Cloud Readiness / Oracle Project Management Cloud
New Feature Summary
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  1. Update 21D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Project Management
    1. Project Management Common
        1. Service Excellence Continuing Investments
    2. Billing and Revenue Management
        1. Additional Accounting Sources for Creating Project Contract Revenue Accounting
        2. Better Handling of Accounting Date with Receivables
        3. Exclusion of Closed Contracts As Ineligible for Invoicing and Revenue Recognition
        4. Warning When Inactivating an Associated Project
    3. Grant Management
        1. Cost Reimbursable Revenue Method in Submit Contract for Award
    4. Planning, Scheduling, and Forecasting
        1. Additional Options for Microsoft Project Integration
        2. Editable Reporting Period on Project Performance Dashboard
        3. Expanded Project Access Configuration for the Project Management Work Area
        4. Project Gates Opening Automatically Upon Approval
        5. Project Manager Access to Upcoming Projects
        6. Rate Schedules and Rates Audit Support
        7. Task Copy and Paste in Nonfinancial Projects Using the New Project Planning User Experience
        8. Retain User Spread on Forecast Lines on Modification to Forecast Line Dates
    5. Resource Management
        1. Application Composer Configuration for Create Assignment and Create Request Dialog Windows
        2. Available Capacity and HCM Assignment Details for Resources Using a REST API
        3. Detailed Resource Assignment Conflict Information
        4. Non-Project Event Creation Using a REST API
    6. Project Asset Management
        1. Associate Existing Assets to Project Assets

Update 21D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
03 SEP 2021     Created initial document.



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Project Management

Project Management Common

Service Excellence Continuing Investments

In this update, our on-going investment in service excellence includes improvements in usability. Refer to the What's New for more information.

Billing and Revenue Management

Additional Accounting Sources for Creating Project Contract Revenue Accounting

Revenue Accountants can use additional accounting sources when setting up Subledger Accounting for project contract revenue distributions.

Better Handling of Accounting Date with Receivables

Eliminate the transference of invoice data that Receivables would better derive on its own.

Exclusion of Closed Contracts As Ineligible for Invoicing and Revenue Recognition

Exclude closed contracts from the Ineligible Contracts section of the Generate Invoice and Generate Revenue process output reports. This allows customers to more easily see and take the appropriate corrective action to invoice and recognize revenue for open contracts.

Warning When Inactivating an Associated Project

Display a warning message to the contract administrator when amending a contract line to inactivate an associated project.

Grant Management

Cost Reimbursable Revenue Method in Submit Contract for Award

Specify cost reimbursable revenue method when submitting contract from award.

Planning, Scheduling, and Forecasting

Additional Options for Microsoft Project Integration

Additional integration options for Microsoft Project integration, such as determining if or when rates are included.

Editable Reporting Period on Project Performance Dashboard

Change the reporting period on the Project Performance Dashboard to select a past or a future period and view the financial measures for projects in the context of the selected period. Project managers can continually track the performance of their projects by performing week-over-week or month-over-month comparisons using this capability.

Expanded Project Access Configuration for the Project Management Work Area

Control project access in Project Management Work Area using project security configuration. Application administrators can define the data security policies and assign them to project roles to configure project access based on business needs. For example, create policies and roles for junior and senior project managers on the project and give access to them based on project status. Similarly, create a new project management office administrator role to allow access to all projects in Project Management work area without having a direct role on the project. Control the actions this role can perform on the projects.

Project Gates Opening Automatically Upon Approval

Automatically set a project gate to Open status upon receiving the final approval from the listed approvers. This approach eliminates a step so the project manager does not have to manually change the gate status. In addition, prevent the deletion of gates after they reach Open status.

Project Manager Access to Upcoming Projects

Provide project early access to project managers on a project that is about to start for planning and reporting purposes. For example, project managers can create a detailed work plan and add dependencies, deliverables, and resources on an upcoming project in advance of the start date. This feature requires you to opt in into the Expanded Project Access Configuration for the Project Management Work Area feature.

Rate Schedules and Rates Audit Support

Track the changes made to rate schedules and rates by leveraging an audit mechanism that provides details about what, when, and by who these business objects were updated. Auditors can keep a close tab on rate schedules and rates by viewing audit reports that list the nature, time, and the user who effected the change.

Task Copy and Paste in Nonfinancial Projects Using the New Project Planning User Experience

Copy and paste tasks in nonfinancial projects to quickly add new work to the project plan.

Retain User Spread on Forecast Lines on Modification to Forecast Line Dates

Retain manual periodic spread for forecast lines even if the forecast line duration changes due to a scope change.

Resource Management

Application Composer Configuration for Create Assignment and Create Request Dialog Windows

Configure the Create Assignment and Create Request dialog windows using Application Composer. This ability extends the existing Application Composer capabilities for assignments and requests to capture business-specific information during creation.

Available Capacity and HCM Assignment Details for Resources Using a REST API

View available capacity score of a resource and related HCM assignment details using the Project Labor Resources REST API. Resource Managers use the resource schedule to determine if the resource has scheduling conflicts. The available capacity score can help them evaluate if the resource can fulfill the requested time in a project resource request.

Detailed Resource Assignment Conflict Information

Provide detailed information about assignments, nominations and non-project events that are in conflict with new assignments or nominations. Information provided includes conflict type (Project assignment, nomination, or non-project event such as PTO), assignment or request name, project, and schedule hours. This information provides the resource manager with details to allow them to make an informed decision about the resource's schedule as they are nominating resources or creating assignments. In addition, the project resource request and resource assignment contains more detailed information such as the project calendar hours, total requested or assigned hours for the request or assignment.

Non-Project Event Creation Using a REST API

Create non-Project events for resources using the Resource Events REST API. Create events that are associated with a specific resource. For example, an off-site training meeting or vacation day for a resource.

Project Asset Management

Associate Existing Assets to Project Assets

Associate existing assets already tracked in Fixed Assets to capital projects. Track additional costs for these assets that did not originate from the project.