Session Border Controller (SBC)

Deliver trusted, carrier-grade, real-time communications such as VoIP, VoLTE, and Rich Communications Services with protocol support, scalability, and manageability in all types of IP networks. Oracle Communications Session Border Controller evolves your networks toward 5G and the cloud.

What is an SBC? Learn more about Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

Explore the features and benefits of Session Border Controller and related products

Assure STIR/SHAKEN compliance

Validate incoming VoIP calls with the STIR/SHAKEN framework of interconnected standards.

Vet and validate the authenticity of traffic

Implement a STIR/SHAKEN REST client, which, upon receiving an initial out-of-dialog SIP INVITE, sends a REST request to a STIR server for attestation or verification of the calling party identification.

Monitor operations

Evaluate, track, and troubleshoot operations based on extended STIR/SHAKEN client statistics.

Configure a flexible SBC

Deploy as an access SBC, interconnect SBC, or both, enabling the consolidation of access and interconnect functionality in a single system.

Integrate standard IMS functions

Take advantage of full IMS functions used at access or interconnect borders and simplify integration with next-generation service delivery architecture.

Consolidate signaling traffic within networks

Simplify management, and reduce capital and operating expenses.

Enable service buildouts and consolidation

Initiate new service buildouts and the consolidation of service infrastructure at access borders.

Protect the infrastructure from threats

Protect the infrastructure from threats while maximizing reach, reliability, and the quality of the user experience.

Accelerate service offerings or expansions

Implement or expand IMS or IP services at interconnect borders, driving down time-division multiplexing costs and expanding service provider partnerships.

Select from a broad array of platforms

Choose the best device for your needs from a wide range of Oracle platforms at different price and performance points. Oracle Acme Packet platforms feature high availability, carrier-grade manageability, and redundancy for uncompromised quality, interoperability, and security.

Deploy the SBC as a Virtual Network Function

Deploy the SBC as a Virtual Network Function (VNF) in a standalone instance or within an orchestrated virtual environment. Each way ensures functionality, security, interoperability, and reliability.

Group instances of virtualized and physical SBCs together in a cluster

Group instances of virtualized SBCs with their counterparts on purpose-built platforms to create “hybrid clusters,” providing a way to introduce them gradually and attain even greater deployment flexibility and network agility.

Use your public cloud of choice

Support deployment across various public clouds.

Manage session management and service delivery platforms

Deploy session management and service delivery platforms—including SBCs, load balancers, core network signaling management platforms, and policy management platforms—as VNFs.

Orchestrate VNFs in a variety of environments

Orchestrate VNFs in various environments with third party orchestration solutions using the SBC’s embedded REST APIs.

Support REST APIs

Enable zero-touch instantiation, remote configuration, and monitoring of SBC VNFs using REST APIs.

Simplify and scale the network IP signaling core

Overcome the challenges inherent in routing large numbers of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)–based voice, video, instant messaging, and multimedia sessions within and between access and interconnect networks of service providers with Oracle Communications Session Router.

Deliver adaptive load balancing

Scale to support millions of subscribers without network disruption by deploying the SBC in conjunction with Oracle Communications Subscriber-Aware Load Balancer as a member of a cluster.

Benefit from embedded management

Utilize powerful embedded management options such as command-line interface and REST APIs.

Monitor and troubleshoot network issues

Use the SBC’s integrated monitoring capabilities, in conjunction with Oracle Communications Operations Monitor, to capture and analyze all required signaling messages and media from the network, providing full correlation and quality metrics in real time.

Simplify network operations management

Manage and monitor all SBCs and related session delivery products with a single-pane-of-glass view provided by Oracle Session Delivery Management Cloud Service.

Deploy an SBC certified for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

Deliver Microsoft Teams Direct Routing in a multitenant fashion. Efficiently provide a hosted telephony integration into Teams for enterprise customers. Support Operator Connect with Oracle’s SBC.

Why choose Oracle Communications Session Border Controller?

01Comprehensive security

Secure all access, interconnect, and peering borders, providing protection against malicious or malfunctioning endpoints and encrypting traffic for privacy.

02Performance, capacity, and scalability

Select from a wide range of SBC appliances or a virtual offering that scales by performance and capacity.

03Reliability and quality

Ensure your network and service infrastructure have the capacity to support high quality communications with a solution built for stringent uptime requirements.

Gamma trusts Oracle’s SBCs to support high demand innovative UC services (1:05)

04Revenue and cost optimization

Control costs and increase revenues with options for integrating many IMS functions.

Find resources and more

Exact Ventures research paper: Reimagining real-time communications services

Exact Ventures surveyed CSPs about how cloud computing and cloud native networking technologies, combined with emerging 5G standards, are impacting voice and other RTC services—both today and in the future.

Read the report

Oracle Communications webinar: Reimagining the real-time communications services

Exact Ventures and Proximus discuss the evolution of real-time communication services.

Watch the webinar on-demand

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