FixItFast App

Live Demo

FixItFast is a complete sample app showcasing the capabilities of JET for building mobile apps as part of an end-to-end mobile application based on real scenarios and persona. FixItFast has been designed for use on a mobile phone, either as a web app or an installed hybrid app. FixItFast demonstrates mobile UI patterns and best practices, device services and Cordova plugin integration, as well as integration with Oracle Mobile Hub REST services.

To experience FixItFast deployed as a web app, go to the Live Demo and login with any credentials.

To scaffold a web app using the FixItFast app as a template, follow the Getting Started steps to ensure that you have the latest JET tooling and all required 3rd party modules installed, then execute the following:

ojet create FixItFast --template=

The app must be built or served using a custom theme, which is described in the README.txt that also provides information about how to deploy FixItFast as a hybrid mobile app.

By default the app connects to an Oracle Mobile Hub mobile backend (MBE) that is read-only.


Phone Hybrid App