Cloud Readiness / Oracle Project Management Cloud
New Feature Summary
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  1. Update 21A
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Common Technology and User Experience
    1. Common Project Management Features
        1. Refined User Experience for Key Lists of Values Search for Project Management
        2. Service Excellence Continuing Investments
    2. REST APIs for Project Management
      1. Project Control
        1. Project Budget Version Additional Actions Using a REST API
      2. Project Foundation
        1. Project Rate Schedules REST API
      3. Project Management
        1. Project Resources REST API
        2. Work Plan Template Tasks Retrieval Using a REST API
      4. Project Resource Management
        1. Nomination and Fulfillment of Multiple Resources Using a REST API
    3. Workflow for Project Management
        1. Project Status Approval History
        2. Workflow Transaction Console for Plan Approval and Invoice Approval
  4. Oracle Project Management
    1. Grants Management
        1. Award Creation with Additional Invoicing and Revenue Options
    2. Labor Distribution
        1. Pay Element Level Labor Schedule
    3. Project Billing
        1. Bill-to Contact Email Displayed in Contract Pages
        2. Invoice Billing Events Calculated and Created Using the Project Process Configurator
    4. Project Control
        1. Current Actual Amounts Refresh for Project Forecast Working Version
        2. Planning Rate Derivation for Borrowed Resources
    5. Project Costing
        1. Additional Accounting Sources for Creating Project Accounting
        2. Asset Line Grouping Configuration
        3. Editable Unprocessed Project Costs for Third-Party Transaction Sources
    6. Project-Driven Supply Chain
        1. Project Material Return Authorization
    7. Project Foundation
        1. Microsoft Project 2019 Integration
        2. Project Rate Schedule Security
    8. Project Management
        1. Financial Actual Effort and Cost Tracking from the Project Work Plan
        2. Project Plan Export to Excel and Task Prioritization Using the New Project Planning User Experience
    9. Project Performance Reporting
        1. Association of Projects to Key Performance Indicators Using File-Based Data Import
    10. Project Resource Management
        1. Assignment Type Default Based on Project Type
        2. Expanded View of Projected Utilization
        3. Resource Assignment Search Using Assignment Name and Project Number
        4. Utilizable Time Calculations Driven by Work Type

Update 21A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
04 DEC 2020     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Common Technology and User Experience

Common Project Management Features

Refined User Experience for Key Lists of Values Search for Project Management

This update introduces an enhanced user experience for select lists of values. The change increases performance and expands the use of type ahead suggestions. See the What's New document for 21A for the complete list of changes.

Service Excellence Continuing Investments

In this update, our on-going investment in service excellence includes improvements in performance, messages, usability, and documentation. Refer to the What's New for more information.

REST APIs for Project Management

Project Control

Project Budget Version Additional Actions Using a REST API

Refresh resource and conversion rates for a budget version using the Project Budgets REST API. Specify a percentage to adjust planning amounts.

Project Foundation

Project Rate Schedules REST API

View, create, and update rate schedules using the Project Rate Schedules REST API. Use rate schedule rates and mark-ups to calculate your project cost, revenue, and billing amounts.

Project Management

Project Resources REST API

Manage labor and expense resources for a project using Project Resources REST API. For example, add planned resources to a project, or delete a resource from a project.

Work Plan Template Tasks Retrieval Using a REST API

View tasks in a work plan template using the Work Plan Templates REST API. A work plan template is a set of project tasks and resource assignments that's used to create project plans and add tasks to existing project plans.

Project Resource Management

Nomination and Fulfillment of Multiple Resources Using a REST API

Nominate and fulfill requests where a single request can process the requirement for multiple resources using Project Resource Request REST API. Update the individual resource status to fulfill requests for more than one requested resource. Resource managers or project managers perform final approvals depending on your business process.

Workflow for Project Management

Project Status Approval History

Track the status of your projects that are undergoing approval or those that are finally approved. Using this feature, you can view the approval hierarchy and the actions pending or taken by the approvers on your projects. Viewing the current and future assignees of the project status approval workflow helps you to monitor the project status and follow up with the approvers if the workflow isn't progressing as expected.

Workflow Transaction Console for Plan Approval and Invoice Approval

Using a single console, administrators can now proactively monitor workflow tasks and resolve any exceptions for Project Contract Invoice Approval and Budget and Forecast Plan Approval workflows. Project administrators can research workflow exceptions and either restart the task after making a correction to the underlying roles or withdraw the task in progress. The Transaction Access Console provides details for the invoice approval and plan approval workflow in this release, with expanded coverage planned for upcoming releases.

Oracle Project Management

Grants Management

Award Creation with Additional Invoicing and Revenue Options

Create award contracts with additional invoicing and revenue options from all creation methods.

Labor Distribution

Labor distribution capabilities allows for the distribution of payroll amounts to project or general ledger accounts using labor schedules. These labor schedules specify the duration and percentage to track a person's effort spent on award or project related work or any other work. Project and grant administrators can use the distributed labor cost information to satisfy audit, effort, or other reporting requirements.

For additional information about labor distribution see 20B What's New: Distribute Payroll Amounts Using Labor Schedules

Pay Element Level Labor Schedule

Define labor schedules for payroll elements that will apply to any payroll costs distributed through labor distribution. If a person-assignment payroll element labor schedule exists for the same element, it will take precedence.

Project Billing

Bill-to Contact Email Displayed in Contract Pages

Display bill-to contact email address in the bill-to contact list of values and bill plans region when editing a project contract. Contract administrators can select the appropriate email addresses for sending the invoices.

Invoice Billing Events Calculated and Created Using the Project Process Configurator

Define business-specific calculations for progress and fees using the Project Process Configurator. This allows customers additional flexibility to support advanced invoicing needs.

Project Control

Current Actual Amounts Refresh for Project Forecast Working Version

Refresh actual costs without having to regenerate the forecast working version. Estimate to Complete and Estimate At Completion for the version will be determined based on the current actual cost amounts.

Planning Rate Derivation for Borrowed Resources

Save time and effort by not having to maintain multiple rate schedules for borrowed resources. The application automatically derives the rates for planning costs from the primary assignment business unit or organization for these resources.

Project Costing

Additional Accounting Sources for Creating Project Accounting

Additional sources are available for project costs and revenue to allow greater flexibility when creating account rules, mapping sets, and description rules.

Asset Line Grouping Configuration

Configure additional grouping criteria to group asset lines and perform asset assignments using the Project Process Configurator. Group asset lines using attributes including expenditure category, expenditure type, expenditure organization, billable indicator, work type, supplier, person, inventory item, contract, funding source, transaction source, document and document entry. Values from descriptive flexfields are available for you to use for grouping. For example, create a project process configurator to define that asset line costs that are grouped by inventory item, funding source or a user defined descriptive. Grouping can be done for a combination of these values as well, for example expenditure category and expenditure organization.

Editable Unprocessed Project Costs for Third-Party Transaction Sources

Edit unprocessed project cost transactions that belong to third-party application transaction sources. These unprocessed costs are editable until they are picked up by the Import Costs process and converted into project costs.

Project-Driven Supply Chain

Project-Driven Supply Chain is an end-to-end, integrated solution across the Oracle Supply Chain Management and Project Management Cloud applications. This solution is designed to support various business processes of manufacturing and asset-intensive companies.

Use the Project-Driven Supply Chain solution to manage your supply chain processes in the context of projects without creating separate organizations for each project. You can also capture supply chain costs as project expenditures.

For additional information about project-driven supply chain see 20A What's New: Project-Driven Supply Chain

Project Material Return Authorization

Streamline the return of project materials shipped against a sales order. Order managers and order entry specialists enter project information on the return material authorization, so that project accountants and project managers can track related supply chain costs for the project. You must opt-in to the Accept Project-Specific Customer Returns feature in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering to leverage these capabilities.

Project Foundation

Microsoft Project 2019 Integration

The Project Execution Management and Project Financial Management integrations with Microsoft Project desktop versions are expanded to include Microsoft Project 2019. As Microsoft no longer supports Microsoft Project 2007, the integrations to such versions are retired.

Project Rate Schedule Security

Secure project rate schedules to ensure access is limited to a user's specific area of responsibility. Assign data security policies to custom roles that limit view, edit, and creation of project rate schedules based on an assigned business unit or reference data set.

Project Management

Financial Actual Effort and Cost Tracking from the Project Work Plan

View financial actual efforts and actual costs for tasks in the Manage Project Plan page. For example, project managers can view the total actual hour effort that team members have charged to a project and compare that with planned effort estimates. These new columns enable project managers to get a complete view of the detailed project schedule, task status, and financial activity in one location. You must opt in to the Expedite Your Project Planning with a New User Experience feature to leverage these capabilities.

Project Plan Export to Excel and Task Prioritization Using the New Project Planning User Experience

Specify task priority in your work plans to facilitate collaboration and common understanding across the project team. Optionally, associate requirements driving a task to balance priorities across tasks. At any point, export plans to Microsoft Excel to share them with stakeholders or customers. You must opt in to the Expedite Your Project Planning with a New User Experience feature to leverage these capabilities.

Project Performance Reporting

Association of Projects to Key Performance Indicators Using File-Based Data Import

Attach KPIs to existing projects using the Import Project Key Performance Indicators file-based data import feature.

Project Resource Management

Assignment Type Default Based on Project Type

Assignment type for project resource requests and assignments default from the project type. Resource managers and project managers minimize data entry and ensure accuracy of their billable and non-billable requests and assignments.

Expanded View of Projected Utilization

Resource managers can view projected utilization for one or more pools or an individual resource in an expanded table view. Previously, resource managers could view projected utilization for all resources or resource pools for the current week and cumulative intervals. Now they get enhanced viewing ability with different data display ranges for individual resource or group of resources on Manage Resources page.

Resource Assignment Search Using Assignment Name and Project Number

Resource managers can enter a name for an assignment as a way to easily identify and locate individual assignments. Resource managers who often track projects by their project number can quickly locate all assignments for a project by entering the project number when conducting a search.

Utilizable Time Calculations Driven by Work Type

Track the utilizable hours from time cards to determine the actual utilization for resources. When a resource charges time to projects, the associated work type determines whether or not the time is utilizable. For example a project is created to track activity for internal training. The work type selected for this project and its tasks is set as non-utilizable. Hours logged by a resource to tasks on this project will not count in the resource's actual utilization. A different project that has tasks for external customer work has a work type that is set as utilizable. Hours logged by the resource to tasks on this project are counted in the resource's actual utilization.