Cloud Readiness / Oracle B2C Service
What's New
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  1. Update 21C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
  4. B2C Service
    1. Agent Console
        1. Administration Experience
        2. Chat Browser UI: Redwood Theme Icon Updates
        3. Chat Preference Center and Max Chats
        4. Minor SSO Enhancements
        5. Offer Advisor Feature Removal
        6. Support for Emojis
    2. Contact Center
        1. Extension Manager
    3. Digital Customer Service
        1. Agent Desktop & Application Sharing
        2. Chat Browser UI: Auto Scroll
        3. Chat Security: Convert to Allow Lists
        4. Off-Hours Message Processing
        5. Screen Masking for Mobile Co-Browsing
        6. Support for Message Tags to Enable Asynchronous Replies Beyond 24 Hours in Facebook Messenger
    4. Intelligent Advisor
        1. Configure First Day of Week for Calendar Controls
        2. Debug Logs for Deployments
        3. Refresh API Access Token
        4. Statistics REST API
        5. Test Decision Service Rules in a Browser
        6. Optional Decision Service Inputs
        7. Oracle Analytics Publisher
    5. Knowledge Management
        1. Automatically Update Search Indexes
        2. Check Spelling in Articles Using Browser Spellchecking
        3. Improve Search Accuracy by Using the Search Dictionary
    6. Platform
        1. Business Rules Enhancements: Newly supported Actions and Rule Usage Stats
        2. Support Assets & Account Rule Element & Enhancements
    7. Workspaces
        1. Display Workspace Field Data Without Border
        2. Incident Forward Configuration Option: Add Replies to Thread
        3. Standard Workspaces for Browser UI
        4. Answer Insert Hotkeys
        5. Chat Browser UI: Desktop Notifications
        6. Engagement Panel JavaScript API: Enhancements to Chat Toolbar, Toast & Response Customization Options
        7. Show/Hide Thread Formatting Toolbar
        8. Standard Text Recent Items

Update 21C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
01 OCT 2021 Digital Customer Service Chat Security: Convert to Allow Lists Updated document. Delivered feature in 21C.
01 OCT 2021 Intelligent Advisor Oracle Analytics Publisher Updated document. Delivered feature in 21C.
01 OCT 2021 Intelligent Advisor Optional Decision Service Inputs Updated document. Delivered feature in 21C.
20 AUG 2021     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle B2C Service and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable to begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

For a listing of hardware and software requirements for Oracle products, log in to our support site and access Answer ID 31.


We would like to remind you if your system has modified security structures you may need to advise your security administrator of new features.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

B2C Service

Agent Console

Administration Experience

Chat Browser UI: Redwood Theme Icon Updates

Chat Preference Center and Max Chats

Minor SSO Enhancements

Offer Advisor Feature Removal

Support for Emojis

Contact Center

Extension Manager

Digital Customer Service

Agent Desktop & Application Sharing

Chat Browser UI: Auto Scroll

Chat Security: Convert to Allow Lists

Off-Hours Message Processing

Screen Masking for Mobile Co-Browsing

Support for Message Tags to Enable Asynchronous Replies Beyond 24 Hours in Facebook Messenger

Intelligent Advisor

Configure First Day of Week for Calendar Controls

Debug Logs for Deployments

Refresh API Access Token

Statistics REST API

Test Decision Service Rules in a Browser

Optional Decision Service Inputs

Oracle Analytics Publisher

Knowledge Management

Automatically Update Search Indexes

Check Spelling in Articles Using Browser Spellchecking

Improve Search Accuracy by Using the Search Dictionary


Business Rules Enhancements: Newly supported Actions and Rule Usage Stats

Support Assets & Account Rule Element & Enhancements


Display Workspace Field Data Without Border

Incident Forward Configuration Option: Add Replies to Thread

Standard Workspaces for Browser UI

Answer Insert Hotkeys

Chat Browser UI: Desktop Notifications

Engagement Panel JavaScript API: Enhancements to Chat Toolbar, Toast & Response Customization Options

Show/Hide Thread Formatting Toolbar

Standard Text Recent Items

B2C Service

Agent Console

Administration Experience

Agent Browser UI administrators have easy access to administrative functions in a single location. The supporting administrative functions are:

  • Data Lifecycle Policies
  • Mailboxes
  • Rules
  • Element Manager
  • Service Usage Metrics
  • Field Audit Configuration

Administration (White Theme)

Navigation Set

Administration Color Themes

Administrators who frequently access these administrative functions can persist the Administration tab to quickly find and open the supported administrative functions from a rich UI.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The 'Administration' navigation set item will appear for users who have the Administration permission enabled in their profile.
  • Each of the cards in the Administration tab are tied to profile permissions and will only appear when the associated permissions are enabled. For example, Data Lifecycle Policies will appear for users whose profile permissions include Bulk Delete.
  • The Administration page contains a gear icon that allows users to select their preferred background color theme. Once selected, the administration UI will use the selected theme until it is changed by the user.
  • The Administration page contains a breadcrumb in the header allowing users to easily return to the home page.
  • Hovering over a card will show a description of the card's function.
  • If an administrative function supported by the Administration page is accessed using the navigation set, and the card has sub cards, the user will be directed to the associated Administration page.
  • When a card is selected from the Administration page, the user will either be taken to a sub card within the Administration page (eg. Export/Import for Element Manager), or to the existing sub cards (eg. Contacts, Orgs, Incidents, etc for Rules).  

Chat Browser UI: Redwood Theme Icon Updates

Agents handling chats in the Browser User Interface, who choose the Redwood Theme, will now see updated icons for the chat login, chat logout, chat agent status, pull chat and the chat sound buttons.

Updated Chat icons for the Redwood Theme

The user experience aligns more closely with Oracle's CX applications.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • A selected theme will persist across future sessions and updates

Role Information

  • Chat Agents
  • Chat Supervisors

Chat Preference Center and Max Chats

Agents can now set their Max Chats number within the new Chat Preferences section within the Agent Browser UI. To access, the agent can click on the Avatar in the upper right hand corner, select Preferences from the menu and then agent can adjust the total number of active chats. The maximum number of chats the agent can select is set in the Profile Permission by the Admin. 

If the chat agent does not enter any number for max active chats in the Chat Preferences, the default will be the value set up by the admin in the Profile Permissions. 

Profile Chat Permissions

Preference Menu Item

Chat Preferences and Max Active Chats

Improves productivity and provides flexibility by giving the control to the chat agent on how many incoming chats she/he will receive to be most efficient.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The max value is stored in the Versioning Service. The site will need to be migrated to OCI with Versioning Service enabled. 

Minor SSO Enhancements

The Single Sign-on framework of B2C Service has been enhanced with the following features:

  1. Enable customers to override the auto-generated Entity ID by specifying a custom string of characters in a site-level configuration setting (SSO_ENTITY_ID).
  2. Accept OAUTH token from Identity Providers that use self-signed certificates rather than from a certifying authority.

These enhancements to Single Sign-on will provide the following benefits:

  1. Enable customers to remediate a situation where the auto-generated Entity ID of a B2C Service site is unacceptable to one or more applications for any reason.  By enabling customers to remediate the situation themselves, we reduce the involvement of Oracle technical support and other departments.  The turnaround time is also shortened dramatically.
  2. Provide customers with the ability to accept an OAUTH token from an Identity Provider even though it may be signed with a self-signed certificate rather than by a certifying authority.  This would benefit many of our customers.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

  • Initial setup tasks need admin roles and privileges. 
  • Usage benefits all agent/account roles.

Offer Advisor Feature Removal

Offer Advisor, deprecated in August 2017, has been removed from B2C Service. The feature formerly appeared in the following configuration UIs:

  1. Standard reports: \Public Reports\Service\Offer Advisor
  2. Incident and chat workspace designers (Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar)
  3. Rules editor
  4. Navigation set editor (Promotions)
  5. Analytics Designer (Offers and Offer Transactions Table)

Removing this deprecated feature from the .NET console simplifies the administration experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The data dictionary still shows the Offer Advisor database tables but it is not possible to write reports against these tables using the Analytics Designer.

Key Resources

Support for Emojis

Emojis are an important part of the Chat component, and it is desired to be saved as part of Chat logs.

Currently, the CX database does not support Emojis and this feature implements the CX database changes to support the Emojis so that emojis will be displayed correctly in incident threads.

The emojis added in chat messages are now properly visible in chat transcripts saved as Incident threads.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Contact Center

Extension Manager

Extension Manager enable admins and developers to manage all aspects of a extension from the Agent Browser UI

Configure, deploy and manage extensions using the Extension manager.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Digital Customer Service

Agent Desktop & Application Sharing

Agent Desktop and Application Sharing is a new Co-browse feature that will enable agents to switch the Co-browse sharing mode from the end-user page or desktop view to the agent's own desktop view or a specific application running on the agent's desktop. At any time, the agent can also transition the view back to an end-user page or desktop view. This feature will be available to all Oracle customers that have purchased either a Standalone or Add-On Co-browse SKU.

Agents will have the ability to share and walk-through offline documents that may not be published on their company portals, but only available on their desktop, with their customers, and as a result, drive a more personalized and precise customer service engagement with their customers. This in turn minimizes overall service time and cost, while ensuring high customer satisfaction rates, and higher net promoter scores in the long term.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning or updating privileges and/or job roles. Details are provided in the Role section below.

  1. As a Co-browse administrator, login to the Co-browse Administration Console
  2. Navigate to Company Configuration - Configuration Settings
  3. On the right hand side, setting to enable or disable Reverse Co-browse is visible (by default, the setting will be disabled)
  4. Administrator can enable this to activate the feature
  5. Reverse Co-browse link will be visible in the agent console for all the company's agents, and the agents can now use this to share their own desktop or any application running on their desktop, with their customers

Role Information

  • Configuration Administrators
  • Implementation Consultants 

Chat Browser UI: Auto Scroll

When an agent is actively engaged in a chat session, either reviewing historical transcripts or reading earlier posts in today's chat, and the customer posts a new message then the agent will now see an auto scroll bubble. When clicked, the auto scroll bubble takes the agent to the first new unread message posted by the customer.

New Unread Messages in Chat

This makes reviewing past chats & responding to the current chat easier for agents by getting them to the newest information, faster.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Engagement Panel Version: Please contact Product Management ( to be upgraded to Engagement Panel version 12.
  • This feature is enabled by default.
  • Custom Configuration Setting: To disable or re-enable this feature, create & deploy the new custom configuration setting
    • Key names and descriptions: CUSTOM_CFG_CHAT_AUTO_SCROLL_ENABLE
    • Type: Yes/No
    • No to disable
    • Yes to enable

Role Information

  • Chat Agent
  • Chat Supervisors
  • Chat Administrators

Chat Security: Convert to Allow Lists

The Chat Service utilizes Allow Lists instead of Deny Lists, in order to control which tags, attributes and protocols are allowed within live chat. Starting in 21C, all sites on CX 21C or greater can configure their Allow List. This is accomplished with a new configuration setting, which can be set per interface.

New Configuration Setting CHAT_INPUT_ALLOWLIST_JSON

This feature provides CX and Chat Administrators the ability to align their chat configuration with the Business's own unique Security Requirements, and define what can be sent and received during a live chat session.

Steps to Enable

This feature is automatically available, but the new configuration setting should be updated by the CX Administrator.

Requirements to utilize this feature:

  1. B2C Chat enabled
  2. CX Version 21C+
  3. If agents are using the Browser UI, then Engagement Panel version 13+ must be deployed for the site
    • If Engagement Panel version 13+ is not generally available, then you can email Jessica Bradley ( to have your site upgraded
    • There is no downtime associated with this update. First, we will enable Engagement Panel version 13 on your test site, then on your production site at a day/time of your choosing
  4. The new configuration setting CHAT_INPUT_ALLOWLIST_JSON is enabled by default
  5. We highly suggest the new configuration setting CHAT_INPUT_ALLOWLIST_JSON is updated to reflect the tags, attributes & protocols that are required by the business

Tips And Considerations

  • Starting in 21C, all sites on 21C or greater can configure their Allow List.
  • This is accomplished with the new configuration setting CHAT_INPUT_ALLOWLIST_JSON.
  • Administrators can utilize the default Allow List included on CHAT_INPUT_ALLOWLIST_JSON.
  • Or Administrators can modify the Allow List included on CHAT_INPUT_ALLOWLIST_JSON according to the security requirements of the Business.

Role Information

  • Administrators (CX and/or Chat)
  • Chat Agents
  • Chatters (end-users)

Off-Hours Message Processing

Oracle Messaging can now process and handle messages sent through configured messaging channels during periods where service agents may not be available. These include:

  • Normal operating hours for Contact Centers, but no agents are available to respond to the customer message
  • Non-operating hours for Contact Centers (including Public Holidays)

Messages received during these periods can be responded to asynchronously by service agents. This feature is disabled by default and will need to be enabled on a per-channel basis by the administrator.

Businesses are able to accept service inquiries from customers at any time of the day. In the event where no agents are available, the customer can still send messages to the contact center via messaging channels and they will be responded to by agents when the contact center is in operation.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • When Off-Hours Message Processing is enabled for a channel, messages received when agents are not available are automatically treated as incidents with the customer request as incident details.
  • Once the incident is created, existing queue assignment rules will apply for those incidents. 

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent
  • Administrator

Screen Masking for Mobile Co-Browsing

Screen Masking for Mobile Co-browsing focuses on enhancements for the Mobile Co-browsing SDK (iOS & Android) to support the ability to Pause screen sharing of confidential screens during mobile co-browsing with end users and resume sharing when the customers navigate away from confidential screens to generic mobile screens. Third-party native applications can integrate with the Mobile Co-browse SDK and leverage these enhancements to be able to flexibly enforce screen masking for confidential screens. This capability will be available to use for any customers that have purchased either a Standalone or Add-on Co-browse SKU.

This feature enables companies to ensure security and privacy controls for their end users during a mobile co-browsing customer service engagement with an agent.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

  1. Download the Mobile Co-browsing SDK package from using your authorized company account.
  2. Documentation describing how to integrate with these SDK for the aforementioned Pause & Resume capabilities will be made available here.
  3. Use the SDK with instructions provided to integrate your mobile applications with Co-browse SDK, to fulfill the mobile co-browsing needs of end users.

Role Information

  • Administrators 
  • Implementation Consultants
  • Mobile Developers 

Support for Message Tags to Enable Asynchronous Replies Beyond 24 Hours in Facebook Messenger

Oracle Messaging is now integrated with the "HUMAN AGENT" Message Tag to support Asynchronous Replies beyond 24 Hours in Facebook Messenger. Message Tags enable sending important and personally relevant one-to-one updates from businesses to users outside the standard messaging window, which is currently defined by Facebook to be 24 Hours.

With support for Message Tags, in particular the "HUMAN AGENT" message tag, agents can now respond to customer queries sent via Facebook Messenger within 7 days after the query has been received.

This feature enhances the contact center's ability to deliver service asynchronously and allows for agents to effectively respond to queries received just before a contact center closes for an extended period of time (e.g. weekends).

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Businesses are encouraged to respond to customer queries within 24 hours so as to deliver a positive support experience for the end-user. Replies beyond 24 hours should be done in cases where the agent is unable to do so (e.g. weekends, need more time to resolve a customer issue).

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Chat Agent
  • Supervisor Agent
  • Administrator

Intelligent Advisor

Configure First Day of Week for Calendar Controls

Interview designers can now choose the start day of the week for calendar controls (by default it is Sunday).

Changing the start date of the week for calendar controls allows interview designers to match user expectations and existing websites.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature is only available for Latest Version interviews. It is also available for calendar controls using the getCalendarWeekStart() property on the control object for an interview extension.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Interview designers

Debug Logs for Deployments

Debug logging can be enabled by a Manager in Intelligent Advisor Hub to provide detailed information about what is happening when data is run through an interview. Debug logs are captured for interview sessions created by Web Determinations interviews, Determinations Server interview service, and the Chat API.

These logs can be used by customers to help them resolve their own issues, and by support staff to help them replicate customer issues. Deployment session debug logging is available through the Intelligent Advisor Hub user interface, as well as by using the Deployments REST API.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Debug logging may have security implications and have a significant impact on performance. Debug events are recorded user and system events, significantly increasing the amount of data collected and stored.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Managers

Refresh API Access Token

By default, OAuth2 access tokens used to authenticate and authorize calls to the Intelligent Advisor REST API expire after 30 minutes of inactivity. Once an access token expires, it needs to be refreshed. An API client can now request a long term (refresh) token to use when their access token expires.

This enables the API client to continue to access the Intelligent Advisor REST services without needing to supply user credentials.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Requests must be:

  • sent using HTTP POST with the URI https://<site>/opa-hub/api/{version}/auth where {version} is 12.2.23 or later.
  • made with grant_type=offline_access. The OAuth API will then return two tokens: an access_token and a refresh_token.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Developers

Statistics REST API

System integrators can now access Intelligent Advisor statistics through a REST API.

This enables the statistics to be shared without logging in through the Hub user interface.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

  • System Integrators

Test Decision Service Rules in a Browser

While writing decision service rules, authors can now instantly switch to a Live view to add data objects and input values and see how these flow through the rule logic. 

This interactive experimentation can reduce the time spent troubleshooting before integration testing via the decision service API.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Authors

Optional Decision Service Inputs

Decision service authors can now mark input contract fields as not being required.

This feature enables input fields to either be omitted or passed as null.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

For a deployed project that contains decision service references, the decision service will be invoked as follows:

  • If an input field is required and the policy model value is uncertain, then the decision service is not invoked and the decision service outputs are all presumed to be uncertain.

  • If an input field is optional and the policy model value is uncertain, then the decision service will be invoked.

  • If any of the input values are unknown, then all the outputs will be unknown.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Decision service authors

Oracle Analytics Publisher

Interview authors can now use Oracle Analytics Publisher Desktop 5.5.0 (previously known as BI Publisher), for form creation and editing.

Analytics Publisher supports Office 365.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Existing users will need to uninstall BI Publisher Desktop before installing Analytics Publisher Desktop.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Interview authors

Knowledge Management

Automatically Update Search Indexes

We have updated the functionality that the application uses for search in the authoring application and in some agent browser and customer portal features. When you upgrade to the current release, the indexes that store your organization’s search data need to be updated for compatibility. The upgrade process will automatically update and rebuild the search indexes. This process may take more than an hour to complete, depending on the amount of data. During the upgrade, the application will process the content and create the indexes incrementally.

The affected product features include Find (find content) and Global Find and Replace in authoring, and suggested searches in customer portal and agent browser. If you use these features before the indexing process completes, the results will be based on incomplete indexes, and will be inconsistent. When the indexing process is complete, these product functions will be fully upgraded and compatible with the updated search functionality.

Performing this automatic update ensures that your application indexes are compatible with the current Knowledge Advanced release.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The affected product features include authoring search results, browse lists, and find and replace, and suggested searches in customer portal and BUI agent browser.
  • If you use these features before the indexing process completes, the results will be based on incomplete indexes, and will be inconsistent.
  • The indexing process may take more than an hour to complete, depending on the amount of data.
  • You can verify that the index process completed successfully by reviewing the indexing process reports available at Tools > Full Text Search > Reports. The report lists the content types for which indexing is complete or in progress.

Key Resources

  • See "Automatically Update Search Indexes" in the B2C Service Update guide. See Answer ID 5168, "What documentation is available for Oracle B2C Service Products?" to find release update information and guides for your current release.

Role Information

  • Application administrators who manage the release update process will use this feature.

Check Spelling in Articles Using Browser Spellchecking

Authors can use their preferred browsers’ spellcheck functionality when they create or edit articles using the authoring console. Browser-based spellcheck is enabled by default. Most popular browsers provide spellchecking, however, authors may need to configure their browsers to use it.

In a typical browser spellcheck implementation, the browser indicates misspelled words by underlining them as the author types. The author can then click on the word to see suggestions of correctly spelled words. If the author selects a suggested word, the browser replaces the misspelled word with the author’s selection.

Browser-based spellcheck enables authors to use spelling correction while they type, which improves the user experience and increases quality and productivity.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • When authors use browser-based spellcheck, the browser, and not the application, provides the functionality, including the dictionary of correctly spelled words. The dictionary that the browser uses is specific to the browser, and will vary from the dictionary that the application provides.
  • Browser-based spellcheck is independent of the proofread in dialog spell checking feature in Authoring.
  • Administrators can disable browser-based spell checking by changing the setting in Tools > System > Configure > Enable CKEditor Browser Spellcheck.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Authors can use browser-based spell checking, and administrators can disable the feature if needed.

Improve Search Accuracy by Using the Search Dictionary

The knowledge search dictionary is updated to improve performance and accuracy. These improvements involve disabling concepts that research and testing have shown to be ineffective in improving search results in most applications.

The updated search dictionaries improve search accuracy while using fewer concepts, which results in better search results for customers and may also reduce the need for dictionary tuning.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The dictionary updates have been shown to improve search results in most applications. However, if your application’s search benefits from using a concept that has been disabled, you can enable the concept. See the Key Resources section.
  • You can find a listing of the disabled concepts in the article <title tbd>. See the Key Resources section.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Knowledge Managers can use the updated dictionaries to improve knowledge search performance.


Business Rules Enhancements: Newly supported Actions and Rule Usage Stats

Support for new math and string operations has now been added to the Enhanced Business Rules framework.  These new features help in defining more complex business logic from within rules and also reduces the need for custom code. The supported math operations are Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Modulo.  The supported String operation is the Field Concatenation. In addition, the rule usage statistics are now made available in the Rules framework that provides insights into the rule runtime/usage statistics to pro-actively clean/revise unused rules periodically and helps in better understanding the rules usage.

  • Satisfy business processes that require complex operations through business rules.
  • Improve efficacy through insights into metrics, patterns, and trends related to their usage.

Steps to Enable

You can only access this feature on the Agent Browser UI.

Do this for each profile that needs to add and edit business rules:

  1. Add the Rules component to the navigation set.
  2. Select the Rules View and Rules Edit checkboxes in the administrative permissions.

Key Resources

Support Assets & Account Rule Element & Enhancements

The enhancements in Element Manager for 21C enables users to:

  • Export and import rules defined on Accounts and Assets in Enhanced Business Rules. With the inclusion of Accounts and Assets, Element Manager is now supporting export and import of business rules defined on all objects.
  • Filtering elements by updated datetime enables the users to export only the elements updated before a specific date, after a specific date, or between a date range.
  • Option to disable dependencies during export allows customers to manage the dependencies on their own, facilitates more elements per export, and avoids unwanted overwrite of dependent elements.
  • Increasing the limit on the number of elements per package allows customer to export elements with more number of dependent elements, and reduce the total number of packages.

The enhancements to Element Manager include changes that allow customers to filter the updated elements by date, to identify the modified elements in the source site, and disabling the dependent elements to allow export.  This allows only the modified element from the source site and avoids unwanted overwrite of elements in the target site. These enhancements increase the limit on the number of elements in a package allows to export elements like business rules which have more dependent elements for the first time and thus reduces the total number of exports. These enhancements make the Element Manager a powerful tool for the export and import of elements between source and the target site.

Steps to Enable

Admin must perform these tasks for all profiles that will work with Element Manager:

  • Add Element Manager to the navigation set. The Element Manager component is found in Components > Common.
  • Grant the appropriate administrative permissions to access individual elements. See Element Manager for the supported element types and their required permissions.

Tips And Considerations

  • Element Manager works only in the Agent Browser UI. If you try to access it from the Service Console, a message tells you that it is only available in the Agent Browser UI.
  • You need to have the appropriate profile permissions for the type of element you want to import or export.
  • Element Type

    Profile Permission Required

    Add-ins and extensions


    Configuration settings


    Custom objects

    Object Designer

    System attributes

    Object Designer

    Navigation sets


    Analytics Administrator, if any of the navigation sets contain reports

    Object event handlers

    Process Designer

    Reports (including reports with scripts)

    Analytics Administrator

    Standard text, variables

    Business Process Settings

    Message bases


    Workspaces and workflows

    Workspace Designer

Key Resources


Display Workspace Field Data Without Border

Workspace field data can be configured to display without a border to create a cleaner visual experience.

Workspace Designer Option and Example Workspace

Workspace field data without borders creates a cleaner visual appearance and aligns more closely with Oracle CX applications

Steps to Enable

  1. Open a workspace in the Workspace Designer.
  2. Select a field.
  3. In the Ribbon, navigate to Design > Options and select Display data without borders
  4. Save and preview the workspace in the Agent Browser UI.
  5. Note that the field data is displayed without a border. Editable fields will display edit controls on hover.

Tips And Considerations

  • This configuration is supported for the Agent Browser UI only.
  • Users can hover on the field to reveal edit controls, assuming the field is editable.

Incident Forward Configuration Option: Add Replies to Thread

Administrators can control whether replies to forwarded incidents should be added to the incident thread as a private note and whether agents should be allowed to disable this option when forwarding an incident.

Retain a comprehensive communication history in incident threads, including replies to forwarded incidents.

Steps to Enable

EGW_SAVE_EMAIL_HEADERS must be set to YES (1).

  1. Open an incident workspace in the Workspace Designer.
  2. Open the Ribbon Designer and right click on the forward button and select -Edit Button-.
  3. Select the option to -Add Internal Responses to Thread- and -Allow Agent to Control Internal Responses- (if desired).
  4. Save and close the workspace.
  5. Open an incident using this workspace on the Agent Browser UI and select the forward button. 
  6. Note that the Forward Comments option can be de-selected (leave it selected). 
  7. Enter a forward note and send.
    1. Only an existing account can reply to a forwarded incident and be recorded as a private note.
  8. Note that the comments in the Forward window are added to the incident thread.
  9. The reply from an existing account in Oracle B2C Service will be recorded in a private note thread along with any attachments.

Tips And Considerations

  • This configuration is only supported on the Agent Browser UI.
  • This configuration is only available for 21C versions and later.

Key Resources

Standard Workspaces for Browser UI

A set of Agent Browser UI workspaces is available in a new folder on the Workspace Designer. Workspace types include Incident, Contact, Organization, Task, Answer, Asset, Interaction. The workspaces include features unique to the Agent Browser UI such as splitter panels, inside field labels, and collapsible tables. These workspaces can be copied and modified to suit your business needs. The workspaces have a common layout and are easily scalable by adding new tabs, fields, controls, and workspace reports.

Agent Browser UI Workspaces

Leverage standard Agent Browser UI workspaces to quickly create workspaces optimized for the Agent Browser UI.

Steps to Enable

  1. Open the Workspace Designer in .NET.
  2. Navigate to the folder called Standard Browser UI
  3. Select and copy a workspace contained in that folder.
  4. Edit the workspace as desired.
  5. Save and assign the workspace to a profile.

Tips And Considerations

  • These workspaces are not compatible for use in .NET.
  • The Interaction Workspace has been moved from the Standard folder to the Standard Browser UI folder.

Answer Insert Hotkeys

Users can insert answers into incident threads using F9 for answer content and F10 for answer URL.

Answer Content Insert (F9)

Answer URL Insert (F10)

This capability enables users that know the intended answer ID to quickly insert the answer content or URL into a thread without accessing the Knowledge sidebar.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This is the same capability that's available for inserting answer content in the .NET desktop.
  • Note that most browsers reserve F10 as an accessibility shortcut for focusing the browser settings menu. When using F10 in Browser UI the answer URL dialog will appear instead of the browser's setting menu. If this is a problem for your organization, please contact Oracle Technical Support to have the feature disabled.

Chat Browser UI: Desktop Notifications

Previously, agents did not receive a desktop notification when new chats come in. Beginning in 21C, agents handling chats within the Agent Browser UI have a desktop notification that alerts them when new chats, transfer invites and conference invites require their attention. Agents can take action on the desktop notification by accepting the new chat or accepting/declining the transfer and conference invites from within the desktop notification. Accepting the chat or invite, then brings the Agent Browser UI and the chat into focus.

Chat Desktop Notification example

This makes it easier for agents to multitask when handling chats within the Agent Browser UI.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Service

Technical requirements for setting up Chat Desktop Notifications:

  • Engagement Panel version 12+ must be deployed for the site
    • If Engagement Panel version 12+ is not generally available, then you can email Jessica Bradley ( to have your site upgraded
    • There is no downtime associated with this update. First, we will enable Engagement Panel version 12 on your test site, then on your production site at a day/time of your choosing
  • The Chat Desktop Notifications feature is enabled by default
    • If you would like to disable this feature, then you can create the following custom configuration setting:
    • Type: Yes/No
    • Yes to enable
    • No to disable
  • Agents must allow desktop notifications when logging into the Agent Browser UI
    • When prompted, agents should allow desktop notifications for Oracle Service Cloud
    • If an agent misses the prompt, then they can update their browser settings to enable desktop notifications. This setting is generally available for most modern browsers on the Notifications menu. Agents can easily search the internet for specific instructions on how to do this by using keywords like, "allow desktop notifications chrome"

Tips And Considerations

The Chat Desktop Notifications feature does not include support for incident notifications

Role Information

  • Chat Administrators
  • Chat Agents

Engagement Panel JavaScript API: Enhancements to Chat Toolbar, Toast & Response Customization Options

We've added APIs that provide partners and customers more control over the Chat Toolbar, Chat Toast Notifications, and Response Customization Options. These new APIs provide our customers and partners with more customization options within the Browser User Interface, and the ability to build & improve on equivalent integrations to what is available within the .Net console today.

Provides more customization options within the Browser User Interface.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role Information

  • Chat Developers

Show/Hide Thread Formatting Toolbar

The Thread Formatting Toolbar can be hidden by users using a new button on the thread toolbar. The Formatting toolbar can be displayed by clicking the button once again. The Formatting Toolbar show/hide setting will persist for a user across multiple records. 

Show or Hide the Thread Formatting Toolbar

Hiding the formatting toolbar allows users to leverage additional space while creating or editing thread content.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Standard Text Recent Items

The Standard Text sidebar now includes a list of recently used Standard Text at the top of the search menu.

Standard Text Recent Items

Users can quickly add recently used Standard Texts to threads without searching or navigating through menus.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The recent items behavior is the same as other workspace menu fields: up to 5 recent items are displayed and this feature can be toggled off or on by selecting the 'Show Recent Items' checkbox in the Standard Text menu or by selecting 'Recent Items enabled in Menu' in the Recent Items header menu.