Typescript Import Format
//This namespace exports multiple static methods or members. To import
import * as Config from "ojs/ojconfig";
//Now you can access the methods as Config.methodName and so on
For additional information visit:
(static) getAutomationMode : {string}
Gets the automation mode.
automation mode
- Type
- string
(static) getDeploymentMode : {('production'|'development')}
Gets application deployment mode.
- Since:
- 16.0.0
'production' or 'development'
- Type
- ('production'|'development')
(static) getDeviceRenderMode : {"phone"|"tablet"|"others"}
Retrieves the render mode the application should use. This allows the application to render content differently based on the type of device.
By default, this function returns the value from getDeviceType.
An application can override it by adding a "data-oj-device-render-mode" attribute with the desired value to the document body. This may be useful in simulating the look of one device type on a different device type, such as simulating the look of "phone" on a destop computer.
The render mode
- Type
- "phone" | "tablet" | "others"
(static) getDeviceType : {"phone"|"tablet"|"others"}
Retrieves the type of device the application is running on. This allows the application to behave differently based on the type of device.
This function always return the actual device type. Use getDeviceRenderMode if the application wants to render content differently based on the device type, including simulated device type.
The device type
- Type
- "phone" | "tablet" | "others"
(static) getLocale : {string}
Retrieves the current locale
current locale
- Type
- string
(static) getResourceUrl(relativePath) : {string}
Retrieves a URL for loading a component-specific resource. The URL is resolved as follows: 1. If the application has specified a base URL with setResourceBaseUrl(), the return values will be a relative path appended to the base URL. 2. Otherwise, if the application running with an AMD Loader (such as Require.js), the parent folder of a module with ojs/ mapping will be used as a base URL. 3. Otherwise, the original relative path will be returned.
Name Type Description relativePath
string resource path Returns:
resource URL
- Type
- string
(static) getVersionInfo : {string}
Return a string containing important version information about JET and the libraries it has loaded
- Type
- string
(static) logVersionInfo : {undefined}
Dump information to the browser's console containing important version information about JET and the libraries it has loaded
- Type
- undefined
(static) setAutomationMode(mode) : {undefined}
Sets the automation mode.
Name Type Description mode
string "enabled" for running in automation mode Returns:
- Type
- undefined
(static) setDeploymentMode(mode) : {undefined}
Sets mode value for the application deployment.
Name Type Description mode
'production' | 'development' Accepted values 'production' or 'development' - Since:
- 16.0.0
- Type
- undefined
(static) setExpressionEvaluator(expressionEvaluator) : {undefined}
Sets an optional CSP-compliant expression evaluator for the JET binding provider and JET ExpressionUtils. This method can only be called once and must be called before applying knockout bindings in the application for the first time.
Name Type Description expressionEvaluator
oj.CspExpressionEvaluator An instance of CspExpressionEvaluator class - Since:
- 7.1.0
- See:
- Type
- undefined
(static) setLocale(locale, callback) : {undefined}
Changes the current locale dynamically. Dynamically changing the UI locale often ends up with the UI in mixed languages or locales because the application may have cached data that are locale sensitive.
The preferred method to change the locale is to reload the page and either set the 'lang' attribute on the html element of the page generated on the server, or set the 'locale' option for the ojL10n plugin on the client when requireJS is configured.
Name Type Argument Description locale
string (language code and subtags separated by dash) callback
function(): void <optional>
this optional callback will be invoked when the framework is done loading its translated resources and Locale Elements for the newly specified locale. Returns:
- Type
- undefined
(static) setResourceBaseUrl(baseUrl) : {undefined}
Sets the base URL for retrieving component-specific resources
Name Type Description baseUrl
string base URL Returns:
- Type
- undefined