How to Deploy Oracle RAC on an Exclusive-IP Oracle Solaris Zones Cluster

by Vinh Tran
Published October 2014 (Updated on Sept 2016)

Using Oracle RAC 12c, Oracle Solaris 11.2, and Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2

How to create an exclusive-IP Oracle Solaris Zones cluster, install and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) 12c in the exclusive-IP zone cluster, and create an Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 resource for the Oracle RAC instance.

This article describes how to create an exclusive-IP Oracle Solaris Zones cluster in an Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 environment on Oracle Solaris 11.2, install and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c and Oracle RAC 12c in the zone cluster, and create an Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 resource for the Oracle RAC instance.

The following table provides links to other articles that describe how to perform similar tasks using other versions of the software.

Article Oracle RAC Version Oracle Solaris Version Oracle Solaris Cluster Version
"How to Deploy Oracle RAC on Zone Clusters" 10 3.3
"How to Deploy Oracle RAC on Oracle Solaris 11 Zone Clusters" 11 4.0


Oracle Solaris Cluster provides the capability to create high-availability zone clusters. A zone cluster consists of several Oracle Solaris Zones, each of which resides on its own separate server; the zones that comprise the cluster are linked together into a single virtual cluster. Because zone clusters are isolated from each other, they provide increased security. Because the zones are clustered, they provide high availability for the applications they host. Multiple zone clusters can exist on single physical cluster, providing a means to consolidate multicluster applications on a single cluster.

You can install Oracle RAC inside a zone cluster to run multiple instances of an Oracle database at the same time. This allows you to have separate database versions or separate deployments of the same database (for example, one for production and one for development). Using this architecture, you can also deploy different parts of your multitier solution into different virtual zone clusters. For example, you can deploy Oracle RAC and an application server in different zones of the same cluster. This approach allows you to isolate tiers and administrative domains from each other, while taking advantage of the simplified administration provided by Oracle Solaris Cluster.

For information about different configurations available for deploying Oracle RAC in a zone cluster.

Note: This article is not a performance best practices guide and it does not cover the following topics:

  • Oracle Solaris OS installation
  • Storage configuration
  • Network configuration
  • Oracle Solaris Cluster installation

Note: For information about installing Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0, see the "How to Install and Configure a Two-Node Cluster Using Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0 on Oracle Solaris 11" article.

Overview of the Process

This article describes how to set up Oracle RAC in an Oracle Solaris Cluster four-node zone cluster configuration using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (see Figure 1).

Three significant steps have to be performed:

  1. Create a zone cluster and the specific Oracle RAC infrastructure in this zone cluster.
  2. Prepare the environment, and then install and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure and the Oracle RAC 12c database.
  3. Create the Oracle Solaris Cluster resources, link them up, and bring them online.

Figure 1. Four-node zone cluster configuration

Figure 1. Four-node zone cluster configuration


Ensure that the following prerequisites have been completed:

  1. Ensure that Oracle Solaris 11.2 is installed and network name services are enabled. In this example, DNS and LDAP name services are used.
  2. Ensure that Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 is installed and configured with the ha-cluster-full package.
  3. Ensure that shared disks, also known as /dev/did/rdsk devices, are identified. Listing 1 is an example of how to identify a shared disk from the global zone of any cluster node:
    phyhost1# cldev status
    === Cluster DID Devices ===
    Device Instance            Node               Status
    ---------------            ----               ------
    /dev/did/rdsk/d1           phyhost1           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d10          phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d14          phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d15          phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d16          phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d17          phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d18          phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d19          phyhost2           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d2           phyhost1           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d20          phyhost2           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d21          phyhost3           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d22          phyhost3           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d23          phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d24          phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d6           phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d7           phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d8           phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok
    /dev/did/rdsk/d9           phyhost1           Ok
                               phyhost2           Ok
                               phyhost3           Ok
                               phyhost4           Ok

    Listing 1. Identifying a shared disk

    The output in Listing 1 shows that disks d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d14, d15, d16, d17, and d18 are shared by phyhost1, phyhost2, phyhost3, and phyhost4.

    The following shared disks will be used for the Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group to store Oracle Cluster Registry and voting files:

    1. /dev/did/rdsk/d6s6
    2. /dev/did/rdsk/d7s6
    3. /dev/did/rdsk/d8s6

    The following shared disks will be used for the Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group to store data files:

    1. /dev/did/rdsk/d9s6
    2. /dev/did/rdsk/d10s6
    3. /dev/did/rdsk/d14s6
    4. /dev/did/rdsk/d15s6

    In this example, slice 6 is 102 GB in size. For information about disk size requirements, see the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide.

  4. Ensure that Oracle virtual IP (VIP) and Single Client Access Name (SCAN) IP requirements have been allocated on the public network, for example:
    1. vzhost1d, IP address, is used for the SCAN IP address.
    2. vzhost1c-vip, IP address, is used as the VIP address for vzhost1c.
    3. vzhost2c-vip, IP address, is used as the VIP address for vzhost2c.
    4. vzhost3c-vip, IP address, is used as the VIP address for vzhost3c.
    5. vzhost4c-vip, IP address, is used as the VIP address for vzhost4c.

    Note: Do not manually plumb the above IP addresses anywhere on the network, including in the cluster.

  5. Ensure that network data links have been created for the exclusive IP zone cluster nodes. For example, type the following commands to create VNICs named vnic1 and vnic2 on physical network interfaces net0 and net4.
    # dladm create-vnic -l  net0 vnic1
    # dladm create-vnic -l  net4 vnic2
  6. VNICs or Infiniband partition is required for the cluster interconnect to be used in the exclusive IP-zone. For this configuration, Infiniband partition is used for cluster interconnect. For example, type the following commands to identify and to create Infiniband partition on top of global zone interconnect.

    Type the following command to identify IB physical link that can be used as cluster interconnect.

    # clinterconnect status
     === Cluster Transport Paths ===
    Endpoint1              Endpoint2                         Status
    ---------              ---------                         ------
    Phyhost1:gzpriv.ibd7   phyhost4:gzpriv.ibd7   Path online
    Phyhost1:gzpriv.ibd6   phyhost4:gzpriv.ibd6   Path online
    Phyhost1:gzpriv.ibd7   phyhost2:gzpriv.ibd7   Path online
    Phyhost1:gzpriv.ibd6   phyhost2:gzpriv.ibd6   Path online
    Phyhost1:gzpriv.ibd7   phyhost3:gzpriv.ibd7   Path online
    Phyhost1:gzpriv.ibd6   phyhost3:gzpriv.ibd6   Path online
    Phyhost2:gzpriv.ibd7   phyhost3:gzpriv.ibd7   Path online
    Phyhost2:gzpriv.ibd7   phyhost4:gzpriv.ibd7   Path online
    Phyhost2:gzpriv.ibd6   phyhost3:gzpriv.ibd6   Path online
    Phyhost2:gzpriv.ibd6   phyhost4:gzpriv.ibd6   Path online
    Phyhost3:gzpriv.ibd7   phyhost4:gzpriv.ibd7   Path online
    Phyhost3:gzpriv.ibd6   phyhost4:gzpriv.ibd6   Path online

    Type the following command to display the IB partition link information.

    # dladm show-link
    LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER
    net3                phys      1500   unknown  --
    net4                phys      1500   up     --
    net1                phys      1500   up       --
    net2                phys      1500   unknown  --
    net0                phys      1500   up       --
    net5                phys      1500   unknown  --
    net6                phys      65520  up       --
    net7                phys      65520  up       --
    	phys      1500   up       --
    gzpriv.ibd6         part      65520  up       net6
    gzpriv.ibd7         part      65520  up       net7
    vnic1               vnic      1500   up       net0
    vnic2               vnic      1500   up       net4
    [root@phyhost1 ~]# dladm show-part
    LINK         PKEY  OVER         STATE    FLAGS
    gzpriv.ibd6  8001  net6         up       ----
    gzpriv.ibd7  8002  net7         up       ----

    The Identified links are net6 and net7. net6 is the first interconnect and net7 is the second interconnect.

    Type the following command to display only the physical links, port GUID, HCA GUID, and P_Key present on the port at the time the command is running.

    # dladm show-ib
    net7      212800013EB442 212800013EB444 2    up      --           --       8001,8002,8004,FFFF
    net8      21280001CF6662 21280001CF6663 1    up      --           --       8011,FFFF
    net6      212800013EB442 212800013EB443 1    up      --           --       8001,8002,8004,FFFF
    net9      21280001CF6662 21280001CF6664 2    up      --           --       8004,8012,FFFF

    Type the following command on each global cluster node to create an IB partition link.

    # dladm create-part –l net6 –P 8001 zcRacPriv.ibd6
    # dladm create-part –l net7 –P 8002 zcRacPriv.ibd7

Create the Exclusive-IP Zone Cluster

  1. Use the sysconfig tool to create a system configuration profile:
    1. Type the following command:

      # sysconfig create-profile -o /var/tmp/zc2.xml -g location,identity,naming_services,users

    2. Press F2 to go to the Network screen. Type physhost1as the computer name.
    3. Press F2 to continue to the DNS Name Service screen. Select Configure DNS.
    4. Press F2 to go to the DNS Server Addresses screen. Type the IP address of the DNS server(s). At least one IP address is required.
      DNS Server IP address:
      DNS Server IP address:
    5. Press F2 to go to the DNS Search List screen. Enter a list of domains to be searched when a DNS query is made. If no domain is entered, only the DNS domain chosen for this system is searched.
      Search domain:
      Search domain:
      Search domain:
    6. Press F2 to go to the Alternate Name Service screen. Select LDAP from the list.
    7. Press F2 to go to the screen where you can specify the domain name for the LDAP name server. Type the domain name using its exact capitalization and punctuation.

      Domain Name:

    8. Press F2 to continue to the screen where you can specify the LDAP profile.
      Profile name: <name>
      Profile server host name or IP address:
      Search base: dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
    9. Press F2 to continue to the LDAP Proxy screen. Select Yes if a proxy is used.
    10. Press F2 to continue to the LDAP Profile Proxy Bind Information screen. Type the proxy bind distinguished name.
      Proxy bind distinguished name: myproDN="cn=s_admin,ou=adminusers,dc=oracle,dc=com"
      Proxy bind password: <password>
    11. Press F2 to continue to the Time Zone: Regions screen. Select the region that contains your time zone.
    12. Press F2 to continue to the Time Zone: Locations screen. Select the location that contains your time zone.
    13. Press F2 to continue to the Time Zone screen. Select your time zone.
    14. Press F2 to continue to the Users screen. Define a root password for the system and a user account for yourself. Also create a user account.
    15. Press F2 to continue to the System Configuration Summary screen. Review the list of all the settings.
      Time Zone: US/Pacific
      Language: *The following can be changed when logging in.
      Default language: C/POSIX
      Terminal type: vt100
      No user account
      Computer name: physhost1
      Name service: DNS
      DNS servers:
      DNS Domain search list:
      Note: DNS will be configured to resolve host and IP node names.
      This setting can be modified upon rebooting. For example:
      # svccfg -s svc:/system/name-service/switch
      svc:/system/name-service/switch> setprop config/host="cluster files dns "
      svc:/system/name-service/switch> quit
      # svcadm refresh svc:/system/name-service/switch
      See nsswitch.conf(4), svccfg(1M) and nscfg(1M).
    16. Press F2 to apply the settings.
  2. Create a file called zone.cfg with the following content:
    set zonepath=/export/zones/zc-rac
    set brand=solaris
    set autoboot=true
    set limitpriv=default,proc_priocntl,proc_clock_highres
    set enable_priv_net=true
    set ip-type=exclusive
    add dedicated-cpu
    set ncpus=16
    add capped-memory
    set physical=12g
    set swap=12g
    set locked=12g
    add node
    set physical-host=phyhost1
    set hostname=vzhost1c
    add net
    set physical=vnic4
    add net
    set physical=vnic5
    add privnet
    set physical=zcRacPriv.ibd6
    add privnet
    set physical=vzRacPriv.ibd7
    add node
    set physical-host=phyhost2
    set hostname=vzhost2c
    add net
    set physical=vnic4
    add net
    set physical=vnic5
    add privnet
    set physical=zcRacPriv.ibd6
    add privnet
    set physical=vzRacPriv.ibd7
    add node
    set physical-host=phyhost3
    set hostname=vzhost3c
    add net
    set physical=vnic4
    add net
    set physical=vnic5
    add privnet
    set physical=zcRacPriv.ibd6
    add privnet
    set physical=vzRacPriv.ibd7
    add node
    set physical-host=phyhost4
    set hostname=vzhost4c
    add net
    set physical=vnic4
    add net
    set physical=vnic5
    add privnet
    set physical=zcRacPriv.ibd6
    add privnet
    set physical=vzRacPriv.ibd7
    add net
    set address=vzhost1d
    add net
    set address=vzhost1c-vip
    add net
    set address=vzhost2c-vip
    add net
    set address=vzhost3c-vip
    add net
    set address=vzhost4c-vip
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d6s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d7s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d8s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d9s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d10s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d14s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d15s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdks/d16s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d17s6"
    add device
    set match="/dev/did/rdsk/d18s6"
  3. If the SCAN host name, vzhost1d, resolves to multiple IP addresses, configure a separate global net resource for each IP address. For example, if vzhost1d resolves to three IP addresses (,, and, add the following global net resources to the zone.cfg file:
    add net
    set address=
    add net
    set address=
    add net
    set address=
  4. As root, run the following commands from one node to create the cluster:
    # clzonecluster configure -f /var/tmp/zone.cfgzc-rac
    # clzonecluster install -c /var/tmp/zc2.xml/sc_profile.xml zc-rac
    # clzonecluster status
    === Zone Clusters ===
    --- Zone Cluster Status ---
    Name      Node Name   Zone HostName   Status    Zone Status
    ----      ---------   -------------   ------    -----------
    zc-rac    phyhost1    vzhost1c        Offline   Installed
              phyhost2    vzhost2c        Offline   Installed
              phyhost3    vzhost3c        Offline   Installed
              phyhost4    vzhost4c        Offline   Installed
    # clzc boot zc-rac
    # clzc status
    === Zone Clusters ===
    --- Zone Cluster Status ---
    Name       Node Name   Zone HostName   Status   Zone Status
    ----       ---------   -------------   ------   -----------
    zc-rac     phyhost1    vzhost1c        Online   Running
               phyhost2    vzhost2c        Online   Running
               phyhost3    vzhost3c        Online   Running
               phyhost4    vzhost4c        Online   Running
  5. Configure the zone IP address:
    root@phyhost1:/var/tmp# zlogin zc-rac
    root@vzhost1c:~# dladm show-link
    LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER
    clprivnet2          phys      65520  up       --
    zcRacPriv.ibd6      part      65520  up       ?
    zcRacPriv.ibd7      part      65520  up       ?
    vnic4       vnic      1500   up       ?
    vnic5       vnic      1500   up       ?
    zcRacStor.ibd6      part      65520  unknown  ?
    zcRacStor.ibd7      part      65520  unknown  ?
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipadm show-addr
    ADDROBJ           TYPE     STATE        ADDR
    lo0/v4            static   ok 
    zcRacPriv.ibd6/?  static   ok 
    zcRacPriv.ibd7/?  static   ok 
    clprivnet2/?      static   ok 
    lo0/v6            static   ok           ::1/128
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipadm create-ip vnic4
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipadm create-ip vnic5
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipadm create-ipmp rac_ipmp1
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipadm add-ipmp -i vnic4 -i vnic5 rac_ipmp1
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipadm create-addr -T static -a rac_ipmp1/v4
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipadm set-ifprop -p standby=on -m ip vnic5
    root@vzhost1c:~# ipmpstat -g
    sc_ipmp1    rac_ipmp1    ok        --        vnic4 (vnic
  6. To configure kernel parameter values, add resource control values to the /etc/project file. For more information, see Oracle Database Installation Guide 12c Release 1 for Oracle Solaris section D.1. When you are done, check the values in the /etc/project file. The output should be similar to the following:
    # cat /etc/project
  7. Install these required Oracle Solaris 11 packages if not ready installed:
  • pkg://solaris/developer/assembler
  • pkg://solaris/developer/build/make
  • pkg://solaris/system/xopen/xcu4
  • pkg://solaris/x11/diagnostic/x11-info-clients

Create the Oracle RAC Framework Resources for the Zone Cluster

As root, perform the following steps from one node to create the Oracle RAC framework:

  1. Execute clsetup from any global zone cluster node:
    # /usr/cluster/bin/clsetup
      *** Main Menu ***
        Please select from one of the following options:
            1) Quorum
            2) Resource groups
            3) Data Services
            4) Cluster interconnect
            5) Device groups and volumes
            6) Private hostnames
            7) New nodes
            8) Zone Cluster
            9) Other cluster tasks
            ?) Help with menu options
            q) Quit
        Option:  3
       *** Data Services Menu ***
        Please select from one of the following options:
          * 1) Apache Web Server
          * 2) Oracle Database
          * 3) NFS
          * 4) Oracle Real Application Clusters
          * 5) PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Server
          * 6) Highly Available Storage
          * 7) Logical Hostname
          * 8) Shared Address
          * 9) Per Node Logical Hostname
          *10) WebLogic Server
          * ?) Help
          * q) Return to the Main Menu
        Option:  4
        *** Oracle Solaris Cluster Support for Oracle RAC ***
        Oracle Solaris Cluster provides a support layer for running Oracle
        Real Application Clusters (RAC) database instances. This option allows
        you to create the RAC framework resource group, storage resources,
        database resources and administer them, for managing the Oracle
        Solaris Cluster support for RAC.
        After the RAC framework resource group has been created, you can use
        the Oracle Solaris Cluster system administration tools to administer a
        RAC framework resource group that is configured on a global cluster.
        To administer a RAC framework resource group that is configured on a
        zone cluster, instead use the appropriate Oracle Solaris Cluster
        Is it okay to continue (yes/no) [yes]?  
        Please select from one of the following options:
            1)  Oracle RAC Create Configuration
            2)  Oracle RAC Ongoing Administration
            q)  Return to the Data Services Menu
        Option:  1
    >>> Select Oracle Real Application Clusters Location <<<
        Oracle Real Application Clusters Location:
            1) Global Cluster
            2) Zone Cluster
        Option [2]:  2
    >>> Select Zone Cluster <<<
        From the list of zone clusters, select the zone cluster where you would like to
        configure Oracle Real Application Clusters.
            1) zc-rac
            ?) Help
            d) Done
        Selected:  [zc-rac]
    >>> Select Oracle Real Application Clusters Components to Configure <<<
        Select the component of Oracle Real Application Clusters that you are configuring:
            1) RAC Framework Resource Group
            2) Storage Resources for Oracle Files
            3) Oracle Clusterware Framework Resource
            4) Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
            5) Resources for Oracle Real Application Clusters Database Instances
        Option [1]: 1
           This wizard guides you through the creation and configuration of the Real 
           Application  Clusters (RAC) framework resource group.
        Before you use this wizard, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
        * All pre-installation tasks for Oracle Real Application Clusters are completed.
        * The Oracle Solaris Cluster nodes are prepared.
        * The data services packages are installed.
        * All storage management software that you intend to use is installed and configured
        on all nodes where Oracle Real Application Clusters is to run.
        Press RETURN to continue
    >>> Select Nodes <<<
        Specify, in order of preference, a list of names of nodes where Oracle Real
        Application Clusters is to run. If you do not explicitly specify a list, the list
        defaults to all nodes in an arbitrary order.
        The following nodes are available on the zone cluster z11skgxn:
           1) vzhost1c
           2) vzhost2c
           3) vzhost3c
           4) vzhost4c
           r) Refresh and Clear All
           a) All
           ?) Help
           d) Done
        Selected:  [vzhost1c, vzhost2c, vzhost3c, vzhost4c]
        Options:  d
    >>> Review Oracle Solaris Cluster Objects <<<
        The following Oracle Solaris Cluster objects will be created.
        Select the value you are changing:
              Property Name               Current Setting
              =============               ===============
            1) Resource Group Name        rac-framework-rg
            2) RAC Framework Resource N...rac-framework-rs
            d) Done
            ?) Help
        Option:  d
    >>> Review Configuration of RAC Framework Resource Group <<<
        The following Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration will be created.
        To view the details for an option, select the option.
                       Name                         Value
                       ====                         =====
            1) Resource Group Name        rac-framework-rg
            2) RAC Framework Resource N...rac-framework-rs
            c) Create Configuration
            ?) Help
        Option:  c
  2. From any global zone cluster node, verify the status of the Oracle RAC framework resources:
    # clrs status -Z zc-rac
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name         Node Name      State      Status Message
    -------------         ---------      -----      --------------
    rac-framework-rs       vzhost1c      Online     Online
                           vzhost2c      Online     Online
                           vzhost3c      Online     Online
                           vzhost4c      Online     Online

Set Up the Root Environment in Zone Cluster zc-rac

As root on each global zone cluster node (phyhost1, phyhost2, phyhost3, and phyhost4), perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the non-global zone node:
    # /usr/sbin/zloginzc-rac
    [Connected to zone 'zc-rac' pts/2]
    Last login: Thu Aug 25 17:30:14 on pts/2
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11     11.2 June 2014
  2. Install make on each zone cluster node:
    1. Check whether the make, assembler, and x11-info-clients packages exist on the node.

      # pkg list *make*

    2. If the packages do not exist, execute the following commands to install the packages:
      # pkg install developer/build/make
      # pkg install developer/build/assembler
      # pkg install x11-info-clients
      # pkg install x11/diagnostic/x11-info-clients
  3. Enable Oracle Clusterware's Cluster Time Synchronization Services to run in the observation mode on each zone node:

    # touch /etc/inet/ntp.conf

  4. Change PermitRootLogin no to PermitRootLogin yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on each zone node:
    root@vzhost1c:~# svcadm disable ssh
    root@vzhost1c:~# svcadm enable ssh

Create a User and Group for the Oracle Software

  1. As root, execute the following commands on each node:
    # groupadd -g 300 oinstall
    # groupadd -g 301 dba
    # useradd -g 300 -G 301 -u 302 -d /u01/ora_home -s /usr/bin/bash ouser
    # mkdir -p /u01/ora_home
    # chown ouser:oinstall /u01/ora_home
    # mkdir /u01/oracle
    # chown ouser:oinstall /u01/oracle
    # mkdir /u01/grid
    # chown ouser:oinstall /u01/grid
    # mkdir /u01/oraInventory
    # chown ouser:oinstall /u01/oraInventory
  2. Include the following paths in the .bash_profile file of the software owner, ouser:
    export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/oracle
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/product/12.1
    export AWT_TOOLKIT=XToolkit
  3. Create a password for the software owner, ouser:
    # passwd ouser
    New Password:
    Re-enter new Password:
    passwd: password successfully changed for ouser
  4. As ouser, set up SSH on each node:
    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/u01/ora_home/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /u01/ora_home/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /u01/ora_home/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
    e6:63:c9:71:fe:d1:8f:71:77:70:97:25:2a:ee:a9:33 local1@vzhost1c
    $ pwd
  5. On the first node, vzhost1c, type the following:
    $ cd /u01/ora_home/.ssh
    $ cat >> authorized_keys
    $ chmod 600 authorized_keys
    $ scp authorized_keys vzhost2c:/u01/ora_home/.ssh
  6. On the second node, vzhost2c, type the following:
    $ cd /u01/ora_home/.ssh
    $ cat >> authorized_keys
    $ scp authorized_keys vzhost3c:/u01/ora_home/.ssh
  7. On the third node, vzhost3c, type the following:
    $ cd /u01/ora_home/.ssh
    $ cat >> authorized_keys
    $ scp authorized_keys vzhost4c:/u01/ora_home/.ssh
  8. On the fourth node, vzhost4c, type the following:
    $ cd /u01/ora_home/.ssh
    $ cat >> authorized_keys
    $ scp authorized_keys vzhost1c:/u01/ora_home/.ssh
  9. On the first node, vzhost1c, type the following:
    $ cd /u01/ora_home/.ssh
    $ scp authorized_keys vzhost2c:/u01/ora_home/.ssh
    $ scp authorized_keys vzhost3c:/u01/ora_home/.ssh
  10. On each node, test the SSH setup:
    $ ssh vzhost1c date
    $ ssh vzhost2c date
    $ ssh vzhost3c date
    $ ssh vzhost4c date
  11. As root, set up the Oracle Automatic Storage Management candidate disk on each local zone cluster node:
    # for i in 6 7 8 9 10 14 15
    > do
    > chown ouser:oinstall /dev/did/rdsk/d${i}s6
    > chmod 660 /dev/did/rdsk/d${i}s6
    > done
  12. As the software owner, do the following from one node in the local zone cluster:
    $ for i in 6 7 8 9 10 14 15
    > do
    > dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/did/rdsk/d${i}s6 bs=1024k count=200
    > done

Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c in the Oracle Solaris Zones Cluster Nodes

  1. As the software owner, execute following commands on one node:
    $ bash
    $ export DISPLAY=<hostname>:<n>
    $ cd <PATH to 12.1 based software image>/grid/
    $ ./runInstaller
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 180 MB.   Actual 16796 MB    Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB.   Actual 19527 MB    Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    Actual 
    16777216    Passed
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from 
    /tmp/OraInstall2014-08-04_02-34-26PM. Please wait ...
  2. Type Y to continue.
  3. Provide the following input to Oracle Universal Installer:
    1. On the Select Installation Option screen, select Install and Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster.
    2. On the Select Cluster Type screen, select Configure a Standard Cluster.
    3. On the Select Installation Type screen, select Advanced Installation.
    4. On the Select Product Languages screen, select English.
    5. On the Grid Plug and Play Information screen, select the following:
      1. For Cluster Name, select vzhost-cluster.
      2. For SCAN Name, select vzhost1d.
      3. For SCAN Port, select 1521.

      GNS is not used in this example.

    6. On the Cluster Node Information screen, specify the following:
      Public Hostname     Virtual Hostname
      vzhost1c            vzhost1c-vip
      vzhost2c            vzhost2c-vip
      vzhost3c            vzhost3c-vip
      vzhost4c            vzhost4c-vip
    7. On the Specify Network Interface Usage screen, select one public network and one private network, as shown in Figure 2. Select Do Not Use for the remaining networks.

      Figure 2. Specifying network interface usage

      Figure 2. Specifying network interface usage

    8. On the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository Option screen, select Yes.
    9. On the Storage Option Information screen, select Use Standard ASM for Storage.
    10. On the Create ASM Disk Group screen, do the following, as shown in Figure 3:
      1. Click the Change Discovery Path button.
      2. In the Change Discovery Path dialog box, specify the discovery path as /dev/did/rdsk/d*s6.
      3. In the Disk group name text box, type crsdg.
      4. For the Candidate Disks, select /dev/did/rdsk/d6s6, /dev/did/rdsk/d7s6, and /dev/did/rdsk/d8s6.

      Figure 3. Create Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group

      Figure 3. Create Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group

    11. On the Specify ASM Password screen, enter the SYS and ASMSNMP accounts' username and password.
    12. On the Privileged Operating System Groups screen, specify a group for the Oracle ASM Administrator (OSASM), the Oracle ASM DBA (OSDBA for ASM), and the Oracle ASM Operator (OSOPER for ASM). For this example, the default group is used.
    13. On the Software Installation Location screen, specify the following:
      1. For Oracle Base, type /u01/oracle.
      2. For Software Location, type /u01/grid/product/12.1.
    14. On the Create Inventory screen, select /u01/oraInventory for Inventory Directory.
    15. On the root script execution configuration screen, enter the root password if you wish to run the configuration script automatically.
    16. On the Perform Prerequisite Checks screen, select Ignore All.
    17. On the Summary screen, click Install to start the software installation.
    18. On the Install Product screen, confirm the execution of configuration scripts in the dialog box, as shown in Figure 4.

      Figure 4. Message for confirming the execution of configuration scripts

      Figure 4. Message for confirming the execution of configuration scripts

    19. If you see the error message INS-20802 Oracle Cluster Verification Utility failed, click OK and Skip. Then click Next to continue.
    20. If you see the warning [INS-32091] Software installation was successful. But some configuration assistants failed, were canceled or skipped, click Yes to continue. The installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12.1 is completed.
  4. From any node, check the status of Oracle Grid Infrastructure resources:
    [root@vzhost1c ~]# /u01/grid/product/12.1/bin/crsctl status res -t
    Name           Target  State        Server                   State details       
    Local Resources
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost4c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost4c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 Started,STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 Started,STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost4c                 Started,STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost4c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 STABLE
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost4c                 STABLE
    Cluster Resources
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c       ,STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 Open,STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost1c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost2c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost3c                 STABLE
          1        ONLINE  ONLINE       vzhost4c                 STABLE

Install Oracle Database 12.1 and Create the Database

  1. Execute the following commands to launch the ASM Configuration Assistant, where you can create a disk group called swbdg for the database creation:
    $ export DISPLAY=<hostname>:<n>
    $ /u01/grid/product/12.1/bin/asmca
  2. In the ASM Configuration Assistant, do the following:
    1. In the Disk Groups tab, shown in Figure 5, click Create.

      Figure 5. Disk Groups tab

      Figure 5. Disk Groups tab

    2. In the Create Disk Group screen, shown in Figure 6, do the following:
      1. For Disk Group Name, specify swbdg.
      2. Select /dev/did/rdsk/d9s6, /dev/did/rdsk/d10s6, /dev/did/rdsk/d14s6, and /dev/did/rdsk/d15s6.
      3. Type fgr1 as the Failure Group for disks /dev/did/rdsk/d9s6 and /dev/did/rdsk/d10s6.
      4. Type fgr2 as the Failure Group for disks /dev/did/rdsk/d14s6 and /dev/did/rdsk/d15s6.
      5. Click OK to create the disk group.

      Figure 6. Creating the disk group

      Figure 6. Creating the disk group

    3. After the swbdg disk group creation is completed, click Exit to close the ASM Configuration Assistant.
  3. From one of the nodes, run the following commands to open the Oracle Universal Installer to install Oracle Database:
    $ export DISPLAY=<hostname>:<n>
    $ cd <PATH to 12.1 based software image>/database
    $ ./runInstaller
    starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 180 MB.   Actual 20766 MB    Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB.   Actual 23056 MB    Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.   Actual 
    16777216    Passed
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from 
    /tmp/OraInstall2014-08-05_02-13-31PM. Please wait ...
  4. Provide the following inputs to the Oracle Universal Installer:
    1. Provide the requested information on the Configuration Security Updates screen and the Download Software Updates screen.
    2. On the Select Installation Option screen, select Create and configure a database.
    3. On the System Class screen, select Server Class.
    4. On the Grid Installation Options screen, select Oracle Real Application Clusters database installation.
    5. On the Select Cluster Database Type screen, perform the following actions:
      1. Select Policy managed.
      2. Provide the serverpool name: swbsvr
      3. Enter 4 for Cardinality.
      4. Click Next.
    6. On the Select Install Type screen, select Advanced Install.
    7. On the Select Product Languages screen, use the default value.
    8. On the Select Database Edition screen, select Enterprise Edition.
    9. On the Specify Installation Location screen, specify the following:
      1. For Oracle Base, select /u01/oracle.
      2. For Software Location, select /u01/oracle/product/12.1.
    10. On the Select Configuration Type screen, select General Purpose/Transaction Processing.
    11. On the Specify Database Identifiers screen, deselect Create as Container database. Type swb as the Global Database Name.
    12. On the Specify Configuration Options screen, shown in Figure 7, use the default settings.

      Figure 7. Specify Configuration Options screen

      Figure 7. Specify Configuration Options screen

    13. On the Specify Database Storage Options screen, select Oracle Automatic Storage Management.
    14. On the Specify Management Options screen, use the default options.
    15. On the Specify Recovery Options screen, select the Enable recovery option. Make sure that Oracle Automatic Storage Management is selected.
    16. On the Select ASM Disk Group screen, select SWBDG.
    17. On the Specify Schema Passwords screen, specify a password for the SYS, SYSTEM, SYSMAN, and DBSNMP accounts.
    18. On the Privileged Operating System Groups screen, specify the following or select the default options:
      1. For Database Administrator (OSDBA) Group, select dba.
      2. For Database Operator (OSOPER) Group (Optional), select oinstall.
      3. For Database Backup and Recovery (OSBACKUPDBA) group, select dba.
      4. For Data Guard administrative (OSDGDBA) group, select dba.
      5. For Encryption Keys Management administrative (OSKMDBA) group, select dba.
    19. On the Perform Prerequisite Checks screen, shown in Figure 8, select Ignore All, and click Yes to continue.

      Figure 8. Perform Prerequisite Checks screen

      Figure 8. Perform Prerequisite Checks screen

    20. On the Summary screen, click Install.
    21. On the subscreen that asks you to run configuration scripts, perform the following steps:
      1. Open a terminal.
      2. Log in as root.
      3. Run the script on each cluster node.
      4. Return to the window and click OK to continue.
    22. In the Database Configuration Assistant dialog box, shown in Figure 9, click OK to continue.

      Figure 9. Database Configuration Assistant dialog box

      Figure 9. Database Configuration Assistant dialog box

    23. On the Finish Screen, click Close to complete the installation.

Verify Database Status

Type the following commands to verify the database status:

[root@vzhost1c ~]# srvctl config database -dbswb
Database unique name: swb
Database name: swb
Oracle home: /u01/oracle/product/12.1
Oracle user: oracle
Spfile: +SWBDG/swb/spfileswb.ora
Password file: +SWBDG/swb/orapwswb
Start options: open
Stop options: immediate
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools: swbsvr
Database instances:
Disk Groups: SWBDG
Mount point paths:
Type: RAC
Start concurrency:
Stop concurrency:
Database is policy managed

[root@vzhost1c ~]# srvctl status database -d swb
Instance swb_1 is running on node vzhost2c
Instance swb_2 is running on node vzhost3c
Instance swb_3 is running on node vzhost4c
Instance swb_4 is running on node vzhost1c

Create the Oracle Solaris Cluster Resource

Use the following procedure to create the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource. Alternatively, you can use the clsetup wizard.

  1. From one zone cluster node, execute the following command to register the SUNW.crs_framework resource type in the zone cluster:

    # clrt register SUNW.crs_framework

  2. Add an instance of the SUNW.crs_framework resource type to the Oracle RAC framework resource group:
    # clresource create -t SUNW.crs_framework \
    -g rac-framework-rg \
    -p resource_dependencies=rac-framework-rs \
  3. Register the scalable Oracle Automatic Storage Management instance proxy resource type:

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.scalable_asm_instance_proxy

  4. Register the Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group resource type:

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.scalable_asm_diskgroup_proxy

  5. Create resource groups asm-inst-rg and asm-dg-rg:

    # clresourcegroup create -S asm-inst-rgasm-dg-rg

  6. Set a strong positive affinity on rac-fmwk-rg by asm-inst-rg:

    # clresourcegroup set -p rg_affinities=++rac-framework-rgasm-inst-rg

  7. Set a strong positive affinity on asm-inst-rg by asm-dg-rg:

    # clresourcegroup set -p rg_affinities=++asm-inst-rgasm-dg-rg

  8. Create a SUNW.scalable_asm_instance_proxy resource and set the resource dependencies:
    # clresource create -g asm-inst-rg \
    -t SUNW.scalable_asm_instance_proxy \
    -p ORACLE_HOME=/u01/grid/product/12.1 \
    -p CRS_HOME=/u01/grid/product/12.1 \
    -p "ORACLE_SID{vzhost1c}"=+ASM1 \
    -p "ORACLE_SID{vzhost2c}"=+ASM2 \
    -p "ORACLE_SID{vzhost3c}"=+ASM3 \
    -p "ORACLE_SID{vzhost4c}"=+ASM4 \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=crs-framework-rs \
    -d asm-inst-rs
  9. Add an Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk group resource type to the asm-dg-rg resource group:
    # clresource create -g asm-dg-rg -t SUNW.scalable_asm_diskgroup_proxy \
    -p asm_diskgroups=CRSDG,SWBDG \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=asm-inst-rs \
    -d asm-dg-rs
  10. On a cluster node, bring online the asm-inst-rg resource group in a managed state:

    # clresourcegroup online -eM asm-inst-rg

  11. On a cluster node, bring online the asm-dg-rg resource group in a managed state:

    # clresourcegroup online -eM asm-dg-rg

  12. Create a scalable resource group to contain the proxy resource for the Oracle RAC database server:
    # clresourcegroup create -S \
    -p rg_affinities=++rac-framework-rg,++asm-dg-rg \
  13. Register the SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy resource type:

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy

  14. Add a database resource to resource group:
    # clresource create -g rac-swbdb-rg \
    -t SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy \
    -p resource_dependencies=rac-framework-rs \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=crs-framework-rs,asm-dg-rs \
    -p oracle_home=/u01/oracle/product/12.1 \
    -p crs_home=/u01/grid/product/12.1 \
    -p db_name=swb \
    -d rac-swb-srvr-proxy-rs
  15. Bring the resource group online:

    # clresourcegroup online -emM rac-swbdb-rg

  16. Check the status of the cluster resource:
    # lrs status
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name             Node Name      State      Status Message
    -------------             ---------      -----      --------------
    crs_framework-rs          vzhost1c       Online     Online
                              vzhost2c       Online     Online
                              vzhost3c       Online     Online
                              vzhost4c       Online     Online
    rac-framework-rs          vzhost1c       Online     Online
                              vzhost2c       Online     Online
                              vzhost3c       Online     Online
                              vzhost4c       Online     Online
    asm-inst-rs               vzhost1c       Online     Online - +ASM1 is UP and ENABLED
                              vzhost2c       Online     Online - +ASM2 is UP and ENABLED
                              vzhost3c       Online     Online - +ASM3 is UP and ENABLED
                              vzhost4c       Online     Online - +ASM4 is UP and ENABLED
    asm-dg-rs                 vzhost1c       Online     Online - Mounted: SWBDG
                              vzhost2c       Online     Online - Mounted: SWBDG
                              vzhost3c       Online     Online - Mounted: SWBDG
                              vzhost4c       Online     Online - Mounted: SWBDG
    rac-swb-srvr-proxy-rs     vzhost1c       Online     Online - Oracle instance UP
                              vzhost2c       Online     Online - Oracle instance UP
                              vzhost3c       Online     Online - Oracle instance UP
                              vzhost4c       Online     Online - Oracle instance UP

See Also

Here are some additional resources:

About the Author

Vinh Tran is a quality engineer in the Oracle Solaris Cluster Group. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to, certification and qualification of Oracle RAC on Oracle Solaris Cluster.

Revision 1.3, 09/20/2016

Revision 1.2, 03/16/2015

Revision 1.1, 02/05/2015

Revision 1.0, 10/20/2014