Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Subscription Management
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  1. Update 23C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. Subscription Management
    1. Subscription Management
        1. Enable Minimum Commit for Asset based Meters
        2. Generate Future Bill Lines for Evergreen Subscriptions
        3. Configurable Renewal Consolidation Rules based on Custom and Additional Standard Attributes
        4. Specify Balance Type of Manual Credit Memo
        5. Request for Approving Transaction from Invoice Workbench
        6. Update Subscription without Amendment
        7. Bill Total Charge Amount for One Time Charge
        8. Manage Allowances on Various Subscription Life Cycle Events

Update 23C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
02 JUN 2023     Created initial document.



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Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Subscription Management

Subscription Management

Enable Minimum Commit for Asset based Meters

Generate Future Bill Lines for Evergreen Subscriptions

Configurable Renewal Consolidation Rules based on Custom and Additional Standard Attributes

Specify Balance Type of Manual Credit Memo

Request for Approving Transaction from Invoice Workbench

Update Subscription without Amendment

Bill Total Charge Amount for One Time Charge

Manage Allowances on Various Subscription Life Cycle Events

Subscription Management

Subscription Management

Enable Minimum Commit for Asset based Meters

You can specify minimum amount, minimum quantity and estimation fields for a usage charge that is associated with an asset based meter.

Reading Minimum Value and Reading Maximum Value attributes which are defined in the meter template will not have any impact on minimum quantity and minimum amount attributes on the charge line.

Pricing Information

The precedence to apply minimum amount on a usage charge has been changed when there is an charge adjustment applied.

The logic is as follows (List Price - Discount) is less than minimum amount then minimum amount will be charged.

Minimum Commit Calculation

You can use this feature specify minimum amount, minimum quantity and estimation fields for a usage charge that is associated with an asset based meter.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Generate Future Bill Lines for Evergreen Subscriptions

You can now generate bill lines into the future for evergreen subscriptions and termed subscriptions with a pricing term. A new ESS job Generate Bill Lines for Evergreen Subscriptions and Subscriptions with Pricing Terms will enable you to create bill lines into the future for subscriptions till a certain date into the future. Parameters in the ESS job will help you select specific subscriptions. So, now you can invoice your customers for future billing periods and apply payments to them.

1. Generate bill lines till a specific future date for evergreen subscriptions and termed subscriptions with pricing term.

2. Accept payment and apply them against the bill lines interfaced to Fusion Receivables.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Configurable Renewal Consolidation Rules based on Custom and Additional Standard Attributes

You can use Bill-to Customer and Ship-to Account in addition to the existing criteria for renewal consolidation. You can additionally have one or more subscription product level custom attributes as renewal consolidation criteria.

You can specify Bill-to Customer, Ship-to Account and any subscription product level custom attributes as additional renewal consolidation criteria in the renewal rules template. Please note that, for this criteria to take effect, 'Consolidate Subscriptions' check box should be checked for the renewal rules template.

Renewal Rules Template - Additional Consolidation Criteria

Gives more flexibility in deciding the renewal consolidation criteria

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Specify Balance Type of Manual Credit Memo

You can now select the balance type of a manual credit memo. You can select a positive or a negative balance when you create a manual credit memo. Subscription management will automatically prefix the sign to the credit balance. This way, you can choose the correct sign of the credit memo based on your intent of creating the credit memo.

Credit Memo Popup

1. Users will be clear about the credit memo balance type to choose based on their intent.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Request for Approving Transaction from Invoice Workbench

You can now request for approval to complete the Invoice transaction from the Invoice Workbench. Based on the approval rules of your organization you may setup different rules for approval using the attributes of the subscription. Upon approval of the request the invoice transaction is marked as Complete.

You also withdraw the request for approval. You can also bypass the request for approval based on privilege assigned to you. The Invoice Workbench will show the status of the approval request. Upon rejection you can resubmit for approval.

When an invoice is requested for approval the Transaction Completion Approval Status is Pending Approval. It can be approved or rejected.

Invoice Workbench

1. You can request for approval of an invoice from Subscription Management.

2. You can setup approval rules based on subscription attributes.

3. You can request for approval in bulk.

4. You can withdraw request for approval in bulk.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. You should have the privilege Manage Invoice Workbench should be assigned to you is you have to access to the Invoice Workbench.
  2. You should have the privilege Complete Invoice Transaction assigned to you if you want to complete the invoice.
  3. You should set the profile option Complete Transaction Allowed to Yes for your user if you want to complete an invoice.
  4. Configure approval rules such that you always have an approver.

Update Subscription without Amendment

You can now update customer, billing and shipping information on a subscription without amending the subscription. You can update the bill-to-contact name, bill-to account, bill-to customer and bill-to site at subscription header. The ship-to party, bill-to account, bill-to customer, ship-to account, ship-to contact, bill-to contact, bill-to site and ship-to site can be updated in the subscription product line. These fields will be updatable when the subscription is in Under Amendment, Active, Expired and Closed status.

1. Update customer details without amending subscription thereby avoiding giving credit to customers during termination of subscription.

2. Use the new customer details in bill lines that are not interfaced to Oracle Accounts Receivables.

Steps to Enable

1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance

2. Select task Manage Administrator Profile Values

3. Search for profile option Update Customer without Amendment Allowed.

4. Set the value of the profile option to 'Yes' and save the changes..

Tips And Considerations

The profile option Update Customer without Amendment Allowed should be set to 'Yes' if you want to update these fields in the subscription without amending the subscription.

Bill Total Charge Amount for One Time Charge

Define the total charge amount for the entire subscription term. You can specify the amount you want to bill for a given one time charge. Any difference between the total charge amount provided by you and what's billed by the application is reconciled by making a billing adjustment for the last billing period.

Total Charge Amount

For example, consider a 3-month subscription with a one time charge of $500 and a charge adjustment of type price override of $2500 with the following subscription product fields:

Product Quantity Start Date End Date Billing Frequency Invoicing Rule Billing Date Period Start
Product1 1 17-Jan-23 16-Apr-23 Month Advance Period Start Service Start

Pricing for the above product:

Charge Enable Periodic Billing List Price Charge Adjustment Value
Activation Fee Y $500 Price Override $2500

The billing summary for this product line would be generated as follows:

Period Charge Sequence Interface Date Bill-from Date Bill-to Date Amount
1 Activation Fee 1 17-Jan-23




2 Activation Fee 2 17-Feb-23




3 Activation Fee 3 17-Mar-23




Here, the total charge amount billed by the application is $2,499.99.

Let’s assume you want to charge only $2,500 for this subscription. You can pass 2500 as the Total Charge Amount for your Activation Fee and the billing summary will be generated as follows:

Period Charge Sequence Interface Date Bill-from Date Bill-to Date Amount
1 Activation Fee 1 17-Jan-23




2 Activation Fee 2 17-Feb-23




3 Activation Fee 3 17-Mar-23




The amount of the last billing period was adjusted to ensure that application bills a total charge amount of $2,500, as defined by you.

You can use this feature to ensure there's no difference between the subscription amounts quoted to your customers and the amount billed by Oracle Subscription Management.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Manage Allowances on Various Subscription Life Cycle Events

This feature enables the carrying forward of the entitlement plan and adjustment of allowances during various subscription lifecycle events such as renewal, amendment, close, suspend and resume.

For example, consider a 1 year subscription with an allowance of 100 GB every month with an rollover of 1month.

Product Start Date End Date Charge Frequency Charge Name
P1 01-Jan-23 31-Dec-23 Monthly Backup Service

Allowance Details for the above product:

Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service






We are amending the subscription on 15-Jan-23. The source line will be closed on 15-Jan-23 and the allowance will be prorated accordingly.


Start Date

End Date

Close Date

Charge Frequency

Charge Name

Amendment Date






Backup Service


Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service





The amended line allowance starts from 16-Jan-23 and allowance quantity for this line is the remaining allowance quantity from the source line. 

Product Start Date End Date Charge Frequency Charge Name
P1.1 16-Jan-23 31-Dec-23 Monthly Backup Service
Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service






We are renewing the subscription as on 15-Dec-23.

Product Start Date End Date Charge Frequency Charge Name
P1 01-Jan-23 31-Dec-23 Monthly Backup Service
Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service





The renewed subscription allowance will start from 01-Jan-24 and will follow the same allowance frequency as the source subscription. 

Product Start Date End Date Charge Frequency Charge Name
P1 01-Jan-24 31-Dec-24 Monthly Backup Service
Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service





Suspend & Resume:

We are suspending the subscription on 15-Jan-23. The source line will be closed on 15-Jan-23 and the allowance will be prorated accordingly.


Start Date

End Date

Charge Frequency

Charge Name

Suspended Date





Backup Service


Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service





We are resuming the suspended line on 16-Jan-23 and allowance quantity for this line is the remaining allowance quantity from the source line. 

Product Start Date End Date Charge Frequency Charge Name
P1.1 16-Jan-23 31-Dec-23 Monthly Backup Service
Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service






We are closing the subscription on 15-Jan-23. The source line will be closed on 15-Jan-23 and the allowance will be prorated accordingly.

Product Start Date End Date Charge Frequency Charge Name Close Date





Backup Service


Balance Code Allowance Quantity Allowance Start Date Allowance End Date Rollover End Date

Backup Service





Allows tracking of quantity-based allowances and usages in a balance register, and rate the excess usage quantity to determine the usage charge for the usage event.also we can carryforward of the entitlement plan and adjustment of allowances during various subscription lifecycle events such as renewal, amendment, close, suspend and resume.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.