This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Product | Feature | Notes |
06 JUL 2021 | Functional Enhancements | Opportunistic Cycle Counting During Picking | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
21 APR 2021 | Integration Enhancements | New Receiving REST API | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
21 APR 2021 | Integration Enhancements | Process Dynamic Bill of Materials in Work Order Interface | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
21 APR 2021 | Integration Enhancements | Accept Serial Numbers During Pick Confirmation Using a REST API | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
21 APR 2021 | Functional Enhancements | Opportunistic Cycle Counting During Picking | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
21 APR 2021 | Integration Enhancements | Extend Serial Number Support for Modify LPN Using a REST API | Updated document. Revised feature information. |
09 APR 2021 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
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Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Ready for Use by End Users Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features. |
Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing. |
Feature |
Report |
UI or |
UI or |
Confirm LPN Content After IBLPN Scan During Cartonized Receiving |
Support for Single Logout (SLO) When Using SSO Credentials Upon Logout from WMS |
New Group Permissions in Inventory History and Inbound Shipment UI |
Additional Filter Criteria Fields in Purchase Order and Manual Wave UI |
Accept Serial Numbers During Pick Confirmation Using a REST API |
Extend Serial Number Support for Modify LPN Using a REST API |
Process API Orders for All Facilities Eligible to Authorized User |
Update Location for Cycle Count Threshold Fields Using a REST API |
Break Tasks by Weight and Volume During Waving
As a part of Task Creation Template, currently you can specify Break by Quantity, and the Break by Quantity will be used for grouping allocations into tasks as a part of picking, replenishment, and work order wave. From 21B onwards, users can specify break by weight and break by volume in addition to the existing break by quantity in task template. This will help:
- When the warehouse handles a variety of items that differ in sizes from small to big. Setting break by weight/volume will reduce under-utilization or overfilling of picking trolleys/totes.
- For example, if a warehouse handles pens (unit volume:1) and notebooks (unit volume: 20) and the break by volume is 800. Depending on the order, the picker in a single task can pick up to 800 pens or can pick up to 40 notebooks and ensure better utilization of picking equipment. Configuration of Task break with only quantity can pose challenges if the warehouse has a wide variety of items.
- You can reduce overloading of picking equipment/picker by including break by weight/volume along with break by quantity.
- Two new fields (Break by Weight and Break by Volume) have been added in the Task Creation Template > Details UI.
- You can edit Break by Weight, and Break by Volume (in addition to the existing Break by Quantity) in the create/copy/edit pane of the Task Creation Template > Details UI.
- The Break by Weight and Break by Volume fields will be zero/blank by default and you can enter zero and positive real numbers for Break by Weight and Break by Volume. Decimal precision for the two fields will be based on the max weight volume dimension decimal precision setting of the user logged in to the company.
- If you don’t want to apply any of the break by conditions for task creation, you can update the respective Break by Quantity, Break by Weight, Break by Volume fields to zero/blank.
- For example, if only break by weight is needed for task creation, the appropriate value can be updated for break by weight and break by quantity, break by volume can be made zero/blank.
- Break by Quantity, Break by Weight, and Break by Volume fields are not applicable for cycle count-related task types.
Weight and volume for comparison with Break by weight/volume is determined as follows:
Allocation | How Weight/Volume is Calculated |
In Units | Weight is calculated as a product of the item unit weight and allocated quantity and volume is calculated as product of item unit volume and allocated quantity. |
In Full LPNs | Weight/volume is calculated based on IBLPN weight/volume, if IBLPN weight /volume is zero, weight/volume is calculated as product of item unit weight/volume and allocated quantity. |
For full LPN/case replenishment and for picking with distribution (tasks with Move LPN as a first program) |
The complete LPN is picked, irrespective of allocation quantity, so the total weight/volume of LPN must always be considered. Weight/volume is calculated based on IBLPN weight/volume, if IBLPN weight /volume is zero, weight/volume is calculated as product of item unit weight/volume and the current quantity. |
Cubed and cubing mode is ‘Use Predetermined OBLPN Type’ or ’Calculate OBLPN type and cube with wave’ |
Weight/volume is calculated based on OBLPN weight/volume. |
In Packs | If the allocated inventory pack quantity matches the item's standard pack quantity and the standard pack weight/volume is greater than zero, weight/volume is calculated as a product of standard pack weight/volume and number of packs, or weight/volume is calculated as a product of the item unit weight/volume and the allocated quantity. |
In Cases | If the allocated inventory case quantity matches the item's standard case quantity and the standard case weight/volume is greater than zero, weight/volume is calculated as a product of the standard case weight/volume and number of cases, or else, weight/volume is calculated as product of the item unit weight/volume and the allocated quantity. |
- As a part of task creation, allocations are grouped into the same task until any of the break by conditions among break by quantity, weight and volume is satisfied. When allocation satisfies break by condition, new task will be created for the allocation.
- For example: if break by quantity, weight, volume all are configured, if any one condition is satisfied (break by weight), a new task will be created for the allocation.
- From 21B, you can mention break by quantity/weight/volume along with ordering criteria.
Consider the following:
LPN | Item | Quantity | Weight | Volume |
LPN1 | Item1 | 10 | 1000 | 10000 |
LPN2 | Item1 | 10 | 1000 | 10000 |
When order (Order1) is for Item1, the Quantity = 20, and the above LPNs are available in the system when you run the wave, when the Break by Quantity is 20, both the allocations will be grouped into a single task because the break by condition is not satisfied:
LPN | Order | Allocated Quantity | Task |
LPN1 | Order1 | 10 | Task00001 |
LPN2 | Order1 | 10 | Task00001 |
When the Break by Quantity is 20 and the Break by Weight is 1000, two separate tasks will be created for allocations because the Break by weight is satisfied for both allocations:
LPN | Order | Allocated Quantity | Weight | Task |
LPN1 | Order1 | 10 | 1000 | Task00002 |
LPN2 | Order2 | 10 | 1000 | Task00003 |
When the Break by Quantity is 20 and the Break by Weight is 1000, two separate tasks will be created for allocations because the Break by weight is satisfied for both allocations:
NOTE: The grouping of tasks happens at the allocation level (meaning a single allocation will not be broken into two tasks even if the break by quantity/weight/volume is satisfied within the allocation.
Steps to Enable
- Go to Task Creation Template > Details to create/update task template information.
- In Task Creation Template > Details, configure the appropriate values for Break by Quantity, Break by Weight, and Break by Volume.
- In Wave Template/Replenishment Template/Work Order Wave Template, configure the appropriate task creation template (template updated with break by values) and run the wave.
Key Resources
Support Secondary Ordering Criteria in Waving
Waving Processes for Picking Waves, Replenishment, and Work Order Waves provide inventory allocation strategies using allocation methods like First Expiry First Out (FEFO)/ Last Expiry First Out (LEFO), First In First Out (FIFO)/ Last In First Out (LIFO), Location Sequence Ascending/ Location Sequence Descending, Quantity Ascending/Quantity Descending. Oracle WMS Cloud currently includes one allocation method (ordering criteria).
- From 21B onwards, Oracle WMS Cloud is enhanced to provide a secondary ordering criteria :If there are multiple candidate LPN’s with the same expiry date , then Oracle WMS Cloud allows you to order by secondary ordering criteria like Quantity Ascending or Quantity Descending. The FEFO or the Quantity Ascending will help in Consuming LPN’s faster and FEFO/Quantity Descending will help in fetching bigger boxes. This allows the room for Putaway and helps in Space utilization.
- If operating for Gravity Feed or Push Back Racks, combination of Location Sequence/FIFO or Location sequence /LIFO can be used.
Highlights of the enhancements:
- The Secondary Allocation Method field is introduced to the Wave Template screen so that secondary ordering is configured along with allocation method.
- The Secondary Allocation Method field is also available in the Allocation Mode Sequence screen so that secondary ordering can be applied for relevant allocation mode sequence.
- By configuring the secondary allocation method, a second level of ordering can be done if there are multiple candidate LPN’s or Inventory matching the first strategy.
- If multiple LPN’s of same expiry date is found eligible for allocation during wave and Allocation method is FEFO, amongst the LPN’s with same expiry date, the secondary allocation method of Quantity Ascending or Descending can be applied.
- If Primary Allocation Method is Location Sequence, if there are multiple LPN’s in the same location, then LPN’s received first is used as secondary ordering. Location Sequence Ascending/Descending along with FIFO or LIFO can be considered.
- Configuring Secondary Allocation Method is not Mandatory.
- Even after applying the secondary allocation method, the in-built ordering can be considered based on location pick sequence if there are eligible LPN’s or inventory.
Secondary Allocation Method
- Similarly, the Secondary Allocation Method field is available in the Replenishment Rule Sequence Screen for Configuring Secondary Allocation Method for allocating LPN’s or Active Inventory for Replenishment.
- For Replenishment with Picking Wave allocating out of In Transit Quantity, Quantity Ascending and Descending In transit Quantity will be considered.
- The Secondary Allocation Method field also allows you to perform secondary ordering for Work order Wave.
The following table provides details about the Primary and Secondary Allocation Methods:
Primary Allocation Method |
Secondary Allocation Method |
Expected Sortation |
Quantity Ascending |
First In First Out |
The system will searches for LPN's in ascending order of the quantity. Multiple LPN's with similar quantity will be ordered by LPN's create_ts. |
Quantity Descending |
First In First Out |
The system searches for LPN's in ascending order of the quantity. Multiple LPN's with similar quantity will be ordered by LPN's create_ts. |
First Expiry First Out |
Quantity Descending |
The system searches for LPN's/Active Inventory in ascending order of inventories priority date. Multiple LPN's/locations with similar priority date will be ordered by descending quantity of the LPN. In-built ordering based on location sequence will be considered, if multiple ’s with same expiry dates and quantity is found |
Last Expiry First Out |
Location Sequence Descending |
The system searches for LPN's/Active Inventory in descending order priority date. Multiple LPN's/locations with similar priority date will be ordered by location sequence. |
- You first need to configure the Allocation Method in order to configure the Secondary Allocation Method in either the Wave Template or the Allocation Mode Sequence UI.
- You can not configure the Secondary Allocation Method in either wave template or allocation mode sequence without first providing the allocation method.
- You can add the Secondary Allocation Method configured to the datagrid.
A valid error message is displayed if you attempt to configure the following invalid Secondary Allocation Method for the configured primary allocation method:
Allocation Method |
Invalid Secondary Allocation Method |
Location sequence ascending |
Location sequence ascending, location sequence descending. |
Location sequence descending |
Location sequence ascending, location sequence descending. |
NOTE: Introduction of secondary allocation method will not change the underlying ordering logic. Combinations to be provided should be evaluated as per Distribution Center workflow needs.
In 20C, you can perform this action only from the item page in the Product Development work area.
Steps to Enable
For Picking Wave: (Allocations happening for Order Picking):
- Go to Wave Template Screen.
- Populate the Secondary Allocation Method.
- Populate Secondary Allocation Method in Allocation Mode Sequence Screen, if allocation method is configured at individual allocation mode sequence level.
For Replenishment Waves: (Allocations created for Replenishment to Reserve or Active):
- Go to Replenishment Template>Replenishment Rules>>Replenishment Rule Sequence.
- Populate the secondary allocation method.
For Work Order Waves:
- Work Order Wave Template >Inventory Allocation Mode >Inventory Allocation Mode Sequence screen.
- Populate the secondary allocation method.
Key Resources
Capture Pallet Weight and Dimensions
Prior to 21B, the system had features to capture the pallet’s weight and dimensions from the UI and via API. As a part of 21B, you can now capture the pallet’s weight and dimensions from the RF.
Highlights of the enhancements include:
RF-Text: Update LPN Type (rf.outbound.cwrfupdatelpntype)
- The module description is updated from “RF-Text: Update LPN Type” to “RF-Text: Update LPN Type/Weight/Dimensions”
- New RF parameters are added to “RF-Text: Update LPN Type/Weight/Dimensions”.
The following table describes the parameters for Update LPN Type:
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
container-type |
Blank (default), LPN, Pallet |
When container-type is set as blank/LPN, users can scan/enter LPN (inbound and outbound) in the RF screen and update LPN type/Weight/Dimensions for the scanned LPN. When container-type is set to Pallet, users can scan/enter pallet (inbound and outbound) in the RF screen and update LPN type/Weight/Dimensions for the scanned pallet. |
accept-container-weight |
Blank (default), No, Yes |
When accept-container-weight is set as blank/No, weight field for the LPN/pallet scanned will not be displayed in RF screen. When accept-container-weight is set to Yes, weight of the LPN/pallet scanned will be displayed and can be updated in RF screen. |
accept-container-dimensions |
Blank (default), No, Yes |
When accept-container-dimensions is set as blank/No, dimensions fields (Length, Width and Height) for the LPN/pallet scanned will not be displayed in RF screen. When accept-container-dimensions is set to Yes, dimensions (Length, Width and Height) of the LPN/pallet scanned will be displayed and can be updated in RF scr |
- When container type is set as ‘LPN’ in Update LPN Type/Weight/Dimensions screen for both inbound and outbound LPNs:
- A warning message “Updating weight to zero, proceed?” will be displayed when users try to update weight to zero, If the LPN scanned has weight value. This warning message can be configured as a hard error.
- On configuring the the LPN type, the dimension (length, width and height) values are cleared. Once the LPN is associated with LPN type, the dimensions can’t be entered/updated for the LPN.
- When container type is set as ‘Pallet” in Update LPN Type/Weight/Dimensions screen for both inbound and outbound Pallets:
- A warning message “Updating weight to zero, proceed?” will be displayed when users try to update weight to zero, If the LPN scanned has weight value. This warning message can be configured as a hard error.
- Pallet volume is computed as the product of length, width, height (Length*Width*Height) and the dimension values for volume calculation will be considered from user's entered dimensions for the pallet. If the user has not entered the dimension values/ has entered zero for any of the dimensions, then the LPN type dimension values will be considered.
NOTE: The RF parameter “Validate-critical-dims" is not applicable when container-type is pallet and the parameter will not have any effect when users update LPN type or update dimensions for the pallet.
- A new control key action Ctrl-V is added to Update LPN Type/Weight/Dimensions screen, when users enter Ctrl-V, a new screen with the list of LPN types will be displayed and user can choose one of the LPN types to be updated for the scanned LPN/pallet.
NOTE: Ensure you enter all the required fields like weight, dimension because the transaction will mark complete immediately after LPN type is selected from the list of LPN Type when you hit CTRL+V .
RF-Text: Palletize (rf.inbound.cwrfpalletizeplt)
- Action button to update pallet LPN type is updated from Ctrl-U to Ctrl-T.
- New parameter ‘weight-dimension-screen-link' is introduced to rf.inbound.cwrfpalletizeplt module. It is a text parameter and will be blank by default.
- The weight-dimension-screen-link can be configured with a valid screen name of RF-Text: Update LPN Type/Weight/Dimensions (rf.outbound.cwrfupdatelpntype)
- If a valid screen is configured for weight-dimension-screen-link, once you hit the Ctrl-E to end pallet in Palletize, the screen mentioned in weight-dimension-screen-link will be displayed and user can update pallet information as needed.
RF-Text: Pallet Inquiry (rf.inbound.cwrfpalletinquiry)
- LPN type, Weight, Dimensions (Length, Width and Height) fields are added for display in RF pallet inquiry screen.
- New Ctrl-key Ctrl-T added to update pallet LPN type, weight, dimensions. when user enters Ctrl-T, they will be taken to a new screen where they can update LPN type/weight/Dimensions for the inquired pallet.
This also helps warehouse users use the RF directly to update weight and dimensions for pallets, in circumstances where they do not have easy access to a fixed station.
Steps to Enable
- To enable the update of pallet LPN type/weight/dimensions in the update LPN type/weight/dimensions screen (rf.outbound.cwrfupdatelpntype):
- Set the RF parameter container-type to ‘Pallet’
- Set RF parameter accept-container-weight to ‘Yes’
- Set RF parameter accept-container-dimensions to ‘Yes’
- Steps To enable the update of pallet LPN type/weight/dimensions in RF palletize (rf.inbound.cwrfpalletizeplt):
- RF parameter weight-dimension-screen-link should have a valid screen name of RF-Text: Update LPN Type/Weight/Dimensions (rf.outbound.cwrfupdatelpntype)
Key Resources
Opportunistic Cycle Counting During Picking
Warehouses have a constant need to improve inventory accuracy to ensure that the inventory in Oracle WMS Cloud accurately reflects the inventory present on the warehouse floor. Currently, we have different cycle count mechanisms (planned cycle count, ad-hoc cycle count, trigger or event-based cycle count) existing in the system to improve inventory accuracy. However, we do not have the mechanism to facilitate cycle count for the pickers after picking is complete for a location. accurately reflects inventory present on the warehouse floor.
In 21B, we are introducing new functionality where a trigger will get created in the system, which if enabled will create a cycle task. This can help capture inventory discrepancies sooner, while also making sure that picker’s productivity is not actively impacted.
To facilitate cycle count after picking is complete for a location, Oracle WMS Cloud in enhanced with two additional features in update 21B.
- Pick to Zero
- Threshold Based Summary Count
In pick to zero mode, you as a picker, are required to confirm if the location inventory has reached zero. Once you confirm the inventory is not zero at the location after picking, a cycle count task is created.
Configurations for Pick to Zero and Screen Flow
When the inventory for a location becomes zero in the system after picking, the picker can capture feedback and confirm whether inventory really has become zero on the warehouse floor.
The following updates have been added in 21B for Pick to Zero:
- New cycle count trigger ‘Location Picked to Zero Discrepancy’ for pick to zero
- New RF screen parameter ‘prompt-pick-to-zero’ in picking screens to enable/disable pick to zero functionality in respective picking transactions
- New RF screen prompt in picking transactions where you can confirm whether location inventory reached zero (Y/N) and cycle count task creation
- Capture user response for pick to zero in inventory history
New Cycle Count Trigger
- New cycle count trigger ‘Location Picked to Zero Discrepancy’ is added as a part of 21B and the cycle count trigger will be disabled by default
- Users can configure the task type for either CC-LOCATION or CC-LOCATION-DTL for the Location Picked to Zero Discrepancy CC trigger
New RF Screen Parameter ‘prompt-pick-to-zero’
- New RF screen parameter ‘prompt-pick-to-zero’ is added in the following picking modules:
- Pack NC Active {order} (rf.outbound.cwrfpackncactiveorder)
- Pack {oblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpacklpn)
- Pick {iblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpn)
- IBLPN Pick for Consolidate Replenishment (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpnreplen)
- Pick Cart (rf.outbound.cwrfpickcart)
- Move LPN (rf.inbound.cwrfmovelpn)
Prompt Pick to Zero Description
Parameter | Value | Description |
prompt-pick-to-zero |
Blank, Yes, No |
if prompt-pick-to-zero is set to ‘Yes’, Pick to Zero functionality is enabled and when inventory in a location becomes zero post picking, a prompt in RF will be displayed so that the user can confirm if inventory is zero for that location. if prompt-pick-to-zero is set as ‘No’ or blank, pick to zero functionality is not enabled prompt-pick-to-zero value will be blank by default for backward compatibility. |
New RF Screen Prompt in Picking Transactions
- When prompt-pick-to-zero is enabled for the picking transaction and the inventory for location becomes zero in the system after completion of picking for that location, a new user prompt is added and displayed to the picker: “has location <location barcode> inventory reached zero? (Y/N)”. The picker must respond with either ‘Y’ (Yes) or ‘N’ (No.) After responding with ‘Y’ or ‘N’, the picker can proceed with the rest of their picking tasks.
- If the picker responds with ‘Y’ (confirms that inventory for location is zero), it means there is no discrepancy noticed and a cycle count task will not be created,
- If the picker responds with ‘N’ (confirms that inventory for location is not zero), it means that the user has noticed a discrepancy between the system and the floor. A cycle count task will be created for the location based on the new cycle count trigger ‘Location Picked to Zero Discrepancy.’
You can use this screen prompt when substituting an LPN from another location while picking.
- For Example: if the user is picking in Location A and does a substitution of an LPN from another location B, the pick to zero prompt will not be displayed for Location A. However, if location B’s inventory becomes zero due to substitution, the pick to zero prompt will be displayed for location B.
NOTE: Cycle counting is typically done for the whole location, so the pick to zero prompt will only be displayed when the whole location’s inventory becomes zero. It will not be displayed when some of the items/LPNs become zero post picking. The only valid responses for the user prompt “has location <location barcode> inventory reached zero? (Y/N)” are ‘Y’ (meaning yes) or “N” (meaning no). While translating the message to other languages or while editing the message, users have to ensure that the message still represents “Y”/” N” as the only valid response.
Cycle Count Task Creation
- When inventory in the system has become zero after picking and the user enters ‘Y’ in the pick to zero prompt (confirms that inventory for the location is zero), a cycle count task will not be created.
- When inventory in the system has become zero after picking and the user enters ‘N’ in the pick to zero prompt (confirms that inventory for the location is not zero.)
- If there is no existing cycle count task for the location, a new cycle count task is created for the location based on the task type defined in the Location picked to zero discrepancy Cycle Count (CC) trigger.
- If there is an existing cycle count task for the location and the existing CC task has the same task type as picked to zero CC trigger or is a detailed cycle count when compared to Picked to zero, a new CC task will not be created for the location
- If there is an existing cycle count task for the location and the task type in the picked to zero CC trigger is a detailed cycle count compared to the existing CC task, the existing CC task is cancelled. Then a new CC task is created for the location.
Capture User Response for Pick to Zero in Inventory History
- When a pick to zero transaction is done by the picker while picking from a reserve location, if the user confirms that the location inventory is zero, IHT 38 will be captured for the location with REF_CODE_3 as “PTZ” and REF_VALUE_3 as “Yes”. If the user has confirmed that the location inventory is not zero, IHT 38 will be captured for the location with REF_CODE_3 as “PTZ” and REF_VALUE_3 as “No.”
- When a pick to zero transaction is done by the picker while picking from an active location, if the user has confirmed that the location inventory is zero, IHT 37 will be captured for the location with REF_CODE_3 as “PTZ” and REF_VALUE_3 as “Yes”. If the user has confirmed that the location inventory is not zero, IHT 37 will be captured for the location with REF_CODE_3 as “PTZ” and REF_VALUE_3 as “No”
Threshold Based Summary Count
In Threshold Based Summary Count mode, after picking from a location, a summary cycle count screen is launched that will allow you to count the location. The summary cycle count screen is launched once the location inventory reaches a particular threshold. You can configure the threshold value and the threshold UOM at the location level. A cycle count Task is created for the location if the counted inventory does not match with the expected quantity.
In Oracle WMS Cloud 21B, a new summary based cycle count module RF Inbound Cycle Count Summary Count (rf.inbound.cwrfccsummarycount) has been added. The new summary-based cycle count module allows you to count the inventory at a summary level for a particular location. In this mode of cycle count, you are not required to scan the inventory attributes, batch, expiry dates or serial numbers. Instead, you can scan the location and count the overall quantity of the SKUs. The Summary Cycle count can be performed only for Active and Reserve locations.
Module Details
RF Screen Parameters | Module Name | Module Description | Potential Values | Default Value and Comments |
summary-count-for active-by |
rf.inbound.cwrfc csummarycount |
Summary cycle count |
Single SKU/Picked SKUs/All SKUs |
default value of the parameter should be Blank. When blank, the default value is 'Single SKU.' |
NOTE: No inventory updates take place for cycle counts performed from the Summary Cycle Count module.
New Configuration for Locations
As part of the 21B Oracle WMS Cloud update, new configuration fields are added to the location create/edit/copy form where you can define the location threshold quantity and the threshold UOM. The summary cycle count screen is launched during picking when the location inventory count goes blow the threshold quantity defined at the location level. By default, the field threshold quantity is set to 0. As a result, the location is enabled for summary cycle count from picking transactions only when the threshold UOM is defined with a valid option.
NOTE: The Threshold UOM for active locations can be set as units alone. The Threshold Quantity field supports decimals as well. However, when the threshold UOM is set to LPNs you are required to provide a whole number in the threshold quantity field while saving a location.
Additionally, the Location interface and the Location PATCH API is also enhanced to support the new Threshold Quantity and the Threshold UOM fields.
New Cycle Count Trigger
- New cycle count trigger ‘Summary count discrepancy’ is added as a part of 21B and the cycle count trigger will be disabled by default.
- You can configure the Summary count discrepancy CC trigger with either CC-LOCATION or CC-LOCATION-DTL task type.
New RF Screen Parameter ‘opportunistic -summary-count’
The new RF screen parameter ‘opportunistic -summary-count’ is added in the following picking modules:
- Pack NC Active {order} (rf.outbound.cwrfpackncactiveorder)
- Pack {oblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpacklpn)
- Pick {iblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpn)
- IBLPN Pick for Consolidate Replenishment (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpnreplen)
- Pick Cart (rf.outbound.cwrfpickcart)
- Move LPN (rf.inbound.cwrfmovelpn)
Opportunistic Summary Count Parameter Details:
Parameter | Value | Description |
‘opportunistic -summary-count’ |
Needs to be configured with a valid screen name of the summary cycle count module |
1) When you set the parameter 'Blank', Opportunistic summary count functionality will be disabled for the associated Picking transaction. 2) When the parameter is configured with a valid summary cycle count screen name, Opportunistic summary count functionality will be enabled for the picking transaction and when inventory in a location goes below threshold value configured post picking, summary count screen will be launched. |
Threshold Based Summary Count Screen Launch
- When the ‘opportunistic -summary-count’ parameter is enabled, the summary cycle count screen will be launched when the picking location reaches the threshold defined for the location once the picking is complete for the location.
- If the picking location already has an existing cycle count task which is in In progress status, the summary cycle count screen will not be launched even if the location reaches the defined threshold. However, If the location already has an existing task which is in Ready or Held status, the summary cycle count screen will be launched. The new cycle count task will be created based on the count discrepancy if the existing task is not detailed.
- When Pick to zero is enabled for the transaction and the inventory at the location post picking reaches to zero, the summary cycle count screen will not be launched and the Pick to zero flow will take precedence over the summary cycle count flow.
Screen Launch Matrix
Threshold Quantity | Threshold UOM | opportunistic-summary-count | Threshold Reached | CC Task Exists | Launch CC Screen |
Not configured |
Not configured |
Not configured |
N/A |
No |
No |
Not configured |
Not configured |
Configured |
N/A |
No |
No |
Configured |
Configured |
Not configured |
Yes |
No |
No |
Configured |
Configured |
Configured |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Configured |
Configured |
Configured |
Yes |
In progress |
No |
Configured |
Configured |
Configured |
Yes |
Ready/Held |
Yes |
Summary Cycle Count Flow from Picking Transactions for Active Locations
- When picking is complete for an active location, the summary cycle count screen will be launched if the required configurations are done. Launching of summary cycle count screen from picking is supported for both tasking and non-tasking modes of the respective picking transactions.
- The summary cycle counting post picking from an active location can be controlled by the summary-count-for active-by screen parameter. The summary-count-for active-by screen parameter will help you to define the SKU context of the active location that you want to count post picking. This parameter is applicable to only active locations.
Single SKU Mode
- An active location can be considered to be single SKU location is the location is remained with a single SKU post picking from the location.
- Once picking is complete from an active location, the summary cycle count screen will be launched once the location is left with only one SKU and the location threshold is reached post picking. You are required to enter the count of the defaulted SKU remaining post picking.
- You can enter the count of the defaulted quantity in terms of the allocation UOM or in terms of units or both. In case the allocation UOM used for allocation is units then you are required to provide the SKU count in units alone.
NOTE: In case an active Location has multiple SKUs left post picking, the summary cycle count will not be launched and even if the location inventory reaches the threshold for cycle counting. However, when the summary count is launched standalone in Active SKU mode, you will be prompted with an error message if you try to count an active location which has multiple SKUs.
Picked SKU Mode
- In Picked SKU mode, you will be prompted to enter the counts of the SKUs you have picked. Therefore, the focus of the summary cycle count gets limited to the SKUs that are picked from that location alone. Pickers are not required to count the SKUs that are not picked from the location in the Picked SKU mode.
- Once picking is complete from an active location, the summary cycle count screen will be launched when the location threshold is reached post picking. You are required to enter the count of the defaulted SKUs post picking (system defaults only the Picked SKUs).
- You can enter the count of the defaulted SKUs in terms of the allocation UOM or in terms of units or both. In case the allocation UOM used for allocation is units then you are required to provide the SKU count in units alone. Upon completing the summary cycle count, you will be redirect with the remaining picking flow.
- You can end the location count by hitting the CTRL+E hot key. When you hit the hot key without counting the SKUs completely, you will be prompted with the following message;
- "Not all item(s) counted for the Location, Proceed further?"
- Accepting the warning message will redirect you to the remaining picking flow. Rejecting the message will bring you to the Summary screen again.
- If you end the count without counting all the SKUs under focus, a cycle count task will be created. This cycle count task will be based on the count discrepancy and the task type defined in the ‘Summary count discrepancy’ trigger (unless the expected quantity for the location or the SKU in focus is zero.)
- Pressing CTRL-W or CTRL-X without completing the count will prompt the following message:
- Count not completed for the location, proceed?
- Upon accepting the message, you will be redirected to the remaining picking flow. Rejecting the message will bring you to the Summary screen again.
All SKU Mode
- In all SKU mode you can scan all the SKUs in the location. This mode also allows to count SKUs that are not accounted for the location. IN all SKU Mode, you are required to scan each SKU and enter the respective quantity.
- You can scan the SKU and enter the respective quantities for each SKU. The location count does not get auto closed unlike the Single SKU and Picked SKU mode. You are required to hit CTRL+E to end the location count. When you hit the hot key without counting the SKUs completely, you will be prompted with the following message;
- "Not all item(s) counted for the Location, Proceed further?"
- Accepting the warning message will redirect you to the remaining picking flow. Rejecting the message will bring you to the Summary screen again.
- If you end the count without counting all the SKUs under focus, a cycle count task will be created based on the count discrepancy and the task type defined in the ‘Summary count discrepancy’ trigger.
- Pressing CTRL-W or CTRL-X without completing the count will prompt the following message:
- Count not completed for the location, proceed?
- Upon accepting the message, you will be redirected to the remaining picking flow. Rejecting the message will bring you to the Summary screen again.
NOTE: You can provide the count the SKUs in terms of units alone in the All-SKU Mode. Allocation UOM will not be considered for counting the SKUs in the mode.
Summary Cycle Count Flow from Picking Transactions for Reserve Locations
- When picking is complete for a reserve location, the summary cycle count screen will be launched if the required configurations are done. Launching of summary cycle count screen from picking is supported for both tasking and non-tasking modes of the respective picking transactions.
- The summary cycle count for a reserve location asks you to enter the number of IBLPNs or pallets present in the reserve location post picking when the respective picking transaction is configured with the ‘opportunistic -summary-count’ parameter and the picking location reaches the inventory threshold post picking.
- If a reserve location contains only palletized containers, you will be prompted to count the number of pallets remaining at the location post picking.
- If a reserve location contains only non-palletized containers, or it the reserve location contains a mix of palletized and non-palletized containers, you will be prompted to count the number of LPNs remaining at the location post picking.
- In case a reserve location has only LPNs as physical pallet, you will be to count the number of LPNs remaining at the location post picking.
- You can end the location count by hitting the CTRL+E hot key. When you hit the hot key without counting the SKUs completely, you will be prompted with the following message;
- "Not all LPNs are counted for the Location, Proceed further?"
- Pressing CTRL-W or CTRL-X without completing the count will prompt the following message:
- Count not completed for the location, proceed?
- Upon accepting the message, you will be redirected to the remaining picking flow. Rejecting the message will bring you to the Summary screen again.
- If you end the count without counting all the expected pallets or LPNs under focus, a cycle count task will be created based on the count discrepancy and the task type defined in the ‘Summary count discrepancy’ trigger.
NOTE: When you perform substitution while picking, you will be prompted with the Summary Cycle Count screen for the location from where the LPN gets substituted if the location inventory goes below the threshold. The summary cycle count does not allow you to scan the attributes of a SKU. Additionally, no inventory updates take place through the summary cycle count mode. Furthermore, you will not be prompted with any warning messages if the entered count does not match with the expected count.
Cycle Count Task Creation for Threshold Summary Count
- When inventory of a location reaches the location threshold quantity and user provides the expected quantity as the count of each expected SKUs, cycle count task will not be created for the location.
- If you provide any of the SKU count does not match with the expected quantity or if you count any unanticipated SKU for the location, then the following use cases are applied;
- If there is no existing cycle count task for the location, a new cycle count task is created for the location based on the task type defined in the Summary count discrepancy’ trigger.
- If there is an existing cycle count task for the location and the existing CC task has the same task type as Summary count discrepancy’ trigger or is a detailed cycle count task, a new CC task will not be created for the location
Example of IHTs when User Performs Summary Count of an Active or Reserve Location
- Currently in Oracle WMS Cloud, the system is not capturing the count entered by the Pickers. However, to get an indication of the summary cycle counts in the IHT-37 - Active Location Cycle Count Complete, and in the IHT-38- Reserve Location Cycle Count Complete, we have introduced new ref codes and the corresponding ref values.
Active Location
Use Case | REF Code 4 | REF Value 4 | REF Code 5 | REF Value 5 | REF Code 6 | REF Value 6 |
User Performs summary count from Picking in Single SKU Mode |
Yes |
Yes |
Single SKU |
User Performs summary count from Picking in Picked SKU Mode |
Yes |
Yes |
Picked SKU |
User Performs summary count from Picking in All SKU Mode |
Yes |
Yes |
All SKU |
User Performs summary count in Standalone mode |
Yes |
No |
(Either Single SKU or All SKU) |
User Performs summary count from existing cycle count modules |
No |
Reserve Location
Use Case | REF Code 4 | REF Value 4 | REF Code 5 | REF Value 5 | REF Code 6 | REF Value 6 |
User Performs summary count from Picking from reserve location |
Yes |
Yes |
User Performs summary count from reserve location in standalone mode |
Yes |
No |
User performs cycle count from Resv {lpn} Nbr Cnt |
Yes |
User performs cycle count from Cycle Cnt {locn} or Cycle count for LPN |
No |
Steps to Enable
- The cycle count trigger ‘Location Picked to Zero Discrepancy’ should be enabled and populated with an appropriate CC task type.
- RF parameter ‘prompt-pick-to-zero’ should be set as ‘Yes’ for the picking modules where pick to zero will be applicable.
- Possible list of picking modules where RF parameter ‘prompt-pick-to-zero’ can be set as ‘Yes’
- Pack NC Active {order} (rf.outbound.cwrfpackncactiveorder)
- Pack {oblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpacklpn)
- Pick {iblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpn)
- IBLPN Pick for Consolidate Replenishment (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpnreplen)
- Pick Cart (rf.outbound.cwrfpickcart)
- Move LPN (rf.inbound.cwrfmovelpn)
- The cycle count trigger ‘ Summary count discrepancy’ should be enabled and populated with an appropriate CC task type.
- The location for which threshold summary count needs to be triggered should have the CC Threshold UOM and the CC Threshold Value fields configured.
- The ‘opportunistic -summary-count’ parameter should be configured with a valid screen name of the rf.inbound.cwrfccsummarycount module for the following transactions;
- Pack NC Active {order} (rf.outbound.cwrfpackncactiveorder)
- Pack {oblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpacklpn)
- Pick {iblpn} (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpn)
- IBLPN Pick for Consolidate Replenishment (rf.outbound.cwrfpickiblpnreplen)
- Pick Cart (rf.outbound.cwrfpickcart)
- Move LPN (rf.inbound.cwrfmovelpn)
Key Resources
Confirm LPN Content After IBLPN Scan During Cartonized Receiving
In the RF Receive Shipment and RF Receive Load transactions, after you scan an IBLPN during cartonized receiving and before you scan the respective inventory attribute, batch number, expiry date or serial numbers, the system now prompts you with the SKU and quantity confirmation message for the IBLPN contents immediately. This provides you an indication of the container contents beforehand, that you would be receiving.
The following validation messages are nor displayed right after scanning the IBLPN during a cartonized receiving. This evades scanning the inventoryattribute/batch/expiry/serial numbers when the IBLPN fails the LPN as physical pallet mode or serial number validations;
- Cannot receive lpn as physical pallet (message code 409)
- Requires serial nbr. Cannot receive lpn as pallet (message code 410)
NOTE: The SKU and quantity confirmation message for the IBLPN contents is applicable for cartonized receiving only. This message does not appear in case of non-cartonized receiving from either RF Receive Shipment and RF Receive Load transactions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
User Experience and Usability Enhancements
Support for Single Logout (SLO) When Using SSO Credentials Upon Logout from WMS
Currently when you log in using SSO to Oracle WMS Cloud, you are prompted for credentials only once. When you logs out of WMS, and log back in using SSO, credentials are not prompted for you again. From 21B onwards, there will be an option to log out of Identity Provider (IDP) when you log out of Oracle WMS Cloud. Support for single logout has been introduced to overcome any security issues related to keeping the IDP session active even after you log out of Oracle WMS Cloud.
- If you log out of WMS after logging in using SSO and Single Logout is enabled, then the application also logs you out of the IDP. The next time you log in again, you will again be prompted for credentials at the IDP site.
- If you log out of IDP and Single Logout is enabled in the WMS application configuration in the IDP, then any WMS sessions created using SSO based on the IDP session must be terminated.
- You can login using SSO into a deep link url. After entering your credentials on the IDP site, you are redirected back to the deep link url you were trying to access.
- If you are logged in into the deeplinking URL using SSO and then you log out of IDP , the you get logged out of deeplinking automatically.
Steps to Enable
- User should have alternate user name configured with the relevant IDP user name.
- Single Logout Protocol should be enabled for the corresponding IDP.
Key Resources
Enhancements in Single Item Receiving
Prior to 21B, Oracle WMS Cloud had an ability to receive a maximum of 24 LPNs in a single transaction via RF single SKU receiving module when the lpn-prompt- behavior parameter is set to Enter LPN count mode.
In 21B, this restriction of receiving 24 LPN is now removed and the system is enhanced to receive maximum number of LPNs at one go by defining the maximum value in the newly introduced screen parameter in the the RF single SKU receiving module (rf.inbound.cwrfrecvsinglesku).
- A new screen parameter max-lpn-count is introduced in the RF Single SKU receiving module.
- The default value of the max-lpn-count parameter is Blank. When the parameter is set to Blank, the Single SKU receiving module will allow you to receive a maximum of 24 LPNs.
- If the screen parameter is defined with a numeric value (can be more than 24), you will be able to receive those many LPNs at one go at the most from the Single SKU receiving module.
- During Single SKU receiving if you provide a value higher than the value defined for the max-lpn-count screen parameter, you will be prompted with the following error message:
- "Maximum LPN count limit reached, cannot receive more than %no LPNs."
NOTE: The max-lpn-count screen parameter is dependent on the lpn-prompt-behavior screen parameter and will be considered only when the lpn-prompt-behavior is set to ‘Enter LPN count’ mode.
With this enhancement, performance improvements are made where the putaway type determination for Enter LPN count will now occur only for the first LPN within the template. The remaining IBLPNs within the template will have the same putaway type stamped from the first LPN.
Steps to Enable
To receive more than 24 LPNs at one go during single SKU receiving, you need to have the following configurations;
- Set the lpn-prompt-behavior parameter to Enter LPN count mode.
- Define the max-lpn-count screen parameter with a value greater than 24.
Key Resources
New Group Permissions in Inventory History and Inbound Shipment UI
Currently, a few of the action buttons in the Inventory History and IB Shipment UIs have group level permissions. As a part of 21B, Oracle WMS Cloud now includes additional group permissions to the Inventory History and IB Shipment UI. This is done to provide better access control based on groups and thereby reduce glitches in operations.
- Inventory History / Can Resend Inventory History
For users other than administrators, access to the “Resend” button in the Inventory History UI will be disabled by default and access has to be provided by enabling above permission in Groups > Permissions UI. For administrators, the permission will be enabled by default.
By default, any user that can access the IB Shipment screen, can access the IB Shipment > Vendor Performance UI and view vendor performance details. However, to create/edit/delete vendor performance details, the respective permissions should be enabled in Groups > Permissions UI. For administrators, the permissions will be enabled by default.
Permission | Action Button | UI |
IB shipment / Can create Vendor Performance |
Vendor performance |
IB Shipment Header |
IB shipment / Can edit Vendor Performance |
Vendor performance |
IB Shipment Header |
IB shipment / Can delete Vendor Performance |
Vendor performance |
IB Shipment Header |
For users with roles other than ADMINISTRATOR, access to the following action buttons in the IB Shipment UI will be disabled by default and access has to be provided by enabling respective permissions in the Groups > Permissions UI. For administrators, the permissions will be enabled by default.
Permission | Action Button | UI |
IB shipment / Can Cartonize per SKU |
Cartonize per SKU |
IB Shipment |
IB shipment / Can Print ASN Labels |
Print ASN Labels |
IB Shipment Header |
IB shipment / Can Print Serial Numbers |
Print Serial Numbers |
IB Shipment Header |
IB shipment / Can Print LPN Labels |
Print LPN Labels |
IB Shipment Header and IB Shipment Detail |
IB shipment / Can Print Price Labels |
Print Price Labels |
IB Shipment Header and IB Shipment Detail |
IB shipment / Can Convert to Prepack |
Convert to prepack |
IB Shipment Detail |
IB shipment / Can Break Prepack |
Break Prepack |
IB Shipment Detail |
IB shipment / Can Select for Dtl Recv |
Select for Dtl Recv |
IB Shipment Detail |
IB shipment / Can Deselect from Dtl Recv |
Deselect from Dtl Recv |
IB Shipment Detail |
Currently, any user can Create/Edit/Delete a Work Order from the Work Order UI. As Work Orders in the warehouse are used for assembly or disassembly, it’s important for an authorized user to be allowed to create or modify the Work Order. In 21B, new group permissions allow you to Create, Delete, and Edit Work Order, only if your roles have these permissions enabled.
The new Work Order permissions are:
- Work Order/ Can Create Work Order
- Work Order/ Can Delete Work Order
- Work Order/ Can Edit Work Order
For the ‘ADMINISTRATOR’ role, these permissions are granted by default. For the user roles other than the ‘ADMINISTRATOR’, the Work Order Create /Delete/Edit permissions will be unchecked by default and you should not be able to Create/Edit/Delete the Work Order. You can Create/Edit/Delete the Work Order if the newly added permissions are enabled from the Group UI.
NOTE: Prior to 21B, Employee User/ Supervisor Users were able to create the Work Order from UI. As we have introduced permission for Work Order Create/Edit/Delete. From 21B onwards, to perform Create/Edit/Delete on the Work Order UI, users need to have the respective permission associated to their group.
Steps to Enable
- Go to the Groups UI and select the group for which the permissions need to be enabled.
- Add the respective permissions in the Groups >> Permissions UI.
- To create a Work Order from the UI, you need to get Work Order permissions enabled for your respective group.
Key Resources
Enhancements to WMS Cloud Redwood Look and Feel
The Oracle WMS Cloud Login page and themes have been updated and improved to further align with the current Oracle Redwood look and feel.
Oracle WMS Cloud Login
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Extra Item Property Display Parameter in RF Pick Cart
Prior to 21B, a few RF screens had the ability to display additional item attributes based on the RF screen parameter. In 21B, you will have an option to display additional item properties in the RF Pick Cart transaction. This helps for better identification of SKUs handled while picking.
Highlights of the enhancements:
Existing “Show-item-external-style" parameter is renamed to “extra-item-property-disp" in the RF pick cart (rf.outbound.cwrfpickcart) transaction.
- The parameter “extra-item-property-disp” is a selection type and contains the following additional parameter choices:
- None - Displays item code. By default, the parameter is set to None or Blank value
- Item Code - Displays information from "item.calculated_code"
- Item Alternate Code - Displays Item Alternate Code.
- Item Part A - Displays Item Part A
- Item External Style - Displays Item External Style
- Item Facility Description - Displays Item facility Description. If the item facility description is blank, then the respective item description is displayed
- Item Short Description - Displays Items Short Description
- Item Code-Item Facility Description - Displays concatenation of item code with item facility description. If the item facility description is not populated on the item, then the system displays concatenation of item code with item description.
- Item Description 2 - Displays Item Description 2
- Item Description 3 - Displays Item Description 3
- Season Code - Displays Season Code from the Item detail
- Item description is an existing field in RF Pick cart and will be displayed by default.
- To display different item properties based on parameter selection, existing “External Style”/” DUN 14” literals has been removed from RF screen.
- Existing users configured with "Show Item External Style" in the existing screen parameter show-item-external-style will be updated with value "Item External Style" in the new screen parameter extra-item-property-disp.
NOTE: While executing a stand-alone pick cart, the system creates an internal PICK_CART task and honors the extra-item-property-disp parameter value set up for the Pick Cart RF screen in PICK_CART task type. If stand-alone screen RF Pick Cart has "extra-item-property-disp" = "Item Description 2" but the RF Screen of the Task Type "PICK_CART" has extra-item-property-disp = "Alternate Item code", then the Pick cart screen will display "Alternate Item code". We recommend ensuring an appropriate setting to be configured.
Steps to Enable
- Go to RF pick cart (rf.outbound.cwrfpickcart) transaction
- Configure the extra-item-property-disp parameter for the transaction.
- Click Edit and select the property needed from the parameter drop-down list.
Key Resources
Additional Filter Criteria Fields in Purchase Order and Manual Wave UI
Following are the new additional fields introduced:
- Filter criteria in the Manual Wave UI (RunAllocation module).
- Order Nbr (We do support order number search for multiple orders, separated by comma)
- Wave Flag - drop-down having options ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
- Facility Order Flag - drop-down having options ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
- Single Order on Multiple Loads - drop-down having options ‘Allow’, ‘Allow with Warning’ and ‘Do not Allow’
- Filter criteria in the Purchase Order UI (PurchaseOrderHdrView module.)
- From Create ts
- To Create ts
- From mod ts
- To mod ts
Additional filter criteria fields are added in the Purchase order (PurchaseOrderHdrView module) and Manual Wave (RunAllocation module) UI.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Get Parcel Carrier Information Using a REST API
Now you can query Parcel entities. This will allow you to view the information without accessing the UI screen. The following entities have been exposed:
- Carrier
- Route Header
- Route Detail
- Ship Via Detail
- Ship Via Account Detail
- Standard Carrier Accessorial
- Standard Carrier
- Standard Carrier Services
You can query using the following GET request. Fetch paginated results using the following URL:
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/carrier/
Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/carrier/{id}
You can query using the following GET request. Fetch paginated results using the following URL:
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/route_hdr/
Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/route_hdr/{id}/
You can query using the following GET request. Fetch paginated results using the following URL:
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/route_dtl/
Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/route_dtl/{id}/
You can query using the following GET request. Fetch paginated results using the following URL:
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/ship_via_dtl/
Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID'
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/ship_via_dtl/{id}/
You can query using the following GET request. Fetch paginated results using the following URL:
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/ship_via_account_dtl/
Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/ship_via_account_dtl/{id}/
You can query using the following GET request. Fetch paginated results using the following URL:
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/std_carrier_accessorial/
Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/std_carrier_accessorial/{id}/
You can query using the following GET request. Fetch paginated results using the following URL:
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/std_carrier/
Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID':
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/std_carrier/{id}/
You can query using the following GET request.
- Fetch paginated results when users use the following URL
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/std_carrier_service/
- Fetch non-paginated result by specific 'ID'
GET .../lgfapi/v10/entity/std_carrier_service/{id}/
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API Guide for detailed information on the API.
Expand Output Interface Target Selection Criteria
From 21B onwards, Output Interface configuration has been expanded to support filtering for Order Outbound Load Export payload (PLS) and Outbound Manifest Payload. The structure of PLS and Outbound Manifest Payload is similar to Outbound Load Export payload (SLS). Configuration of Output Interface Target Criteria has been enabled for Order Outbound Load export, so that ou can now configure Output Interface Target Criteria for Order Outbound Load export and also for Outbound Manifest. This will help to send Outbound manifest Payload or Order Outbound Load export to different end points based on the contents of the file.
Also additional fields have been added to the existing Outbound Load Export to filter the message.
- Output Interface Target Criteria Configuration has been opened up for Order outbound Export File.
- Output Interface Target Criteria Configuration has been opened up for Outbound Manifest payload.
The following new fields are available for Outbound Load Export for performing the filtration of messages:
- ship_via_code
- host_allocation_number
- customer_po_number
- sales_order_number
- hazmat
- dest_company_code
- tms_order_hdr_ref_nbr
The following fields are exposed for Order Outbound Export payload:
- Route Number
- Ship Via Code
- Order Type
- Ship To Name
- Ship to Address
- Ship to Address 2
- Ship to Address 3
- Ship to City
- Ship to State
- Ship to Country
- Ship to Zip
- Ship to Facility Code
- Ship to Contact
- Ship to Phone Number
- Ship to Email
- Customer Number
- Customer Address
- Customer Address 2
- Customer Address 3
- Customer City
- Customer State
- Customer Country
- Customer Zip
- Customer Contact
- Customer Email
- Customer Phone Number
- Order Header Cust Field 1
- Order Header Cust Field 2
- Order Header Cust Field 3
- Order Header Cust Field 4
- Order Header Cust Field 5
- Host Allocation Number
- Customer PO Number
- Sales Order Number
- Sales Channel
- Destination Dept Number
- Destination Company Code
- Item Hazardous
- Order Detail Cust Field 1
- Order Detail Cust Field 2
- Order Detail Cust Field 3
- Order Detail Cust Field 4
- Order Detail Cust Field 5
- TMS Order Hdr Reference Number
NOTE: The above fields exposed for Outbound Load Export are exposed for Outbound Manifest Payload.
Steps to Enable
- From the Output Interface Configuration screen, select Outbound Manifest/Order Outbound Load Export and navigate to Output Interface Target Criteria.
- Select the fields you would like to configure for filtering.
Suggest Pallet Number During Loading
The RF Load OBLPN transaction in Oracle WMS Cloud is now enhanced to suggest Pallet numbers during loading as long as the suggested OBLPNs are associated with a pallet. In a palletized operation (from the RF Load OBLPN transaction), you are required to find the required OBLPNs (from the assigned OBLPNs) within the pallet before scanning the OBLPN.
The new screen parameter ‘next-pallet-to-scan' on the rf.outbound.cwrfloadshipment module will allow you to get an idea of the next pallet you can scan and load the corresponding OBLPNs all at once when the OBLPNs are palletized.
Parameter Configuration | Behavior |
When ‘next-pallet-to-scan' is set to Blank (default behavior) |
You will be suggested only the next OBLPN to be scanned even if the assigned OBLPNs are palletized. |
When ‘next-pallet-to-scan' is set to suggest next pallet |
You will be suggested the next pallet as a new info field when the suggested OBLPN is palletized. With this new parameter configured, you will see both 'Next OBLPN' and the corresponding 'Next pallet' info fields. |
NOTE: If the OBLPNs are not palletized or if the Loading mode is set to "Assign OBLPN Mode", then the users will see the 'Next pallet' info field as blank even if the ‘next-pallet-to-scan’ parameter is set to ‘suggest next pallet.’
If the Assigned OBLPNs in the scanned load are not palletized then the 'Next pallet' info field will be blank.
Steps to Enable
- Enable the ‘next-pallet-to-scan' to suggest next pallet to get the pallet suggestion. However, the Pallets will be suggested only if the assigned OBLPNs are palletized.
- The loading mode should be set to Assign OBLPN Mode and OBLPNs should be assigned to the scanned Load.
Key Resources
The new Pack Full LPN API is introduced that allow you to pack the Full LPN allocations and also has the capability to perform substitution and shorting during full LPN picking.
This enhancement includes following changes:
- The new API can be called using the following method:
- This new API can be executed in Synchronous and Asynchronous mode.
NOTE: When using synchronous mode, we recommend to send single pick in the API request.
- A sample JSON body request is as follows:
- async_flg - true/false; (where, by default the value is true):
- When false:
- The celery task is immediately processed and a response is returned.
- On success, return a 204 - "No Content" HTTP response status with no response body.
- When true:
- Return HTTP response status 202 - "Accepted" with no response body.
- Signals on receiving the request and processes the submission successfully.
- When false:
- Full LPN Packing using API:
- The API body should include Company ID, Facility ID, IBLPN or OBLPN number.
- Substitution for Full LPN using API:
- The API body should include Company ID, Facility ID, along with IBLPN number & OBLPN number.
- Following additional parameters perform validations during substitution:
- Validate Batch Number
- Validate Expiry Date
- Validate PO Number
- Validate Shipment Number
- Shorting during Full LPN Picking:
- The API body should include Company ID, Facility ID, IBLPN or OBLPN number.
- Additionally, API allows you to send the reason code for shorting and also an option to Update Inventory on short.
- From MHE Pick Confirmation UI:
- Data sent in the API request can viewed in the From MHE Pick Confirmation UI.
- For Full LPN packing API, Allocation UOM is LPNs.
With this new lgfapi, external systems can pack multiple Full LPN’s in a single request.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API Guide for detailed information on the API.
Accept Serial Numbers During Pick Confirmation Using a REST API
Earlier, the Pick Confirmation API did not support sending serial numbers for serial tracked items where the system did not have a visibility of which serial number is physically picked during the picking process. In 21B, the Pick Confirm API is extended to support serial number which helps you to understand which serial number inventory is picked in the respective picking request sent.
Enhancement Highlight:
- The Pick Confirm API can be called using the following POST request:
POST ..lgfapi/v10/pick_pack/pick_confirm/
- A new flag "suppress_serial_warning_flg" in (Pick Confirm API) is introduced in the "options" section of the request.
The “suppress_serial_warning_flg": true/false; (where, by default the value is true):
- When false:
- Validate the validations pertaining to the serial numbers sent in the API.
- When true:
- Suppress (Do not validate) the validations pertaining to serial numbers which are of type warnings.
- Validate the validations pertaining to serial numbers which are of type error.
From MHE Pick Confirmation UI:
- Serial Numbers sent in the Pick Confirmation API request can be viewed from the ”From MHE Pick Confirmation UI” (Serial Number Column).
- The Serial Number column will be set to blank and column is be hidden, by default.
- The MHE Pick Confirmation API writes IHT-10- Container Detail Packed. If the “Enable split by serial number flag” is checked for this IHT, then the API splits by the respective serial numbers sent in the request.
- There is no change in the API URL for Pick Confirmation API with respect to serial number support in the API.
Pick Confirm API
The Pick Confirm API can send the batch number that is used during picking in instances where the batch number provided in the API might not be the same as the original allocated inventory. If the location where the pick is happening contains inventory pointing to multiple batches for the same SKU, then substitution will happen against one of the allocated inventory.
For example: Let's say the location has Batch 1 and Batch 2 allocated for Order 1. In the Pick Confirm API request, the user sends Batch 3 for Order 1, the system will substitute against Batch 1 or Batch 2.
In an upcoming release, a new field called Original Batch Number will be added for performing substitution via API. The current substitution behavior of only sending the batch number field will not be supported in upcoming releases.
This also helps an external system to understand which serial inventory is picked so that respective updates can be done.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API Guide for detailed information on the API.
Extend Serial Number Support for Modify LPN Using a REST API
Oracle WMS Cloud now allows you to send the serial numbers in the request body to modify the quantity of the serial tracked SKUs via Modify IBLPN REST API.
You can send the serial number list for serial tracked SKUs by using the following URLs to modify the LPN quantity:
POST .../entity/iblpn/{id}/modify_item_qty/
POST .../entity/iblpn/modify_item_qty/
Serial numbers may be shared in the "options" section of the request body using the field, "serial_nbr_list". However, the serial number list is not mandatory for the non-serial tracked SKUs.
When you are downsizing the container quantity to zero, you are not required to send the serial number list. If you increase the container quantity or if you want to reduce the container quantity partially, you are required to send the same number of serial numbers in the serial number list as options.
The Modify IBLPN REST API is also enhanced with a new optional field ‘actual_qty’ so that you can send the final modified quantity in the "actual_qty" parameter. You are required to send either of the "adjustment_qty" or the "actual_qty" in the API body.
NOTE: The "actual_qty" in the API body can be either 0 or a non-negative numeric value.
This API allows you to reconcile serial discrepancy only when you are sending the ‘actual_qty’. Hence, you are required to provide a different quantity than the current quantity and provide the correct number of serial numbers.
NOTE: By only providing the correct serial list and the retaining the actual quantity will not resolve the serial discrepancy.
Validations of serial numbers are applicable when the SKU has ‘required_serial_number’ set to "Required, don’t validate" or Require, Validate Allow User Override" and the company parameter "serial_number_tracking_level" is set to "2.
You can send the serial number list for serial tracked SKUs to modify the LPN quantity.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API Guide for detailed information on the API.
Process API Orders for All Facilities Eligible to Authorized User
Prior to update 21B, in Oracle WMS Cloud, the Init Stage Interface API allowed you to create orders only for the default facility. Oracle WMS Cloud now allows you to create orders through the Init stage interface API for the facilities you are eligible. However, you are required to specify the eligible company and facility in the data arguments of the POST request.
You can use the following API URL and pass the XML or the Flat file to create orders for the eligible or the default facilities:
NOTE: You are required to send the company_code and facility_code to the POST requests to successfully create orders for the eligible facilities.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- See the REST API Guide for detailed information on the API.
This new Receiving API is designed to complement the new Receiving transaction which will be available soon in the WMS Cloud Mobile app. This API supports cartonized and non-cartonized shipments. Currently, it does not support Attributes, batch, expiry, but it is planned for a future release.
POST .../entity/iblpn/receive
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
facility_id |
Integer |
Facility context by id. |
facility_id__code |
String |
Facility context by code. |
company_id |
Integer |
Company context by id. |
company_id__code |
String |
Company context by code. |
container_nbr |
X |
String |
IB container number |
shipment_nbr |
C |
String |
IB shipment number |
po_nbr |
C |
String |
Purchase order number |
recv_dock_nbr_or_location_barcode |
String |
The dock number or dock location barcode at which the LPN is being received. |
pallet_nbr |
String |
Pallet number |
trailer_nbr |
String |
Trailer number |
lpn_type |
String |
LPN type Code |
item_list |
List |
Sku list |
Items Not Currently Supported in the Receiving API
The following is a summary of items that are not currently supported:
- WMS currently supports only receiving of normal items. Support for attribute, batch , expiry and serial tracking items will be added in a later release.
NOTE: When you pass batch number / expiry date for a batch / expiry tracking item in cartonized receiving, you are allowed to successfully receive the LPN via API. Even if you do not pass batch number / expiry date for a batch / expiry tracking item in cartonized receiving, you can successfully receive the LPN via API.
- LPN as a Physical Pallet
- Detailed receiving for cartonized LPNs
- Handling over-receipt warning message
- QC flow
- Xdock flow
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
item_barcode |
X |
String |
Item Barcode |
qty |
X |
Integer |
Quantity |
case_qty |
Integer |
Case Quantity |
pack_qty |
Integer |
Pack Quantity |
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- Refer to the REST API Guide for detailed information on the API.
Process Dynamic Bill of Materials in Work Order Interface
Earlier, Oracle WMS Cloud allowed processing of Work Order with Kit items, where child items reflected as per Kit item prepack definition. As part of 21B, Oracle WMS Cloud is enhanced to send any child items for the given Kit items during Work Order creation. This change is utilized by organizations where construction of Kit item requires large child items and assembly locations in such organization may not have enough space to keep all child items, or the Kit items construction involves multi-step process. This also helps organizations that adopts rapid change in market demand that caters to promotional offers, or unavailability of few child items that can be replaced by another child items.
- A new flag “Allow Prepack Override” is introduced in the Work Order Type UI. This new flag allows you to:
- Define any child items for the Kit item associated with the Work Order.
- Supports creation of Work Order for both Assembly and Dis-Assembly activity type.
Allow Prepack Override
- When flag “Allow Prepack Override” is set to Yes:
- The system allows you to create Work Order with any child items. Additionally, you can send child quantity that is required to create prepack item.
- If you don’t specify the child items during the Work Order creation, the system considers the child items for the given Kit item based on the prepack definition defined against the respective Kit item.
- When flag “Allow Prepack Override” is set to No:
- By default, the Allow Prepack Override value is set to No/blank.
- You can create the Work Order as per the prepack definition defined against the respective Kit item. If you define any child item that is not matching with the respective prepack configuration, an error message will be displayed. User will see error message.
Work Order UI
- The creation of Work Order with work order type enabled with “Allow Prepack Override” flag allows you to:
- Create/Edit/Delete the child components for a given Kit item.
- Define the Child Item and Child Units in the Work Order component sub-UI against a Kit item.
- By default, you can view the child items as per prepack definition defined for Kit item for the given Kit item in the Work Order Component sub-UI.
NOTE: You can select the single Kit Item in the Work Order Kit sub-UI to define child items. We don’t recommended to multi-select Kit items and then modify or define the child items against Kit item.
Work Order Interface
- New fields are added to the Work Order interface at Work Order Component level:
- “child_qty”: Respective child quantity required to construct one unit of Kit item.
- “scrap_percentage”: Scrap percentage of respective child quantity gets disputed during assembly process.
- “kitting_instruction”: Instructions against child item for assembly/ disassembly. Instruction sent can be viewed only in the Work Order Component sub-UI.
- The creation of Work Order from Interface with work order type enabled with “Allow Prepack Override” flag allows you to:
- Send any child items against the Kit item.
- On sending child items which are not as per prepack configuration, then user has to send the Child Units. You need to send the Child Units if the sent child items are not as per prepack configuration.
- On sending child items as per prepack configuration, then the system considers Child Units as per prepack definition. If you send different child quantity, then the quantity value is sent in the Child Unit field.
NOTE: For Kit/Parent items, the current child units value in the IBLPN (Make To Stock Flow) or OBLPN UI (Make To Order Flow) will be displayed as per the respective item prepack configuration. Since the system allows you to send any child item during dynamic Bill of Material (BOM) flow, the kit Item created through the dynamic BOM flow may not reflect the correct value. This is because the kit item always points to the Item prepack configuration. Customers using a dynamic BOM flow, should not refer to the current child units value in the IBLPN (Make To Stock Flow) or OBLPN (Make To Order Flow) UI to determine the child units associated with the Kit Item.
Kitting and De-Kitting
For de-kitting, after running the Work Order wave template for Work Order defined with dynamic Bill of Material (BOM), the system creates replenishment allocations to assembly location as per the Kit Item defined in the respective Work Order. De-kitting process will break down the Prepack Item (Kit Item) as per corresponding de-kitting or disassembly Work Order. An ERP system will know the corresponding Component Item’s.
For Kitting (Assembly), after running the Work Order Wave Template for Work Orders defined with dynamic BOM, the system creates replenishment allocations to assembly location as per the component items defined in the respective Work Order. During de-kitting, if Kit items are allocated then it’s assumed that it is assembled with all the child items which are defined as per the definition of Work Order. After performing de-kitting child components defined as per work order will be recovered. If the Kit items are allocated during de-kitting, the system assumes that the kit item is assembled with all the child items defined as per the definition of the Work Order. After de-kitting is performed, the child components defined per work order can be recovered.
Duplicate Child Items are not allowed for a given Kit Item during Work Order processing. To delete any child item as part of Work Order processing, you must delete the child component from UI. Or else, you can process the the Kit item by defining required child item with CREATE action code, and Work Order Header action code as UPDATE.
This functionality allows you to receive the required child items against the Kit item on need basis rather than sending all the child items at once during work order creation.
Steps to Enable
- Go to Work Order type UI
- To add or modify, click + icon or edit icon.
- Tick the Allow Prepack Override check-box to enable or disable.
NOTE: Work Order type should be enabled with “Allow Prepack Override” flag in the Work Order Type UI.
Key Resources
Update Location for Cycle Count Threshold Fields Using a REST API
In opportunistic cycle counting, users can define the cycle count threshold Unit of Measure (UOM) and threshold value at the location level. As a part of 21B, you can configure cycle count threshold uom and threshold values via the Location UI (location interface.) In addition to that, you can update the cycle count threshold uom and cycle count threshold values for locations using patch on location entity.
The location API can be called to update location values using the following PATCH request:
Where “id” is the location id to be updated.
The following fields can be updated for a location using the patch on location API as part of 21B:
- cc_threshold_uom_id - user can send specify uom id corresponding to either “units” or “lpns”
- cc_threshold_value – user can send zero/positive number as cycle count threshold value for the location
- lock_for_putaway_flg – user can send true, if location should be locked for putaway, or else user can send false
- When using patch for location to update cycle count threshold UOM, if the cycle count threshold uom id is not known, the cycle count threshold UOM id for “units” and “lpns” can be retrieved by using GET support for uom entity.
Steps to Enable
Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.
Key Resources
- See the REST API Guide for detailed information on this API.
Additional Categories in Web Reports Gen 2
Some Web Reports users may need to build reports using key logs, or some customers have ASLA standards, and they need a way of getting all the user access information.
To support additional reporting capabilities in Web Reports Gen 2, the following new entity has been added:
Web Reports Entity | Function |
KEYED_LOG | Allows you to report changes about user access. |
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Increase File Size for Web Report Email Attachments
You can now send emails in Oracle WMS Cloud with a size of up to 11 MB. The main feature that benefits from this is scheduled webreports that produce large reports.
NOTE: It is still recommended (by adding filters to the report) that these be kept below 10MB for performance reasons.
Also, emails sent from WMS now have additional authenticity features: Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) are now supported.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources