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Oracle Hardware Certification Test Suite 5.8

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Updated: November 2016

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Certifying USB, Storage, Storage performance, CD/DVD, CPU or Memory, Audio, Tape Drive, Video , Performance Monitor and Storage FMA Devices

For certifying USB, storage, CD/DVD, CPU or memory, audio, tape drive and video devices, only the SUT is required. This section explains the hardware and the software requirements for certifying USB, storage, CD/DVD, CPU/Memory, audio, and video devices.

Hardware Requirements

SUT should satisfy the following hardware requirements.

  • Hardware floating point support.

  • The SUT must have at least the following amount of free space.

    • Swap space is at least 1/8 of the physical memory size, minimum 512 Mbyte.

    • At least 4 Gbyte of free space on any Oracle Solaris system slice or a non reserved hard disk that is greater than 16 Gbyte.

      Type the following command to check free space.

      # df -h

A non reserved disk is a disk which does not contain any slice mounted to the /, /usr, /opt, /var, or /export/home* directory.

For USB device certification, the SUT must meet the following hardware requirements.

  • For USB hard disk, solid state storage device, and multimedia card reader certification, the device to be certified must have at least 128 Mbyte of free space.

  • For USB CD/DVD reader certification, a mixed-mode CD must be used. You can use the make_mixed_mode_cd utility under the /opt/SUNWhcts/bin directory to create a mixed-mode CD that can be used for the certification. See the Oracle HCTS man page for more information.

  • For USB CD writer certification, a rewritable CD should be inserted in the drive under test. For USB DVD writer certification, any supported rewritable media should be inserted.

  • For USB CD/DVD writer certification, a minimum of 600 Mbyte of free space is needed in the /export/home directory for each device to be certified.

  • For performance monitor test, make sure the SUT has at least one non-reserved disk.

  • For Storage FMA test, please make sure there are at least 2 storage controllers and 2 disks, where one disk is running Oracle Solaris OS under one storage controller which can NOT test against, and the other disk is under the other storage controller which is test against.


Caution  - To certify storage devices, USB hard disk, and solid state storage, if the SUT contains more than one disk drive, any disk that does not have a slice mounted to /, /usr, /opt, /var, or /export/home* is formatted. All the data on such a disk is lost. During the test initialization process, any disk that is scheduled to be formatted is listed. The initialization process pauses for 60 seconds and prompts you to stop the certification if you do not want the disk to be formatted.


Caution  - For CD/DVD writer certification and USB CD/DVD writer certification, the disk that is inserted in the writer is erased during testing and all the data on the disk is lost. Ensure that you use a disk that does not contain any data for this certification.


Caution  - The USB web cam functional test takes pictures during testing. These pictures are packed in the Oracle HCTS result package for auditing. Adjust the web cam for moderate brightness and visibility.

Software Requirements

SUT must have the following OS installed and running.

Oracle Solaris 10 OS or Oracle Solaris 11 OS

Any Oracle Solaris 10 release or Oracle Solaris 11 release can be used to run the Oracle HCTS 5.8 application. You need at least Oracle Solaris 10 version 6/06 to certify CD-RW or DVD-RW devices.

If your system is already running the Oracle Solaris 10 OS or the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, you might want to perform a fresh reinstall before you install Oracle HCTS.

For USB CD/DVD reader certification and USB CD/DVD writer certification, at least Oracle Solaris OS version 6/06 must be installed on the SUT. Use the latest Oracle Solaris release.

For the USB web cam certification, the latest release of the Oracle Solaris 11 OS must be installed on SUT.

Oracle HCTS

Before you download the Oracle HCTS 5.8 archive file, create a download directory on the test system. When you are prompted for the download location, provide the name of this directory that you created.

You can download Oracle HCTS from the Downloads web page.

Note - Before invoking Oracle HCTS, ensure that XWindows is running on the test system.

If you are testing storage performance tuning tool, make sure the SUT has storage performance tool installed and meets the tool requirement (default storage performance tool is vdbench).

Note - Make sure vdbench is installed on the System Under Test (SUT) if the user wants to use it as a performance tool. Also, a configuration file must be generated and saved as /opt/SUNWhcts/etc/vdbench_path.conf. Make sure the system configuration meets the vdbench requirements. For detailed description for vdbench, refer vdbench website.

Before running Oracle HCTS performance tuning tool, the user has to provide three key files as input to the tool, they are: it:storage_per.conf, vdbench.cfg, and vdbench.rule. storage_per.conf and vdbench.rule must be stored in ${HCTS_HOME}/etc directory (${HCTS_HOME} is the HCTS installed home directory).


It is the main vdbench configuration file. It has the following four sections:

  • perf_tool_argument – Defines the location of vdbench executable file.

  • perf_tool_argument – This value cannot be NULL. This parameter defines the location of vdbench.cfg file for vdbench.

  • driver_name – Provides the driver on which vdbench will run. It is an optional section.

  • driver_parameter – Defines the driver name which needs to be tuned while Oracle HCTS Storage performance tuning tool is running. Oracle HCTS picks up all driver_parameter possible values and modifies the driver configuration file one by one, and then runs several instances of vdbench. The driver_parameter is an optional section, but if the user defines this parameter, then the driver_name parameter must also been defined.


This configuration file stores the vdbench arguments. The user has to define each vdbench argument in this file. Oracle HCTS provides a macro [DISK] for these parameters, which the user can use to define the name of the raw disk, tape, or file system for the argument lun in the parameter file. This macro will be replaced by the real disk, tape, or file system name which the user selected from the UI when vdbench was invoked.


This is a CSV (comma separated) file, which is used to store column names for vdbench. This file is used to investigate storage performance.

Oracle HCTS provides examples of storage_per.conf,vdbench.cfg, and vdbench.rule in ${HCTS_HOME}/etc directory (${HCTS_HOME} is the HCTS installed home directory).