All relationship review activity conducted in OEDQ (manual match decisions, and review comments) can be written out of the match processor on which the review was based. This may be useful for any of the following reasons:
Manual match decisions and review comments are written out of a match process on the Decisions output filter from each match processor.
The data can be seen directly in the Data View of the match processor, and can be connected up to any downstream processor, such as a Writer to stage the data.
Note that the match processor must be rerun after review activity takes place to write all decisions and comments to the Decisions output.
Also, it is not possible to export Case Management decisions via a match processor. The import/export options within Case Management Administration for workflows and case sources must be used instead.
The following screenshot shows an example of the Decisions data output written out using a Writer:
Note that all the relationship data at the time of the decision or comment is copied to the decision or comment record, in order to keep a complete audit trail of the data to which the decision or comment applies. As above, the data stored for manual match decisions and comments is a little different, but these are output together as a review comment may relate to a match decision.
If required, the comment and decision records may be split in downstream processing - for example, by performing a No Data Check on the RuleDecision attribute. All records with No Data in this attribute are review comments, and all records with data in this attribute are manual match decisions.
Written decisions may be exported to a persistent external data store, processed in another process, or imported to another match process working on the same data if required - see Importing match decisions.
Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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