Enhance |
The Enhance processor is used to match a set of working data against one or more trusted reference sources, and merge in data from the reference source(s) to enhance the working data.
For an introduction to matching in OEDQ, see the Matching Concept Guide.
For a description of the use and functionality of the Enhance processor, read on in this topic.
Typical uses of the Enhance processor include:
The Enhance processor offers the ability to match records, and create the desired enhanced output, using a combination of automatic rules and manual decisions.
Enhance is a type of matching processor. Matching processors consist of several sub-processors, where each sub-processor performs a different step of matching, and requires separate configuration. The following sub-processors make up the Enhance processor, each performing a distinct function as described below.
Click on the Sub-processor for detailed information about each step, and for configuration instructions:
Icon |
Sub-processor |
Description |
Select the attributes from the data streams included in the matching process. |
Create identifiers to use in matching, and map them to attributes. |
Divide the data streams into clusters. See the Clustering concept guide. |
Choose which comparisons to perform, and how to interpret them with match rules. |
Optionally, use rules to merge matching records, to create a 'best' set of output records (that is, an enhanced set) |
Any attributes from the data streams that you want to include in the matching process, except Array attributes, which are not supported by match processors.
The inputs are configurable in the Input sub-processor.
All options are configured within the sub-processors above, except for the Advanced options for match processors.
The output data streams, and their attributes are configured in the Match and Merge sub-processors above.
It is possible to use an Enhance processor in a Real time Response process, provided the process contains only one match processor.
See the Real time matching concept guide.
Execution Mode |
Supported |
Batch |
Yes |
Real time Monitoring |
Yes |
Real time Response |
Yes |
Note:The Enhance processor always appears with a re-run marker, indicating that it will be completely re-executed each time the process is run, regardless of whether or not its configuration has changed. This will also mean that processors that are downstream of the Enhance processor will also need to be rerun. |
The Enhance processor produces a number of views of results as follows. Any of the views may be seen by clicking on the Enhance processor in the process. The views may also be seen by expanding the Enhance processor to view its sub-processors, and selecting the sub-processor that produces the view.
Input Views (produced by Input)
An Input View is displayed for each input data stream; that is, both the working stream of data to be enhanced, and the reference streams used to enhance the working set. The selected attributes from each stream are shown in the view.
Cluster Views (produced by Cluster)
A Cluster View is displayed for each configured cluster. Use these views to assess the sensitivity of your clustering, to ensure you are not making too many redundant comparisons, and not missing any potential matches. See the Clustering concept guide for further information.
Statistic |
Meaning |
Cluster |
Each distinct cluster key value |
Group size |
The total number of records in the cluster; that is, the number of records with the same distinct cluster key value |
Processed? |
Indicates whether or not this cluster was actually processed. Values can be:
[Data stream name] |
For each input data stream: A drillable count of the records in each cluster from each input data stream |
Matching View (produced by Match) [Match Review only]
The Matching View summarizes how many records from the working data stream were matched against reference records, and therefore stand to be enhanced:
Statistic |
Meaning |
Matching records |
The number of records from the working data stream that matched reference records with Match relationships; that is, the number of records that stand to be enhanced. Note that this does not include records matched to reference records with Review relationships only, unless the advanced option to Use Review relationships in Match Groups is ticked. |
Non-matching records |
The total number of records that were not matched to any reference records (and therefore will not be enhanced). |
Rules View (produced by Match)
The Rules View displays a summary of the number of relationships created by each automatic match rule:
Statistic |
Meaning |
Rule id |
The numeric identifier of the match rule. |
Rule name |
The name of the match rule. |
Relationships |
The number of relationships between records that were created by the match rule. Note that each distinct relationship between a pair of records (A and B) can only be created by a single rule. If a higher rule creates the relationship, lower rules will not apply. One of the records in a relationship may be related to another record (for example, A and C) by another rule. |
Review Status View (produced by Match)
The Review Status view summarizes relationships by their review status:
Statistic |
Meaning |
Review status |
The review status. A row is displayed for each possible review status, as follows:
Relationships |
The number of relationships between records of the given review status. See note below. |
Note:The statistics in this view will update automatically based on decisions made during the review process, so the top-level statistics will always provide an up-to-date view of the review status of each relationship. However, the drilldowns to the data are generated on each run of the match processor, and will not update based on review decisions made since the last time the match processor was run. When this happens, the Results Browser informs you that the generated data that you are looking at is out-of-date. |
Match Groups View (produced by Match) [Match Review only]
The Match Groups view summarizes the groups of matching records:
Statistic |
Meaning |
Match groups |
The total number of groups of matching records. Drill down to see a summary of the groups by group size (in number of records). Note that the match groups will not include records matched to others with Review relationships only, unless the advanced option to Use Review relationships in Match Groups is ticked. |
Unmatched output records |
The total number of unmatched records from the working table that were output. Note that unmatched records from reference sources are not output. |
Note that the match groups in an Enhance processor are formed such that a single working record is never in the same group as another working record. This is so that working records are always to be enhanced from their matching reference records, and not other working records that happen to be matched to the same reference record.
Alert Groups View (produced by Match) [Case Management only]
The Alert Groups view summarizes the groups of matching records:
Statistic |
Meaning |
Alert groups |
The total number of alert groups. Drill down to see a summary of the groups by group size (in number of records). |
Records not in alerts |
The total number of records from the working data that were not included in any alerts. Note that unmatched records from reference sources are not output. |
Groups Output (produced by Match [Match Review only]
The Groups Output is a Data View of the match groups created by the match processor. The groups that are output in the data view, and the attributes of the view, may vary depending on the options for the Groups Output in the Match sub-processor. For example, the data view may or may not include 'groups' which contain a single record.
Alerts Output (produced by Match) [Case Management only]
The Alerts Output is a Data View of the alerts created by the match processor. The alerts that are output in the data view, and the attributes of the view, may vary depending on the options for the Alerts Output in the Match sub-processor.
Relationships Output View (produced by Match)
The Relationships Output is a Data View of the distinct relationships (links) between pairs of records created by the match processor. The relationships that are output in the data view, and the attributes of the view, may vary depending on the options for the Relationships Output in the Match sub-processor. For example, the view may or may not include relationships formed by particular rules.
Merge Summary View (produced by Merge)
The Merge Summary view summarizes the Merge stage of match processing.
Statistic |
Meaning |
Succeeded |
The number of groups that were merged and output successfully, without any errors in the merge process. Drill down to see a summary of the successful groups by group size (in number of records). Note that this will include 'groups' with a single record, if the Merge configuration was set up to output unrelated records. |
Contained errors |
The number of groups that were not merged successfully, due to errors in automatic output selection that require manual resolution. Drill down to see a summary of the unsuccessful groups by group size (in number of records). |
Merged Output View (produced by Merge)
The Merged Output is a Data View of the merged output from the match processor; that is, the record set after duplicate records have been merged together. The records that are output, and their attributes, will vary depending on the options set in the Merge sub-processor.
The following output filters are available from the Advanced Match processor:
The Groups, Relationships and Merged output filters correspond with the Groups (or Alerts) Output, Relationships Output and Merged Output, as above.
The Decisions output is a written output of all manual match decisions and review comments made during relationship review. See the topic Exporting match decisions for more information.
Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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