Align business strategy, reduce compliance risk, and deploy the workforce with greater control through a fully integrated HR solution that links time, labor, scheduling, and leave management with payroll, financial, and personnel data.
Level up your frontline leaders’ tools and energize your workforce with AI to give your employees flexibility and leave no shift uncovered.
Learn how HR investments in innovation and AI are shaping the future of work and helping organizations gain the agility needed to elevate employee experiences and business success.
Allow workers to bid on time off and enable managers to award time off fairly while ensuring adequate coverage.
Automate absence accrual and entitlement policies globally while meeting local requirements, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act in the US.
Implement wellness policies such as compensatory time-off plans and the ability to cash out absence balances.
Analyze absence trends and identify correlations to high turnover and high overtime hours.
Learn how Oracle AI agents help employees achieve new levels of productivity and growth.
Discover how AI agents are used in the Oracle Shift Scheduling Assistant to help you maintain compliance.
Accu-Time Systems, an AMANO Company, provides time and attendance terminals and fully integrated software to support ERP and HCM solutions for leaders in manufacturing, retail, hospitality, healthcare, and other industries.
The b-comm solution from dormakaba Workforce Solutions allows customers to efficiently record and accurately process time and labor hours for payroll and reporting purposes. The dormakaba b-comm solution is integrated with both PeopleSoft and Oracle HCM Time and Labor.
GT Time works seamlessly with Oracle Time and Labor, empowering organizations with accurate time collection, reduced administrative burdens, and peace of mind through effortless compliance with data and privacy regulations.
TCP Software (formerly known as TimeClock Plus) meets the needs of customers by providing innovative software and hardware designed to help administrators monitor and schedule employees, manage labor costs, and reduce compliance risk.
Balance business, employee, and customer demands with Oracle Workforce Scheduling.
We’ve compiled the secrets to our people, process, and systems strategy—and we want to share them with you.
Oracle Cloud HCM helps you give deskless workers the experience they deserve.
Enable easy data entry for all types of workers and varying schedules with a comprehensive set of time tools.
Easily configure rules and policies across workforce processes to drive consistency and scalability.
Reduce health and safety issues with an easy-to-use tool to report incidents, near-misses and potential hazards.
Find out why Oracle was named a Leader in the 2024 Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises, placing furthest right in Completeness of Vision for the seventh year.*
Discover how our customers in a wide variety of industries use Oracle Workforce Management in their business.
True Blue streamlines its back-end operations, improves productivity, and consolidates 20 disparate systems with one unified HCM solution.
See what’s new with Cloud HCM and how we help you make work more human.
* Gartner, Magic Quadrant за HCM пакете апликација у облаку за предузећа са више од 1000 запослених. Објављено: 24. октобра 2024. Аналитичари: Ранадип Чандра, Крис Панг, Рон Ханском, Сем Гринтер, Џози Зинг, Хилтен Шет, Тревис Виксберг, Харш Кундули, Ананд Чокси, Дејвид Бобо, Лора Гардинер, Еми Чиба, Мишел Шапиро.
GARTNER је регистровани жиг и ознака услуге, PEER INSIGHTS, а MAGIC QUADRANT је регистровани жиг компаније Gartner, Inc. и/или њених придружених привредних друштава у САД и на међународном нивоу и овде се користе уз дозволу. Сва права задржана. Компанија Gartner не подржава ниједног добављача, производ ни услугу приказану у њеним истраживачким публикацијама и не саветује корисницима технологије да бирају само оне добављаче са највишим оценама или другим ознакама. Истраживачке публикације компаније Gartner састоје се од мишљења истраживачке организације Gartner и не треба их тумачити као чињеничне констатације. Gartner се одриче свих гаранција, изричитих или подразумеваних, у вези са овим истраживањем, укључујући све гаранције у вези са подесношћу за продају или прикладношћу за одређену намену.
Ову слику је објавила компанија Gartner, Inc. у склопу већег документа о истраживању и суд о њој треба донети у контексту целог документа. Документ компаније Gartner може да се добије на захтев од компаније Oracle на адреси