Cloud Readiness / Oracle B2C Service
What's New
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  1. Update 19D
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Agent Browser Analytics
        1. Runtime Slice and Rollup
    2. Agent Browser Knowledge
        1. Search Facets
    3. Agent Browser Workspaces
        1. Incident File Attachment Handling
        2. Opportunity Workspace Support
        3. Time Billed
        4. Create Contact from Search Filters
        5. Attachment Icon
        6. Maximize Agent Browser UI Controls
        7. Reorderable Tabs
    4. Contact Center
        1. Extensibility Development Assistant for Chrome
        2. New Chat Fields for the Interaction Workspace
    5. Digital Customer Service
        1. Chat Third Party Queue Toolbar API Transfer Updates
        2. Email Confirmation Loop
    6. Knowledge Management
        1. Smart Title Discovery for PDFs
    7. Platform
        1. PHP Upgrade to 5.6.40
    8. Intelligent Advisor
        1. Entity Level Forms
        2. New Policy Automation Hub User Interface
        3. Assessment and Interaction Statistics
        4. Interview Extensions for Images
        5. Versioned API for REST Authentication
        6. Refresh Seed Data
    9. Workspaces
        1. New Workspace Designer Options for the Agent Browser UI
        2. Workspace Filter Mapping

Update 19D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
29 JUN 2020 Intelligent Advisor Assessment and Interaction Statistics Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19D.
29 JUN 2020 Intelligent Advisor Interview Extensions for Images Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19D.
29 JUN 2020 Intelligent Advisor Refresh Seed Data Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19D.
29 JUN 2020 Intelligent Advisor Versioned API for REST Authentication Updated document. Delivered feature in update 19D.
18 NOV 2019     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle Service Cloud and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable to begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

For a listing of hardware and software requirements for Oracle products, log in to our support site and access Answer ID 31.

Security & New Features

We would like to remind you if your system has modified security structures you may need to advise your security administrator of new features.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Agent Browser Analytics

Runtime Slice and Rollup

Agent Browser Knowledge

Search Facets

Agent Browser Workspaces

Incident File Attachment Handling

Opportunity Workspace Support

Time Billed

Create Contact from Search Filters

Attachment Icon

Maximize Agent Browser UI Controls

Reorderable Tabs

Contact Center

Extensibility Development Assistant for Chrome

New Chat Fields for the Interaction Workspace

Digital Customer Service

Chat Third Party Queue Toolbar API Transfer Updates

Email Confirmation Loop

Knowledge Management

Smart Title Discovery for PDFs


PHP Upgrade to 5.6.40

Intelligent Advisor

Entity Level Forms

New Policy Automation Hub User Interface

Assessment and Interaction Statistics

Interview Extensions for Images

Versioned API for REST Authentication

Refresh Seed Data


New Workspace Designer Options for the Agent Browser UI

Workspace Filter Mapping

Agent Browser Analytics

Runtime Slice and Rollup

Agent Browser UI users now have the ability to define Rollups and Slice groups after a report is run. This allows the users to customize the view of their data to enable users to optimize reports.

Rollup View

Slice View

Click the Options icon, represented by three vertical dots, and select either Rollup or Slice to configure.

Feature Access

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The following capabilities are not yet supported in the Agent Browser User Interface:

  • Slice by "Buckets."  We support use of the "Column Values."
  • Rollup option to “Display rollup heading mulit-line.” The multiple rollups are displayed on a single line.
  • Rollup option to “Repeat column heading for each rollup.”

Role Information

  • Any Agent Browser UI Report User

Agent Browser Knowledge

Search Facets

Agents can refine search results using facets. The facets are formed based on Collections , Document Type, Product, Category.

'Remember Filters' enables an agent to retain the facets for subsequent search results.

KA Search Results with Facets Selected

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Agent Browser Workspaces

Incident File Attachment Handling

Agent Browser UI users can drag and drop multiple files onto the incident attachment control using Chrome and Firefox. Multiple incident file attachments can be downloaded from an incident to the user's operating system. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Drag and drop is only supported in Firefox and Chrome with this release of Agent Browser UI.

These new file attachment handling capabilities are available to users who have an incident workspace that includes an attachments control.

To attach files using drag and drop:

  1. Navigate to the attachment control on the incident workspace.
  2. Select one or more files from the computer's operating system.
  3. Drag the selected files to the attachment control. Notice the border around the control and an indicator of the number of files pending attachment.
  4. Release the files onto the attachments control, wait for them to upload, and save the incident when complete.

To download file attachments from an incident:

  1. Navigate to the incident's attachment control
  2. Highlight multiple files from the list of attachments using control + click
  3. Click the 'download' button from the attachment control command bar
  4. A popup dialog will display a progress bar untile the file download is complete

Opportunity Workspace Support

The Opportunity Workspace is now supported in the Agent Browser UI.

In order to access the Opportunity WS the Sales Module must be enabled. To enable, contact your Oracle account manager.

Opportunity WS

Steps to Enable

  1. Sales Module needs to be enabled. If not enabled contact your Oracle account manager.
  2. Opportunity Permissions for Agent
  3. Create/edit an Opportunity WS for Agent Browser UI. 

NOTE: if there is not a specific Workspace for Agent Browser it will default to the Opportunity Workspace definition for .NET

Tips And Considerations

Quotes are not supported in Agent Browser UI, therefore; not supported in the Opportunity WS in Agent Browser UI.

Other items not supported in Opportunity WS in Agent Browser UI:

  • Contact Roles
  • Appointments
  • Proofing
  • Territory Field
  • Exchange Rate on Forecast fields

Key Resources

  • See KB Answer 10147 for a list of Supported/Unsupported Opportunity Features in BUI.

Time Billed

Your organization may collect statistics on the amount of time agents spend solving incidents so that management can plan for better use of staff time. These statistics can also identify products or issues that are causing similar customer questions, allowing answers to be added to the knowledge base to reduce the amount of time agents must spend on them.

The Time Billed tab is where you enter the amount of time you spend on an incident. It also lets you see details about the amount of time other agents spent on the incident. Depending on how your administrator has configured your application, you may be required to enter time billed every time you edit an incident or before you can set an incident status to Solved.

Steps to Enable

The Time Billed relationship item is available when creating incident workspaces. The Time Billed relationship item will now render and function in Agent Browser UI in addition to .NET.

Time Billed Relationship Item In Agent Browser UI

Adding New Time Billed Record

Tips And Considerations

Note that the options for 'Hide Report Commands', 'Hide Options Button', and 'Show Row Count' are not yet supported in Agent Browser UI.

Key Resources

Create Contact from Search Filters

Agent Browser UI users who search for a contact record can quickly create a new record if the appropriate contact is not found. An option to 'add new' will be available, and when selected, will create a new contact record with the search filters entered into the associated contact record fields.

Contact Search Dialog

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The feature only pertains to the creation of contact records when searching for contacts from other workspaces like incidents, organizations, and custom objects for example.

Attachment Icon

Agents can quickly discover the presence of attachments because a paperclip icon will appear on the workspace attachments tab to indicate when file attachments are present. A number on the tab will indicate the number of attachments. This matches the behavior in the .NET console.

A paperclip icon and file attachment count displays on the attachments tab.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The attachment control in Agent Browser UI will behave according to the options selected in the workspace designer. "Show image" and "Show Row Count" must be selected in the workspace designer for the paperclip and attachment count to display on the attachments tab in Agent Browser UI.

Maximize Agent Browser UI Controls

Agent Browser UI users can maximize the display size of workspace items such as threads, workspace reports, file attachment controls, time billed controls, and audit log controls to make these elements easier to interact with. The expanded control can be reduced back to its original size by clicking the maximize control again. 

Clicking on the diagonal arrows will maximize the control in focus.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Reorderable Tabs

When multiple records are open in Agent Browser UI, users can select a top-level tab and drag it to a different position relative to the other tabs. 

Tabs can be reordered by selecting a tab and dragging it to a new position.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Contact Center

Extensibility Development Assistant for Chrome

The Extensibility Development Assistant for Chrome allows developers to develop and troubleshoot Agent Browser UI extensions from their local machine. This tool increases productivity and reduces development time.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

New Chat Fields for the Interaction Workspace

For the .NET platform, we've made three new Chat fields available in the Interaction Workspace designer: First Name, Last Name, and Email. Now, if the contact first and last name are not received during a chat accept, agents can see the chat first and last name instead of anonymous.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Digital Customer Service

Chat Third Party Queue Toolbar API Transfer Updates

In the .NET Agent Console, you can now transfer chat messages directly from within a Chat third-party queue toolbar.

Previously, when agents who use a third-party queue toolbar needed to transfer a chat session from one queue to another, they they had to do it from the Chat Ribbon. Now, agents can make the chat transfer directly from within Live Media bar, which then updates the third-party toolbar. The third-party toolbar will now also contain a list of queues.

This change helps your agents be more productive because they can easily see and transfer chats from the Chat Live Media bar.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

New documentation for the updated Third Party Queue Toolbar API is available, which includes two new operations:

  • TransferToQueue
  • EnumerateChatQueues

Role Information

Roles that may use this feature:

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent

Email Confirmation Loop

This new feature ensures that users actually own the email addresses they register with. To change a password, users cannot directly access password fields. Instead, they have to click on a link that is sent to the email address they registered with.

Steps to Enable

Here's how to enable this feature. If you are an existing customer, you will also need to modify some code in the create_account.php file. (New customers don't need to modify the code.)


  1. Open or create the siteConfig.json file located in the cp > customer > development > config directory.
  2. Add this line. "CP.EmailConfirmationLoop.Enable" : 1


  1. In the ask.php file, set the value of the rn:meta tag login_required attribute to "true". This will force the user to log in before they can submit a question.
  2. In the create_account.php page, look for these code lines.

<rn:condition config_check="EU_CUST_PASSWD_ENABLED == true"> <rn:widget path="input/FormInput" name="Contact.NewPassword" require_validation="true" label_input="#rn:msg:PASSWORD_LBL#" label_validation="#rn:msg:VERIFY_PASSWD_LBL#"/> </rn:condition>

       3. Choose one of these options.    

  • Delete or comment out the lines.    
  • Wrap the lines of code with logic that checks the siteConfig value. This would look like this:

<? $siteConfig = \RightNow\Utils\Framework::getSiteConfigValue('CP.EmailConfirmationLoop.Enable'); if($siteConfig === 0): ?> <rn:condition config_check="EU_CUST_PASSWD_ENABLED == true"> <rn:widget path="input/FormInput" name="Contact.NewPassword" require_validation="true" label_input="#rn:msg:PASSWORD_LBL#" label_validation="#rn:msg:VERIFY_PASSWD_LBL#"/> </rn:condition> <? endif; ?>


Users cannot create a password and must use a link to reset it.

Knowledge Management

Smart Title Discovery for PDFs

This feature improves search relevancy by providing a more accurate method of determining the actual lines of text that the author intended, and what readers would recognize, as the title of the PDF.

The ability to assign useful titles to documents during content processing is critical to producing relevant search results. Search can answer users' questions more effectively when document titles are meaningful and accurate, and better titles in search results help agents and self-service users quickly recognize the most relevant documents.

For PDF files, however, assigning meaningful titles during automated content processing is not simple. The most readily accessible sources to use for PDF titles are the title property, which is part of the document metadata, and the actual file name. However, these sources frequently do not yield meaningful titles. In practice, title properties are rarely correct, and sometimes contain random text. File names may hint at the document's title, but are frequently abbreviated and cryptic. Both of these title sources can negatively impact search relevancy and search results.

With this feature, search content processing evaluates the first page of the PDF for visual factors, such as font size, phrase length, text position, and distance between text lines, and uses additional linguistic clues to accurately determine the titles of PDF files. These visual titles provide search with the ability to better leverage critically important title information to provide more accurate and relevant results.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

PDFs Only: Smart title discovery is limited to PDFs.

Manually Provided Title: If a knowledge manager specified a title in Collection Setup View Details, the application will use that title instead of the discovered, visual title, as the search results title of that PDF.

Feature Disablement: Knowledge Managers can disable this feature by deselecting "Use the visual title of a PDF as the search results title" in Search Configuration. If this feature is disabled, the application uses the PDF properties' title, if there is any, or the file name, instead of the visual title as the search results title.

Images: The visual title discovery ignores images. If part of the visual title is an image, the application can't include any apparent text in the image in the discovered title. If the entire PDF is an image, the application looks at the PDF properties' title, if there is any; otherwise, it uses the file name.

Manually Provided Title: If a knowledge manager specified a title in Collection Setup View Details, the application will use that title instead of the discovered, visual title, as the search results title of that PDF.

Feature Disablement: Knowledge Managers can disable this feature by deselecting "Use the visual title of a PDF as the search results title" in Search Configuration. If this feature is disabled, the application uses the PDF properties' title, if there is any, or the file name, instead of the visual title as the search results title.

Images: The visual title discovery ignores images. If part of the visual title is an image, the application can't include any apparent text in the image in the discovered title. If the entire PDF is an image, the application looks at the PDF properties' title, if there is any; otherwise, it uses the file name.

Key Resources

See the Configuring Content Collections section of Administering Knowledge Advanced (available from Oracle Help Center > Cloud > Cloud Applications > B2C Service > Books > Administration).

Role Information

Users must have the Knowledge Manager role to enable or disable this feature.


PHP Upgrade to 5.6.40

Beginning with the 19D release, Oracle Service Cloud supports PHP version 5.6.40. We previously supported version 5.6.38. This will provide improved security for our enterprise customers.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

By using the most recent version of PHP, your PHP scripts can use the most recent enhancements and security updates.

If your site is currently on Oracle Service Cloud August 2016 or later, this should not affect your upgrade.

Intelligent Advisor

Entity Level Forms

This OPA release provides the ability to generate a form for entity instances. (Previously, a form's data was always based on the global entity.) For example, an advice getter can now download or submit a separate application form for each member of a household (where the household is the global entity and the household member is an entity).     

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

In Policy Modeling, you specify that a form belongs to a particular entity (on the Forms subtab on the Project tab). This generates a sample data xml file for that entity to load into your form template.

In an entity-level form template, you can use entity-specific data without a for-each tag. Global data can be added too.

On the interview screen, you can add an entity-level form in an appropriate entity container (or on an entity screen) with entity-level visibility logic.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Interview Designer

New Policy Automation Hub User Interface

Policy Automation Hub user interface has been updated to make it more consistent with the Oracle JET look and feel. The new UI is more technically aligned with devices, having a responsive layout and accessibility, and enables OPA to better deliver the functionality that our customers require.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The functionality of Policy Automation Hub is largely unchanged. Note, however, that:

  • The Deploy Admin role has been replaced by the Manager role
  • Workspaces in the new name for Collections

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Hub Administrator
  • Author
  • Manager

Assessment and Interaction Statistics

There have been changes to the deployment statistics collected by Policy Automation in order to provide a clear separation between interview sessions and web service assessments. Hub Administrators can interact with the deployment statistics by configuring the charts displayed on the Deployments page and individual deployment pages. The changes include:

  • A new 'Web service assessments' preset chart. This chart summarizes all assessments made via API calls over the past 30 days.
  • A new 'Assessments by date' custom chart type. This chart reports the number of cases that have been assessed via API calls over a specified period of time.
  • The 'Web service sessions' preset chart has been renamed 'Web service calls (legacy data)'. This chart shows the legacy session data created by the Assess SOAP Service, Answer SOAP service, and Batch Assess REST API in previous versions of the system. All new calls to the web services will not appear in this chart, as they are recorded by the new 'Web service assessments' chart.
  • The 'Interview sessions' preset chart has been renamed 'Daily interviews'. This chart shows the number of non-agent interview sessions started for all deployments over the past 30 days.

Note that the 30 day trend on the Deployments page now compares the number of interactions started in the last 30 days against the number of interactions started in the previous 30 days. (Interactions are an aggregation of sessions and assessments into a single metric.)

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is available in Monthly update 1.

Key Resources

For more information, see:

Role Information

  • Hub Administrators

Interview Extensions for Images

There is a new interview extension, customImage, for custom rendering an image control. This custom extension allows the following methods:

  • getImageSource() - Returns the URL of the image to be displayed
  • getLinkUrl() - (Optional) Returns the URL of the link the user should be navigated to when they click on the image
  • openLinkInNewWindow() - Returns true if the image's link URL should be opened in a new window
  • getHorizontalAlignment() - Specifies the horizontal alignment of the control
  • getWidth() - Returns the width of the control in pixels
  • getHeight() - Returns the height of the control in pixels
  • getCaption() - Returns the image description (alternate text)

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is available in Monthly update 2.

The Health Diagnosis policy model includes an example of an interview extension used to render a custom image.

Key Resources

For more information, see:

Role Information

  • Developer

Versioned API for REST Authentication

A versioned API for REST authentication has been added. This was previously handled as an unversioned resource, that is, /api/auth. The new authentication mechanism uses /api/{version}/auth where {version} is 12.2.17 or latest.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is available in Monthly update 2.

For now the original auth service is still supported, however, existing customers are advised to transition to using the new more secure authentication scheme.

Key Resources

For more information, see:

Role Information

  • Developer

Refresh Seed Data

Interview authors now have the option to allow mapped in seed data to be refreshed at specified points during the interview. When a seed data refresh occurs it triggers the same seed data process as happens at the beginning of the interview. That is, it issues a request to the connector to get the data specified by the input mapping and then loads that data into the session.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is available in Monthly update 1.

This feature is only supported for Latest version web service connected interviews (including CX Sales and B2B Service).

Key Resources

For more information, see:

Role Information

  • Interview designer


New Workspace Designer Options for the Agent Browser UI

There are several new options for workspace controls and fields available in the .NET workspace designer that will render in Agent Browser UI. These include:

  • Yes/No fields have options to display as radio buttons, checkboxes, or switches.
  • Table controls have new options to expand/collapse and/or place an image within the table using a URL.
  • The tabset control has an option to render the tabset as an accordion in Agent Browser UI.
  • The image control has an option to use a URL to display a hosted image.

Yes/No Fields Can Be Displayed As a Switch, Radio Button, or Checkbox in Agent Browser UI.  Tabsets can be displayed as an accordion.

The new workspace options are available to configure in the .NET workspace designer.

Yes/No Field Display Options

Table Options (Background Image URL, Enable Collapse/Expand)

Tab Display Options (Accordion Single Open, Accordion Multiple Open)

Image Control Option (URL)

Steps to Enable

The workspace options are available on all  Service 19D and new instances of Service Cloud and can be implemented through configuration options available in the .NET workspace designer. These options are rendered in runtime for Agent Browser UI only.

Tips And Considerations

  • Note that the new display options will only display in Agent Browser UI. If an option is selected and the workspace is opened in .NET, the feature will be displayed in a manner that's supported by .NET. For instance, tabsets will be rendered as traditional tabs instead of accordions, and Yes/No fields will be rendered as a dropdown menu. Similarly, these option will not render in the workspace designer.
  • Accordion:
    • The accordion options include single open and multiple option, which indicate how many accordion sections can be opened by the workspace user at a time.
      • Accordions can be nested within parent tabs or parent accordions.
      • An accordion section can be configured to be open when the workspace is loaded by implementing a workspace rule to focus a tab when the editor loads.

Workspace Filter Mapping

The workspace designer allows workspace reports to be configured to filter on foreign keys. If the 'Report Behavior' option is not enabled to 'Filter on Primary Key Only', the 'Report Filter Mapping Wizard' will allow the report to be filtered on fields that are contained in the workspace. Workspace reports configured in this manner will execute accordingly in both Agent Browser UI and .NET.

Steps to Enable

This feature is available by default starting in Service 19D. To configure a workspace report to use a filter value that is based on data in the workspace record:

  1. In the Workspace Designer, select a workspace report
  2. Under 'Options' open 'Report Behavior' and de-select 'Filter On Primary Key Only'
  3. Open the Report Filter Mapping Wizard under 'Filter Mappings'
  4. Change the desired filter from 'Default Value' to 'Parent Field Value' and select the field to filter on and select 'Finish'

De-select 'Filter On Primary Key Only'

Use the Report Filter Mapping Wizard to Select a Parent Field Value As a Report Filter