This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
20 OCT 2023 | Product Development | Manage Data Security on Manufacturer Parts | Updated document. Revised the Steps to Enable section. |
12 APR 2023 | Product Development and Product Hub Common | Use Audit Reports to Govern User Activities on Attachments | Updated document. Added a feature that was backported in the March monthly maintenance pack. |
12 APR 2023 | Product Hub | Selected Product Hub Bug Fixes in This Update | Updated document. Added section. |
03 MAR 2023 | Created initial document. |
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
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The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.
Pre-Update and Post-Update Tasks
Depending on the features you're using in your Cloud applications, you may be required to perform certain steps immediately before or after your quarterly update. For details of these pre-update and post-update steps and the product areas that are affected, refer to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Performing Your Quarterly Update (doc ID 2337485.1) on My Oracle Support.
Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:
- Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)
Here’s how you opt in to new features:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
- On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
- On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
- Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.
In some cases, you might want to opt in to a feature that's not listed in the New Features work area. Here's how to opt in:
- Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Offerings.
- On the Offerings page, select your offering, and then click Opt In Features.
- On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features (pencil) icon for the offering, or for the functional area that includes your feature.
- On the Edit Features page, complete the steps to enable the feature.
For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Configure Offerings.
Opt In Expiration
Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
View Inspection Characteristic Description in Inspection Plans and Inspection Results
You can now view the description of an inspection characteristic when you create, edit, or view the list of inspection characteristics and their specifications on the Inspection Plan page. You can opt to either add or remove the Characteristic Description column from the Specifications table. By default, the Characteristic Description column is hidden.
View the Characteristic Description on the Inspection Page
You can also click the information icon for a specific inspection characteristic on the Inspection page to view the inspection characteristic description.
View the characteristic description under Inspection Results
The feature provides clarity and context around the meaning of the result value to be collected.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges can access this feature:
- Edit Inspection Plans (QA_EDIT_INSPECTION_PLANS)
- Edit Inspection Results (QA_EDIT_INSPECTION_RESULTS)
- View Inspection Results (QA_VIEW_INSPECTION_RESULTS)
Determine Asset Qualifications Using Quality Inspection
Prior to this update, you can create qualifications for an asset manually for a qualification requirement and subsequently use the same to qualify an equipment resource of work order. In this update, you can leverage the maintenance work order execution to perform qualification checks on an equipment and automatically populate these qualification records at the asset level. You can either use a manually created maintenance work order or periodically schedule the qualification check using a Preventive Maintenance program. You can now associate the asset inspection plans to a qualification requirement.
For automatic qualification of an asset, the qualification requirement has been enhanced to support the inspection association.
Asset Qualification Automatic Recording
New Inspection Plan Type
In this update a new type of inspection plan is being introduced to exclusively support Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance with a new inspection type called Asset. Refer to the Tips and Considerations section for more information on how you can set up a new asset type inspection plan.
In the qualification requirements, you can associate the new inspection plan type, Asset.
Create Inspection Plan User Interface
Qualification Requirements
You can associate a quality inspection plan to the qualification requirement. The asset is qualified for a given qualification requirement based on the inspection performed on the asset in a maintenance work order.
You can perform the inspection on the asset in any maintenance organization. If the inspection plan is associated to the qualification requirement in the maintenance organization, the asset qualification would be automatically recorded based on the inspection performed.
You can associate only one inspection plan per a maintenance organization.
Qualification Requirement > Add Inspections Plans Step
Asset Qualifications
The qualification tab in the Edit Asset page is enhanced to facilitate recording of qualification of an asset based on inspection.
The following new columns have been added to the Edit Asset Qualifications tab:
- Inspection Plan
- Inspection
- Work Order
- Maintenance Program
- Work Requirement
The search attributes are moved above the table and the reference column is removed as a part this enhancement.
The maintenance work order which qualifies the asset for a given qualification requirement could be a manually created work order or preventive maintenance work order (generated automatically based on maintenance forecast).
For a recurring type of qualification, it's preferred to set a maintenance program and work requirement with a required interval and generate a forecast for the same. This ensures that timely inspection is performed on the asset and thereby qualifying the asset automatically. For a nonrecurring type of qualification, you can create maintenance work orders manually as required.
Details of asset qualifications created automatically
- Manually created work order
- Work order completion date will pick the Qualified date
- Name of the qualification requirement associated to the inspection plan will pick the Qualification requirement
- Name of the profiles associated to the qualification requirement will pick the Qualification profile
- Next qualification due is the sum of Qualified date and default interval in the Qualification requirement
- Next qualification due will be shown blank If there is no default interval in the Qualification requirement
Preventive maintenance work order
- Work order completion date will pick the Qualified date
- Name of the qualification requirement associated to the Inspection plan will pick the Qualification requirement
- Name of the profiles associated to the qualification requirement will pick the Qualification profile
- Next forecast date of the work requirement will pick the Next Qualification Due
- Name of the maintenance program based on which the context maintenance work order is created through Maintenance program
- Name of the work requirement based on which the context maintenance work order is created through Work requirement
Edit Asset User Interface > Qualifications Tab
You can leverage a maintenance work order and asset inspection plan to enforce and determine asset qualification programatically based on a set of inspection characteristics.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 23D
Tips And Considerations
Set up an Asset Type Inspection Plan
- Set the inspection type to Asset.
- Ensure that the organization must be a maintenance organization where maintenance work orders are created.
- Provide one of the following details:
- Asset
- Asset Group
- Item
- Item catalog
Use the Inspection Plan Optional check box to set the inspection either to mandatory or optional during operation completion:
- If the check box is selected, then the inspection is optional during operation completion
- If the check box is deselected, then the inspection is mandatory during operation completion
Add the characteristics to the plan:
Inspection actions can be configured after characteristics have been saved to the plan
Set the Inspection criteria either to one or many of the following attributes:
- Work order type or Work order subtype
- Work definition
- Operation sequence
- Operation code
- Set the default status of disposition to Ready for the asset type inspection plan.
- Set the inspection plan status to Approved.
Create Inspection Plan > Details
Create Inspection Plan > Inspection Criteria
Qualification Requirements
The association of inspection plan to the qualification requirement is based on the execution of the maintenance work order with inspection. If the inspection can be performed in more than one maintenance organization, then the inspection plan association must be for all those maintenance organizations where inspection can be performed.
Preventive Maintenance Work Order
Preventive maintenance work orders are created for a maintenance program and work requirement. The following are the recommendations for setting up a maintenance program.
You can create the following specifically for a qualification requirement:
- Standard operation
- Work definition
- Quality inspection plan
- Check the criteria based on the standard operation that was created specifically for the qualification requirement.
- Associate 1 work definition in the work requirement.
- You can set the merge and suppress option at the work requirement level and not at the maintenance program level.
Asset Qualification
Same inspection can be performed more than once in the same work order in different operations. Each instance of same inspection creates separate asset qualification for the same asset based on the multiple inspections performed. Hence, it's recommended to create the maintenance work order in which same inspections are not performed multiple times.
Dependent Features
This feature is enabled only if the following features are opted in:
- Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage
- Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order feature
- Check out the What's New content of the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage feature
- Download the Qualify Equipment When Assigning Work or Reporting Resource Usage TOI
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned this predefined job role can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
- Manage Qualification Requirements by service (MNT_MANAGE_QUALIFICATION_REQUIREMENTS_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
- Manage Qualification Profiles by service (MNT_MANAGE_QUALIFICATION_PROFILES_BY_SERVICE_PRIV)
Perform Asset Inspection With or Without a Maintenance Work Order
You can perform inspections as part of any maintenance work order operation for the Work in process inspection plan type. In this update, you can perform the inspection based on the new maintenance specific quality inspection plan type called Asset.
The Work in process and Asset are the 2 quality plan types that are supported for a maintenance work order. The plan type used in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance is the one selected for the respective maintenance organization. A new attribute, Inspection Plan Type is added in the Plant Parameters set up page. Though the inspection plan type is Work in process by default, you can update it to Asset and use the same for maintenance work order inspections. After you perform the inspections based on the Asset inspection plan type, you can't revert the Inspection Plan Type value in the plant parameter to Work in process.
Manage Plant Parameters User Interface > Maintenance Tab
New asset type plan is applicable either for an operation or for work order depending on the Inspection Plan Criteria. Though an inspection plan is applicable for a work order, you can perform inspection at any operation. However, you must have performed all work order level mandatory inspections to complete the last operation. Refer to the Tips and Considerations section for more information on how you can set up a new asset type inspection plan.
Maintenance technician performs the inspection as part of work order operation from Review Maintenance Dispatch List user interface.
Here are some other tasks you can use to perform the inspections for a maintenance work order:
- Create Inspection Results task on the Maintenance Management landing page
- Create Inspection button on the Quality Management landing page
When inspections are performed from Oracle Maintenance, the value of inspection type is defaulted in the create inspection dialog based on the Inspection Plan Type value set for the respective plant parameters. However, you can override the value manually. If there are mandatory inspections to be performed for the maintenance work order operations, the same wouldn’t be allowed to be completed unless all mandatory inspections are performed. The inspection type selected in the plant parameters would be considered for the operation completion validation in the Review Maintenance Dispatch List user interface.
Review Maintenance Dispatch List User Interface
For the inspections of type Asset, work order is optional. Inspections can be performed on the asset without a maintenance work order in context.
In this update, you can view the inspection results of new asset type inspection plan in Oracle Fusion Cloud Quality Management.
Use the new asset type plan to define quality inspection plan for the asset, work order, or work order operation.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management No Longer Optional From: Update 23D
Tips And Considerations
Setting up asset type inspection plan
- Select the inspection type value to Asset.
- Choose the maintenance organization in which maintenance work orders are created.
- Select one of the following values for the details. The inspection plan applicability to an asset is based on the value selected.
- Asset
- Asset Group
- Item
- Item Catalog
- Use the Inspection Plan Optional check box for setting a mandatory or optional inspection plan.
- If the check box is selected, then the inspection is optional during operation completion.
- If the check box is deselected, then the inspection is mandatory during operation completion.
- Add characteristics to the plan as required.
- Inspection actions can be configured once characteristics have been saved to the plan.
- Choose one or many of the following attributes as criteria in the inspection plan
- Work order type or Work order subtype
- Work definition
- Operation sequence
- Operation code
- Inspection plan criteria is optional.
- The inspection plan applicability for a maintenance work order is based on the values of both details and criteria.
- If you select the values for work order type or subtype, or work definition attributes, the inspection becomes applicable for the maintenance work order
- Note that the above criteria has been added exclusively for asset type inspection plan
- If you select the values for operation sequence, or operation code attributes, the inspection becomes applicable for the maintenance work order operation
- If you select the values for work order type or subtype, or work definition attributes, the inspection becomes applicable for the maintenance work order
- The inspection plan applicability for a maintenance work order is based on the values of both details and criteria.
- Approve the inspection plan
Create Inspection User Interface > Details
Create Inspection User Interface > Inspection Criteria
Plant Parameter
- For a maintenance organization, new attribute Inspection plan type will have Work in process as a default value, hence existing inspection set up can be used as is. However, it's recommended that you start using the new Asset type inspection plan.
- After selecting the asset type inspection in the plant parameter, you wouldn't be able to revert if inspection is performed in a maintenance work order for the new asset type inspection plan.
Key Resources
- Check out the What's New content of the Determine Asset Qualifications Using Quality Inspection feature under Oracle Maintenance.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned this predefined job role can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains below privileges can access this feature:
Manage Data Security on Manufacturer Parts
You can now control access to manufacturer parts using the new Security tab on the manufacturer part page. This tab is automatically visible if you have previously enabled security on the trading partner item using Manage Trading Partner Items > Edit Trading Partner, in the Product Information Management work area. You can also enable security for manufacturers in the Product Development work area. The Security tab is not displayed in the supplier portal.
You can see the grants inherited from the manufacturer object based on the option set in the Manufacturer Security tab. You can edit the View and Manage access for a user or role. You can also add additional grants if required.
Caption: Manufacturer Part Security Tab
This feature benefits your business by allowing users to define granular security for manufacturer parts.
Steps to Enable
Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.
Offering: Product Management No Longer Optional From: Update 23C
To use the Manage Data Security on Manufacturer Parts feature, you must opt in to its parent feature: Update Manufacturer Management. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again.
Opt-in Feature Name: Update Manufacturer Management (ORA_ACA_MFR_ADDL_INFO)
Offering: Product Management? No Longer Optional From: Update 23C
If you opt in to Update Manufacturer Management and use granular privileges, then you must add the following data security policies to your role to have access to the manufacturer part security tab:
The procedure for adding a data security policy is the same for both EGP_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEMS and EGP_PRIVATE_TRADING_PARTNERS, except for the change in the value of the attribute Parameter1.
Here’s how you create the data security policies:
Sign in to Security Console.
Search for the role. Click Actions > Edit Role.
On the Edit Role page, click Data Security Policies.
In the Create Data Security Policy dialog box, enter the following:
In the Policy Name field, enter the data security policy name.
Data Resource: Search for and add the resource named Application Object (FND_OBJECTS).
Data Set: Select by instance set.
Condition Name: Select For Business Object Application Object specified by the Grant parameter PARAMETER1 for a specific grant for Table FND_OBJECTS.
Enter a value for Parameter1 based on the data security policy:
Actions: Select all the actions.
Click OK.
Click Next.
Save your changes.
Tips And Considerations
The grants added to the manufacturer part Security tab apply to the manufacturer part and the item AML.
You must have Administrator grant on the manufacturer to add grants to the manufacturer part.
The Administrator grant selection is only available on the manufacturer and doesn't display on the manufacturer part.
The grants added on a manufacturer part are also displayed in the trading partner item in the Product Information Management work area.
If you are currently managing trading partner item security in the Product Information Management work area, you can continue doing that or use this feature.
Key Resources
- Watch Manufacturer Parts and Current Workflow Approvers readiness training.
- See Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can view, create, and manage manufacturers:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Manage Trading Partner Item (EGP_MANAGE_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEM_PRIV) or
In addition, follow the instructions listed in Steps to Enable.
Selected Product Development Bug Fixes in This Update
This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Product Development works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.
Notifications in My Worklist
There was a mismatch between the actual number of change notifications displayed in My Worklist and the count displayed against the following: Overview deadline, Approaching deadline, and Waiting for review. The issue is now fixed.
Oracle reference 34379178
Redline Attributes Using Web Service
The CreateOrUpdateChangeObject API was redlining extensible flexfield attributes with non-NULL values as NULL, even if these were not passed in the request payload. The issue is now fixed.
Oracle reference 34784215
Integrations for Large Item Structures
In prior updates, if you set up an integration to trigger a business event whenever a component got updated, the event would result in an error for too many matching records if the item structure had over 500 components. The issue is now fixed.
Oracle reference 34617125
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Assign Multiple GTINs Automatically Using Rules
You can generate and assign multiple GTINs to an item using a single rule. For example, you can assign internal GTIN, party GTINs, and additional pack GTINs to an item using a single rule.
The following image shows an assignment rule that generates and assigns multiple GTINs to items.
Multiple GTINs Assignment Rule
This feature improves data governance by automatically assigning multiple GTINs to items efficiently.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You can use the existing rule functions to generate GTINs. You can use these functions inside assignGTIN function. With the new enhancement, you can add multiple assignGTIN functions in the return value field of a GTIN rule.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Product Rules chapter in the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Implementing Product Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
Control Loading of Option Class Item Data Into Configurator Models
Use a new attribute called Use Placeholder on item structure components to control which option class items are loaded into the Configurator. This attribute can be set from both the item context and the change order context. You can also use existing SOAP and REST services to set or retrieve this attribute. Import and FBDI also support Use Placeholder.
When Use Placeholder is enabled for selected option class items, here’s what happens:
- The items aren’t loaded into configurator models during structure import.
- A placeholder is created for such items in the configurator model.
- You can replace the placeholder with the actual data during order import when required.
- The placeholder structure can be loaded on demand from the Configurator.
Structure Component Attribute for Option Class Items - Use Placeholder
This feature benefits your business by giving you more flexibility when choosing an option class value. With the new placeholder field, you can wait until an order is imported to define the option class that's best suited for your products.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The Use Placeholder attribute is only visible on the item structure pages in the Product Information Management work area.
- To see this attribute, you must make Component Order Management fields visible from Item Structure Details > View.
- When you edit this field in the item structure, you see a check box for selection. On a change order, you see Yes and No as list values.
Key Resources
- Watch Manufacturer Parts and Current Workflow Approvers readiness training.
- See Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB) or
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges can access this feature:
- Functional privileges to view and edit item structures:
- Functional privileges to view and edit affected object structures:
- Manage Item Change Order (EGO_MANAGE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_PRIV) or
- Data privileges to view and edit item structures:
- View Item Basic
- Maintain Item Basic
- View Item Structure
- Maintain Item Structure
- Functional privileges to view and edit item structures:
Order Packaging String Units Alphabetically
You can now create new packaging strings quicker and easier. When choosing units of measure, you can now see the choices for units of measure ordered alphabetically, making it easier to find the units that you want to include in your packaging string.
Units of measure are now ordered alphabetically in the set of choices. This makes it easier to find the unit of measure that you are looking for in the set of choices when you are constructing new packaging strings.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Selected Product Hub Bug Fixes in This Update
This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Product Hub works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.
Modifications to Master Organization-Controlled Attribute Values Dependent on Outside Processing Service in the Child Organization
Before update 23B, when the Outside Processing Service attribute was set to Yes, the value for the four attributes Purchased, Purchasable, Shippable, and Costing Enabled were defaulted to Yes. If you've set any of these four attribute values to No in the master organization, then after assigning the item attributes to a child org through a template, the value for these four attributes was again defaulted to Yes (even if the attribute is master organization controlled), irrespective of the value set in the master organization. After update 23B, the values for these four attributes will be assigned from the master organization to the child organization. Attributes that are master organization controlled can't be updated in the child organization.
Oracle reference: 34641207
Import Item Attachment Files From a Zip File Even if the Parent Folder Isn't Specified in the CSV File
Before update 23B, you couldn't import item attachment files within the folder of a zipped file based on the file name specified in the CSV file. After update 23B, you can import such files. Also, if the zip file contains subfolders, you must mention the subfolder names along with the file name in the CSV file.
Oracle reference: 34881355
Check Fragmentation and Optimize the Item Keyword Search Index to Improve Performance
Before update 23B, sometimes performance degraded due to fragmentation of the item keyword search index. After update 23B, you can check fragmentation using the Analysis option in the Upgrade Product Management Data scheduled process, and then optimize the item keyword search index using the Optimize action in the Item Keyword Search scheduled process. You can find these scheduled processes in the Scheduled Processes work area.
Oracle Reference: 33745337
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Product Development & Product Hub Common
Analyze Manufacturer Data Using OTBI
You can use the new subject area Product Management - Manufacturer Real-Time to perform an in-depth analysis of manufacturers added in the application.
You can analyze manufacturers by various criteria such as:
- configured attributes
- location attributes such as Country, State, and City
- manufacturers without associated manufacturer part numbers
You can also combine this subject area with Product Management - Trading Partner Items Real-Time subject area to analyze manufacturers along with items
Manufacturers Based on Location Using Manufacturer Subject Area
Manufacturers without Manufacturer Part Numbers
Manufacturers Impacted Due to Quarantine
This new subject area in OTBI provides direct access to all relevant manufacturer attributes so that you can easily analyze manufacturer data.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- When you combine Product Management - Manufacturer Real-Time and Product Management - Trading Partner Items Real-Time subject areas, you must add a measure from each subject area to see proper results. In addition, if you add fields configured using Application Composer to the analysis, you must add Trading Partner Name and Manufacturer attributes.
- Location descriptive flexfields aren’t supported.
Key Resources
- Watch Manufacturer Parts and Current Workflow Approvers readiness training.
- See Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges can access this feature:
- Product Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
- BI Consumer Role (BIConsumer)
Assign Substitute Component Items to Organizations with a Common Structure
When a structure is used as a common structure, substitute components for items in the source organization are automatically added to any target organizations where the component doesn't exist. Substitute components can be added with or without a change order.
The substitute component is automatically added to a target organization when you:
- Create a structure in the target organization using the Create from Common action.
- Add a substitute to a component of a structure that is already used as a common structure.
Keyboard zz is added as a substitute for a master organization component. This item doesn't exist in the target organization M2 that uses a common structure. Keyboard zz is automatically assigned to the M2 organization. In the Product Development work area, you can see the Keyboard zz substitute added to the Keyboard standard component in the structure through a change order.
Substitute Component Added to Component in Structure
In the Product Information Management work area, you can see the M2 organization assigned to Keyboard zz.
Item Assigned to Target Organization
You can now update Enforce Integer Requirement and Priority attribute values using the following:
- Item Structures
- Product Change Orders V2
- SOAP Web Services:
- Item Structure Version 2: updateStructure (sync and async) methods
- Product Design Change Order: You can only get the Enforce Integer Requirement and Priority attribute values using findChangeObject and getChangeOrder (sync and async) methods
This feature extends the benefits of using common item structures by:
- Reducing errors due to oversight while syncing components across structures
- Reducing manual management and entry errors
- Increasing engineer efficiency through automation
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- Once the organization is automatically assigned, the assignment can't be undone when the substitute component is deleted. You must manually delete the association.
- Substitutes can’t be assigned to inactive organizations.
- When you add the substitute component in the change context, the organization assignment is done when the affected item is in Completed status. When you add it through import, the organization assignment is done on the completion of the job, or on the completion of the change order if the item is added to a change order.
Key Resources
- See also:
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Product Master Data Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Product Data Steward (ORA_EGI_PRODUCT_DATA_STEWARD_JOB) or
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- Functional privileges to create a structure from a common structure.
- Data security privileges to view or update the substitute component:
- View Item Basic
- Maintain Item Basic
- View Item Structure
- Maintain Item Structure
- Functional privileges to create a structure from a common structure.
Use Audit Reports to Govern User Activities on Attachments
In Oracle Product Hub and Oracle Product Development, users can access attachments associated with business objects, such as Items and Structures, based on the access privileges. Users can download or check out the attachment. They can also check in a new version of the attachment or choose to cancel check out without checking in a new version.
With this feature, you can audit the user activities such as Attachment Check In, Attachment Checkout, Attachment Cancel Checkout, and Attachment Download on an attachment if the attachment business object (for example, Items Attachments) has been enabled for auditing using the Manage Audit Policy UI available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
NOTE: Auditing the user activities on the attachment business object is in addition to auditing the existing attachment maintenance activities such as insert, update, and delete.
To access the Audit Reports, go to Navigator > Tools > Audit Reports. The following screenshot shows the various event types for the Item Attachments business object based on which you can generate an audit report.
Audit Reports
This feature is enabled for the following business objects:
- Item Attachments
- Item Revision Attachments
- Change Object Attachments
- Structure Attachments
- Catalog Attachments
- Category Attachments
This feature is enabled for the following types of attachments:
- Text
- File
- Repository File/Folder
NOTE: This feature was also made available in the March monthly update of 23A.
This feature enhances governance and oversight by monitoring user activities on attachments.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
When an attachment is added, the audit report considers it as Insert event and Attachment Check-In event.
The events are audited only after a business object is enabled for audit.
Audit details for the user activities on the attachment are available only in the Audit Reports (Tools > Audit Reports). It isn’t available in the History tab on the Edit Items page.
Key Resources
- Refer to the Audit Trail section in the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Implementing Product Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:
This privilege was available prior to this update.
Selected Product Development and Product Hub Common Bug Fixes in This Update
This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Product Development and Oracle Product Hub work. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.
Update Change Lines
When you update a change line (or an affected object) directly on the item page, a message appears informing you to use an existing change order or create a new one to update the item.
Prior to this fix, you could update the change line without using a change order.
Oracle reference 33996501
Validations on Change History
The validations on change history are skipped if you’ve deactivated or end-dated the following: item status, AML status, a list of values for operational attributes, and a list of values for AML descriptive flexfields.
This fix improves change workflow resiliency.
Oracle reference 34894768
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Product Lifecycle Management Common
Manage Approvers for Current Workflow Approval Statuses Using REST or SOAP Services
You can now add or remove approvers to the current interim approval or approval statuses using REST API and SOAP Web Services. Prior to this update, you could do this only for the future interim approval and approval statuses. This feature is supported for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.
Add Approvers as Participants to Interim Approval Status Using Product Change Orders V2 REST API
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:chan=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <typ:deleteParticipants> <typ:changeNotice>CO0002</typ:changeNotice> <typ:organizationCode>V1</typ:organizationCode> <typ:statusCode>300100185401791</typ:statusCode> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <typ:participant> <chan:AssigneeName>Jane.Davis</chan:AssigneeName> <chan:AssigneeTypeValue>Person</chan:AssigneeTypeValue> <chan:ParticipantTypeCode>APPROVAL</chan:ParticipantTypeCode> <chan:Comments>Removing via SOAP</chan:Comments> </typ:participant> </typ:deleteParticipants> </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope> |
Delete Approvers from Interim Approval Status Using Product Design Change Orders V2 SOAP Web Services
This feature benefits your business by allowing you to programmatically manage your approvers on additional workflow statuses, thereby increasing automatic governance capability.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can only add a person as an approver, not a role.
- You can permit actors such as Requestor, Creator, Analyst, Approver, Other Users, and configured roles to add participants in current approval statuses by configuring the action Add Participants for Current Status in the Additional Workflow Controls table.
- You must be a change analyst to remove an approver from the current approval status.
Key Resources
- Watch Manufacturer Parts and Current Workflow Approvers readiness training.
- Refer to the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM SOAP Web Services for SCM guide, available on the the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges along with Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) can access this feature:
- For change orders:
- For change requests:
- For problem reports:
- For corrective and preventive actions:
- For change orders:
Show Rejection Comments in Notifications
You can now see rejection comments for a change order approval request in the FYI rejection notification. In addition, you can see who has rejected the change order.
Comments are visible in the rejection notification for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.
Caption: Rejection Comments Shown in FYI Notification
This feature improves efficiency by making information readily available to your engineers, saving them the time and effort of navigating to the change in order to view rejection comments.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
In the ChangeOrderApprovalTask of BPM Worklist configuration, it’s recommended that you make commenting mandatory when rejecting a change order so that rejection comments are captured.
Key Resources
- See also:
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Product Management Notifications Spreadsheet on the Oracle Help Center.
- Configuring approval or rejection comments in the BPM worklist: See Configure Approval Tasks Using BPM Worklist in the Implementing Product Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
Additionally, users require the following privileges:
- For change orders:
- For change requests:
- For problem reports:
- For corrective actions:
Audit and Analyze Trading Partner References on Change or Quality Workflows
You can now use the trading partner reference attributes such as Customer, Supplier, Manufacturer, and Source in the BI Publisher notifications, audit reports, Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI), and REST services.
BI Publisher Notifications
You must configure the notification templates to view the attributes in the following notifications:
- Change Order Approval Worklist and Email Notification Report
- Change Order Reviewer Notification Report
Sample Change Order Approval Template with Attributes Configured
Sample Change order Approval Notification Based on Configured Template
Audit Reports
You must enable the attributes (Customer, Supplier, Source, and Manufacturer) for change order audit using the Manage Audit Policies task. You can then view the audit report of the attributes for change orders, problem reports, and corrective actions.
Audit Report of Change Attributes
OTBI Reports
You can select and analyze trading partner reference attributes from the Change Order Real Time subject area.
Sample Change Order Report for Manufacturer Aviator
You can also use the following REST services to get, create, and update these attributes:
- Product Change Orders V2
- Product Change Requests
- Quality Corrective and Preventive Actions
- Quality Problem Reports
Sample Response for Get one change order: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Sample Response - Get Change Order
This feature benefits your business by providing additional trading partner reference information in all relevant areas to improve auditing and analysis.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can’t update the attribute in REST if you’re unable to view the same in the user interface.
- Refer Configure Change Types for attribute visibility setup.
Key Resources
- See also:
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Support Note: Doc ID 2920067.1
- To configure the audit, refer Setup Tasks for Audit History in Product Management.
- Rest API documentation: Rest API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can view the configured notifications, view audit reports, and access REST services:
- Users who are assigned configured job roles must have the following privileges:
- For change orders: View Change Order (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)
- For change orders: View Change Order (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)
- For change requests: View Change Request (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV)
- For problem reports: View Problem Report (ACA_VIEW_PROBLEM_REPORTS_PRIV)
- For corrective and preventive actions: View Corrective Action (ACA_VIEW_CORRECTIVE_ACTIONS_PRIV)
- To access the OTBI reports, you must have the following role or privileges:
- Product Transaction Analysis Duty (FBI_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY)
- BI Consumer Role (BIConsumer)
- To configure the BI Publisher notification template:
- BI Author Role (BIAuthor)
- BI Publisher Data Model Developer (BIPDataModelDeveloper)
- To configure audit policies:
Permit More Actors and Roles to Add Participants to Current Approval Workflow Status
You can now allow actors such as Creator, Requester, Approver, Other Users, and configured roles to add participants when approval is in progress by configuring the action Add Participants for Current Status in the Additional Workflow Controls table. Prior to this update, you could only configure this permission for the Analyst. This is supported for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.
Additionally, when you add a role for approval, the default value of Response Required From is set to One.
Configure Actors and a Role to Add Participants for Approval Status
Response Required From Defaulted to One if Assignee Type is Role
Approval Status with Response Required From Defaulted to One
This feature benefits your business by giving you more flexibility to define who can add approvers to a workflow that's already in progress. This makes managing your governance processes more nimble.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- The feature to permit other actors and roles to add approvers in approval status is available in pending change orders, except for the ones that are already in the approval status.
- fter the upgrade, the value of Response Required From defaults to One only when you add a role as a participant. Additionally,
- If the value for Response Required From is All on a pending change order or a change type, then the value doesn’t change.
- If you select One response per status in the change type, then there's no change in behavior of the Response Required From field in the change type.
Key Resources
- See also:
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Using Product Master Data Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Implementing Product Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Product Manager (ORA_EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB) or
- Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:
- For change orders: Manage Change Orders (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)
- For change requests: Manage Change Request (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV)
- For problem reports: Manage Problem Report (ACA_MANAGE_PROBLEM_REPORT_PRIV)
- For corrective actions and preventive actions: Manage Corrective Action (ACA_MANAGE_CORRECTIVE_ACTION_PRIV)
Add Reviewers for Current Approval Status in the User Interface
You can now add reviewers along with approvers to the current approval status for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions. You can do this for both interim approval and approval statuses.
Add Participant of Type Reviewer
This feature adds flexibility to your change workflows by providing more opportunities to update the reviewers list while approvals are in progress.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- You can permit actors such as Requestor, Creator, Analyst, Approver, Other Users, and configured roles to add participants during the current approval status using the action Add Participants for Current Status in the Additional Workflow Controls table.
- Only the change analyst can remove reviewers in the current approval status.
- You can't add a role as a reviewer in the current interim approval or approval status. You can only add individual users.
Key Resources
- See also:
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Using Product Development guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Using Product Master Data Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
- Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Implementing Product Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
Access Requirements
You have a couple of options for giving people access to this feature, depending on whether you're assigning them predefined job roles or your own configured job roles.
- Users who are assigned any of these predefined job roles can access this feature:
- Users who are assigned configured job roles that contain these privileges can be added as reviewers:
- For change orders:
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
- For change orders:
- For change requests:
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
- For problem reports:
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
- For corrective and preventive actions:
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
- Manage Corrective Action
- Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following:
Selected Product Lifecycle Management Common Bug Fixes in This Update
This update includes some bug fixes that can change the way Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management works. This isn't a full list of all the bug fixes in this update. This list includes the bug fixes that can cause a noticeable change in application behavior.
Copy Tasks on Changes and Quality Objects
You can now copy over tasks when using the Save As action on change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.
Prior to this fix, you could copy over tasks on change orders only.
Oracle reference 34694237
Approval Options on Changes and Quality Objects
The Approve and Reject buttons are now unavailable for delegated users when the change or the quality object is approved by the user to whom the approval was initially assigned.
Oracle reference 33705275
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Common Technologies and User Experience
Remove Prefix from Subject Lines and Titles in Workflow Notifications
By default, email and in-app notifications sent out as part of a workflow or approval process have a prefix in the subject line or title, for example Action Required. If you have a specific requirement, you can choose to exclude that prefix in the notifications that are sent.
For a particular workflow task, you can set this up for specific combinations of task statuses and recipients. For example, you can exclude the prefix when the task status is Assigned and notifications are sent to the assignees. Your setup won't apply to FYI notifications, which will always show the prefix.
To remove the prefix from the notification subject line or title:
- In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Task Configurations task in the Application Extensions functional area. Or, depending on your offering, you might use a different functional area or another approval setup task.
- In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for the workflow task in the Tasks to be configured pane.
- Select the task from the search results and click the Edit task icon in the toolbar.
- Click the Notifications subtab.
- For any of the task status and recipient combinations, select the Exclude Notification Prefix check box.
Removing the prefix can help grab the readers' attention with a more direct notification subject line or title, say for notifications advertising special offers. For example, Action Required: Early Payment Offer - Accelerate Payments for up to USD 1000 becomes Early Payment Offer - Accelerate Payments for up to USD 1000 after the prefix is removed.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
You should use this feature only if you have a very specific requirement to do so. Otherwise, leave the prefix displayed in the notifications.
Key Resources
- Remove Prefix from Subject Lines and Titles in Workflow Notifications (available April 7, 2023)
Access Requirements
- To manage task configurations and exclude the prefix, you need a custom role that includes the BPM Workflow System Admin Role (BPMWorkflowAdmin).