O ICCP (Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol ou IEC 60870/TASE.2) é o padrão mundial adotado na comunicação entre centros de controle no setor de energia elétrica. Ele permite a troca de dados dentro de sistemas de serviços públicos, bem como entre utilitários e pools de energia, organizações regionais de transmissão (RTOs), operadores de sistemas independentes (ISOs) e geradores de não-utilidade. O ICCP, ou protocolo TASE.2, permite a troca de dados históricos e em tempo real, incluindo status, valores medidos, dados de agendamento, comandos do operador e muito mais. O protocolo ICCP é baseado no MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification ou ISO 9506) e permite funções de cliente e servidor. O ICCP e o MMS permitem que as conexões TCP/IP sejam de entrada, de saída ou ambas, independentemente da função cliente/servidor.
O ICCP Seguro é basicamente um ICCP encapsulado por meio do TLS (Transport Layer Security). Em outras palavras, é baseado em certificados e tem alguma assinatura de mensagem de protocolo adicional. A especificação técnica IEC TS 62351-4 define o ICCP seguro.
Atualmente, muitos de nós consideram a comunicação e os dados em tempo real como algo natural. Antes da década de 1990, esse não era o caso. O ICCP começou em 1991 como um esforço de serviços públicos de energia, grupos de suporte a protocolos de troca de dados (WSCC, IDEC e ELCOM), EPRI, consultores e fornecedores de SCADA/EMS para desenvolver um padrão global abrangente para a troca de dados em tempo real dentro do setor de serviços públicos de energia elétrica que fosse totalmente compatível com a ISO.
Antes do ICCP, os serviços públicos dependiam de protocolos internos ou proprietários, não padrão ISO, como WEIC, ELCOM e IDEC, para trocar dados em tempo real. O Utility Communication Specification (UCS) Working Group foi formado naquele ano para desenvolver a especificação do protocolo, desenvolver uma implementação do protótipo, testar a especificação, enviar a especificação para padronização e executar testes de interoperabilidade entre os fornecedores em desenvolvimento.
The ICCP history started in May of 1991, when the IEC Technical Committee 57 Working Group 07 (TC57 WG07) asked the WSCC Communications Task Force to create WSCC guidelines for international standardization. This group felt a better solution would be to bring together the four competing standards (WSCC, IDEC, ELCOM, and MMS) to develop a fully ISO compliant standard.
In September of 1991, the first Utility Communications Specification (UCS) meeting was convened. Any utility, vendor, or organization who was committed to developing a comprehensive standard was welcome to attend. The meeting had two main outcomes. The attendees 1) recognized several benefits of a combined effort to create a communications standard, and they 2) created a task force to complete the work of creating a standard.
In 1991, the Utility Communications Specification (UCS) determined multiple benefits of a combined effort to create a communications standard for the utilities industry. These benefits include
Over the next several months, the task force worked through internal meetings and meetings with industry standards organizations such as International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) working groups, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). During these meetings, the task force balanced the options of making the WSCC and IDEC protocols compatible to communicate versus defining the requirements for a new protocol. They determined it would be more productive to work on a new protocol and conducted a feasibility study of MMS.
The UCS working group completed a benchmark of MMS to determine the overhead of MMS running ICCP blocked, periodic messages. The preliminary results showed a 6% to 10% increase in transmitted bits/message when using MMS for the ICCP messaging service versus a custom approach of bypassing the presentation layer. This would not increase the recurring costs of network media to any significant amount. Based on the results of the benchmark, the UCS working group approved the use of MMS for UCS/ICCP.
Once the feasibility study demonstrated MMS was a viable upper-layer alternative to custom software, the working group directed it efforts to three areas: 1) developing the functional specification for a new protocol utilizing MMS; 2) determining how the protocol could be demonstrated; and 3) deciding to whom it would be submitted for acceptance as a standard.
UCS submitted ICCP to the IEC Technical Committee (TC) 57 Working Group (WG) 07 as a proposed protocol standard. At the same time, WG-07 was also considering a standard based on ELCOM (ELectricity utilities COMmunications)-90 over ROSE. TC-57 chose a dual protocol approach. This allowed for an implementation that would meet 1992’s European Common Markets requirements and the long-term development for a more comprehensive protocol. TC-57 designated the protocol based on ELCOM-90 as TASE.1 (Tele-control Application Service Element-1) and the protocol based on ICCP over MMS TASE.2.
Under EPRI’s Integrated Utility Communications Project, a series of demonstrations and associated seminars were conducted. One demonstration included implementing and testing the protocol at Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA) Loveland Area Office and at Ohio Edison Company, with a third node at a vendor to demonstrate routing and networking capabilities.
Live data between the WAPA control center in Loveland, Colorado, and Ohio Edison's control center at Wadsworth, Ohio, was transferred via the new ICCP over a communication network linking the two control centers with a node located at the vendor in Florida. Data flowed directly between the utilities or via the node at the vendor under control of the MMS/OSI-based protocol.
The demonstration was completed in late 1994 and was based on major blocks of ICCP functionality including the exchange of control center objects and remote operator communications. Over time the ICCP standard has been refined, but it remains as the preferred standard for control centers.
In September of 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved final rule Order 2222 (PDF). This rule enables distributed energy resource (DER) aggregators to compete in all regional organized wholesale electric markets. The intent of the action is to empower new technologies to come online and participate on a level playing field, further enhancing competition, encouraging innovation, and driving down energy costs for consumers.
DERs are located on the distribution system, a distribution subsystem, or behind a customer meter. They range from electric storage and intermittent generation to distributed generation, demand response, energy efficiency, thermal storage, and electric vehicles and their charging equipment.
The final rule enables these resources to participate in the regional organized wholesale capacity, energy, and ancillary services markets alongside traditional resources. Multiple DERs can aggregate to satisfy minimum size and performance requirements that they might not meet individually. It also means greater demand for ICCP connectivity from all the aggregated resources coming online to participate in energy markets per the data and control requirements of each ISO/RTO.
ICCP allows the exchange of real-time and historical power system monitoring and control data. This includes measured values, scheduling data, energy accounting data, and operator messages. Data exchange can occur between multiple control center EMS systems; EMS and power plant DCS systems; EMS and distribution SCADA systems; EMS and other utility systems; and EMS/SCADA and substations.