The Get Started pattern is used exclusively during a user's initial introduction to a cloud service.
- It provides a quick and simple overview of the product's purpose and features.
- It steps the user through one or more essential, primary tasks to use a service as intended.
- The term Get Started appears in some form on the initial Home Page of the service.
- The user explicitly dismisses this UA feature after acquiring a sufficient overview and completing any required tasks.
- Only one Get Started UI appears per application.
Other First-Use patterns provide much more granular assistances on individual application features than Get Started. It is also unique from all other user assistance patterns in that it can temporarily serve as the initial home page of the application.
Elements and Appearance
Users click a Get Started button or link to launch the Get Started UI from the Home Page. Selecting Get Started opens a new browser tab or window pointing to product specific Get Started information in the Oracle Help Center. Although it is preferable to consistently use the Get Started label, any other label that clearly communicates the concept is permissible.
The following image shows the Get Started button on a Home page.

The following image is an example of Get Started content in the Oracle Help Center.

The following image shows a Get Started tutorial in the Oracle Help Center.