Cloud Readiness / Oracle B2C Service Center
What's New
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  1. Update 23D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. B2C Service Center
    1. Service Center
        1. Incident Thread Email Grouping
        2. Agent Browser UI: Expand and Collapse Notes and UI Updates
        3. Browser UI: Workspace Tab Alignment
        4. Browser UI: HTML Support on Agent Insight Cards with Extensions and Workspace Rules
        5. Customer Portal Framework Version 3.10 is Available
    2. Channels
        1. Chat in Browser UI: Engagement Panel Documentation Link
        2. Chat in Browser UI: Guided Assistance Updates for Add to Chat & Include Options
        3. Chat in Browser UI: Display Options for Agents
        4. Chat in Browser UI: Chat Sound is Available by Queue
        5. Chat in Browser UI: Auto-Accepting Chats is Available by Queue
        6. Chat in Browser UI: Automatically Close the Chat Panel
        7. Data Lifecycle Policies: Supporting 'Date Created' in the CO Transaction Policies
        8. Data Lifecycle Policies: Expose Single Column Foreign Keys As Filters
        9. Service Usage Metrics: Drill Down API Usage Report to View Requests Counts Per Interface and Source
    3. Administration
        1. Element Manager - Avoids Redundant Overwrites of Elements During Import
        2. Element Manager: Import Individual Reports Using EM APIs
        3. Enhanced Business Rules: Notify All Admins of EBR Actions
    4. Reporting
        1. Analytics: Export in Progress Notification
    5. Platform
        1. SPM Frameworks: CPM Process Logs
    6. Knowledge Advanced
        1. Mark Recommendations As Under Review
        2. Create Knowledge Article Feedback Incidents
        3. Favorites Are Limited by the Portal's Interface
    7. Digital Customer Service
        1. Web Chat for B2C Service Support for 23.08 Client

Update 23D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
07 DEC 2023 Knowledge Advanced Mark Recommendations As Under Review

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available

07 DEC 2023 Knowledge Advanced Create Knowledge Article Feedback Incidents

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available

07 DEC 2023 Knowledge Advanced Favorites Are Limited by the Portal's Interface

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available

07 DEC 2023 Digital Customer Service Web Chat for B2C Service Support for 23.08 Client

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available

13 NOV 2023

Platform SPM Frameworks: CPM Process Logs

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available

13 NOV 2023

Service Center Customer Portal Framework Version 3.10 is Available

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available

13 NOV 2023

Administration Data Lifecycle Policies: Supporting 'Date Created' in the CO Transaction Policies

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available.

13 NOV 2023

Administration Data Lifecycle Policies: Expose Single Column Foreign Keys As Filters

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available.

13 NOV 2023

Administration Service Usage Metrics: Drill Down API Usage Report to View Requests Counts Per Interface and Source

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available.

13 NOV 2023

Service Center Incident Thread Email Grouping

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available.

13 NOV 2023

Channels Chat in Browser UI: Chat Sound is Available by Queue

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available.

13 NOV 2023 Channels Chat in Browser UI: Auto-Accepting Chats is Available by Queue

This feature will be delivered as part of the B2C Service 23D Quarterly update. Your site will need to be upgrades to 23D before this feature is available.

27 SEP 2023

Service Center Browser UI: HTML Support on Agent Insight Cards with Extensions and Workspace Rules

This feature is part of the BUI OCT I build ( It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/28 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 10/12.

27 SEP 2023

Administration Enhanced business rules: Notify all admins of EBR actions

This feature is part of the BUI OCT I build ( It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/28 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 10/12.

27 SEP 2023

Service Center Browser UI: Workspace Tab Alignment

This feature is part of the BUI OCT I build ( It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/28 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 10/12.

27 SEP 2023

Reporting Analytics: Export in Progress Notification

This feature is part of the BUI OCT I build ( It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/28 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 10/12.

27 SEP 2023

Administration Element Manager - Avoids redundant overwrites of elements during import

This feature is part of the BUI OCT I build ( It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/28 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 10/12.

27 SEP 2023

Administration Element Manager: Import Individual Reports Using EM APIs

This feature is part of the BUI OCT I build ( It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/28 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 10/12.

27 SEP 2023

Channels Chat in Browser UI: Engagement Panel Documentation Link

This feature is part of the BUI OCT I build ( It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/28 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 10/12.

13 SEP 2023

Channels Chat in Browser UI: Automatically Close the Chat Panel

This feature is part of the BUI SEP II build. It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/14 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 9/28.

13 SEP 2023

Channels Chat in Browser UI: Display Options for Agents

This feature is part of the BUI SEP II build. It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/14 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 9/28.

13 SEP 2023

Channels Chat in Browser UI: Guided Assistance Updates for Add to Chat & Include Options

This feature is part of the BUI SEP II build. It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 9/14 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 9/28.

07 SEP 2023

Service Center Agent Browser UI: Expand and Collapse Notes and UI Updates

This feature is part of the BUI AUG III build. It is scheduled to be made available on non-production sites on 8/17 and is scheduled to be pushed to production sites on 8/31.

07 SEP 2023     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle B2C Service Center and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable to begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

The B2C Service Center application operates with two release strategies. The bulk of the application leverages a quarterly release plan and the features that follow that plan are included in this document on the official quarterly release date.  A growing portion of B2C Service Center product development operates on a weekly, continuous release, single-version strategy, and those features are incrementally included in this document as they are released.

For a listing of hardware and software requirements for Oracle products, log in to our support site and access Answer ID 31.


We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

B2C Service Center

Service Center

Incident Thread Email Grouping

Agent Browser UI: Expand and Collapse Notes and UI Updates

Browser UI: Workspace Tab Alignment

Browser UI: HTML Support on Agent Insight Cards with Extensions and Workspace Rules

Customer Portal Framework Version 3.10 is Available


Chat in Browser UI: Engagement Panel Documentation Link

Chat in Browser UI: Guided Assistance Updates for Add to Chat & Include Options

Chat in Browser UI: Display Options for Agents

Chat in Browser UI: Chat Sound is Available by Queue

Chat in Browser UI: Auto-Accepting Chats is Available by Queue

Chat in Browser UI: Automatically Close the Chat Panel

Data Lifecycle Policies: Supporting 'Date Created' in the CO Transaction Policies

Data Lifecycle Policies: Expose Single Column Foreign Keys As Filters

Service Usage Metrics: Drill Down API Usage Report to View Requests Counts Per Interface and Source


Element Manager - Avoids Redundant Overwrites of Elements During Import

Element Manager: Import Individual Reports Using EM APIs

Enhanced Business Rules: Notify All Admins of EBR Actions


Analytics: Export in Progress Notification


SPM Frameworks: CPM Process Logs

Knowledge Advanced

Mark Recommendations As Under Review

Create Knowledge Article Feedback Incidents

Favorites Are Limited by the Portal's Interface

Digital Customer Service

Web Chat for B2C Service Support for 23.08 Client

B2C Service Center

Service Center

Incident Thread Email Grouping

The feature will enable all our customers to use email functionality in a more efficient way(by grouping them as conversations) and will enable faster tracking and resolutions from agents.

A Sample of How Email Grouping Works

Supported Clients: 

  • Thunderbird
  • Outlook

Business Benefit:

Improves customer experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The customer needs to be on 23D or later of the site to have the functionality enabled.

Key Resources

The emails and its replies will be grouped on the email client. No further resources or answers required.

Access Requirements

No access requirements.

Agent Browser UI: Expand and Collapse Notes and UI Updates

The Notes Control now supports expand and collapse individual or all note entries.

A new Expand or Collapse icon is on each note header. 

To expand or collapse all, a new vertical ellipses menu is on the left side of the Note Control. The menu has two options:

  • Collapse All
  • Expand All

Expand/Collapse Notes in Notes Control

Business Benefit:

Increases agent efficiency by seeing notes in an orderly fashion. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Browser UI: Workspace Tab Alignment

The Workspace Tab Alignment can now be defined in the Workspace Designer on Workspaces for Agent Browser UI.

Tab Alignment in Agent Browser UI

Please note that drag and drop to reorder the tabs is not supported when the tabs are aligned left or right. 

Business Benefit:

Customization to the tab set can save space and allows for adjustability. 

Steps to Enable

From the Workspace Designer, select the Design tab and from the ribbon select "Tab Alignment"

A drop down will appear with 4 options:

  1. Top (default)
  2. Bottom
  3. Right 
  4. Left

Workspace Designer

Browser UI: HTML Support on Agent Insight Cards with Extensions and Workspace Rules

Agent Insights card now supports HTML with a Workspace Rule or a new extension.

At this time, images are not supported.

The Agent Insight card has a restricted height. If the content takes up more real estate then provided, a new link to 'Read More' will display at the end of the displayed text. 

HTML in Agent Insights with Read More link

Business Benefit:

Enhance the look and feel of the Agent Insight Cards. 

Steps to Enable

To add a new Workspace Rule for Agent Insights:

  1. Open the workspace in the Workspace Designer in .NET. 
  2. From the Ribbon, select Rules
  3. From the Rules dialog, select Add Rule
  4. Choose a Trigger
  5. For Then Actions; select Show Insight and click on the link for Insight in Step 2
  6. Add HTML content to the Name and Text

Edit Action Rule for Show Insights with HTML Code

To add to extension, the extension developer will add similar code as the example code below.

Example Extension Code to Support HTML in Agent Insight Cards

Customer Portal Framework Version 3.10 is Available

With the November 2023 release of Oracle B2C Service, we have upgraded our support of Customer Portal to framework version 3.10. Previously supported framework version 3.9 will be continued supported for the time being.

The version 3.10 version upgrade includes,

CodeIgniter upgrade:

The Customer Portal CodeIgniter framework was upgraded to version 3.1.13 in preparation for supporting PHPv8.1 in a later release. This change is not expected to alter CP customization behavior.

Attachment widgets security update:

The CP file attachment widgets were enhanced to honor the file extensions configured in the "VALID_FILE_EXTENSIONS" configuration setting. All allowed file extensions configured in the siteConfig JSON file must be copied into the "VALID_FILE_EXTENSIONS" configuration setting. The siteConfig JSON file allowed file extension values are not honored by the new CP framework version. This enhancement streamlines allowed file extension configuration.The default valid file extensions list remains the same: "png,jpg,txt,gif,pdf,docx,bmp,doc,csv,xlsx,xls,jpeg,odt,odm,ods,odp,odf,msg,eml,rtf,ppt,pptx,htm,html,zip,wav,mov,mp4,mp3".All the CP file attachment upload options will honor the allowed file extensions in the configuration setting.

Business Benefit:

Remain on the most current & supported version of Customer Portal in order to uptake necessary updates and new features for:

  • Enhanced security
  • Modernisation of Framework

Steps to Enable

More information about Customer Portal migrations can be found here in Answer ID 2678 (

Tips And Considerations

For more information about Customer Portal migrations, please review these helpful answers:

Access Requirements

  • Customer Portal Administrator


Chat in Browser UI: Engagement Panel Documentation Link

When logged into the Browser UI, if the user has access to chat, then Engagement Panel documentation is easily accessed within the About menu. Clicking the link takes users to "Answer ID 12531: Chat Engagement Panel in BUI", where each Engagement Panel version is listed & feature documentation for each version is included.

23D Engagement Panel link to documentation

Business Benefit:

Employee Optimization: More information is available to agents & administrators, with fewer clicks

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

  • Chat Administrators
  • Chat Agents

Chat in Browser UI: Guided Assistance Updates for Add to Chat & Include Options

There are two updates to Guided Assistance for Agents that handle chats within the Browser UI:

  • "Add to Chat" feature: Add to Chat is available for all questions and text explanations in guides. Individual questions from a guided flow can now be added to an active chat. Previously, when clicking “Add to Chat” the entire interview was included in the public compose control. Now, an agent can choose to include a single question within the chat conversation
  • "Include Options" feature: The "Include Choices" check box controls how chat message text is formed from questions when clicking the "Add to Chat" button. When the "Include Choices" check box is selected, the chat message text that is added to the compose control includes both the question and its choices. When it is not selected, then only the question is included in the compose control

23D Chat Agent Guided Assistance Updates

Business Benefit:

Employee Optimization: Enhance usability & efficiency for agents handling chats in the browser user interface

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature requires that a Chat Administrator has enabled Guided Assistance & configured the feature for use by Chat Agents.
  • This feature does not require a CX update.
  • This feature does not require an Engagement Panel update.
  • More information can be found at, please search for the new answer "Guided Assistance for Agents handling Chat in the Browser UI".

Access Requirements

  • Chat Administrator
  • Chat Agent

Chat in Browser UI: Display Options for Agents

Agents handling chats within the Browser UI can adjust the font & colors within the agent chat panel, so it’s easier for agents to read the content of a chat session. The Chat Display Options menu offers several ways for an agent to control the font style & color, as well as background colors and chat bubble colors. Previously, agents could select from a theme within the Browser User Interface, however the theme did not apply to the chat panel. The Chat Display Options feature provides the agent control over background colors, font styles & font colors, in order to suit their own personal visibility preferences.

23D Chat Display Options Feature

Business Benefit:

Enhance usability efficiency and personalization for agents handling chats in the browser user interface

Steps to Enable

Engagement Panel version 16+ must be deployed for the site:

  • If Engagement Panel version 16 is not generally available, then email Jessica Bradley ( to have your site upgraded.
  • There is no downtime associated with this update.
  • First, we will enable Engagement Panel version 16 on your test site, then on your production site at a day/time of your choosing.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature requires Engagement Panel version 16.
  • This feature does not require a CX update.
  • More information about the “Chat Display Options" menu can be found at, please search for "Requirements to configure Engagement Panel Display Options for Chat in the Browser User Interface"

Access Requirements

  • Chat Agents

Chat in Browser UI: Chat Sound is Available by Queue

The business can now determine when a sound alerts agents to new chats entering a queue. There may be a time when it is not necessary to play a sound when a new chat arrives into all queues; the business may desire a time when the sound only plays when chats enter a specific queue. Chat Administrators can now configure whether the chat sound plays, by queue, for Agents that handle chats in the Browser UI. Previously, the sound played when a chat entered any queue. Now, Administrators can configure whether the chat sound plays for new chats as they enter a queue, based on a custom configuration.

23D Sound Alerts for Chat Are Now Based on the Queue Configuration

Business Benefit:

Employee Optimization: Enhance usability efficiency and personalization for agents handling chats in the browser user interface

Steps to Enable

There are two requirements for enabling this feature:

  1. Engagement Panel version 16+ must be deployed for the site.
  2. A new custom configuration "CUSTOM_CFG_CHAT_INCOMING_SOUND_DISABLED_QUEUES" must be enabled.

First, the Engagement Panel version 16+ must be deployed for the site:

  • If Engagement Panel version 16 is not generally available, then email Jessica Bradley ( to have your site upgraded.
  • There is no downtime associated with this update.
  • First, we will enable Engagement Panel version 16 on your test site, then on your production site at a day/time of your choosing.

Second, a new custom configuration must be created:

  • In the .NET Agent Desktop, open the Configuration Settings from the Navigation Set
  • From the Ribbon, select New > Text
  • Data Type: Text
  • Type: Site
  • Required: No
  • Max Length: 255
  • Value: Configuration Base: Site
  • Value: Value: List Queue IDs (comma separated, ALL is supported)
    • Example: ALL
    • Example: 1, 15, 34

Tips And Considerations

  • If the new custom config is not present, then the chat sound plays as selected by the agent within their own personal controls.
  • Engagement Panel version 16+ must be deployed for the site.
  • A new custom configuration "CUSTOM_CFG_CHAT_INCOMING_SOUND_DISABLED_QUEUES" is required.
  • This feature does not require a CX update.
  • More information can be found at, please search for the related answer "Sound Alerts for Agents handling Chat in the Browser UI".

Access Requirements

  • Chat Administrator
  • Chat Agent

Chat in Browser UI: Auto-Accepting Chats is Available by Queue

Agents using the Browser UI to answer live chats receive a toast notification when a chat request is assigned to them. Now, Chat Administrators can configure whether the chat toast message is automatically accepted, based on this new queue configuration. Depending on the queues assigned to the agent’s profile and whether the queue is configured to automatically open the chat session, then the chat toast may or may not be automatically accepted.

23D Auto-Accepting Chats is Now  Based on a Queue Configuration

Business Benefit:

Employee Optimization: Enhance usability efficiency and personalization for agents handling chats in the browser user interface

Steps to Enable

There are two requirements for enabling this feature:

  1. Engagement Panel version 16+ must be deployed for the site
  2. A new custom configuration "CUSTOM_CFG_CHAT_AUTO_ACCEPT_QUEUES" must be enabled

First, the Engagement Panel version 16+ must be deployed for the site:

  • If Engagement Panel version 16 is not generally available, then email Jessica Bradley ( to have your site upgraded.
  • There is no downtime associated with this update.
  • First, we will enable Engagement Panel version 16 on your test site, then on your production site at a day/time of your choosing.

Second, a new custom configuration must be created:

  • In the .NET Agent Desktop, open the Configuration Settings from the Navigation Set 
  • From the Ribbon, select New > Text
  • Data Type: Text
  • Type: Site
  • Required: No
  • Max Length: 255
  • Value: Configuration Base: Site
  • Value: Value: List Queue IDs (comma separated, ALL is supported)
    • Example: ALL
    • Example: 1, 15, 34

Tips And Considerations

  • If the new custom config is not present, then this feature is disabled.
  • Engagement Panel version 16+ must be deployed for the site.
  • A new custom configuration "CUSTOM_CFG_CHAT_AUTO_ACCEPT_QUEUES" is required.
  • This feature does not require a CX update.
  • More information can be found at, please search for the related answer "Automatically accepting the chat toast is configurable by queue for Agents handling Chat in the Browser UI"

Access Requirements

  • Chat Administrator
  • Chat Agent

Chat in Browser UI: Automatically Close the Chat Panel

An enhancement was made for Agents handling chats in the Browser UI, now the Chat Panel is automatically closed when the last chat is terminated. Previously, the chat panel remained open and the agent was required to manually close the panel, requiring an extra click. Now, agents no longer need to manually close the chat panel after their last chat is terminated. For example:

  • If the agent has one chat open, when the chat is terminated, then the chat panel closes automatically for the agent.
  • If the agent has multiple chats open (two or more), when the last chat is terminated, then the chat panel closes automatically for the agent.

Business Benefit:

Employee Optimization: Enhance usability efficiency for agents handling chats in the browser user interface

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

In order to uptake this feature,

  • There is no configuration required.
  • There is no CX update required.
  • There is no Engagement Panel version required.

Access Requirements

  • Chat Agent

Data Lifecycle Policies: Supporting 'Date Created' in the CO Transaction Policies

The enhancements 

  1. Exposes ‘Date Created’ column as a filter for template based policies in CO transaction.
  1. Supports absolute and relative date values Date Created filter.
  1. The operators supported are 
    • equals, not equals
    • less than, less than or equal to
    • greater than, or greater than or equal to

Supporting 'Date Created' in CO Transactions

Business Benefit:

Provides the ability to identify a narrow set of transactional data using ‘Date Created’ as a stand alone filter.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This enhancement requires the site to be upgraded to 23D or later version of CX.

Data Lifecycle Policies: Expose Single Column Foreign Keys As Filters

  1. The single column foreign keys and single column indexes of the below object are exposed as filters.
  • Incident
  • Contact
  • Organization
  • CO Transactions
  • Archived Incidents
  1. Filters are stand alone filters in a template based policy.
  1. The single column foreign keys and single column indexes of each objects are as below

Incident Object

                                                 Foreign keys      Indexed columns
  • Status
  • Assigned Account ID
  • Created By Account
  • Updated By Account
  • Language
  • Contact
  • Assigned Group ID
  • Interface
  • Mailbox
  • Queue
  • Chat Queue
  • SLA Instance
  • Organization
  • Mailing
  • Response Requirements
  • Banner Account ID
  • Flow ID
  • Product
  • Category
  • Disposition
  • Channel
  • Response Channel ID
  • Asset
  • Date Created
  • Date Closed
  • Date Last Updated
  • Severity

Contact Object

Foreign keys Indexed columns
  • Organization
  • Country
  • Provinces
  • Banner Account ID
  • Product
  • Sales Account
  • Category
  • Contact Type
  • Superseded By
  • Date Created
  • Date Last Updated


Foreign keys Indexed columns
  • Salesperson
  • Banner Account ID
  • Industry
  • Superseded By Org

CO Transaction

Foreign keys Indexed columns
  • Class ID
  • Interface
  • Created By
  • Date Created

Archived Incidents

Foreign keys Indexed columns
  • Interface
  • Contact
  • Date Created
  • Date Closed

Single Column Foreign Keys and Indexed Columns as Filters in DLP

Business Benefits:

  • Additional filters provides flexibility in defining data life cycle policies.
  • Provides the ability to identify a narrow set of data using various filters.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Service Usage Metrics: Drill Down API Usage Report to View Requests Counts Per Interface and Source

API Usage Report Drill-down: Admins will be able to drill down the monthly API usage report in BUI to view request counts per interface and source. The admins can view the drill-down report upon clicking on the monthly counts.

Business Benefit:

Better Usage Tracking: Admins will be able to easily understand the usage pattern of API operations, the peak contributor of the usage, and thereby better align their resources.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This enhancement requires the site to be upgraded to the 23D or later CX version.

Access Requirements

The profile needs to have the Administrator privileges.


Element Manager - Avoids Redundant Overwrites of Elements During Import

  • Element Manager will avoid overwriting of existing unchanged dependent elements in target site during import.
  • An informational message 'Item Exists and will be overwritten if not redundant' will be displayed in the validation page if the element exists in the target site.
  • An information message 'The exact item already exists and is not deployed' will be displayed if there are no changes between the elements in the package and in the target site and the element will not be deployed.

Informational Message During Validation

Informational Message After Completion of Import

Business Benefit:

Efficiency: Reduces the total time taken for the import and the resource consumption.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Element Manager works only in the Agent Browser UI. If you try to access it from the Service Console, a message tells you that it is only available in the Agent Browser UI.

Key Resources

Element Manager: Import Individual Reports Using EM APIs

This feature provides the ability to

  • Import individual Reports from EM package using Import APIs.
  • By-pass signing of certificates for Reports imported from EM package.
  • The import using EM APIs from a package is singleton only.

API Parameter Requirements

  • Name: Name of the Import
  • Package Content: Base-64 format
  • Import Type: “CustomImport”
  • Custom Import Attributes:
    • Item Type: “Report”
    • Folder Path: directory path

Business Benefits:

  • Efficiency: Reduces development cycle time by eliminating the need to manually deploy all reports to a test instance.
  • Ease of use: By-pass signing of certificates since the import is from a already created EM package.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The swagger for Element Manager REST APIs can be access via https://{interface vhostname}/AgentWeb/elementManager/swaggerUI

The POST method in Import APIs can be used to directly pull the reports from a EM package created from a test site.

The developers should pass on the Import Type as "Custom Import" and Item Type as "Reports". The Swagger document below shows those parameters.

API Parameters for Importing Reports Using EM APIs

Key Resources

Enhanced Business Rules: Notify All Admins of EBR Actions

This feature provides

  1. The ability for admins to choose to send EBR action notifications to other admins.
  1. The admins with Rule edit permissions will receive the notifications about EBR actions performed by other admins.
  1. The actions that are supported are
    • Deploy
    • Rollback
    • Initial migration
    • Turning off Enhanced Business Rules
  1. The notification will be sent from the account of admin who initiated the action when the admin is still logged in. If the admin who initiated the action logs out, the account of the next logged in admin will be used to send the notification.

Notify All Rule Admins Dialog

Notification Received in a Different Account

Business Benefit:

Shared Information: The EBR admins are informed about the actions performed by other admins and can avoid collision in EBR actions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.


Analytics: Export in Progress Notification

Agents will receive a UI message "Export in progress" when they export a report, so that the agent will know they have successfully initiated an export.

 If the same agent tries to export again while the previous export is still processing, an "Export in progress" pop-up will be shown (which can be closed) till the export is complete.

Once the export is complete, browser will show the download started notification (depending in the browser which is being used), and then the agent can again initiate export of any reports.

Business Benefit:

Limits the ability to export two reports at the same time, which can cause resource consumption issues.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.


SPM Frameworks: CPM Process Logs

  • A canned report by name ‘Process Log’ available under Public Reports.
  • Filter available in the report are
  • Created Date
  • Object Type
  • Object ID
  • Status
  • Script
  • Report Columns are
  • ID – The SPM queue ID of the record.
  • Object Name – Name of the object.
  • Object ID – ID of the object.
  • Script – Object procedure name.
  • Hook – Source. Rule or Process designer.
  • Created – Time at which message was created.
  • Queued – Time at which message was queued to Kafka.
  • Process Start time – Time at which processing started.
  • Process End time – Time at which processing ended.
  • Status – Status of the CPM. Success or Failure.
  • Info level 1 – Reserved for future use.
  • Info level 2 – Reserved for future use.
  • Info level 3 – Reserved for future use.

CPM Process Log report

Business Benefits:

  • Easier Troubleshooting: The run time details shared via the report helps in troubleshooting by providing information on source of the CPM, created time, queued time etc….
  • Insights: The report also allows customer to derive operational insights of the Async CPMs.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Knowledge Advanced

Mark Recommendations As Under Review

Authors working on recommendations can mark a recommendation as being "Under Review" in addition to the previously available update and reject statuses.  This let's the user who left the recommendation know that you are working on their recommendation but have not yet rejected or accepted it.  This status will display anywhere a user can see the recommendation.  Once an article is in "Under Review" status, it will disappear from the list of available statuses to assign to the recommendation because you cannot go from Under Review to Under Review.

Before changing to Under Review After changing to Under Review

The recommendations you get from your users matter to you and to the people who took the time to leave those recommendations.  Part of letting your users know you value their feedback is acting on it, but sometimes research is required before you know how to actually disposition the recommendation, moving a recommendation to Under Review allows you to meet these conflicting needs.  Your users will know that you are working, and you will have the time to do the level of research your user's recommendations deserve.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Create Knowledge Article Feedback Incidents

In Customer Portal it is possible for users to rate knowledge articles.  If the user's rating falls below a defined threshold, the widget will ask them to leave textual feedback. 

Once your user submits their feedback in the overlay they will be able to check on the status of that feedback in Account Overview under My Support Questions.  Additionally, as with any Incident, your users will be able to post new messages including attachments, making it possible to have a dialog about the feedback.

Your authoring will then review and react to these Incidents via a workspace you tailor to your process.

While rating numbers are easy to analyze, textual feedback is really required in order to be successful in understanding what motivated the rating that was left and being able to take some action to correct your user's concerns.  If you have been thinking that the Recommendations functionality of Knowledge Advanced is too limited, using Incidents to capture user feedback may be for you.  Incidents are extensible, their workspaces are configurable, you can have rules, queues, and so many other things that they are truly capable to mapping how you want to work on knowledge feedback.

Steps to Enable

  1. All content types for which you wish to use this feature will need to have a rating configured.
  1. In Customer Portal confirm that you are using the v1.2 DocumentRating widget, if not you will need to upgrade to this first.
  1. Set dialog_threshold to the number at which you wish to have the overlay for creating incidents to display. e.g. if your rating is a five star rating and you set dialog_threshold to 3, then any rating submitted with 1, 2, or 3 stars will cause the overlay to be displayed.
  1. Deploy your Customer Portal changes.

Tips And Considerations

  • This is a customer portal only feature, there is no way to take advantage of it in browser UI.
  • Setting up how you will work on incidents is not covered here but should be considered as part of your implementation.
  • Try this out on a test site and work through your process as well as any workspace/queue/profile/rule changes you will need.
  • Using a consistent rating format and threshold across your content types is recommended.
  • Turn off recommendations if you are using this feature, you do not want to confuse your users with conflicting feedback tools that seem to accomplish the same thing.

Favorites Are Limited by the Portal's Interface

When viewing your list of favorites in customer portal only those that are for articles in the interface of the portal being used will be displayed.

For users that are moving between different customer portal instances it is possible to favorite articles that are only available in one of those customer portals.  This feature ensures that users will not end up clicking on a favorite that cannot be opened in the portal they are currently using.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Digital Customer Service

Web Chat for B2C Service Support for 23.08 Client

What's new:

  • Conditional Launch Button - You can now set conditions to show the launch button by polling for office hours and agent availablity.

What's improved:

  • Connection error messages - Added messages when the connection is established outside business hours, on vacation, or when no agents are available.
  • Additional launch button customization - The launch button can now include text and is fully customizable with CSS.
  • End conversation custom message - The iframe message can now be positioned below the conversation.
  • Message Splitting - Long messages can be split. With one click the entire message can be displayed.
  • Wait queue message delay - To avoid the flicker of the wait queue message a delay has been added before showing it.
  • ODA feedback system component - The ODA feedback system component is now supported (ODA 23.10 or higher is required).

Business Enablement:

  • Reduce frustration by telling the end-user that a connection with a human agent can't be established at a moment in time with a clear reason such as outside office hours, vacation or no agents available.
  • Go a step further to reduce end-user frustration by hiding the launch button if a connection with a human agent can't be established.
  • Comply with your corporate branding requirements by customizing the chat launch button with text, icon, color etc.
  • Possibilities to measure satisfaction for the chat interaction by displaying an iframe message under the conversation (eg. to display a survey across full width) and support for the ODA feedback system component.
  • Improve readability of the bot conversation for long messages by splitting them with a button to read more or less of the full text.

Steps to Enable

Login to Engagement Engine

  • Navigate to Settings - Web Chat tab
  • Create new component and choose the latest version
  • Configure your desired attributes and publish
  • Activate the component with the latest version in your rule(s)

Tips And Considerations

The Web Chat for Service 23.08 client and new features are available via the Engagement Engine Editor.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

If Engagement Engine has not been enabled on your site, please submit a Service Request.