interface ChartElement<K, D extends ojChart.DataItem<I>|any, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null, C extends ChartElement<K, D, I, null>|null>
Generic Parameters
Parameter Description K Type of key of the dataprovider D Type of data from the dataprovider I Type of nested boxplot items C Type of chart for overview property
Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { ChartElement } from "ojs/ojchart";
//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "ojs/ojchart";
For additional information visit:
Note: Application logic should not interact with the component's properties or invoke its methods until the BusyContext indicates that the component is ready for interaction.
CSS Variables
Polar chart
Stock Chart
Name | Type | Description |
--oj-chart-axis-title-text-color |
<color> | Chart axis title text color |
--oj-chart-axis-tick-label-text-color |
<color> | Chart axis tick label text color |
--oj-chart-animation-rising-icon-color |
<color> | Chart rising animation icon color |
--oj-chart-animation-falling-icon-color |
<color> | Chart falling animation icon color |
--oj-chart-animation-marker-color |
<color> | Chart animation marker color |
--oj-chart-data-cursor-line-color |
<color> | Chart data cursor line color |
Name | Type | Description |
--oj-chart-polar-axis-tick-label-inside-bg-color |
<color> | Polar chart inside tick label background color |
--oj-chart-polar-axis-tick-label-outside-bg-color |
<color> | Polar chart outside tick label background color |
Name | Type | Description |
--oj-chart-stock-falling-bg-color |
<color> | Stock chart falling stock background color |
--oj-chart-stock-range-bg-color |
<color> | Stock chart stock range background color |
--oj-chart-stock-rising-bg-color |
<color> | Stock chart rising stock background color |
JET components that allow child content support slots. Please see the slots section of the JET component overview doc for more information on allowed slot content and slot types.
The contextMenu slot is set on the
within this element. This is used to designate the JET Menu that this component should launch as a context menu on right-click, Shift-F10, Press & Hold, or component-specific gesture. If specified, the browser's native context menu will be replaced by the JET Menu specified in this slot.The application can register a listener for the Menu's ojBeforeOpen event. The listener can cancel the launch via event.preventDefault(), or it can customize the menu contents by editing the menu DOM directly, and then calling refresh() on the Menu.
To help determine whether it's appropriate to cancel the launch or customize the menu, the ojBeforeOpen listener can use component API's to determine which table cell, chart item, etc., is the target of the context menu. See the JSDoc of the individual components for details.
Keep in mind that any such logic must work whether the context menu was launched via right-click, Shift-F10, Press & Hold, or component-specific touch gesture.
slot is used to specify the template for generating the group properties of the chart. The slot content must be a single <template> element. The content of the template should only be one <oj-chart-group> element. See the oj-chart-group doc for more details.When the template is executed for each group, it will have access to the chart's binding context containing the following properties:
- $current - an object that contains information for the current item. (See oj.ojChart.GroupTemplateContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
- alias - if data-oj-as attribute was specified, the value will be used to provide an application-named alias for $current.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The <oj-chart> custom element depth
number The depth of the group. The depth of the outermost group under the invisible root is 1. ids
Array.<string> An array of group IDs, from the outermost group to the current group. For non-hierarchical group, the array will contain only one id. index
number The group index items
Array.<Object> The array of objects which are chart items that belong to this group. The objects will have the following properties: Properties
Name Type Description data
D The data object for the item index
number The zero-based index of the item key
any The key of the current item leaf
boolean True if the group is a leaf group. -
slot is used to specify the template for creating each item of the chart. The slot content must be a <template> element. The content of the template should only be one <oj-chart-item> element. See the oj-chart-item doc for more details. A series-id and group-id must be specified.When the template is executed for each item, it will have access to the chart's binding context containing the following properties:
- $current - an object that contains information for the current item. (See oj.ojChart.ItemTemplateContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
- alias - if data-oj-as attribute was specified, the value will be used to provide an application-named alias for $current.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The <oj-chart> custom element data
D The data object for the current item index
number The zero-based index of the current item key
K The key of the current item -
slot is used to specify custom center content for a pie chart. The slot content must be a single <template> element. This slot takes precedence over the pieCenter.renderer property if specified.When the template is executed, the component's binding context is extended with the following properties:
- $current - an object that contains information for the pie center. (See oj.ojChart.PieCenterContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The chart element. innerBounds
Object Object containing (x, y, width, height) of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. The x and y coordinates are relative to the top, left corner of the element. Properties
Name Type Description height
number The height of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. width
number The width of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. x
number The x coordinate of the rectangle inscribed in the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. y
number The y coordinate of the rectangle inscribed in the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. label
string The pieCenter label. labelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>= The CSS style object defining the style of the label. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. outerBounds
Object Object containing (x, y, width, height) of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. The x and y coordinates are relative to the top, left corner of the element. Properties
Name Type Description height
number The height of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. width
number The width of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. x
number The x coordinate of the rectangle circumscribing the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. y
number The y coordinate of the rectangle circumscribing the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. totalValue
number The total of all values in the pie chart. -
slot is used to specify the template for generating the series properties of the chart. The slot content must be a single <template> element. The content of the template should only be one <oj-chart-series> element.See the oj-chart-series doc for more details.When the template is executed for each series, it will have access to the chart's binding context containing the following properties:
- $current - an object that contains information for the current item. (See oj.ojChart.SeriesTemplateContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
- alias - if data-oj-as attribute was specified, the value will be used to provide an application-named alias for $current.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The <oj-chart> custom element id
string The series id index
number The series index items
Array.<Object> The array of objects which are chart items that belong to this series. The objects will have the following properties Properties
Name Type Description data
D The data object for the item index
number The zero-based index of the item key
any The key of the current item -
slot is used to specify custom tooltip content. The slot content must be a single <template> element. This slot takes precedence over the tooltip.renderer property if specified.When the template is executed, the component's binding context is extended with the following properties:
- $current - an object that contains information for the current item. (See oj.ojChart.TooltipContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description close
number The close value of the hovered stock chart item. color
string The color of the hovered item. componentElement
Element The chart element. data
ojChart.Item<K, Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array<number> | null> | number | null oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | Array<number> | null> | number | null The data object of the hovered item. For nested items, it will be an array containing the parent item data and nested item data. group
string | Array.<string> The ids or an array of ids of the group(s) the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group ids. groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> | null An array of data for the group the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the hovered item. high
number The high value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. id
any The id of the hovered item. itemData
D The row data object for the hovered item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. label
string The data label of the hovered item. low
number The low value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. open
number The open value of the hovered stock chart item. parentElement
Element The tooltip element. This can be used to change the tooltip border or background color. q1
number The first quartile value of the hovered the box plot item. q2
number The second quartile (median) value of the hovered box plot item. q3
number The third quartile value of the hovered box plot item. series
string The id of the series the hovered item belongs to. seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> | null The data for the series the hovered item belongs to. targetValue
number The target value of the hovered funnel item. totalValue
number The total of all values in the chart. This will only be included for pie charts. value
number The value of the hovered item. volume
number The volume value of the hovered stock chart item. x
number | string The x value of the hovered item. y
number The y value of the hovered item. z
number The z value of the hovered item.
animation-on-data-change :"slideToLeft"|"slideToRight"|"auto"|"none"
Defines the animation that is applied on data changes. Animation is automatically disabled when there are a large number of data items.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
Default non-sliding animation. none
No animation is applied on data change. slideToLeft
Data changes will have a sliding animation to the left. slideToRight
Data changes will have a sliding animation to the right. Names
Item Name Property animationOnDataChange
Property change event animationOnDataChangeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-animation-on-data-change-changed
animation-on-display :"alphaFade"|"zoom"|"auto"|"none"
Defines the animation that is shown on initial display. Animation is automatically disabled when there are a large number of data items.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description alphaFade
Chart uses an alpha fade animation on initial display. auto
Default animation on initial display. none
No animation is applied on initial display. zoom
Chart zooms into view on initial display. Names
Item Name Property animationOnDisplay
Property change event animationOnDisplayChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-animation-on-display-changed
as :string
An alias for the $current context variable when referenced inside the item, series, or group templates when using a DataProvider.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 6.2.0
Set the alias directly on the template element using the data-oj-as attribute instead.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property as
Property change event asChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-as-changed
combo-series-order :"data"|"seriesType"
Specifies the series render order for combo charts. If set to 'seriesType', the combo chart rendering order between series types will follow a set z-ordering aimed at minimizing overlap: area and line with area series type in the background, then bar series, then line series in the foreground. Series within the same type are rendered in the order presented in the data. If set to 'data', series z-order follows the series order in the data. Note that, series-comparator can be used to change the series order in the data.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description data
Series z order follows the series order in the data. seriesType
The combo chart rendering order between series types will follow a set z-ordering aimed at minimizing overlap: area and line with area series type in the background, then bar series, then line series in the foreground. Series within the same type are rendered in the order presented in the data. Names
Item Name Property comboSeriesOrder
Property change event comboSeriesOrderChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-combo-series-order-changed
coordinate-system :"polar"|"cartesian"
The coordinate system of the chart. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, scatter, and bubble charts.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description cartesian
Cartesian coordinate system is used to plot the chart. polar
Polar coordinate system is used to plot the chart. Names
Item Name Property coordinateSystem
Property change event coordinateSystemChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-coordinate-system-changed
data :(DataProvider.<K, D>|null)
An object defining the series and groups, when using a DataProvider to provide data to the chart. The DataProvider can either have an arbitrary data shape, in which case an
element must be specified in the itemTemplate slot or it can have ojChart.DataItem as its data shape, in which case no template is required. A progressive loading indicator is shown by the component when the data provider fetch takes longer than a certain time. - Default Value:
Item Name Property data
Property change event dataChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-data-changed
data-cursor :"off"|"on"|"auto"
Defines whether the data cursor is enabled. If set to "auto", the data cursor is shown only for line or area charts on touch devices. The data cursor is not shown when the tooltip is null and it is not supported on polar charts.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
The data cursor is shown only for line or area charts on touch devices. off
Data cursor is disabled. on
Data cursor is enabled. Not supported by polar charts. Names
Item Name Property dataCursor
Property change event dataCursorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-data-cursor-changed
data-cursor-behavior :"smooth"|"snap"|"auto"
Defines the behavior of the data cursor when moving between data items.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
The data cursor exhibits the snap behavior except for line and area chart which exhibit the smooth behavior. smooth
Data cursor follows the mouse cursor smoothly between data items. snap
Data cursor snaps between data items. Names
Item Name Property dataCursorBehavior
Property change event dataCursorBehaviorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-data-cursor-behavior-changed
data-cursor-position :oj.ojChart.DataCursorPosition
Specifies the position of the data cursor. Used for synchronizing data cursors across multiple charts. Null if the data cursor is not displayed.
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property dataCursorPosition
Property change event dataCursorPositionChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-data-cursor-position-changed
(nullable) data-label :((context: ojChart.DataLabelContext<K, D, I>) => (Array<string>|string|Array<number>|number))
A function that returns a custom data label. The function takes a DataLabelContext argument, provided by the chart. The function may return a number or a string or in the case of range charts, an array of numbers or strings. If any label is a number, it will be formatted by the valueFormat of the type 'label' before being used as a label.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property dataLabel
Property change event dataLabelChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-data-label-changed
dnd :Object
Provides support for HTML5 Drag and Drop events. Please refer to third party documentation on HTML5 Drag and Drop to learn how to use it.
Item Name Property dnd
Property change event dndChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-dnd-changed
dnd.drag :oj.ojChart.DndDragConfigs.<K, D, I>
An object that describes drag functionality.
Item Name Property dnd.drag
dnd.drop :oj.ojChart.DndDropConfigs
An object that describes drop functionality.
Item Name Property dnd.drop
drag-mode :"pan"|"zoom"|"select"|"off"|"user"
The action that is performed when a drag occurs on the chart. Pan and marquee zoom are only available if zoom and scroll is turned on. Marquee select is only available if multiple selection is turned on. If the value is set to "user" and multiple actions are available, buttons will be displayed on the plot area to let users switch between modes.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description off
Drag is disabled. pan
Pan action is performed when a drag occurs on the chart. select
Marquee selection is performed when a drag occurs on the chart. user
User can switch between different mode. Buttons will be displayed on the plot area to let users switch between modes. zoom
Zoom action is performed when a drag occurs on the chart. Names
Item Name Property dragMode
Property change event dragModeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-drag-mode-changed
drilling :"on"|"seriesOnly"|"groupsOnly"|"off"
Whether drilling is enabled. Drillable objects will show a pointer cursor on hover and fire an
event on click (double click if selection is enabled). Use "on" to enable drilling for all series objects (legend items), group objects (x-axis labels), and data items. Use "seriesOnly" or "groupsOnly" to enable drilling for series objects or group objects only. To enable or disable drilling on individual series, group, or data item, use the drilling attribute in each series, group, or data item. See multiSeriesDrilling documentation for details on drilling on the legend item for Other.- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description groupsOnly
Drilling is enabled only on axis labels. off
Drilling is not enabled. on
Drilling is enabled on data items, axis labels and legend items. seriesOnly
Drilling is enabled only on legend items. Use multiSeriesDrilling attribute to enable drilling on the legend item for Other. Names
Item Name Property drilling
Property change event drillingChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-drilling-changed
(nullable) group-comparator :((context1: ojChart.GroupTemplateContext<D>, context2: ojChart.GroupTemplateContext<D>) => number)
A comparator function that determines the ordering of the chart groups when using a DataProvider. If undefined, the group will follow the order in which they are found in the data. The group objects will have the same properties as the context for groupTemplate's $current.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property groupComparator
Property change event groupComparatorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-group-comparator-changed
groups :(Array.<string>|Promise.<Array.<string>>|Array.<oj.ojChart.Group>|Promise.<Array.<oj.ojChart.Group>>|null)
An array of strings identifying the group labels, or an array of Group objects specifying group labels and styles. Also accepts a Promise for deferred data rendering.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property groups
Property change event groupsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-groups-changed
hidden-categories :Array.<string>
An array of category strings used for filtering. Series or data items with any category matching an item in this array will be filtered.
- Default Value:
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property hiddenCategories
Property change event hiddenCategoriesChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-hidden-categories-changed
hide-and-show-behavior :"withRescale"|"withoutRescale"|"none"
Defines the hide and show behavior that is performed when clicking on a legend item. When data items are hidden, the y axes can be optionally rescaled to fit to the remaining data.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description none
Hide and show behavior is disabled. withRescale
Y axes rescales when data items are hidden or showed by clicking on a legend item. withoutRescale
Y axes does not rescale when data items are hidden or showed by clicking on a legend item. Names
Item Name Property hideAndShowBehavior
Property change event hideAndShowBehaviorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-hide-and-show-behavior-changed
highlight-match :"any"|"all"
The matching condition for the highlightedCategories property. By default, highlightMatch is 'all' and only items whose categories match all of the values specified in the highlightedCategories array will be highlighted. If highlightMatch is 'any', then items that match at least one of the highlightedCategories values will be highlighted.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description all
Only data items that match all of the highlightedCategories values will be highlighted. any
Only data items that match at least one of the highlightedCategories values will be highlighted. Names
Item Name Property highlightMatch
Property change event highlightMatchChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-highlight-match-changed
highlighted-categories :Array.<string>
An array of category strings used for highlighting. Series or data items matching categories in this array will be highlighted.
- Default Value:
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property highlightedCategories
Property change event highlightedCategoriesChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-highlighted-categories-changed
hover-behavior :"dim"|"none"
Defines the behavior applied when hovering over data items.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description dim
Dimming hover behavior is applied. none
No hover behavior will be applied. Names
Item Name Property hoverBehavior
Property change event hoverBehaviorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-hover-behavior-changed
initial-zooming :"first"|"last"|"none"
Whether automatic initial zooming is enabled. The valid values are "first" to initially zoom to the first data points (after the viewportMin) that can fit in the plot area, "last" to initially zoom to the last data points (before the viewportMax), and "none" to disable initial zooming. Only applies to bar, line, area, and combo charts with zoomAndScroll turned on.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description first
Zoom to first data points (after the viewportMin) that can fit in the plot area on initial render. last
Zoom to last data points (before the viewportMax) that can fit in the plot area on initial render. none
No initial zooming. Names
Item Name Property initialZooming
Property change event initialZoomingChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-initial-zooming-changed
legend :oj.ojChart.Legend
An object defining the style, positioning, and behavior of the legend.
Item Name Property legend
Property change event legendChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-legend-changed
multi-series-drilling :"on"|"off"
Specifies whether drilling on chart objects representing multiple series (e.g. other slice and legend item in pie charts) is enabled or not. Multiseries drill event is fired from the other slice and legend item of pieChart.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description off
Drill action for Other slice and legend item in pie chart will be disabled. on
Drill action for Other slice and legend item in pie chart will be enabled. Names
Item Name Property multiSeriesDrilling
Property change event multiSeriesDrillingChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-multi-series-drilling-changed
orientation :"horizontal"|"vertical"
The chart orientation. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, box plot, and funnel charts.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description horizontal
Chart will be horizontally oriented. vertical
Chart will be vertically oriented. Names
Item Name Property orientation
Property change event orientationChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-orientation-changed
other-threshold :number
Specifies the fraction of the whole pie under which a slice would be aggregated into an "Other" slice. Valid values range from 0 (default) to 1. For example, a value of 0.1 would cause all slices which are less than 10% of the pie to be aggregated into the "Other" slice. Only applies to pie chart.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property otherThreshold
Property change event otherThresholdChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-other-threshold-changed
overview :oj.ojChart.Overview.<C>
An object defining the overview scrollbar. Only applies if zoomAndScroll is not off. Currently only supported for vertical bar, line, area, stock, and combo charts.
Item Name Property overview
Property change event overviewChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-overview-changed
pie-center :oj.ojChart.PieCenter
An object defining the center content of a pie chart. Either a label can be displayed at the center of the pie chart or custom HTML content.
Item Name Property pieCenter
Property change event pieCenterChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-pie-center-changed
plot-area :oj.ojChart.PlotArea
An object defining the style of the plot area.
Item Name Property plotArea
Property change event plotAreaChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-plot-area-changed
polar-grid-shape :"polygon"|"circle"
Defines whether the grid shape of the polar chart is circle or polygon. Only applies to polar line and area charts.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description circle
The grid shape of polar chart will be circular. polygon
The grid shape of polar chart will be a polygonal with number of side of the polygon equal to number of groups in chart. Names
Item Name Property polarGridShape
Property change event polarGridShapeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-polar-grid-shape-changed
selection :Array<K>
An array used to define the ids of the initially selected objects. When the selection is changed, the
of theselectionChanged
event will contain the following additional properties:
Name Type Description selectionData
Object an array containing objects describing the selected data items Properties
Name Type Description data
object the data of the item, if one was specified itemData
object the row data of the item, if one was specified. This will only be set if a DataProvider is used. groupData
Array the group data of the item seriesData
object the series data of the item endGroup
string the end group of a marquee selection on a chart with categorical axis startGroup
string the start group of a marquee selection on a chart with categorical axis xMax
number the maximum x value of a marquee selection xMin
number the minimum x value of a marquee selection yMax
number the maximum y value of a marquee selection yMin
number the minimum y value of a marquee selection - Default Value:
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property selection
Property change event selectionChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-selection-changed
selection-mode :"none"|"single"|"multiple"
The type of selection behavior that is enabled on the chart. This attribute controls the number of selections that can be made via selection gestures at any given time.
is specified, selection gestures will be enabled, and the chart's selection styling will be applied to all items specified by the selection attribute. Ifnone
is specified, selection gestures will be disabled, and the chart's selection styling will not be applied to any items specified by the selection attribute.Changing the value of this attribute will not affect the value of the selection attribute.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description multiple
Multiple items can be selected at the same time. none
Selection is disabled. single
Only a single item can be selected at a time. Names
Item Name Property selectionMode
Property change event selectionModeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-selection-mode-changed
series :(Array.<oj.ojChart.Series>|Promise.<Array.<oj.ojChart.Series>>|null)
An array of Series objects, used to define series labels and override series styles. Only a single series is supported for stock charts. Also accepts a Promise for deferred data rendering.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property series
Property change event seriesChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-series-changed
(nullable) series-comparator :((context1: ojChart.SeriesTemplateContext<D>, context2: ojChart.SeriesTemplateContext<D>) => number)
A comparator function that determines the ordering of the chart series when using a DataProvider. If undefined, the series will follow the order in which they are found in the data. The series objects will have the same properties as the context for seriesTemplate's $current.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property seriesComparator
Property change event seriesComparatorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-series-comparator-changed
sorting :"ascending"|"descending"|"off"
Specifies the sorting of the data. It should only be used for pie charts, bar/line/area charts with one series, or stacked bar/area charts. Sorting will not apply when using a hierarchical group axis.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description ascending
Data items are sorted in ascending order. descending
Data items are sorted in descending order. off
Groups are sorted in the order they are discovered in the data. Names
Item Name Property sorting
Property change event sortingChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-sorting-changed
split-dual-y :"on"|"off"|"auto"
Defines whether the plot area is split into two sections, so that sets of data assigned to the different Y-axes appear in different parts of the plot area. Stock charts do not support "off".
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
Plot area will not be split into two sections except for the stock charts. off
Plot area will not be split into two sections. on
Plot area will be split into two sections corresponding to datasets assigned to the different Y-axes. Names
Item Name Property splitDualY
Property change event splitDualYChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-split-dual-y-changed
splitter-position :number
In a split dual-Y chart, specifies the fraction of the space that is given to the Y-axis subchart. Valid values are numbers from 0 to 1.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property splitterPosition
Property change event splitterPositionChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-splitter-position-changed
stack :"on"|"off"
Defines whether the data items are stacked. Only applies to bar, line, area, and combo charts. Does not apply to range series.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description off
Data items will not be stacked. on
Data items belonging to same group will be stacked. Names
Item Name Property stack
Property change event stackChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-stack-changed
stack-label :"on"|"off"
Defines whether the total values of stacked data items should be displayed. Only applies to bar charts. It can be formatted by the valueFormat of the type 'label'.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description off
The total value of the stacked data items will not be displayed. on
The total value of the stacked data items will be displayed. Names
Item Name Property stackLabel
Property change event stackLabelChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-stack-label-changed
stack-label-provider :((context: ojChart.StackLabelContext<K, D, I>) => (string))
A function that returns a custom data label for stacks in bar charts with stacking enabled. The function takes a StackLabelContext argument, provided by the chart. The function returns a string.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property stackLabelProvider
Property change event stackLabelProviderChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-stack-label-provider-changed
style-defaults :oj.ojChart.StyleDefaults
An object defining the default styles for series colors, marker shapes, and other style attributes. Properties specified on this object may be overridden by specifications on the data object.
Item Name Property styleDefaults
Property change event styleDefaultsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-style-defaults-changed
time-axis-type :"enabled"|"mixedFrequency"|"skipGaps"|"disabled"|"auto"
The type of time axis to display in the chart. Time axis is only supported for Cartesian bar, line, area, stock, box plot, and combo charts. If the value is "enabled" or "skipGaps", the time values must be provided through the "group-id" attribute of the oj-chart-item element. In this case stacking is supported. If the value is "skipGaps", the groups will be rendered at a regular interval regardless of any time gaps that may exist in the data. If the value is "mixedFrequency", the time values must be provided through the "x" attribute of the oj-chart-item element. In this case stacking is not supported. The time values provided through "group-id" or "x" attribute of the oj-chart-item must be an ISO string.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
Time axis is disabled unless it is a stock chart, for which the timeAxisType is mixedFrequency. disabled
Time axis is disabled. enabled
The time value for each data item is passed using the group-id attribute of oj-chart-item. The time intervals do not have to be uniform. Data items from the same group should have the same time value. mixedFrequency
The time value for each data item is passed using the x attribute of oj-chart-item. The time intervals do not have to be uniform. Data item from the same group can have different time values. skipGaps
The time value for each data item is passed using the group-id attribute of oj-chart-item. The times will always be drawn uniformly ignoring gaps. Data items from the same group should have the same time value. Names
Item Name Property timeAxisType
Property change event timeAxisTypeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-time-axis-type-changed
tooltip :Object
An object containing an optional callback function for tooltip customization.
Item Name Property tooltip
Property change event tooltipChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-tooltip-changed
(nullable) tooltip.renderer :oj.dvtBaseComponent.PreventableDOMRendererFunction.<oj.ojChart.TooltipRendererContext.<K, D, I>>
A function that returns a custom tooltip for chart. The function takes a TooltipRendererContext argument, provided by the chart, and returns an object with the following properties:
- insert: HTMLElement | string - An HTML element, which will be appended to the tooltip, or a tooltip string.
- preventDefault:
- Indicates that the tooltip should not be displayed. It is not necessary to return {preventDefault:false} to display tooltip, since this is a default behavior.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property tooltip.renderer
touch-response :"touchStart"|"auto"
Data visualizations require a press and hold delay before triggering tooltips, marquee selection, and rollover effects on mobile devices to avoid interfering with page panning, but these hold delays can make applications seem slower and less responsive.For a better user experience, the application can remove the touch and hold delay when data visualizations are used within a non scrolling container or if there is sufficient space outside of the visualization for panning. If touchResponse is touchStart the element will instantly trigger the touch gesture and consume the page pan events if the element does not require an internal feature that requires a touch start gesture like panning, zooming, or when marquee selection is initiated. If touchResponse is auto, the element will behave like touchStart if it determines that it is not rendered within scrolling content and if panning is not available for those elements that support the feature.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
Chart will behave like touchStart if it determines that it is not rendered within scrolling content and if panning is not available for those elements that support the feature. touchStart
Chart will instantly trigger the touch gesture and consume the page pan events if it does not require an internal feature that requires a touch start gesture like panning, zooming, or when marquee selection is initiated. Names
Item Name Property touchResponse
Property change event touchResponseChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-touch-response-changed
track-resize :"on"|"off"
Defines whether the element will automatically render in response to changes in size. If set to
, then the application is responsible for callingrefresh
to render the element at the new size.- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value off
Item Name Property trackResize
Property change event trackResizeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-track-resize-changed
translations :object|null
A collection of translated resources from the translation bundle, or
if this component has no resources. Resources may be accessed and overridden individually or collectively, as seen in the examples.If the component does not contain any translatable resource, the default value of this attribute will be
. If not, an object containing all resources relevant to the component.If this component has translations, their documentation immediately follows this doc entry.
Item Name Property translations
Property change event translationsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-translations-changed
(nullable) translations.accessible-contains-controls :string
Used to describe a container that contains controls.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Since:
- 13.0.0
Item Name Property translations.accessibleContainsControls
(nullable) translations.component-name :string
Used to describe the data visualization type for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.componentName
(nullable) translations.label-and-value :string
Used to display a label and its value.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"{0}: {1}"
Item Name Property translations.labelAndValue
(nullable) translations.label-clear-selection :string
Text shown for clearing multiple selection on touch devices.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"Clear Selection"
Item Name Property translations.labelClearSelection
(nullable) translations.label-close :string
Used for the close value in the tooltip for stock data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelClose
(nullable) translations.label-count-with-total :string
Used to display a count out of a total.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"{0} of {1}"
Item Name Property translations.labelCountWithTotal
(nullable) translations.label-data-visualization :string
Label for data visualizations used for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"Data Visualization"
Item Name Property translations.labelDataVisualization
(nullable) translations.label-date :string
Used for the date value in the tooltip, if a time axis is being used.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelDate
(nullable) translations.label-default-group-name :string
Used when the group names are not specified.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"Group {0}"
Item Name Property translations.labelDefaultGroupName
(nullable) translations.label-group :string
Used for the default tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelGroup
(nullable) translations.label-high :string
>Used for the high value in the tooltip for stock and range data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelHigh
(nullable) translations.label-invalid-data :string
Text shown when the component receives invalid data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"Invalid data"
Item Name Property translations.labelInvalidData
(nullable) translations.label-low :string
Used for the low value in the tooltip for stock and range data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelLow
(nullable) translations.label-no-data :string
Text shown when the component receives no data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"No data to display"
Item Name Property translations.labelNoData
(nullable) translations.label-open :string
Used for the open value in the tooltip for stock data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelOpen
(nullable) translations.label-other :string
Used for the other series label which aggregates small data values.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelOther
(nullable) translations.label-percentage :string
Used for displaying the percentage in the tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelPercentage
(nullable) translations.label-q1 :string
Used for displaying the first quartile for box plots.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelQ1
(nullable) translations.label-q2 :string
Used for displaying the second quartile (i.e. median) for box plots.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelQ2
(nullable) translations.label-q3 :string
Used for displaying the third quartile for box plots.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelQ3
(nullable) translations.label-series :string
Used for the default tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelSeries
(nullable) translations.label-target-value :string
Used for the funnel chart target value.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelTargetValue
(nullable) translations.label-value :string
Used for the data item value in the tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelValue
(nullable) translations.label-volume :string
Used for the volume value in the tooltip for stock data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelVolume
(nullable) translations.label-x :string
Used for the x value in the tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelX
(nullable) translations.label-y :string
Used for the y value in the tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelY
(nullable) translations.label-z :string
Used for the z value in the tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelZ
(nullable) translations.state-collapsed :string
Used to describe the collapsed state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateCollapsed
(nullable) translations.state-drillable :string
Used to describe a drillable object for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateDrillable
(nullable) translations.state-expanded :string
Used to describe the expanded state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateExpanded
(nullable) translations.state-hidden :string
Used to describe the hidden state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateHidden
(nullable) translations.state-isolated :string
Used to describe the isolated state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateIsolated
(nullable) translations.state-loaded :string
Used by the component when data is loaded.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 17.0.0
Item Name Property translations.stateLoaded
(nullable) translations.state-loading :string
Used by the component when waiting for data.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 17.0.0
Item Name Property translations.stateLoading
(nullable) translations.state-maximized :string
Used to describe the maximized state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateMaximized
(nullable) translations.state-minimized :string
Used to describe the minimized state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateMinimized
(nullable) translations.state-selected :string
Used to describe the selected state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateSelected
(nullable) translations.state-unselected :string
Used to describe the unselected state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateUnselected
(nullable) translations.state-visible :string
Used to describe the visible state for accessibility.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.stateVisible
(nullable) translations.tooltip-pan :string
Used for the pan tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.tooltipPan
(nullable) translations.tooltip-select :string
Used for the marquee select tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"Marquee select"
Item Name Property translations.tooltipSelect
(nullable) translations.tooltip-zoom :string
Used for the marquee zoom tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"Marquee zoom"
Item Name Property translations.tooltipZoom
type :oj.ojChart.ChartType
The chart type. By default, the first three series of "combo" chart are assigned 'bar', 'line', and 'area' type respectively and then the type repeats, i.e sucessive series will be of types 'bar', 'line', and 'area' and so on. To customize individual series, see oj-chart-series for more details.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property type
Property change event typeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-type-changed
value-formats :oj.ojChart.ValueFormats
An object specifying value formatting and tooltip behavior, whose keys generally correspond to the attribute names on the data items.
Item Name Property valueFormats
Property change event valueFormatsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-value-formats-changed
x-axis :oj.ojChart.XAxis
An object defining properties for the axis, tick marks, tick labels, and axis titles.
Item Name Property xAxis
Property change event xAxisChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-x-axis-changed
y2-axis :oj.ojChart.Y2Axis
An object defining properties for the axis, tick marks, tick labels, and axis titles. Y2 axis is only supported for Cartesian bar, line, area, and combo charts.
Item Name Property y2Axis
Property change event y2AxisChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-y2-axis-changed
y-axis :oj.ojChart.YAxis
An object defining properties for the axis, tick marks, tick labels, and axis titles.
Item Name Property yAxis
Property change event yAxisChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-y-axis-changed
zoom-and-scroll :"delayedScrollOnly"|"liveScrollOnly"|"delayed"|"live"|"off"
Specifies the zoom and scroll behavior of the chart. "Live" behavior means that the chart will be updated continuously as it is being manipulated, while "delayed" means that the update will wait until the zoom/scroll action is done. While "live" zoom and scroll provides the best end user experience, no guarantess are made about the rendering performance or usability for large data sets or slow client environments. If performance is an issue, "delayed" zoom and scroll should be used instead.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description delayed
When zooming or scrolling, chart will wait to update until the zoom/scroll action is done. delayedScrollOnly
Zooming is disabled and chart will wait to update until scroll action is done. live
When zooming or scrolling, chart will be updated continuously as it is being manipulated. liveScrollOnly
Zooming is disabled and chart is updated continuously when scrolled. off
Zoom and scroll will be disabled. Names
Item Name Property zoomAndScroll
Property change event zoomAndScrollChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-zoom-and-scroll-changed
zoom-direction :"x"|"y"|"auto"
Specifies the zoom direction of bubble and scatter charts. "Auto" zooms in both x and y direction. Use "x" or "y" for single direction zooming.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
Chart will zoom in both x and y direction. x
Chart will only zoom in x direction. y
Chart will only zoom in y direction. Names
Item Name Property zoomDirection
Property change event zoomDirectionChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-zoom-direction-changed
Context Objects
Each context object contains, at minimum, a subId
whose value is a string that identifies a particular DOM node in this element. It can have additional properties to further specify the desired node. See getContextByNode for more details.
Name | Type | Description |
subId |
string | Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. |
Following are the valid subIds:
Context for the title of the specified axis.
Name Type Description axis
string xAxis
, ory2Axis
Context for a categorical axis label that represents the group with the specified index.
Name Type Description indexPath
Array The array of indices corresponding to the position of the group in the properties array. -
Context for chart data items indexed by series and group indices.
Name Type itemIndex
number seriesIndex
number -
Context for the center label of a pie chart.
Context for the reference object of the specified axis with the given index.
Name Type Description axis
string xAxis
, ory2Axis
number The index of the reference object for the specified axis. -
Context for a legend item that represents the series with the specified index.
Name Type index
number -
Context for a legend item indexed by its position in its parent section's item array and its parent's sectionIndex.
Name Type Description itemIndex
number The index of the item within the specified section. sectionIndexPath
Array The array of numerical indices for the section.
Triggered during a drill gesture (double click if selection is enabled, single click otherwise).
- Deprecated:
Since Description 10.0.0
No longer recommended. Use separate drill listeners - ojItemDrill, ojGroupDrill, ojSeriesDrill, and ojMultiSeriesDrill instead.
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description data
ojChart.Item<K, Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array.<number> | null> | number | null oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | number | null the data object of the drilled item group
string the group id of the drilled object, if applicable groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> | null an array of data for the group the drilled object belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the drilled object id
string the id of the drilled object itemData
D the row data object of the drilled item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. series
string the series id of the drilled object, if applicable seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> | null the data for the series of the drilled object -
Triggered on a chart group drill gesture (double click if selection is enabled, single click otherwise).
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description group
string | Array.<string> the group id of the drilled object. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group id related to the drilled object groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> an array of data for the group the drilled object belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the drilled object id
string the id of the drilled object items
Array.<oj.ojChart.DrillItem.<K, D, I>> an array containing objects describing the data items belonging to the drilled group -
Triggered on a chart item (double click if selection is enabled, single click otherwise).
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description data
ojChart.Item<K, Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array.<number> | null> | number oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | number the data object of the drilled item group
string | Array.<string> the group id of the drilled object. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group id related to the drilled object groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> an array of data for the group the drilled object belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the drilled object id
string the id of the drilled object itemData
D the row data object of the drilled item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. series
string the series id of the drilled object seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> the data for the series of the drilled object -
Triggered on the drill gesture on chart object representing multiple series (e.g. other slice and legend item in pie charts). (double click if selection is enabled, single click otherwise). Multi series drilling is enabled when multi-series-drilling is set to on.
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description items
Array.<oj.ojChart.DrillItem.<K, D, I>> an array containing objects describing the data items belonging to the drilled group series
Array.<string> an array of series id of all the series belonging to the drill event seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> an array of series data of all the series belonging to the drill event -
Triggered during a selection gesture, such as a change in the marquee selection rectangle.
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description endGroup
string the end group of a marquee selection on a chart with categorical axis items
Array.<string> an array containing the string ids of the selected data items selectionData
Array.<Object> an array containing objects describing the selected data items Properties
Name Type Description data
ojChart.Item<K, Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array.<number> | null> | number oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | number the data of the item, if one was specified groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> the group data of the item itemData
D the row data of the item, if one was specified. This will only be set if a DataProvider is used. seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> the series data of the item startGroup
string the start group of a marquee selection on a chart with categorical axis xMax
number the maximum x value of a marquee selection xMin
number the minimum x value of a marquee selection yMax
number the maximum y value of a marquee selection yMin
number the minimum y value of a marquee selection -
Triggered on a chart series drill gesture (double click if selection is enabled, single click otherwise).
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description id
string the id of the drilled object items
Array.<oj.ojChart.DrillItem.<K, D, I>> an array containing objects describing the data items belonging to the drilled group series
string the series id of the drilled object seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> the data for the series of the drilled object -
Triggered after the viewport is changed due to a zoom or scroll operation.
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description endGroup
string the end group of the new viewport on a chart with categorical axis startGroup
string the start group of the new viewport on a chart with categorical axis xMax
number the maximum x value of the new viewport xMin
number the minimum x value of the new viewport yMax
number the maximum y value of the new viewport yMin
number the minimum y value of the new viewport -
Triggered during a viewport change gesture, such as a drag operation on the overview window. Note: There are situations where the chart cannot determine whether the viewport change gesture is still in progress, such as with mouse wheel zoom interactions. Standard viewportChange events are fired in these cases.
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description endGroup
string the end group of the new viewport on a chart with categorical axis startGroup
string the start group of the new viewport on a chart with categorical axis xMax
number the maximum x value of the new viewport xMin
number the minimum x value of the new viewport yMax
number the maximum y value of the new viewport yMin
number the minimum y value of the new viewport
getContextByNode(node) : {(oj.ojChart.PieCenterLabelContext|oj.ojChart.LegendItemContext|oj.ojChart.ReferenceObject|oj.ojChart.GroupContext|oj.ojChart.AxisTitleContext|oj.ojChart.ItemContext|oj.ojChart.SeriesContext)}
Returns an object with context for the given child DOM node. This will always contain the subid for the node, defined as the 'subId' property on the context object. Additional component specific information may also be included. For more details on returned objects, see context objects.
Name Type Argument Description node
Element <not nullable>
The child DOM node Returns:
The context for the DOM node, or
when none is found. -
getDataItem(seriesIndex, groupIndex) : {Object|null}
Returns an object with the following properties for automation testing verification of the data item with the specified series and group indices.
Name Type Description seriesIndex
number groupIndex
number Deprecated:
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this function is no longer recommended. Properties:
Name Type Description borderColor
string close
number The closing value for a stock item color
string group
string The group id. high
number The high value for a range or stock item label
string low
number The low value for a range or stock item open
number The opening value for a stock item selected
boolean series
string The series id. targetValue
number The target value for a funnel slice. tooltip
string value
number volume
number The volume of a stock item x
number y
number z
number Returns:
An object containing properties for the data item, or null if none exists.
- Type
- Object | null
getGroup(groupIndex) : {string}
Returns the group corresponding to the given index
Name Type Description groupIndex
string the group index Deprecated:
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this function is no longer recommended. Returns:
The group name corresponding to the given group index
- Type
- string
getGroupCount : {number}
Returns number of groups in the chart data
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this function is no longer recommended. Returns:
The number of groups
- Type
- number
getLegend : {{bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}}}
Returns an object that contains sizing information for the chart legend.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this property is no longer recommended.
Name Type Description bounds
Object An object containing the bounds of the legend. Properties
Name Type height
number width
number x
number y
number title
string Returns:
An object containing properties for the chart legend.
- Type
- {bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}}
getPlotArea : {{bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}}}
Returns an object that contains sizing information for the chart plot area.
Name Type Description bounds
Object An object containing the bounds of the plot area. Properties
Name Type height
number width
number x
number y
number Returns:
An object containing properties for the chart plot area.
- Type
- {bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}}
getProperty(property) : {any}
Retrieves the value of a property or a subproperty. The return type will be the same as the type of the property as specified in this API document. If the method is invoked with an incorrect property/subproperty name, it returns undefined.
Name Type Description property
string The property name to get. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. - Since:
- 4.0.0
- Type
- any
let subpropValue = myComponent.getProperty('complexProperty.subProperty1.subProperty2');
getSeries(seriesIndex) : {string}
Returns the series corresponding to the given index
Name Type Description seriesIndex
string the series index Deprecated:
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this function is no longer recommended. Returns:
The series name corresponding to the given series index
- Type
- string
getSeriesCount : {number}
Returns number of series in the chart data
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this function is no longer recommended. Returns:
The number of series
- Type
- number
getValuesAt(x, y) : {{x: number|string|null, y: number|null, y2:number|null}}
Returns the x, y, and y2 axis values at the specified X and Y coordinate.
Name Type Description x
number The X coordinate relative to the component. y
number The Y coordinate relative to the component. Returns:
An object containing the "x", "y", and "y2" axis values.
- Type
- {x: number|string|null, y: number|null, y2:number|null}
getXAxis : {{bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}, getPreferredSize(width: number, height: number): {width: number, height: number}}}
Returns an object that contains sizing information for the chart X-Axis.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this property is no longer recommended.
Name Type Description bounds
Object An object containing the bounds of the x axis. Properties
Name Type height
number width
number x
number y
number getPreferredSize
Function(number, number) Returns the preferred size of the axis, given the available width and height. This value can be passed into the size
options of the axis. A re-render must be triggered by callingrefresh
after invoking this function.Properties
Name Type height
number width
number title
string Returns:
An object containing properties for the x axis.
- Type
- {bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}, getPreferredSize(width: number, height: number): {width: number, height: number}}
getY2Axis : {{bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}, getPreferredSize(width: number, height: number): {width: number, height: number}}}
Returns an object that contains sizing information for the chart Y2-Axis.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this property is no longer recommended.
Name Type Description bounds
Object An object containing the bounds of the y2 axis. Properties
Name Type height
number width
number x
number y
number getPreferredSize
Function(number, number) Returns the preferred size of the axis, given the available width and height. This value can be passed into the size
options of the axis. A re-render must be triggered by callingrefresh
after invoking this function.Properties
Name Type height
number width
number title
string Returns:
An object containing properties for the y2 axis.
- Type
- {bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}, getPreferredSize(width: number, height: number): {width: number, height: number}}
getYAxis : {{bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}, getPreferredSize(width: number, height: number): {width: number, height: number}}}
Returns an object that contains sizing information for the chart Y-Axis.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 7.0.0
The use of this property is no longer recommended.
Name Type Description bounds
Object An object containing the bounds of the y axis. Properties
Name Type height
number width
number x
number y
number getPreferredSize
Function(number, number) Returns the preferred size of the axis, given the available width and height. This value can be passed into the size
options of the axis. A re-render must be triggered by callingrefresh
after invoking this function.Properties
Name Type height
number width
number title
string Returns:
An object containing properties for the y axis.
- Type
- {bounds: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}, getPreferredSize(width: number, height: number): {width: number, height: number}}
refresh : {void}
Refreshes the component.
- Type
- void
setProperties(properties) : {void}
Performs a batch set of properties. The type of value for each property being set must match the type of the property as specified in this API document.
Name Type Description properties
Object An object containing the property and value pairs to set. - Since:
- 4.0.0
- Type
- void
myComponent.setProperties({"prop1": "value1", "prop2.subprop": "value2", "prop3": "value3"});
setProperty(property, value) : {void}
Sets a property or a subproperty (of a complex property) and notifies the component of the change, triggering a [property]Changed event. The value should be of the same type as the type of the attribute mentioned in this API document.
Name Type Description property
string The property name to set. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. value
any The new value to set the property to. - Since:
- 4.0.0
- Type
- void
myComponent.setProperty('complexProperty.subProperty1.subProperty2', "someValue");
Type Definitions
Object type that defines an axis line.
Name Type Argument Default Description lineColor
string <optional>
null The color of the line. lineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the line. rendered
"off" | "on" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the line is rendered. -
Name Type Description axis
"xAxis" | "yAxis" | "y2Axis" subId
string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. -
Object type containing the style properties of the box plot items.
Name Type Argument Default Description medianSvgClassName
string <optional>
"" The CSS style class to apply to the median line. medianSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS inline style to apply to the median line. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. whiskerEndLength
string <optional>
null Specifies the length of the whisker ends in pixels (e.g. '9px') or as a percentage of the box width (e.g. '50%'). whiskerEndSvgClassName
string <optional>
"" The CSS style class to apply to the whisker ends. whiskerEndSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS inline style to apply to the whisker ends. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. whiskerSvgClassName
string <optional>
"" The CSS style class to apply to the whisker stems. whiskerSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS inline style to apply to the whisker stems. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. -
Object type that defines box plot style properties.
Name Type Argument Description medianSvgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the median line. medianSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS inline style to apply to the median line. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. q2Color
string <optional>
The color of the Q2 segment of the box. q2SvgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the Q2 segment of the box. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the q2Color attribute. q2SvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS inline style to apply to the Q2 segment of the box. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the q2Color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. q3Color
string <optional>
The color of the Q3 segment of the box. q3SvgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the Q3 segment of the box. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the q3Color attribute. q3SvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS inline style to apply to the Q3 segment of the box. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the q3Color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. whiskerEndLength
string <optional>
Specifies the length of the whisker ends in pixels (e.g. '9px') or as a percentage of the box width (e.g. '50%'). whiskerEndSvgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the whisker ends. whiskerEndSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS inline style to apply to the whisker ends. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. whiskerSvgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the whisker stems. whiskerSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS inline style to apply to the whisker stems. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. -
CategoricalValueFormat<T extends string|number = string|number>
Object type that specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the x values.
Name Type Argument Default Description converter
?(Converter<T>) <optional>
null The converter (an instance that duck types oj.Converter) used to format the label. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. scaling
"none" | "thousand" | "million" | "billion" | "trillion" | "quadrillion" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The scaling behavior of the value. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. tooltipDisplay
"off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Whether the value is displayed in the tooltip. tooltipLabel
string <optional>
null A string representing the label that is displayed before the value in the tooltip. -
Enum type that defines the chart type. By default, the first three series of "combo" chart are assigned 'bar', 'line', and 'area' type respectively and then the type repeats, i.e sucessive series will be of types 'bar', 'line', and 'area' and so on. To customize individual series, see oj-chart-series for more details.
Supported Values:
Value Description area
Series will be represented by an area. Use lineWithArea to prevent values from being obscured. bar
Data items will be represented by bars. boxPlot
Series will be represented by box plot markers. bubble
Data items will be represented as bubble markers with x, y, and z values. z value defines the relative size of the bubbles. combo
Multiple series can be represented with multiple types of markers: bar, line and area. funnel
Data items are represented as funnel slices. line
Series will be represented by a line. lineWithArea
Series will be presented by a line and area. pie
Data items are represented as pie slices. pyramid
Data items are represented as pyramid slices. scatter
Data items will be represented as markers with x and y values. stock
Series will be represented by candlestick markers. There are other representations available like area, bar, line and line with area. -
Object type defining the data cursor style.
Name Type Argument Default Description lineColor
string <optional>
null The color of the data cursor line. lineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
"solid" The line style of the data cursor line. lineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the data cursor line in pixels. markerColor
string <optional>
null The color of the data cursor marker. Defaults to the data series color. markerDisplayed
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Whether the data cursor marker is displayed. Marker should only be hidden if the data cursor is displaying information for the entire group. markerSize
number <optional>
null The size of the data cursor marker in pixels. -
DataCursorPosition<T extends number|string = number|string>
Object type that specifies the position of the data cursor. Used for synchronizing data cursors across multiple charts.
Name Type Argument Default Description x
T <optional>
null The x value of the data cursor. y
number <optional>
null The y value of the data cursor. If both y and y2 are defined, y will take precedence. y2
number <optional>
null The y2 value of the data cursor. If both y and y2 are defined, y will take precedence. -
DataItem<I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null,K=any,D=any>
Object type that defines a chart data item for the no template case.
Name Type Argument Default Description borderColor
string <optional>
The border color of the data item. For funnel and pyramid charts, it is used for the slice border. borderWidth
number <optional>
The border width of the data item. For funnel and pyramid charts, it is used for the slice border. boxPlot
ojChart.BoxPlotStyle= <optional>
An object containing the style properties of the box plot item. categories
Array.<string> <optional>
An optional array of category strings corresponding to this data item. This enables highlighting and filtering of individual data items through interactions with the legend or other visualization elements. If not defined, series categories are used. close
number <optional>
The close value for stock candlestick. When bar, line, or area series type are used on a stock chart, this value is displayed. color
string <optional>
The color of the data item. This color value is not inherited by chart legend. See chart series color and display-in-legend for more details. drilling
"on" | "off" | "inherit" <optional>
"inherit" Whether drilling is enabled for the data item. Drillable objects will show a pointer cursor on hover and fire an ojDrill
event on click (double click if selection is enabled). To enable drilling for all data items at once, use the drilling attribute in the top level.groupId
Array.<(string|number)> The id of the group item. This id will be provided as part of the context for events on the chart. high
number <optional>
The high value for range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. Define 'low' and 'high' instead of 'value' or 'y' to create a range bar/area chart. label
string | Array.<string> <optional>
The label for the data item. For range series, if an array of two values is provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. Not supported for box plot or candlestick. labelPosition
"center" | "outsideSlice" | "aboveMarker" | "belowMarker" | "beforeMarker" | "afterMarker" | "insideBarEdge" | "outsideBarEdge" | "none" | "auto" <optional>
The position of the data label. For range series, if an array of two values is provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. The 'outsideSlice' value only applies to pie charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values only apply to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. The 'insideBarEdge' and 'outsideBarEdge' values only apply to non-polar bar series. Stacked bars do not support 'outsideBarEdge'. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels. labelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | Array.<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>> <optional>
The CSS style object defining the style of the data label. For range series, if an array of two values is provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. low
number <optional>
The low value for range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. Define 'low' and 'high' instead of 'value' or 'y' to create a range bar/area chart. markerDisplayed
"on" | "off" | "auto" <optional>
Defines whether the data marker is displayed. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. If auto, the markers will be displayed whenever the data points are not connected by a line. markerShape
"circle" | "diamond" | "human" | "plus" | "square" | "star" | "triangleDown" | "triangleUp" | "auto" | string <optional>
The shape of the data markers. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. In addition to the built-in shapes, it may also take SVG path commands to specify a custom shape. The chart will style the custom shapes the same way as built-in shapes, supporting properties like color and borderColor and applying hover and selection effects. Only 'auto' is supported for range series. markerSize
number <optional>
The size of the data markers. Only applies to line, area, and scatter series. Does not apply to bubble charts, which calculate marker size based on the z values. open
number <optional>
The open value for stock candlestick. pattern
"smallChecker" | "smallCrosshatch" | "smallDiagonalLeft" | "smallDiagonalRight" | "smallDiamond" | "smallTriangle" | "largeChecker" | "largeCrosshatch" | "largeDiagonalLeft" | "largeDiagonalRight" | "largeDiamond" | "largeTriangle" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The pattern used to fill the data item. A solid fill is used by default, unless the seriesEffect is 'pattern'. q1
number <optional>
The first quartile value for box plot. q2
number <optional>
The second quartile (median) value for box plot. q3
number <optional>
The third quartile value for box plot. seriesId
string | number The id of the series item. This id will be provided as part of the context for events on the chart. shortDesc
(string | ((context: ojChart.ItemShortDescContext<K,D,I>) => string)) <optional>
The description of this object. Will be lazily created if a function is used. This is used for accessibility and also for customizing the tooltip text. source
string <optional>
The URI of the custom image. If specified, it takes precedence over marker-shape. sourceHover
string <optional>
The optional URI for the hover state. If not specified, the source image will be used. sourceHoverSelected
string <optional>
The optional URI for the hover selected state. If not specified, the source image will be used. sourceSelected
string <optional>
The optional URI for the selected state. If not specified, the source image will be used. svgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the data item. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the item color attribute. svgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS inline style to apply to the data item. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the item color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. targetValue
number <optional>
The target value for a funnel chart. When this is set, the value attribute defines the filled area within the slice and this represents the value of the whole slice. value
number <optional>
The value for this data item. Corresponding to the y value for bar, line, area, and combo charts and the slice values for pie, funnel and pyramid charts. Null can be specified to skip a data point. volume
number <optional>
The value for stock volume bar. When this value is provided, the volume bar is displayed on the y2 axis. x
number | string <optional>
The x value. Mainly used for scatter and bubble chart and to specify the date for mixed-frequency time axis. For categorical axis, if the x value is not specified, it will default to the item index. For regular time axis, if the x value is not specified, it will default to the group name of the item. For mixed-frequency time axis, the date specified for the x value must be an ISO string. y
number <optional>
The y value. Also the primary value for charts without a y-Axis, such as pie charts. z
number <optional>
The z value. Defines the bubble radius for a bubble chart, as well as the width of a bar or a box plot item. -
DataLabelContext<K, D, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null>
Name Type Description close
number The close value of the stock chart data item. componentElement
Element The chart element. data
ojChart.Item<K, Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array<number> | null> | number | null oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | Array<number> | null> | number | null The data object of the data item. For nested items, it will be an array containing the parent item data and nested item data. dimensions
Object | null The height and width of the data item. This will only be set for bar series types. Properties
Name Type Description height
number The height of the data item. width
number The width of the data item. group
string | Array.<string> The id or an array of ids of the group(s) the data item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group ids. groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> | null An array of data for the group the data item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the data item. high
number The high value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item id
any The id of the data item. itemData
D The row data object for the data item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. label
string The label for the data item if the dataLabel callback is ignored. The dataLabel callback can concatenate this with another string to easily enhance the default label. low
number The low value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. open
number The open value of the stock chart data item. q1
number The first quartile value of the boxplot data item. q2
number The second quartile (median) value of the boxplot data item. q3
number The third quartile value of the boxplot data item. series
string The id of the series the data item belongs to. seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> | null The data for the series the data item belongs to. targetValue
number The targetValue of the funnel data item. totalValue
number The total of all values in the chart. This will only be included for pie charts. value
number The value of the data item. volume
number The volume value of the stock chart data item. x
number | string The x value of the data item. y
number The y value of the data item. z
number The z value of the data item. -
Object type that allows dragging elements.
- element {Array.(Object)}: An array of dataContexts of the dragged elements. The dataContext is the same as what we use for "tooltip" and "dataLabels" properties.
Name Type Argument Default Description dataTypes
string | Array.<string> <optional>
null The MIME types to use for the dragged data in the dataTransfer object. This can be a string if there is only one type, or an array of strings if multiple types are needed. For example, if selected employee data items are being dragged, dataTypes could be "application/employees+json". Drop targets can examine the data types and decide whether to accept the data. For each type in the array, dataTransfer.setData will be called with the specified type and the data. The data is an array of the dataContexts of the selected elements. The dataContext is the JSON version of the dataContext that we use for "tooltip" and "dataLabels" properties, excluding componentElement and parentElement. This property is required unless the application calls setData itself in a dragStart callback function. drag
function(Event) <optional>
null An optional callback function that receives the "drag" event as argument. dragEnd
function(Event) <optional>
null An optional callback function that receives the "dragend" event as argument. dragStart
((event: Event, context: T) => void) <optional>
null An optional callback function that receives the "dragstart" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows: -
DndDragConfigs<K, D, I extends Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array.<number>|null>
Object type that describes drag functionality.
Name Type Argument Description groups
oj.ojChart.DndDragConfig.<ojChart.DndGroup> <optional>
Allows dragging of chart groups from the categorical axis labels. items
oj.ojChart.DndDragConfig.<ojChart.DndItem.<K, D, I>> <optional>
Allows dragging of chart data items, including bars, line/area/scatter markers, bubbles, and pie/funnel/pyramid slices. series
oj.ojChart.DndDragConfig.<ojChart.DndSeries.<K, I>> <optional>
Allows dragging of chart series from the legend items. -
Name Type Description x
number | null The X axis value at the event position. This is populated for plot area and x axis "drops". y
number | null The Y axis value at the event position. This is populated for plot area and y axis "drops". y2
number | null The Y2 axis value at the event position. This is populated for plot area and y2 axis "drops". -
Object type that allows dropping on an element.
Name Type Argument Default Description dataTypes
string | Array.<string> <optional>
null An array of MIME data types this element can accept. This property is required unless dragEnter, dragOver, and drop callback functions are specified to handle the corresponding events. dragEnter
((event: Event, context: ojChart.DndDrop) => void) <optional>
null An optional callback function that receives the "dragenter" event and context information as arguments. This function should call event.preventDefault()
to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.dragLeave
((event: Event, context: ojChart.DndDrop) => void) <optional>
null An optional callback function that receives the "dragleave" event and context information as arguments. dragOver
((event: Event, context: ojChart.DndDrop) => void) <optional>
null An optional callback function that receives the "dragover" event and context information as arguments. This function should call event.preventDefault()
to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.drop
((event: Event, context: ojChart.DndDrop) => void) <optional>
null An optional callback function that receives the "drop" event and context information as arguments. This function should call event.preventDefault()
to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. -
Object type that describes drop functionality.
Name Type Argument Description legend
oj.ojChart.DndDropConfig <optional>
Allows dropping on the legend. plotArea
oj.ojChart.DndDropConfig <optional>
Allows dropping on the plot area. xAxis
oj.ojChart.DndDropConfig <optional>
Allows dropping on the X axis. y2Axis
oj.ojChart.DndDropConfig <optional>
Allows dropping on the Y2 axis. yAxis
oj.ojChart.DndDropConfig <optional>
Allows dropping on the Y axis. -
Name Type Description group
string | number | Array.<(string|number)> The id of the group. id
string | number | Array.<(string|number)> The id of the group. label
string The label for the group. -
DndItem<K, D, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null>
Name Type Description item
Array.<oj.ojChart.DataLabelContext.<K, D, I>> An array of dataContexts of the dragged data items. The dataContext is the same as what we use for "tooltip" and "dataLabels" properties. -
DndSeries<K, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null>
Name Type Description color
string The color of the series. componentElement
any The chart element. id
string | number The id of the series. series
string | number The id of the series. seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> The data for the series. -
DrillItem<K, D, I extends Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array.<number>|null>
Object type that defines the item belonging to drilled element.
Name Type Description data
ojChart.Item<K, Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array.<number> | null> | number oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | number The data object of the drilled item. group
string | Array.<string> The group id of the data item. For hierarchical group, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group related to the object. id
K The id for the data item. itemData
D The row data object of the drilled item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. series
string The series id of the data item. -
Object type that defines a chart group.
Name Type Argument Default Description drilling
"on" | "off" | "inherit" <optional>
"inherit" Whether drilling is enabled on the group label. Drillable objects will show a pointer cursor on hover and fire an ojDrill
event on click. To enable drilling for all group labels at once, use the drilling attribute in the top level.groups
Array<ojChart.Group>= <optional>
An array of nested group objects. id
string | number <optional>
The id of the group. Defaults to the name if not specified. This is also used to specify the date for non mixed frequency time axes. The specified date for non mixed frequency time axes must be an ISO string. labelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS style object defining the style of the group label text. The following style properties are supported: backgroundColor, borderColor, borderRadius, borderWidth, color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. Only applies to a categorical axis. name
string <optional>
The name of the group. shortDesc
string <optional>
The description of the group. This is used for customizing the tooltip text and only applies to a categorical axis. -
Name Type Description indexPath
Array The array of indices corresponding to the position of the group in the properties array. The array of numerical indices for the section. subId
string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. -
Object type defining the style for hierarchical label separators.
Name Type Argument Default Description color
string <optional>
null The color of the separators lines. rendered
"off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the group separators are displayed. -
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The <oj-chart> custom element depth
number The depth of the group. The depth of the outermost group under the invisible root is 1. ids
Array.<string> An array of group IDs, from the outermost group to the current group. For non-hierarchical group, the array will contain only one id. index
number The group index items
Array.<Object> The array of objects which are chart items that belong to this group. The objects will have the following properties: Properties
Name Type Description data
D The data object for the item index
number The zero-based index of the item key
any The key of the current item leaf
boolean True if the group is a leaf group. -
Object type that specifies tooltip behavior for the groups.
Name Type Argument Default Description tooltipDisplay
"off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Whether the value is displayed in the tooltip. tooltipLabel
string | Array.<string> <optional>
null A string representing the label that is displayed before the value in the tooltip. This value can also take an array of strings to be applied to hierarchical group names, from outermost to innermost. -
Item<K, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null,D=any>
Object type that defines a chart data item.
Name Type Argument Default Description borderColor
string <optional>
The border color of the data item. For funnel and pyramid charts, it is used for the slice border. borderWidth
number <optional>
The border width of the data item. For funnel and pyramid charts, it is used for the slice border. boxPlot
ojChart.BoxPlotStyle= <optional>
An object containing the style properties of the box plot item. categories
Array.<string> <optional>
An optional array of category strings corresponding to this data item. This enables highlighting and filtering of individual data items through interactions with the legend or other visualization elements. If not defined, series categories are used. close
number <optional>
The close value for stock candlestick. When bar, line, or area series type are used on a stock chart, this value is displayed. color
string <optional>
The color of the data item. This color value is not inherited by chart legend. See chart series color and display-in-legend for more details. drilling
"on" | "off" | "inherit" <optional>
"inherit" Whether drilling is enabled for the data item. Drillable objects will show a pointer cursor on hover and fire an ojDrill
event on click (double click if selection is enabled). To enable drilling for all data items at once, use the drilling attribute in the top level.high
number <optional>
The high value for range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. Define 'low' and 'high' instead of 'value' or 'y' to create a range bar/area chart. id
K The id of the chart item. This id will be provided as part of the context for events on the chart. items
I <optional>
An array of nested data items to be used for defining the markers for outliers or additional data items of a box plot. label
string | Array.<string> <optional>
The label for the data item. For range series, if an array of two values is provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. Not supported for box plot or candlestick. labelPosition
"center" | "outsideSlice" | "aboveMarker" | "belowMarker" | "beforeMarker" | "afterMarker" | "insideBarEdge" | "outsideBarEdge" | "none" | "auto" <optional>
The position of the data label. For range series, if an array of two values is provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. The 'outsideSlice' value only applies to pie charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values only apply to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. The 'insideBarEdge' and 'outsideBarEdge' values only apply to non-polar bar series. Stacked bars do not support 'outsideBarEdge'. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels. labelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | Array.<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>> <optional>
The CSS style object defining the style of the data label. For range series, if an array of two values is provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. low
number <optional>
The low value for range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. Define 'low' and 'high' instead of 'value' or 'y' to create a range bar/area chart. markerDisplayed
"on" | "off" | "auto" <optional>
Defines whether the data marker is displayed. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. If auto, the markers will be displayed whenever the data points are not connected by a line. markerShape
"circle" | "diamond" | "human" | "plus" | "square" | "star" | "triangleDown" | "triangleUp" | "auto" | string <optional>
The shape of the data markers. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. In addition to the built-in shapes, it may also take SVG path commands to specify a custom shape. The chart will style the custom shapes the same way as built-in shapes, supporting properties like color and borderColor and applying hover and selection effects. Only 'auto' is supported for range series. markerSize
number <optional>
The size of the data markers. Only applies to line, area, and scatter series. Does not apply to bubble charts, which calculate marker size based on the z values. open
number <optional>
The open value for stock candlestick. pattern
"smallChecker" | "smallCrosshatch" | "smallDiagonalLeft" | "smallDiagonalRight" | "smallDiamond" | "smallTriangle" | "largeChecker" | "largeCrosshatch" | "largeDiagonalLeft" | "largeDiagonalRight" | "largeDiamond" | "largeTriangle" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The pattern used to fill the data item. A solid fill is used by default, unless the seriesEffect is 'pattern'. q1
number <optional>
The first quartile value for box plot. q2
number <optional>
The second quartile (median) value for box plot. q3
number <optional>
The third quartile value for box plot. shortDesc
(string | ((context: ojChart.ItemShortDescContext<K,D,I>) => string)) <optional>
The description of this object. Will be lazily created if a function is used. This is used for accessibility and also for customizing the tooltip text. source
string <optional>
The URI of the custom image. If specified, it takes precedence over marker-shape. sourceHover
string <optional>
The optional URI for the hover state. If not specified, the source image will be used. sourceHoverSelected
string <optional>
The optional URI for the hover selected state. If not specified, the source image will be used. sourceSelected
string <optional>
The optional URI for the selected state. If not specified, the source image will be used. svgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the data item. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the item color attribute. svgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS inline style to apply to the data item. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the item color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. targetValue
number <optional>
The target value for a funnel chart. When this is set, the value attribute defines the filled area within the slice and this represents the value of the whole slice. value
number <optional>
The value for this data item. Corresponding to the y value for bar, line, area, and combo charts and the slice values for pie, funnel and pyramid charts. Null can be specified to skip a data point. volume
number <optional>
The value for stock volume bar. When this value is provided, the volume bar is displayed on the y2 axis. x
number | string <optional>
The x value. Mainly used for scatter and bubble chart and to specify the date for mixed-frequency time axis. For categorical axis, if the x value is not specified, it will default to the item index. For regular time axis, if the x value is not specified, it will default to the group name of the item. For mixed-frequency time axis, the date specified for the x value must be an ISO string. y
number <optional>
The y value. Also the primary value for charts without a y-Axis, such as pie charts. z
number <optional>
The z value. Defines the bubble radius for a bubble chart, as well as the width of a bar or a box plot item. -
Name Type Description itemIndex
number The index of the item within the specified section. seriesIndex
number The index of the series within the specified section. subId
string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. -
ItemShortDescContext<K, D, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null>
Name Type Description close
number The close value of the hovered stock chart item. data
ojChart.Item<K, Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array<number> | null> | number | null oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | Array<number> | null> | number | null The data object of the hovered item. For nested items, it will be an array containing the parent item data and nested item data. group
string | Array.<string> The ids or an array of ids of the group(s) the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group ids. groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> | null An array of data for the group the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the hovered item. high
number The high value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. id
any The id of the hovered item. itemData
D The row data object for the hovered item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. label
string The data label of the hovered item. low
number The low value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. open
number The open value of the hovered stock chart item. q1
number The first quartile value of the hovered the box plot item. q2
number The second quartile (median) value of the hovered box plot item. q3
number The third quartile value of the hovered box plot item. series
string The id of the series the hovered item belongs to. seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> | null The data for the series the hovered item belongs to. targetValue
number The target value of the hovered funnel item. totalValue
number The total of all values in the chart. This will only be included for pie charts. value
number The value of the hovered item. volume
number The volume value of the hovered stock chart item. x
number | string The x value of the hovered item. y
number The y value of the hovered item. z
number The z value of the hovered item. -
ItemTemplateContext<K = any,D = any>
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The <oj-chart> custom element data
D The data object for the current item index
number The zero-based index of the current item key
K The key of the current item -
Object type that specifies the value formatting for the data item labels.
Name Type Argument Default Description converter
?(Converter<string>) <optional>
null The converter (an instance that duck types oj.Converter) used to format the label. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. scaling
"none" | "thousand" | "million" | "billion" | "trillion" | "quadrillion" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The scaling behavior of the value. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. -
Object type that specifies the style, positioning, and behavior of the legend.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 12.1.0
Setting scrolling to off is not supported in Redwood theme and it is not recommended. As such, this attribute is deprecated. - Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title alignment is no longer supported. Use section-title-halign in legend to align all section titles - Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title style is no longer supported. Use section-title-style in legend to style all section titles
Name Type Argument Default Description backgroundColor
string <optional>
null The color of the legend background. borderColor
string <optional>
null The border color of the legend. maxSize
string <optional>
null Defines the maximum size of the legend in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). position
"start" | "end" | "bottom" | "top" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The position of the legend within the chart. By default, the legend will be placed on the side or bottom, based on the size of the chart and the legend contents. referenceObjectSection
oj.ojChart.LegendReferenceObjectSection <optional>
An object with the following properties for the reference object section in the legend. rendered
"on" | "off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the legend is displayed. If set to auto, the legend will be hidden for charts with a large number of series. To ensure that the legend is always displayed, set this attribute to 'on'. To turn on legend for stock, funnel and pyramid charts, set the displayInLegend property for the series items to 'on'. scrolling
"off" | "asNeeded" <optional>
"asNeeded" Defines whether scrolling is enabled for the legend. sectionTitleHalign
"center" | "end" | "start" <optional>
"start" The horizontal alignment of the section titles. sectionTitleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the section titles' text. The following style properties are supported: color, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight and textDecoration. sections
Array.<oj.ojChart.LegendSection> <optional>
[] An array of objects with the following properties defining the additional legend sections, other than the default series and reference object sections. seriesSection
oj.ojChart.LegendSeriesSection <optional>
An object that specifies the properties for the series section in the legend. size
string <optional>
null Defines the size of the legend in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). symbolHeight
number <optional>
null The height of the legend symbol (line or marker) in pixels. symbolWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the legend symbol (line or marker) in pixels. textStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the legend text. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight and textDecoration. title
string <optional>
null The legend title. titleHalign
"center" | "end" | "start" <optional>
The horizontal alignment of the title. titleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the title. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight and textDecoration. -
Object type that defines a chart data item.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 14.1.0
This attribute is deprecated. Use hidden-categories on oj-chart instead
Name Type Argument Default Description borderColor
string <optional>
The border color of the marker. Only applies if symbolType is "marker" or "lineWithMarker". categories
Array.<string> <optional>
An array of categories for the legend item. Legend items currently only support a single category. If no category is specified, this defaults to the id or text of the legend item. categoryVisibility
"hidden" | "visible" <optional>
"visible" Defines whether the legend item corresponds to visible data items. A hollow symbol is shown if the value is "hidden". color
string <optional>
The color of the legend symbol (line or marker). When symbolType is "lineWithMarker", this attribute defines the line color and the markerColor attribute defines the marker color. id
string <optional>
The id of the legend item, which is provided as part of the context for events fired by the legend. If not specified, the default depends upon whether a DataProvider is being used.
For the DataProvider case, the key for the node will be used as the default id. Otherwise, the id defaults to the text of the legend item.lineStyle
"dashed" | "dotted" | "solid" <optional>
"solid" The line style. Only applies when the symbolType is "line" or "lineWithMarker". lineWidth
number <optional>
The line width in pixels. Only applies when the symbolType is "line" or "lineWithMarker". markerColor
string <optional>
The color of the marker, if different than the line color. Only applies if the symbolType is "lineWithMarker". markerShape
"circle" | "diamond" | "ellipse" | "human" | "plus" | "rectangle" | "square" | "star" | "triangleDown" | "triangleUp" | string <optional>
"square" The shape of the marker. Only applies if symbolType is "marker" or "lineWithMarker". Can take the name of a built-in shape or the SVG path commands for a custom shape. Does not apply if a custom image is specified. pattern
"largeChecker" | "largeCrosshatch" | "largeDiagonalLeft" | "largeDiagonalRight" | "largeDiamond" | "largeTriangle" | "none" | "smallChecker" | "smallCrosshatch" | "smallDiagonalLeft" | "smallDiagonalRight" | "smallDiamond" | "smallTriangle" <optional>
"none" The pattern used to fill the marker. Only applies if symbolType is "marker" or "lineWithMarker". shortDesc
string <optional>
The description of this legend item. This is used for accessibility and for customizing the tooltip text. source
string <optional>
The URI of the image of the legend symbol. symbolType
"image" | "line" | "lineWithMarker" | "marker" <optional>
"marker" The type of legend symbol to display. text
string The legend item text. -
Name Type Description itemIndex
number The index of the item within the specified section. sectionIndexPath
Array The array of numerical indices for the section. subId
string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. -
Object type that specifies the properties for the reference object section in the legend.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title alignment is no longer supported. Use section-title-halign in legend to align all section titles. - Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title style is no longer supported. Use section-title-style in legend to style all section titles.
Name Type Argument Default Description title
string <optional>
null The title of the section. titleHalign
"center" | "end" | "start" <optional>
"start" The horizontal alignment of the section title. titleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the section title. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. -
Object type that specifies the properties for a legend section.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title alignment is no longer supported. Use section-title-halign in legend to align all section titles. - Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title style is no longer supported. Use section-title-style in legend to style all section titles.
Name Type Argument Default Description items
Array.<oj.ojChart.LegendItem> <optional>
An array of objects with the following properties defining the legend items. Also accepts a Promise for deferred data rendering. No data will be rendered if the Promise is rejected. sections
Array.<oj.ojChart.LegendSection> <optional>
An array of nested legend sections. title
string <optional>
null The title of the section. titleHalign
"center" | "end" | "start" <optional>
"start" The horizontal alignment of the section title. titleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the section title. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. -
Object type that specifies the properties for the series section in the legend.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title alignment is no longer supported. Use section-title-halign in legend to align all section titles. - Deprecated:
Since Description 15.1.0
Individual section title style is no longer supported. Use section-title-style in legend to style all section titles.
Name Type Argument Default Description title
string <optional>
null The title of the section. titleHalign
"center" | "end" | "start" <optional>
"start" The horizontal alignment of the section title. titleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the section title. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. -
Enum type that defines a line style.
Supported Values:
Value Description dashed
Line will have dashed strokes. dotted
Line will have dotted strokes. solid
Line will have a solid stroke. -
Enum type that defines a line type.
Supported Values:
Value Description centeredSegmented
Data points will be connected with a centered segmented line. centeredStepped
Data points will be connected with a centered stepped line. curved
Data points will be connected with a curved line. segmented
Data points will be connected with a segmented line. stepped
Data points will be connected with a stepped line. straight
Data points will be connected with a straight line. -
Object type that defines a major tick.
Name Type Argument Default Description baselineColor
"inherit" | "auto" | string <optional>
"auto" The color of the major tick mark at the baseline. Valid values are auto, inherit, or a custom color. If set to inherit, it will follow the lineColor attribute. If baseline value is zero, the axisLine color of the orthogonal axis may override baseline color. baselineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
"solid" The line style of the major tick mark at the baseline. If not specified, it will follow the lineStyle attribute. baselineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the major tick mark at the baseline. If not specified, it will follow the lineWidth attribute. lineColor
string <optional>
null The color of the line. lineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
"solid" The line style of the tick marks. lineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the line. rendered
"off" | "on" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the line is rendered. -
Object type that defines a minor tick.
Name Type Argument Default Description lineColor
string <optional>
null The color of the line. lineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
"solid" The line style of the tick marks. lineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the line. rendered
"off" | "on" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the line is rendered. -
Object type that specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the y values.
Name Type Argument Default Description converter
?(Converter<number>) <optional>
null The converter (an instance that duck types oj.Converter) used to format the label. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. scaling
"none" | "thousand" | "million" | "billion" | "trillion" | "quadrillion" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The scaling behavior of the value. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. tooltipDisplay
"off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Whether the value is displayed in the tooltip. tooltipLabel
string <optional>
null A string representing the label that is displayed before the value in the tooltip. -
Object type defining the overview scrollbar. Only applies if zoomAndScroll is not off. Currently only supported for vertical bar, line, area, stock, and combo charts.
Name Type Argument Default Description content
C <optional>
{} An object containing the property override for the overview chart. The API is the same as the chart property API, and the property provided here will be merged on top of the default property of the overview chart. This can be used to customize the style or the type of the overview chart. height
string <optional>
null Specifies the height of the overview scrollbar in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). rendered
"on" | "off" <optional>
"off" Specifies whether the overview scrollbar is rendered. If not, simple scrollbar will be used. -
Object type defining the center content of a pie chart. Either a label can be displayed at the center of the pie chart or custom HTML content.
- insert: HTMLElement | string - HTML content, which will be overlaid on top of the pie chart. The HTML content will block interactivity of the chart by default, but the CSS pointer-events property can be set to 'none' on this content if the chart's interactivity is desired.
- preventDefault:
- Indicates that the tooltip should not be displayed. It is not necessary to return {preventDefault:false} to display tooltip, since this is a default behavior.
Name Type Argument Default Description converter
?(Converter<number>) <nullable>
null The converter (an instance that duck types oj.Converter) used to format the label if it is numeric. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. label
number | string <optional>
null Specifies the text for the label. When a innerRadius is specified, the label will automatically be scaled to fit within the inner circle. If the innerRadius is 0, the default font size will be used. labelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the label. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. renderer
oj.dvtBaseComponent.PreventableDOMRendererFunction.<oj.ojChart.PieCenterRendererContext> <optional>
null A function that returns custom center content. The function takes a PieCenterRendererContext argument, provided by the chart, and returns an object with the following properties: scaling
"none" | "thousand" | "million" | "billion" | "trillion" | "quadrillion" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The scaling behavior of the label if it is numeric. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. -
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The chart element. innerBounds
Object Object containing (x, y, width, height) of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. The x and y coordinates are relative to the top, left corner of the element. Properties
Name Type Description height
number The height of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. width
number The width of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. x
number The x coordinate of the rectangle inscribed in the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. y
number The y coordinate of the rectangle inscribed in the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. label
string The pieCenter label. labelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>= The CSS style object defining the style of the label. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. outerBounds
Object Object containing (x, y, width, height) of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. The x and y coordinates are relative to the top, left corner of the element. Properties
Name Type Description height
number The height of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. width
number The width of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. x
number The x coordinate of the rectangle circumscribing the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. y
number The y coordinate of the rectangle circumscribing the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. totalValue
number The total of all values in the pie chart. -
Name Type Description subId
string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. -
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The chart element. innerBounds
Object Object containing (x, y, width, height) of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. The x and y coordinates are relative to the top, left corner of the element. Properties
Name Type Description height
number The height of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. width
number The width of the rectangle inscribed in the center area. x
number The x coordinate of the rectangle inscribed in the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. y
number The y coordinate of the rectangle inscribed in the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. label
string The pieCenter label. labelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>= The CSS style object defining the style of the label. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. outerBounds
Object Object containing (x, y, width, height) of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. The x and y coordinates are relative to the top, left corner of the element. Properties
Name Type Description height
number The height of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. width
number The width of the rectangle circumscribing the center area. x
number The x coordinate of the rectangle circumscribing the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. y
number The y coordinate of the rectangle circumscribing the center area, relative to the top, left corner of the element. totalValue
number The total of all values in the pie chart. -
Object type defining the style of the plot area.
Name Type Argument Default Description backgroundColor
string <optional>
null The color of the plot area background. borderColor
string <optional>
null The border color to be set on the chart's plot area. borderWidth
number <optional>
null The border width to be set on the chart's plot area. rendered
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Specifies whether the plot area is rendered. -
Name Type Description axis
"xAxis" | "yAxis" | "y2Axis" index
number The index of the reference object for the specified axis. subId
string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. -
ReferenceObjectItem<T extends number|string = number|string>
Object type that defines the data for a varying reference object. Only supported for y1 and y2 axes for all chart types.
Name Type Argument Default Description high
number <optional>
null The high value of this point of a varying area reference object. low
number <optional>
null The low value of this point of a varying area reference object. value
number <optional>
null The value of this point of a varying line reference object. Null can be specified to skip a data point. x
T <optional>
null The x value of this point. Mainly used for scatter and bubble charts, and to specify the date for mixed-frequency time axis. For categorical axis, if the x value is not specified, it will default to the item index. For regular time axis, if the x value is not specified, it will default to the group name of the item. -
Series<K, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null>
Object type that defines a chart series.
Name Type Argument Default Description areaColor
string <optional>
The area color of the series. Only applies if series type is area or lineWithArea. areaSvgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply if series type is area or lineWithArea. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the color attribute. areaSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>= <optional>
The inline style to apply if series type is area or lineWithArea. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. assignedToY2
"on" | "off" <optional>
"off" Defines whether the series is associated with the y2 axis. Only applies to Cartesian bar, line, area, and combo charts. borderColor
string <optional>
The border color of the series. borderWidth
number <optional>
The border width of the series. boxPlot
ojChart.BoxPlotStyle= <optional>
An object containing the style properties of the box plot series. categories
Array.<string> <optional>
An optional array of category strings corresponding to this series. This allows highlighting and filtering of a series through interactions with legend sections. If not defined, the series id is used. color
string <optional>
The color of the series. The chart legend item will inherit this color value. displayInLegend
"on" | "off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the series should be shown in the legend. When set to 'auto', the series will not be displayed in the legend if it has null data or if it is a stock, funnel, or pyramid series. drilling
"on" | "off" | "inherit" <optional>
"inherit" Whether drilling is enabled on the series item. Drillable objects will show a pointer cursor on hover and fire an ojDrill
event on click (double click if selection is enabled). To enable drilling for all series items at once, use the drilling attribute in the top
string | number <optional>
The id of the series. Defaults to the name or the series index if not specified. items
(Array<ojChart.Item<K, Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array<number> | null>> | Array<number>)= (Array<ojChart.Item<K, I> | Array<number> | null>> | Array<number>)= <optional>
An array of values or an array of objects that defines the data items for the series. lineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
The line style of the data line. Only applies to line, lineWithArea, scatter, and bubble series. lineType
"curved" | "stepped" | "centeredStepped" | "segmented" | "centeredSegmented" | "none" | "straight" | "auto" <optional>
The line type of the data line or area. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. centeredStepped and centeredSegmented are not supported for polar, scatter, and bubble charts. lineWidth
number <optional>
The width of the data line. Only applies to line, lineWithArea, scatter, and bubble series. markerColor
string <optional>
The color of the data markers, if different from the series color. markerDisplayed
"on" | "off" | "auto" <optional>
Defines whether the data marker is displayed. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. If auto, the markers will be displayed whenever the data points are not connected by a line. markerShape
"circle" | "diamond" | "human" | "plus" | "square" | "star" | "triangleDown" | "triangleUp" | "auto" | string <optional>
The shape of the data markers. In addition to the built-in shapes, it may also take SVG path commands to specify a custom shape. The chart will style the custom shapes the same way as built-in shapes, supporting properties like color and borderColor and applying hover and selection effects. Only 'auto' is supported for range series. markerSize
number <optional>
The size of the data markers. markerSvgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the data markers. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the marker color attribute. markerSvgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>= <optional>
The inline style to apply to the data markers. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the marker color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. name
string <optional>
The name of the series, displayed in the legend and tooltips. pattern
"smallChecker" | "smallCrosshatch" | "smallDiagonalLeft" | "smallDiagonalRight" | "smallDiamond" | "smallTriangle" | "largeChecker" | "largeCrosshatch" | "largeDiagonalLeft" | "largeDiagonalRight" | "largeDiamond" | "largeTriangle" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The pattern used to fill the series. A solid fill is used by default, unless the seriesEffect is 'pattern'. pieSliceExplode
number <optional>
0 A number from 0 to 1 indicating the amount to explode the pie slice. Only applies to pie charts. shortDesc
string <optional>
The description of this series. This is used for accessibility and for customizing the tooltip text on the corresponding legend item for the series. source
string <optional>
The URI of the custom image. If specified, it takes precedence over shape. sourceHover
string <optional>
The optional URI for the hover state. If not specified, the source image will be used. sourceHoverSelected
string <optional>
The optional URI for the hover selected state. If not specified, the source image will be used. sourceSelected
string <optional>
The optional URI for the selected state. If not specified, the source image will be used. stackCategory
string <optional>
In stacked charts, groups series together for stacking. All series without a stackCategory will be assigned to the same stack. svgClassName
string <optional>
The CSS style class to apply to the series. For series of type lineWithArea, this style will only be applied to the line if areaSvgClassName is also specified. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the color attribute. svgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>= <optional>
The inline style to apply to the series. For series of type lineWithArea, this style will only be applied to the line if areaSvgStyle is also specified. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. type
"line" | "area" | "lineWithArea" | "bar" | "candlestick" | "boxPlot" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The type of data objects to display for this series. Only applies to combo and stock charts. -
Context for a legend item that represents the series with the specified index.
Name Type Description itemIndex
number The index of the item within the specified section. subId
string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node. -
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Name Type Description componentElement
Element The <oj-chart> custom element id
string The series id index
number The series index items
Array.<Object> The array of objects which are chart items that belong to this series. The objects will have the following properties Properties
Name Type Description data
D The data object for the item index
number The zero-based index of the item key
any The key of the current item -
Object type that specifies tooltip behavior for the series.
Name Type Argument Default Description tooltipDisplay
"off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Whether the value is displayed in the tooltip. tooltipLabel
string <optional>
null A string representing the label that is displayed before the value in the tooltip. -
StackLabelContext<K, D, I extends Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array.<number>|null>
Name Type Description data
Array.<ojChart.Item<K, Array.<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array.<number> | null> | number | null> Array.<ojChart.Item<K, I> | number | null> The array of data for the individual bars being stacked. groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> | null An array of data for the group the data item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the data item. groups
string | Array.<string> The id or an array of ids of the group(s) the data items belong to that are being stacked. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group ids. itemData
Array<D> The array of itemData for the individual bars being stacked. value
number The sum of the values of the individual bars being stacked. -
Object type defining the default styles for series colors, marker shapes, and other style attributes. Properties specified on this object may be overridden by specifications on the data object.
Name Type Argument Default Description animationDownColor
string <optional>
null The color of the indicator shown for a decreasing data change animation. animationDuration
number <optional>
null The duration of the animations in milliseconds. animationIndicators
"none" | "all" <optional>
"all" Defines whether data change indicators are displayed during animation. animationUpColor
string <optional>
null The color of the indicator shown for an increasing data change animation. barGapRatio
number <optional>
null Specifies the width of the bar group gap as a ratio of the group width. The valid value is a number from 0 to 1. borderColor
string <optional>
null The default border color for the data items. For funnel and pyramid charts, it is used for the slice border. borderWidth
number <optional>
null The default border width for the data items. For funnel and pyramid charts, it is used for the slice border. boxPlot
oj.ojChart.BoxPlotDefaults <optional>
An object containing the style properties of the box plot items. colors
Array.<string> <optional>
null The array defining the default color ramp for the series. dataCursor
oj.ojChart.DataCursorDefaults <optional>
An object defining the data cursor style. dataItemGaps
string <optional>
null Specifies the presence and size of the gaps between data items, such as bars, markers, and areas. Valid values are a percentage string from 0% to 100%, where 100% produces the maximum supported gaps. dataLabelCollision
"fitInBounds" | "none" <optional>
"none" Rule for adjusting data label layout. If set to fitInBounds, data label positions will be adjusted if they overlap with the chart's major axes or the legend, or go outside the bounds of the chart's plot area. dataLabelOutline
"auto" | "off" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the data label has a contrast outline. When set to 'auto', only the area, line, lineWithArea, scatter and bubble chart series will have data label contrast outline. If applications turn it off they should make sure that the color meets the minimum contrast ratio against all possible data label background colors like series colors, plot area background color, or chart background color. dataLabelPosition
"center" | "outsideSlice" | "aboveMarker" | "belowMarker" | "beforeMarker" | "afterMarker" | "insideBarEdge" | "outsideBarEdge" | "none" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The position of the data label. For range series, if an array of two values is provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. The 'outsideSlice' value only applies to pie charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values only apply to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. The 'insideBarEdge' and 'outsideBarEdge' values only apply to non-polar bar series. Stacked bars do not support 'outsideBarEdge'. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels. dataLabelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | Array.<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>> <optional>
null The CSS style object defining the style of the data label text. For range series, if an array of two values are provided, the first and second value will apply to the low and high point respectively. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. funnelBackgroundColor
string <optional>
null The default background color of funnel slices that show actual/target values. groupSeparators
oj.ojChart.GroupSeparatorDefaults <optional>
An object defining the style for hierarchical label separators. hoverBehaviorDelay
number <optional>
null Specifies initial hover delay in milliseconds for highlighting items in chart. lineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
"solid" The line style of the data line. Only applies to line, lineWithArea, scatter, and bubble series. lineType
"curved" | "stepped" | "centeredStepped" | "segmented" | "centeredSegmented" | "straight" | "none" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The line type of the data line or area. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. centeredStepped and centeredSegmented are not supported for polar, scatter, and bubble charts. lineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the data line. Only applies to line, lineWithArea, scatter, and bubble series. markerColor
string <optional>
null The color of the data markers, if different from the series color. markerDisplayed
"on" | "off" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the data markers should be displayed. Only applies to line, area, scatter, and bubble series. If auto, the markers will be displayed for combo chart and whenever the data points are not connected by a line. markerShape
"circle" | "diamond" | "human" | "plus" | "square" | "star" | "triangleDown" | "triangleUp" | "auto" | string <optional>
"auto" The shape of the data markers. In addition to the built-in shapes, it may also take SVG path commands to specify a custom shape. The chart will style the custom shapes the same way as built-in shapes, supporting properties like color and borderColor and applying hover and selection effects. Only 'auto' is supported for range series. markerSize
number <optional>
null The size of the data markers in pixels. marqueeBorderColor
string <optional>
null The border color of the marquee. Applies to marquee selection and marquee zoom. marqueeColor
string <optional>
null The fill color of the marquee. Applies to marquee selection and marquee zoom. maxBarWidth
number <optional>
null Specifies the maximum width of each bar in pixels. otherColor
string <optional>
null Specifies the color of the "Other" slice. Only applies to pie chart. patterns
Array.<string> <optional>
null The array defining the default pattern ramp for the series. This is used only when seriesEffect is 'pattern'. pieFeelerColor
string <optional>
null The color of the line extending from the pie slice to the slice label. pieInnerRadius
number <optional>
0 Specifies the radius of the inner circle that can be used to create a donut chart. Valid values range from 0 (default) to 1. Not supported if 3D effect is on. selectionEffect
"explode" | "highlightAndExplode" | "highlight" <optional>
"highlight" The selection effect that is applied to selected items. The values explode and highlightAndExplode only apply to pie charts. seriesEffect
"color" | "pattern" | "gradient" <optional>
"color" Defines the fill effect for the data items. shapes
Array.<string> <optional>
null The array defining the default shape ramp for the series. Valid values are defined in the markerShape attribute. stackLabelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the stack label. Only applies to stacked bar charts. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. stockFallingColor
string <optional>
null In stock charts, the color of the candlestick when the 'open' value is greater than the 'close' value. stockRangeColor
string <optional>
null In stock charts, the color of the range bars for candlestick. stockRisingColor
string <optional>
null In stock charts, the color of the candlestick when the 'close' value is greater than the 'open' value. stockVolumeColor
string <optional>
null In stock charts, the color of the volume bars. If specified, overrides the default rising and falling colors used by the volume bars. threeDEffect
"on" | "off" <optional>
"off" Defines whether the chart is displayed with a 3D effect. Only applies to pie, funnel and pyramid charts. tooltipLabelStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the labels in the tooltip. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. tooltipValueStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the values in the tooltip. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. -
TooltipContext<K, D, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null>
- Deprecated:
Since Description 16.0.0
The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
Name Type Description close
number The close value of the hovered stock chart item. color
string The color of the hovered item. componentElement
Element The chart element. data
ojChart.Item<K, Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array<number> | null> | number | null oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | Array<number> | null> | number | null The data object of the hovered item. For nested items, it will be an array containing the parent item data and nested item data. group
string | Array.<string> The ids or an array of ids of the group(s) the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group ids. groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> | null An array of data for the group the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the hovered item. high
number The high value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. id
any The id of the hovered item. itemData
D The row data object for the hovered item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. label
string The data label of the hovered item. low
number The low value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. open
number The open value of the hovered stock chart item. parentElement
Element The tooltip element. This can be used to change the tooltip border or background color. q1
number The first quartile value of the hovered the box plot item. q2
number The second quartile (median) value of the hovered box plot item. q3
number The third quartile value of the hovered box plot item. series
string The id of the series the hovered item belongs to. seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> | null The data for the series the hovered item belongs to. targetValue
number The target value of the hovered funnel item. totalValue
number The total of all values in the chart. This will only be included for pie charts. value
number The value of the hovered item. volume
number The volume value of the hovered stock chart item. x
number | string The x value of the hovered item. y
number The y value of the hovered item. z
number The z value of the hovered item. -
TooltipRendererContext<K, D, I extends Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>>|Array<number>|null>
Name Type Description close
number The close value of the hovered stock chart item. color
string The color of the hovered item. componentElement
Element The chart element. data
ojChart.Item<K, Array<ojChart.Item<any, null>> | Array<number> | null> | number | null oj.ojChart.Item.<K, I> | Array<number> | null> | number | null The data object of the hovered item. For nested items, it will be an array containing the parent item data and nested item data. group
string | Array.<string> The ids or an array of ids of the group(s) the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group ids. groupData
Array.<oj.ojChart.Group> | null An array of data for the group the hovered item belongs to. For hierarchical groups, it will be an array of outermost to innermost group data related to the hovered item. high
number The high value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. id
any The id of the hovered item. itemData
D The row data object for the hovered item. This will only be set if a DataProvider is being used. label
string The data label of the hovered item. low
number The low value of the data item present in range bar/area, stock candlestick, or box plot item. open
number The open value of the hovered stock chart item. parentElement
Element The tooltip element. This can be used to change the tooltip border or background color. q1
number The first quartile value of the hovered the box plot item. q2
number The second quartile (median) value of the hovered box plot item. q3
number The third quartile value of the hovered box plot item. series
string The id of the series the hovered item belongs to. seriesData
oj.ojChart.Series.<K, I> | null The data for the series the hovered item belongs to. targetValue
number The target value of the hovered funnel item. totalValue
number The total of all values in the chart. This will only be included for pie charts. value
number The value of the hovered item. volume
number The volume value of the hovered stock chart item. x
number | string The x value of the hovered item. y
number The y value of the hovered item. z
number The z value of the hovered item. -
Object type specifying value formatting and tooltip behavior, whose keys generally correspond to the attribute names on the data items.
Name Type Argument Description close
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the close values of a stock chart. group
oj.ojChart.GroupValueFormat <optional>
Specifies tooltip behavior for the groups. high
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the high values. label
oj.ojChart.LabelValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting for the data item labels. low
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the low values. open
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the open values of a stock chart. q1
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the q1 values of a box plot. q2
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the q2 values of a box plot. q3
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the q3 values of a box plot. series
oj.ojChart.SeriesValueFormat <optional>
Specifies tooltip behavior for the series. targetValue
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the target values of a funnel chart. value
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the values. volume
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the volume values of a stock chart. x
oj.ojChart.CategoricalValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the x values. y
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the y values. y2
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the y2 values. z
oj.ojChart.NumericValueFormat <optional>
Specifies the value formatting and tooltip behavior for the z values. -
XAxis<T extends number|string = number|string>
Object type that defines the x-axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description axisLine
oj.ojChart.AxisLine <optional>
An object defining properties for the axis line. baselineScaling
"min" | "zero" <optional>
"zero" Defines whether the axis baseline starts at the minimum value of the data or at zero. Only applies to numerical data axes. dataMax
number <optional>
null Normally the chart code must go through the data to calculate the max value, which is in turn used to generate the axis max. If the max value is already known then the max value calculation can be avoided by setting dataMax, which improves performance. dataMin
number <optional>
null The minimum data value corresponding to an axis. If specified, the automatic axis extent calculation will use this value. Only applies to numerical axes. majorTick
oj.ojChart.MajorTick <optional>
An object defining properties for the major tick marks. max
T <optional>
null The maximum value of the axis. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. For categorical axes, the value represents the group index. For example, 0 is the position of the first group, and 1.5 is the position half way between the second and the third group. maxSize
string <optional>
null Defines the maximum size of the axis in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). min
T <optional>
null The minimum value of the axis. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. For categorical axes, the value represents the group index. For example, 0 is the position of the first group, and 1.5 is the position half way between the second and the third group. minStep
number <optional>
null The minimum increment between major tick marks. This is typically used to prevent fractional axis values for discrete measures. Only applies to numerical axes. minorStep
number <optional>
null The increment between minor tick marks. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. Only applies to numerical axes. For log axis, the step is a multiplier, so for example, if the minorStep is 2, the minor tick marks will be rendered at 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on. minorTick
oj.ojChart.MinorTick <optional>
An object defining properties for the minor tick marks. referenceObjects
Array.<oj.ojChart.XReferenceObject.<T>> <optional>
[] The array of reference objects associated with the axis. rendered
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Defines whether the axis is rendered. scale
"log" | "linear" <optional>
"linear" Defines the axis scale. Only applies to numerical axes. size
string <optional>
null Defines the size of the axis in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). step
number <optional>
null The increment between major tick marks. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. Only applies to time and numerical axes. For log axis, the step is a multiplier, so for example, if the step is 2, the major tick marks will be rendered at 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on. tickLabel
oj.ojChart.XTickLabel.<T> <optional>
An object defining the properties of the tick labels. title
string <optional>
null The axis title. Does not apply to polar charts. titleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the axis title. The CSS white-space property can be defined with value "nowrap" to disable default text wrapping of the title. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. viewportEndGroup
T <optional>
null Specifies the end group of the current viewport. Only applies to charts with group or time axis. If not specified, the default end group is the last group in the data set. The application should set either the viewportMax or viewportEndGroup and not both at the same time. If both viewportEndGroup and viewportMax are specified, viewportMax takes precedence. viewportMax
T <optional>
null Specifies the maximum x coordinate of the current viewport for zoom and scroll. For group axis, the group index will be treated as the axis coordinate. If both viewportEndGroup and viewportMax are specified, then viewportMax takes precedence. If not specified, this value will be the axis max. viewportMin
T <optional>
null Specifies the minimum x coordinate of the current viewport for zoom and scroll. For group axis, the group index will be treated as the axis coordinate. If both viewportStartGroup and viewportMin are specified, then viewportMin takes precedence. If not specified, this value will be the axis min. viewportStartGroup
T <optional>
null Specifies the start group of the current viewport. Only applies to charts with group or time axis. If not specified, the default start group is the first group in the data set. The application should set either the viewportMin or viewportStartGroup and not both at the same time. If both viewportStartGroup and viewportMin are specified, viewportMin takes precedence. -
XReferenceObject<T extends number|string = number|string>
Object type that defines a reference object associated with the x-axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description categories
Array.<string> <optional>
null An optional array of category strings corresponding to this reference object. This allows highlighting and filtering of a reference object through interactions with legend sections. If not defined, the reference object id is used. color
string <optional>
null The color of the reference object. displayInLegend
"on" | "off" <optional>
"off" Defines whether the reference object should be shown in the legend. high
T <optional>
null The high value of an area reference object. For categorical axes, the value represents the group id(string) or group index(number). For example, when using group indices, 0 is the position of the first group, and 1.5 is the position half way between the second and the third group. See type for more details. id
string <optional>
null The id of the reference object. lineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
"solid" The line style of the line reference object. Does not apply to area reference objects. lineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the line reference object. Does not apply to area reference objects. location
"front" | "back" <optional>
"back" The location of the reference object relative to the data items. low
T <optional>
null The low value of an area reference object. For categorical axes, the value represents the group id(string) or group index(number). For example, when using group indices, 0 is the position of the first group, and 1.5 is the position half way between the second and the third group. See type for more details. shortDesc
string <optional>
null The description of this object. This is used for accessibility and also for customizing the tooltip text. svgClassName
string <optional>
null The CSS style class to apply to the reference object. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the reference object color attribute. svgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
null The CSS inline style to apply to the reference object. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the reference object color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. text
string <optional>
null The text displayed in the legend for the reference object. type
"area" | "line" <optional>
"line" The type of reference object being shown. If the value is set to "area", use the low and high properties of the reference object. Otherwise, use the value property. value
T <optional>
null The value of a line reference object. This property defines a constant value across the entire reference object. For categorical axes, the value represents the group id(string) or group index(number). For example, when using group indices, 0 is the position of the first group, and 1.5 is the position half way between the second and the third group. See type for more details. -
XTickLabel<T extends number|string = number|string>
Object type that defines a tick label for x-axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description converter
?(Array.<Converter<T>> | Converter<T>) <optional>
null The converter (an instance that duck types oj.Converter) used to format the labels. When using a time axis, this attribute also takes an array of two converters, which apply respectively to the first and second label levels. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. rendered
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Defines whether the tick labels are rendered. rotation
"none" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" Defines whether the chart will automatically rotate the labels by 90 degrees in order to fit more labels on the axis. The rotation will only be applied to categorical labels for a horizontal axis. scaling
"none" | "thousand" | "million" | "billion" | "trillion" | "quadrillion" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The scaling behavior of the labels. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. style
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the labels. The CSS white-space property can be defined with value "nowrap" to disable default text wrapping of categorical labels. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. -
Object type that defines the y2-axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description alignTickMarks
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Defines whether the tick marks of the y1 and y2 axes are aligned. Not supported for logarithmic axes. axisLine
oj.ojChart.AxisLine <optional>
An object defining properties for the axis line. baselineScaling
"min" | "zero" <optional>
"zero" Defines whether the axis baseline starts at the minimum value of the data or at zero. Only applies to numerical data axes. dataMax
number <optional>
null Normally the chart code must go through the data to calculate the max value, which is in turn used to generate the axis max. If the max value is already known then the max value calculation can be avoided by setting dataMax, which improves performance. dataMin
number <optional>
null The minimum data value corresponding to an axis. If specified, the automatic axis extent calculation will use this value. Only applies to numerical axes. majorTick
oj.ojChart.MajorTick <optional>
An object defining properties for the major tick marks. max
number <optional>
null The maximum value of the axis. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. maxSize
string <optional>
null Defines the maximum size of the axis in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). min
number <optional>
null The minimum value of the axis. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. minStep
number <optional>
null The minimum increment between major tick marks. This is typically used to prevent fractional axis values for discrete measures. Only applies to numerical axes. minorStep
number <optional>
null The increment between minor tick marks. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. Only applies to numerical axes. For log axis, the step is a multiplier, so for example, if the minorStep is 2, the minor tick marks will be rendered at 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on. minorTick
oj.ojChart.MinorTick <optional>
An object defining properties for the minor tick marks. position
"start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The position of the axis relative to its content. For vertical charts, only start and end apply. For horizontal charts, only top and bottom apply. referenceObjects
Array.<oj.ojChart.YReferenceObject> <optional>
[] The array of reference objects associated with the axis. rendered
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Defines whether the axis is rendered. scale
"log" | "linear" <optional>
"linear" Defines the axis scale. Only applies to numerical axes. size
string <optional>
null Defines the size of the axis in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). step
number <optional>
null The increment between major tick marks. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. Only applies to time and numerical axes. For log axis, the step is a multiplier, so for example, if the step is 2, the major tick marks will be rendered at 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on. tickLabel
oj.ojChart.YTickLabel <optional>
An object defining the properties of the tick labels. title
string <optional>
null The axis title. Does not apply to polar charts. titleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the axis title. The CSS white-space property can be defined with value "nowrap" to disable default text wrapping of the title. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. -
Object type that defines the y-axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description axisLine
oj.ojChart.AxisLine <optional>
An object defining properties for the axis line. baselineScaling
"min" | "zero" <optional>
"zero" Defines whether the axis baseline starts at the minimum value of the data or at zero. Only applies to numerical data axes. dataMax
number <optional>
null Normally the chart code must go through the data to calculate the max value, which is in turn used to generate the axis max. If the max value is already known then the max value calculation can be avoided by setting dataMax, which improves performance. dataMin
number <optional>
null The minimum data value corresponding to an axis. If specified, the automatic axis extent calculation will use this value. Only applies to numerical axes. majorTick
oj.ojChart.MajorTick <optional>
An object defining properties for the major tick marks. max
number <optional>
null The maximum value of the axis. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. maxSize
string <optional>
null Defines the maximum size of the axis in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). min
number <optional>
null The minimum value of the axis. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. minStep
number <optional>
null The minimum increment between major tick marks. This is typically used to prevent fractional axis values for discrete measures. Only applies to numerical axes. minorStep
number <optional>
null The increment between minor tick marks. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. Only applies to numerical axes. For log axis, the step is a multiplier, so for example, if the minorStep is 2, the minor tick marks will be rendered at 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on. minorTick
oj.ojChart.MinorTick <optional>
An object defining properties for the minor tick marks. position
"start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The position of the axis relative to its content. For vertical charts, only start and end apply. For horizontal charts, only top and bottom apply. referenceObjects
Array.<oj.ojChart.YReferenceObject> <optional>
[] The array of reference objects associated with the axis. rendered
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Defines whether the axis is rendered. scale
"log" | "linear" <optional>
"linear" Defines the axis scale. Only applies to numerical axes. size
string <optional>
null Defines the size of the axis in pixels (e.g. '50px') or percent (e.g. '15%'). step
number <optional>
null The increment between major tick marks. Defaults to null for automatic calculation based on the data. Only applies to time and numerical axes. For log axis, the step is a multiplier, so for example, if the step is 2, the major tick marks will be rendered at 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on. tickLabel
oj.ojChart.YTickLabel <optional>
An object defining the properties of the tick labels. title
string <optional>
null The axis title. Does not apply to polar charts. titleStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the axis title. The CSS white-space property can be defined with value "nowrap" to disable default text wrapping of the title. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration. viewportMax
number <optional>
null Specifies the maximum y coordinate of the current viewport for zoom and scroll. Only applies to bubble and scatter charts. If not specified, this value will be the axis max. viewportMin
number <optional>
null Specifies the minimum y coordinate of the current viewport for zoom and scroll. Only applies to bubble and scatter charts. If not specified, this value will be the axis min. -
Object type that defines a reference object associated with the y-axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description categories
Array.<string> <optional>
null An optional array of category strings corresponding to this reference object. This allows highlighting and filtering of a reference object through interactions with legend sections. If not defined, the reference object id is used. color
string <optional>
null The color of the reference object. displayInLegend
"on" | "off" <optional>
"off" Defines whether the reference object should be shown in the legend. high
number <optional>
null The high value of an area reference object. This property defines a constant value across the entire reference area and is ignored if the items property is specified. See type for more details. id
string <optional>
null The id of the reference object. items
Array.<oj.ojChart.ReferenceObjectItem> <optional>
null An array of values or an array of objects with the following properties that define the data for a varying reference object. Only supported for y1 and y2 axes for all chart types. lineStyle
oj.ojChart.LineStyle <optional>
"solid" The line style of the line reference object. Does not apply to area reference objects. lineType
oj.ojChart.LineType <optional>
"straight" The line type of the varying reference object. "centeredStepped" and "centeredSegmented" are not supported for polar, scatter, and bubble charts. See items for more details about varying reference objects. lineWidth
number <optional>
null The width of the line reference object. Does not apply to area reference objects. location
"front" | "back" <optional>
"back" The location of the reference object relative to the data items. low
number <optional>
null The low value of an area reference object. This property defines a constant value across the entire reference area and is ignored if the items property is specified. See type for more details. shortDesc
string <optional>
null The description of this object. This is used for accessibility and also for customizing the tooltip text. svgClassName
string <optional>
null The CSS style class to apply to the reference object. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the reference object color attribute. svgStyle
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
null The CSS inline style to apply to the reference object. The style class and inline style will override any other styling specified through the properties. For tooltips and hover interactivity, it's recommended to also pass a representative color to the reference object color attribute. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported. text
string <optional>
null The text displayed in the legend for the reference object. type
"area" | "line" <optional>
"line" The type of reference object being shown. If the value is set to "area", use the low and high properties of the reference object. Otherwise, use the value property. value
number <optional>
null The value of a line reference object. This property defines a constant value across the entire reference object and is ignored if the items property is specified. See type for more details. -
Object type that defines a tick label for y-axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description converter
?(Converter<number>) <optional>
null The converter (an instance that duck types oj.Converter) used to format the labels. When using a time axis, this attribute also takes an array of two converters, which apply respectively to the first and second label levels. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. position
"inside" | "outside" <optional>
"outside" Defines the position of the tick labels relative to the plot area. Inside position is not supported for scatter and bubble charts. rendered
"off" | "on" <optional>
"on" Defines whether the tick labels are rendered. scaling
"none" | "thousand" | "million" | "billion" | "trillion" | "quadrillion" | "auto" <optional>
"auto" The scaling behavior of the labels. When using a converter, scaling should be set to none, as the formatted result may not be compatible with the scaling suffixes. style
Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the labels. The CSS white-space property can be defined with value "nowrap" to disable default text wrapping of categorical labels. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, textDecoration.