This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:
Date | Module | Feature | Notes |
18 JUL 2023 | Service Center | Agent Browser UI: Agent Insights with Workspace Rules Support on Interaction Workspace | Updated document. Added as part of the May II release. |
07 JUN 2023 |
Data Management | Data Lifecycle Policies : Optimization of Chat Purging Using DLP | Updated document. Delivered feature as part of the 23B Quarterly release. |
07 JUN 2023 |
Data Management | Data Lifecycle Policies: Usage Statistics at Policy Level | Updated document. Delivered feature as part of the 23B Quarterly release. |
07 JUN 2023 |
Administration | Audit Logs: Audit Logs of M&C Objects | Updated document. Delivered feature as part of the 23B Quarterly release. |
07 JUN 2023 | Extensibility | Event Services in Oracle B2C Service | This feature is part of the 23B Quarterly release. |
27 APR 2023 | Extensibility | Browser UI: New Extensibility to Add Time Billed Entries | This is part of the - BUI May i release and will be available on production sites on 5/11/2023 |
20 APR 2023 | Integrations | Support ORDS Integration Type in External Objects & Integrations | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
19 APR 2023 | Administration | Element Manager - Selective Import of Elements | This was part of the - BUI Apr iii release and was made available on production sites on 3/20/2023 |
31 MAR 2023 | Extensibility | Browser UI: New Extensibility API to invokeGuide | This was part of the - BUI Mar iii release and was made available on production sites on 3/03/2023 |
30 MAR 2023 |
Service Center | Browser UI: New Extensibility Parameter to Prevent Agent Insights Panel to Display | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
30 MAR 2023 |
Service Center | Browser UI: New Extensibility API to getAllVisitedScripts | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
30 MAR 2023 |
Administration | Service Usage Metrics: Product Level Filtering on Session Usage | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
30 MAR 2023 |
Reporting | Assign to Me Option for Records in a Report | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
30 MAR 2023 |
Channels | Chat in Browser UI: Controls for Transfer to Agent & Queue | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
30 MAR 2023 |
Reporting | Control the Visibility of Report Sections at Runtime in BUI | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
30 MAR 2023 | Reporting | Line Chart Customisation Support in Report Rendered or Viewed in BUI | This is part of the - BUI Apr I release and will be available on production sites on 4/06/2023 |
17 MAR 2023 | Service Center | External Objects & Integrations: Supporting OCI API Key Based Authentication Type - OCI Signature V1 | Updated document. Delivered new feature in 23B. |
08 MAR 2023 | Created initial document. |
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle B2C Service Center and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable to begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.
The B2C Service Center application operates with two release strategies. The bulk of the application leverages a quarterly release plan and the features that follow that plan are included in this document on the official quarterly release date. A growing portion of B2C Service Center product development operates on a weekly, continuous release, single-version strategy, and those features are incrementally included in this document as they are released.
For a listing of hardware and software requirements for Oracle products, log in to our support site and access Answer ID 31.
We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.
The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.
Column Definitions:
Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.
UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
Audit Logs: Audit Logs of M&C Objects
The audit logs of the below M&C Objects are now available via a public canned report and via Analytics API.
- Queues - Incident Queues and Chat Queues
- Mailboxes - Marketing Mailboxes and Service Mailboxes
- Statuses - Incident Statuses, Answer Statuses, and Opportunity Statuses.
- Standard Text.
The reports contains the below details as audit logs for each objects.
- When – The date and time of change.
- Who – The user Id from which the change happened.
- What – The action performed on the object.
- Source – Source of the transaction.
Below are the list of public canned report containing audit log of M&C Objects under Public Reports folder in Reports Explorer and attached is the screen shot showing the reports in Public Reports folder.
- 10236 - MC Audit Log for Answer Statuses
- 10237 - MC Audit Log for Incident Statuses
- 10238 - MC Audit Log for Opportunity Statuses
- 10240 - MC Audit Log for Chat Queues
- 10239 - MC Audit Log for Incident Queues
- 10241 - MC Audit Log for Marketing Mailboxes
- 10242 - MC Audit Log for Service Mailboxes
- 10244 - MC Audit Log For Standard Texts
The audit logs can also be fetched and transported to an external system via Analytics Reports APIs of B2C Service.
Business Benefits:
- Detailed Insights: Track when, who, what, and source of the change and prevent unauthorized changes.
- Automate SEIM system: Ability to fetch the audit logs via REST APIs and customers can build their own Security Event and Incident Management System outside Oracle Service Cloud.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Element Manager - Remove Elements from Review Package Page
Remove Elements from Review Package Page
- Ability to unselect unwanted elements and elements with error from the package from the Review Package page.
Steps to use the capability:
- Admins choose the elements to be exported from the 'Search and Confirm' page and the validations are performed.
- The elements are validated, dependencies are determined and the validation results and dependencies are shown in the 'Review Package' page.
- Admins can now use the Selection column to unselect, elements with error or unwanted elements from the Review page and 'Apply Changes'.
- The dependent elements of the unselected elements are removed from the package.
Element Manager - Remove Elements from Review Page
Business Benefits:
- Agent efficiency: Empowers users to remove elements with error without the need to navigate to previous page.
- Better performance: Eliminates redundant dependency checks by applying changes in Review Page.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Element Manager works only in the Agent Browser UI. If you try to access it from the Service Console, a message tells you that it is only available in the Agent Browser UI.
Key Resources
Element Manager - Include Dependencies of Business Rules
Include Dependencies of the Business Rule
- Includes dependent States and Functions of the selected business rules in the package while exporting.
- The dependent States and Functions are created in the target site while importing.
Steps to use the capability:
- Select the business rules to be exported from the 'Search and Confirm Elements' page.
- Uncheck the 'Disable export of element dependencies' and proceed.
- In the 'Review Package' the dependent elements will be listed in the Summary tab and the parent child relationship will be listed in the Dependencies View.
Element Manager - Include Dependencies of Business Rules
Business Benefit:
Dependency Management: Creates states, functions, and variables of the imported rule in target site.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Element Manager works only in the Agent Browser UI. If you try to access it from the Service Console, a message tells you that it is only available in the Agent Browser UI.
Key Resources
Accelerators: Browser UI Administration Page to Access B2C Service Accelerators
Admins will be able to view the list of accelerators and access download page and documentation from Browser UI. Accelerators are developed for testing and educational purposes, where the open source sample code is provided along with the documentation to setup. This sample code facilitate integrations, and can be used as it is or customised to solve unique business use cases.
Accelerators Administration UI Icon
Administrator can access the list of accelerators by clicking the Accelerators icon, from which, administrator can view the download or documentation page after accepting the Oracle License Agreement.
Accelerators Landing Page
Business Benefits:
- Awareness: Admins can easily navigate to the page and understand the available accelerators, so that they can use the ones which will accelerate their business growth.
- Easy Accessibility: Admins can easily access the accelerators which B2C service is releasing. And they can also provide the access to the implementation team to configure the required accelerators.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
- Administration Privileges
Enhanced Business Rules: Disable Deploy Button
Deployment Improvements: Automatic disabling of deploy button when a deployment is in progress.
Below is a screenshot of the disabled deploy button when a deployment is in progress.
EBR - Disabled Deploy Button
Business Benefit:
Performance: Prevents multiple deployments at the same time and thus avoids deployment failures and errors.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Service Usage Metrics: Product Level Filtering on Session Usage
Slicing by Product: Admins can slice sessions by Product to get product level details. The slicing by product option will be available for all tier 1/2/3 sessions, and the option to slice will be available in sessions report.
Business Benefit:
Data Visibility: Admins can easily visualize the session usage by different products.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
User should have Administrator privilege to access Service Usage Metrics Reports.
Element Manager - Selective Import of Elements
Selective import of elements in a package.
- Ability to unselect unwanted elements and elements with error from the package from the Validate Package page during import process.
Steps to use the capability:
- Admins choose the package to be imported from the Upload Package page in the target site.
- The elements are validated, and the validation results are shown in the 'Validate Package' page.
- Admins can now use the Selection column to unselect, elements with error or unwanted elements from the Validate Package page and 'Apply Changes'.
- The unselected elements and its dependent elements are removed from the import process.
Selective Import of Elements in Import Process
Selective Import of Elements in Import Process - Info Dialog
Business Benefits:
- Admin efficiency: Empowers admins to remove elements with error and proceed with import and reduces the number of exports and imports.
- Dependency Management: Removes the dependent elements of the unselected element and prevents orphaned elements in target site.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
Element Manager works only in the Agent Browser UI. If you try to access it from the Service Console, a message tells you that it is only available in the Agent Browser UI.
Key Resources
Engagement Panel Version Display in Agent Browser UI
The Engagement Panel version is in the About dialog in Agent Browser UI.
From the Avatar Menu, select About. The About dialog will display the version of the Engagement Panel.
Engagement Panel Version
Business Benefit:
Be able to understand what version of the engagement panel is currently leveraged by the Agent Browser User Interface for the current site.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Attachment Count on Incident Response Thread Header
The attachment count will automatically display on the incident response thread header when at least one attachment is added to the response.
Attachment Count
Business Benefit:
Quickly and easily see if there are attachments sent in any response thread.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Standard Text Hot Key Search Limited to Ten Characters
Standard text hot key search is now limited to 10 characters and is consistent with the ten limited character when defining hot key for standard text.
Hot Key Search
Business Benefit:
Increases efficiency by helping agents in Agent Browser UI from making errors when typing in a hot key.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
External Objects & Integrations: Supporting OCI API Key Based Authentication Type - OCI Signature V1
OCI API key based Authentication type (OCI signature V1) is now available, which will facilitate integrations with OCI native applications. The feature will be available as part of Authentication Type drop-down of External Objects & Integrations
Business Benefit:
Easier Integration to OCI Apps: Connections can be made to OCI services like Object Storage and AI services using API key based Authentication (OCI signature V1)
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
Privilege to access object Designer is required to access the External Objects & Integrations feature, however no separate privilege is required for accessing OCI Signature V1
Browser UI: New Extensibility API to getAllVisitedScripts
A new extensibility API is now supported to get all visited script names and script ids from Agent Scripting.
When creating an extension, call function getAllVisitedScripts() to return the script id and the script name of the script the agent is currently viewing or executing.
Here is an example:
Business Benefit:
The Agent Browser UI Extensibility Framework API allows you to write JavaScript code to read and write data to contact, incident, organization, task, and custom object records, and to create UI mashups. By allowing tighter integrations, browser extensibility provides a more unified agent experience.
Steps to Enable
The extension developer needs to create the extension that calls the new extensibility API function; getAllVisitedScripts().
The admin would create the script in the Workspace Designer.
Tips And Considerations
If the script in view changes by either a workspace rule or the agent selects another script, the script id and script name that is returned will also change to the current script.
Key Resources
Browser UI: New Extensibility Parameter to Prevent Agent Insights Panel to Display
A new extensibility parameter is now support to prevent Agent Insights to display.; preventInsightCall.
When the parameter is set to True, the Agent Insights will not execute. This is useful for when an incident is already closed and there is no need to have suggestions on how to solve it.
Example of preventInsightCall:
Once the extension is executed, the Agent Insights panel will not display.
Business Benefit:
Decreases the amount of calls made from the client to the server which help increase overall performance.
Steps to Enable
The extension developer needs to create the extension that calls the includes the new parameter to be set to true: {'preventInsightCall': true}.
Key Resources
Agent Browser UI: Agent Insights with Workspace Rules Support on Interaction Workspace
Agent Insights will now be supported with Chat and the Interaction workspace.
Interaction workspace rules can be created to show Insights Cards in the Insight Panel in Browser UI. When selected by an agent, the cards fire named events which can be picked up as triggers for workspace rules, workflow, and scripts.
The Interaction Workspace Rule editor has a new Action called 'show an insight'. When selected, you can add a Title, Message, and Named Event. A corresponding Workspace Rule, Script, or Workflow can be configured to trigger on the Named Event and execute whatever action you've configured.
Workspace Rules Editor in the Interaction Workspace
Agent Insights (left panel) Launches with Interaction WS
This is a great way to guide agents with suggested actions, automate routine tasks, or facilitate process compliance.
Steps to Enable
- In the Interaction Workspace Designer, open the Workspace Rules Editor
- Add a Trigger
- In the Action Then statement, select "Show Insights"
Key Resources
Enhanced Business Rules: Enhanced Notifications
Enhanced Notification includes object name in notification for below actions.
- Deploy
- Rollback
- Migrate
- Switch Runtime
- Migrate
Below is the screenshot showing the notification including a object name.
EBR - Enhanced Notification
Business Benefit:
Better Admin Experience: Admins will know the Object upon which an action is performed.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Enhanced Business Rules: Usage Statistics Enhancements
The feature allow the admins to perform the below actions from the Usage Statistics page of each object.
- View recommended actions in Usage Statistics page
- Recommend ‘Disable’ or ‘Delete’ actions to Admins based on the rule execution statistics.
- Deleting disabled rules from Usage Statistics page
- Ability to delete multiple disabled rules from Usage Statistics page
- Disable/Delete and deploy not executed rules from Usage Statistics page
- Ability to Disable or Disable and deploy not executed rules.
- Ability to Delete or Delete and deploy not executed rules.
- Sorting and scrolling of Usage Statistics table
- Sorting of Execution detail tables.
- Scroll and Pan of Execution detail tables.
Business Benefits:
- Operational Insights: Provides details about rules that became obsolete over the last year.
- Ease of Use:
- Eliminates the need to edit, and disable rules individually by providing multi select capability.
- Quickly know the most and executed rules by sorting
- Lean rule base: Enables customers to maintain a lean rule base by providing insights and means to disable/delete obsolete rules.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Chat in Browser UI: Controls for Transfer to Agent & Queue
Administrators can now configure the chat "transfer" button based on the agent’s profile. By default, all agents are allowed to transfer chats to another chat agent or another queue. If the ability to transfer chats to another agent is not a desired workflow, then the "Transfer to Agent" menu can be removed from the engagement panel. If the ability to transfer chats to another queue is not a desired workflow, then the "Transfer to Queue" menu can be removed from the engagement panel. If transferring chats either to an agent or to a queue is not a desired workflow, then the "transfer" button can be removed from the engagement panel.
Business Benefit:
This enhancement makes it easy for agents to focus their attention on the proper workflow because they only see the controls that are relevant to their profile.
Steps to Enable
- In the .NET Agent Desktop, open the Configuration Settings from the Navigation Set
- From the Ribbon, select New > Text
- Type: Site or Interface
- Max Length should be long enough to add all Profile IDs and T (true) or F (false)
- Value is the Profile ID followed by a colon ":", then the setting for "Transfer to Agent" followed by a colon ":", then the setting for "Transfer to Queue"
Helpful examples can be found in Answer ID 12597: "Requirements to set-up & configure the Transfer options for Chat in the Browser User Interface"
Custom Configuration Setting
Tips And Considerations
More information about this feature can be found here in Answer ID 12597: "Requirements to set-up & configure the Transfer options for Chat in the Browser User Interface".
Access Requirements
- Chat Administrators
- Chat Agents
Line Chart Customisation Support in Report Rendered or Viewed in BUI
- Data Point shape: User has the provision to render and view line charts (Line Bar, XY) with the chosen data point symbol among circle, triangle, square or none in BUI.
- Data line Width: User can specify the data line width, which will be honoured when rendered in BUI.
- Export and Print: The data line symbol and line width to be preserved for Export or Print of the reports from BUI.
Line Chart Viewed in BUI
Please note that the report can be designed or created only in .NET, this enhancement ensures the above mentioned properties are honoured while rendering the reports with charts in BUI.
Business Benefits:
- Data Visibility: Users will be able to easily understand the data points, and hence the corresponding values in BUI.
- Line Graph Customization: Allows the users to view customization which makes the line charts appealing and informative in BUI.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Control the Visibility of Report Sections at Runtime in BUI
Now report viewers will be able to Hide/Show the below report sections during runtime
- Show/Hide Report Header
- Show/Hide Report Footer
- Show/Hide Data Section
- Show/Hide Charts Section
- Show/Hide Exceptions Legend
- Show/Hide Output Description
This can be accessed through the Sections under options available in Report viewer (The report sections will be available in the menu as per report, for example, if a report does not have charts, then Charts option will not be available under Sections)
Business Benefits:
- Better Visibility: Agents can hide unwanted sections for better visibility of reports.
- Better Real Estate: Agents can manage the content of the reports without re-writing the report definitions.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Assign to Me Option for Records in a Report
Assign to me: Single click option to assign the record in a report (Like Incident, Contact, Tasks) to the logged-in account.
The option can be accessed by right clicking on a record in a report. From the options opened, the user can select assign and corresponding object to receive Assign-Incident (or the object selected) Dialogue box as shown below,
Business Benefit:
Time Saving: Agents can assign record quickly to themselves and save time from searching through the names.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Support ORDS Integration Type in External Objects & Integrations
New Integration Type, ORDS is added in addition to OData and REST. Which means Admins can configure connection to applications which have Oracle Rest Data Service endpoint.
Business Benefits:
- Integration to Oracle DBs: Connections can be made using ORDS end point to services like Oracle ADW and Oracle ATP like databases.
- Easy Report Creation: Agents can use the virtual tables generated based on established connection to create reports, without writing any extensions
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Access Requirements
The user need to have Object Designer permission to access External Objects & Integrations feature.
Browser UI: New Extensibility API to invokeGuide
A new extensibility API is now supported to invoke a guide.
This function opens the guide with the ID provided as parameter. The promise will be returned immediately after the guide invocation begins and will not wait for the guide to be loaded. This function is only available in the Incident workspace.
An example of invokeGuide:
Business Benefit:
The Agent Browser UI Extensibility Framework API allows you to write JavaScript code to read and write data to contact, incident, organization, task, and custom object records, and to create UI mashups. By allowing tighter integrations, browser extensibility provides a more unified agent experience.
Steps to Enable
The extension developer needs to create the extension that calls the new extensibility API function; invokeGuide(guideId: number).
Key Resources
Browser UI: New Extensibility to Add Time Billed Entries
A new extensibility is now supported to add Time Billed entries on an incident workspace.
The Agent Browser UI Extensibility Framework API allows you to write JavaScript code to read and write data to contact, incident, organization, task, and custom object records, and to create UI mashups. By allowing tighter integrations, browser extensibility provides a more unified agent experience.
Steps to Enable
The extension developer needs to create the extension that will add the Time Billed operation and get the operation.
Key Resources
Event Services in Oracle B2C Service
- Event services enables customers to subscribe to create, update, and delete events of standard and custom objects. The supported standard objects are
- Accounts, Answers, Assets, Contact, Incident, Opportunity, Organization, and Task.
- Service Product, Service Category, Service Disposition.
- The events are delivered in CloudEvents 1.0 format specified by CNCF.
- The messages contains only metadata about the event.
- Customer need to have OCI streams in their OCI tenancy to receive the events for further processing.
- Customers have to make a CREST API call with the primary key of the object to fetch the details about the event.
- A sample event format on Incident Update event.
"specversion": "1.0",
"type": " osvc.event.cud ",
"source": "OSVC.133341",
"id": "f1b5bc4a-c2fb-4ed6-9092-fe9a451540e7",
"time": "2023-04-28T17:31:00Z",
"schemaurl": "not-mentioned",
"contenttype": "application/json",
"data": "[{\"action\":\"update\",\"id\":\"15\",\"object\":\"incident\"}]"
Business Benefits:
- Extensibility: Process CUD events occurring in Service cloud in OCI platform (outside of Service cloud) with programming language of choice.
- Reduced processing load: Event Triggers can be used to replace Asycn CPMs thus relieving Service cloud of CPM processing.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).
- The Oracle B2C Service instance has to be on version 22C or higher.
- The customer should have Oracle Streaming Service provisioned in their OCI tenancy to receive the events.
Creating a Service Request
The customer has to raise a SR in with the below details to provision Event Services.
- Site Name – Name of the Oracle B2C Service instance
- Stream OCID – The OCI ID for the stream in customer tenancy
- Tenancy OCID – The OCI ID of the customer tenancy
- Region Key – The OCI region key in which the stream is created.
Please refer to the Event Service documentation for knowing more about setting up OCI tenancy and streams, and defining cross tenancy policies.
Key Resources
- Event Services
- OCI Streaming Services
- Creating and Managing Streams
- Accessing Streaming Resources Across Tenancies
- How Policies Work
Data Lifecycle Policies: Usage Statistics at Policy Level
- Provides metrics about number of records impacted for each policy over the last 30 days.
- Provides insight about the time taken for each policy for each execution over the last 30 days.
Usage Statistics at Policy level
Business Benefits:
- Insight: Provides metrics about number of records impacted by the policy for each run thus enabling identifying ineffective policy.
- Performance: Provides metrics about time taken by the policy for each run thus enabling identifying inefficient policy.
- Historical Data: Provides Usage Statistics for the last 30 days at each policy level.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- In the Agent Browser UI, click the Navigation Menu icon, then select Configuration > Site Configuration > Data Lifecycle Policies.
DLP Landing Page
- Choose the object of interest.
Object Selection
- Choose the policy of interest from the object.
Policy Selection
- Click the Usage Statistics tab to view the statistics of the policy.
Usage Statistics at Policy Level
- Click the data point to drill down to the next level.
Usage Statistics Drill Down Chart
Data Lifecycle Policies : Optimization of Chat Purging Using DLP
- The purge config verbs for the below sub objects are replaced with data lifecycle policies as mentioned in the table:
- A canned policy in disabled mode in place of purge config verbs.
- The canned policy uses the same default value (in days) used by the config verbs for purging the records of the objects.
- 90 days for Chat Events and Chat Agent Events
- 180 days for Chats and Chat Agent Sessions
- Ability to define custom policies for the below sub objects utilizing Interface as an additional filter.
- Chats
- Chat Agent Sessions
DLP Landing Page with Chat Object Tile
Summary Page Showing Canned Policy for a Chat Sub Object
Business Benefits:
- Performance: The canned policies will use the bulk destroy and the primary key of the tables and make the purging more efficient.
- Ease of Use: Admins can now quickly enable or disable the DLP for Chat objects.
- Usage Statistics: The DLM Framework provides metrics about number of record deleted and the performance of each policies.
Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.
Tips And Considerations
- In the Agent Browser UI, click the Navigation Menu icon, then select Configuration > Site Configuration > Data Lifecycle Policies.
DLP Landing Page
Choose Chat.
Chat Object Dialog
Choose the interested sub object from the dialog.
Policies of Chat Sub Object
Open the canned policy from the Summary tab to edit and enable the policy.
Canned Chat Purge Policy