August Maintenance Pack for 20C
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Product | Feature | Notes |
29 JAN 2021 | Learning Cloud/Search and Browsing Catalog | Search Requires Three Characters | Updated document. Revised feature information |
25 SEP 2020 | Learning Cloud/e-Learning | AICC/HACP Content Opens in a New Tab | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
25 SEP 2020 |
Learning Cloud/Employee Self-Service |
Optimized Learner Process Flow for Single Self-Paced Activity | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 AUG 2020 | Learning Cloud/Specializations, Course, Course Offerings |
Sequencing and Completion Criteria for Activities within a Specialization | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (20A, 20B, 20C, and 20D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
- Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):
- Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
- Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
- Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)
Additional Optional Reading:
- Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)
NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Action is Needed BEFORE Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Sequencing and Completion Criteria for Activities Within a Specialization |
Post Processing Rich Media and Processing Strategy Optimizations |
Optimized Learner Process Flow for Single Self-Paced Activity |
Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.
Specializations, Courses, Course Offerings
Access Optional Activities on Completed Specializations
Access optional activities within a completed specialization enrollment, or completed specialization section.
Access Optional Activities
This lets them participate in reviewing other learning activities.
Access Optional Activities
These completed activities won't be recorded as part of an already completed specialization enrollment. Completion of these optional activities will be reflected on learner transcripts.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Sequencing and Completion Criteria for Activities Within a Specialization
Be among the first to try sequencing for specializations. You can indicate the order in which the sections and activities in a specialization are to be completed, and you can define completion criteria for them as optional or required.
The Sequencing Criteria:
- Prevents enrollment to any/all activities in a section if the learner hasn’t completed a prior section.
- Prevents enrollment into an activity if the learner hasn’t completed a prior activity in the same section.
- Supports at most 1 direct predecessor (meaning a section or activity can't prevent access based on completion of two or more sections or activities).
- Supports many direct successors (completion of one section or activity can allow access to one or many sections or activities).
- In the learner self-service experience, users will be able to see completion requirements of activities.
This enhancement lets your organization enforce the adherence of the order in which sections and activities are to be completed for specializations.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
If you would like to be part of this feature, follow these steps.
Enable Newsfeed. Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Request to be part of the specialization sequencing open a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support (MOS). Include the following items in the SR, and indicate that you agree to these terms:
- Provide a project point of contact.
- Agree to perform regular testing against the integration. Program will last 2-3 months.
- Agree to participate in regularly scheduled meetings – Initially once a week then on an ad hoc basis.
- Agree to uptake at least 2 Cumulative Weekly Bundles (CWBs) per month.
- Agree to request approval to go-live on the sequencing feature from Oracle.
NOTE: This feature requires approval. There are certain parameters that must be met for a customer to be approved. Not all customers will be approved for participation. Once approved, you will be able to start using this feature.
Key Resources
Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
AICC/HACP Content Opens in a New Tab
Notice that AICC/HACP Content now opens in a new tab with a full page view. This makes the content easier to view, and provides a better interoperability with external providers.
Launch Content
Content Opens in Full Screen on a New Tab
Steps to Enable
To use this feature, you must enable a new profile option:
- Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values
- Profile Display Name: Enable AICC External eLearning Player
- Set the profile option at site level to "Y" to enable the feature.
Post Processing Rich Media and Processing Strategy Optimizations
Use the new options on the Background Processing tab in Setup to optimize the following background processing jobs:
- Video Transcoding and Processing
- Process Learning Cover Art Image
- Upload SCORM Package
New Options on Background Processing
Select the check boxes for each option to indicate that you want the jobs to run immediately after uploading. If the check box is unselected you will need to schedule the job to run. If you set the number of maximum concurrent job threads to 5 this means if you have 10 items to process, 5 jobs will always be running to process each individual item until there are no items to process. This enhancement lets you more efficiently process large numbers of rich media items using concurrent jobs. If you upload hundreds of items in short succession, there will not be hundreds of jobs running. Instead, the parent job will continuously spawn concurrent jobs up to the configured maximum value, until there are no more items to process.
The new options let you more efficiently process large numbers of rich media items using child jobs and it puts the administrator in control of when and how these jobs are run. If you upload hundreds of items in short succession, there will not be hundreds of jobs running. Instead, the parent job will continuously spawn child jobs up to the configured maximum value, until there are no more items to process.
Steps to Enable
- In the My Client Groups work area, click Learning.
- Click Setup.
- On the Setup page, click the Background Processing tab.
- Click Edit.
- Select Run Video Transcoding Job Immediately After Users Upload Video. This check box is selected by default. If you clear the check box, the job is only processed when it is scheduled manually in Tools > Scheduled Processes.
- Enter the Maximum Number of Concurrent Video Transcoding Jobs. The default is 1, but you can enter up to 5.
- Select Run Cover Art Processing Job Immediately After Users Upload Cover Art. This check box is selected by default. If you clear the check box, the job is only processed when it is scheduled manually in Tools > Scheduled Processes.
- Enter the Maximum Number of Concurrent Cover Art Processing Jobs. The default is 1, but you can enter up to 5.
- Select Run eLearning Package Processing Job Immediately After Users Upload eLearning Packages. This check box is selected by default. If you clear the check box, the job is only processed when it is scheduled manually in Tools >Scheduled Processes.
- Enter the Maximum Number of Concurrent eLearning Package Processing Jobs. The default is 1, but you can enter up to 5.
- Click Save and Close.
NOTE: These jobs won't run automatically, even if the checkbox is checked, for videos uploaded using /learningContentItems root level REST API.
Preview Mode for eLearning Content
Use the Preview button after you upload SCORM elearning Content to preview the content in full page mode.
Preview Mode
Improves the administrator experience by making content easy to preview.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Current Learning Assignments Hidden
Notice that if you have no current assignments in a learning community, the Current Learning section is hidden from view.
Current Learning Hidden
Displaying the Current Learning section only when learners have current assignments in a learning community improves the clarity and accuracy of the the page.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Last Recorded Assessment Attempt Review
Use the new Review Try button to see the answers you made on your last recorded assessment attempt.
Review Try Button
You cannot change any answers. This button is only available for assessment resources.
Review Assessment Answers
This feature lets learners review the answers they made for assessments..
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Past Renewals Section Displayed in Enrollment Details
Notice the following changes for course renewals:
- When learners are in a renewal course assignment, their current enrollment shows the previous completions in the Past Renewal section.
- When learners have past renewal enrollments, the Past Renewal section displays on the Enrollment Details page.
When a course is set up for renewals, it is beneficial for the learner to see past renewal completions for the course, so that they understand enrollment cycle.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Request Notification Enhancement
Notice the enrollment item deep link that displays in approval notifications.
Deep Link
Click it to navigate directly to the Enrollment Details page.
Enrollment Details Page
NOTE: Notifications are sent for learning item, and noncatalog learning item requests based on the approval workflow setup.
Not all the information in the enrollment details displays in the approval notification. This enhancement provides the approver with access to the enrollment details page so they can view all of the information needed to make an approval/rejection decision.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Recommendation Categories in the Administrator Work Area
Select a Recommendation Category while recommending learning to users.
Recommendation Category
You can categorize recommendations by:
- Career interests
- Learning departments
- Current job or role for current job
- Colleagues
Administrators are able to view this recommendation category in the enrollment search criteria and search results.
Recommendation Category
Recommendation Category in Search Results
By categorizing recommendation enrollments, administrators are better able to organize and curate their recommendations.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Notice the following enhancements to the What to Learn page:
- Required and Voluntary Learning Cards no longer show recently completed learning. Completed learning is displayed on the View Transcript page.
- Multiple recommendations for the same item are no longer consolidated into one card. They are repeated so that users can see all of the recommendation comments.
What to Learn Page
Completed learning was removed from this page because it is already displayed on the View Transcript page. Showing recommendations multiple times helps users to view all recommendation comments for each item.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Optimized Learner Process Flow for Single Self-Paced Activity
Notice that when there is a single activity on a self-paced offering, learners no longer have to choose an offering, because there is only one to choose from. They can now simply click Launch to enroll in the offering and go directly to the activity player.
Launch for Single Activity
Similarly, when there is a specialization with a single course activity, and this is the next course activity in the specialization assignment, when learners drill down into a specialization enrollment and click Launch, they are enrolled in the course and offering, and the player opens for that specific course offering activity.
Launch for Single Activity for a Specialization
This works with all the online, self-paced content types (SCORM, HACP/AICC, Video, Assessments and PDF).
This optimized process flow reduces the number of clicks needed begin single self-paced activities.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
This applies to the Launch button on the course details page, and does not apply when the learner has received a course assignment. In the latter case, a learner must still select an offering.
Descriptive Flexfields Available in Assign to My Team
Use Descriptive Flexfields when assigning items in My Team. Descriptive Flexfields display in the following scenarios:
When a manager assigns learning to team members
My Team
Assign Learning
When a manager requests noncatalog learning for team members
Request Noncatalog Learning
Request Noncatalog Learning
When a manager records external learning for team members.
Record External Learning for Team Members
Record External Learning for Team Members
Enabling Descriptive Flexfields in the manager flows helps organizations capture additional information in My Team.
Steps to Enable
Enable Defined Flexfield segments in:
- DFF Name: Learning Request Additional Attributes
Enable DFF segments in HCM design studio.
HCM Experience Design Studio
- Actions = Learning Manager Actions
- Under Page Attributes
- Region = Assignment Details & Completion Details
- Learner Record Descriptive Flexfield = Visible
HCM Experience Design Studio
Key Resources
Refer to the Descriptive Flexfields chapter of the Oracle Talent Management Cloud Implementing Learning Guide for complete information on Flex Fields for Learning Cloud.
Enhanced Browse Catalog Button
Use the enhanced Browse Catalog button on the My Learning page.
Browse Catalog Button
When you click this button, additional options display that enable you to search for learning by Featured Learning, Highest Rated, and Community Categories.
Browse Button
Featured Learning Icon - takes learners to the Featured Learning Item page, which contains learning content that the catalog manager has identified as featured learning.
Highest Rating Icon - takes learners to the Highest Rating Learning Item page, which contains a list of all learning items that have a rating of 2.5 or higher.
Community Categories - a list of 10 category communities displayed in alphanumeric order.
Featured Learning
Featured learning lists items for which an Administrator selected Add to Featured. Featured learning is sorted based on most recent featured first. You can sort the featured learning items by Title – A to Z, and Title - Z to A. You can also recommend the featured learning item to others, or copy the learning item link to then send to others.
Featured Learning
Highest Rated
When learners browse by Highest Rated, they see all learning items that they have access to view that have a rating of 2.5 or higher.
NOTE: Items in Learning Cloud that are rated at 2.5 are rounded up and displayed to the next highest decimal which is 3 stars.
Highest Rated
Community Category
Learners can also browse Community Categories. View additional details for a community by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the community name. View the Community Category details page by clicking See All.
Community Categories
Official and topic communities defined under the community category are sorted in alphanumeric order. You can also search and use filters to refine the set of items listed under the community category. Learning items listed in the community category can be sorted as follows:
- Rating - Highest to Lowest (this is the default)
- Publish Date - Newest to Oldest
- Title - A-Z
- Title - Z-A
Learning Catalog displays the learning items like courses, offerings and specializations that are assigned to this community. Related Learning displays the communities and specializations that contain the learning item. The Related Materials section displays related materials for the learning items. Learners will see a cumulative list.
Browse Community Catalog
Learning Community Details
You can further drill down into a specific community to see all the associated learning catalog items, such as the courses, offerings and specializations, that are assigned to the community.
Learning Catalog
This lets learners quickly find learning by walking through the catalog, or by using seeded categories. It also allows learning departments to set up browsing taxonomies that are custom to their business needs.
Steps to Enable
Follow these steps to enable:
- In the My Client Groups work area, click Learning.
- Click Setup.
- On the Setup page, click the Self-Service tab.
- Click Edit
- Select New Browse Catalog By.
- Select Featured Learning.
- Select Highest Rating.
- Select Categories.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
For additional information on Featured Learning, refer to the Talent Management What’s New document for the 20B May Maintenance Pack.
Enhanced the Optimized Learning Text Index Job
Notice that the Optimize Learning Text Indexes ESS Job has been enhanced to enable stop words for keyword searches by default. In the past, we allowed the User to configure this but this has now been removed because it was proven that when enabled the product provides a better search experience. Stop words are words such as the, an, and, of, or, etc. that can be removed from the search index so that they are not used in determining the search result scoring. Stop words are always removed from field searches on items like course and offering titles.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Be among the first to use the next generation search engine. When this feature is enabled, you will notice faster response times, and quality search results, especially for large learning catalogs.
This feature enables you to effectively search the learning content very quickly, and with high quality search results.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
If you would like to be part for this feature, follow these steps.
- Enable Newsfeed. Refer to the Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
- Request to be part of the new next generation search engine EA program by opening a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support (MOS).
Include the following items in the SR, and indicate that you agree to these terms:
- Provide a project point of contact.
- Agree to perform regular testing against the integration. Program will last 2-3 months.
- Agree to participate in regularly scheduled meetings – Initially once a week then on an ad hoc basis.
- Agree to uptake at least 2 Cumulative Weekly Bundles (CWBs) per month.
- Agree to request approval to go-live on the next generation search engine from Oracle.
- Will require benchmark testing before and after for relevancy and performance
- Ability to validate new search functionality against your data and data security setup prior to enabling in production.
NOTE: This feature requires approval. There are certain parameters that must be met for a customer to be approved. Not all customers will be approved for participation. Once approved, you will be able to start using the next generation search engine.
Key Resources
Refer to the Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Search Requires Three Characters
Notice that an error message now displays if you enter two characters or fewer in the Search bar and press Enter.

Error Message Displays If You Enter Less Than Three Characters

Search Now Requires Three Characters or More
This enhancement improves user experience with auto suggestion and search.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Notice that with this August Maintenance pack on Update 20C that some of the Oracle Learning Cloud ESS jobs are pre-configured to run automatically at the following times:
- Learn Migration - scheduled to run at 12:45am (UTC) every day.
- Rebuild Learning Item Indexes - scheduled to run every 5 mins (UTC).
- Video Transcoding and Processing - scheduled to run at 1:00AM (UTC) every day.
- Process Learning Cover Art Image - scheduled to run at 2:00AM (UTC) every day.
- Upload SCORM Package - scheduled to run at 3:00AM (UTC) every day.
- Optimize Learning Text Indexes - scheduled to run at 02:30AM (UTC) every month 25th day.
NOTE: If you already scheduled these jobs to run on a different schedule prior to this update, this change will not override your current settings.
This enhancement ensures that ESS jobs are scheduled to run out-of-the box, so that the Oracle Learning Cloud functionality requiring them function as expected. You can modify these times to suit your organization's needs.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Product | Feature | Notes |
30 OCT 2020 | Recruiting/Candidate Experience |
Job Requisition Flexfields in Job Details Pages | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
30 OCT 2020 |
Recruiting/Candidate Experience |
Job Requisition Flexfields as Search Filters in Career Sites | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
28 AUG 2020 | Learning/Foundation |
New Reconciliation ESS Jobs | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 | Profile Management | Personal Interest Level Now an LOV for the Competency Template | Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20C. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Performance Management | Check Eligibility for Performance Documents | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Recruiting/Candidate Experience | Inline Assessments in Internal Application Flows | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Learning/Instructor Led Training | Adobe Connect Integration | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Learning/eLearning |
Enhanced eLearning Course Player | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
31 JUL 2020 |
Learning/Foundation |
New Reconciliation ESS Jobs | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
26 JUN 2020 | Performance Management |
Data Loader Support for Performance Document Participants Selected By | Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20C. |
26 JUN 2020 | Learning Cloud/Learning Cloud Redesigned User Experience |
Manager and Learner Pages Redesigned | Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20C. |
26 JUN 2020 | Learning Cloud/Instructor Led Training |
Adobe Connect Integration | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
26 JUN 2020 | Learning Cloud/Foundation |
New Reconciliation ESS Jobs | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
26 JUN 2020 | Talent Review |
Super User for Talent Review | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
05 JUN 2020 | Created initial document. |
HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:
- Release Updates (20A, 20B, 20C, and 20D)
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update
It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.
This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.
Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:
Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:
- HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
- Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)
NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.
Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):
- Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
- Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
- Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)
Additional Optional Reading:
- Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)
NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.
Column Definitions:
Features Delivered Enabled
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Features under this section are available to all talent applications.
Add Development Goal to Multiple Employees
On the Career Overview page, you no longer need to add development goals for individual team members. Now, the Add Development Goal button is available in the My Team section of the Career Overview page. This allows you to assign a development goal to multiple employees at the same time. Select the checkbox for each employee you want to assign the development goal to and then click Add Development Goal. To add the development goal to all your team members, select the check box next to the Add Development Goal button.
Add Development Goal Button on the Career Overview Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The employees for whom the goal was added receive a notification.
- Managers can add a development goal for their team members even if there are pending approvals.
Survey employees with our Questionnaires.
Provide Higher Values for Questionnaire Scores
You can define a higher value for a question score in the questionnaire and questionnaire template. The score can be more than 3 digits. This facilitates to have higher number of questions with each of these questions having higher scores in a questionnaire. Thus, the high score can result into an overall high score too.
You can define the score for a response, when the question is enabled for scoring and is a single- or multiple-choice question type.
Defining the Score of the Responses of a Single-Choice Question Type
Defining the Score of Question Responses of a Multiple-Choice Question Type in a Questionnaire
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Questionnaires Replaced or Removed Features
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing features with new features, or removes existing features.
Replaced features may be put on a path of removal, the features below will let you know what update you will have to have moved to the newer feature. As a best practice, you should move to the newer feature as soon as possible for full support and to stay up with the latest updates that the product offers.
Any feature that is removed, will have an Update in which that feature is no longer available. Please make necessary plans to move off the feature by the Update indicated, as it will no longer be available.
Questionnaire Setup Formatting Options Removed
In enhancing the Questionnaire Template and Questionnaire setup pages to the responsive patterns, the following configuration options are removed:
- Page Layout field
- Maximum Number of Questions per Page field
- New Page option in the Sections region
Removed Attributes in the Questionnaire Template
Removed Attributes in the Questionnaire
These deprecated fields configured for the existing questionnaires in earlier releases, will be ignored in the responsive application pages.
Removed Attributes Not Found in the Questionnaire Responsive Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Oracle Fusion Career Development provides tools for workers and managers to manage their career interests and development plan. These tools include:
- Recommendations on roles based on workers’ qualifications
- Comparisons to target roles and required development needs for workers
- Management of roles of interest to the worker
- Comprehensive development plan for workers to establish development goals and manage development progress
Career Development Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
HCM Experience Design Studio Support for Development Goal Library
As an administrator, you can use HCM Experience Design Studio to configure the user experience for development goals in the goal library.
Select the Development Goal Library action to create a rule for configuring the Development Goal Library page. You can specify the attributes that are visible and those that are required. You can create role-specific rules.
Development Goal Library Action - Edit Rule Page
Steps to Enable
- Enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level.
- Open HCM Experience Design Studio.
- Select Transaction Design Studio tab.
- From the Action list, select Development Goal Library.
- To add a rule, click Add.
- Enter the basic details.
- Expand the Available Attributes section.
- From the Data Source list, select the section that you want to configure.
- Specify the attributes that need to be visible or not visible.
- Specify the required attributes.
- Click Save and Close.
- Apply the sandbox.
Tips And Considerations
- This feature is for the responsive pages, if you have not moved to the responsive page this feature will not be available. For more information about enabling the responsive pages, please see the following document on My Oracle Support: HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document ID 2399671.1).
- Any personalization that was done for development goals won’t carry over to the development goal library. The personalization has to be done again for the Development Goal Library.
Key Resources
For more information on using the HCM Experience Design Studio, refer to these resources:
- Chapter 25, HCM Experience Design Studio: Implementing Talent Management Base guide.
- The Transaction Design Studio -What It Is and How It Works (Document 2504404.1) on My Oracle Support
Talent Review and Succession Management
Oracle Fusion Talent Review is an analytic product enabling your organization to review and evaluate data from the profile, performance, goals, and compensation management solutions. Using Oracle Fusion Succession Management, you can create succession plans to replace key personnel. Succession plans identify workers who are ready now or can develop the necessary skills, for jobs and positions that aren't currently vacant, ensuring, a smooth transition and help you to manage candidate development.
Talent Review and Succession Management Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Deep Links for Creating Succession Plans and Talent Pools
Deep links enable you to open pages without navigating through the menu structure. As an administrator, you can use these deep links to quickly create and view succession plans and talent pools on the responsive pages:
- Responsive Create Succession Plan (SUCCESSION_PLAN,CREATE)
- Responsive Create Talent Pool (TALENT_POOL,CREATE)
You can simply copy a URL from the Deep Links page and paste it in your external portals as is.
Steps to Enable
To access deep links:
- Open the main menu.
- Go to Tools > Deep Links.
- Copy the URL for a deep link.
- Paste the URL into the desired location.
Tips And Considerations
- When you access a page in HCM Cloud by using a deep link, HCM Cloud user security is applied. When single sign-on is used, the deep link navigates users directly to the HCM Cloud sign-in page. When basic authentication is used, users are prompted to enter their HCM Cloud user name and password before navigating to the page.
- These deep links will open the responsive pages for Succession Planning overview and Talent Pools overview pages only if the profile options for responsive UI (HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED and HRM_SUCCESSION_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED) are enabled. If these profile options aren’t enabled, you will see a blank page.
Key Resources
For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document 2399671.1)
Role Information
Many predefined roles, such as the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role, inherit the View Administration Link (FND_VIEW_ADMIN_LINK_PRIV) function security privilege that secures deep links. If you’re using this role or other predefined roles with this privilege, then no action is necessary. If you are using custom versions of this role or other roles to which the privilege isn’t already granted, then you must add this function security privilege to your custom roles to use this feature.
For instructions on implementing new functions in existing roles, see this document on My Oracle Support:
- Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide (Document ID 2023523.1).
Oracle Fusion Talent Review is an analytic product enabling your organization to review and evaluate data from the profile, performance, goals, career development, and compensation management solutions.
Create a talent review super user who can access all talent review meetings in your organization.
A super user can do these actions when editing the configuration of a talent review meeting that isn’t completed or while creating a talent review meeting:
- Search and add business leaders, facilitators, and participants based on how the public person search has been configured.
- Search and add employees in their person security profile to the review population.
- Add talent pools and succession plans they own or have automatic access to. For more information about automatic plan access, see Chapter 7, How Inferred Incumbents of Succession Plans Determine Plan Access in the Implementing Talent Review and Succession Management guide.
A super user has the privileges of a meeting facilitator and can change the review content for any talent review meeting that isn’t completed. If the talent review meeting is completed, a super user can only can change or add facilitators. A super user can save or submit the meeting configuration.
A super user can perform these actions for a talent review meeting:
- Delete a meeting.
- Duplicate a meeting.
- Cancel a meeting.
- View data submission report of a meeting.
- Send reminder notifications to reviewers to prepare review content.
- View, add, or delete notes for the meeting and members of the review population.
- View, add, edit, and delete tasks for members of the review population.
While conducting a meeting, a super user can do these actions:
- View the organization chart.
- Change the ratings of any employee in the review population.
- View color coding and underlays.
- View details or analytics of the selected employee in the review population.
- Print the dashboard.
- Print profile of one or more employee in the review population.
- Filter the review population
- View prior ratings.
- Compare ratings.
- Move employees from and to the holding area.
- Add a task.
- Add a note.
- Add selected employees in the review population to a succession plan, even if they do not have access to the plan.
- Add selected employees in the review population to talent pool, even if they do not have access to the pool.
- Add a development goal.
- Add a performance goal.
- Save or submit the meeting.
Steps to Enable
- You need to create a Talent Review super user custom job role and ensure that the job role has the privileges listed in the Role Information section.
- You then have to assign the custom job role to the users who you want to be the super users.
Tips And Considerations
Supers users can’t report on all meetings in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). They can only report on the meetings for which they can access reviewees.
Role Information
A Talent Review super user custom job role needs to have these function security privileges:
A super user custom job role also needs to have an All Values data security policy with the Schedule Talent Review Meeting privilege and a database resource of Talent Review Meeting.
If you have any existing custom job roles with the Schedule Talent Review Meeting (HRR_SCHEDULE_TALENT_REVIEW_MEETING_PRIV) function security privilege, then you need to do these tasks:
- Remove the Schedule Talent Review Meeting (HRR_SCHEDULE_TALENT_REVIEW_MEETING_PRIV) function security privilege from the custom job roles.
Add the Schedule Talent Review Meeting (ORA_HRR_SCHEDULE_TALENT_REVIEW_MEETING_DUTY) duty role to the custom job roles.
Regenerate the data roles that are based on the custom job roles.
If you don't do this, users with the custom job roles won't be able to access any talent review meetings.
For more information about creating a Talent Review super user job role, see the Securing Access to Talent Review Meetings chapter in the Securing HCM guide.
Enable Background Colors on Talent Review Dashboard
As an administrator or HR Specialist, you can enhance the talent review meeting experience by enabling background colors for each configured box on the meeting dashboard. By enabling colors, you can give the Talent Review meeting users a visual cue of what each box in the dashboard means.
On the Talent Review Template page, in the Box Chart Views section, click the Edit icon in the Configure Boxes column for the view that you want to enable background colors for.
Configure Boxes Column in Box Chart Views Section
In the Configure Boxes dialog box, select the color for the boxes that you want to have a colored background and then click OK.
TIP: Click Show hexadecimal code to view the hexadecimal code for the colors.
Configure Boxes Dialog Box
NOTE: If you don’t select a color for any box, then the background color of the box is gray by default.
Click Save and Close to save your changes to the template.
Talent Review Meeting Dashboard with Colors Enabled for a View
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can enable background colors if you want to do so. Or you can choose to retain the default gray color boxes in the dashboard.
- You can select the same color for all boxes or just some of the boxes.
- You can’t change the background color of the holding area.
Disposal of Talent Review Data from HCM Cloud
To adhere to privacy laws, you can now dispose Talent Review meeting data when a person leaves the organization. You can now include these Talent Review related information when configuring person information removal policies:
- Information about the business leader
- Information about a facilitator
- Information about a reviewer or participant
- Information about an employee who is part of the review population
To Create the Configuration Template to Remove Talent Review Person Information
- Select the Worker category while creating the configuration template.
- Select the Components tab.
- In the Business Objects pane, select Worker.
- In the Components pane, select Person Name.
Configure Person Information Removal Policies Screen – Components Tab - Worker Business Object
After you submit the disposal process on the Remove Person Information page, the selected person’s name is replaced by masking characters in all Talent Review meetings that the person was a part of.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You need to enable the configuration template to use it.
- Ensure that the process is run only on terminated workers with a termination date in the past.
- You can’t recover deleted data. So, proceed with caution.
- After you run the process to remove the business leader information, a facilitator can enter a new business leader if the meeting is Not Started or In Progress. If a meeting is completed, the meeting configuration needs to be edited to enter a new business leader.
- After you run the process to remove the information of a meeting facilitator, another facilitator or super user can continue to access the meeting. If the facilitator removed was the only facilitator for a meeting, you need to add another facilitator for the affected meeting either as a super user or by using HCM Data Loader (HDL).
- After you run the process to remove the information of a meeting participant or reviewer, the details of the person removed is no longer shown in the meeting configuration or dashboard. The ratings entered by the terminated reviewer are unaffected. The meeting facilitator can delete the terminated meeting participant or reviewer if the meeting hasn’t been completed.
- After you run the process to remove the information of a person who is part of the review population of a meeting, the meeting facilitator can remove the terminated employee from the review population if the meeting hasn’t been completed. The meeting ratings for the terminated employee are not removed. If the terminated employee was added to a talent pool or succession plan during the meeting, the disposal process for talent pool and succession plans will apply.
- The names of the employees will be masked in any reports generated for the meeting after the process to remove the person information is run.
Key Resources
For more information on configuring the template and submitting the person information removal processes, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- Disposal of Person Data (Document ID 2597475.1)
Talent Review Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Print Profile in Talent Review Redesigned
Leverage the responsive version of Print Profile on the redesigned Talent Review meeting dashboard to print profiles of employees in the review population. From the Actions menu, select Print Profile.
Print Profile Action on the Talent Review Meeting Dashboard
The Print Profile action has two options:
- Print Profile: Select some employees that you can see in the review population and print their profiles.
- Print All Profiles: Print the profile of all the employees in the review population that you see on the dashboard.
In the Print Profile dialog box, select the print format, the information to print, and click Print.
Print Profile Dialog Box
The output file contains individual talent profiles of the selected employees in the review population ordered by their last name.
Steps to Enable
You need to upgrade to Enhanced Talent Profiles to be able to use the responsive Print Profile feature. For more information on migrating to Enhanced Talent Profiles, refer to this resource on My Oracle Support: Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management (Doc ID 2421964.1).
Tips And Considerations
- This feature is for the responsive pages, if you have not moved to the responsive page this feature will not be available. For more information about enabling the responsive pages, please see the following document on My Oracle Support: HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document ID 2399671.1).
- A meeting facilitator can view all employees in the review population. But a reviewer or a business leader can only view the employees they have access to.
Role Information
You need to have the HRT_RUN_TALENT_PROFILE_SUMMARY_REPORT_PRIV function security privilege to be able to print profiles. You need to add this function security privilege to the custom roles that you want to allow to use this feature.
For instructions on implementing new functions in existing roles, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- Release 13 Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide (Document ID 2023523.1).
Oracle Succession Management helps to create succession plans to replace key personnel. Succession plans identify workers who are ready now, or can develop the necessary skills, for jobs and positions that aren't currently vacant, insuring, a smooth transition and help you to manage candidate development.
REST Service for External Succession Candidates
Now the Name list of values that you use to add external succession candidates uses the talentExternalCandidatesLOV REST Service resource to display names of external candidate.
As an HR specialist or a manager you can search for external succession candidates to include in a succession plan. You can search external candidates by these attributes:
- Display name: First name or last name
- Current company or employer
- Current business title
- City
Client Side List of Values for External Candidate
Steps to Enable
To enable the responsive succession plan page, you must enable the following profile option.
Field | Value |
You must also have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, see the Redesigned Cloud User Experience introductory feature section for the Steps to Enable, Tips and Considerations, and Key Resources.
To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
Any user who has access to the Succession Planning responsive pages can search for any external candidate.
Key Resources
For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)
Oracle Fusion Profile Management provides a common foundation for the Oracle Fusion talent suite of products and other Oracle Fusion applications to retrieve, insert, and update talent profile information. Profile Management also supports the HR specialists, line managers, matrix managers, and employees in performing critical HR talent functions. Managing people and job profiles, career planning functions, managing, and tracking talent data can be also done through Profile Management.
Disposal of Person Profile Data
You can now include profile data as part of the person information removal policies configuration:
- Skills and Qualifications
- Talent Ratings
- Attachments
To Create the Configuration Template to Remove Person Profile Data
- Select the Worker category while creating the configuration template to remove person profile data.
- Select the Components tab.
- In the Business Objects pane, select Talent Profile.
- In the Components pane, select Talent Profile.
Configure Person Information Removal Policies Screen - Talent Profile Business Object
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You need to enable the configuration template to use it.
- Ensure that the process is run only on terminated workers with a termination date in the past.
- You can’t recover deleted data. So, proceed with caution.
Key Resources
For more information on configuring the template and submitting the person information removal processes or about the roles and privileges that are required to configure person information removal policies and remove person information, refer to this document on My Oracle Support:
- Disposal of Person Data (Doc ID 2597475.1)
Print Talent Profiles in Different Formats in Enhanced Talent Profile and Talent Review
Print the talent profile of an employee in the Enhanced Talent Profile version of the product by authorized users. Use the Print action in the Skills and Qualifications page to print all configured sections and talent ratings of the employee in any of these formats: PDF, RTF, Excel, or HTML. PDF is the default.
Print Profile Page
Here is what it looks like from the Talent Review work area:
Talent Review Work Area
The new seeded report file path is now: /shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Profiles/TalentProfile.rtf
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
If you personalized this report, you may need to re-do your changes.
Talent Ratings Page Provides Complete Source and Date Information
Now you can see the complete source and date information on the Talent Ratings page. For example, you can now see the application the rating came from, as shown below:
Talent Ratings Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Search and Maintain Pending Worker Profiles
If a profile exists for a pending worker, it will now be displayed in the Talent Profiles page for authorized users. Additionally, a check box for Pending Worker is available in the My Team page, and you can see their Skills and Qualifications from the person spotlight.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Display Profile Item Descriptive Flexfields in Item Summary in Enhanced Talent Profile Pages
In Enhanced Talent Profiles, you can now see descriptive flexfields for profile items in the summary view on the Skills and Qualifications page. You can view the flexfields without expanding the item. Flexfields are displayed in the summary of all items in a section, even when no values have been provided.
Descriptive Flexfields in Summary View
Steps to Enable
To enable descriptive flexfields, follow these steps:
- Enable a sandbox, and make sure that Page Composer is available.
- Choose Edit Pages.
- Navigate to the Skills and Qualifications page.
- Enable the display of the summary flexfield component for each of the sections where you want them to appear.
Key Resources
For more information on personalizing pages, refer to the following:
- Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide in the Oracle Help Center.
- The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel.
Personalize List of Values (LOV) for Ratings in Enhanced Talent Profile Pages
Now you can display only relevant data in client list of values in these Enhanced Talent Profile pages: Talent Ratings and Skills and Qualifications. Use Page Composer to hide or show attributes.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For more information on personalizing pages, refer to the following:
- Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications guide in the Oracle Help Center.
- The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel.
Competency Behaviors in Enhanced Talent Print Profile Report
When printing a person's profile from Talent Profile pages, if the person has behaviors associated to competencies you can now seem them in the report.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Personal Interest Level Now an LOV for the Competency Template
Now the Personal Interest Level in the Competency template is displayed as a List of Values (LOV). If you had pre-existing text data in this field or if you made customer-defined changes, you will have to review and correct the data using HCM Data Loader (HDL). You can see the new LOV below:
Skills and Qualifications - Competencies
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Profile Management Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Now you can manage worker feedback better as HR specialists can delete feedback given to a worker on the recipient’s Feedback page. The HR specialists can delete feedback only for their workers in the organization.
HR Specialists can delete all the notes that they authored. They can delete all the notes for others with these feedback visibility options:
- Everyone
- Manager Only
- Managers and the worker
- Only worker and me, if the HR specialist is the author of the note
From Home>My Client Groups>Show More>Feedback>search for the worker and then go to their Feedback page. The HR specialist can view and delete feedback notes that are created by others. In the feedback note window, clicking Cancel returns you to the Feedback page.
View the Feedback Note (Not Created by the HR Specialist) for Another Worker: Delete and Cancel Options
You can neither modify the note text nor change the visibility settings in a feedback note that’s not authored by you.
Hide a Public Note as an HR Specialist
To clarify, these functions remain the same.
- A worker can edit the feedback note for another worker that’s authored by him or her.
- The HR specialist can hide a public note that’s not authored by him or her.
Steps to Enable
Ensure that the following profile options are enabled.
Profile Options
Profile Option Code |
Description |
Enables Mobile Responsive pages. |
Enable the mobile-responsive Notes pages. |
To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
- Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
- Search for and select the profile option.
- Click to add a new Profile Value.
- Select the Level as Site.
- Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
- Click Save and Close.
If you haven't enabled these profile options, see the HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document ID 2399671.1)
Tips And Considerations
- If the HR Specialist is the recipient of the feedback note, the HR Specialist can’t delete the note.
- If you as an HR Specialist create a public note about yourself (that’s visible to everyone), you can modify it, but you can’t hide it.
- You can’t generate Deleted Feedback OTBI reports.
- You can’t delete the feedback of workers outside your data security profile.
Key Resources
- For more information on creating and enabling profile options, see the white paper, HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- Profile Options and Displayed Fields (Document ID 2399671.1)
- For information on Implementing Contextual Notes, see the white paper, (MOS Doc ID: 2375556.1)
- See Contextual Notes in Application Pages section in the Implementing Talent Management Base Guide
Role Information
Your HR Specialist role already includes these security privileges:
- Security privilege to delete feedback note: ORA_HRT_DELETE_PERSON_NOTE
- Security privilege to hide feedback note: ORA_HRT_HIDE_PERSON_PUBLIC_NOTE
Oracle Goal Management enables you to transform business objectives into goals across various organization levels, providing a clear line of sight from managers to employees. Business leaders can communicate high-level initiatives which managers can translate into goals for their employees.
Performance Goal Administration Security Privilege Update
The HRG_MANAGE_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_BY_HR_PRIV performance goal privilege now doesn’t include the BEN_MANAGE_BENEFIT_ELIGIBLITY_PROFILE_PRIV Benefits privilege. To access the Eligibility Profile feature, you need to specifically include this Benefits privilege in your custom Goals administration roles.
To add the BEN_MANAGE_BENEFIT_ELIGIBLITY_PROFILE_PRIV Benefits privilege to a custom role:
- On the Roles tab of the Security Console, search for and select your custom role.
- In the search results, click the down arrow for the selected role and select Edit Role.
- Click Next.
- Click Add Function Security Policy.
- In the Add Function Security Policy dialog box, search for and select BEN_MANAGE_BENEFIT_ELIGIBLITY_PROFILE_PRIV.
- Click Add Privilege to Role.
- Close the Add Function Security Policy dialog box.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Goal Management Digital Assistance Support
Use Oracle Digital Assistant to quickly find out which of your team members don’t have goals for a specific review period. The Digital Assistant interprets the user’s intent and delivers contextual responses to text commands.
Utterances are inputs from the user to the Oracle Digital Assistant. This table shows some user utterances and the response of the Oracle Digital Assistant when the user wants to find the team members who have don’t have any goals for the current review period or when there’s only one active review period.
Oracle Digital Assistant’s Responses when There’s Only One Active Review Period
Step | User Utterances/ Action |
Oracle Digital Assistant’s Response |
1 |
You have 8 employees without goals for FY 2020 Evaluation Period review period. Here are the first 5: Craig Peters Hannah Johnson Harrison Grigsby Jason Morris Lynda Lee Type "more" to see additional employees To add or view goals for your employees, click here. |
2 | User clicks Show More. |
Here are the next 3: Craig Peterson Hannah John Jane Marvel To add or view goals for your employees, click here. |
3 | User clicks on the link. |
Takes the user to My Team > Goals. |
This table shows some user utterances and the response of the Oracle Digital Assistant when there are multiple active review periods.
Oracle Digital Assistant’s Responses when There Are More Than One Active Review Periods
Step | User Utterances/ Action |
Oracle Digital Assistant’s Response |
Comments |
1 |
Select the desired review period: <5 active review periods list>. |
All active review periods are retrieved in alphabetical order. The first 5 are displayed. If there are more than 5 active review periods, a Show More button is displayed. |
2 | User selects a review period. |
You have <Count> employees without goals for <Review Period> review period. Here are the first 10. <List of employees> To add or view goals for your employees, click here. |
User can click Show More to view more team members. |
3 | User clicks on the link. |
Takes the user to My Team > Goals. |
Oracle Digital Assistant – Response to Manager’s Query Regarding Performance Goals
When there are no active review periods, the Oracle Digital Assistant gives this response:
There are no active review periods.
To add or view goals for your employees, click here.
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Tips And Considerations
- The review periods returned are active review periods that have goal plans assigned. But if Primary Goal Plan is enabled, all active review periods are returned.
- Type End to end the conversation.
Role Information
Only a user with these privileges can use the Oracle Digital Assistant for performance goals.
Security Privilege |
Predefined Roles with Privilege |
Human Resource Specialist |
Line Manager Human Resource Specialist Employee |
Goal Management Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Transaction Design Studio Support for Performance Goal Library
As an administrator, you can use Transaction Design Studio to configure the user experience for performance goals in the performance goal library.
Select the Performance Goal Library action to create a rule for configuring the Performance Goal Library page. You can specify the attributes that are visible and those that are required. You can create role-specific rules.
Edit Rule - Performance Goal Library
Steps to Enable
- Enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level.
- Open HCM Experience Design Studio.
- Select Transaction Design Studio tab.
- From the Action list, select Performance Goal Library.
- To add a rule, click Add.
- Enter the basic details.
- Expand the Available Attributes section.
- From the Data Source list, select the section that you want to configure.
- Specify the attributes that need to be visible or not visible.
- Specify the required attributes.
- Click Save and Close.
- Apply the sandbox.
Tips And Considerations
- This feature is for the responsive pages, if you have not moved to the responsive page this feature will not be available. For more information about enabling the responsive pages, please see the following document on My Oracle Support: HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document ID 2399671.1).
- Any personalization that was done for performance goals won’t carry over to the performance goal library. The personalization has to be done again for the performance goal library.
Key Resources
For more information on using the HCM Experience Design Studio, refer to these resources:
- Chapter 25, HCM Experience Design Studio: Implementing Talent Management Base guide in the Oracle Help Center.
- The Transaction Design Studio -What It Is and How It Works (Document ID 2504404.1) on My Oracle Support
Oracle Performance Management supports features and functions for measuring and reporting worker performance.
Check Eligibility for Performance Documents
Easily check whether an employee is eligible or not for a performance document using the new Check Eligibility action from the HR administration page Performance Document Eligibility. Using this action, you can quickly find out why an employee is not eligible rather than reviewing the eligibility profile and referencing it against the employee data.
Check Eligibility Page Displaying the Results.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
The list of performance documents will only display the performance documents with employees whose hire date is equal to or before the performance document end date. Employees do not qualify for performance documents that have an end date before their hire date. Note that eligibility profiles don't control this product rule.
The check eligibility function is a real time check of the employee's eligibility for a performance document. However, it doesn't actually process the eligibility. It's up to you to process it using the eligibility batch process. The Performance Document Eligibility page displays performance documents that you've processed using the eligibility batch process.
Data Loader Support for Performance Document Participants Selected By
Easily indicate who selected the participant to provide feedback on an employee's performance document in HCM Data Loader (HDL) or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL). In HDL, when loading the participants into a performance document, you can record who selected the participant by their person ID. Use the new optional attribute Selected by Person ID available in the Participants child object of the Performance Management Business Object in HDL. If a worker, manager or HR specialist adds a participant in the UI, then you can select them in the Selected by Person ID attribute in HDL.
This feature has a number of key benefits:
- Avoid employees deleting participants whom they did not add.
- Prevent employees from viewing the participants whom the manager and HR specialist selected.
- Prevent managers from deleting participants by displaying them as added by HR specialists and not managers. Previously, the participants added in HDL would only display in the UI as added by the manager, therefore allowing the manager to delete them.
Business Object Details: Performance Document Page with the Selected By Person ID Participant Attribute Displaying.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Here's what happens when you enter various person IDs in the Selected By Person ID attribute in HDL and what displays on the page:
- If you don't enter a person ID, then the performance document manager displays, which is existing behavior.
- If you enter the performance document manager, then the manager's name displays.
- If you enter the person ID of the employee being evaluated, then the employee's name displays.
- If you enter any other person ID, then that person's name displays and the participant is treated as though it was selected by a HR specialist.
Key Resources
For more information, see the Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Learning Cloud enables you to make a transformational shift in learning delivery. Subject matter experts in your organization can easily publish videos and assemble tutorials to deliver on-demand and social learning. Collaboration features encourage continuous community feedback.
Enhanced eLearning Course Player
Be the first to try the enhanced eLearning course player with Oracle Learning Cloud. The new eLearning player is a pure HTML player and supports completing online OCI Content and handles interacting better with browser buttons, like the Back and Reload buttons, to ensure that learners don't lose the progress they have made in their learning content, or put the player in a state where it can't resume because its lost its variables that were in memory
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
If you would like to be part of this feature, follow these steps.
Enable Newsfeed. Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Request to be part of the enhanced eLearning course player by opening a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support (MOS). Include the following items in the SR, and indicate that you agree to these terms:
- Provide a project point of contact.
- Agree to perform regular testing against the integration. Program will last 2-3 months.
- Agree to participate in regularly scheduled meetings – Initially once a week then on an ad hoc basis.
- Agree to uptake at least 2 Cumulative Weekly Bundles (CWBs) per month.
- Agree to request approval to go-live on the enhanced eLearning Course Player from Oracle.
Once approved, you will be able to start using the new eLearning course player.
NOTE: This feature requires approval into the program, there are certain parameters that must be met for a customer to be approved in the program, not all customer will be approved for participation. Once approved, you will be able to start using the next generation eLearning course player.
Key Resources
Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Documen ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Conditional Assessment Questions and Feedback in Offline Learning
Notice that Conditional Assessment Questions and Feedback now appear to learners in offline learning.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Added Communities to Learning Item Contribution Approval
Take note that there is now support for triggering learning item contribution approval when you create or edit a self-service community.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Enhanced the Optimize Learning Text Index Job
Notice that the Optimize Learning Text Indexes ESS Job has been enhanced to enable stop words for keyword searches. Stop words are words such as the, an, and, of, or, etc. that can be removed from the search index so that they are not used in determining the search result scoring. Stop words are always removed from field searches on items like course and offering titles.
Optimize Learning Text Indexes
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Learning Cloud Now Uses the Transaction Console
Notice that Oracle Learning Cloud now uses the Transaction Console for Completion Approval Transactions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Complete information about the Transaction Console is available in the chapter called "Monitor and Troubleshoot Transactions" of the Oracle Applications Cloud Using Common Features guide, which you can find in the Oracle Help Center.
Be among the first to use the new Learning Cloud ESS jobs that expand and reconcile assignments and access groups. These jobs have been created to replace the Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule job, the Reconcile Dynamic Assignments job, and the Reconcile Access Groups job. The new jobs process data more efficiently and provide better performance than the previous jobs.
They support both the expansion and the reconciliation process in each job. They also have multi-threaded support for both expansion and reconciliation process. The old jobs only support threading on the reconciliation process. The new jobs are run in batch-only processing mode so you can control the resource allocation, versus the jobs being run after an event occurs in the user interface. There is also improved error logging. When errors occur they are logged directly in the database for things such as assignments not being created due to inactive user accounts, duplicate assignments being created, and many others.
The new jobs are:
- Process User Access - This job expands access groups destinations. This job replaces the Reconcile Access Groups job.
- Process Learning Recommendation - This job expands assignment destinations and populates learning recommendation based on eligible users. This job replaces the Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule, Reconcile Dynamic Assignments for recommendation assignments.
- Process Learning Records - This job expands assignment destinations and populates learning records based on eligible users. This job replaces the Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule, Reconcile Dynamic Assignments for required and voluntary assignments.
- Reconcile Learning Catalog Item Activity Changes - This process reviews all active learning catalog activity items and reconciles them against any changes made by a learning specialist since this job was last run. This evaluates all learners on the modified learning item to determine if their progression or completion on that learning item needs to be updated.
Use the new Background Processing tab on the Background Processing page to control the number of concurrent processes, and the number of assignments per concurrent process. The Concurrency Details section is enabled once you've enabled the appropriate profile options (See Steps to Enable for more information.)
New Background Processing Tab
This feature provides more enhanced processing of the ESS jobs, and can be controlled by learning administrators from the user interface. Administrators can control the number of concurrent processes, and the number of assignments per a concurrent process that would be processed.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
To enable this feature, follow these steps.
Enable Newsfeed User Interface. Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Request to be part of the new reconciliation ESS jobs by opening a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support (MOS). Include the following items in the SR, and indicate that you agree to these terms:
- Provide a project point of contact.
- Agree to perform regular testing against the integration. Program will last 2-3 months.
- Agree to participate in regularly scheduled meetings – Initially once a week then on an ad hoc basis.
- Agree to uptake at least 2 Cumulative Weekly Bundles (CWBs) per month.
- Agree to request approval to go-live on the new reconciliation jobs from Oracle.
Once approved, you will be provided with a set of keys to enable this feature.
Schedule the ESS jobs.
NOTE: This feature requires approval. There are certain parameters that must be met for a customer to be approved. Not all customers will be approved for participation. Once approved, you will be able to start using this feature.
Key Resources
Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Use the Adobe Connect integration with Oracle Learning Cloud. When you enable this integration, you can create and update Adobe Connect web conferencing events directly in Oracle Learning Cloud. Instructors (hosts) and learners (attendees) can access training using web conferencing links located within offerings.
NOTE: Currently you can not use the Adobe Connect integration with Webex, the two are not compatible to be enabled at the same time. This will be resolved in a update by October. If you are utilizing the Webex Integration and want to also enable Adobe Connect or turn Webex off and use Adobe Connect please wait until this update has been released.
Administrator Experience
Administrators can:
- Select an Adobe Connect Account when creating virtual instructor led training activities. Virtual instructor led training is training conducted via the Internet.
- Create and modify virtual instructor led training activities. When you save an activity, an integration job runs and creates or modifies meetings in Adobe Connect for the instructors and the learners assigned to the activity.
- Assign or withdraw learners from virtual instructor led training activities. When you assign learners to an activity, an integration job runs, and they are added as attendees to the associated Adobe meeting. When you withdraw learners from an activity, the job runs, and they are removed as attendees from the associated Adobe Connect meeting.
Learner Experience
Learners can:
- Add the virtual classroom information to their calendars from the activity details page prior to the event.
- Join the virtual classroom directly from the activity details page 15 minutes before the event.
- View recordings of the instruction directly from the activity details page after the event.
Instructor Experience
Instructors can:
- Add the virtual classroom information to their calendars from the offering details page.
- Join the virtual classroom directly from the offering details page on the day of the event.
- View recordings of the instruction directly from the offering details page after the event.
- View the attendance report in the activity details page in edit mode after the event.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, follow these steps.
Ensure the Responsive pages are enabled. Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
- Set up an account with Adobe Connect. Adobe will provide you with the following information, which you will need to enable the integration with Learning Cloud:
- Account URL (unique per account)
- Adobe Connect Admin Username
- Adobe Connect Admin Password
- Enable Adobe Connect in the Learning Cloud Setup area by clicking Configure.
Enable Adobe Connect
- Select Enabled, and the enter the Adobe Connect username, password, and the account URL.
Adobe Integration Configuration
- On the Edit Instructor page in Learning Cloud, click Create under Virtual Accounts, and add the Adobe account information.
Create Adobe Connect Account for Instructors
- Schedule the Virtual Classroom Attendance Report ESS job. This job downloads the attendance report from Adobe Connect, and attaches it to the Virtual ILT activity. It also downloads the recording link so it can be provided to instructors and learners.
Virtual Classroom Attendance Report Job
Key Resources
Refer to the Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2649721.1) for complete information.
Learning Cloud Redesigned User Experience
Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be personalized to suit.
Manager and Learner Pages Redesigned
Notice that the learner and manager pages for Oracle Learning Cloud have been redesigned for ease of use and responsiveness on all devices. There are significant changes to the appearance and behavior of these pages.
The new Oracle Cloud Learning Responsive User Experience is now generally available and mandatory for all customers in the 20C update. If you haven't already performed the Oracle Learning Cloud migration over to Responsive, review the document on My Oracle Support called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience (Document 2399671.1). It was written to help you fast-track your migration to Oracle Learning Cloud Responsive pages. Additionally, live office hours with product development, and recordings of previous office hour sessions are available to help answer questions you might have about the migration. You can find information about these office hours on customer connect located on the Cloud Customer Connect HCM events page.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Refer to the following for additional information:
- Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience document on My Oracle Support (Document 2399671.1).
- Past recordings of product development office hours on the Cloud Customer Connect Events page.
Search and Browse Learning Catalog
Take note that the self-service search has been updated to behave similarly to other popular consumer sites. When you enter a search string and press Enter on your keyboard, search results are displayed based on that keyword search string. In the past, users could only select an auto suggestion item to view the search results.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Oracle Recruiting Cloud provides tools for hiring managers and recruiters to source and nurture candidates, create and manage job requisitions, screen and select candidates, create and manage job offers, and onboard new employees into the organization. It also provides career sites for employees and external candidates to search, discover and apply to jobs using a frictionless application process.
View Requisition and Candidate Number in All Pages
When you view a job requisition or candidate file, you can now see the requisition number or candidate number in various pages of the product to always know which requisition or candidate you’re currently viewing or working on.
Here’s an example where both the requisition title and requisition number are displayed.
Requisition Details View
Here’s an example where both the candidate name and candidate number are displayed.
List of Candidates
Here’s an example with the requisition title, requisition number, candidate name, candidate number.
Header of a Job Application
Here’s an example with the candidate name, candidate number, requisition number.
Header of Edit Job Offer Page
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Prevent Export of Inactive and Obsolete Items from Content Library
When you export content items of the Recruiting Content Library in the Setup and Maintenance work area, inactive and obsolete items are no longer exported. Only active items and current and future versions of an item are exported.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For information about exporting data using the Setup and Maintenance work area, refer to the chapter entitled Setup Data Export and Import in the Using Functional Setup Manager guide on Oracle Help Center.
Load Flexfields Using HCM Data Loader
You can use HCM Data Loader to load the following flexfields:
- candidate flexfields
- candidate referral flexfields
- job application flexfields
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For details on how to load data using HCM Data Loader, refer to the Integrating with HCM guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Move Job Applications to Prior Phase or State Using HCM Data Loader
You can use HCM Data Loader to move candidate job applications to the prior phase or state of the selection workflow.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For details on how to load data using HCM Data Loader, refer to the Integrating with HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Update Requisitions Post Approval Using HCM Data Loader
You can use HCM Data Loader to update requisitions once they're approved.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For details on how to load data using HCM Data Loader, refer to the Integrating with HCM guide on
Load Fields Using HCM Data Loader
You can use HCM Data Loader to load the following flexfields:
- candidate organization preference
- candidate preferred email, phone, and communication channel
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
For details on how to load data using HCM Data Loader, refer to the Integrating with HCM guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Candidates and Candidate Job Applications
Candidate Flexfields in Extra Info Tab
Your administrator can define flexfields to allow recruiting users to view, edit and add info provided by candidates in those flexfields, and to add candidate flexfields for internal usage.
The Extra Info tab in candidate profiles is divided into two sections to display those flexfields:
- Candidate Extra Info: You can view, edit and add info provided by the candidate in those flexfields.
- Extra Internal Info: You can add flexfields or edit data in those flexfields for internal use. Internal Info flexfields aren't visible to the candidate.
Candidate Extra Info Tab
Steps to Enable
You first need to define flexfields to allow recruiting users to view and edit extra information about candidates. When defining flexfields, you need to consider the following:
- Add or adjust contexts and context sensitive segments.
- For each job application context, add Usage Code for Candidate Application and Usage Code for Person in the Context Usages tab.
- Associate contexts to the Person Extra Information category.
- Add or adjust pages to the Person Extra Information category.
- Add or adjust Associated Context Details for a page.
As an example, here’s how to define flexfields for a context called Hobbies, add context usages, and create value sets.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Workforce Information
- Task: Manage Person Extensible Flexfield
- Select the extensible flexfield called Person EIT Information.
- Click the Edit icon.
- On the Manage Person Extensible Flexfield page, click Manage Contexts.
- In the Search Results section, click the Create icon.
- On the Create Context page, let’s say you create a context called Hobbies.
- In the Context Usages tab, click the Create icon and add these two usages. For a context to be used in a job application, you must include these context usages:
- Usage code for candidate application
- Usage code for person.
- In the Context Sensitive Segments section, click the Create icon.
- On the Create Segment page, click Create Value Set. Let’s say you create a value set named Hobby Category.
- When you’re done creating the value set, click Manage Values.
- On the Manage Values page, create values such as Arts, Sports.
- When you’re done, associate contexts to pages.
You then need to configure the candidate file Extra Info tab in the Transaction Design Studio.
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Candidate Extra Info action.
- Click Add to create a rule to display flexfields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select a role, or one or more countries, or both if you want to render flexfield contexts and pages in the candidate file Extra Info tab based on a role, countries, or both.
- In the Page Attributes section, select a region: Candidate Extra Info or Extra Internal Info.
- Click the Edit icon.
- Select the pages and regions you want to make visible.
- Click Done.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
For details on flexfields, refer to the chapter Flexfields Setup in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Job Application Flexfields in Extra Info Tab
Your administrator can define flexfields to allow candidates and recruiting users to enter extra information about job applications. Any information provided by the candidate through an apply flow or request information flow can’t be edited or added. This ensures that candidate provided information is retained.
The Extra Info tab in job applications is divided into two sections to display those flexfields:
- Application Extra Info: You can view info provided by the candidate in those flexfields. You can then decide to initiate next steps as per your business practices. For example, a recruiter views the special interest or hobbies of a candidate and engages appropriate interviewer with relevant knowledge to interact with the candidate.
- Extra Internal Info: You can add flexfields or edit data in those flexfields for internal use. For example, union review notes, additional assessment requirements. This internal information is specific to that job application. It’s not visible on the candidate’s profile or any subsequent job application.
Extra Info Tab in a Job Application
Steps to Enable
You first need to define flexfields for job applications. When defining flexfields, you need to consider the following:
- Add or adjust contexts and context sensitive segments.
- For each job application context, add Usage Code for Candidate Application and Usage Code for Person in the Context Usages tab.
- Associate contexts to the Person Extra Information category.
- Add or adjust pages to the Person Extra Information category.
- Add or adjust Associated Context Details for a page.
As an example, here’s how to define flexfields for a context called Hobbies, add context usages, and create value sets.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Workforce Information
- Task: Manage Person Extensible Flexfield
- Select the extensible flexfield called Person EIT Information.
- Click the Edit icon.
- On the Manage Person Extensible Flexfield page, click Manage Contexts.
- In the Search Results section, click the Create icon.
- On the Create Context page, let’s say you create a context called Hobbies.
- In the Context Usages tab, click the Create icon and add these two usages. For a context to be used in a job application, you must include these context usages:
- Usage code for candidate application
- Usage code for person.
- In the Context Sensitive Segments section, click the Create icon.
- On the Create Segment page, click Create Value Set. Let’s say you create a value set named Hobby Category.
- When you’re done creating the value set, click Manage Values.
- On the Manage Values page, create values such as Arts, Sports.
- When you’re done, associate contexts to pages.
You then need to configure the job application Extra Info tab in the Transaction Design Studio.
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Application Extra Info action.
- Click Add to create a rule to display flexfields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select a role, or one or more countries, or both if you want to render flexfield contexts and pages in the job application Extra Info tab based on a role, countries, or both.
- In the Page Attributes section, select a region: Application Extra Info or Extra Internal Info.
- Click the Edit icon.
- Select the pages and regions you want to make visible. For example, the page Hobbies and Special Interests and the region Hobbies.
- Click Done.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
For details on flexfields, refer to the chapter Flexfields Setup in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide in the Oracle Help Center.
Role Information
Roles with the privilege Update Candidate Job Application can add or edit flexfields in the Application Extra Info section.
Skip Prospect Candidate Process
Recruiting users and agents have the option to skip the prospect candidate process and create job applications on behalf of candidates. This feature makes the recruiting process more efficient for recruiters, agents, and candidates. Recruiters can save time spent waiting on candidates to respond to invitations to apply for jobs by creating job applications on behalf of candidates and converting prospect candidates. Creating job applications on behalf of candidates allows recruiters to immediately begin moving those applications through the selection process.
As a recruiter, when you’re adding a candidate to a job requisition, you have the option to create a job application on behalf of the candidate.
Create Job Application on Behalf of Candidate - Add to Requisition Action
When you view the list of prospects for a job requisition or when you open a prospect record, you can use the Convert Prospect action to convert an existing prospect record into a job application.
Convert Prospect Action
A new filter criteria called “Candidate Application” is available in the job applications list to help you easily find which job applications were created by candidates and those created on behalf of candidates. This new filter criteria isn’t displayed in the Filters panel by default. You need to add it using the Personalize Filter action.
Candidate Application Filter
Only ten job applications can be created in a single add to job requisition or convert prospect action. For example:
- One candidate can be added to 10 job requisitions, resulting in the creation of 10 job applications.
- Two candidates can be added to 5 job requisitions, resulting in the creation of 10 job applications.
- Ten candidates can be added to 1 job requisition, resulting in the creation of 10 job applications.
- Ten prospect candidates can be converted, resulting in the creation of 10 job applications.
Agencies and Agents
As an administrator, when you create hiring agencies, you can define which agencies can create job applications on behalf of the candidates. When agents submit candidates for a job requisition or add candidates to a job requisition, they can now create a job application instead of creating a prospect record.
Create Job Application on Behalf of Candidate - Submit Candidate Action
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.
Key Resources
Watch Skip Prospect Candidate Process Readiness Training
Role Information
Users need the Create Candidate Job Application privilege to see the “Create job application on behalf of candidate” option when submitting candidates for job requisitions.
Privilege Name | Privilege Code | Job Role |
Create Candidate Job Application |
Recruiter Recruiting Agent |
Configuration of Mandatory Fields in Application Flows
As an administrator, you can create rules in Transaction Design Studio to set fields as mandatory in apply flows, request information flows, and talent community flows. This applies to blocks which use profile content sections:
- Certifications
- Education
- Language
- Previous Employment
- Skills
- Work Preferences
A new action is available in Transaction Design Studio:
- Define Application Flow Required Fields
Steps to Enable
To configure fields as being mandatory:
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Define Application Flow Required Fields action.
- Click Add to create a rule.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select an application flow.
- In the Available Attributes section, select a data source. Fields available for the selected data source are displayed.
- Decide which fields are Required. If a field was set as mandatory at the profile level, the Required setting is disabled. Also, the Required setting is applied per template. If a field is set as mandatory, the mandatory setting s applies to all content sections of that template.
- Click Save and Close.
NOTE: The Visible field isn't functional. If you modify it, it won't have any effect on the application flow.
Capture Candidate Data Using Multiple Content Sections
Oracle Recruiting Cloud now supports multiple profile content sections. This allows organizations to capture candidate data using multiple profile content sections for example Experience versus Military Experience or Education versus Special Education.
When multiple profile content sections are set up, candidates can enter supported profile data when applying for a job, when updating their information in the candidate self service, or when signing up in a talent community.
Recruiters can view profile data in multiple sections as entered by candidates. This data is available in job applications, candidate files, prospect records, and pool members. Sections titles and fields within each section appear as they were configured by the administrator. Recruiters can also search for candidates using data from multiple content sections using the keyword search. They can also filter candidate search results using advanced search filters and basic filters.
Example of Job Application with Multiple Certification and Degree Sections
Steps to Enable
You first need to create profile content sections in the Profiles work area.
- Go to My Client Groups and click Profiles.
- On the Profiles page, click Profile Types.
- On the Profile Types page, click Person.
- On the Edit Profile Type: Person page, click Add Content Section.
- Select a template for the content section. You can use these templates:
- Certification
- Education
- Language
- Skill
- Work History
- Work Preferences (multiple sections isn’t supported)
- On the Add Content Section page, enter a section name and a description.
- Select the Active option.
- In the Content Section Properties section, decide which attributes you want to display or hide as per your business needs.
- In the Content Section Subscribers, click Add to add Recruiting as a subscriber to this content section.
- Click Save and Close.
You can then use these sections in profile content blocks when creating application flows of type Apply, Request Information, and Talent Community.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following.
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Experience
- Task: Job Application Flow Configuration
- Create a new flow or open an existing flow.
- Create a new version of the flow.
- Add profile content blocks to the flow. You can add the same block multiple times. Profile content blocks are:
- Education
- Experience
- Languages
- Licenses and Certifications
- Skills
- Work Preferences (multiple sections isn’t supported)
- Click on the title of the block.
- In the Edit Block page, define the block properties.
- Update the block headline to help candidates understand what info they need to provide. The headline is the block name displayed to candidates. If you use multiple sections within the same block, it's even more important to have different headlines otherwise all sections will have the same name. For example, for an Education block with two sections, you could have Bachelor Degree and Doctoral Degree as headlines. When you have multiple sections, you can click on the block title to quickly see the content section configuration.
- Add instructions to provide specific information to candidates on how to fill the info.
- Select a section for the block. The selector displays the sections created in the Profiles work area. You can select only one section within the same block. For example, you can add the Languages block multiple times within the same flow, but each block will have a different section.
- Click Save and Activate.
The application flow you just defined must be used within specific job requisitions. Choose any requisition for which you want to start capturing candidate data. In the Details tab, go to the Configuration section, and select the application flow.
Tips And Considerations
- If you add the Timeline block to an application flow, you can add the Education and Experience blocks but you need to set them as having non-default sections. If you set default sections, you will get an error message when saving the application flow.
- When you configure an application flow, you must use a default Work Preferences block. Otherwise, candidates won’t be indexed and recruiters won’t be able to search candidates based on these work preferences.
- During an application flow of type Apply, the profiles imported using LinkedIn, Indeed, and resume parsing will be imported to default sections only (the oldest created sections). However candidates can if needed, add additional info in default or non-default sections.
- When you merge candidate files, all additional profile section data is copied into the master candidate file.
- When candidates move to the HR phase to become workers, profile data from multiple content sections is copied to their talent profile.
Multiple Seats Per Interview Slot
When you create interview slots on candidate managed interview schedules, you can define the number of seats available per slot using the Number of Candidates field.
Let’s say for example that you create an interview slot between 9 am and 10 am and that 5 interviewers are available during that interview slot. This means that up to 5 candidates can select that time slot when scheduling their interview. When candidates are scheduling their interview, they only see one interview slot. There’s no indication that there are multiple seats. As candidates select that time slot, the number of available seats decreases until the interview slot is fully booked, at which time the interview slot is no longer available for selection by candidates. Also note that:
- If the number of seats is filled before the candidate accesses the scheduling page, that time slot isn’t displayed
- If the number of seats is filled while the candidate is attempting to schedule that slot, the candidate will see an error message that directs them to select another available slot.
- If candidates reschedule or cancel their interview, the number of available seats is updated.
When you create an interview slot with one seat, you can see the name of the candidate who selected that time slot in the Interviews calendar. If you create an interview slot with multiple seats, you can see the number of available seats versus booked seats for the interview slot.
Candidates Per Interview Slot
If you go to the requisition’s Interviews tab, in each interview slot there is now a Scheduled Candidates section, you can see the name of the candidates who will attend the interview. You can also perform actions on candidates such as canceling the interview or sending an invitation to reschedule the interview. If you click the name of the candidate, you are navigated to the candidate's job application where you can see and manage all of their interviews.
Scheduled Candidates
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Watch Multiple Seats per Interview Slot Readiness Training
Job Requisition Flexfields as Search Filters in Career Sites
As an administrator, you can allow external candidates visiting career sites to filter job search results using job requisition flexfields.
You add flexfields as search filters by creating rules in Transaction Design Studio using this new action:
- Define Career Site Search Filters
Steps to Enable
NOTE: Flexfields that you want to add to job details pages must already be configured to be available for selection.
To add flexfields as search filters:
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Define Career Site Search Filters action.
- Click Add to create a rule to display flexfields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Select a career site in the Site Name field. If no site is selected, the rule applies to all sites.
- In the Page Attributes section, select the Search Filters region.
- Set the flexfield to Visible.
- (Optional) You can edit individual flexfields. Click the Edit icon. Select a flexfield content code and a flexfield attribute. Set the field as being visible. Even though all configured flexfields are shown in the menu and can be selected, only global segments with character data type can be used as filters.
- Click Save and Close.
NOTE: The Required field isn't functional. If you modify it, it won't have any effect.
Tips And Considerations
The following flexfield types aren't supported: Date, Dependent List of Values (LOV), and View Object.
Job Requisition Flexfields in Job Details Pages
As an administrator, you can add job requisition flexfields to job details pages in external and internal career sites and agency portal.
You add flexfields to job details pages by creating rules in Transaction Design Studio using these new actions:
- Define Job Requisition Details for External Career Sites
- Define Job Requisition Details for Internal Career Site
- Define Job Requisition Details for Agencies
Steps to Enable
NOTE: Flexfields that you want to add to job details pages must already be configured to be available for selection.
To add flexfields to job details pages:
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select one of these actions:
- Define Job Requisition Details for External Career Sites
- Define Job Requisition Details for Internal Career Site
- Define Job Requisition Details for Agencies
- Click Add to create a rule to display flexfields.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. In the case of career sites, select a career site in the Site Name field. If no site is selected, the rule applies to all sites.
- In the Page Attributes section, select the Job Info region.
- Set the flexfield to Visible.
- (Optional) You can edit individual flexfields. Click the Edit icon. Select a flexfield content code and a flexfield attribute. Set the field as being visible.
- Click Save and Close.
NOTE: The Required field isn't functional. If you modify it, it won't have any effect.
Tips And Considerations
The following flexfield types aren't supported: Static URL, Dependent List of Values (LOV), Subset LOV, and View Object.
As an administrator, you can add a personalized favicon to your external career sites to reflect your company branding and create consistent brand experience for your candidates.
The favicon configuration is done in the career site Theme tab. Supported favicon file formats are: png, gif, jpg, ico.
When you add a favicon, the favicon is displayed on the browser tab and as a quick link to favorite sites. If no favicon is added, the default Oracle favicon is displayed.
Steps to Enable
To add a favicon to a career site:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Experience
- Task: Career Sites Configuration
- On the Career Sites Configuration page, locate your career site and click Edit.
- Click the Theme tab.
- Click Favicon.
- Click Upload Favicon.
- Locate your favicon file and click Open.
- The file is uploaded. The uploaded favicon is displayed on the browser tab and as a quick link to favorite sites.
Update Profile Information Using Request Information Flow
When you create job application flows for external candidates, you can reuse these profile level application blocks in the apply flow and request information flow:
- Address
- Sensitive Personal Information
- Contact Information
If the candidate provided info in the Address, Sensitive Personal Information, or Contact Information blocks in any previous flows, the blocks are displayed with the info provided by the candidate. The candidate can update profile info if needed.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Inline Assessments in Internal Application Flows
Internal candidates can fill inline assessments before they submit their job applications. When the assessment is completed and is successful, the partner returns a status to the Hiring product: Completed by Candidate. Assessment results are visible to recruiters once the job application is submitted.
Steps to Enable
You need to make the Assessment block visible in the application flow.
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Apply to Internal Jobs action.
- Click Add to create a rule.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. You can select a legal employer and a recruiting type to base the visibility of the application flow sections.
- In the Show or Hide Regions section, set the Assessments region to Visible.
- Click Save and Close.
Tips And Considerations
For inline assessments, the selected partner must have the Inline Support attribute activated. This attribute is provided by the partner only if the partner supports inline assessment. Don't activate this partner enablement attribute without confirming with partner first if they support inline assessment.
If you implemented inline assessment in career sites in 20B, you must activate that flag right away upon migration.
Create More Job Offer Flexfields
You can create more flexfields within each job offer to track additional information beyond the standard fields. Instead of 30 free-text fields you can now create 90; instead of 20 number fields you can now create 30.
Previous Releases | As of Release 20C | |
Free text | 30 | 90 |
Number | 20 | 30 |
Date | 10 | 10 |
Time | 10 | 10 |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Configure Offer Approval Rules Based on Flexfields
As an administrator, you can configure the approval cycle for job offers based on flexfields defined as global segments on the offer and on the offer's assignment, and flexfields defined as both global and context-based segments on the requisition for which this offer is hiring. These approval rules must be configured within the Worklist, not via the Transaction Console.
You can also configure job offer approval rules based on information about the job requisition for which the offer is hiring. These approval rules can be configured via the Transaction Console.
Lastly, you can add representatives as part of the list of approvers when configuring approval rules for job offers. The candidate's proposed representative can now be configured to provide approval for internal candidates' offers, within the Transaction Console.
Steps to Enable
Follow these steps to configure job offer approval rules based on flexfields.
- On your Home page, click the Notifications icon.
- On the Notifications page, click Show All.
- Click Worklist.
- In the drop-down menu next to your name, select Administration.
- Click the Task Configuration tab.
- Search for the task OfferApprovalHumanTask.
- When the task is displayed, click on the task name.
- Click the Edit icon.
- A message indicates that flexfields were modified. Click Start Synchronization.
- When the synchronization is complete, click the OfferApprovalHumanTask task again.
- Click the Assignees tab.
- Click the blue dot in the Job Offer Approvers box to go to the rule.
- If you click the SupervisoryRulesListSet, you can see the rule you created.
- In the IF section, go to Rule 1 and click the Search icon.
- In the Condition Browser window, search for the desired flexfields. You can use:
- OfferDff.
- RequisitionDff
- ProposedAssignmentDff
- Create the condition.
- Click Validate.
Follow these steps to configure job offer approval rules based on information about the job requisition for which the offer is hiring.
- Go to the Tools work area.
- Click Transaction Console.
- Click the Approval Rules tab.
- Select the Approve Job Offer process and click the Edit icon.
- Click on a rule and click the Edit icon.
Follow these steps to add representatives as part of the list of approvers when configuring approval rules for job offers. The candidate's proposed representative can now be configured to provide approval for internal candidates' offers.
- Go to the Tools work area.
- Click Transaction Console.
- Click the Approval Rules tab.
- Select the Approve Job Offer process and click the Edit icon.
- Create a rule and set a Representative approver.
- In the Representative section, set the fields as follows:
- Action Type: Approval required
- Representative Type: Recruiting
- Representative Of: Candidate’s proposed representative
- Click Submit.
Tips And Considerations
Offer approval rules involving flexfields must be configured within the Worklist, not via the Transaction Console.
Key Resources
For details on how to create approval rules, refer to the chapter Notifications and Approvals in the Implementing Global Human Resources guide on
Create Offers with Salary Based on Payroll Frequency
When drafting a job offer, a new section called Payroll can be configured where the user can choose a payroll. By default this section is hidden.
Some customers may never need to expose this section, because all their salary basis choices are already configured with a frequency. However, some salary bases may be configured as "Payroll Period" which means salary is stored at the same frequency as payroll. In this case, an offer which uses this salary basis will also need to specify what the desired payroll is for the candidate.
As the offer team member fills in the values for each candidate's draft offer, they will need to know whether or not to fill in the Payroll section. For instance, this information isn't needed when the salary basis frequency isn't "Payroll Period".
If any individual compensation plans are configured to rely on payroll for their eligibility, the Payroll section in the offer may also be useful. It is however preferable to configure eligibility profiles rather than payroll element level eligibility. But if payroll eligibility based on payroll is defined, then the candidate’s offer needs to specify a payroll in order for those compensation plans to be displayed as available for that candidate.
Steps to Enable
To display the Payroll section while drafting an offer, you need to create a rule in Transaction Design Studio using this action:
- Create and Edit Job Offer
If desired, you can also create a rule with these actions:
- View Job Offer in Job Application, to be seen in Hiring areas
- View and Manage Job Offer, to be seen from the Quick Action of Manage Job Offers
- In the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click the Transaction Design Studio tab.
- Select the Create and Edit Job Offer action, or the desired action.
- Click Add to create a rule to display the Payroll section.
- In the Basic Details section, enter a name and description for the rule. Complete the other fields if desired.
- In the Show or Hide Regions section, make the Payroll Info region visible. You can also make it mandatory.
- In the Page Attributes section, select the Payroll Info region, and decide which fields to make visible and mandatory.
- Click Save and Close.
Key Resources
For details on how to create rules to configure pages, refer to the topic called Page Configuration Using HCM Experience Design Studio in the Implementing Hiring guide on the Oracle Help Center.
Candidates Explain Why They Decline Offers
Candidates can provide feedback while declining a job offer. They can select a reason from a list of reasons, if this is configured, and enter any comments they want to provide.
Decline a Job Offer
With that information, your organization can gather valuable data for the recruiting teams, both immediate and long-term. Recruiters can get notified right away when a candidate declines their job offer, which withdraws their job application. The notification can contain enough information for the recruiter to take immediate action for the candidate if desired. Longer-term, these responses build up a picture of the decisions and concerns of your organizations selected candidates. Why didn't your top candidates accept your job offers? Capturing this information and analyzing it to understand trends can greatly improve your organization’s future offers and future hiring strategies.
Watch a Demo
Steps to Enable
You first need to define reasons for declining an offer. You can use the reasons that already exist and which are used at various points in the candidate lifecycle. You can also create new reasons.
To create a reason:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
- Task: Candidate Selection Process Reasons
- Click the Reasons tab.
- Click Create.
- Enter a name and a code.
- Select the Active status. A reason must be active to be added to a group.
- Click Save and Close.
You can also define a group to hold all the reasons why a candidate would decline a job offer.
To create a group:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
- Task: Candidate Selection Process Reasons
- Click the Groups tab.
- Click Create.
- Enter a name and a code.
- Click Add to add the reason you just created, or any other existing active reasons.
- Click Create to create a new reason.
- Set the group status to Active.
- Click Save and Close.
You also need to enable the decline offer feedback in the candidate selection process.
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
- Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
- Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
- Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
- Open an existing process.
- Click the Offer phase.
- Go to the Phase Details: Offer section and click the Edit icon.
- Set the option Allow Candidate Reason and Comment on Withdraw to Yes so that candidates can provide a free-text comment as they decline their job offer. Candidates are declining to be considered any further for this job and thereby moving themselves to the state Withdrawn by Candidate.
- Click Save.
- Go to the States for Phase: Offer section.
- Click the Reason Group menu for the Withdrawn by Candidate state and select the group that contains the reasons to decline the offer. If you don’t associate any reason group with the Withdrawn by Candidate state, no list of reasons will be shown but the candidate will still have the opportunity to enter free-text comments as they decline the offer.
The candidate selection process you just defined must be used within specific requisitions. Choose any requisition for which you want to start gathering feedback from candidates about why they decline their job offers. In the Configuration section, select the candidate selection process.
You may want the notification sent to the recruiting team to include the reason to decline the offer and the comments provided by the candidate. If that’s the case, modify the existing notifications "IRC_JobOffer_Declined_Internal" and "IRC_JobOffer_Declined_External" in the Alerts Composer tool. Add the new tokens:
- JobOfferCandidateDeclineReason
- JobOfferCandidateDeclineComment
Key Resources
Watch Candidate Reasons to Decline Offers Readiness Training
Role Information
The table presents the privilege required to view the responses that the candidates provide and the predefined roles that inherit them.
Privilege Name | Privilege Code | Role |
View Job Applications |
View Candidate Job Application View Non-Restricted Candidate Job Application |
Send PII Data to Background Check Partners
When you configure a background check partner, you can activate an option to send the National Identifier and date of birth to background check partners. The option is called Send PII Data to Partner.
Option to Send PII Data to Partner
Steps to Enable
For details on how to configure a background check partner, refer to the topic called Set Up Partner Integration Provisioning in the Implementing Hiring guide on
Transactional Business Intelligence for Talent Management
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self-service reporting solution offered to all Oracle Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.
Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.
New Subject Area for Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real Time
Use the new subject area: Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real Time to configure learning record related analysis objects. This new subject area will replace the Learning Records folder in Workforce Learning - Learning Management Real Time.
Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real Time Detail
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
If you would like to be part of this feature, follow these steps:
Enable Newsfeed User Interface. Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Request to be part of the New Subject Area for Workforce Learning - Learning Record Real Time Early Adopter Program by opening a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support (MOS). Include the following items in the SR, and indicate that you agree to these terms:
- Provide a project point of contact.
- Agree to perform regular testing against the integration. Program will last 2-3 months.
- Agree to participate in regularly scheduled meetings – Initially once a week then on an ad hoc basis.
- Agree to uptake at least 2 Cumulative Weekly Bundles (CWBs) per month.
- Agree to request approval to go-live on the Learning Records Real-Time subject area from Oracle.
Once approved for the program, you can begin using the new subject area.
Key Resources
Refer to the document called Migrating Oracle Learning Cloud to Newsfeed User Experience on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2649721.1) for complete details.
Job Referrals Descriptive Flexfields
You can report on descriptive flexfields captured by referrers, employees, and agents. You can find these new attributes in the Job Requisition - Job Referrals of the Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time subject area.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Advanced Search Archiving Adjustments
When search archiving is activated and Oracle Search is being used, you can use new filters and search query attributes in you recruiting reports.
New filters available are:
- Basic Info Filter
- Source Filter
- Source Medium Filter
- Pool Filter
- Language Filter
- License Filter
- Job Filter
New attributes available are:
- Candidate Details
- Candidate Location
- Candidate Education
- Candidate Experience
- Candidate Company
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Prescreening Score at Questionnaire Level
Now that you can overwrite question's scores in questionnaires, you can create report using such scoring scheme and compare the values to the original score maintained in the Questions library.
The Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time and Recruiting - Setup Real Time subject areas have been enhanced to incorporate the question overwritten scores.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Content Library Plain Text Description
The Recruiting - Setup Details Real Time subject area has been enhanced. You can now use the "Content Item Plain Text Version Description" field which is available in the "Content Library - Content library Details" dimension.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Personalized Name for Candidate Selection Process Actions
Since you can change the name of actions and events in candidate selection processes, you can now use these personalized names to create reports.
The Recruiting - Setup Details Real Time and Recruiting Events Real Time subject areas have been adjusted. The name and description are now exposed.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations
From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features, or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.
Product |
Removed Feature |
Target Removal |
Replacement Feature |
Replaced In |
Additional Information |
Questionnaires |
Questionnaire Setup Formatting Options Removed | 20C | None | Click link in the Removed Feature column to see more detail. |
The new and redesigned HCM Responsive User Experience has been available and promoted as our standard since Update 18B. If you are still using the older HCM Classic Simplified User Interface, please begin transitioning to the HCM Responsive User Experience.
For information, video links and next steps, please see Document ID 2399671.1 - HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information
Highlights of New User Interface:
We’ve taken the employee and manager self-service pages to the next level by redesigning them to look and behave the same on desktop and mobile devices. We’ve also changed the look and feel of the pages to provide a better experience for end users.
Pages and messages look more modern and use simpler, more conversational language so that you can more easily read and understand content across all devices. The pages are clutter-free and clean and display only those fields that are required to complete the task. You can personalize the pages and add more fields that are hidden by default. For most self-service tasks, you’re asked what you want to do, and the task is broken down into a series of steps based on your choice.
Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.
Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.
To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)