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Oracle Hardware Certification Test Suite 5.8

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Updated: November 2016

To Certify External Storage on Test Server Using CLI

  1. Type the following command to set up the Test Server as System Under Test.
    # hctscli setup-sut
  2. Type the following command to start the certification of external storage on test server.
    # hctscli certify Storage_ESD

    The following message is displayed.

    External storage certification environment needs to be set up \
    before starting the certification.
    Refer to HCTS User Guide/Online Help for detailed information.
    Type three hostnames or IP addresses(separated by a space or tab):
  3. Type three host names or IP addresses (separated by a space or tab).
    Host1 Host2 Host3
    Choose any two disks from the following list:
    1: Disk1
    2: Disk2
    3: Disk3
    Type the serial numbers of the two disks \
    you want to select (separated by a space or tab).
  4. Type the serial numbers of the two disks you want to select (separated by a space or tab).
    1 2
Example 2  Sample of the External Storage Certification Using CLI

The following image shows an example of the steps for certifying the External Storage Certification.

image:This image is a screenshot of the External Storage Certification
                            test using CLI.