
Oracle JET v4.0.0 introduces a new DOM syntax for defining all JET UI Components in an HTML page. All JET UI components are now implemented as custom HTML elements, and programmatic access to these components is similar to interacting with any other HTML element. We believe you will find this new syntax more intuitive and natural to work with when developing your HTML content. This is being done to further our effort to stay current with HTML standards and specifications such as the HTML5 Web Component specification. To learn more about developing with this new syntax, refer to the JET Developers Guide

Migrating an existing JET application to v4.0.0 does not require you to move to the new custom element syntax. The Migrating an Existing Application section of the Release Notes will let you know about any specific changes in the existing data-bind based syntax, as well as how to update your application to use the latest release.

If you would like to also update your application to use the custom element syntax, please refer to the JET Developers Guide chapter for migration steps for both Web and Mobile based applications.

While you do not have to move to the new custom element syntax, it is highly recommended that you do all new work using the new syntax. The custom element syntax can co-exist with the existing data-bind syntax in the same page without any problems. They are designed to work together until the time the data-bind syntax has reach End of Life, which is currently planned for around or on the release of JET v8.0.0 (approx two years from the v4.0.0 release).

All JSDocs and Developer Guide resources will focus on the new custom element syntax. If you need to refer to JSDocs and/or Developers Guide for the older data-bind syntax, please refer to the JET 3.2.0 version of those resources. There will not be new features or functionality added to the data-bind based components. Bug fixes will be provided until the data-bind syntax reaches End of Life, which is currently planned for around or on the release of JET v8.0.0 (approx two years from the v4.0.0 release).