Calix Supports Fast Innovation with Integration Cloud Service

Calix is a leading global provider of broadband communications access systems and software, and is the largest communications equipment supplier focused solely on access.

See how Oracle Integration Cloud Service helped Calix consolidate from multiple integration tools down to a single, simple platform.

Stitch Fix Integrates Business Systems with Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Stitch Fix is a personalized fashion company that matches customers to their ideal garments based on their style, size, and price preferences.

See how Stitch Fix was able to automate processes to remove the manual effort required to process files with the help of Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Ventureforth Connects Clients with Oracle Cloud Platform

Founded in 1995, Ventureforth is a global leader in mobile workforce solutions, using industry-leading technology and best practices to keep people connected no matter where they are.

See how Ventureforth uses Oracle Java Cloud Service, Oracle Database Cloud Service, and Oracle Integration Cloud Service to connect clients and make sure they stay productive while on the move.

Sofbang Streamlines Business Processes with Oracle Cloud Platform Services

Sofbang is a leading solutions provider and system integrator of the Oracle Cloud Platform, Oracle Mobile, and Oracle Fusion Middleware suite of products.

Learn how Oracle Cloud Platform services—including Oracle Java Cloud, Oracle Documents Cloud, Oracle Process Cloud Service, Oracle Integration Cloud and Oracle Mobile Cloud—can help dramatically streamline and improve business processes.

Rubicon Red Reveals the Oracle Difference

Rubicon Red provides innovative and market-leading DevOps, cloud and consulting solutions for Oracle middleware, Oracle SOA Cloud Service, and Oracle Business Process Management.

See how Oracle helps Rubicon Red integrate siloed data across all of its SaaS solutions.

TGI Builds a New Future with Oracle

Today’s Graphics is a multi-dimensional,
multi-faceted marketing services company based in Philadelphia, PA.

Hear TGI’s Executive VP, Rick Elfreth, discuss how Oracle is helping the marketing services company build a new, digital future.