Cloud Readiness / Oracle Service Cloud
What's New
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  1. Update 19B
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Agent Browser Console
        1. Agent Browser UI Themes
    2. Agent Browser Workspaces
        1. Uploading Multiple Attachments to Incidents in Agent Browser UI
    3. Agent Browser Channels
        1. Chat Transfer Enhancement: Average Wait Time
        2. Chat Compose Control Expands
        3. Chat Concluded Indicator
    4. Digital Customer Service
        1. Oracle Messaging
    5. Contact Center
        1. Agent Browser UI Workspace Preview
    6. Knowledge Management
        1. Knowledge Foundation: Answer Version Delete
        2. Knowledge Foundation: Answer Preview Custom CSS
        3. Knowledge Advanced: Tasks, Recommendations, & Feedback Standard Reports
        4. Knowledge Advanced: Shadow OSvC Accounts
    7. Platform
        1. Data Lifecycle Management; Support for Archived Incidents
    8. Policy Automation
        1. Chat API Enhancements
    9. Agent Browser Knowledge
        1. Answers Viewed in Last 24 Hours
        2. Incident Reference List for an Answer

Update 19B

Revision History

Date Feature Notes
03 JAN 2020

Agent Browser User Interface: Customize Navigation Set

Removed feature from update 19B.
14 JUN 2019   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle Service Cloud and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable to begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

For a listing of hardware and software requirements for Oracle products, log in to our support site and access Answer ID 31.

Security & New Features

We would like to remind you if your system has modified security structures you may need to advise your security administrator of new features.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Agent Browser Console

Agent Browser UI Themes

Agent Browser Workspaces

Uploading Multiple Attachments to Incidents in Agent Browser UI

Agent Browser Channels

Chat Transfer Enhancement: Average Wait Time

Chat Compose Control Expands

Chat Concluded Indicator

Digital Customer Service

Oracle Messaging

Contact Center

Agent Browser UI Workspace Preview

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Foundation: Answer Version Delete

Knowledge Foundation: Answer Preview Custom CSS

Knowledge Advanced: Tasks, Recommendations, & Feedback Standard Reports

Knowledge Advanced: Shadow OSvC Accounts


Data Lifecycle Management; Support for Archived Incidents

Policy Automation

Chat API Enhancements

Agent Browser Knowledge

Answers Viewed in Last 24 Hours

Incident Reference List for an Answer

Agent Browser Console

Agent Browser UI Themes

Agent Browser UI users can change the background color of the application by selecting one of the themes available in the 'preferences' menu. Each theme will colorize the background color of the application while side panels for items like chat, standard text, knowledge and workspace tabs will have a lighter tint of the selected theme color.

Vanilla (Default)

Dark Blue

Dark Grey

Light Blue

Steps to Enable

  1. After logging into the Agent Browser UI, select the 'settings and actions' menu from the user icon in the upper right-hand corner of the application.
  1. Select the desired theme: vanilla, dark blue, dark grey, or light blue
  1. Select 'Save', or 'Save & Close'.


Tips And Considerations

  • The default theme is 'vanilla'
  • A selected theme will persist across future sessions and updates

Role Information

  • Users of Service Cloud Agent Browser UI 

Agent Browser Workspaces

Uploading Multiple Attachments to Incidents in Agent Browser UI

Agent Browser UI users can select multiple files to attach to an incident.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Agent Browser UI incident workspace, select the 'upload' icon and select 1 or more files, and select 'open'. 

Select File(s)

  1. The file(s) are uploaded and listed as attachments in the attachments control in the incident workspace. After saving, the attachments can be downloaded, deleted, and their properties can be modified.

Saved Attachments

  1. The attachments are available to attach to a customer response.

Select Files to Attach to a Response

Tips And Considerations

  • Files that have large names, large size (>20 MB), are empty, or have already been appended to the incident cannot be uploaded.

Agent Browser Channels

Chat Transfer Enhancement: Average Wait Time

New functionality has been added to the Agent's Chat experience within the Browser User Interface, where transferring chats to queues and agents has become easier to navigate. Agents can now see the Average Wait Time displayed within the Transfer to Queue menu, so they can set proper expectations with their online chat customers. Additionally, those Agents & Queues that are unavailable to receive a chat transfer are removed from the list, so agents save time within the transfer process. Finally, the existing Tooltips have been updated to display the Average Wait Time & the Available Session Count for each available Queue, so agents are more informed when making transfer-related decisions. These updates should lead to less scrolling for Agents and a better overall experience for the Customer when in a chat session.

New Average Wait Time Functionality in the Browser UI

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This update is automatically available for Agents handling Chat sessions within the Browser User Interface.

Role Information

Roles that will utilize this feature:

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent

Chat Compose Control Expands

New functionality has been added to the Agent's Chat experience within the Browser User Interface, where the compose control within the Engagement Panel now expands to show more content. As Agents enter a large amount of content into the compose control, they can easily see the entry as the field automatically expands.

Chat Compose Control Expands in Browser User Interface

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This update is automatically available for Agents handling Chat sessions within the Browser User Interface.

Role Information

Roles that will utilize this feature:

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent

Chat Concluded Indicator

New functionality has been added to the Agent's Chat experience within the Browser User Interface, where chats that have been terminated by the end-user contain a Chat Concluded Indicator. Agents can now see the Chat Concluded indicator within the chat session, so they can easily see which chat sessions are no longer active. These updates should lead to less scrolling for Agents, making them more efficient.

Chat Concluded Indicator in Browser User Interface

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This update is automatically available for Agents handling Chat sessions within the Browser User Interface.

Role Information

Roles that will utilize this feature:

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent

Digital Customer Service

Oracle Messaging

Oracle Messaging is a new feature within the Oracle Service Cloud Chat solution. In this Limited Release, Oracle Messaging integrates the popular platforms Facebook Messenger & WeChat with Service Cloud Chat. This includes the Rich Media Experience that customers are used to using within their existing messaging platforms, such as Stickers, Emoticons & Photos. 

Oracle Messaging Agent & End-User Experience

*This feature is currently on limited availability.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

If you are an existing Service Cloud Chat customer and would like more information on the limited release of Oracle Messaging, please contact your Oracle Account Executive or Customer Success Manager.

Role Information

Roles that will utilize this feature:

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent

Contact Center

Agent Browser UI Workspace Preview

When you create or edit a workspace for use on the Agent Browser UI, you can now preview the workspace to see what it will look like before you assign it to a user profile.

Steps to Enable

  1. Open the workspace you want to preview.
  2. Click Preview and select Agent Browser UI. The Preview in Agent Browser UI window opens.
  3. To view a new record, click Preview. You can also click Copy URL to Clipboard, and then paste the URL in a web browser.
  4. To view the workspace as it will appear with data from a specific record, enter the incident ID or reference number and click Preview. You can also click Copy URL to Clipboard, and then paste the URL in a web browser.
  5. Click X to close the window.

Tips And Considerations

The preview feature displays the workspace as it will appear to any staff member who has the same set of administration permissions as you have. To view the workspace as it will appear to a staff member with different permissions, you must log in using a staff account with the same profile as the staff member.

Key Resources

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Foundation: Answer Version Delete

You can now delete versions of an answer, including drafts and historical versions, without deleting the entire answer. This helps keep your knowledge base tidy and as small as possible.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You need to have the proper profile permissions to delete answer versions.

Be careful about deleting the live version of an answer. See Delete an Answer Version to learn more about this.

Key Resources

Knowledge Foundation: Answer Preview Custom CSS

You can now use the cascading style sheet (CSS) from your customer portal when you preview answers in the Answer Editor preview mode. This lets you see how the answers will look to the end user, and what changes you may want to make, without having to publish the answer.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

To use this feature, you will need to modify the standard answer workspace. See Use the End-User Cascading Style Sheet in Answer Previews to learn how.

This feature works with both the Agent Browser User Interface and the .NET client.

Key Resources

Knowledge Advanced: Tasks, Recommendations, & Feedback Standard Reports

New standard reports for Knowledge Advanced allow knowledge managers to review content management tasks, recommendations for new and improved content, and user feedback. Knowledge managers can use the Knowledge Advanced Tasks report to review the open tasks assigned to content authors. They can use the Knowledge Advanced Recommendations report to better understand where content improvements are required.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You can access the new reports in the OKCS reports folder in Analytics.

Key Resources

See Tasks, Recommendations, and Feedback in the Analyzing Knowledge Advanced section of Administering Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Service > Books > Administration).

Knowledge Advanced: Shadow OSvC Accounts

Shadow Service Cloud accounts simplifies Knowledge Advanced administration by enabling customers to synchronize accounts from Service Cloud to Knowledge Advanced with one click. Administrators can now update users' roles and content type privileges in advance, without requiring each Service Cloud user to manually log into Knowledge Advanced. The process synchronizes Knowledge Advanced console user accounts with Service Cloud user accounts, which accelerates the migration process for organizations with large authoring team or those practicing KCS.

Steps to Enable

Administrators can synchronize Service Cloud and Knowledge Advanced users by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Knowledge authoring console (Service > Knowledge Base > Authoring).
  2. Open the Tools tab.
  3. Click Configure under Shadow Account in the menu pane.
  4. Click Schedule.

The screen text tells you that the job is scheduled. Once scheduled, the job will run within 15 minutes.

Tips And Considerations

The job will run only once when scheduled. You need to schedule the job each time you want to synchronize accounts.

You can view the history of previous jobs. The job history includes information about deleted accounts. If an account is deleted in Service Cloud, the batch job will deactivate the account in Knowledge Advanced.

Key Resources

See Synchronize Users with Service Cloud in the Managing Users section of Administering Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > SaaS > Service > Books > Administration).

Role Information

You must be logged in as the Sysadmin user, and have Modify Console Users permissions to synchronize user accounts.


Data Lifecycle Management; Support for Archived Incidents

You can now use Data Lifecycle Management to purge archived incidents. The Data Lifecycle Management framework lets you create, change, and view your data retention policies through a single UI, including the ability to purge records in bulk by using the bulk delete APIs.

Steps to Enable

This feature is automatically enabled, although you will need the proper administrator permissions to use it.

Tips And Considerations

Data lifecycle management only works in the Agent Browser UI. If you try to access it from the Service Console, a message tells you that it is only available in the Agent Browser UI.

Key Resources

Policy Automation

Chat API Enhancements

Several enhancements to the OPA Chat API have been made to allow richer chat interactions to be developed, for OPA interviews.

  • Documents can now be uploaded via a chat interface, and saved to Service Cloud in exactly the same way as they would be for an OPA web interview. 
  • Image buttons can now have the image details passed to the chat client, so it can show a picture of the selection for the user to choose from.
  • Lists of related items can now be filtered based on a selection the user has already made earlier in the chat.
  • Data entered into the chat interaction so far, along with the decisions being made by OPA, can now be inspected allowing integrators to build analytic capabilities into their custom chat integration solutions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

These features do not affect the earlier version of the Chat API.

The new Chat API features are accessed through the versioned API with either 12.2.15 or latest.

You need to be licensed for Policy Automation Tier 3 Sessions to use the Chat API.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Developer

Agent Browser Knowledge

Answers Viewed in Last 24 Hours

The feature provides a new icon that helps Agents identify the answers viewed by the contact on customer portal in last 24 hours. 

This prevents an agent from sending the information that the customer has already accessed before and thereby improves efficiency in solving the incident.

KA Results with 'eye' Icon

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

  • Agent

Incident Reference List for an Answer

  • Agents can see a list of incidents an article is attached to.
  • It will be displayed in a new section called “linked incidents ” within an accordion on the answer view page.
  • For each case the following information will be displayed – Incident number, Status, summary, Date/Time opened, Date/Time closed, linked by, linked on

Table Showing Incidents the Article is Attached To

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.