The Alta DVT Color Palette complements the Alta UI palette and is used in DVT components such as charts, graphs, gauges, snapshots, timelines and maps. The DVT Palette is referenced both in a default and extended form based on the context of the UI framework that it appears within.
DVT Palette
The Default DVT palette consists of 12 colors derived from the Alta UI palette to ensure optimum contrast and visual balance within the component and the overall UI framework.
DVT Default Sequence
The Default color sequence shown below provides contrast between adjacent colors in DVT components and balances the overall chart or graph. The color sequence can be changed to enhance specific content but special attention should be given to the range of data that may appear.
DVT Extended Palette
The DVT palette can be extended and customized with additional colors referenced from the UI palette for components that support it. The primary reason to customize the DVT palette is to align the component with other icons and elements within a specific context. Sometimes it's useful to reference colors used in a layout or tie data to an icon or visual element in the UI.
DVT Extended Palette Samples
Sample color values and combinations as they are applied to the UI. Color can be used to highlight numerical data. To meet accessibility guidelines, it should only be used for text that is at least 18px or that is bold and 14px or larger.