Cloud Readiness / Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud
New Feature Summary
  1. Update 19B
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Common Technology and User Experience
    1. REST APIs for Oracle PPM Cloud
      1. Project Resource Management
        1. Cancel or Adjust Project Resource Assignments Using a REST Service
      2. Project Management
        1. Maintain Project Plans Using a REST Service
        2. Read Project and Resource Calendar Events Using a REST Service
      3. Project Costing
        1. Update Unprocessed Project Costs Using a REST Service
        2. Manage Descriptive Flexfields for Project Costs Using a REST Service
        3. Manage Project Template Asset and Asset Assignments Using a REST Service
      4. Project Foundation
        1. Manage Project Template Setup Options Using a REST Service
      5. Project Control
        1. Manage Project and Award Budget Descriptive Flexfields Using REST Services
        2. Manage Financial Project Plan Descriptive Flexfields Using a REST Service
        3. Manage Project Forecast Descriptive Flexfields Using a REST Service
        4. Create Forecast Versions Manually Using a REST Service
      6. Grants Management
        1. Create Awards from a Template Using a REST Service
  4. Oracle PPM Cloud
    1. Project Resource Management
        1. Track Resource Billable Availability
        2. Generate Public Events on Project Resource Request Status Changes
    2. Task Management
        1. Expanded Options for Mobile Login Experience
    3. Project Management
        1. Usability Enhancements for Managing Labor Resources on a Project
        2. Reference Projects, Tasks, and Project Enterprise Resources Using Application Composer
    4. Project Billing
        1. Reduce the Number of Clicks for Repetitive Invoice Searching
        2. Define Advanced Revenue Methods
        3. Manage Bill Plan Overrides Using a SOAP Service
        4. Allow Bill-To Contact on Bill Plan to be Optional
        5. Enable Review and Approval of Credit Memos
        6. Remove Approved and Rejected Invoices from Approval Worklist
        7. Reduce the Time to Load the Edit Invoice Page
        8. Define and Use an Always Eligible Billing Cycle
        9. Adjust Released Invoices During Generate Invoice Process
        10. Support a Billing Cycle Consisting of a User-Specified Day, Interval, and Frequency
        11. Use Project as a Common Dimension Between Project Billing and Receivables
    5. Project Costing
        1. Create a Material Request and Transfer from Common Inventory to Project Expense
        2. Capture Costs for Sponsored Projects Funded by Multiple Funding Sources Using ADFdi Spreadsheets
    6. Project Foundation
        1. Allow Burden Schedule Version Dates to be Modified
        2. Specify Additional Information While Creating Projects
    7. Project Control
        1. Set Budgetary Control Enabled Budget to Baseline with Future-Dated Budget Manager
        2. Attach Project Documents in Financial Plan Version Approval Notifications
    8. Project Performance Reporting
        1. Simplified Reporting Setup for Project Units
    9. Grants Management
        1. Control Burdening for Internal Funding Sources
        2. Manage Burden Rate for Award Efficiently

Update 19B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
10 MAY 2019 Track Resource Billable Availability Updated document. Revised feature information.
08 MAR 2019   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.


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Common Technology and User Experience

REST APIs for Oracle PPM Cloud

Project Resource Management

Cancel or Adjust Project Resource Assignments Using a REST Service

Using the Project Resource Assignment REST service, project managers, resource managers, and project application administrators can cancel project resource assignments or adjust project resource assignment dates.

Project Management

Maintain Project Plans Using a REST Service

As a project manager, use the Project Plans REST service to maintain the project plan and perform additional actions. You can now delete tasks, milestones, resources, dependencies, and gates.

Read Project and Resource Calendar Events Using a REST Service

Read project and resource calendar events using the Project Events and Resource Events REST services. Use the services to read events that are associated with a specific project or resource. For example, an off-site training meeting for the project team or training for a resource.

Project Costing

Update Unprocessed Project Costs Using a REST Service

Update unprocessed project cost attributes such as person, job, and transaction currency using the Unprocessed Project Costs REST service. Using this feature, you can also update unprocessed project costs for which accounting events are already generated.

Manage Descriptive Flexfields for Project Costs Using a REST Service

Manage descriptive flexfields to capture additional information for your project costs using the Expenditure Items REST service. Using this service, you can view and update the project costs descriptive flexfields.

Manage Project Template Asset and Asset Assignments Using a REST Service

Add project assets and asset assignments at the project template level in addition to adding and querying project assets and asset assignments at the project level using the existing project asset and asset assignments REST service.

Project Foundation

Manage Project Template Setup Options Using a REST Service

View and update setup options in project templates using a REST service. Setup options in a project template determine the sections that will be accessible to the users for the projects that are created from the project template. While the values for setup options are defaulted during creation of the project template, you can use the Setup Options REST service to update the values based on your business requirements.

Project Control

Manage Project and Award Budget Descriptive Flexfields Using REST Services

Use various REST services to manage descriptive flexfields for project and award budgets. Using these services, you can manage descriptive flexfields for project and award budget versions and the planning lines for these versions. This feature enables you to view, create, and update these flexfields as per your business needs to capture and display additional information. This provides more flexibility to your project and award budget versions by enabling you to accommodate extra information that you want to track for planned resources and planning amounts in your budgets.

You can view, create, and update the descriptive flexfields using the Award Budgets and Project Budgets REST services. You can also view the descriptive flexfields using the Award Budget Summary and Project Budget Summary REST services.

Manage Financial Project Plan Descriptive Flexfields Using a REST Service

Manage descriptive flexfields for financial project plans using the Financial Project Plans REST service. Using this service, you can manage descriptive flexfields for resource assignments and planning amounts for the resource assignments. This feature enables you to view, create, and update these flexfields as per your business needs to capture and display additional information. This provides more flexibility to your project plans by enabling you to accommodate extra information that you want to track for planned resources and planning amounts in your financial project plans.

Manage Project Forecast Descriptive Flexfields Using a REST Service

Manage descriptive flexfields for project forecasts, using the Project Forecasts REST service. You can also manage descriptive flexfields for project forecast versions and the planning lines for the versions. This feature enables you to view, create, and update these flexfields as per your business needs to capture and display additional information. This provides more flexibility to your project forecast versions by enabling you to accommodate extra information that you want to track for planned resources and planning amounts in your forecasts.

Create Forecast Versions Manually Using a REST Service

Create project forecast versions manually using the Project Forecasts REST service instead of generating or copying from another source such as a project budget or financial project plan. When you create a forecast version manually, you can create a forecast version from scratch instead of inheriting forecast amounts or settings from previously created forecast versions. This feature provides you more control over the creation of your forecast versions using a REST service so that you can create new versions differently from the ones that you have created earlier.

Grants Management

Create Awards from a Template Using a REST Service

Create an award from an existing award template using the Awards REST service. You can then submit the award for approval. Additionally, you can use the Validate service to ensure that the award is correctly created. After you create an award, you can update and retrieve award child resources such as award funding, award project, and list of view resources such as principal investigator.

Oracle PPM Cloud

Project Resource Management

Track Resource Billable Availability

Manage project resource assignments to maximize billable hours and thus profitability. Resource managers can now see whether a new assignment request is for a billable or non-billable assignment, and are able to view the available capacity score for a resource based only on current billable assignments. Create analyses in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence based on the distinction between billable and non-billable assignments. Review resource utilization focusing on billable assignments or all assignments.

Generate Public Events on Project Resource Request Status Changes

Create public business events for status changes to project resource requests. The application generates a business event for all project resource request status changes, such as going from draft to open status or when a resource is proposed or nominated to fulfill the request. In addition, the event is generated for adjustments, such as assignment adjustments or cancellations, based on the project resource request that the application creates for these adjustments. You can use this event to streamline your business processes. For example, when a project resource request has a resource nominated or proposed for an assignment, you can use the event to initiate activity in Oracle Integration Cloud to manage resource approval. Alternatively, when a request goes to open status and you have added an attribute that tracks internal advertising of the open request, then you can use the event and Oracle Integration Cloud to get the request information and send it to a third party system.

Task Management

Expanded Options for Mobile Login Experience

PPM mobile users can now have a new mobile login experience. A new mobile single sign on setting allows you to configure your login for single sign on or not.

Project Management

Usability Enhancements for Managing Labor Resources on a Project

Add labor resources to a project with a default start date based on either the start date of the earliest task assignment or the project. You can also view additional resource details such as email, primary job title, and primary organization in the table view on the Manage Project Resources page.

Reference Projects, Tasks, and Project Enterprise Resources Using Application Composer

Use Application Composer to build custom objects and include a reference to projects, tasks, or project enterprise resources using a list of values. For example, you can create project risks as a custom object, cross reference projects to the risk, and assign project enterprise resources to the risk as owners or responsible parties.

Project Billing

Reduce the Number of Clicks for Repetitive Invoice Searching

You can reduce the number of clicks for repetitive searching on the Manage Invoices page.

Define Advanced Revenue Methods

Define complex calculations for advanced revenue recognition requirements. You can assign these calculation to revenue methods for consistent treatment of revenue recognition across contracts.

Manage Bill Plan Overrides Using a SOAP Service

View, insert, and update job assignment, job title, and labor multiplier overrides on a bill plan using the Job Title Override service, Labor Multiplier Override service, and Job Assignment Override service.

Allow Bill-To Contact on Bill Plan to be Optional

Create bill plans without specifying a bill-to contact.

Enable Review and Approval of Credit Memos

You can optionally create credit memos in Submitted status using the invoice approval workflow to allow participants to review and either approve or reject each credit memo. You can release approved credit memos or delete approved or rejected credit memos.

Remove Approved and Rejected Invoices from Approval Worklist

Invoices approved or rejected on the Invoice Overview page, Invoice Details page, or Manage Invoices page also updates the related approval task in the worklist.

Reduce the Time to Load the Edit Invoice Page

You can drill down into the Edit Invoice page more quickly when the Invoice Distributions region is collapsed. You can expand the Invoice Distributions region when you need to see distribution and transaction level details for a selected invoice line.

Define and Use an Always Eligible Billing Cycle

You can define a billing cycle, using a new billing cycle type, that allows you to always consider a bill plan eligible for invoicing.

Adjust Released Invoices During Generate Invoice Process

You can perform billing adjustments on expenditure items and billing events that are on invoices already marked for adjustment or have already been credited, prior to running the Generate Invoice process. This is because you only mark the transaction for adjustment when you set it to non-billable or put it on invoice hold from within the Edit Invoice page for an invoice in Released or a higher invoice status. The actual adjustment processing happens the next time you run the Generate Invoice process.

Support a Billing Cycle Consisting of a User-Specified Day, Interval, and Frequency

You can define a new type of billing cycle that can be assigned to a bill plan to generate invoices on a user-specified day, interval, and frequency.

Use Project as a Common Dimension Between Project Billing and Receivables

The project dimension has been added to the Receivables - Transactions Real Time as a new common dimension. Use the project dimension to report project attributes with analysis that includes details from both project billing and receivables.

Project Costing

Create a Material Request and Transfer from Common Inventory to Project Expense

Capture Project attributes in a Requisition for a transferable item that can be sourced from common inventory using a Transfer Order. Track the cost of the material received to the Project, perform budget versus actual analysis, and capitalize the cost of the investment.

Capture Costs for Sponsored Projects Funded by Multiple Funding Sources Using ADFdi Spreadsheets

Use the ADFdi spreadsheets to capture costs for sponsored projects that are funded by multiple contracts or funding sources. Using this feature, you can capture labor and nonlabor costs for predefined or third-party transaction sources as well as costed or accounted costs for third-party transaction sources. You can also view the contract and funding source details on the Manage Unreleased Costs page for the expenditure batches that belong to the Oracle Fusion Projects transaction source and require to be manually released.

Project Foundation

Allow Burden Schedule Version Dates to be Modified

Allow users to edit burden schedule version dates and recalculate the transactions based on the new burden schedule versions and periods.

Specify Additional Information While Creating Projects

Populate the mandatory project descriptive flexfields directly on projects rather than copying from the source template or project. Enter the important additional information directly on the project to ensure that it is accurate.

Project Control

Set Budgetary Control Enabled Budget to Baseline with Future-Dated Budget Manager

Set budgetary control enabled project and award budgets with future-dated budget managers to baseline. For example, where a project manager or principal investigator will become active in the future, you can still set their budgetary controlled budgets to baseline. This feature applies to both existing managers who will play the role in the future and managers who are in the process of being hired.

Attach Project Documents in Financial Plan Version Approval Notifications

Include attachments in the project financial plan version approval workflow notifications. Using this feature, you can attach project and financial plan version documents to the workflow that's initiated when you submit a budget version for baseline or a forecast version for approval. This enables the workflow approvers to view documents attached to the project and plan version and then decide whether to approve or reject the workflow requests. It also eliminates the need to use offline or third-party document sharing tools, thus improving auditing and real-time work collaboration.

Project Performance Reporting

Simplified Reporting Setup for Project Units

Set up your reporting options for project units quickly with this setup simplification. The tabs on the Reporting Setup page are merged into a single page with fewer setup options. The application summarizes data from various sources, such as actual costs, budgets and forecasts in both accounting and project accounting calendars in project, project ledger, and transaction currencies. Further, KPIs are always enabled for tracking within a project unit.

Grants Management

Control Burdening for Internal Funding Sources

Grants administrators can determine whether burden costs are applied to raw costs for the internal funding sources assigned to the award project. When both external and internal funding sources are assigned to the project and the project is enabled for burdening, users can indicate that the cost share transactions for the internal funding source need not be burdened.

Manage Burden Rate for Award Efficiently

Grants administrators can create and manage burden rates negotiated specifically for the award project, within the award project details. They can also view the details of the default burden schedule.