Cloud Readiness / Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud
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  1. Update 20C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Functional Enhancements
        1. Print Labels Securely Using HTTPS Protocol
        2. Order Line Status
        3. Prompt for Lot, Expiry Date, Inventory Attributes, and Serial Numbers in Receiving
        4. Support Numeric Data Type for Inventory Attributes
        5. Update Order Quantity on Partially Allocated Order Details
        6. Capture Pallet Weight and Dimensions
        7. Support Reason Code for Change LPN SKU Transactions
        8. Zone Movements
        9. Additional WMS Cloud Mobile App Screens
        10. View Original Allocated Quantity in the Allocation UI
        11. New Search Field in Outbound Load Inquiry
    2. User Experience and Usability Enhancements
        1. Updated Look and Feel for Oracle Help Center Content
        2. Launch OTM Shipments Screen from Oracle WMS Cloud
        3. Saved Search Improvements
        4. Combine OBLPN RF UI Productivity Enhancements
        5. Print Multiple Copies of Labels
    3. Integration Enhancements
        1. Migrate Pre-Built Oracle WMS Cloud Integrations with Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud to Use REST Web Services
        2. Get Inventory History Details Using a REST API
        3. MHE Pick Confirmation Error Handling Improvements
        4. Supporting SCM Fusion Integration: Loads
        5. Supporting SCM Fusion Integration: Ship Via
        6. Wave Pick Info Interface Enhancements
        7. Outbound LPN Shipping Information Interface Enhancements

Update 20C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
14 JUL 2020 Functional Enhancements Print Labels Securely Using HTTPS Protocol Updated document. Revised feature information.
13 JUL 2020 Integration Enhancements Outbound LPN Shipping Information Interface Enhancements Updated document. Revised feature information.
10 JUL 2020     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

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Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Features Delivered Enabled

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Features Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Action is Needed BEFORE Use by End Users
(Features Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Functional Enhancements

Print Labels Securely Using HTTPS Protocol

Order Line Status

Prompt for Lot, Expiry Date, Inventory Attributes, and Serial Numbers in Receiving

Support Numeric Data Type for Inventory Attributes

Update Order Quantity on Partially Allocated Order Details

Capture Pallet Weight and Dimensions

Support Reason Code for Change LPN SKU Transactions

Zone Movements

Additional WMS Cloud Mobile App Screens

View Original Allocated Quantity in the Allocation UI

New Search Field in Outbound Load Inquiry

User Experience and Usability Enhancements

Updated Look and Feel for Oracle Help Center Content

Launch OTM Shipments Screen from Oracle WMS Cloud

Saved Search Improvements

Combine OBLPN RF UI Productivity Enhancements

Print Multiple Copies of Labels

Integration Enhancements

Migrate Pre-Built Oracle WMS Cloud Integrations with Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud to Use REST Web Services

Get Inventory History Details Using a REST API

MHE Pick Confirmation Error Handling Improvements

Supporting SCM Fusion Integration: Loads

Supporting SCM Fusion Integration: Ship Via

Wave Pick Info Interface Enhancements

Outbound LPN Shipping Information Interface Enhancements

Functional Enhancements

Print Labels Securely Using HTTPS Protocol

Previously, label print requests were the only unencrypted communications mechanism used by Oracle WMS Cloud, due to the nature of the default protocol used by label printers. Customers wishing to send label data over an encrypted channel had to buy the optional "VPN for label printing” feature.

With the new release of 20C, we can now print labels securely via the HTTPS secure encrypted protocol, without requiring VPN, although VPN is still available as an option. Customers that want to use the HTTPS printing feature should use the CUPS print server on Linux. CUPS version 1.6.3 and above is recommended although older versions may work but are not supported.

Other print servers that support the HTTPS protocol or printers themselves that support HTTPS directly may also work, but are not supported.

Steps to Enable

You can access HTTPS from the Printer UI Protocol drop-down.

Key Resources

Order Line Status

Oracle WMS Cloud order functionality has been updated to include status at the order detail which will help users to know the status associated with each detail of an order. The order details status helps WMS users to understand whether there is any pending inventory to be allocated or lined up for a particular order detail. To support order detail status, updates have been added to the following screens:

  • Order
  • Order Detail
  • Inventory History
  • Manual Wave  

You can now update, filter, and track Order Detail status from the Outbound (OB) Orders and Order Header UIs.

NOTE:  Upon upgrade to 20C, order detail status will not be populated or will be blank. Order Detail Status will get updated as operations like allocation/picking/packing/shipping are performed against the corresponding order detail. Similarly, for the original allocated quantity, the value will be 0 for existing allocations and upon upgrade the value will not be derived automatically for existing allocations.

In order to view the From and To order details status from the OB Orders or Order Headers UI:

  1. Go to the OB Orders UI, and click the Search button.
  2. From the From Ord dtl Status and To Ord dtl Status drop-down fields, select the order detail status you would like to search by (i.e. CreatedPartly Allocated, AllocatedShipped or Cancelled).
  3. Click Search.
  4. The Order Detail Status, will display in the Order Dtl Status column.

Below are the list of order detail statuses supported:

  • Created
  • Partly Allocated
  • Allocated
  • In Picking
  • In Packing
  • Picked
  • Packed
  • Loaded
  • Shipped
  • Cancelled

The following are examples of Order Detail status updates:

  • When an order detail gets fully allocated, the Order Detail status will update to Allocated.
  • Whenever a user performs Picking and Packing, the Order Detail status will be updated to Picked or Packed based on the data condition.

NOTE: It is possible that the Order Header UI may have a different status than the Order Details present under it. This happens when the order has multiple details. For example the order header may have partly allocated status where as an order detail within the order header might have been shipped already.


  • In Dynamic Wave search, min and max Shipping Tolerance % has been added, but this functionality is intended for a future release. 

  • Any existing Order detail before this enhancement will not have order detail status populated. In order to derive the order detail status for existing order detail, from the Order UI, select the respective order, and click the "Recalculate Order Status" button.


You can track order detail status changes via inventory history activities. For example, if an order detail status changes from 'Created' to 'Allocated', the new IHT activity 'IHT-85- Order Dtl Status Change' should be written.

You can search for the 85- Order Dtl Status Change option from the Inventory History Activity Parameters UI >> Search button >>History Activity drop-down:

NOTE:  You can’t edit the Support Split by serial Nbr Flag for this IHT.


From the Manual Wave UI, you can view Order Detail Status in Created or Partly Allocated status.

Steps to Enable

From the Order Header View >> Order Detail, or from the OB Orders UI, add the Order Dtl Status Column to make it visible. Click Preferences and Save View to save your updated view.

Key Resources

Prompt for Lot, Expiry Date, Inventory Attributes, and Serial Numbers in Receiving

Prior to 20C, when receiving an ASN with batch and expiry dates, the system flow was as follows:

  • On receiving a Non-Cartonized/Cartonized shipment:
    • For a non-cartonized receipt, the system did not prompt the user for batch number/expiry date, even if the anticipated shipment detail already had batch number /expiry date populated. This prevented the users from cross-verifying batch number /expiry date when receiving a batch/expiry tracked SKUs.
    • When an ASN having multiple details that are batch/expiry date tracked SKUs, the system prompted for batch number only for the first batch and did not prompt for remaining details in the ASN. Similarly, the system prompted only for the first expiry date populated on the ASN. Due to this behavior, the user was not able to receive multiple batch number /expiry date in a single IBLPN while receiving a Non-Cartonized ASN.
    • For Cartonized receipt, the system did not support LPN's with the same SKU with different batch number/expiry dates.
    • Also, the Cartonized ASN receiving screen flow was not very conducive when user tried to receive multiple attributes of the same SKU.
  • For transfer shipment, the general tendency is to pack the SKUs having receipt of multiple batches for the same SKU through RF receiving, which the system did not support. Because of this, the customers had to resort to receiving an entire shipment process from UI.


In 20C, Oracle WMS Cloud is enhanced to allow receiving of batch/expiry tracked items via RF Receiving. Highlights of this enhancement include:

  • Configure Batch number and Expiry date prompt during receiving. These configurations are available at Item and Shipment type UI.
  • The batch/expiry prompt during receiving configuration is supported via the RF Receive lpn shipment (rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt) and RF Receive lpn load (rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload) module and provides configuration at the shipment level.
  • The screen param multi-attr-per-sku-per-lpn is extended to support batch/expiry date for non-cartonized receiving via RF Receive by Shipment /Receive by Load transactions.  


  • Ability to prompt for the batch/expiry date for a single detail within an ASN even if the values are populated on ASN detail.
  • Receive multiple batch/expiry date in a single IBLPN for the same SKU.
  • Introducing Shipment type-level flags to control the batch/expiry/inventory attribute prompt. 
  • New warning messages are introduced when a user scans an unanticipated batch/expiry date during receiving.


  • Ability to receive multiple batch/expiry in a single IBLPN for the same SKU.
  • Introducing Shipment type-level flags to control the batch/expiry/inventory attribute/serial number prompt.
  • Perform classical cartonized ASN receipt where the system receives inventory without prompting for any batch/expiry date/inventory attribute/serial numbers.
  • Improvements are made in the screen flow where on receiving a cartonized shipment having multiple batch/expiry/inventory attributes for the same SKU in the LPN, the system loops through each detail individually. 
  • New warning messages are introduced when a user scans an unanticipated batch/expiry date for an LPN during receiving.


Item Interface Configuration

The following two columns are introduced on the item interface files:

  1. "batch_handling_receiving" – Prompt if not known, Always prompt.
  2. "expiry_handling_receiving" –  Prompt if not known, Always prompt.

Users need to specify these fields with a numeric value as described below:

  • Numeric value 1 denotes Prompt, if not known, and value 2 for Always prompt in the interface file.
    • If the user specifies any numeric other than 1 and 2, the system falls back to numeric value 1 and defaults to Prompt, if not known behavior.
    • If the user specifies non-numeric value, the interface file is errored out at the staging table.
    • If the user leaves the fields blank, the system falls back to numeric value 1 and defaults to Prompt, if not known behavior.
  • These columns are supported in Excel, PSV, XML (Input interface) format.

NOTE: By default, the "Batch prompt for recv " and "Expiry prompt for recv " fields are set to value 1 (Prompt, if not known) for all the items. However, these configurations are applicable only for batched/expiry tracked items. Non-batch/expiry tracked items are not affected even if the default value is set to Prompt, if not known.

Item Configuration in the UI

The following new fields are available in the Item Details UI:

  1. Batch prompt for recv –  Prompt control for the batch number of the item.  User needs to enable the “require batch number” flag.
  2. Expiry prompt for recv – Prompt control for the expiry/manufacturing date of the item.  Users need to enter the Product life field with a non-zero value. 

NOTE: The respective prompt control fields are enabled only when an item is batch number or expiry date tracked. Also, users can filter these fields from the search criteria of the Item UI.

These new fields have the following values:

  • Prompt, if not known (default): Prompts for batch number/expiry date only if the system cannot determine the batch/expiry from the ASN detail.
  • Always prompt: Prompts for the batch number/ expiry dates, even if the values are present on the shipment details.

NOTE: By default, the "Batch prompt for recv " and "Expiry prompt for recv " fields are set to “Prompt, if not known” value for all the existing and new items. These configurations are applicable only for batched/expiry tracked items. Non-batch/expiry tracked items are not affected even if the default value is set to "Prompt, if not known."


New configuration fields on the Shipment type UI controls the prompt behavior for Batch number, Expiry date,  Inventory attribute, and Serial numbers (only cartonized) at the individual shipment type level for cartonized and non-cartonized ASNs.

With these new fields, users can control prompt for multiple batch/expiry/attribute/serial numbers for all the details present in a non-cartonized and cartonized ASN. However, these configurations are applicable only for batch/expiry/inventory attribute/serial number tracked items. Non-batch/expiry/inventory attribute/serial number tracked items are not affected by the shipment type flags.

Feature Highlights:

  • When Non-Cartonized/ Cartonized Receiving for Batch number / Expiry Number/Inventory Attribute prompt control is set to Prompt, if not known or Always prompt or Do not prompt (for Cartonized) for an ASN with the shipment type, the system takes precedence over respective item level configuration for batch/expiry dates/ inventory attribute/serial number (cartonized). 
  • When Non-Cartonized/ Cartonized Receiving for Batch number / Expiry Number /Inventory Attribute prompt/ Serail number control is set to Blank, the system honors the item level configuration. 
  • A classical receiving behavior is introduced on the Shipment type-level UI to restrict prompting of batch/expiry/Attribute/Serial for a single SKU within an LPN, but the system fetches the batch/expiry/attributes from the ASN detail and the serial numbers are fetched from the IB shipment serial number entity.
  • The system prompts the users to perform detailed receiving of cartonized ASNs by displaying an error message “Multiple attr-serial nbr combination found on LPN for the same SKU. Please perform dtl receiving” when a user scans an LPN having multiple details with multiple batches/expiry/ inventory attribute combination with serial number for a single SKU. 

Benefits of Shipment Type Configuration

  • Users can now configure separate prompt control behavior for different shipments (vendor /transfer shipment) without changing any RF screens or updating the item. 
  • The configuration is provided at the shipment type-level so that users can define prompts for all the SKUs on an ASN that is batch/expiry/inventory attribute/serial tracked. Users need not have to define the prompts control behavior at the item level each time.  
  • Introducing separate receiving flags for cartonized and non-cartonized ASNs that helps users to control their prompt behavior at an individual receiving level.  

The following are the new fields introduced:




Cartonized receiving batch and expiry prompt control

Users can control prompts for batch and expiry date for a cartonized ASN when the shipment type is defined with this flag and the particular shipment type is added to the cartonized shipment.

Blank (Honors Item detail level configuration)/ Prompt if not known/Always prompt/ Do not prompt.

Cartonized receiving attribute prompt control

Users can control prompts for inventory attributes for a cartonized ASN when the shipment type is defined with this flag and the particular shipment type is added to the cartonized shipment.

Blank (Honors Item detail level configuration)/ Prompt if not known/Always prompt/ Do not prompt.

Cartonized receiving serial nbr prompt control

Users can control prompts for the serial numbers for a cartonized ASN when the shipment type is defined with this flag and the particular shipment type is added to the cartonized shipment.

Blank (Honors Item detail level configuration)/ Prompt if not known/Always prompt/ Do not prompt.

Non-Cartonized receiving batch and expiry prompt control Users can control prompts for batch and expiry date for a non-cartonized ASN when the shipment type is defined with this flag and the particular shipment type is added to the non-cartonized shipment. Blank (Honors Item detail level configuration)/ Prompt if not known/Always prompt.
Non-Cartonized receiving attribute prompt control Users can control prompts for inventory attributes for a non-cartonized ASN when the shipment type is defined with this flag and the particular shipment type is added to the non-cartonized shipment. Blank (Honors Item detail level configuration)/ Prompt if not known/Always prompt.

Configuration settings allow for greater control over when lot, expiry date, inventory attribute, or serial number is prompted in receiving flows.  Now you can receive Inbound LPNs and capture multiple lots and/or expiry dates for a given item.  For cartonized receipts, additional messages warn users when lots or expiry dates do not match those provided on the pre-receipt inbound shipment (e.g. Advanced Shipment Notice).


Now, in a non-cartonized receiving flow, you can receive Multiple Batch/Expiry Date for the same SKU in a Single IBLPN The screen parameter "mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn" in the Recv {lpn} Shipment/Recv {lpn} Load module is now extended to support the Batch number/ Expiry Date that allows receiving inventories with different batch/expiry of the same SKU in a single IBLPN. The system honors prompt configuration for batch/expiry/inventory attribute defined either at the item level or at the non-cartonized ASN type UI in conjunction with the "mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn" field.

NOTE: This behavior is honored only if the respective items are batch tracked or expiry tracked or both or inventory attribute tracked. 

If the screen parameter “mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn" = NO and the items are multiple inventory attributes, batch and Expiry tracked in the same IBLPN:

  • The system does not allow multiple Batch/Expiry/inventory attributes of the same SKU into a single IBLPN (existing behavior).
  • The system does not allow users to receive multiple batch/ expiry/inventory attributes of the same SKU in a single LPN during upfront palletization. 

If the screen parameter “mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn" = YES and the items are multiple inventory attributes, batch and Expiry tracked in the same IBLPN:

  • The system allows multiple Batch/Expiry/expiry/inventory attribute of the same SKU into a single IBLPN.
  • The system will now allow users to receive multiple batch/expiry/inventory attribute in a single/multiple IBLPNs for the same SKU on a Pallet via RF Receive by shipment or Receive by Load.

Ability to Prompt for the Batch/Expiry date for a Single Detail within an ASN (even if the values are populated on ASN detail) - Earlier, on receiving a non-cartonised ASN having single detail that is batch/expiry tracked for the same SKU, the system did not prompt for the batch/expiry date of the SKU even if the batch/expiry was populated on the ASN detail. Now, the system is enhanced to control the prompt of the batch/expiry date for the same SKU having a single detail on the ASN, even if the batch/expiry is populated on the detail. Thereby, users can cross-verify the batch/ expiry dates for details in 20C.

For example:




Exp date

Shipped Qty

Received Qty







When Shipment type flag Non-Cartonized receiving batch/expiry date prompt control = Prompt, if not know

When Shipment type flag Non-Cartonized receiving batch/expiry date prompt control= Always prompt

NOTE: On scanning an existing batch with batch master populated with an expiry date, the system will not prompt for Expiry date even if the expiry date prompt control is set to Always Prompt (either at item level or shipment type). (This is an existing behavior and continues to be supported in 20C as well).

On successfully receiving:





Exp date

Shipped Qty

Received Qty








The interaction of Non-Cartonized ASN Type flags is explained with the following example:

Example 1: When a user tries to Receive Multiple Inventory attribute /Batch/expiry for the same SKU in a Single IBLPN






Exp date

Shipped Qty

Received Qty




Att A








Att B





When Shipment type flags Non-Cartonized receiving batch and expiry prompt control & Non-Cartonized receiving Attribute prompt control= Prompt, if not known and mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn = Yes

NOTE: In case the user scans an unanticipated inventory attribute in the above example, the system should prompt for respective batch and expiry date.

On successfully receiving:






Exp date

Shipped Qty

Rcvd Qty



Att A








Att B






When Shipment type flags Non-Cartonized receiving batch and expiry prompt control & Non-Cartonized receiving Attribute prompt control = Always Prompt  and mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn = Yes

On successfully receiving:






Exp date

Shipped Qty

Rcvd Qty



Att A








Att B







  • Users can receive multiple batch/expiry/inventory attribute combinations for the same SKU in a single IBLPN.  
  • Perform classical cartonized ASN receipt where the system receives inventory without prompting for any batch/expiry date/inventory attribute/serial numbers. Even though the system restricts prompting of batch/expiry/Attribute/Serial for a single SKU within an LPN, the system fetches the batch/expiry/attributes from the ASN detail and the serial numbers are fetched from the IB shipment serial number entity.  
  • The system prompts the users to perform detailed receiving of cartonized ASNs by displaying an error message Multiple attr-serial nbr combination found on LPN for the same SKU. Please perform dtl receiving when a user scans an LPN having multiple details with multiple batches/expiry/ inventory attribute combination with serial number for the same SKU. 
  • Previously in 20B, on performing a detailed cartonized receiving, when users scanned an unanticipated batch/expiry/inventory attribute, the system would create a new detail with the newly scanned batch/expiry/inventory attribute having the same LPN number with 0 shipped quantity and the LPN Number from the anticipated detail was removed. This lead user to lose the visibility of the original ASN information. To handle such scenarios, in 20C, the system now will retain the LPN on the anticipated detail after receiving an unanticipated detail for the same SKU.  
  • Earlier, the system displayed the SKU-Qty confirmation message and the SKU prompt before the user scans the required Serial numbers. This screen flow has been changed in 20C where the system prompts for scanning all the required serial numbers and then prompts for the SKU qty confirmation.
  • Improvements are made in the screen flow were on receiving a cartonized shipment having multiple batch/expiry/inventory attributes for the same SKU in the LPN, the system loops through each detail individually. For example:




Shipped Qty

Received Qty


Batch number

Expiry Date

















Previously, the cartonized receiving adopted the following flow in 20B:

In 20C, the cartonized receiving behavior is as per the following revised flow:

  1. The system loops through the first detail by scanning the LPN, the inventory attribute (IND), then batch (BATCH2020), expiry date (08122020), serial number (if any).
  2. The system moves to the second detail (without ending LPN), scans the inventory attribute (USA), then batch (BATCH2021), expiry date (09122020), and serial number (if any). 


  • On scanning an existing batch with batch master populated with an expiry date, the system will not prompt for Expiry date even if the expiry date prompt control is set to Always Prompt (either at item level or shipment type).

  • The LPN status displayed on the IB shipment Details UI is not always the true status of the IB shipment detail. The status depicts the state of the IBLPN.

The interaction of Cartonized ASN Type flags is explained with the following example:

Example 2: When a user tries to Receive Multiple Batch/Expiry/Inventory attribute for the same SKU in a Single IBLPN



Inventory Attribute



Exp date

Shipped Qty

Rcvd Qty

















When Shipment Type flags Cartonized Receiving for Batch number and Expiry Number and Cartonized receiving Attribute prompt control  = Prompt, if not known

When Shipment Type flags Cartonized Receiving for Batch number and Expiry Number and Cartonized receiving Attribute prompt control  = Always Prompt

When Shipment Type flags Cartonized Receiving for Batch number and Expiry Number and Cartonized receiving Attribute prompt control  = Do not Prompt

NOTE: This is a classical receiving behavior and the flag is available on the Shipment type UI to restrict prompting of batch/expiry/Attribute/Serial for a single SKU within an LPN, but the system fetches the batch/expiry/attributes from the ASN detail and the serial numbers are fetched from the IB shipment serial number table.

On successfully receiving:





Exp date

Shipped Qty

Rcvd Qty















Example 3: When a user tries to Receive Multiple Details of the same SKU having Multiple Batch/Expiry/Inventory attributes with Serial Number Combination

Earlier, the system did not have an ability to assign serial numbers to a specific batch/inventory attribute/expiry date for any SKU within an LPN on interfacing IB Shipment Serial number.  Due to which, the system assigned the serial numbers randomly to the batch/expiry date/inventory attribute for the SKU-LPN combination, causing a discrepancy in linking the correct serial number to the correct inventory.

In 20C, the system prompts the users to perform detailed receiving of cartonized ASNs by displaying an error message “Multiple attr-serial nbr combination found on LPN for the same SKU. Please perform dtl receiving”, when a user scans an LPN having multiple details with multiple batches/expiry/ inventory attribute with serial number combination for a single SKU.

NOTE: By default, this message is enabled for the respective facilities. Users cannot configure this error as a warning message or disable it.


The following table lists the warning/error messages displayed:

On Receiving

Warning/ Error Conditions

Warning /Error Messages

Non-Cartonized Shipments

On scanning a batch number /expiry date that does not match with the batch number /expiry date present on the shipment.

NOTE: These messages do not appear if the ASN detail is not populated with batch/expiry date and user scans batch/expiry for the detail.

For batch number: Batch number does not match the SKU-shipment combination"

For expiry date: Expiry Date does not  match the SKU-shipment combination"

NOTE: By default, these messages are enabled for the respective facilities. Users can disable the batch number/expiry date warning message or can configure as an error message from the Edit Facility message configuration UI.

Cartonized Shipment

When Cartonized Receiving for Batch number & Expiry Number /Inventory Attribute/ Serial number prompt control  = Do not Prompt 

If an SKU (batch/expiry/attribute/serial tracked) has either of the batch/expiry/attributes is missing in the ASN detail, or if the serial numbers are not available in the IB shipment serial number entity.

"The system cannot determine the %attributes% of the SKU. Please perform Detail receiving"

NOTE: The messages will be specific to the attribute that is missing. The system captures the first attribute that is missing in the sequence.

For example, if the Cartonized receiving Attribute prompt control is set to "Do not Prompt" and any of the inventory attribute detail is missing, the system should throw the "System can not determine the inventory attributes of the SKU. Please perform DTL receiving" irrespective of the other cartonized receiving flags for batch/expiry or serial number

If the Shipment type flags for Cartonized ASN have mixed prompt control properties (For example, the Batch/Expiry flag is set to "Do not Prompt", inventory attribute prompt control is set to "Always Prompt"). 

If the Shipment type flags for Cartonized ASN are set to Do not prompt or flags have prompt controls set to a combination other than Do not prompt, then this warning messages do not appear.

Warning Message: ASN type has some attributes set to do not prompt and some to prompt, receiving might fail".

On scanning an LPN having multiple details with multiple batches/expiry/inventory attribute and serial number combination for a single SKU, and system prompts users to perform detail receiving of the particular detail in cartonized ASN.

Error message: "Multiple attr-serial nbr combination found on LPN for the same SKU. Please perform dtl receiving".

On scanning a batch number /expiry date that does not match with the batch number /expiry date present on the LPN.

NOTE: These messages do not appear if the ASN detail is not populated with batch/expiry date and user scans batch/expiry for the detail.

"Scanned Attribute- SKU combination is not present in the LPN"

NOTE: By default, these messages are enabled for the respective facilities. Users can disable the batch number/expiry date warning message or can configure as an error message from the Edit Facility message configuration UI.

Steps to Enable


  1. Go to Item UI.
  2. Select the Item > Click the Detail icon > Click Edit.

To set prompt control for batch number:

  1. On enabling the "require batch number" check-box, the batch prompt for recv drop-down is enabled.
  2. Select the appropriate prompt control from the drop-down.
  3. Click Save.

To set prompt control for expiry date:

  1. Enter Product Life by entering the non-zero value. This enables the Expiry prompt for recv drop-down.
  2. Select the appropriate prompt control from the drop-down. 
  3. Click Save.


  1. Go to Shipment Type UI (IbShipmentTypeView)
  2. Click (+) icon.
  3. Select the prompt control from the respective drop-down for Cartonized and Non-Cartonized Receiving.
  4. Click Save. This assigns the shipment type to the ASN.

NOTE: To perform the Classical method of receiving a Cartonized ASN,  set the Cartonized Receiving batch and expiry prompt control/ Cartonized Receiving attribute prompt control = Do not prompt.


  1. Go to module Recv {lpn} Load ( rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload)/ Recv {lpn} Shipment ( rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt)
  2. Select the mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn > Click Edit icon. 
  3. Select the parameter choice to Yes from the drop-down.
  4. Click Save.

Key Resources

Support Numeric Data Type for Inventory Attributes

Previously, the inventory attributes field was a free form field with minimal barcode validations for attributes a-g.  In order to provide consistency for tracking inventory attributes in ERP and across other systems, you can create formatting rules for inventory attributes. Oracle WMS Cloud now allows you to configure formatting rules and apply rules in the RF, UI, and via API triggers. which will help prevent incorrect data entry.


From the Column Formatting Rule UI, you can create formatting rules for inventory attributes:

Column Formatting Rule

From the Column Formatting Rule UI, you can define numeric data types and set minimum to maximum values to associate with inventory attributes a to o. You can also define the decimal precision for numeric inventory attribute values.

NOTE: You can’t enter decimal values for Min/Max fields above the defined precision. Also, you can’t save multiple formatting rules for the same inventory attribute column. The system will throw an error message in this case.

The following table provides descriptions for each of the configurable fields in the Column Formatting Rule UI:

UI Column


Facility Code

User can select the facility or make it *. This drop-down will show what the logged in user is eligible for. Selecting * allows you to apply formatting rules to all associated facilities.


List of Inventory Attributes (Drop-down)

Data Type

Numeric or String

Min Value

Applicable if the data type is Numeric.  (leaving the field blank means there is no minimum value stipulated)

Max Value

Applicable if the data type is Numeric.  (leaving the field blank means there is no maximum value stipulated).


Applicable if the data type is Numeric. This field does not support negative values.  This field depicts the maximum precision allowed. A precision of 0 means no decimal points are allowed. 

Active flag

Enable the active flag to activate or deactivate the rule. If the rule is not activated, then formatting rules will not be triggered.


  • The system will not validate formatting rules against existing data. However, any new data will validate against formatting rules that you setup.

  • The system will not allow multiple rules activated for the same inventory attribute/facility/company code combination. 

  • When multiple attributes are provided for a SKU, rule validation will happen before the user captures the next attribute field.

  • Any edits to column formatting rules will be tracked in the application logs. If a particular lock code has the treat as attribute value populated, then column formatting rules can't be created against that attribute.


RF Screens

Once formatting rules are configured, Oracle WMS Cloud will validate and apply the formatting rule criteria. The decimal precision and the min/max range will be applied as configured on the formatting rule for all RF transactions that prompt for inventory attributes including:

  • RF Receive by shipment
  • RF Receive by Load
  • RF Cycle Count Location
  • RF Cycle Count LPN
  • RF Create LPN
  • RF Sort and Receive.
  • RF Split IBLPN
  • RF Modify LPN
  • RF NC Active Picking

NOTE: If the formatting rule mandates precision, you won’t be allowed to enter more than the precision after the decimals. If the rule has the min and max range configured, the entered value has to be within the range.

  • If you need to enter values with decimals and negative values, you must configure the company parameter Allow Barcode lower characters to allow "." or "-" .

  • "." and "-" will be applicable for all barcode entries.

UI Screens   

Once formatting rules are configured, Oracle WMS Cloud will validate and apply the Column Formatting Rule criteria. The decimal precision and the min/max range will be applied as configured on the formatting rule for all UI transactions that display attributes for user entry:

  • Purchase Order Inquiry
  • Order Inquiry
  • Work Order Inquiry
  • Inbound Shipment Inquiry
  • IBLPN Inquiry
  • Mass Update Inventory attributes
  • Bulk Update Order details

Inventory attribute formatting rules are triggered when you click Save after creating/editing the record.

NOTE: After you click Save, If any attributes fail the formatting rule validations, the system displays which attributes failed.

Error Message

Input Interfaces 

The Column Formatting Rule is validated in the Input Interfaces because data could come from external systems. WMS triggers formatting rules for inventory attributes to prevent invalid data from entering the application.  The system will error and prevent records from interfacing if the rule fails.

  • IB Shipment
  • Orders
  • POS
  • Work Order
  • Purchase Order

In the Input interface Configuration UI, you can enable trigger formatting rules for Input Interface screens via the Trigger Formatting Rules flag. This flag defaults to no.  Input Interface validation will be triggered only if the corresponding interface being run has the trigger_formatting_rules flag enabled.

NOTE: Be aware that when you configure formatting rules for Input Interface screens, this can have an impact on processing time for associated records.

The new configuration added to the Input Interface Configuration UI is only applicable for Purchase Order, Inbound Shipment, Orders, POS, and Work Order interfaces. Even though the Input Interface Configuration UI configuration can be enabled for other interfaces like appointment, cubiscan etc, trigger formatting rules do not apply to them.


  • Inventory attribute Column Formatting Rules will not be triggered during Input Interface processing for action code of "Delete". 

  • The DTLUPDATE action code in header is supported for Purchase Order, Inbound Shipment, and Order Interface interfaces. Column Formatting rules are triggered for the DTLUPDATE action code when the detail action code is "UPDATE" or "DELETE".

Formatting Rules and Treat as Attribute Flag

The Order Interface allows lock codes from the order detail to be populated onto the inventory attribute if the Treat as Attribute flag is set on the lock code


  • Inventory Attribute formatting rules will not be applied when treat as attribute functionality is triggered. Users should ensure that any lock codes intended to populate an attribute do not have formatting rules defined.

  • If attributes are not captured in the RF, formatting rules are not triggered. If Receiving does not prompt for attributes and corresponding shipment details have attributes which are not honoring formatting rules, receiving process will not be stopped. Formatting rules are only triggered upon user entry.


Certain Oracle WMS Cloud REST APIs allow inventory attributes to be interfaced and create new inventory records in the system. Once column formatting rules are configured for a particular inventory attribute, Oracle WMS Cloud will validate and apply the rule criteria for the relevant inventory attribute. API operations will fail when formatting rules are not honored or met.

The system applies formatting rules using the following API trigger points:

API Operation


Composite Create

Used for Creating IBLPN with all details in a single request)

  • POST ¿/wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/iblpn/composite_create/

Bulk Update Inventory Attributes

Operation to Bulk Update Inventory Attributes on Inventory

  • POST ¿/wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/inventory/bulk_update_inventory_attributes/

Update Active Inventory

Operation to update active inventory.

  • POST .../entity/location/{id}/update_active_inventory/


  • When the user performs one of the above operations, if any of the attributes fail the validations, the system will send a response that includes the attribute which failed the validation. 

  • There will be some additional processing required for validating the formatting rules, so customers using Bulk Update Inventory Attributes cannot expect same performance levels with formatting rules enabled.

Steps to Enable

To create a formatting rule:

  1.  From the Column Formatting Rule UI, click Create.
  2.  Select the Facility or * to apply the rule to all Facilities.
  3.  Set the min/max value and precision.
  4.  Select the Active Flag to enable the rule and click Save.

To enable trigger formatting rules for Input Interface screens:

  1. From the Input interface Configuration UI, select the interface type for which you want to enable trigger formatting rules.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Select the Trigger Formatting Rules checkbox and click Save.

Key Resources

Update Order Quantity on Partially Allocated Order Details

Previously, when the system partially allocated an order detail, there was no option for the user to reduce the order quantity by the unallocated quantity. Now, when a wave is being run, and the order detail is partially allocated, the system can update the order detail quantity equal to the allocated quantity against the respective order.

A new flag on the Wave Template UI, "Cancel Partially Unallocated" allows you to cancel the un-allocated portions of the order detail quantity.

NOTE:  The existing flag on the wave template "Cancel Unallocated" has been renamed to "Cancel Fully Unallocated".

The following table shows the behavior of the Cancel Partially Unallocated flag when set to Yes/No:

Cancel Fully Unallocated Flag

Cancel Partially Unallocated Flag

Order Detail is not allocated (Allocated qty =0)

Order Detail is partially allocated (Allocated qty > 0)



Cancel the respective order detail

Update the order detail quantity equal to allocated quantity for the respective order detail



Cancel the respective order detail

 Don't update the Order Detail Quantity



Don't Update the Order Detail Quantity

 Update the order detail quantity equal to the allocated quantity for the respective order detail



Don't Update the Order Detail Quantity

 Don't update the Order Detail Quantity

NOTE: When the "Cancel Partially Unallocated" flag is set to yes, after the order detail quantity is reduced, the system will write the Inventory History Transaction (IHT) "12 - Order Detail Shorted".

Steps to Enable

To tell the system to update the order detail quantity equal to the allocated quantity against the respective order:

  1. From the Wave Template UI, select the Wave Template.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Select the Cancel Partially Unallocated Flag.
  4. Click Save.

Key Resources

Capture Pallet Weight and Dimensions

Prior to the 20C version, the system did not have an ability to capture the actual weight of the pallet that is shipped via LTL/TL.

In 20C, improvements are made to capture the pallet's weight and dimensions from UI and also through API to help users for a better pallet shipping process.

Changes include:


New columns are added to the data grid in the Pallet UI (PalletView) and Pallet History UIs (PalletHistoryView)  

Pallets UI (Pallet View)
LPN Type

NOTE: By default, Volume and Weight fields on the pallet UI are not displayed on the data grid. Users need to select and enable these fields explicitly.

Pallet History View UI(PalletHistoryView)
LPN Type
Actual Weight

The behavior of "Actual Weight' column on  Pallet History UI (PalletHistoryView):

This field tracks the actual weight of the pallet and is enabled only on selection. When a pallet is weighed and/or dimensioned, the system generates a new pallet history activity record 'Pallet weighed and dimensioned'. The captured weight of the pallet is maintained in this field.


New fields are included in Pallet Shipping Info (PLO) :

  • shipfrom_company
  • carrier_code
  • carrier_type
  • account_number
  • payment_method
  • load_nbr
  • manifest_nbr

Additional fields, total_nbr_of_pallets, pallet_length, pallet_width, pallet_height, total_pallet_weight, and total_pallet_volume are added to capture the pallet's information that is measured through the API or UI. These fields are added to the following interfaces and are available only from the 20C version.

  • OB Load Parcel Header (OBL)
  • OB Load Parcel Detail (OBS)
  • OB Load Parcel Header Detail(OLP)
  • Shipped Load(SLS)

NOTE: On performing close load or close manifest, the system now considers the weight and volume of the pallet entity for computing the total weight and volume of the shipment. If the pallet entity does not have weight or volume, then the system will compute weight and volume from individual LPNs loaded for the OB Load.


  1. The following two columns are renamed in the Pallet History UI for weight and volume:
  2. Old Column Renamed Column
    Total Weight Total Computed Weight
    Total Volume Total Computed Volume

NOTE: When an LPN is added or removed from a pallet, pallet history record generated for addition/removal of LPN populates the Total Computed Weight. The Actual Weight will not be updated.

  1. The Manifest action button on the Pallet UI is now renamed to Weigh and Manifest . This button allows users to Weigh the pallet, Update LPN Type and/or dimensions of the pallet, and Manifest the pallet.
  • The Weight and Manifest popup window includes:
    • Manifest check-box  that is newly added and is disabled, by default.
    • The Ship Via and Weight fields are made non-mandatory. However, the fields will be validated for the manifest flow.
  • The 'Weigh and Manifest' is a permission controlled action button. By default, this button is enabled for user having 'Administrator' role. 
  • The Weigh and Manifest' action button supports single select only and for Pallets of type = O and I having status = In Facility/Fully Allocated.
  • For pallets of Type = I, the Manifest check-box, Ship Via, and Tracking Number fields are disabled.

Description for module = ObLpnTypeView is renamed from OBLPN TYPE to 'LPN Type'

Column names in the following screens have been renamed from 'OB LPN Type' to 'LPN Type'. Similar changes are reflected in the list pages, search, and edit modes in the following screens:

Screen Name Module
OBLPN View  ObContainerView
Allocation  AllocationView
Wave Inquiry >Allocation AllocationRunHdrView
Audit History AuditHistoryView
Items>Item Details ItemView

Order Header View


Wave template UI


Reserve Inventory UI>>View Serial Number



  • The GET method for pallet now supports weight and volume fields.
  • Introducing PATCH request (PATCH .../wms/lgfapi/entity/pallet/id/) that allows users to update the attributes for PALLET that are in "In Facility" or "Fully Allocated" status.
  • User can update only the following fields using the patch method:
    • LPN Type ID
    • Length
    • Width
    • Height
    • Actual_Weight

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Support Reason Code for Change LPN SKU Transactions

When users are managing inventory via the RF Change LPN SKU (rf.inbound.cwrfchangeskulpn) transaction, the system can now capture the reason code. This enables Oracle WMS Cloud to add reason code information in the IHT- 17 Inventory Adjusted post verification.

The following table defines the parameters now available in RF Change LPN SKU:

Parameter Value Description Type

prompt-for-reason code

Y / N (or blank default)

  • If prompt for Reason Code is set to Y, the system prompts the user to type a reason code
  • If prompt for Reason Code is set to N, the system will not prompt the user to type a reason code 
  • N or blank is the default behavior for backwards compatibility


default- reason- code

Valid Reason Code

  • If the Default Reason Code has a valid reason code configured, then the system will auto populate this in the IHT -17  Inventory Adjusted post verification.
  • If 'Default Reason Code' is not configured, then the system behavior is as follows:

  1. If 'Prompt for reason code' parameter is enabled, then IHT-17 is generated with user input reason code.

  2. If 'Prompt for reason code' is disabled, then IHT-17 will not have a reason code populated.


When users are managing inventory via the RF Change LPN SKU (rf.inbound.cwrfchangeskulpn) transaction, the system can now capture the reason code. This enables Oracle WMS Cloud to add reason code information in the IHT- 17 Inventory Adjusted post verification.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the RF, go to the RF Change LPN SKU (rf.inbound.cwrfchangeskulpn) module.
  2. Set the prompt for Reason Code parameter to yes to enable the prompting of a reason code while executing the RF Change LPN SKU transaction.
  3. In the RF Change LPN SKU transaction, in order for the system to auto populate a reason code in the IHT -17  Inventory Adjusted post verification, set the Default Reason Code to a valid reason code configured in the system.

Key Resources

Zone Movements

In order to streamline replenishment activity in the warehouse from source locations to different drop locations, to final destinations, and in order to offer the sort of control that avoids confusion, a Build Replenishment Cart transaction has been added to the system to help move LPN’s from one drop location to another. This transaction will allow users to restrict LPNs from being added to replenishment carts going to different task zones – ensuring LPNs are not mixed if they are not supposed to be.

A new screen parameter "restrict-lpns-by", is available in the "RFBuild Replenishment Cart (rf.inbound.cwrfbuildreplencart) transaction.

The parameter choices for this new feature are:

  • None
  • Next Task Zone
  • Final Task Zone

The parameter is set to "None" as a default reflecting current behavior. During a Build Replenishment Cart transaction the application will allow users to mix LPN's going to different task zones on the same cart.

However, when the RF Build Replenishment Cart transaction parameter is set to:

  • Next Task Zone When scanning an IBLPN whose Next Zone does not match that of the LPNs present on the cart. the application displays the error message: "Cannot Mix LPN with Next Zone %% as LPN's in the Cart have Next Zone % %."
  • Final Task Zone When scanning an IBLPN whose Final Task Zone does not match that of other LPNs already present on the cart, the application displays the error message: "Cannot Mix LPN with Final Zone %% as LPN's in the Cart have Final Zone % %."

NOTE: While the system will check Final Task Zones associated with LPNs, there may be instances where LPNs are going to the same destination but different intermediate drop locations. In these instances a replenishment cart can be built with mixed LPNs (as the final destination is same). However, it is advised that users not mix LPNs with different intermediate drop locations.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Additional WMS Cloud Mobile App Screens

To support continued progress towards alignment between the existing Oracle WMS Cloud RF and the new mobile app, the option to lock and unlock LPNs has been added. With this new option, users can lock or unlock a lock code on multiple LPNs.

From the Oracle WMS Cloud Mobile app launch screen, you can access the Lock Unlock LPNs transaction.


Once you select Lock or Unlock LPNs:

  1. Tap on the lock code drop-down to bring up a list of valid lock codes.  
  2. Select a lock code from the list.
  3. Tap the barcode icon to enable scanning of the LPN barcode.
  4. After scanning, tap Lock/Unlock and the LPN is validated and submitted for locking or unlocking.
  5. If the scanned LPN is on a pallet, the app displays message 'LPN is on a pallet. Do you want to continue?'
  6. Tap Yes to proceed, and No to Cancel.

NOTE:  If you want to scan multiple LPNs and lock or unlock them all at the same time, then after scanning the first LPN, tap the '+' button  to scan the next LPN. Previously scanned LPNs will be listed under the Scanned LPN List section.

Additional Notes:

  • If a scanned IBLPN or OBLPN is not in a valid status, the system will display the error “Scanned container is not in valid status for locking or unlocking the LPN.”
  • If a scanned LPN already has the selected lock applied, the system will display the error "Lock code already present on the LPN".
  • If applying or removing a lock code results in the inventory bucket being changed, then the respective Inventory History Transactions (IHTs) will be generated.

The Oracle WMS Cloud Mobile App is available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The Picking screen allows you to accept and confirm a picking task.  Lock Unload LPNs screen has been added to allow you to lock an LPN or unlock and LPN.

Steps to Enable

  1. From the Modules UI, add the Lock Unlock LPNs (VBCS-mobile) screens so they will display in the Oracle WMS Cloud mobile app.
  2. From the Oracle WMS Cloud Launch screen, select the Lock Unlock LPNs transaction.
  3. To proceed, select the Lock or Unlock LPNs option and tap Next.

Key Resources

View Original Allocated Quantity in the Allocation UI

From the Allocation UI, you can view original allocated quantities against the allocations.

NOTE: Any existing allocation records created before this enhancement will not have the Original Allocated Quantity value populated, as the system has already created the allocation records.

When the system creates allocation record against the order detail, the original allocated quantity displays in the Original Allocated Quantity column.  You can also view Original Allocated Quantity from the Wave Inquiry UI, Allocation sub-UI.

NOTE: An Item's Packing Tolerance Percent field present in the product has no usage. This field was originally intended to be used for the Complete Bulk Pick option from Task Inquiry. The Packing Tolerance Percent field will be deprecated from 20d onwards. When we release order level tolerance percentages in future releases, the complete bulk pick option will intend to utilize the tolerance percentages from order detail.

This information will help you to know what is initially allocated and how much quantity is getting shorted against respective inventory.

Steps to Enable

From the Allocation UI or Wave Inquiry >> Allocation sub-UI, add the Original Allocated Quantity column to make it visible. Click Preferences and Save View to save your updated view. Click Export to CSV to export the current records to CSV as needed.

Key Resources

New Search Field in Outbound Load Inquiry

Additional filter criteria are added in the OB Load Inquiry (ObLoadView) to enhance the user experience to filter loads using newly added criteria:

The fields are:

  • Trailer Nbr
  • Trailer Type
  • Carrier
  • PRO Nbr
  • BOL Nbr
  • From Estimated Departure Date
  • To Estimated Departure Date

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

User Experience and Usability Enhancements

Updated Look and Feel for Oracle Help Center Content

The Oracle WMS Cloud Help Center page is now updated to reflect Oracle’s Redwood look and feel. You can now access new links from the left navigation pane, including the What’s New, REST API, Books documentation, and Training content.

You can also easily access prior release content via the release content drop-down:

Steps to Enable

From the Oracle Help Center, bookmark the Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud page.

Key Resources

Launch OTM Shipments Screen from Oracle WMS Cloud

Beginning with 20C, Cloud WMS users will be able to launch OTM shipment view screens from within the WMS application so as to be able to view the 3D load planner and access a couple of other OTM features without leaving WMS.

This will improve user experience and update the user interface to reflect how users interact with the software,

On selecting multiple loads the OTM shipment button gets disabled.

  • When the saas app is not configured in the saas app config UI, system errors out "SAAS app configuration not found."
  • If there is no external planned load number linked to a Load then the OTM shipment button is disabled.

UI SaaS APP Configuration allows users to configure the base URL per company for launching OTM 3D Planner view.

When shipping loads in Oracle WMS Cloud that have been planned in OTM Cloud, you can now access the OTM Shipments screen including the ability to view the 3D image of the planned load.  This allows warehouse operators to load the trailer more efficiently and save on freight costs.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Saved Search Improvements

Previously, when the user clicked the “Reset” button on the search (filter criteria) pane, the system reverted to its default value for some of the frequently used screens. In IB/OB Container screen, the screens reverted to their hard-coded defaulted values - Quality Check, Allocated status, and the From created timestamp that was, by default, set to 30 days, remained unchanged. Due to this behavior, when users queried any LPNs that are more than 30 days from the system time, the application did not display any LPNs, which was incorrect. Also, each time user had to manually clear the values in the fields to input new values. This was not a feasible method for users to run the search query each time where a new value was to be entered.

In 20C, the user's search experience is enhanced with the following options:

  1. Easily clears the default values in the filter criteria pane.
  2. The associated Saved Search for the user can be set as default Search.
  3. Few mandatory fields on the filter criteria pane are introduced in the frequently used screens such as Allocation, Order detail UI, IB/OB LPN Inquiry. These fields need users to specify a certain combination to fetch the records.

Highlights of this enhancement are:

  • A Clear button is introduced on the filter criteria pane that allows the user to clear all the values in the search pane. This action button also clears the saved-searches from the Saved Searches drop-down panel.
  • The Reset button is introduced in the Saved Searches panel.
    • If there is a Saved Search already existing and is set to default, the system reverts to the default saved-search.
    • If there are more than one saved-search and none of the saved-search is set to default, then system clears the all the value from the Saved-Search panel, and the filter criteria pane is reverted to the mandatory values.
    • If neither a defaulted saved-search nor any saved search is available, the system clears all the values in the saved-search drop-down panel and filter criteria pane.
  • A Default check-box is introduced in the Saved Search panel to give options to the users to select the preferred saved search, as these are curated search fields that help users to fetch data by saving time. The default option in search criteria can be considered as a favorite that aids users to fetch relevant information with a better experience.

NOTE: The system allows to default only one saved-search. If a user tries to default a different saved-search, the system will check/enable the new saved-search as default and the previous saved-search is unchecked/disabled from the default, automatically.

  • More than one filter criteria fields are made mandatory in the following listed UIs that allow the system to fetch the records based on the search values. These fields are highlighted along with blue asterisk (*). If the user performs a search without providing value in any one of the mandatory fields, the system displays "At least one required search field must be populated" error.
  • The Allocation screen now has the From create ts set to 30 day(s) ago.
  • In the Order Detail UI, the create_ts is set to 30 day(s) on the filter criteria pane by default. That is, when user launches the screen, the system fetches orders whose create_ts is <=30 days from the system's time.

The following are the list of mandatory fields that are highlighted for the respective UIs:

IBLPN Inquiry UI:

  • IBLPN number
  • from status
  • to status
  • from_create_ts
  • shipment number
  • PO Number (Majority of the oracle customer bases use PO based receiving).
  • Pallet_number
  • item

OBLPN Inquiry UI:

  • OBLPN number
  • From status
  • To status
  • from_create_ts
  • Order_Number
  • Pallet_number
  • Load_Number
  • Wave_Number
  • item

Order Detail View UI:

  • Order Number
  • From status
  • to status
  • from_create_ts
  • destination_facility
  • destination company
  • customer name
  • item_code

Allocation UI:

  • from_create_ts
  • order_number
  • run_number
  • task_number
  • item_code
  • IB LPN Number
  • OB LPN Number

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Combine OBLPN RF UI Productivity Enhancements

In the RF Combine OBLPN (rf.outbound.cwrfcombineoblpn) transaction, when the screen parameter prompt-oblpn-type was set to User Driven, the system prompted for an “LPN Type” each time the LPN was scanned, even if "To LPN" had an LPN type. Given this, when users did not re-enter the LPN type for each "To LPN", Oracle WMS Cloud overrode the “LPN Type” and nullified the value, resulting in clearing of the LPN dimensions and failure in down stream processes.

In 20C, the system is enhanced so that it pre-populates the 'LPN Type' from the 'To LPN'. Users can choose to override the value even if the OBLPN already has a value.

Highlights of the enhancements are:

When the RF Combine OBLPN screen parameter prompt-oblpn-type = User Driven:

  1. If the scanned 'To LPN' is an existing LPN and has 'LPN Type' defined, then the system retrieves the 'LPN Type' and pre-populates it in the RF screen. Users can modify the LPN Type by overriding the LPN Type value.

NOTE: Whenever LPN Type is pre-populated on the screen, users will still have to tab out/pass the "LPN Type" field to continue.

  1. If the scanned 'To LPN' is an existing LPN and does not have LPN Type defined, then the system prompts the user to provide a value. The system will proceed with the transaction only if the user inputs a valid LPN type in the system. Otherwise, the system displays an 'LPN Type Not Found' error message.


The following behavior depicts pre-population of 'LPN Type' for asset during the RF Combine OBLPN

Facility Parameter>>REUSABLE_TOTES = 'yes':

  • If the Asset scanned for "To LPN" is in 'In Warehouse' status, then the system fetches the LPN Type from the Asset entity and displays it on screen.
  • If the scanned Asset does not have LPN Type, the system allows users to update the existing LPN type.
  • On ending the transaction, the LPN type is updated and the OBLPN is linked to the Asset.
  • If the asset scanned is in 'In Use' status, then the system fetches the LPN Type from the OBLPN linked to the asset and displays it on screen.
  • On completing the transaction, the existing OBLPN (with the same asset number) is updated with the other inventory.

Facility Parameter>>REUSABLE_TOTES = 'no':

  • If an Asset is scanned for "To LPN", LPN type will not be fetched from the Asset.
  • On completing the transaction, a new OBLPN having the same asset number is created with the LPN type, but the OBLPN will not be linked to the Asset.
  • If the Asset scanned is "In use" status, where the OBLPN and asset share the same number but without an LPN type, the system prompts the user to input the LPN type value. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Print Multiple Copies of Labels

In certain industries, there is a need to print multiple copies of shipping labels. For example, customers in pharmaceutical and medical device lines of business may sometimes pack the same item in multiple boxes resulting in a need to print multiple labels (shipping/content/blind) for Outbound LPNs. RF Print Label and RF Print Ship Label transactions now support printing more than one label at a time based on user input.

A new parameter "prompt-number-of-copies" has been added to the RF Print Label transaction and the new parameter "prompt-number-of-label-copies" has been added to the RF Print Ship Label transaction.

  • When the "prompt-number-of-copies" or "prompt-number-of-label-copies" parameter is set to "No", the system prints one label by default.

When the "prompt-number-of-copies" or "prompt-number-of-label-copies" parameter is set to "Yes", the system prompts you to enter the number of copies.

Steps to Enable

  1. Go to Modules and choose the following respective transaction:
  • RF Print Label (rf.outbound.cwrfprintlpnlbl)
  • RF Print Ship Label (rf.outbound.cwrfprintshiplbl)
  1. Configure the "prompt-number-of-copies" or "prompt-number-of-label-copies" parameter for the transaction.

Key Resources

Integration Enhancements

Migrate Pre-Built Oracle WMS Cloud Integrations with Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud to Use REST Web Services

Currently, standard pre-built integrations with Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud are based on SOAP services. From 20C onwards, the standard prebuilt integration will use the REST Services exposed by Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud for various touchpoints.

In this update, the information required for REST API services for Receipt confirmation is slightly different. Fusion needs SupplierId (erp_vendorid) and Supplier Site Id (erp_suppliersiteid) to make the Receipt Confirmation Rest API call. Since SupplierId and Supplier Site Id is not present in WMS, WMS will get this information from Fusion and pass through these fields as part of Inventory History information necessary for Receipt Confirmation.  

The following updates are added as part of this enhancement:

  • The Purchase Order (PO) interface will autocreate the vendor if ERP_VENDORID is populated (and the PO_HDR.VENDOR_ID internal WMS foreign key will be linked to the PO as usual)
  • During autocreation of vendor, the system will lookup the vendor using ERP_VENDORID and type_id and parent_company_id
  • When creating the vendor, use the vendor-name and vendor-number ERP sends to populate our vendor-name and vendor-code, in addition to populating the new erp_vendorid field.
    • Relevant Inventory History Transactions (IHT's) which pass the line scheduled number will need to send the ERP_VENDORID and ERP_VENDORSITEID in the reference fields.
    • Auto Vendor creation should be triggered for action codes of Create or Update
    • By default, the ERP_VENDORID column is no longer visible in the Vendor UI or in the Vendor UI Edit pane.
    • By default, the Display Vendor Site ID column is no longer visible in the Purchase Order Detail UI or in the Purchase Order Detail Edit pane.

NOTE:  Use the add columns feature to add the Display Vendor Site ID field to the data grid display.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Get Inventory History Details Using a REST API

The Inventory History API allows you to query inventory histories for default Companies and Facilities configured for the user. Previously, inventory history was not supported or exposed as an entity in lgfapi. Now, users can fetch the inventory history as an entity since it has been exposed to the lgfapi.

You can get inventory history details with paginated results using the following GET request:


To fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':


To fetch paginated result by query string parameters:


To check for object existence or modification:

  • HEAD .../entity/inventory_history?key1=value1&key2=value2
  • HEAD .../entity/inventory_history/{id}


Since inventory history is a large table, to avoid performance issues, certain combinations of query string fields are required when querying using query parameters. One of the following combinations must be used (in addition to any other field):

  • company_code, facility_code, group_nbr
  • company_code, facility_code, history_activity_id, status_id
  • company_code, facility_code, history_activity_id, item_code
  • company_code, facility_code, history_activity_id, item_alternate_code
  • company_code, facility_code, history_activity_id, container_nbr

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

MHE Pick Confirmation Error Handling Improvements

In order to ensure that MHE integrations are seamless, intuitive, and encourage automation support, Oracle Cloud WMS will add a self-service tool that allows users to reprocess failed records from the MHE Pick Confirmation screen so that they do not have to send the pick confirmation messages once again from the MHE itself.

This will enhance operational issues and make intregrations with MHEs more functionally aligned.

MHE systems (Pick to Light systems, ASRS systems or external applications) currently send picking information to the WMS through the lgfpickconfirmation API.

When messages are sent to the WMS from the API – after basic validations of the data elements are carried out – users can see the messages through the UI Module "FromMhePickConfirmationView." If for some functional validations the processing of the record fails, the message is flagged with status of "Failed." Once the messages are marked as failed there is no way for the warehouse user to reprocess the messages.

  • An option is being added to reprocess a failed record in MHE Pick Confirmation screen so that users do not have to send the pick confirmation messages once again from the MHE.
  • A new action button "Reprocess Selected Records" has been added to the module "FromMhePickConfirmationView" UI.
  • User may now select the button and submit the message for reprocessing for messages in "Failed" status only. Disable the action button if status of the message is other than Failed.
  • Once the message is submitted for reprocessing its status will change to "Processing."
  • User will be able to multi select records in "Failed" status and submit for processing. If any of the messages selected do not have failed status then do not enable the action button.
  • Submitting for reprocessing will invoke the relevant pick confirmation message for normal validation as before.


  • If user selects record/s for reprocess with action code of "Complete" for Reprocessing and if there are other records of action code "Pick"/"Short"/"Close" for the same wave number in status "Ready" then display error message "Other messages for same wave number present."

  • If user selects record for reprocess with action code of "Close" for Reprocessing and if there are other records of action code "Pick" for the same wave number/OBLPN Number combination in status "Ready" then display error message "Other messages for same wave number or OBLPN number present."


  • Option to filter the UI based on item code.
  • Option to filter the records based on MHE system (will be useful if multiple ASRS systems are used).**
  • Option to filter based on Mod User

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Supporting SCM Fusion Integration: Loads

When loads from Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) are interfaced into Oracle WMS Cloud, the load numbers are sent to WMS with the order's 'Externally Planned Load Number'.  OTM supports up to 120 characters for Load Numbers.

In order to facilitate seamless integration between OTM and WMS products, the Externally Planned Load Number column size has been increased to support 120 characters.

The load number on the Planned Load Interface is mapped to the Externally Planned Load Number. As part of these updates, the Input interface for 'Planned OB Load' also supports interfacing 'load_nbr' with values up to 120 characters.

Additionally, the following interfaces and screens in WMS support values up to 120 characters for Externally Planned Load Nbr:

  • Output Interface-Shipped Loads interfaces (all supported formats-xml, flatfile, excel)
  • UIs that display the Externally Planned Load Nbr (Order Detail, OB Load Inquiry, Filters in OB Load Inquiry, OB LPN Inquiry etc)  


  • The change in column width may have an impact on labels and web reports. It is recommended that customers using Externally Planned Load Nbr field in their labels and reports update their templates as needed. 

  • The column width in the UI data grid will not auto-adjust to display the full value of Externally Planned Load Number. Users should manually re-size the column to view as needed.

  • The External Planned Load Number in the RF Loading transaction will not display all 120 characters, The display will be based on handheld terminals and resolution.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Supporting SCM Fusion Integration: Ship Via

When orders are interfaced into Oracle WMS Cloud, the Ship Via code from host systems are sent to WMS. To support a seamless integration between other systems and WMS, the column size for Ship Via code has been increased to 120 characters

The following interfaces and screens support interfacing ship via with values up to 120 characters:

INPUT INTERFACE (all supported formats):

  • Order Interface    
    • ORDER
  • Route Interface      
    • ROUTE
  • Facility related Interface    
    • SITE
    • STORE

OUTPUT INTERFACES (all supported formats):

  • SHIPPED_LOADS (SLS Interface from Close Load or Close Manifest)          


  • UIs that display Ship via code (Ship Via UI, Order Header UI, Weigh and Manifest popup, Carrier LPN UI etc.)


  • The change in column width may have an impact on labels and web reports. It is recommended that customers using ship via code in their labels and reports update their templates as needed.

  • The column width in the UI data grid will not auto-adjust to display the full value of the ship via code. Users should manually re-size the column to view as needed.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Wave Pick Info Interface Enhancements

Oracle Cloud WMS has a facility to generate Wave Pick Info message which is used by the host systems for integration purposes with MHE systems to perform picking and/or Print software to generate and print labels/packing slips/dispatch documents.

In 20C, additional fields are added in the Output Interface-Wave Pick Info for better integration with other software systems:

  • shipto_facility_code
  • shipto_name
  • shipto_addr
  • shipto_addr2
  • shipto_addr3
  • shipto_city
  • shipto_state
  • shipto_zip
  • shipto_country
  • shipto_phone_nbr
  • shipto_email
  • shipto_contact
  • dest_company_code
  • cust_name
  • cust_addr
  • cust_addr2
  • cust_addr3
  • cust_city
  • cust_state
  • cust_zip
  • cust_country
  • cust_phone_nbr
  • cust_email
  • cust_contact
  • cust_nbr

NOTE: New fields added in the Wave Pick Info file are available only from the 20C version.

The Wave Pick Info Interface now provides additional information including Ship to Facility and Customer information used by external labeling and shipping systems.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Outbound LPN Shipping Information Interface Enhancements

The OBLPN Shipping Information Interface now provides additional information including:

  • Ship to Facility
  • Account Number
  • Payment Method
  • Pallet information.  


The system populates ship to facility name and address based on the order's ship to facility in the OBLPN Shipping Interface(OLO) file to reduce the mappings and data maintained in the integration layer:

  • shipto_name
  • shipto_addr
  • shipto_addr2
  • shipto_addr3
  • shipto_city
  • shipto_state
  • shipto_zip
  • shipto_country
  • shipto_phone_nbr
  • shipto_email
  • shipto_contact
  • shipfrom_company
  • account_number
  • payment_method
  • license_or_meter_nbr
  • pallet_length
  • pallet_width
  • pallet_height
  • total_pallet_weight
  • total_pallet_volume

NOTE: New fields added in the OBLPN Shipping Info file are available only from the 20C version.

If the facility parameter "WAVE_PICK_INFO" is set to blank or lgf, the system will generate the output interface with the latest changes. if the facility parameter "WAVE_PICK_INFO" is set to any older version, for example, lgf19c, then the system will generate the interface file per the respective release format.

This information is used by external labeling and shipping systems.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources