Typescript Import Format
//This class is not exported from module and can not be accessed in runtime.
//However to enable typechecking and ducktyping, you can access it as an interface.
import {ColorConverterFactory} from "ojs/ojvalidationfactory-base";
//To access this type in your code,
class MyClass implements ColorConverterFactory{
let myVariable: ColorConverterFactory;
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A factory implementation to create the built-in color converter of type
createConverter(options) : {oj.ColorConverter}
Creates an immutable (jet) color converter instance.
Name Type Argument Description options
oj.ColorConverter.ConverterOptions <optional>
an object literal used to provide an optional information to initialize the jet color converter. For details on what to pass for options, refer to oj.ColorConverter. Returns:
- Type
- oj.ColorConverter