Populating Workflow Parameters

Parameters are defined as part of a workflow, which are configured in Case Management Administration. A match processor is associated with two workflows via its case source. One workflow describes the alert lifecycle and the other describes the case lifecycle.

The Case Source also defines how the case and alert workflow parameters will be populated, both for Cases:

And for Alerts:

The left hand side of both workflow parameters screens displays a list of the parameters defined by the associated workflow. To specify how a value will be determined for a parameter, click on it in the list. The right hand panel will be populated with the current configuration for that parameter.

A parameter value is determined by:


Specifying the input fields

The fields which contribute data to the parameter value are specified on the Inputs tab on the Selected Attribute Configuration panel:

Add fields to this list as follows:

The list of selected input fields can be re-ordered using the arrow buttons next to the list. Some selection functions, such as 'First Non-Empty Value', use the order in which the fields are presented as part of the selection algorithm, but others, such as 'Highest Value', do not.

Inputs can be deleted from the list by selecting them then pressing the 'Delete' button.

Specifying the selection function

Pick a selection function from the drop-down list. The selection function defines the way that the values in the input fields will be used to derive the parameter value. The available selection functions are described in detail in the Output Selectors topic.

The 'Allow NULLs' checkbox below the drop down list determines whether or not input fields which are null will affect the parameter. If this checkbox is not checked, any NULL field will be discarded before calculating the parameter value.

Specifying the selection function options

The Options tab allows you to supply the option settings for the selection function. The fields on this tab will change according to the function you have selected:

Note: The order of the input fields can be used by several selection functions as a tie-breaker if no algorithmic choice can be made.

The matchPriorityScore parameter

Match processors will automatically recognize and populate any parameter called matchPriorityScore. The matchPriorityScore parameter is populated with the Priority Score of the matching rule that was used to identify a relationship between the records in the alert. If an alert contains multiple relationships, the highest Priority Score in the alert is used to populate the parameter.

The controls in the Selected Attribute Configuration are all disabled for this parameter.

Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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