Cloud Readiness / Oracle B2C Service
What's New
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  1. Update 20B
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Agent Browser Analytics
        1. Search Area Update
        2. Record Count in Reports
        3. Service Usage Metrics
        4. Save Display and Data Settings
        5. Report Queuing and View Definition in Agent Browser
    2. Agent Browser Channels
        1. Chat in Browser UI: Emoji Support
        2. Chat in Browser UI: Engagement Panel Refresh
    3. Agent Browser Console
        1. Background Image for Agent Browser UI
        2. Customize Navigation Set BUI
    4. Agent Browser Knowledge
        1. Knowledge Advanced: Propose Answer from Incident
        2. Knowledge Foundation: Learned Links Answer Relationship
        3. Knowledge Foundation: Sibling Answer Relationship
        4. Knowledge Foundation: Manually Related Answer Relationship
    5. Agent Browser Workspaces
        1. Expand Variables
        2. Organization Hierarchy Is Supported in Agent Browser UI
        3. Collapsible Workspace Tables for Browser UI
        4. Interaction Workspace Visitor Browser History
        5. Splitter Panel for Agent Browser UI Workspaces
        6. Flip Tiles for Agent Browser UI Workspaces
        7. Draft Mode in Thread Editor No Longer Shows Mirrored Thread Entries for Agent Browser UI
        8. Inline Standard Text Search and Insert - Agent Browser UI
    6. Knowledge Management
        1. Enable Users to Save Favorite Answers on Customer Portal
        2. Recover Authoring Work After Unexpected Interruptions Using Autosave
        3. Control Access to Embedded Inline Assets in Articles
    7. Platform
        1. Enhancements to the Integration Between Oracle B2C Service and Oracle CDM Cloud
        2. Enhanced Business Rules Framework
        3. Enhance Certificate Validation for SSO Token Signatures and SLO for Hosted SPs
        4. Element Manager Enhancements
    8. Contact Center
        1. Routing Questions for Oracle Messaging
    9. Intelligent Advisor
        1. Batch REST Decision Reports
        2. Interview Compliance Warnings
        3. Assessment Rate Graph Type
        4. Enhanced Interview Styling Extensions for Entity Controls
        5. Download Audit Log from Intelligent Advisor Hub

Update 20B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
09 OCT 2020 Intelligent Advisor  Interview Compliance Warnings Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20B.
09 OCT 2020 Intelligent Advisor Enhanced Interview Styling Extensions For Entity Controls Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20B.
09 OCT 2020 Intelligent Advisor Download Audit Log From Intelligent Advisor Hub Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20B.
09 OCT 2020 Intelligent Advisor Assessment Rate Graph Type Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20B.
26 JUN 2020 Intelligent Advisor Batch REST Decision Reports Updated document. Delivered feature in update 20B.
26 JUN 2020 Agent Browser Channels Chat in Browser UI: Emoji Support Updated document. Revised feature information.
18 MAY 2020     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle B2C Service and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable to begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

For a listing of hardware and software requirements for Oracle products, log in to our support site and access Answer ID 31.

Security & New Features

We would like to remind you if your system has modified security structures you may need to advise your security administrator of new features.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Features Delivered Enabled

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Features Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Action is Needed BEFORE Use by End Users
(Features Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Agent Browser Analytics

Search Area Update

Record Count in Reports

Service Usage Metrics

Save Display and Data Settings

Report Queuing and View Definition in Agent Browser

Agent Browser Channels

Chat in Browser UI: Emoji Support

Chat in Browser UI: Engagement Panel Refresh

Agent Browser Console

Background Image for Agent Browser UI

Customize Navigation Set BUI

Agent Browser Knowledge

Knowledge Advanced: Propose Answer from Incident

Knowledge Foundation: Learned Links Answer Relationship

Knowledge Foundation: Sibling Answer Relationship

Knowledge Foundation: Manually Related Answer Relationship

Agent Browser Workspaces

Expand Variables

Organization Hierarchy Is Supported in Agent Browser UI

Collapsible Workspace Tables for Browser UI

Interaction Workspace Visitor Browser History

Splitter Panel for Agent Browser UI Workspaces

Flip Tiles for Agent Browser UI Workspaces

Draft Mode in Thread Editor No Longer Shows Mirrored Thread Entries for Agent Browser UI

Inline Standard Text Search and Insert - Agent Browser UI

Knowledge Management

Enable Users to Save Favorite Answers on Customer Portal

Recover Authoring Work After Unexpected Interruptions Using Autosave

Control Access to Embedded Inline Assets in Articles


Enhancements to the Integration Between Oracle B2C Service and Oracle CDM Cloud

Enhanced Business Rules Framework

Enhance Certificate Validation for SSO Token Signatures and SLO for Hosted SPs

Element Manager Enhancements

Contact Center

Routing Questions for Oracle Messaging

Intelligent Advisor

Batch REST Decision Reports

Interview Compliance Warnings

Assessment Rate Graph Type

Enhanced Interview Styling Extensions for Entity Controls

Download Audit Log from Intelligent Advisor Hub

Agent Browser Analytics

Search Area Update

The Filter access area has been updated to a Search button in the Toolbar in Agent Browser UI for Reports and Dashboards to allow users to optimize use of their screen. Previously, users have accessed filters from the Filter area in the top of the report but that required some screen area that took away from a user's report surface. The Search button in the toolbar can be used to show or hide the report filters. When the search is executed, the filter area will automatically collapse to optimize the report surface.

Search Area Update

If the user wants to keep the filter area open to work with different filter values, the filter area can be locked open using the lock icon in the upper right hand corner.

Search Area Lock Icon

Docked filters will remain visible because they are specified in the report definition to be displayed in the report's view.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Docked filters can be configured for reports when you want filters to continuously display.
  • During report design, you can choose to show the filters at runtime in the Report Designer by selecting the "Make this filter selectable at run time."

Key Resources

  • See documentation for detail on report configuration.

Role Information

  • Report Users

Record Count in Reports

Agent Browser now supports the total Record Count in reports. You can quickly see how many records are returned on your report.

Record Count Example

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

  • Report Users

Service Usage Metrics

B2C Service users need a reliable way to see the details of their site usage. Now there's an an accurate, reliable, and secure way to obtain these usage details using the Agent Browser UI.

To use this feature, add the Service Usage Metrics component to the navigation sets of the appropriate profiles.

Service Usage Metrics Navigation Set Access

Service Usage Metrics will allow access to see the monthly and daily breakdown of Tier 1, 2, and 3 Sessions or daily peak Seat data for Connected, Named, Chat or Non-Contact Center seats.

Service Usage Metrics Work Area

Selecting the type of Session to review provides a monthly view of the data and either the graph or the table can be used to drill into the daily data for the site.

There is a three year limit on historical Session data. For additional data, you may submit a Service Request to the Technical Support team.

Service Usage Metrics Session View

Default view for Seats provides a daily peak usage for Connected, Named, Chat or Non-Contact Center seats. Unwanted seat metrics can be filtered out using filters.

The daily peak seat data will begin to be stored daily following an upgrade to 20B and the data will be collected going forward. There is not access to historical data for Seat usage within the system.

Service Usage Metrics Seat View

Users can drill into the Action column to see supporting details for the supporting Accounts. The Accounts listed will be the accounts that are currently configured in the system. Currently, there is not a daily snapshot of users that comprise the daily peak. To help understand recent Account object changes, there are reports to help see Account Transactions and Deletions within the User Details report.


Service Usage Metrics Account Modification Details

Service Usage Metric supports exporting the data using the standard export functionality of Reports.

Steps to Enable

Administrators have the ability to configure who has access to the Service Usage Metrics data. They can enable profiles by adding the Service Usage Metrics component to Navigation Sets.

Steps to Enable are as follows:

  1. Open the Agent Console to edit Navigation Set
  2. Open or Create the applicable Navigation Set
  3. Select Navigation Folder to add Service Usage Metrics component.
  4. Find the Service Usage Metrics component either in the Common folder or by using the Find in list capability.
  5. Select the Service Usage Metric component.
  6. Click Add to accociate the Service Usage Metrics component to the Navigation Set item.
  7. Save and Close

The Service Usage Metrics functionality is available using the Agent Browser Interface. It is not available in the Agent Console.

Navigation Set Enablement

Using Service Usage Metrics is not available in the Agent Console. Users will see the message below if they attempt to access.

Agent Desktop Access Message

Tips And Considerations

For the Concurrent User Detail, the Account Session History (account_session_history) table is used for reporting the login activity. The default retention period for the Account Session History table is 180 days. If you want to report on the connected user detail for longer than 180 day, you will want to increase the purge timing configuration for Session History Purge Days.


Defines the number of days after which an entity's session history records are removed from the session_history table (relative to the end time). It is recommended that this value be carefully reviewed. Verify that your organization will have no future need to report on the date range exceeding the intended threshold. Default is 180.

Role Information

  • Administrator

Save Display and Data Settings

When you change display and data settings or column formatting to modify a report’s appearance, those changes are lost when you close the report. However, you can save your preferences for these settings as your default so they're used automatically when you next open the report. If you save default settings for a report and the report’s default settings are later changed, your saved settings are removed. Saved settings are user specific, so you must log in as the same staff account to have your saved settings applied to the report. See Change Your Personal Settings.

Steps to save personal display and data settings:

  1. Open a report.
  2. Set your personialized display and data settings.
  3. Click the vertical ellipsis 
  4. Click Default Settings
    1. Click Save as Default.

You may also restore to the default settings in the report definition.

Steps to remove personal display and data settings:

  1. Open a report.
  2. Set your personialized display and data settings.
  3. Click the vertical ellipsis 
  4. Click Default Settings
    1. Click Restore.

Warning Message to Clear Personalized Settings

There is a 10 report limit for the number of reports that can be stored. You can see which of your reports have saved personal settings in the Reports explorer in the Default Settings column.

Steps to Enable

This feature uses cloud storage and will be enabled after your next site upgrade.

Tips And Considerations

  • Reports are supported. Dashboards are not yet supported.
  • There is a 10 report limit on the number of reports.

Role Information

  • Report Users

Report Queuing and View Definition in Agent Browser

Agent Browser now supports queueing reports directly in the Navigation Set and from the Reports Explorer.

Users can also view the report definitions in Agent Browser from the Navigation Set and Reports Explorer.

Navigation Set View

Reports Explorer View

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Queued reports need to have filter values added, if required by the reports.
  • View definition of dashboards are not supported.

Role Information

  • Agent Browser users with report permissions.

Agent Browser Channels

Chat in Browser UI: Emoji Support

We have added emojis to the Chat compose control in the Agent Browser UI. Agents can choose from a menu of smilies and emojis to add during a live Chat session.

Steps to Enable

Administrators can set custom configs to enable or disable emoticons in chat. To enable or disable the emoticons in Agent Browser UI requires an administrator to create and deploy a custom yes/no type configuration setting with a specific name (key). Once deployed, the configuration can be set.

Steps to Configure:

Create and deploy a custom configuration setting. Instructions on creating and deploying custom configuration settings can be found here.

Key names and descriptions:


  1. Type Yes/No
  2. Yes to enable
  3. No to disable

Tips And Considerations

This feature is not automatically enabled. It needs to be enabled by your business.

At this time, smilies and emojis will be rendered as a question mark within the historical chat transcript. We will address this in a future phase.

Role Information

  • Chat Agents
  • Chat Supervisors

Chat in Browser UI: Engagement Panel Refresh

We have improved the Chat Engagement Panel in the Agent Browser UI. The new features include a modern, updated style, a streamlined chat header, and a new service level warning so that agents can easily see when service levels are met and exceeded.

Here are the changes we made to help your agents.

  • Streamlined Chat header: We removed many redundant details so that agents can see more of the transcript.
  • Modern styling: New buttons and icons, and the addition of the Bubble format, makes the information within the transcript easier to read.
  • Service Level Warning: As configured service levels are met and exceeded, agents now see colorful bars within the header.

Steps to Enable

In order to have these features enabled, please:

  • log a service request with Technical Support, or
  • reach out to Product Management.

Ask to have version 9 of the Engagement Panel enabled.

To uptake the new feature, configure service level thresholds within the chat implementation. See Service Level Requirements for Chat.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Chat Agents
  • Chat Supervisors

Agent Browser Console

Background Image for Agent Browser UI

Administrators can customize Agent Browser UI by placing an image in the background of the application.

Example Custom Background Image

Steps to Enable

Adding a background image to Browser UI requires a administrator to create and deploy a custom text type configuration setting with a specific name (key). Once deployed, a URL pointing to a hosted image is entered into the configuration verb.

  1. Create and deploy a custom configuration setting. Instructions on creating and deploying custom configuration settings can be found here.
  2. Key names and descriptions:

CUSTOM_CFG_BUI_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URL: enter a URL for a hosted image that will display when the user's preference is set to 'vanilla' or 'light blue'

CUSTOM_CFG_BUI_BACKGROUND_ALT_IMAGE_URL: enter a URL for a hosted image that will display when the user's preference is set to 'dark grey' or 'dark blue'

  1. Once the configuration setting(s) has been created and deployed, the image can be seen by logging into Browser UI for the associated interface(s).

Tips And Considerations

  • Configuration settings can be associated with one or more site interfaces.
  • Images will be scaled to fit the allotted space. URLs that cannot be resolved will display broken image icons.
  • File size of hosted images should be minimized in order to maximize display performance.

Key Resources

  • Instructions for other branding customization options can be found here.

Customize Navigation Set BUI

Browser Agent UI users will now be able to manage navigation sets within the Browser Agent console by adding, removing and ordering reports, folders and components. These changes will be persistent saving personalized navigation set for subsequent logins.  Previously Agents using Browser UI with "Customize Nav Set" profile permission enabled would need to make Nav Set changes in .NET.

Customize Navigation Set

This innovative design will increase agent productivity by allowing them to personalize their navigation set according to their preferences. 

Steps to Enable

Staff can only customize the list of reports for each navigation button if their staff profile has the Customize Navigation Set box enabled under the Interfaces options, above the listing of navigation sets for each interface.

Administrators can navigate to Configuration>Staff Management>Profiles and select the Customize Navigation Set option in the interfaces tab.  This option enables the functionality for both the Browser Agent console and the Agent Desktop console (.NET).

Role Information

An administration role will be required to enable this functionality for the agent profiles.  This functionality is applicable to all roles.

Agent Browser Knowledge

Knowledge Advanced: Propose Answer from Incident

The feature allows an agent to propose an incident as an answer from the incident workspace. Sometime a customer’s question is common enough that an agent might believe that other customers should also have access to the answer. If an agent believes that the information belongs in the knowledge base (Oracle Knowledge), they can propose the incident as a potential answer.

Propose Answer on Incident Workspace

Steps to Enable

  1. Administrator needs to add the Knowledge Advanced Propose button to the incident workspace.

Add Knowledge Advanced(KA) Propose Button to the Incident Workspace

  1. Administrator must provide Propose permission in the user profile of agents for them to see the propose option in the incident window.

Enable Propose Permission in Profile Settings

  1. Administrator must provide to the agent 'modify' permission in Oracle Knowledge Authoring console. The permission is set for the content type of the article that he/she can create.

Set 'Modify' Permission for Agent in Oracle Knowledge Authoring Console

Tips And Considerations

  1. The feature is available only on Browser User Interface. It is not available on .net application.
  2. When agents propose an article, the application creates an article from the incident, but it remains unpublished until it is approved by a knowledge manager.
  3. Agents need to select the content type for the article that they are proposing, and they must select a content type that has appropriate fields so that the incident content can be properly saved as an article. If an agent selects a content type that does not have the appropriate fields, the process will fail with an error message.
  4. The application creates the new article by mapping the incident’s fields to the article’s fields as follows:
    • The incident’s subject maps to the text field that is the master identifier for the content type. This is usually the title.
    • The first customer entry maps to the first rich text area.
    • Subsequent message threads map to the second rich text area.

Role Information

  • CRM Administrator
  • Knowledge Administrator

Knowledge Foundation: Learned Links Answer Relationship

Service can automatically link answers based on customer activity. Relationships between answers are established when customers view answers during the same visit.

The Learned Links section of the Relationships tab consists of a toolbar and a list of learned link answers. The toolbar is located above the learned links answer list.

Learned Links Section on the Answer WS Under the Relationship Tab

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Knowledge Foundation: Sibling Answer Relationship

The Sibling Answers feature allows the user to connect answers that have similar products, categories and file attachments.

To add a Sibling Answer:

  1. Open the existing answer and click the Relationships tab.   
  2. In Siblings Answer section, click Add > Add New or Add Existing.  If adding a new answer, add content and click OK. If adding an existing answer, search for the answer you want to add as a sibling (by Answer ID or by text) and click Select. In the Move Siblings pop-up specify which answer should be moved to the other answers sibling set.  If both answers are stand-alone answers, it does not matter which answer actually moves.   
  3. When the sibling answer displays on the Relationships tab, save the original answer.

Sibling Answer Section on the Answer WS Under the Relationship Tab

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

Admins and agents with proper permissions are able to edit the Relationship tab on the Answer Workspace. 

Knowledge Foundation: Manually Related Answer Relationship

Manually related answers are two or more answers that might contain related information. Manually relating answers provides customers with additional options for finding accurate information.

When editing an answer, the Manually Related Answers section on the Relationships tab allows you to select specific answers to display at the bottom of the end-user page when the answer is viewed. On the end-user pages, manually related answers are listed under the heading Answers others found helpful.

The list of answers in the Manually Related Answers section is not subject to automatic updates based on end-user activity or link data within the application. The answers listed in this section are maintained manually by adding or removing answers or promoting answers from the Learned Link section.

The Manually Related Answers section of the Relationships tab consists of a toolbar and a list of manually related answers. The toolbar is located above the manually related answer list.

Manually Related Answers Section on the Answer WS Under the Relationship Tab

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

Admins and agents with proper permissions are able to edit the Relationship tab on the Answer Workspace.

Agent Browser Workspaces

Expand Variables

Agent Browser UI users can now expand variables in the thread before saving. This allows users to see the variable content that will be saved or sent in the response before committing the thread which increases agent accuracy and efficiency.

Variable Preview in Incident Thread

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

When composing a thread entry, a preview icon will appear. Selecting the icon will expand any variables in thread and replace them with the corresponding variable content. Selecting the icon once again will return the content to it's variable form.

Users are not required to expand or retract the variable before committing the thread entry.

This feature is enabled by default and is not configurable.

Organization Hierarchy Is Supported in Agent Browser UI

The Organization Hierarchy feature in Oracle Service Cloud enables you to create a hierarchy for any organization that has subordinate organizations.

For example, if an organization in your has several subsidiaries or regional or international offices, each having an organization record, you can add secondary organizations to the parent organization, thereby creating an organization hierarchy. 

Organization Hierarchy

Steps to Enable

  1. From the Workspace Explorer in .NET open the Organization Workspace defined for Agent Browser UI
  2. Add a new tab to the tab set. 
  3. From the Insert Control tab on the Workspace Designer Ribbon, drag and drop the Organization Hierarchy control to the new tab in the tab set

NOTE: the Standard Organization Workspace does have the Organization Hierarchy on the workspace by default

Tips And Considerations

  • The organization hierarchy can not be edited if the organization is a new workspace. The workspace must be saved first and then the Add New and Add Existing functionality will be enabled. 
  • A new or an existing organization that is added to the hierarchy will become the secondary organization to the organization that is highlighted during the time of adding. 
  • An organization can have an unlimited number of subordinates, organized into a maximum of twelve levels per parent organization.
  • Changing an organization’s hierarchy can impact the incidents and opportunities associated with all organizations in the hierarchy. Therefore, make sure you understand the consequences of changing the structure of an organization’s hierarchy.
  • Drag and drop to edit the organization hierarchy is not yet supported with this release. 

Role Information

An admin can add the Organization Hierarchy to the Organization Workspace. The agent will have access in Agent Browser UI runtime if all the proper permissions are selected. 

Collapsible Workspace Tables for Browser UI

Workspace tables have a design option available in the .NET workspace designer called 'enable expand/collapse'. When this configuration is enabled for a table, that table can be collapsed by Agent Browser UI users.

This allows users to hide the fields and controls contained in a table in order to make more room for adjacent content. When a user hovers on a table configured with this property, a chevron affordance will appear on the upper left hand corner of the table along with an dotted outline of the table. When the chevron is clicked, the table is collapsed and is represented with a dotted outline. The size and location of the collapsed table will depend on the size and shape of the table and the adjacent content. The collapsed table will be represented with an dotted outline of the table and can be expanded to it's original size by clicking on the chevron affordance once again.

Steps to Enable

  1. Select a table in the .NET workspace designer.
  2. In the 'design' tab on the ribbon, under the 'options' section, select the 'enable expand/collapse' checkbox
  3. Save the workspace and open in a browser
  4. When hovering over the table, a chevron affordance will appear in the upper left hand corner of the table.
  5. Clicking on the chevron will collapse the table. Clicking on the chevron again will expand the table to it's original size.

Workspace Designer Options for Table Control

Click on the Chevron to Collapse the Outlined Table

Click on the Chevron to Restore a Collapsed Table to its Original Size

Interaction Workspace Visitor Browser History

The Visitor Browser History control is now supported on the Interaction WS for chat in Agent Browser.

If the Engagement Engine is enabled, the Visitor Browser History control can be added to the Interaction WS through the .NET Designer.

To add the Visitor Browser History control:

  • Add a Tab Set control to the Interaction WS in the Designer. Tip: Delete the Incident View control when editing a standard workspace and then add the Tab Set. Then add the Incident View control to the first tab and rename the tab.
  • Add a Tab to the Tab Set and rename it to Visitor Browser History. Drop the Visitor Browser History control under the new tab.

Steps to Enable

  1. Engagement Engine needs to be enabled

Please see Answer ID 6537 Getting Started Guide for Visitor Browser History and Page Peek

  1. While the Interaction WS is open in the .NET Workspace Designer, Add the Visitor Browser History control to a new tab

To add the Visitor Browser History control:

  • Add a Tab Set control to the Interaction WS in the Designer. Tip: Delete the Incident View control when editing a standard workspace and then add the Tab Set. Then add the Incident View control to the first tab and rename the tab)
  • Add a Tab to the Tab Set and rename it to Visitor Browser History. Drop the Visitor Browser History control under the new tab.
  1. In Agent Browser UI runtime, the agent will be able to access and utilize Visitor Browser History

Key Resources

Splitter Panel for Agent Browser UI Workspaces

A Splitter Panel can be added to workspace layouts allowing users to manipulate their view of a workspace by dragging the splitter horizontally or vertically.

The Splitter Panel control is available to administrators in the .NET workspace designer and acts as a container with two parts. Fields, controls, and workspace extensions can be placed within the Splitter Panel.

Splitter Panel Control

Splitter Panel options include:

  • Orientation: Horizontal or Vertical
  • Anchor: Top/Bottom or Left/Right
  • Position: Distance (in pixels) of the splitter's default position from the anchor

Splitter Panel Options

Splitter Panels in a 3-Column Layout

Steps to Enable

  1. Open the workspace designer in .NET
  2. Select the 'Splitter Panel' control and drag it onto the workspace
  3. Use the designer options for Splitter Panel to define the orientation, anchor, and position.
  4. Drag and drop fields and controls onto each side of the Splitter Panel as desired.
  5. Save and preview the workspace in Browser UI.

Tips And Considerations

  • Splitter panels may be nested within one another to accomplish a 3-column layout for example.
  • Splitter positions will persist for users across sessions and records using the same workspace.
  • Splitter panels are only supported in Browser UI.

Flip Tiles for Agent Browser UI Workspaces

A Flip Tile can be added to workspace layouts allowing users to manipulate their view of a workspace by dynamically flipping pre-defined panels from front to back.

The Flip Tile control is available to administrators in the .NET workspace designer and acts as a container with two parts ('front of tile' and 'back of tile'). Fields, controls, and workspace extensions can be placed in the front and back of the Flip Tile.

Flip Tile Workspace Control

Flip Tile Workspace Control

Flip Tile in Agent Browser UI Workspace (Click to Flip)

Steps to Enable

  1. Open the workspace designer in .NET
  2. Select the 'Flip Tile' control and drag it onto the workspace
  3. Drag and drop fields and controls onto the front and back of the Flip Tile as desired.
  4. Save and preview the workspace in Browser UI.

Tips And Considerations

  • The size of both sides of the the Flip Tile when rendered in Browser UI is determined by the size of the content contained in the 'front of tile'.
  • We recommend using static-sized fields and controls within Flip Tiles, especially on the front of the tile. Examples of static content are database fields, images, buttons, and title bars. Using dynamically-sized content like controls such as reports and answer display may have unsatisfactory results.
  • Flip Tiles are only supported in Browser UI.

Draft Mode in Thread Editor No Longer Shows Mirrored Thread Entries for Agent Browser UI

Draft Mode in Thread Editor no longer shows mirrored entries for Agent Browser UI. This enhancement allows more space for users to view existing thread entries and does not impact existing functionality.

Old Functionality (with Mirrored Draft Mode)

New Functionality (without Mirrored Draft Mode)

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • It is still possible to enter multiple thread entries and save as drafts.
  • When a draft thread entry is selected, the formatting toolbar appears on the selected thread.

Inline Standard Text Search and Insert - Agent Browser UI

Typing a '$' character into an incident thread will trigger a standard text search by title based on the characters following '$'. The search results will appear in a contextual menu and will be filtered by typing additional characters. Users can insert standard text by using the tab and enter keys or the mouse to select the desired standard text from the inline search results.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is automatically available to users working within incident workspaces that have permissions on the rich text thread editor to access standard text.

Knowledge Management

Enable Users to Save Favorite Answers on Customer Portal

You can implement favorites on Customer Portal so that users can bookmark frequently-used articles on the article detail page and the account overview page. Agents working with knowledge on Customer Portal can easily bookmark knowledge to use when resolving frequently recurring issues. Users can also view and manage their favorites on the account overview page.

'Favorite' Button on Article Detail Page

Favorites List on Account Page

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The current implementation contains favorites by default on both the article detail page (answer_view.php) and the account overview page (account/overview.php). If you upgrade from a previous implementation, you can implement favorites by adding the favorites button (okcs/FavoritesButton) to the article detail page, adding the favorites list widget (okcs/OkcsFavoritesList) to the account overview page, and copying the favorites list (list.php) from the reference page the favorites folder into your site.
  • Due to a database restriction, there is a limit to the number of answers that can be saved as favorites per user. The limit varies but is typically less than 500 answers.

Key Resources

You can find detailed information in Implementing Favorites in the Implement Knowledge Advanced on Customer Portal section of Implementing Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud Applications > B2C Service > Books).  

Role Information

  • Favorites are available to authenticated Customer Portal users.

Recover Authoring Work After Unexpected Interruptions Using Autosave

Authors can now easily recover their changes to articles that close unexpectedly due to uncontrollable events, such as system crashes or power outages. When you work in an article, the application automatically saves a temporary copy frequently as you type. This ensures that when something unexpected does happen, content loss is minimal. Autosave is enabled for authoring, editing, and side-by-side translation. After an unexpected interruption, authors can recover their work by reviewing the list of autosaved articles on the Content tab, and opening those that they need to recover.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The autosaved articles list shows you all autosaved article drafts, a timestamp of the last edits, and additional information including whether or not the article is live. You can click the article link to review the unsaved draft, then save the current draft or continue editing.
  • If you try to open an earlier version of an article that has an autosaved file, the application displays a Recovered Version Available message. You can review or discard the autosaved file, or cancel and return to the article list.
  • The application automatically deletes autosaved files after 30 days.
  • Administrators can adjust the autosave interval or disable autosave.

Key Resources

  • You can find detailed information on recovering autosaved files in the Author Content section of Using Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud Applications > B2C Service > Books).
  • You can find information on setting the autosave interval or disabling autosave in the Manage Content section of Administering Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud Applications > B2C Service > Books).

Role Information

  • Knowledge Administrators
  • Knowledge Authors

Control Access to Embedded Inline Assets in Articles

Authors can embed images, documents, and other file types, such as multimedia, or even binary files such as patches, inline within rich text fields in articles. Inline embedded assets are stored in the CKFinder asset store, and end users can open them externally from an article by accessing the assets' URL. The application controls access to these assets by limiting the amount of time that their URLs are valid. If an asset's URL is made publicly available, the URL will only be valid for the time period set in the application. When that period elapses, the asset will no longer be available. The default time is 60 minutes, but an administrator can configure the time limit to a value between 1 minute and 1440 minutes (24 hours).

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • When an end user opens an asset's URL, the URL contains a new token that features an encrypted timer. When the timer expires, the URL is no longer valid.
  • The token for each asset URL is re-generated each time it is opened from within the article.
  • Assets stored in the CKFinder repository are shareable among authors and can be reused in multiple articles.
  • The CKFinder repository is not recommend for use with sensitive assets.

Key Resources

You can learn more about using embedded inline assets in articles in Include External Assets in Article in the Manage Content section of Administering Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud Applications > B2C Service > Books) and in Create and Edit Articles in the Author Content section of Using Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud Applications > B2C Service > Books).

Role Information

  • Knowledge Administrators
  • Knowledge Authors


Enhancements to the Integration Between Oracle B2C Service and Oracle CDM Cloud

The integration between Oracle B2C Service and Oracle Customer Data Management (CDM) propagates organizations and contacts created in B2C Service to CDM. There, they are cleansed, deduplicated, and enriched before being returned to B2C Service.  B2C Service then consumes the results of the data cleansing, including re-assigning artifacts of the merged (duplicate) object to the master (survivor) object.

In the first phase (20A), the integration was limited to supporting the consolidation of contacts by moving sub-objects from victims to the survivor.

In the current second phase (20B), we've added new functionality.

  • We added support for merging or the deduplication of organizations.
  • You can now skip the bulk load of organizations and contacts when you activate the integration.
  • Optionally, you can prevent organizations and contacts that were created in other sources from being synchronized into B2B Service.


With the B2C Service-CDM integration, you can:

  • leverage CDM's ability to cleanse information about customers and contacts.
  • gain a holistic, up-to-date view of your customers as collected across the enterprise.
  • eliminate duplicate customer information and consolidate transactions (such as incidents) under a single, designated customer record.

Steps to Enable

  1. Log in into B2C Service using the BUI client and as a user with Admin privileges. 

NOTE: The setup cannot be performed through the .NET interface as the UI is available only for the BUI client.

  1. Navigate to the Integrations link.  A UI page for configuring the integration will be displayed.
  2. Fill out all the fields on the page.  Make sure that the second of the two boxes is checked. This enables the integration between B2C Service and CDM Cloud.
  3. Check or uncheck the other checkboxes as per your business requirement 
  4. Click Activate.

Tips And Considerations

  1. When you specify the username to access B2C Service on the BUI Configurator, make sure to use a fictitious username that is not being used by any agent.
  2. The username and password that you specify for accessing Customer Data Management must be a valid combination of credentials.  B2C Service cannot perform the validation due to security reasons.

Role Information

  • Administrator

Enhanced Business Rules Framework

We are continuously adding enhancements to the new Business Rules framework on Browser UI.

With 20B, we are adding support for the Answer, Task and Opportunity object in the Enhanced Business Rules User interface, including complete feature parity with legacy rules for these objects. A fresh new look of Rules Editor on Browser UI makes it much easier and convenient to manage the rules, improving the usability for every administrator, especially when managing hundreds or thousands of rules.

  • The Enhanced Business Rules Engine:
    • makes creating business rules easier.
    • lets you filter on fields and values in rules to make searching easier.
    • gives access to related objects and attributes when you define rules.
    • lets you export the business rules for ease of reading and sharing.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

This feature is currently on limited availability. To enable this feature, you need to log a Service Request (SR).

Once the feature is enabled, you need to use the Agent Browser UI to access this feature.

Do this for each profile that needs to be able to add and edit business rules:

  1. Add the "Rules" to the navigation set.
  2. Select the Rules View and Rules Edit check boxes in the administrative permissions.

If you have defined Answer/Task/Opportunity rules in the legacy rules engine, you can migrate them to the Enhanced rules framework.

Key Resources

Enhance Certificate Validation for SSO Token Signatures and SLO for Hosted SPs

The new Do Not Verify Trust Chain for Certificates option allows you to use self-signed certificates or certificates that don't adhere to Open SSL trust chain verification. This makes it easier for you to use third-party identity providers that do not use certificate issued by CAs.

Steps to Enable

This feature is not enabled by default. To use it, select Do Not Verify Trust Chain for Certificates in the SSO Service Provider editor.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Administrator

Element Manager Enhancements

Element Manager now enhances the safety of deployment by enabling locks on editors during the import process. This is applicable to following elements: 

  1. Object Event Handlers   
  2. Desktop Add-Ins   
  3. Browser Extensions   
  4. Custom Objects   
  5. Workflow with Images   
  6. Navigation Settings   
  7. Standard Text   
  8. Variables

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Contact Center

Routing Questions for Oracle Messaging

The Routing Question feature allow administrators to setup a simple question answer segment in a messaging channel to customer input. This can then be used in routing decisions to help insure that the messaging request get sent to the appropriate queue or agent.

The customer input to your questions is stored in an incident custom field. You will need to create that before you set up the routing questions.

This feature is currently available for both the Facebook Messenger and WeChat messaging channels.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. When setting up a routing question, you can associated multiple answer options for the customer to choose. While there are no limits as to how many answers you can add, you typically want to keep your answers limited to a few options so that the user experience on mobile devices is not compromised.

  2. There are no limits as to how many routing questions you can add, but similar to adding answers to questions, you may want to keep your questions limited in order to preserve the user experience on mobile devices.

Key Resources

Role Information

Roles that may use this feature:

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent

Intelligent Advisor

Batch REST Decision Reports

Intelligent Advisor decision reports can now be retrieved from the batch assess service, enabling Cloud users to understand why decisions were made for each case. The decision reports to be provided are specified as part of the batch input request, and the relevant decision reports are provided in the output for each case processed. The REST service version is 12.2.19.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Tips And Considerations

An example batch assess request and response that includes a decision report is shown in the documentation. It uses the Retail Discounts example policy model.

Key Resources

For more information, see:

Role Information

  • Developers

Interview Compliance Warnings

In 20B monthly update 2, interview designers can check in Policy Modeling if their interviews are Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 compliant. New projects will check interview styling against the WCAG 2.1 AA level by default.

Even the most demanding accessibility requirements can be satisfied with Intelligent Advisor when authoring advice interviews.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Interviews that were previously using the default color for the Tertiary, Incomplete Stage or Incomplete Screen color (#7fbfdf) have been changed to use a color (#449ECA) that sufficiently contrasts with adjacent colors in order to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA level of conformance. If you want to change these settings back to their previous color, follow the steps in the Change the colors topic.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Interview designers

Assessment Rate Graph Type

In 20B monthly update 2, deployment administrators can see assessment rate statistics across deployment versions in Intelligent Advisor Hub in order to understand how processing rates are changing over time. This information is available in two charts, the Batch assessment rate preset chart and the Assessment rate by date custom chart, and is helpful when troubleshooting why throughput changes occurred. (For example, whether those changes aligned with new project versions, or with other changes that may have been made to the size or frequency of service calls being made.)

Having assessment rate statistics readily available also makes it easy to share with business stakeholders the high rate of throughput that can be achieved with Intelligent Advisor.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Enhanced Interview Styling Extensions for Entity Controls

In 20B monthly update 2, the ability to modify an entity collect in Intelligent Advisor interviews using interview extensions has been further enhanced. Using the new features, either individually or in combination, developers can implement interviews that can:

  • Conditionally highlight specific rows 
  • Conditionally show/hide the add and remove instance buttons
  • Hide the delete button for a specific entity collect only
  • Show a confirmation dialog on delete
  • Add/delete new entity instances in a dynamically loaded list of entity records
  • Copy previous instance values
  • Display the default blank instance where no instances are loaded

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Download Audit Log from Intelligent Advisor Hub

In 20B monthly update 1, Hub Administrators can download audit entries from within Intelligent Advisor Hub so that they can comply with their audit obligations without having to use the REST API.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Hub Administrators