Migrate to Oracle Database with SQL Developer

Migrate to Oracle Database with SQL Developer

Oracle offers a wide range of migration services to help you optimize your usage of Oracle technology. Through the use of tools, resources, and proven best practices, Oracle can provide support for migrating from legacy or non-Oracle technologies to Oracle. Oracle SQL Developer is Oracle's Migration tool to migrate non-Oracle databases to Oracle. Migrating with Oracle SQL Developer reduces the time, risks, and financial barriers involved in migrating to the Oracle platform.

No matter what stage of the migration process you are in, SQL Developer can assist in your planning and migration execution. Learn more about Migration Planning and Methodology. Once you're ready to migrate, get started with SQL Developer and select the platform to migrate from.
Get Started

Ready to Migrate?

White paper: Migrating to Oracle Database (PDF)

White paper: Migrating to Oracle Database (PDF)

Video: Oracle SQL Developer: Online Migration 3.1 (10:00)

Video: How to Migrate SQL Server Database to Oracle Using SQL Developer (5:53)

Hear What Customers Have to Say

“The Database Migration tool in SQL Developer gave us a powerful yet simple mechanism to consolidate data from disparate systems into a centralized Oracle database. We love the SQL Developer Database Migration Tool. The menu driven process made our migration from MS SQL to Oracle a snap. With the Database Migration Tool built into SQL Developer, we were able to quickly consolidate data from several non-oracle databases into one Oracle database, simplifying reporting and eliminating the need for dblinks.”
—Danny Bryant, IT Manager at City of Atlanta

Read about Danny’s Success Story of migrating MS SQL Server to Oracle Database using Oracle SQL Developer (PDF)

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