Several steps are required to expose Case Management for use in OEDQ. These are:
In addition, for each match processor whose results are to be reviewed using Case Management:
Before the Case Management or Case Management Administration applications can be launched, you must enable their display on the Launchpad. To do this, open the Launchpad in your browser and click on Server Configuration:
Next, click on Applications:
And check the boxes next to Case Management and Case Management Administration:
Press 'Save'. When you return to the Launchpad, Case Management and Case Management Administration will be available in the Applications section.
To allow users to run the Case Management applications, you must associate one or more user groups with the application. Typically, you will want to restrict access to Case Management Administration to users who have administrative privileges on the system, and you will want reviewers, review managers and so on to have access to Case Management itself.
See Application Permissions for more information on assigning groups to an applicaton.
Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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