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Managing Data Interfaces

This topic covers:

Adding a Data Interface

  1. Right-click the Data Interfaces node in the Project Browser and select New Data Interface. The Data Interface dialog is displayed.
  2. Add the attributes that you require in the Data Interface, or paste a copied list of attributes.

To create a Data Interface from Staged or Reference Data:

  1. Right-click on the object in the Project Browser, and select Create Data Interface Mapping. The New Interface Mappings dialog is displayed.
  2. Click New Data Interface to create an interface with the attributes and data types of the Staged or Reference Data selected.

Editing a Data Interface

  1. Right-click on the Data Interface in the Project Browser.
  2. Select Edit... . The Data Interface Attributes dialog is displayed.
  3. Edit the attributes as required. Click Finish to save or Cancel to abandon.

Creating Data Interface Mappings

Data Interface mappings are required so that data can be 'bound" into or out of a process or a job.

To create a mapping, either:

Note: Data sources are either mapped as Data In or Data Out, depending on their type:

Data Interface Mappings wizard

Once the data source or target is selected, the Mapping area is displayed on the New Data Interface Mappings dialog.

Example of New Data Interface Mappings dialog


Deleting Data Interfaces

  1. Right-click on the Data Interface, and select Delete. The following dialog is displayed:
  2. Example of Delete Data Interface dialog

    The Delete dialog shows which linked or dependent objects are affected by the deletion, if any.

  3. Click Yes to proceed, or No to cancel.

Further information