
The Animation pattern describes animations that occur as the page or feature transitions. This is a method of visually enhancing an application and in some cases providing useful feedback on how it behaves. Several animated transitions are described below. Currently MAF supports the following transitions:

Appearance & Behavior

Appearance characteristics for this component.


This transition occurs when the page or view slides left, right, up or down off the screen until it disappears, or slides on the screen until it appears.

Examples on the Phone:

Examples on the Tablet:

Flip or Turn

This transition occurs when the page or view turns or flips over to reveal content on the back or flip side. Usually the initial flip of the page is from right-to-left and then left-to-right to return the user to the original page or view. Also a transition can turn or flip from bottom-to-top and then top-to-bottom to return the user to the original view.

Curl or Peel

This transition occurs when the page or view curls or peels up to show what is behind it or curls or peels down to hide what is behind it. An alternate version of this is when an object curls up and slides into a container. Also called 'Pull back the Curtain.'


This transition occurs when the page or view folds up until it disappears, or unfolds until it fully appears. An alternate version is when an object is scrunched up into a ball, like a piece of paper. Similar to Zoom or Pop.


This transition occurs when the page or view becomes dimmer until it disappears, or brighter until it fully appears. Similar to Dissolve.


This transition occurs when the page or view dissolves or pixel-ates until it disappears, or when the animation resolves the pixelated image until it fully appears. Similar to Fade.

Pop or Zoom

This transition occurs when the page or view zooms out, minimizes, or collapses to center until it disappears; it also appears when the page or view zooms in (maximizes or expands from center) until it fully appears.

Rotate or Roll or Spin

This transition occurs when the page or view rotates or collapses into the center of the screen as a whirlpool, until it disappears, or when it rotates outward from the center of the screen until it fully appears. Similar to Zoom or Pop.



Usage guidelines for this component.
