cannot change any answers. This button is only available for assessment resources.
Review Assessment Answers
This feature lets learners review the answers they made for assessments..
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Current Learning Assignments Hidden
Notice that if you have no current assignments in a learning community, the Current Learning section is hidden from view.
Current Learning Hidden
Displaying the Current Learning section only when learners have current assignments in a learning community improves the clarity and accuracy of the the page.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Past Renewals Section Displayed in Enrollment Details
Notice the following changes for course renewals:
- When learners are in a renewal course assignment, their current enrollment shows the previous completions in the Past Renewal section.
- When learners have past renewal enrollments, the Past Renewal section displays on the Enrollment Details page.
When a course is set up for renewals, it is beneficial for the learner to see past renewal completions for the course, so that they understand enrollment cycle.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
29 MAY 2020 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (20A, 20B, 20C, and 20D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
- Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):
- Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
- Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
- Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)
Additional Optional Reading:
- Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)
NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Action is Needed BEFORE Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Conditional Assessment Questions and Feedback in Offline Learning |
Enable BIPS Based Notifications for Learning Item Contribution |
Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.
Specializations, Courses, Course Offerings
Conditional Assessment Questions and Feedback in Offline Learning
Notice that Conditional Assessment Questions and Feedback now appear to learners in offline learning.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Enable BIPS Based Notifications for Learning Item Contribution
Enable profile options to deliver BIPS-based notifications for learning item contributions. All the notifications to the contributor are "FYI" notifications, the notification to the approver is actionable. For both video and tutorial contribution, there are three different notifications:
- To contributor confirming the item has been submitted for approval
- To the approver(s) for them to approve
- To the learner letting them know the item has been approved or rejected
Notification to Contributor on Video Submission
Actionable Notification to Approver on Video Submission
Notification for Submitter on Video Approval
Notification to Submitter on Video Rejection
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Enhanced the Optimize Learning Text Index Job
Notice that the Optimize Learning Text Indexes ESS Job has been enhanced to enable stop words for keyword searches. Stop words are words such as the, an, and, of, or, etc. that can be removed from the search index so that they are not used in determining the search result scoring. Stop words are always removed from field searches on items like course and offering titles.
Optimize Learning Text Indexes
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Use the new Learning Cloud ESS jobs to expand and reconcile assignments and access groups. These new jobs have been created to replace the Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule, Reconcile Dynamic Assignments, and Reconcile Access Groups.
The new jobs have multi-threaded support for both expansion and reconciliation.The old jobs only support threading on reconciliation. The new jobs will be run in batch-only processing mode, so you can control the resource allocation versus running these jobs after an event occurs in the user interface. There is improved error logging, where errors that occur will be logged directly in the database for things such as assignments not being created due to inactive user accounts, duplicate assignments being created, and many others.
The new jobs process data more efficiently and provide better performance then the previous jobs.
Process User Access - This job expands access groups destinations. This job will replace the Reconcile Access Groups job.Process User Access - This job expands access groups destinations.
Process Learning Recommendation - This job expands assignment destinations and populates learning recommendation based on eligible users. This job will replace the Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule, Reconcile Dynamic Assignments for recommendation assignments.
Process Learning Records - This job expands assignment destinations and populates learning records based on eligible users. This job will replace the Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule, Reconcile Dynamic Assignments for required and voluntary assignments.
Reconcile Learning Catalog Item Activity Changes - This process will review all active learning catalog activity items and reconcile them against any changes made by a learning specialist since this job was last run. This will evaluate all Learners on the modified learning item to determine if the Learners progression or completion on that learning item need to be updated.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
If you would like to be part for this feature, follow these steps.
Enable Newsfeed User Interface. Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Request to be part of the new reconciliation ESS jobs by opening a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support (MOS). Include the following items in the SR, and indicate that you agree to these terms:
- Provide a project point of contact.
- Agree to perform regular testing against the integration. Program will last 2-3 months.
- Agree to participate in regularly scheduled meetings – Initially once a week then on an ad hoc basis.
- Agree to uptake at least 2 Cumulative Weekly Bundles (CWBs) per month.
- Agree to request approval to go-live on the new reconciliation jobs from Oracle.
Once approved, schedule these ESS jobs.
NOTE: This feature requires approval. There are certain parameters that must be met for a customer to be approved. Not all customers will be approved for participation. Once approved, you will be able to start using this feature.
Key Resources
Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
29 MAY 2020 | Learning Cloud/Specializations, Course, Course Offerings: Learning Item Search Index Job Is Asynchronous | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 APR 2020 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (20A, 20B, 20C, and 20D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
- Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):
- Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
- Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
- Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)
Additional Optional Reading:
- Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)
NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Action is Needed BEFORE Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
OTBI: Added the Workforce Learning: Learning Content Items Subject Area |
Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.
Navigation to What to Learn Has Moved
Take note that What to Learn has been moved from the root navigation menu to the Quick Action navigation menu. Click Show More if necessary, and then scroll down to Learning.
What to Learn Is Now Under Quick Actions
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Be the first to add LinkedIn Learning content to Oracle Learning Cloud. When you enable this integration, you can import a single course at a time, or bulk load multiple courses. On import, an automatic process runs in the background to create content, courses, offerings, and activities associated with the content in Oracle Learning Cloud.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
If you would like to be part of the Early Adopter Program for this feature, follow these steps.
Enable Newsfeed User Interface (NUX). Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Request to be part of the LinkedIn Early Adopter Program by opening a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support (MOS). Include the following items in the SR, and indicate that you agree to these terms:
- Provide a project point of contact.
- Agree to perform regular testing against the integration. Program will last 2-3 months.
- Agree to participate in regular scheduled meetings – Initially once a week then on an ad hoc basis.
- Agree to uptake at least 2 Cumulative Weekly Bundles (CWBs) per month.
- Agree to request approval to go-live on the LinkedIn integration from Oracle.
Once approved, set up an account with LinkedIn. LinkedIn should provide you with the following information, which is required to enable the integration with Learning Cloud:
- Client ID
- Shared Key (Client Secret)
NOTE: If you plan to use more than one POD, request that LinkedIn provide you a unique LinkedIn server account for each POD. Having separate servers prevents data updates from becoming out of sync across environments.
Tips And Considerations
Once this feature is enabled, you need to:
- Synchronize Oracle Learning Cloud with the LinkedIn library.
- Import LinkedIn content to the catalog. This import creates LinkedIn content, courses, offerings and activities within the catalog.
Synchronize Oracle Learning Cloud with the LinkedIn Library
To ensure that LinkedIn data is up-to-date within Learning Cloud, you must periodically run the Load and Synchronize External Course Data job in the Scheduled Processes work area. This job is responsible for loading the available courses from external content providers into Oracle Learning Cloud so that they are available for import. In addition to loading the metadata to allow for search, this job loads the sync status from its provider. Oracle recommends that you schedule this job to run daily. You can also run it on demand, if force synchronization is required. After this job runs, a status displays for each course:
- New - indicates that this is a new course, and it was not imported.
- Modified - indicates that a course has been imported, but has changed on LinkedIn.
- Current - indicates a course is in sync with LinkedIn, and has been imported.
- Removed - indicates that a course was imported as "Not entitled" from LinkedIn. Learning Cloud does not support deletion, so you must manually delete courses, offerings, and activities associated with removed content.
Import LinkedIn Library Items Into Oracle Learning Cloud
You must import LinkedIn content into Oracle Learning Cloud to create learning items in the Oracle Learning Cloud catalog.
- In the My Client Groups work area, click Learning.
- On the Catalog Resources page, click the Content tab.Click Add Content.
- Select Import External Content.
- Search for and select the LinkedIn content you want to import.
- Click one of the following:
- Import- to import a single item.
- Import All- to import all LN items.
The content is imported, and remains in Import Requested status until the import process completes. You can find the items by selecting Import Requested from the Import Status drop-down list in the search area. The content remains in this status until the Import Learning Content job completes. This job runs automatically in the background, and creates the content in the Learning Cloud catalog.
Key Resources
Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Learning Request and Non Catalog Learning Request Approval
Use the learning request approval capability for learning item requests and non catalog learning item requests. There is a new Learning Request rule in the Approval Transaction Manager.
Transaction Manager Rule
A sample request approval workflow is already set up for you for learning requests. Customers can configure the workflow to their desired business processes. For example, a customer could expand the request learning workflow to also contain an if statment clause for non catalog learning and setup the appropriate approval workflow for this type of learning request.
Sample Approval Rule
If a learning item has prerequisites, the approval notification indicates what they are, whether they are mandatory, and if the learner has met the requirements of the prerequisites. The notification body contains the following for each learning item prerequisite:
- The prerequisite category (item type) and type (item). For example, Language: Spanish.
- The prerequisite level, such as Advanced or Proficient. What displays depends on the rating model you configured for the item type.
- Whether the prerequisite is mandatory.
- Whether the learner currently meets the prerequisite criteria.
If multiple prerequisites are configured, they are listed one after the other in no specific order.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Specializations, Courses, Course Offerings
Learning Item Search Index Job Is Asynchronous
Notice that the Rebuild Learning Item Indexes job, which runs when when you add a new learning item, is now asynchronous. In previous releases, this job ran automatically to update the search index. This job now runs every 5 minutes to maximize the efficiency of the rebuilding of the learning item index, especially in instances where large numbers of learning items are created or loaded at the same time.
NOTE: Because of this change, you may experience a short delay from the time you create a learning item until it is is available in search.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For more information go to the Oracle Help Center for the following guide:
- Implementing Learning guide > Chapter 4 Scheduled Processes
Notice the new Featured Learning label that displays to learners for courses and specializations that admins have designated as featured. Admins can activate this label by selecting a learning item in the Learning Catalog, and clicking the new Add to Featured button.
Add to Featured Button
Once clicked, the button changes to Stop Featuring.
Stop Featuring
If you decide that you no longer want to feature an item, select the item and then click Stop Featuring.
When learners search for learning items, if an item is featured, a new label appears next to that item in the search results.
Featured Label in Self Service Search Results
Steps to Enable
To use this feature, you must enable Newsfeed User Interface (NUX). Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Key Resources
Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Use HDL to set the default access values for specializations, courses, and offerings. Previously, you could only do this in the user interface using the Manage Default Access button within Access Groups or Access List. The following HDL objects have been added:
- SPECIALIZATIONDEFAULTACCESS: Grants default access to all learners who access specializations prior to having an access group or an assignment.
- COURSEDEFAULTACCESS: Grants default access to all learners who access courses prior to having an access group or an assignment.
- OFFERINGDEFAULTACCESS: Grants default access to all learners who access offerings prior to having an access group or an assignment.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Refer to the chapter called "Access Control" in the guide called Oracle Talent Management Cloud Using Learning for complete information on Access Control. Also please always reference the Understanding Data Loading and Migration white paper on My Oracle Support (Document 2578544.1).
Enhanced Offering Learning Record HDL
Notice that a course learning record is now created when loading an offering learning record. There is no longer any need to run the Learn Migration ESS job to create the corresponding Course Learning Record and relations.
In previous releases, the Learning Record HDL Object did not create a corresponding course learning record when an offering learning record was created via HDL, which resulted in the possibility of having an orphaned offering learning record in the system. The Learning Migration ESS job had to be run to create a corresponding course learning records for these orphaned offering learning records.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Always reference the Understanding Data Loading and Migration white paper on My Oracle Support (Document 2578544.1).
Transactional Business Intelligence for Talent Management
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self-service reporting solution offered to all Oracle Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.
Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.
OTBI: Added the Workforce Learning: Learning Content Items Subject Area
Use the Workforce Learning: Learning Content Items Subject Area to report on the usage and uptake of eLearning (SCORM, HCAP, etc.), PDFs, and content videos. You can report using various dimensions such as publisher details, usage details, completed and unfinished attempts, and eLearning Specific Details, such as attempts allowed, and time per attempt.
The access to this subject area is enabled with a new aggregate privilege called Report eLearning Content that is is seeded in learning specialist role
Workforce Learning: Learning Content Items Subject Area
Learning Content Items Subject Area Details
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
OTBI - Add Assignment Attributes
Use the Assignment Profile Number, Assignment Number, and Assigned By Person Number attributes to report on assignments. These were added to OTBI so you can extract all of the pertinent assignment data needed to do an HDL Learning Record load. The fields have been added to the following locations:
Dimension | Attribute |
Learning Records > Learning Record Details | Learning Record Number |
Learning Records > Learning Record Details |
Assigned By Person Number This is populated only for person attributed learning records. |
Learning Events > Assignment Profiles | Assignment Profile Number |
You can quickly extract assignment data from OTBI, by creating a LearningRecord.dat file, modifying the status of assignments, and then bulk loading these updates via HDL.
Learning Management Real Time
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Feature | Notes |
31 JUL 2020 | Goal Management: Performance Goals Approval Transactions OTBI Reporting | Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20B. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Performance Management: Personalize List of Values (LOV) in Performance Pages |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Recruiting: Append Job Applications | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Recruiting/Candidate Experiences: Communication Preference for External Candidates |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
26 JUN 2020 | Goal Management: Enhanced Administration for Library Goals | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
26 JUN 2020 |
Performance Management: Personalize List of Values (LOV) in Performance Pages |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
26 JUN 2020 |
Learning Cloud/Learning Assignements: Bypass and Complete Courses and Specializations | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
29 MAY 2020 | Career Development Redesigned User Experience: Associate Learning with a Development Goal | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
29 MAY 2020 |
Learning Cloud/eLearning: Reconcile Learning Rich Media ESS Job | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
29 MAY 2020 |
Profile Management: Print Talent Profile in PDF Format Available in Enhanced Talent Profile | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
29 MAY 2020 |
Recruiting: Append Job Applications | Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20B. |
28 APR 2020 | Learning Cloud/Learning Cloud Replaced or Removed Features: Contextual Learning Components Removed |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 APR 2020 |
Learning Cloud/ELearning: Reconcile Learning Rich Media ESS Job |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 APR 2020 |
Performance Management: Personalize List of Values (LOV) in Performance Pages |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 APR 2020 |
Recruiting/Job Offers: Access Job Offers When Not Part of the Offer Team |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 APR 2020 |
Recruiting/Candidates and Candidate Job Applications: Candidate Applications Track More Disability and Legislative Flexfield Information |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 APR 2020 |
Recruiting/Candidate Sourcing: Oracle Search |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 APR 2020 |
Talent Review/Talent Review Replaced or Removed Features: Former Talent Review Dashboard Retired |
Updated document. Revised feature information. |
27 MAR 2020 |
Recruiting: Autocomplete Rules Support in Job Application Flow | Updated document. Removed feature from update 20B. |
27 MAR 2020 | Talent Review Replaced or Removed Features: Former Talent Review Dashboard Retired | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
06 MAR 2020 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (20A, 20B, 20C, and 20D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
- Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):
- Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
- Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
- Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)
Additional Optional Reading:
- Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)
NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Features under this section are available to all talent applications.
Performance Goals and Documents Integration with Global Transfer Process
You can now choose to move performance goals and documents to workers’ new assignments with a legal employer when using the Global HR Local and Global Transfer guided process.
You can move all of the workers' performance goals and documents associated with all review periods, or you can choose only current and future review periods and leave historic performance goals and documents associated with the inactive assignments.
Moving performance goals and documents to the new assignment means that workers will not need to switch between assignments to see all of their performance goals and documents.
Additionally, if a new manager is selected as part of the global transfer, the user initiating the process can select to transfer any in progress performance documents they are the performance document manager for to the new manager.
Local and Global Transfer Process
In the Performance Goals and Documents section, choose the review periods you want and if you want to transfer current performance documents to the new manager:
Performance Goals and Documents Section
Steps to Enable
To make the Performance Goals and Documents section available as part of the guided process, administrators can create a rule in HCM Design Studio for the action Local and Global Transfer to display this new section.
Tips And Considerations
- If the global transfer is scheduled for a future date, a process will be submitted called Move Performance Goals and Documents which will be scheduled to run on the same date the global transfer will take effect.
- The Move Performance Goals and Documents process cannot be scheduled manually but only as part of the global transfer.
- If the global transfer process is submitted and the employee has any Goal plans pending approval for the selected review periods, the global transfer will not move any Performance Goals or Documents to the new assignment.
- If no new line manager is selected, performance documents will not be transferred to another manager.
- If the global transfer is cancelled, the moved performance goals and documents will not be automatically moved back to the original assignments. The Performance Data Integrity Check Process can be used to associate the orphaned performance documents back to the employee's primary assignment. HDL can be used to associate the orphaned goals back to the employee's active primary assignment.
Key Resources
For more information on Local and Global Transfers, see the Global Human Resources What's New for 19A for the feature Local and Global Transfer Guided Process.
Talent Management Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Review Period Simplification for Employees and Managers
Streamline the Goals and Performance Management responsive pages so that only review periods that are relevant to the employees displayed are available for selection.
The employee Goals Spotlight page will now only display review periods for which the employee has an assigned goal plan, or if primary goal plan is used all review periods will display. The employee Performance Spotlight page will now only display review periods for which performance documents or check-ins have been or can be created for.
The manager Evaluate Performance page will now only display review periods for which there are created employee performance documents. The manager Goals and Performance Overview page will now only display review periods that cover goals, performance documents, and check-ins.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
In addition to the 20A feature to allow organizations to Hide Inactive Review Periods in employee and manager Talent Management pages, in 20B the Review Period list of values has been further simplified:
- The employee Goals Spotlight page will display:
- Review Periods where the employee has an assigned goal plan OR
- All Review Periods if Primary Goal Plan is enabled
- The employee Performance Spotlight page will display:
- Review Periods where the employee has a performance document created for them or an Anytime Document can be created OR
- Review Periods where the employee has a Check-In document created for them or a Check-In document can be created (Check-In templates will now be associated with Review Periods) OR
- Review Periods where the employee has a received a request to provide participant feedback for another employee (this only applies to the employee viewing their own Performance Spotlight page)
- The manager Evaluate Performance page will display:
- Review Periods for which there are created employee performance documents (regular or Anytime) where the manager is the performance document manager
- The manager Goals and Performance Overview page will display:
- Review Periods where the employee has an assigned goal plan OR
- All Review Periods if Primary Goal Plan is enabled OR
- Review Periods where the employee has a performance document created for them or an Anytime Document can be created OR
- Review Periods where the employee has a Check-In document created for them or a Check-In document can be created (Check-In templates will now be associated with Review Periods)
Survey employees with our Questionnaires.
Randomize Questions in a Questionnaire Section
As an administrator, you can randomize the questions in a section of the questionnaire so that the section displays questions in random as per the sample size. When you define a questionnaire section for Random question order, you need to specify the sample size. Conditional questions aren't included in the random sample questions. The sampling size can be either the same as or less than the number of questions defined in the section.
NOTE: Ensure that the sample size is not less than the required number of questions and more than the number of questions in the section of a questionnaire.
The questions are randomly selected from the available pool of questions within a section in the questionnaire. You can preview the questionnaire and verify the questions in the section that are randomly selected by the application.
Random Question Order and Sample Size for the Questionnaire Section of the Questionnaire Contents Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
See Questionnaires help topic in the Implementing Talent Management Base Guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Fusion Career Development provides tools for workers and managers to manage their career interests and development plan. These tools include:
- Recommendations on roles based on workers’ qualifications
- Comparisons to target roles and required development needs for workers
- Management of roles of interest to the worker
- Comprehensive development plan for workers to establish development goals and manage development progress
Inactivate or Delete HR Assigned Development Goals
When the HR specialist assigns a goal to an employee, the employee and manager have an option to delete or inactivate the goal. As an employee or manager, they can review the goal and opt to delete or inactivate the goal.
Inactivating the HR-Assigned Goals
After reviewing the HR-Assigned goals, the employee or employee’s manager can opt for inactivating the goal.
- In the Career Development work area, Development Plan region, edit the HR-assigned goal either in inline or drill down mode.
- On the Goals Details page, click Edit in the Basic Info region, deselect the Active Goal check box.
- Click Save.
Manager Inactivating the HR Assigned Goal on the Goal Details Page of the Employee
Deleting HR-Assigned Goals
After reviewing the HR-Assigned goals, the employee or employee’s manager can delete the goals:
- In the Development Plan section, select the check boxes for the goals that are to be deleted.
- Go to the Actions menu and select Delete.
Manager Deleting the HR Assigned Goal on the Career Development Page of the Employee
Notifications for Inactivating or Deleting Goals
When the HR-assigned goals are deleted or inactivated by the employee, only the HR specialist receives FYI notifications.
HR Specialist Gets an FYI Notification When the HR Assigned Goal Is Inactivated by the Employee
When the HR-assigned goals are deleted or inactivated by the manager, the HR specialist and employee receive an FYI notification.
Employee Gets an FYI Notification When HR Assigned Goal Is Deleted by the Manager
Steps to Enable
To enable the Inactivating and Deleting HR-Assigned Goals, ensure that new feature options in Career Development are enabled.
From Setup and Maintenance work area> Actions menu>Offerings> Workforce Development> Career Development functional area> select the options:
- Delete Development Goals Assigned by HR
- Cancel Development Goals Assigned by HR
Career Development Functional Area > Delete and Cancel Options
To get notifications when the development goals are deleted or canceled, the administrator needs to enable these options listed under Career Development Notifications:
- Assigned goals canceled by manager
- Assigned goals deleted by manager
- Goals canceled by worker
- Goals deleted by worker
- Goals canceled by managers
- Goals deleted by managers
Career Development Functional Area > Career Development Notification Options > Enable the Options
Key Resources
For more information, see the Implementing Career Development guide in Oracle Help Center
Career Development Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Associate Learning with a Development Goal
If you consider the learning items to improve the proficiency, you can add them to an existing development goal or a new development goal. When you add a goal, in the Learning region, you can expand and search for learning items and then add them to the goal.
Add Learning Item to the Development Goal
Learning Item in your Development Goal
When you click the learning item link you can view the learning item details. Later if you want to remove it, use the Remove icon to remove it from your learning.
Steps to Enable
- Ensure that the WLF_LEARN_SELFSERVICE_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED profile option is enabled. To enable any profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
- Ensure that your administrator enables the Bypass Approvals option for the Approve Development Goals process in the Transaction Console.
- Go to Navigator > Tools > Transaction Console.
- Select the Approval Rules tab.
- For the Approve Development Goal row, select Bypass Approvals.
- To enable the Learning region in the development goal, ensure that the Development Goal Learning feature is selected for Career Development.
- From the Actions menu in the Setup and Maintenance work area, select Go to Offerings.
- Select the Workforce Development offering and click View Features.
- Edit the Career Development feature.
- Enable Development Goal Learning.
Edit Career Development Feature > Development Goal Learning Feature Option
Key Resources
- For information on Bypass Approvals, see the white paper, Using the Approval Ruleset of Development Goals document (Document ID: 2580046.1).
- For information on HCM Experience Design Studio, see the white paper, Transaction Design Studio – What It Is and How It Works (Document ID 2504404.1).
- For information on Enhanced Talent Profiles, see the white paper, Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Document 2421964.1).
Administration of Library Goals Redesigned
HR specialists and administrators can administer their goals library on the newly designed responsive page, Development Goal Library. It's easy to use on any device with a modern look and conversational labels.
Development Goal Library Page for the Search, Sort, and Edit Goal Translation Features
Use the Development Goal Library page to perform these tasks:
- Search for goals by using the newly added filters such as Legal Entity, Business Unit, Department, and Job Family.
- You can add other search filter attributes such as Priority, Level, Subtype, Start Date, Target Completion Date, and External ID to your search by using the personalize Gear wheel icon.
- View library goals in drill down mode or inline mode
- Add a library goal including the measurements, tasks, and target outcomes.
- Update an existing library goal.
- Delete any unused library goals by going to the goal details page.
- Edit library goal translations in the supported languages by using Edit Goal Translation menu item.
Add Measurements, Tasks, and Target Outcomes for a Library Goal
Library Goals Listed in the Goal Library; Goals in Drill-Down Mode
You can drill down the goal name and review the goal details.
Library Goals Listed in the Development Goal Library; Goals in Inline Mode
When the Career Development feature option, Development Goal Drill Down Page is not enabled, you can view the goals in inline mode in Development Goal Library. You can’t view the Measurements and Tasks sections in the inline mode.
Steps to Enable
To enable goal library and measurements, tasks, target outcomes for a goal, ensure that feature options in Career Development are enabled.
From Setup and Maintenance work area > Actions menu > Offerings > Workforce Development > Career Development functional area> select the options:
- Goal Library: Enables privileged users to use the goal library to add development goals.
- Development Goal Measurement: Enables you to add measurements to a development goal
- Development Goal Tasks: Enables you to add tasks in a development goal
- Target Outcomes: Enables you to add target outcomes to a content item
- Development Goal Drill Down Page: Enables you to drill down from the development goal to the development goal details
Career Development Functional Area > Feature Options
NOTE: This step of enabling profile is for existing customers only. New customers starting with 19D or a later release do not need to setup these profiles, as the new responsive screens are delivered by default.
To view the features in the Career Development responsive pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see the HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information white paper in My Oracle Support (Document 2399671.1).
Field | Value |
Profile Option Code |
To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
RESTRICTION: You can’t be exporting the library goals listed in the development goal library to a file.
Key Resources
For more information on creating and enabling profile options, see the white paper, HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)
Role Information
Security Privileges
If you are using the predefined job and abstract roles, then no action is necessary. If you are using custom versions of these roles or if you want other roles to manage library goals, then you must add this function security privilege to your custom roles to use this feature.
For instructions on implementing new functions in existing roles, see the white paper on My Oracle Support: Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide (Document ID 2023523.1).
This table shows the security privilege that support this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.
Function Security Privilege and Role
Function Security Privilege Name and Code |
Role Name |
Human Resource Specialist Human Capital Management Application Administrator |
Improved Career Development Pages
Access the information readily in the improved Career Development and Explore Roles pages. The Career Outlook section now displays Current Role and Careers of Interest sections. As an employee, you can now easily access the Explore Roles page by using the Explore Roles button in the Career Outlook section.
You can reduce the clutter and show or hide the required attributes on the page by using the Transaction Design Studio. For example, control the Scorecard display, Goals display in sections other than the development plan. The numeric rating and description are both displayed for the current and target proficiency levels on the Explore Roles page.
Improved Career Development Page with Career Outlook Region and Explore Roles Button
Steps to Enable
To show or hide Career Development attributes in the Career Development page, the administrator uses HCM Experience Design Studio. To access HCM Experience Design Studio, enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level. You can view all actions available to configure using Transaction Design Studio.
Option to Show or Hide the Goals Attribute in Careers of Interest Region in Career Development Work Area
Key Resources
For more information on the Transaction Design Studio, see the following document on My Oracle Support:
- Transaction Design Studio – What It Is and How It Works (Document ID 2504404.1)
Improved Design to Assign Development Goals
As a manager, now you can select one or more goals in the development plan and assign to your direct reports at one go. Use the Select all check box to assign the selected goals to all your employees.
- From the Career Development work area, Development Plan region, select the goals to be assigned and click the Actions menu>Assign.
- On the Assign Goal page, the selected goals are listed. In the Assign To region, all your employees are listed. You can choose one or more employees. To assign the goals to all employees, click the Select all check box.
- To allow your employees to update the goals, select the Allow workers to update goals check box.
- Click Save and Close.
Selecting the Goals in the Development Plan Region of the Career Development Work Area and Assigning
Assigning the Selected Goals to One or More or All the Direct Reports
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For more information, see the Using Career Development guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Fusion Talent Review is an analytic product enabling your organization to review and evaluate data from the profile, performance, goals, career development, and compensation management solutions.
Talent Review Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Prepare Review Content Scheduled Process
Leverage the new Talent Review Meeting Submission scheduled process to submit talent ratings while preparing content for Talent Review meetings. This scheduled process is triggered when both these conditions are true:
- As a manager preparing review content, you submit the ratings.
- The number of members in the review population exceeds or is equal to the submission process threshold specified in the meeting template.
Here’s what happens when the Talent Review Meeting Submission scheduled process starts:
- A message displays the job number. You can track the process using this job number.
- You are taken back to the Overview page.
- Your data submission status for the meeting changes to Submission process in progress.
- The Prepare Review Content option is disabled for you in the Actions menu. But other reviewers can use this action to prepare content for the same meeting.
Here’s what happens when the Talent Review Meeting Submission scheduled process completes successfully:
- Your data submission status for the meeting changes to Complete.
- The meeting facilitator receives a notification that you have submitted your review content.
- You can use the Prepare Review Content option in the Actions menu if you want to further update the ratings.
Here’s what happens when the Talent Review Meeting Submission scheduled process fails:
- Your data submission status for the meeting changes to Submission process error. You can see the process ID next to the data submission status.
- You can check the process log to determine the cause of error.
- You can use the Prepare Review Content option in the Actions menu if you want to update the ratings.
Steps to Enable
To enable the responsive Talent Review pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option.
NOTE: This step of enabling profile is for existing customers only. New customers starting with 19D or a later release do not need to setup these profiles, as the new responsive screens are delivered by default.
Field |
Value | Description |
Profile Option Code |
Enables responsive Talent Review pages |
If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, see following white paper: HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document ID 2399671.1).
To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
You need to specify the submission process threshold value while configuring the talent review template.
Tips And Considerations
- To refresh the data submission status, navigate away from the Overview page and then return to the page.
- You can view the data submission status only on the manager’s Overview page and not on the facilitator’s Overview page.
- As a manager, you can filter or sort the meetings on your Overview page by the data submission status.
- Facilitators can conduct the meeting on or after the meeting date regardless of the data submission status.
Key Resources
For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)
For more information on viewing the statuses of scheduled processes, refer to this resource:
- Chapter 7, Scheduled Processes: View Status and Other Details for Scheduled Processes topic in the Using Common Features guide.
Talent Review Replaced or Removed Features
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing features with new features, or removes existing features.
Replaced features may be put on a path of removal, the features below will let you know what update you will have to have moved to the newer feature. As a best practice, you should move to the newer feature as soon as possible for full support and to stay up with the latest updates that the product offers.
Any feature that is removed, will have an Update in which that feature is no longer available. Please make necessary plans to move off the feature by the Update indicated, as it will no longer be available.
Former Talent Review Dashboard Retired
From this release, you can use only the redesigned talent review dashboard which was released in 18B to conduct talent review meetings. The former talent review dashboard has been retired.
Redesigned Talent Review Meeting Dashboard
In the redesigned dashboard, you can view the names and photos of the workers in the review population. The actions and display options are conveniently grouped under menus. The Holding Area and the Succession Plans and Talent Pools areas are indicated by icons. Click the corresponding icon to view any of these areas.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The redesigned Talent Review meeting dashboard isn't responsive.
The former prior meetings feature has been replaced by the prior ratings feature in the redesigned dashboard. Use the new prior ratings feature to compare the current ratings of the review population with their recent ratings from previously completed meetings that are within the prior rating date range.
Key Resources
For more information on the redesigned dashboard, see the TALENT REVIEW DASHBOARD REDESIGNED feature in the 18B Talent Management What’s New.
Oracle Succession Management helps to create succession plans to replace key personnel. Succession plans identify workers who are ready now, or can develop the necessary skills, for jobs and positions that aren't currently vacant, insuring, a smooth transition and help you to manage candidate development.
You can now include these talent pool data as part of the person information removal policies configuration:
- Pool member information
- Pool owner information
To Create the Configuration Template to Remove Member Information
- Select the Worker category while creating the configuration template to remove a member from a talent pool.
- Select the Components tab.
- In the Business Objects pane, select Talent Pool.
- In the Components pane, select Talent Pool Member.
Configure Person Information Removal Policies Screen – Components Tab – Talent Pool Business Object
Here’s what happens after you submit the talent pool member disposal process on the Remove Person Information page:
- The selected person is removed from all talent pools in which they were a member.
- Any ratings and willingness to relocate information that were entered for the member in the talent pool is removed from the person's Profile.
- The member count is updated for the affected talent pools.
- Facilitators can’t see the deleted member in the affected talent pools that were associated with a talent review meeting.
To Create the Configuration Template to Remove Talent Pool Owner Information
- Select the Worker category while creating the configuration template.
- Select the Components tab.
- In the Business Objects pane, select Worker.
- In the Components pane, select Person Name.
Configure Person Information Removal Policies Screen – Components Tab - Worker Business Object
After you submit the talent pool owner disposal process on the Remove Person Information page, the selected person’s name is replaced by masking characters in the Owners section of the talent pools that the person owned.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You need to enable the configuration template to use it.
- Ensure that the process is run only on terminated workers with a termination date in the past.
- You can’t recover deleted data. So, proceed with caution.
- If the selected worker was the only owner of a talent pool, you need to add another owner for the affected pool by using HCM Data Loader (HDL).
Key Resources
For more information on configuring the template and submitting the person information removal processes, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- Disposal of Person Data (Doc ID 2597475.1)
Succession Management Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Track External Succession Candidates
Enhance your succession planning by including external candidates in your succession plans.
If you have access to the Succession Plans work area, you can create or edit external candidates in the External Candidates section of the Succession Overview page.
External Candidates Section – Succession Overview Page
When creating an external candidate, you can specify these details:
- Last name, which is mandatory
- First name
- Current job details such as employer and job title
- Contact details such as email and phone
- Country
- Address details including city, state, and postal code
The external candidate details are stored in a separate table. These details aren’t stored in the Persons table as the external candidates aren’t the same as recruiting candidates.
When creating or editing a succession plan, you can add external candidates. In the Candidates section of the succession plan page, click Add > External Candidate.
Add External Candidate
NOTE: To add an existing employee as a candidate, in the Candidates section of the succession plan page, click Add > Internal Candidate.
When searching and adding external candidates, you can specify these details:
- The candidate status, readiness, and ranking
- Whether the candidate is an interim successor
You can delete external candidates if they're not included in a succession plan. To delete external candidates who are included in one or more succession plans, remove them first from all the plans in which they are included.
Steps to Enable
NOTE: This step of enabling profile is for existing customers only. New customers starting with 19D or a later release do not need to setup these profiles, as the new responsive screens are delivered by default.
To enable the responsive succession plan page, you must enable the following profile option.
Field | Value |
You must also have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience introductory feature section for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.
To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
- The external candidates created on the Succession Overview page aren’t available in the Recruitment work area.
- Facilitators or managers can’t see external candidates in the Talent Review work area.
- All users who can create or edit succession plans can add any external candidate to a succession plan they have access to irrespective of who created the external candidate.
- All users who can access the Succession Overview page can edit or delete an external candidate’s details even if they haven’t created the external candidate.
- You can use Page Composer to hide the External Candidate section.
- You can use Design Studio to hide the option to add an external candidate.
Key Resources
For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)
For more information on using the HCM Experience Design Studio, refer to these resources:
- Chapter 25, HCM Experience Design Studio: Implementing Talent Management Base guide.
- The Transaction Design Studio -What It Is and How It Works (Document 2504404.1) on My Oracle Support
For more information on personalizing pages, refer to these resources:
- Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide
- The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel
Oracle Fusion Profile Management provides a common foundation for the Oracle Fusion talent suite of products and other Oracle Fusion applications to retrieve, insert, and update talent profile information. Profile Management also supports the HR specialists, line managers, matrix managers, and employees in performing critical HR talent functions. Managing people and job profiles, career planning functions, managing, and tracking talent data can be also done through Profile Management.
Print Talent Profile in PDF Format Available in Enhanced Talent Profile
Authorized users can now print the talent profile of an employee in the Enhanced Talent Profile version. In Skills and Qualifications, simply click Print to print the profile in PDF format. The new seeded report file path is now: /shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Profiles/TalentProfile.rtf.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The ability to select sections and print in other formats is coming soon!
- If you personalized this report, you may need to re-do your changes.
Enhanced Talent Profiles Replaces Classic Profile Management
Enhancements made for Profile Management include changes to the user experience and to talent profile administration. The enhancements address many challenges highlighted by customers and users and will better support the expanding market requirements for managing talent profiles.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Refer to the Using Enhanced Talent Profiles and other documents in this article on My Oracle Support: Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Document ID 2421964.1).
Oracle Goal Management enables you to transform business objectives into goals across various organization levels, providing a clear line of sight from managers to employees. Business leaders can communicate high-level initiatives which managers can translate into goals for their employees.
OTBI Support for Primary Goal Plan
As managers and administrators, you can now report on workers and their goals in the primary goal plan for any review period.
Use the Primary Flag attribute in the Performance Goal Plan folder in these subject areas to report on primary goal plans:
- Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignment Real Time
- Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time
Primary Flag Attribute in the Performance Goal Plan Folder
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You need to have an active primary goal plan with goals assigned to generate a report on primary goal plan.
Performance Goals Approval Transactions OTBI Reporting
You can now create a report on goal plan approvals using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). To generate a report about the approval details of a goal plan, join the Goal Plan Assignment ID attribute in Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignments Real Time subject area with the Object ID attribute in the Human Capital Management - Transaction Administration Real Time subject area.
Sample Performance Goal Approval Report
This sample logical SQL code was used to generate the report shown in the image.
SELECT Person_Number, Person_Name, Review_Period, Goal_Plan, Process_Name, Transaction_ID, Transaction_Status, Submitted_Date, Submitted_By , Completion_Date, Approval_Status, Goal_Plan_Assignment_ID, Object_ID FROM ( SELECT A.s_7 Person_Number, A.s_6 Person_Name, A.s_4 Review_Period, A.s_3 Goal_Plan, B.s_11 Process_Name, B.s_12 Transaction_ID, B.s_13 Transaction_Status, B.s_6 Submitted_Date, B.s_1 Submitted_By , B.s_3 Completion_Date, B.s_8 Approval_Status, A.s_2 Goal_Plan_Assignment_ID, B.s_9 Object_ID FROM ( SELECT "Worker"."Person Number" s_7, "Worker"."Employee Name" s_6, "Time"."Calendar Year" s_5, "Performance Goal Plan"."Goal Plan Name" s_3, "Review Period"."Review Period Name" s_4, "Goal Plan Assignments Details"."Goal Plan Assignment ID" s_2 FROM "Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignments Real Time" )A, ( SELECT "Transaction Details"."Process Name" s_11, "Transaction Details"."Transaction ID" s_12, "Transaction Details"."Transaction Status" s_13, "Time"."Calendar Year" s_5, "Transaction Details"."Submitted Date" s_6, "Transaction Details"."Approval Status" s_8, "Transaction Details"."Object ID" s_9, "Submitted by User Name" s_1, "Transaction Details"."Completion Date" s_3 FROM "Human Capital Management - Transaction Administration Real Time" WHERE "Transaction Details"."Submitted Date" BETWEEN (date '2020-05-31') AND (date '2020-06-30') AND UPPER("Transaction Details"."Process Name") LIKE '%GOAL%' )B WHERE A.s_2 = B.s_9 )OUTER_TAB |
Using the performance goal approval report can help you to streamline the approval process by helping you to identify:
- Goal plans that are pending approval
- Failed transactions
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Ensure that the Goal Plan Approvals catalog file is present in the \\Shared Folders\Custom\Human Capital Management folder.
- To include the name of the current approver in the report, use the Human Capital Management - Approval Notification Archival Real Time subject area. Join the Transaction ID attribute in this subject area with Object ID attribute of the Human Capital Management - Transaction Administration Real Time subject area. You need to run the Archive Workflow Tasks process before reporting on the Approval Notification Archival Real Time subject area.
Key Resources
For more information see Goal Plan Approvals on on Cloud Customer Connect
Goal Management Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Enhanced Administration for Library Goals
HR specialists and administrators can administer their library goals on the redesigned responsive Performance Goal Library page. To access this page, go to My Client Groups > Goals > Performance Goal Library.
Performance Goal Library Page with Drill-Down Mode Enabled
These filters are set by default but you can change them:
- Status: Active
- Available To: HR specialists
You can do these tasks on the Performance Goal Library page:
- Add a library goal.
- Search for goal libraries by using filters such as Status, Available To, Legal Entity, Business Unit, Department, and Job Family.
NOTE: You can add other search filter attributes such as Priority, Level, Subtype, Start Date, Target Completion Date, and External ID to your search by using the Personalize Filters icon.
- Sort goals by Last Updated Date and Goal Name in both ascending and descending orders.
- Edit library goal translations in the supported languages by using the Edit Goal Translation Actions menu item.
- Edit an existing library goal.
- Delete an existing library goal that hasn’t been used anywhere.
Edit a Library Goal
The HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_DRILLDOWN_VIEW profile option determines whether you can drill down to the library goal details on a new page or edit a library goal inline. When the profile option value isn’t Y, you can edit library goals inline. Select Edit from the Actions menu of the library goal to edit the goal inline.
Performance Goal Library Page with Drill-Down Mode Disabled
Edit Library Goal Inline Mode
NOTE: You can’t see the Measurements and Tasks sections in the inline mode.
When the drill-down mode is enabled (the HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_DRILLDOWN_VIEW profile option is set to Y), click the library goal name to edit the goal.
Add a Library Goal
Click Add on the Performance Goal Library page to create a library goal. The Add Goal page has different sections for adding the library information and the goal’s basic information.
Add Goal Page
You specify these values in the Library Info section.
- Status (Default is Inactive)
- Business Unit, Department, Legal Entity (all optional)
- Job Family (optional)
- Weight (optional and hidden out of the box)
Apart from these, specify the goal name and other goal attributes in the Basic Info section. You can add tasks and measurements in the appropriate sections.
NOTE: By default, you can add multiple measurements in the responsive Add Goal page. Change the HRG_USE_MEASUREMENTS profile option value to disable this or add only a single measurement.
Assign Library Goals
As a manager or a worker, you can use an active library goal that you can access while creating a goal.
You can search for library goals by these attributes:
- Goal Name, Category (available by default)
- Legal Entity, Business Unit, Department, Job Family, Subtype (need to be configured by an administrator)
As an administrator, you can use library goals in mass assign configurations and goal plans. You can use both active and inactive library goals. You can use library goals with any value of Available To field.
You can search for library goals by these attributes:
- Goal Name, Category, Subtype (available by default)
- Legal Entity, Business Unit, Department, Job Family (need to be configured by an administrator)
Steps to Enable
NOTE: This step of enabling profile is for existing customers only. New customers starting with 19D or a later release do not need to setup these profiles, as the new responsive screens are delivered by default.
To view the responsive Performance Goal Library pages, you must enable the following profile option codes and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled this profile option, see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience introductory feature section for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.
Profile Option Code | Description |
HRG_GOALS_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED | Enables Goal Management responsive pages |
HRD_CAREER_DEVELOPMENT_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED | Enables Career Development responsive pages |
HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_LIBRARY | Enables using library goals |
To enable any profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
- You need to schedule the Upgrade Goals process to migrate your existing library goals for use in responsive Goal Management.
- You can’t export the library goals displayed on the Performance Goal Library page to a file.
- You can configure the goal search parameters only when drill-down mode is enabled.
- You can’t add target outcomes if any of these conditions are true:
- The HRG_ENABLE_OUTCOMES profile option is disabled.
- The HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_DRILLDOWN_VIEW profile option is disabled.
- Your organization hasn’t migrated to Enhanced Talent Profiles.
- Your organization has migrated to Enhanced Talent Profiles but has not enabled responsive Goal Management.
Key Resources
For more information on creating and enabling profile options, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)
For more information on using the HCM Experience Design Studio, refer to these resources:
- Chapter 25, HCM Experience Design Studio: Implementing Talent Management Base guide.
- The Transaction Design Studio -What It Is and How It Works (Document 2504404.1) on My Oracle Support
For more information on personalizing pages, refer to these resources:
- Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide
- The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel
Role Information
Security Privileges
This table shows the security privilege that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.
Security Privilege Name and Code | Role Name |
Manage Performance Goal in Goal Library (HRG_MANAGE_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_IN_GOAL_LIBRARY_PRIV) |
Human Resource Specialist Human Capital Management Application Administrator |
If you are using the predefined job and abstract roles, then no action is necessary. If you are using custom versions of these roles or if you want other roles to manage library goals, then you must add this function security privilege to your custom roles to use this feature.
For instructions on implementing new functions in existing roles, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide (Document ID 2023523.1).
Assignment Status Filter for Performance Goals
As a goals administrator, you can now filter performance goals on the Performance Goals page by the assignment status of the employees. The default assignment status is Active, but you can also select the other assignment statuses, Inactive and Suspended .
Assignment Status Filter on Performance Goals Page
Steps to Enable
NOTE: This step of enabling profile is for existing customers only. New customers starting with 19D or a later release do not need to setup these profiles, as the new responsive screens are delivered by default.
To view the new features in the Goals responsive pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see following white paper: HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document 2399671.1).
Profile Option Code |
Description |
Enables Goal Management responsive pages |
To enable any profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
- For more information on creating and enabling profile options, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)
Ability to Cancel or Delete HR Assigned Performance Goals
As administrators, you can now allow managers and employees to cancel or delete goals that have been assigned by HR specialists. You can do this when you create or edit goal plans by selecting the values indicated for these fields:
- Allow Updates to Goals By: HR Specialist, Manager and Worker
- Actions for Workers and Manager on HR-Assigned Goals: Select one of these values:
- Cancel and Delete: To allow workers and managers to cancel and delete goals assigned by an HR specialist
- Cancel only: To allow workers and managers to only cancel goals assigned by an HR specialist
- Delete only: To allow workers and managers to only delete goals assigned by an HR specialist
Goal Plan – Edit Details
As administrators, you can configure notifications for a worker or a manager canceling or deleting a goal assigned by an HR specialist.
- Go to Setup and Maintenance > Workforce Development > Worker Goal Settings > Goal Management Notification Settings.
- Enable or disable these notifications to control the notifications received:
- Manager cancels a goal
- Manager cancels an assigned goal
- Manager deletes a goal assigned by HR
- Manager deletes an assigned goal
- Worker cancels a goal assigned by HR
- Worker deletes a goal assigned by HR
Talent Notifications for Goal Management
Steps to Enable
NOTE: This step of enabling profile is for existing customers only. New customers starting with 19D or a later release do not need to setup these profiles, as the new responsive screens are delivered by default.
To view the new features in the Goals responsive pages, you must enable the following profile option and have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see following white paper: HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document 2399671.1).
Profile Option Code |
Description |
Enables Goal Management responsive pages |
To enable any profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
For more information on creating and enabling profile options, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)
Oracle Performance Management supports features and functions for measuring and reporting worker performance.
Reassign Performance Documents for Terminated Managers Process
You can now run a scheduled process to reassign an employee’s performance documents to their new line manager or to the terminated manager’s manager. Additionally, you can decide if you want to include all review periods or only specific ones.
The process Reassign Performance Documents with Terminated Managers can be scheduled to help organizations automatically transfer in-progress performance documents, where the performance document manager is terminated (or the manager’s assignment is inactive), to other managers. Reassign the in-progress performance documents to other managers to complete the evaluation without requiring a manual transfer of each performance document.
The process can be run to reassign performance documents either to the employee’s new line manager (if one exists) or to the manager of the terminated performance document manager (if active). The process can be run for specific review periods if the focus is only on current performance documents, or for all review periods.
Here's what you do:
- Click the Scheduled Processes work area in the Navigator.
- Click Schedule New Process.
- Enter or select Reassign Performance Documents with Terminated Managers in the Name field.
- Click OK.
- Enter your parameters and click Submit.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This process will only update the performance document manager for in-progress and not started performance documents for the selected review periods.
Completed and cancelled performance documents will not be processed.
Key Resources
For more information, see Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets in the Using Common Features guide.
Personalize List of Values (LOV) in Performance Pages
Now you can display only relevant data in client list of values in the responsive Performance pages. Use Page Composer to hide or show attributes. Here's a table with some examples of the pages and flows, the LOVs, and what you can change:
Performance Document - Copy From Other Action in Performance/Development Goals and Competency List Pages | Worker Name LOV | Hide email or other attribute |
HR Specialist: Send Email Notification | Department LOV | Hide location/show other attributes |
HR Specialist: Send Email Notification | Review Periods LOV | Display dates |
HR Specialist: Send Email Notification | Performance Document LOV | Display dates |
Manager: Transfer Performance Document flow | Manager LOV | Hide email or other attribute |
Performance Document | Rating LOV | Display numeric rating |
By configuring LOVs in the responsive Performance pages to only show the data which is relevant, you can improve the user experience and potentially speed up data selection.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can't personalize the LOVs in the panel filters on the following Performance pages:
- Manager Evaluate Performance
- Manager Goals and Performance Overview
- Manager Career Overview
- HR Admin Performance Documents
- HR Admin Create Performance Documents
- HR Admin Participant Feedback
- HR Admin Performance Document Eligibility
- HR Admin Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents
Key Resources
For more information on personalizing pages, refer to the following:
- Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide.
- The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel.
Associating Check-In Templates with Review Periods
You can now control the creation of check-in documents by associating a check-in template with a specific performance review period or all the review periods. Based on the check-in template used, check-in documents are created for the associated review periods. There's no impact on the already created check-in documents when you dissociate the check-in template with the review periods.
Associating Check-In Template with Review Periods
NOTE: You can change the associated review periods even if the check-in template is inactive.
Steps to Enable
To create a check-in document for a specific review period, you can create a check-in template for the required review period.
- From Home > My Client Groups > Performance work area, click Check-In Templates link.
- Select and click the template or create a template.
- In the Create or Edit Check-In Template page, go to Review Periods and select Specific Review Periods.
- Select one or multiple review period names for which you want the template to be associated with. If you select All Review Periods, then the template is associated with all the performance review periods.
NOTE: Even if the check-in template is inactive, you can specify Review Periods for the check-in template so that you can activate the template later and make it available for use.
Tips And Considerations
The upgrade process will associate all the existing check-in templates with all review periods.
Disposal of Check-In Document Data
To meet the data protection requirements of individuals and organizations, you may need to dispose the data in check-in documents of a terminated person. You need to run the Remove Person Information process using the configured policy template for terminated persons in the Worker category.
From Data Exchange work area, use the Remove Person Information task and submit the process after specifying the details.
Submitting the Process
Reviewing the Process Status and Process Log
Steps to Enable
Configuring Policy Template
As an administrator, you can include the Check-In Document object as a part of the person information removal policy configuration. From Data Exchange work area, use the Configure Person Information Removal Policies task and create the policy template or update an existing template to include Check-In Document business object.
Creating and Configuring the Person Information Removal Policy Template
Adding the Business Object, Check-In Document
Rules: Enabling the Policy Template
For configuring Person Information Removal Policy for the business objects associated with the terminated person, see the Disposal of Person Data (Document ID 2597475.1) white paper in My Oracle Support.
Key Resources
See the Disposal of Employee Data in Oracle Fusion HCM (Doc ID 2216828.1) white paper in My Oracle Support.
Role Information
To configure Person Information Removal Policies
You must have the Configure Person Information Remove Policies privilege (HRC_CONFIGURE_PERSON_INFO_REMOVAL_POLICIES_PRIV) to access this page.
To Remove Person Information
You must have the Remove Person Information (ORC_HRC_REMOVE_PERSON_INFORMATION) role assigned to access this page.
In addition, to execute the process, you will also need these roles:
- HCM Data Loader (HDL) is used to perform the data removal, so you need HRC_LOAD_HCM_DATA_PRIV (Load HCM Data) to use HDL.
- For the UCM upload and download you need:
- The HCM_DATALOADER_IMPORT_RWD role to upload data for the Human Capital Management file based import.
- The HCM_DATALOADER_EXPORT_RWD role to download data from the Human Capital Management file based export.
- The HRC_TRANSFER_HCM_FILE_AND_IMPORT_PRIV privilege to transfer the data file from UCM and import it into stage.
Data Loader Support for Check-Ins
You can now upload of a number of check-in documents by using HCM Data Loader. You can create check-in documents, update and delete the existing ones. You can load data for check-ins by using the CheckInDocument.dat file.
To use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader, in the Data Exchange work area, you need to first create a spreadsheet template and then upload it using the Load Spreadsheet Data task.
Component Details of Check-In Document Business Object
Attributes of Check-In Document Business Object
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For more information, see the Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.
Adaptive Height Profile Option for SCORM Player
Use the WLF_LEARN_ELEARNING_SCORM_DYNAMIC_RESIZE_ENABLED profile option to control how Oracle Learning Cloud displays SCORM content on a mobile device. If you set the profile option to Y, SCORM content is resized to use as much of a mobile device screen is possible. Setting the profile option to N causes SCORM content to display at a fixed height.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, you must enable the following profile option: WLF_LEARN_ELEARNING_SCORM_DYNAMIC_RESIZE_ENABLED.
Profile | Value |
Profile Option Code |
To enable the profile option, navigate to the work area: Setup and Maintenance:
- Search for and click the Manage Profile Options task.
- Create a new profile option called WLF_LEARN_ELEARNING_SCORM_DYNAMIC_RESIZE_ENABLED, under Learning Management and the Learning Module, if not available.
- Set the Site and User levels to Enabled and Updatable.
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter the profile value desired Y or N in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
This profile option is set to N by default.
Reconcile Learning Rich Media ESS Job
Use the new Reconcile Learning Rich Media ESS job to reconcile SCORM, AICC, and PDF files with the actual rich media items that are located on our rich content provider. This job is utilized in troubleshooting content issues, it enables you to see what content matches, and what does not match. If content located on the rich content provider has no equivalent metadata in the database, it is removed from the rich content provider. Content metadata in the database that has no associated rich media is marked as deleted in the database.
Reconcile Learning Rich Media ESS Job
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
NOTE: You must log an SR if you want to take any action other than report on what is out of sync.
Log a service request with Support to obtain a confirmation key. Once obtained, navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes and run the job, and then complete the following fields:
- Delete Orphaned Items. Delete orphaned content on the remote third party service.
- None- take no action, just report on what’s out of sync. Note: you do not need to obtain a confirmation key for this action.
- Local - (Mark for) Delete orphaned content on the local (OLC database)
- Remote - Delete orphaned content on the rich content provider. This is non-undoable and non-recoverable.
- Both - Delete all orphaned content that exists, whether on the rich content provider or Learning Cloud database.
- Previous Job Identifier. This is a number that refers to a previous run ID. The run ID is provided in the log from the previous read only vrun. This value is mandatory if the Take Action value is deleting content.
- Confirmation Key. This is a that is unique per-pod. This value is mandatory if the Take Action value is deleting content.
- Concurrent Processes. The number of child jobs you want to use to divide up the work. Minimum 1. Maximum 10.
- Confirmation Key. The Key that you received from Support to be able to run this job.
- Number of Concurrent Processes. The number of concurrent processes that can be used in this job. You can spawn up to n child jobs, where each job does part of the work, and the parent waits for the children to complete. If a you have 5000 pieces of content, you can use the API to true up after P2T, and they P2T every month. After a year there will be 60k pieces of orphaned content.
Target Data Rates for Local Transcoded Videos
Choose the quality or bitrate setting of transcoded videos, and indicate whether videos are still (slow animations, or screen captures). Still videos should be transcoded differently than videos that are full motion (action movies). There is a new area in Manage Learn Setup > Background Processing that enables you to set the video transcoding quality settings for all videos.
Choose Bitrate Settings
What you set here applies to all videos that will be transcoded in the future. Highest Quality is the default setting, and unless you select something else on this page, videos will be transcoded at the Highest Quality. In addition to the system-wide settings, you can also customize the transcoding profile on a per-video basis on the Basic Information page for a video.
Change Settings on a Per Video Basis
If your video mostly consists of static images (such as a recording of a web conference using slides), use the Optimize for Low Bit Rate High Resolution Video check box to significantly reduce the bandwidth required for playback.
NOTE: Selecting this option for motion videos may increase the bandwidth required.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
See the two restrictions that have been imposed to make Communities easier to use and understand for learners and learning administrators:
- You can only assign learning items to learners within a Community if those learning items exist in the Community’s catalog.
- You can no longer add offerings to a Community catalog.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Take note that the content and delivery mechanics of iCalendar files within Learning Cloud have been enhanced for ILT activities and offering change event alerts. The iCalendar file for offering activities now has more relevant information for events.
The iCalendar file for the offering activity has clear information about the event, and contains the following information:
- Title of the Course
- Activity Description
- Location Web Conference (if available)
- Instructor Name and Phone for each instructor
- Event Details with deep link. Deep link will be present only if the Mobile First profile option is enabled.
NOTE: Each item above will appear on a separate line.
The Organizer attribute of the iCalendar event is picked up from the system Manage Alerts tab on the Setup.
iCalendar File Enhancements
When an offering's ILT activities are modified, event alerts are triggered for the instructors and learners. The handling of .ics files in the offering change alerts has been improved as follows:
- When adding an ILT activity to an offering, the alerts triggered contain all of the iCalendar files for the newly added ILT activity only. When importing the iCalendar file, a new event is added to the calendar.
- Modifying an existing activity triggers alerts with the iCalendar file for the updated activity. When importing the iCalendar file, the existing activity in the calendar is updated. Duplicate events are not created.
- When an existing activity is deleted, the triggered alerts include .the ics file for only the deleted activity. Upon clicking the iCalendar file, calendar entries are deleted or grayed out, depending on the calendar client and its preference settings.
- When importing an "old" iCalendar file, newer iCalendar event entries are not overwritten for the same event.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Assign Learners to Noncatalog Items
Assign learners non-catalog items from the top level manage learners page. You can assign noncatalog items as voluntary or required, but not as recommendations.
Noncatalog Item Fields
You can set the Initial Assignment Status to Bypass Completed, Complete Pending Approval, or Request Approved.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
It isn't possible to set noncatalog items to Active.
Bypass and Complete Courses and Specializations
Use the Bypass and Complete status in the Change Status drop-down list on the Learners > Learning Assignments tab to mark learners' courses or specializations as complete. (Previously, this action was called Mark Complete.) This status is a concept in the database and in OTBI reporting. In the User Interface the status displays as Complete, but will it have a sub status of Bypass Complete.
Bypass and Complete
When you select this status, a new window opens and you can enter additional information about the completion. There is a new field to track the actual score.
Enter Information About the Bypass
On the same page, you can select Bypass and Complete from the Mass Actions drop-down list for courses and specializations. When you click Submit for the mass action, only assignments with a status of Active or Content Complete are eligible to go to bypass complete status. Assignments of other statuses, and Recommendations are ignored.
There is also a new Bypass and Complete status available in the Assignment Status drop-down list when searching for learners.
Bypass Completed Assignment Status
This enables you to search for learners who have completions that were performed using the Bypass and Complete actions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
If you had assignments that were marked as complete by an administrator prior to this release, upon update, the status of those items will change from Complete to Bypass and Complete. The assignments that were completed by the Learner will not be impacted and will remain in a status of Complete.
The purpose for the Bypass Complete status is to indicate that Oracle Learning Cloud can't confirm whether a learning item was completed within Oracle Learning Cloud. This update changes the status to Bypass Complete in the following cases:
- Course enrollments that are in a completed state, but not due to offerings or activities being completed. During the update Learning Cloud looks for completed courses that have no offering assignment relations, and for course assignments that have offering assignment relations with no completed offering assignments (number of completed offering assignments is 0).
- Specialization enrollments that are in a completed state, but not due to all the required activities being completed (courses - offering/activity completions). During the update Learning Cloud looks for completed specialization assignments that have no course assignments.
- A manager performs bypass completion on a course or specialization. During the update Learning Cloud looks for completed courses, and specialization assignments that have a sub status of null, or not equal to Bypass Completed, and a status change type of ORA_COMPLETE_MANAGER.
- Noncatalog enrollments like external learning always have a status of Bypass Complete, because by definition there are no completion details for these enrollments in Oracle Learning Cloud.
NOTE: If learning record attempts have been uploaded via HDL, the rollup engine will be engaged to determine if the offering, course, or specialization should be marked with a Complete status. If courses and specializations have been marked as Complete by the rollup engine, then these items will remain in a Complete status after the update. Learning records that have been loaded against legacy learning items will remain in Complete status after the update runs. Learning records that were autocompleted in Learning Cloud will remain in Complete status after the update runs. (For example: a course assignment completed by a learner in self-service is later reassigned by an administrator, and autocompletion occurs).
Undo accidental or unwanted Bypass and Complete actions for courses and specializations using the Undo Bypass Complete option in the Change Status drop-down list. This option is only available at root level page for items that are in a Bypass Complete status.
Undo Bypass Complete
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
There are a few scenarios to be aware of:
- Standalone course bypass with no assignment related to the specialization. This scenario occurs when a learner doesn’t have a specialization assignment related to a course assignment. When an admin undoes the completion for the course assignment, the course assignment is active again.
Course bypass when a course has a relation to a specialization. In this scenario, a learner has a complete course assignment associated with a specialization assignment. When you undo the course assignment, it also undoes the specialization assignment (if that is complete already). There could be multiple specialization assignments related to this course assignment, if there are multiple specializations that contain this course. If the specialization assignment only has this course, then it will move it back to Active, Not Started. If there are multiple course assignments, and some of them are already complete, then this specialization assignment will move to Active, In Progress.
Standalone specialization bypass complete. A specialization assignment is changed to Bypass Complete by an Administrator, and there are no course assignments associated to this specialization assignment. The assignment is initially moved to Active, Not started. If a learner has completed any of the courses, there could be a scenario where a learner is Bypass Complete and the Administrator performs an undo action. When the assignment moves back to Active, Not Started, and the learner has then completed all courses, the assignment moves to Complete.
Enhanced Title and Keyword Search for Administrators
Take note of the enhanced learning item title and keyword search for administrators. This ensures uniformity for keyword and title searches in the administration area, and REST across all learning item objects (specializations, courses, offerings, and communities), improving both search performance, and search results.
In the top-level manage learners page, learning items are optional, and display as a standard list of values with Learning Item Names and a Search option.
On the administrator search pages for both the filter and in the search results, the Learning Object Title has changed to include the name of the learning item (Object > Title), and the comparators are Equals to and Contains.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Manually Reconcile Dynamic Assignment Profiles
Use the new Reconcile button to add newly eligible users to a group, and to remove users who are no longer eligible.
Reconcile Button
Clicking Reconcile triggers a one-time reconciliation of a dynamic assignment profile, using the data security predicates of the Run As user. A Dynamic assignment profile is a group of people that have been defined by using learner criteria: analysis report, learning assignment criteria, organization chart or person criteria. Dynamic assignment profiles are used when defining Local Access Groups, Global Access Groups, and Initiatives. The reconciliation process determines if there have been any changes (people added or removed) to the dynamic assignment profile. New people will receive assignments, and removed people will have assignments withdrawn. The button is available on several pages, including Learners > Learning Initiative, Learning Catalog > Courses > Learners > Learning Initiative, and Learning Catalog > Offering > Access Groups.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The correct expansion job will be run based on the value of the Profile Option WLF_EXPAND_BATCH_ENABLED.
Learning Cloud Replaced or Removed Features
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing features with new features, or removes existing features.
Replaced features may be put on a path of removal, the features below will let you know what update you will have to have moved to the newer feature. As a best practice, you should move to the newer feature as soon as possible for full support and to stay up with the latest updates that the product offers.
Any feature that is removed, will have an Update in which that feature is no longer available. Please make necessary plans to move off the feature by the Update indicated, as it will no longer be available.
Contextual Learning Components Removed
Take note that all contextual learning components added by administrators have been removed. Oracle Learning Cloud will have a new way to link learning to objects coming in 20B starting with an integration to goals. This will include:
- Ability for employees to associate learning tied to goal outcome during goal creation.
- Ability for employees to associate and launch learning assignments with a development goal.
- Ability for managers to assign learning to a single employee when creating a performance or development goal.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
See Associate Learning With a Development Goal under Career and Learning for additional information.
Oracle Recruiting Cloud provides tools for hiring managers and recruiters to source and nurture candidates, create and manage job requisitions, screen and select candidates, create and manage job offers, and onboard new employees into the organization. It also provides career sites for employees and external candidates to search, discover and apply to jobs using a frictionless application process.
Candidates and Candidate Job Applications
As a recruiter, you can add apply flow and request information flow data to job applications on behalf of candidates. This includes:
- flexfields
- information in the Sensitive Info section
- information in the Personal Info section
- information in the Address section
- preferred locations in the Preferences section
- prescreening questionnaires
- request information questionnaires
- attachments in the Supporting Documents section
- information related to Talent Profile content
Here are some additional details regarding this feature.
- When you add information to a job application, the information is only saved for that job application. The candidate profile isn’t updated except for the information in the Address, Personal Info, and Sensitive Info sections (because that information is stored in the profile).
- The Personal Info and Address sections are always kept in sync. Updates made on the job application are reflected on the candidate profile (and all other job applications for the candidate).
- If the candidate were to later apply to another job or if the candidate is added to another requisition, their profile data will be used, not the data you added to the job application.
- You can’t add veteran, disability, and diversity information.
- If an external candidate went through the apply flow or request information flow with a block, you can’t add information to those block sections even if the candidate left the block empty. For example, if the Languages block was in the apply flow and the candidate left it blank when applying, you won't be able to edit the Languages section.
- If an internal candidate went through the apply flow, you can’t add information to their Talent Profile content or job application questions.
- In the case of request information flows, if you completed a questionnaire, the questionnaire won’t be presented to the candidate. If the candidate goes through a request information flow, they will see their profile data pre-filled with data from their profile, not any job application data the recruiter may have provided. Any information the candidate provided will overwrite the information you provided on the job application.
- There’s no way to distinguish between information provided by the candidate versus information you provided.
- You can’t edit most content on the job application once the application is in the HR phase or an inactive state. You can only edit the Contact Info, Address, Personal Info, Sensitive Info, and flexfields.
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Key Resources
Watch Append Job Applications Readiness Training
Role Information
The tables show the aggregate privilege and duty role that supports this feature and the predefined roles that inherit them.
Aggregate Privilege Name | Aggregate Privilege Code | Job Role |
Update Candidate Job Application |
Recruiter |
The new duty role Manage External Candidate Sensitive Information includes the existing View External Candidate Sensitive Information and the new Manage External Candidate Sensitive Information Data data security privileges.
Duty Role | Duty Role Code | Job Role |
Manage External Candidate Sensitive Information |
Recruiting Manager |
Add Skills to Candidate Using HCM Data Loader
Oracle Recruiting Cloud started supporting skills content type as of release 20A. With release 20B, it's possible to load skills content type using HCM Data Loader while creating and updating candidate profiles.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Add Skills to Job Applications Using HCM Data Loader
Oracle Recruiting Cloud started supporting skills content type as of release 20A. With release 20B, it's possible to load skills content type using HCM Data Loader while creating external candidate job applications.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Candidate Applications Track More Disability and Legislative Flexfield Information
You can collect additional information in candidate job applications, including standard disability fields and legislative flexfields relevant to any country where the job requisition is posted. These fields can be configured per country for compliance purposes and are displayed as external candidates apply. Sensitive responses aren't visible to recruiters and managers during the hiring process, but they're stored and become visible in standard places and pages after the candidate gets hired. Internal mobility candidates don't see these additional sections and fields while applying to jobs, but their current information in these fields is also captured alongside external applicants to support consistent and thorough reporting.
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
Follow these steps to enable the tracking of candidates’ disability and legislative flexfield information.
In Transaction Design Studio, you need to create a rule to show disability fields per country.
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Candidate Application Diversity and Disability action.
- Click Add to create a rule to display certain fields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select the country or countries where the rule will apply.
- In the Available Attributes section, select the Disability Info data source.
- Select which disability fields will be displayed in job requisitions for the selected countries. Configure which are visible and required to be filled. If you make a field required, you may want to ensure that candidates’ response options include a choice such as “Decline to answer”.
- Click Save and Close.
In Transaction Design Studio, you need to create a rule to show legislative flexfields for any country. Note that flexfields that you want to show to external candidates must already have the response values configured to be available for selection. Use the same steps as above but select the Candidate Application Additional Information action.
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Candidate Application Additional Information action.
- Click Add to create a rule to display certain fields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule.
- In the Page Attributes section, select the Additional Info region.
- Configure the fields by indicating which are visible.
- Click Save and Close.
You now need to configure the job application flow which governs what questions candidates will be asked as they apply to jobs.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Experience
- Task: Job Application Flow Configuration
- Make a new version of an active flow, or create a new flow.
- On the job application flow creation page, configure these blocks:
- Disability: This block will show disability fields for any country that has fields and lookups configured and has a rule in HCM Design Studio that makes these fields visible. Note that the specific US form to gather the disability value will be shown in this block, right below where any other countries’ disability fields are displayed.
- Diversity: This block will show flexfields for any country that has fields and lookups configured and has a rule in HCM Design Studio that makes these fields visible. These flexfields will be shown alongside any other fields that could already be configured in prior releases, such as Demographic Info.
- Add a title and instructions to the blocks. You can use the instructions to explain to the candidates what questions are asked here or what is the purpose of gathering this information. Since they’re sensitive fields, you may want to say that the information will only be used for reporting purposes and it will not influence the decisions of the recruiting decision-makers if that’s the case.
- Click Save and Activate.
The recruiting team is now ready to start gathering these fields. Anytime a job requisition is using a job application flow that contains the Disability and Diversity blocks, if that requisition is hiring for the city, state, or level within the relevant country locations, then these fields will appear.
As external candidates apply for a job, they will see the new disability fields and flexfields in the Disability and Diversity blocks with the new instructions that you added.
Tips And Considerations
Here are some best practices when enabling this new feature.
- US veteran information can be gathered twice and displayed to candidates in two places. However, the best practice is to configure and display this field only once.
- If your application flow from prior releases already contains the Veteran block, which appears only for requisitions in US locations, then you should probably continue using it. This always shows only the single field that’s required by US law, the field called Veteran Status.
- If you want to display more veteran-related fields, you can do this by configuring them in HCM Experience Design Studio. The fields will appear inside the Diversity block alongside other flexfields.
- US disability regulations require that candidates see the form CC-305 “Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability”. The form can contain more than one disability field. However, the best practice is to not configure additional disability fields to show in the US for job applications, because these would appear right alongside that field, disturbing the layout of form CC-305.
- These additional US disability fields should still remain displayed to workers and HR specialists after the recruiting process, and they will continue to display within normal HR pages as always.
Key Resources
Watch Tracking Candidates' Disability and Legislative Information Readiness Training
As an administrator, you can manage the disposal of candidate data to meet data protection requirements of individuals and organizations.
Candidate details are masked in several areas such as emails, phone numbers, candidate job applications, attachments, interactions.
Here is how values are masked:
- NUMBER columns = 0000
- VACHAR columns = OBF_ZZZ
- CHAR columns = 0
- DATE columns = 1900-01-01
- TIMESTAMP columns = 1900-01-01 00:00:00
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, you need to configure person information removal policies to obfuscate or purge data of candidates marked for deletion and you also need to submit a process to remove such data as needed.
These privileges are required to perform the below configuration:
- Configure Person Information Removal Policies
- Remove Person Information
To configure a person information removal policy:
- From the Navigator menu, go to My Client Groups.
- Click Data Exchange.
- In the Remove Person Information section, click Configure Person Information Removal Policies.
- Click Create to create a template.
- Enter a name, code, and description for the template.
- In the Category field, select Candidate.
- Click OK.
- On the Components page, under Business Objects, select the Candidate option.
- Click Save.
- On the Components page, under Components, select all the components.
- Click Save.
- Click the Rules tab.
- Click Enable Template.
To submit a process to remove data:
- Go back to My Client Groups.
- Click Data Exchange.
- In the Remove Person Information section, click Remove Person Information.
- Locate the rule you created.
- Click Submit Process.
- On the Submit Process page, enter the process name, select the template you just created, enter candidate numbers, and select the Remove process mode.
- Click Submit.
The process appears on the Remove Personal Information page. Once it’s completed, the status will change to Success.
Candidate Type Displayed in Candidate Details
The candidate type is displayed in candidate files and candidate job applications.
When you view a candidate profile, prospect record, or pool member, the Candidate Type field is displayed in the Key Highlights section.
Candidate Type in Candidate File
For candidate job applications, the Candidate Type When Applying field shows the value when the candidate submitted the job application.
Candidate Type in Job Application
When you’re on a job applications list, you can filter the list using the Candidate Type When Applying filter.
The following candidate types are available:
- Employee
- Contingent Worker
- Ex-Employee
- Ex-Contingent Worker
- External Candidate
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Miscellaneous Attachments in Job Applications
Candidates can add multiple file attachments of different types to job applications. They can select a file from their device and drag and drop it. The size limit for each file attached is 50 MB. There is no restriction on the number of files and type of file attached.
Steps to Enable
You need to add the Miscellaneous Documents block to the job application flow. You can place the block in any section of the flow.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following.
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Experience
- Task: Job Application Flow Configuration
- Make a new version of an active flow or create a new flow.
- On the job application flow creation page, add the Miscellaneous Documents block.
- Add a title and instructions to the block.
- Click Save and Activate.
Remove Outdated Draft Job Applications
Draft job applications that weren’t updated by the candidates in the past 30 days are automatically removed. If the candidates decide to apply for the job after a draft was removed, they have to start the job application process from scratch.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
If your organization is enabled to use Oracle search, the following features become available:
- Promote Similar Jobs
- Enhanced Candidate Search
- Search Jobs by Postal Code
- Display Distance to Job on External Career Site
- Work Location filter in Configure Search Filters for Candidates
NOTE: To start using these features, contact Oracle Support to understand further steps to enable them.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
You can now find candidate profiles using advanced search filters and boolean expressions.
When you search for candidates, you can use advanced filters such as Candidate Details (Name, Language, Source, Medium), Location (Postal Code, Location), Education (School, Degree, Major), Experience (Job Title, Years of Experience) and Company (Current, Past). You can also do a boolean search and include these operators: AND, OR, NOT, and parenthesis. Each time you select a criteria, the number of total candidates is updated to provide feedback on the results.
Candidate Search Page
Advanced search criteria are saved within the same session. If you search candidates using a criteria, go to some other screen and come back, the criteria will still be available in that session.
When you see a * (star) next to the number of total candidates, it indicates that advanced search filters were used. In this example, 15 candidates were found using advanced filters or boolean search.
Total Candidates
In the search results page, the number of candidates indicates candidate profiles found using advanced filters and basic filters. In this example, 15 candidates were found using advanced filters, and 7 using basic filters.
Candidates Found Using Advances and Basic Filters
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Requisitions and Offers Can Respect Hiring Status of Positions
Enforce respecting the hiring status of positions when creating requisitions and offers, to ensure that hiring activities happen only for approved positions. Based on a global setting, you can conduct hiring activities that respect the positions' value of Approved, and not allow hiring activities for positions that are Proposed or Frozen.
Job Requisitions
When you create a job requisition based on a position, a new option is available: Show Only Approved Positions. This option is selected by default. This means that only positions with the Approved hiring status are available for selection. If you deselect this option, the list of positions will include active positions with all hiring status values. If you select a position whose hiring status isn’t Approved, a message is displayed to indicate the status of the position, so that you can decide whether to continue the process or to select another position.
Show Only Approved Positions Option
Job Offers
When you create a job offer, only positions that you can access and that have the Approved hiring status as of the offer’s start date are available for selection. There is no way to expand the list of available positions to those with other hiring status values.
The hiring status value is checked at the same three points in the lifecycle where position's headcount is already checked. When you try to take any of these three actions, if the selected position’s hiring status value is not Approved as of the offer’s start date, the action won't succeed:
- When submitting a job offer for approval, the offer will remain in Draft state.
- When extending a job offer to the candidate, the offer will remain in Approved state.
- When using the Move to HR action, the offer will move to the HR phase but in the state Error During Processing.
Steps to Enable
To use this feature, you need to enable the profile option ORA_POS_HIRING_STATUS_FILTER. The position LOV will be filtered to only include positions with an Approved hiring status.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, enter this profile option code: ORA_POS_HIRING_STATUS_FILTER.
- Click Search.
- In the Profile Values section, enter Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
In HCM Experience Design Studio, you can create a rule to display or not the Show Only Approved Positions option. By default, the option is set to Visible. If you decide to not display the option, the option will be hidden but the position LOV will be filtered to only include positions with an Approved hiring status.
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Create Job Requisition action.
- Click Add to create a rule to display the option.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule.
- In the Page Attributes section, select the How region.
- Go to the Show Only Approved Positions field and set the visibility.
- Click Save and Close.
Referral Additional Information
As an administrator, you can define flexfields to allow recruiters, agency users, and employees to enter additional information while referring a candidate to a job. You can do that using the Referral Descriptive Flexfields task to define flexfields for the Agency Referral and Employee Referral seeded contexts.
When flexfields are configured, recruiters can view the flexfields in prospect records and job applications in a new section called Referral Additional Info. Recruiters can update referral additional information of a prospect or job application if they have the Update Referral Additional Information privilege. The Edit icon is available next to the Referral Additional Info section.
In the agency portal, when agents select the action Submit with Additional Info, they can see the flexfields in the Referral Info section and provide info in these fields.
Employees who refer employees or candidates for a job can view the flexfields in the Referral Info section (Me > Current Jobs > Referrals).
Steps to Enable
Use the new task in the Source Candidates functional area: Referral Descriptive Flexfields. Two seeded contexts are available: Agency Referral and Employee Referral. These new contexts aren't supported. You can create the required segments.
To define referral descriptive flexfields:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Source Candidates
- Task: Referral Descriptive Flexfields
- In the Referral Descriptive Flexfields page, click the Edit icon.
NOTE: When you’re in the Referral Descriptive Flexfields page, the display type is set to Hidden. It’s recommended not to change it.
- Click Manage Contexts.
- In the Manage Contexts page, enter %REFERRAL in the Context Code field and click Search.
- In the Search Results section, you will see the two seeded contexts: Agency Referral and Employee Referral.
- Select a seeded context and click the Edit icon.
- In the Edit Context page, create context sensitive segments.
- Click Save and Close.
By default, flexfields are hidden. To display them, you need to go in HCM Experience Design Studio and create a rule for these actions:
- Refer an Employee
- Refer a Candidate
- View and Edit Job Offer
- Referred Candidates by Agency
- Submit Candidates by Agency
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select an action.
- Set the Referral Info region to Visible.
- Set the Referral Descriptive Flexfield to Visible.
External candidates can search for jobs using a postal code.
When searching by postal code, candidates need to provide the country for that postal code as there might be postal code duplicates in different countries. They can also use the option to search within radius from the center of the postal code area. Default radius is set to 25 miles or kilometers.
Search Jobs by Postal Code
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Default Current Jobs Radius Search
When internal candidates search for jobs in the Current Jobs work area, a default 25 mile radius is applied to the candidate’s location. This allows candidates to see more jobs in their area.
Default 25 Mile Radius Search
Candidates can adjust the radius value by clicking the Search Radius 25 Miles link. They can also remove the value by clicking Clear if they want to search for an exact match.
Changing the Radius Search Value
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Communication Preference for External Candidates
When new external candidates apply for a job, they will receive communication by email or SMS depending on whether they used email address or phone number to confirm their identity at the beginning of the application process. After that, candidates can modify their communication preference to receive communications by email, SMS, or both when needed.
This feature is available only if you have turned on SMS communication.
Candidate Communication Preference
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Display Distance to Job on External Career Site
When candidates search for jobs using their location or a location or postal code they typed in, they can see the distance between their selected location and the job location. The distance appears underneath the job title. The distance is displayed in the unit selected by the candidate in the radius search. If no unit was selected, the distance is displayed in kilometers. Candidates can also sort jobs based on distance.
Distance to Job Location
Steps to Enable
You need to enable the Display distance to jobs and sort jobs by distance option on the career section.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Experience
- Task: Career Sites Configuration
- On the Career Site Look and Feel Configuration page, locate your career site and click Edit.
- Click the General tab.
- In the Distance Calculation section, select the option Display distance to jobs and sort jobs by distance.
Double Opt In for External Candidates
Double opt in is an email marketing term where a person informs a company that they want to subscribe to some form of communication, typically by filling out a form on their website (this is the first opt in). Then, the company sends an email to that person to confirm the address that was provided is valid. The person then clicks a confirmation link in the message (this is the second opt in). After the second opt in, the email address provided is added to the communication distribution list.
Candidates can opt in to receive job alerts and recruiting marketing communications when they apply for a job, when they sign in into a talent community, or from their candidate self service page. When candidates opt in, they receive a message confirming their selection.
Double Opt In Email
As an administrator, you can set up and manage double opt in settings for job alerts and recruiting marketing communications to external candidates. Settings can be global or set by the country or countries where the organization exists. The option to select countries covers the following use cases:
- European Union resident applies to a job in European Union.
- Non-European Union resident applies to a job in European Union.
- European Union resident applies to a job in non-European Union countries.
The following data is capture for auditing purposes:
- Name of the person who accepted the double opt in
- Date and time when the double opt in was given
- Location of the person (IP address)
- Specific purpose for which the double opt in was given
- Text of the double opt in message
Steps to Enable
To enable double opt in for job alerts and recruiting marketing communications:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Experience
- Task: Enterprise Double Opt In Management
- Select the double opt in configuration:
- No Double Opt in
- Enable Globally
- Set Specific Regions
- If you selected Set Specific Regions, select the locations. Indicate if you want to enable double opt in if the candidate’s location can’t be determined.
- Click Save and Close.
New notification templates are available to confirm that the candidate wants to receive recruiting marketing or job alerts. The notifications are available as an email message and SMS text. You can use these notifications as is, configure them, or create new ones:
- Double Opt In Email Confirmation (for external candidates)
- Double Opt In Email Confirmation (for internal candidates)
As an administrator, you can require that candidates provide their national identifier or date of birth in a job application form.
Required National Identifier and Date of Birth Options
Steps to Enable
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following.
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Experience
- Task: Job Application Flow Configuration
- On the Job Application Flows page, click Create.
- In the Application Flow Type field, select Apply.
- Configure the flow as any other flow.
- When creating a version of the flow, add the Sensitive Personal Information block.
- Click the title of the block.
- Select the desired options:
- National Identifier Required
- Date of Birth Required
Allow career sites to save draft job applications automatically for external candidates. When a draft job application is created, candidates get notified and they can access the saved draft using a direct link. Draft job applications aren't visible to recruiters or hiring managers until they're submitted by candidates.
This feature was introduced in 20A and disabled by default. In 20B, the feature is enabled by default. However, for the feature to work, administrators must run the "Send Notifications to Draft Applications" scheduled process to send these notifications so that candidates are aware that drafts job applications are saved:
- Saved Draft Application Notification
- Saved Draft Application Reminder
Steps to Enable
You must run the "Send Notifications to Draft Applications" scheduled process.
Interview Scheduling Integration with Office 365
Here's how you can use interview scheduling integration with Office 365:
- You can view the interviewer availability when scheduling interviews on behalf of candidates and when creating interview slots for candidates to self-schedule.
- When editing scheduled interviews or interview slots, you can also view interviewer availability to ensure you’re rescheduling when the interviewer is free.
- Interviewers and interview coordinators will receive interview events in Office 365 that they can easily add to their calendar. As those events are modified in Oracle Recruiting Cloud, the event in Office 365 is updated automatically.
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
Interview Scheduling Integration with Office 365 is delivered disabled. To activate the Office 365 calendar integration:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
- Task: Enterprise Recruiting and Candidate Experience Information
- In the Office 365 Calendar Integration, select Active.
- Complete these fields:
- Application ID
- Application Password
- Tenant ID
- Default User Identifier: The fallback user ID that can be used to write and delete the interview events. This user is used when the original user can't write the event.
- Calendar Name: In most Office 365 instances the default calendar name is Calendar.
To use the interviewer availability viewer, the Recruiter and Hiring Manager roles need to have the Manage Job Requisition Interview Schedule privilege.
Tips And Considerations
Here are some details to be aware of when implementing the Office 365 integration with interview scheduling:
- Interviewers will continue to receive the Oracle Recruiting Cloud interview notifications, in addition to the Office 365 interview event invite.
- Interview events in Office 365 allow for interviewers to accept, decline, request a reschedule. However this response isn’t integrated with Oracle Recruiting Cloud and is only available in the interview event in Office 365. Interviewers and interview coordinators should be made aware that their event response isn’t reflected in Oracle Recruiting Cloud.
- While internal candidates are likely Office 365 users, their availability isn’t displayed in the availability viewer in Oracle Recruiting Cloud. They’re also not sent interview events in Office 365, they will receive the existing Recruiting interview notifications.
Key Resources
Watch Interview Scheduling Integration with Office 365 Readiness Training
Additional Restrictions on Job Requisition Numbers
The list of supported characters for the requisition number has been restricted to avoid possible issues when integrating with other systems.
Here’s the list of characters that you can use for the requisition number:
- alphanumeric characters
- period
- underscore
- dash
- space
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Existing job requisitions with a requisition number that contains other characters than the ones allowed will continue to be available as usual. However, new job requisitions must have a requisition number using the supported characters.
Automatically Open Job Requisitions
You can automatically open a requisition for sourcing once it’s approved, and post it on career sites if desired.
When you create a job requisition, select the new option in the Configuration section: Automatically Open Requisition for Sourcing. Then select one of these values:
- No: The requisition is not automatically open for sourcing. This is the default value.
- Yes, not posted: The requisition is open automatically for sourcing, but it’s not posted.
- Yes, posted internally: The requisition is open automatically for sourcing, but it’s only posted on the internal career site.
- Yes, posted externally: The requisition is open automatically for sourcing, but it’s only posted on external career sites.
- Yes, posted internally and externally: The requisition is open automatically for sourcing, and it’s posted on internal and external career sites.
Automatically Open Requisition for Sourcing Option
When you set the requisition to be automatically open and posted, you can define the number of days after which the requisition posting will expire. If the No Expiration option is selected, the posting won’t expire.
Delay Before Posting Expires Option
When you submit the requisition for approval and the requisition is approved, the configuration option you selected is executed. The Job Formatting and Posting phases are skipped, the job requisition moves to the appropriate phase and state, and it's posted on the selected career sites if applicable.
Value Selected |
Phase and State Where Job Requisition Is Moved |
No |
Job Formatting - In Progress |
Yes, not posted |
Open - Not Posted |
Yes, posted internally |
Open – Posted |
Yes, posted externally |
Open – Posted |
Yes, posted internally and externally |
Open – Posted |
Steps to Enable
You need to enable the "Automatically Open Requisition for Sourcing" field by creating a rule in Transaction Design Studio for these two actions.
- Create Job Requisition
- View and Edit Job Requisition
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select an action.
- Set the Configuration region to Visible.
- Set the Automatically Open Requisition for Sourcing attribute to Visible.
Tips And Considerations
The new Automatically Open Requisition for Sourcing option is also available for administrators who create job requisition templates.
Configure Job Requisition Creation Options
As an administrator, you can configure which creation options are available to users creating job requisitions.
The creation of job requisitions is now controlled by these privileges:
- Initiate Job Requisition Using Template (new privilege): This privilege allows users to create job requisitions based on a requisition template.
- Initiate Job Requisition Using Blank Requisition (new privilege): This privilege allows users to create job requisitions based on a blank job requisition (a requisition with no values).
- Initiate Job Requisition Using Existing Requisition (new privilege): This privilege allows users to create job requisitions based on an existing job requisition.
- Initiate Job Requisition Using Job: This privilege allows users to create job requisitions based on a job.
- Initiate Job Requisition Using Position: This privilege allows users to create job requisitions based on a position.
- Initiate Job Requisition: This privilege allows users to create job requisitions from a requisition template, a blank requisition, or an existing requisition.
NOTE: To preserve backward compatibility, the existing Initiate Job Requisition privilege will continue to allow users to create job requisitions from a requisition template, a blank requisition, or an existing requisition. Existing customers won’t see any changes in the behavior.
When a user creates a job requisition, the Use selector only displays the creation options to which the user has access.
Use Field Options When Creating a Requisition
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Tips And Considerations
To align with the new privilege names, these two privileges were renamed:
- Initiate Job Requisition Using Job (previous name was Initiate Job Requisition From Job)
- Initiate Job Requisition Using Position (previous name was Initiate Job Requisition From Position)
Role Information
Privilege Name |
Privilege Code |
Job Role |
Initiate Job Requisition Using Template |
Hiring Manager (abstract role) Recruiter (Job role) |
Initiate Job Requisition Using Blank Requisition |
Hiring Manager (abstract role) Recruiter (Job role) |
Initiate Job Requisition Using Existing Requisition |
Hiring Manager (abstract role) Recruiter (Job role) |
Initiate Job Requisition Using Job |
Hiring Manager (abstract role) Recruiter (Job role) |
Initiate Job Requisition Using Position |
Hiring Manager (abstract role) Recruiter (Job role) |
Initiate Job Requisition |
Orphan |
Design Job Requisition Pages for Specific Recruiting Types and Countries
Use Transaction Design Studio to define the content displayed in job requisition pages based on the recruiting type and country of the requisition.
A Recruiting Type parameter and a Country parameter are available when creating rules for these actions:
- Create Job Requisition
- View and Edit Job Requisition
When you select a country for a rule, the rule applies only to job requisitions for which one of the location is part of this country. The Primary Location or one of the Other Locations must be part of the selected country. For example, you select the country "United States". A requisition’s location is Pleasanton, California, US. The rule applies to this requisition.
Steps to Enable
To define the Recruiting Type parameter and the Country parameter for job requisition pages:
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select one of these actions:
- Create Job Requisition
- View and Edit Job Requisition
- Click Add to create a rule to display certain fields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select the country or countries where the rule will apply. Select one or more recruiting type. Complete the other fields if desired.
- In the Page Attributes section, select a region and configure which are visible and required to be filled.
- Click Save and Close.
Extend Requisition Approval Rules with Flexfields
As an administrator, you can build job requisition approval rules based on job requisition flexfields.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, you first need to create descriptive flexfields and then use these flexfields to create job requisition approval rules.
To create a descriptive flexfield:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Job Requisitions
- Task: Job Requisition Descriptive Flexfields
- On the Job Requisition Descriptive Flexfields page, click the Edit icon.
- In the Global Segments section, click Create to create segments.
- Click Save and Close.
- On the Job Requisition Descriptive Flexfields page, click Deploy Flexfield to deploy the flexfield in the environment.
To create a job requisition approval rule:
- On your Home page, click the Notifications icon.
- On the Notifications page, click Show All.
- Click Worklist.
- In the drop-down menu next to your name, select Administration.
- Click the Task Configuration tab.
- Search for the task RequisitionApprovalHumanTask.
- When the task is displayed, click on the task name.
- Click the Edit icon. A message indicates that a flexfield was added.
- Click Start Synchronization.
- When the synchronization is complete, search for the RequisitionApprovalHumanTask task again.
- Click the Assignees tab.
- Click on the task to configure it. The flexfield you created is available to create a rule.
Design Job Offer Pages to Include Flexfields
Use the Transaction Design Studio to define which flexfields are displayed in job offer pages.
You can add flexfields to rules created for these actions:
- Create and Edit Job Offer
- View Job Offer in Job Application
- View and Manage Job Offer
Steps to Enable
NOTE: Flexfields that you want to add to job offer pages must already be configured to be available for selection.
To add flexfields in job offer pages:
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select one of these actions:
- Create and Edit Job Offer
- View Job Offer in Job Application
- View and Manage Job Offer
- Click Add to create a rule to display certain fields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Complete the other fields if desired.
- In the Show or Hide Regions section, make the Additional Info region visible.
- In the Page Attributes section, select the Additional Info region and select the Visible option.
- (Optional) You can make individual flexfields visible or not. Click the Edit icon, select the segment, select the flexfield, then indicate if it's visible or not.
- Click Save and Close.
Access Job Offers When Not Part of the Offer Team
As an administrator, you can allow broader access to job offers by users who aren't part of the offer team, by defining data roles based on person security profile.
The Recruiting Manager role by default has the person security profile condition that controls job offer visibility. This means that you can control access to job offers for these users, to manage offers for all the people and assignments who they can normally access. Users with this role can now see more offers, both on the offer list and within job applications, even if they're not named on the offer team and have no subordinates on the offer team.
For the roles of Hiring Manager and Recruiter, the person security profile condition was removed. These roles will keep the ownership condition and the subordinate condition. This means that:
- They can still access offers, both on the offer list and within job applications, for which they're a member of the offer team or any of their subordinates are on that team.
- They can still approve offers when requested, if these offers are for people within their subordinate hierarchy.
- They can no longer approve offers for people who are outside their subordinate hierarchy unless they're named on the person’s offer team.
If you have roles who need to approve offers for people outside of ownership, the administrator needs to add back the person security profile condition associated with the View Job Offer, View Job Offer Salary and View Job Offer Other Compensation.
New filters were added to manage the Job Offers list, because some users may now see a longer list of offers depending on their person security profile. These filters are there by default:
- Department
- Business Unit
- Work Location
Job Offers List Filters
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Design Job Offer Pages for Specific Countries
Use Transaction Design Studio to define the content displayed in job offer pages based on the country of the job offer.
A Country parameter is available when creating rules for these actions:
- Create and Edit Job Offer
- View Job Offer in Job Application
- View and Manage Job Offer
When a rule is created for a specific country, it applies to job offers for which the legal employer is part of the selected country.
Steps to Enable
To define the Country parameter for job offer pages:
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select one of these actions:
- Create and Edit Job Offer
- View Job Offer in Job Application
- View and Manage Job Offer
- Click Add to create a rule to display certain fields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select the country or countries where the rule will apply. Complete the other fields if desired.
- In the Show or Hide Regions section, configure which regions are visible and required to be filled.
- In the Page Attributes section, select regions and configure which fields are visible and required to be filled.
- Click Save and Close.
Job Offer Flexfields Can Get Default Values
As an administrator, you can configure any of the offer's flexfields to be created with default values pulled from existing information about the candidate or about the requisition for which they're being recruited. When this feature is enabled, recruiters create job offers with initial flexfield values based upon values from the requisition or the candidate who is receiving the offer. This saves time and reduces errors made in manually entering the desired information.
Steps to Enable
You need to configure which offer flexfields will get default values. Two new parameters are available to create SQL queries which affect these fields:
- SUBMISSION_ID, which refers to the job application and thus to the requisition
- PERSON_ID, which refers to the candidate who will be the offer recipient
In order to configure the defaulting behavior from the requisition or candidate into a newly-created offer, the offer’s flexfields must be defined as the same data type and value set as the fields from which their values will come. Then custom SQL code can specify the initial default of any offer’s flexfield based on the desired requisition field or person field.
To configure a job offer flexfield:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Job Offers
- Task: Job Offers Descriptive Flexfields
- On the Job Offers Descriptive Flexfields page, select any existing flexfield and click the Edit icon.
- In the Edit Segment page, in the Initial Default section, select the value SQL in the field Initial Default Type.
- In the Default Value area, you can create an SQL query or Parameter query using these two new parameters:
- Click Save and Close.
Here is an example of an SQL query which can be pasted into that Default Value area.
The purpose of the above example is to identify the offer’s related requisition, and then to pull the current value from its flexfield in Attribute Number 1 into the current offer flexfield.
Example of an SQL Query
Tips And Considerations
Ensure that the offer’s flexfields are configured to be the same data type and value set as the fields from which their values will come.
Populate Job Offer's Salary from Grade Ladder
The value of a job offer's salary is populated based on the grade and grade ladder specified in the candidate's assignment. If the job or assignment section of the job offer defines a grade or a grade ladder with or without a step, then the associated salary will get pre-filled by default in the compensation section of the job offer.
Steps to Enable
Here's the configuration for this feature.
- Set up your rates using the Progression Grade Ladders task, not the Manage Grade Ladders task.
- Set Include Salary Updates to Yes
- Set Salary Calculation Method to Use grade step rate
- This feature is relevant for any offers assigned to a salary basis with the salary basis type of Salary amount is determined by user.
- Include the Salary section in your offer flow. This may require configuration using Transaction Design Studio in HCM Experience Design Studio.
- Include the Grade Ladder, Grade, and Step attributes in the Assignment section of your offer flow. This will require configuration using Transaction Design Studio in HCM Experience Design Studio.
- Exception: If your grades don't have steps, then you won't need to include the Step attribute.
Key Resources
For information about the underlying feature introduced in release 17B, refer to the What's New for 17B: Populate Salary from Progression Grade Ladder Rate
Assessment Score as Job Application Filter
You can filter your list of job applications using the assessment score filter.
You first need to add the filter criteria to the Filters list:
- Go to a job applications list.
- Click Show Filters.
- In the Filters panel, click the Personalize Filters icon.
- Select the Assessment Score filter.
- Click OK.
You can now use this filter to filter job applications.
Assessment Score Filter
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
You can filter your list of job applications using the assessment filter.
Edit Screening Services in Non-Draft Job Requisitions
You can change the configuration of screening services in job requisitions that are no longer in the draft phase. You may want for example to change a partner at the end of a contract or add packages due to new legislation.
If you have the “Update Job Requisition” and “Update Job Requisition After Draft Phase” privileges, you can edit the configuration of screening services in a requisition as long as there are no job applications on the requisition. You can edit screening services when the requisition is in any of these phases: Approval, Job Formatting, Posting, Open.
The configuration of these screening services is possible: background checks, assessments, tax credits.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Inline Assessments in Application Flow for External Candidates
External candidates can fill inline assessments before they submit their job applications. When the assessment is completed and is successful, the partner returns a status to the Hiring product: Completed by Candidate. Assessment results are visible to recruiters once the job application is submitted.
Assessment on the Career Site
Assessment Completed on the Career Site
Steps to Enable
You need to add the Assessment block in a job application flow of type Apply. You can add the Assessment block anywhere in the flow.
For details on how to create a job application flow, refer to the topic called Create a Job Application Flow in the Implementing Hiring guide on
Transactional Business Intelligence for Talent Management
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self-service reporting solution offered to all Oracle Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.
Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.
New Attribute Related to Performance Goal Plan - Primary Flag
Enhance your reporting on worker's performance goal plans with the addition of an attribute to determine if the goal plan is primary or not. A new attribute named 'Primary Flag' is added to the following subject areas:
- Workforce Goals - Goal Plan Assignment Real Time
- Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time
This attribute would have the values as 'Yes' or 'No' depending on whether the goal plan is primary or not.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Enhancement to Potential, Risk of Loss Dimensions in Performance Rating Subject Area
Enhance your reporting on potential and risk of loss dimensions under the Performance Rating Real Time subject area with the addition of new attributes.
The following list provides the complete set of attributes under both these dimensions:
Dimension Name |
Attributes |
Potential |
Risk Of Loss |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
New Workforce Learning Subject Area
Use the new subject area for Workforce Learning called Learning Content Items Real Time. You can now report on the usage and uptake of learning content items, such as eLearning (SCORM, HCAP, etc.), PDFs, and content videos. You can report using various dimensions such as publisher details, usage details (like completed and unfinished attempts), and eLearning specific details (like attempts allowed, and time per attempt).
Steps to Enable
Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).
Role Information
Access to this Subject Area must be enabled using a new aggregate privilege called Report eLearning Content. This aggregate privilege is seeded in the Learning Specialist role: ORA_WLF_LEARNING_SPECIALIST_JOB.
Learning Subject Area Enhancement
Take note that the Learning Subject Area has been enhanced, and you can now report on the Learning Record Number, Assigned by Person Number, and Assignment Profile Number attributes.
Dimension |
Attribute |
Learning Records -> Learning Record Details |
Learning Record Number. |
Learning Records -> Learning Record Details |
Assigned by Person Number. This is populated only for person attributed learning records. |
Learning Events -> Assignment Profiles |
Assignment Profile Number |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
HR Phase Status Adjustments in Reporting
We have made it easier for you to report on phase status metrics in the Recruiting – Recruiting Events Real Time subject area.
The new phases:
- HR– Pending Automated Processing
- HR – Error During Processing
The adjusted phases:
- HR – Pending Manual Processing (renamed from "To Be Processed")
- HR – Processing in Process (renamed from "Processing")
These metrics are found under the Recruiting – Recruiting Events Real Time subject area:
Number of HR Phase changed to Processing in Process State |
Renaming of "Number of HR Phase changed to Processing State" |
Number of HR Phase changed to Pending Manual Processing |
Renaming of "Number of HR Phase changed to To Be Processed State" |
Number of HR Phase changed to Pending Automated Processing |
New metric based on new state |
Number of HR Phase changed to Error During Processing |
New metric based on new state |
Number of HR Phase changed to Withdrawn by Candidate |
New metric based on previously existing state |
Number of HR Phase changed to Rejected by Employer |
New metric based on previously existing state |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Post Apply Data Capture in Reporting
We have made it easier for you to include post apply data information in your recruiting reports by using the Job Application dimension of the Recruiting – Recruiting Real Time subject area.
You can include multiple e-signatures and a different one for each additional flow the candidate is invited to fill. In addition to reporting on the application flow name, you can report on the post apply questionnaire and answers.
To report against confidential post apply questionnaires, the user must have the appropriate security privilege: Report Confidential Questionnaire Responses Data. By default, it's granted only to the Recruiting Manager role.
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Role Information
To report against confidential post apply questionnaires, the user must have the appropriate security, granted only to the Recruiting Manager out of the box: Report Confidential Questionnaire Responses Data.
Additional Candidate Details in Reporting
Report more easily on candidate and job application level details such as candidate merging, candidate deletion, and person type at time of job application.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features, or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.
Product |
Removed Feature |
Target Removal |
Replacement Feature |
Replaced In |
Additional Information |
Profile Management | Classic Talent Profile Management |
20B | Enhanced Talent Profile Management - Feature for Reference is Redesigned User Experience and Administration | 19C | You must upgrade to the Enhanced Talent Profile Management. See Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Doc ID 2421964.1). HCM Cloud Release 20A is the last release to perform this upgrade. |
Recruiting | 20B | Build More Complex Career Sites | 19C |
Talent Review |
Former Talent Review Dashboard Retired | 20B | Talent Review Dashboard | 18B | |
Talent Review | Former Talent Review Dashboard To Be Retired | 20B | 18B | ||
Learning Cloud | Contextual Learning Removal | 20B | |||
Learning Cloud |
Contextual Learning Components Removed | 20B | Learning Cloud will have a new way to link learning to objects coming in 20B starting with an integration to goals. |
The new and redesigned HCM Responsive User Experience has been available and promoted as our standard since Update 18B. If you are still using the older HCM Classic Simplified User Interface, please begin transitioning to the HCM Responsive User Experience.
For information, video links and next steps, please see Document ID 2399671.1 - HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information
Highlights of New User Interface:
We’ve taken the employee and manager self-service pages to the next level by redesigning them to look and behave the same on desktop and mobile devices. We’ve also changed the look and feel of the pages to provide a better experience for end users.
Pages and messages look more modern and use simpler, more conversational language so that you can more easily read and understand content across all devices. The pages are clutter-free and clean and display only those fields that are required to complete the task. You can personalize the pages and add more fields that are hidden by default. For most self-service tasks, you’re asked what you want to do, and the task is broken down into a series of steps based on your choice.
Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.
Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.
To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)