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Importing Match Decisions

OEDQ provides functionality allowing you to import decision data and apply it to possible matches within the Match processor.

Importing decisions may be a one-off activity, or an ongoing part of the matching process. For example, if you are migrating your matching processes into OEDQ from a different application, it will be desirable to include all the previous decisions as part of the migration. Alternatively, if the review process is carried out externally, decision import may be used routinely to bring the external decisions back into OEDQ.

It is also possible to import match decisions that were exported from another process or instance of OEDQ, for example from another match process working on the same data.

All match decisions in OEDQ refer to a pair of possibly matching records. For an imported decision to be applied, therefore, it must be possible to match it to a relationship which was created by the match processor with a Review rule. If you import a decision for a pair of records that the processor has identified as a definite match, or are not matched at all, the decision will not be applied, unless and until the matching logic is changed so that a Review relationship is created for the records.

Note that it is possible to import decisions and use Case Management (or Match Review) to create manual decisions. If a decision with a later date/time than any manual decisions for a relationship is imported, it will be treated as the latest decision. If a decision with exactly the same date/time as a manual decision is imported, the manual decision is given precedence over the imported decision.

The remainder of this help topic provides a step-by-step guide to importing match decisions.

Step 1 - Connect the decisions data into the match processor

To import match decisions, use a Reader to read in the imported decision data, and connect the data into the Decisions input port to the match processor:

Note: As Group and Merge does not allow manual decisions on possible matches, it does not have a Decisions input port.

This data must include all the identifying information for the relationship required to match it to the corresponding relationship in the OEDQ matching process (that is, attributes for each attribute that is included in the configurable Decision Key for the match processor for both records in the relationship), and fields for the decision, review user and review date/time. It is also possible to import comments made when reviewing possible matches.

Step 2 - Specifying the attributes that hold the new decision data

When a set of decisions data is connected in to a match processor (as above), an additional sub-processor appears when the match processor is opened:

Double-click on the Decisions sub-processor to map the decisions data into the matching process.

The first tab allows you to set the fields in the connected decisions data with the actual decision and comment values that you want to import, along with details such as user name and date/time.

The following screenshot shows an example of a correct configuration for importing match decision data:

The first section in the screenshot above shows the attributes in the imported decision data that will be used to capture the decision data. Note that all the Comment fields are optional. The Auto Map button attempts to map the fields automatically by looking for any of the default names for these fields. The default names for the fields are as follows, as these are the names created when writing out relationships from a match processor in OEDQ:

Decision Field

Default (Auto) Name

Decision Field


Decision User Field


Decision Timestamp Field


Comment Field


Comment User Field


Comment Timestamp Field


Data Stream Name


Related Data Stream Name


Match Rule Name


State Expiry Timestamp


This means that if you are importing decision data back into the same match processor that generated the relationships for review, you should be able to use Auto Map to map all the decision fields automatically.

Note: The State Expiry Timestamp field is only shown for processors using Case Management to handle reviews.

The second section of the first tab allows you to specify the actual decision values of the configured Decision field (ManualDecision in the example above) and how they map to the decision values understood by OEDQ. In the case above, the field values are the same as those used by OEDQ - Match, No Match, Possible Match and Pending.

The third section allows you to specify the name values expected in the decisions data for the data streams used by the match processor. This is especially important for match processors with multiple data sets, in order to match each imported decision with the correct records from the correct data streams. In the case above, the match processor is a Deduplicate processor working on a single data stream. This means that all the records (both records in each relationship) are from the same data stream ('Customer Data'). As the Name 'Customer Data' is specified above, all the decisions data being imported must have the value 'Customer Data' in both the DataStream and RelatedDataStream attributes.

Step 3 - Mapping the decisions data fields

Next, use the Mapped Fields tab of the Decisions sub-processor to map the fields in the imported decisions data to the necessary fields in the match relationships. The requirements for this mapping differ, depending on whether you are using Match Review or Case Management to process your potential matches.

The following screenshot shows an example of configuring the attributes in the Decision data to the Decision Key of a simple Deduplicate match processor:

Note that the decisions data needs attributes for both records in the relationship-in this case, record and related record.

Step 4 - Importing the decisions

Once the Decisions sub-processor has been correctly configured, you can click the OK button to save the configuration. The match decisions can then be imported by running the matching process.

If you are performing a one-off import of decisions, check that the decisions have been imported correctly, and then delete the Reader for the decisions data.

If you want to continue importing decisions as part of the regular running of the match process, the reader for the decisions data should remain connected. You can refresh the decisions data in the same way as any other data source in OEDQ, by rerunning the snapshot, or by streaming the data directly into the matching process. Note that if a decision has already been imported it will not be re-imported even if it exists in the decisions data.

Imported decisions are treated in the same way as decisions made using OEDQ, and are therefore visible in Case Management (or in the Match Review application), and will also affect the Review Status summary of the match processor.

Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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