f Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Force Automation 22A What's New
Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Force Automation
What's New
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  1. Update 22A
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Sales Automation Core Common
    1. CX Foundation
        1. Create Follow-Up Activities for External Appointments and Delete External Appointments
        2. Update Supplied and Custom Fields on External Appointments
        3. Get Reminded When a Task Is Due
    2. CRM Common Components
        1. Use Adaptive Search and Workspace for Accounts and Contacts with No Setup
        2. Work Areas Powered by Adaptive Search Now Enabled Automatically for New Customers
        3. View Group By Date Buckets Beyond Last and Next 6 Months
        4. View the Adaptive Search Publish Job Progress
        5. Provide Enhancements to Quick and Advanced Subtabs for the Configure Adaptive Search Setup Tab
        6. Access Quick Actions from the Sales Tab
        7. Create Routines to Automate Repetitive Tasks
    3. Accounts, Contacts, and Households
        1. Undo Enrichment for a CX Sales Account
        2. Use DataFox and D&B Together to Enrich Your Accounts
    4. Security
        1. Dynamically Schedule Object Sharing Rules Processing for Access Group Rules
        2. Copy Object Sharing Rules from System and Custom Access Groups to Other Groups
    5. Import/Export Management
        1. Track Import Job Completion Estimation
        2. View and Save Only Your Export Maps
        3. Use Do Call For Primary Contact Points in High Volume Import for Contact Object
        4. Import and Export Access Extension Rules for Access Groups
    6. APIs
        1. Use Do Call and Primary Phone Identifiers in Contact REST API Header
        2. Use Export REST APIs to Reuse a Saved Export Map
  7. Sales Automation Foundation Common
    1. Leads and Opportunities
        1. Add Revenue Lines in Adaptive Search
    2. Sales Catalog
        1. See the Changes Users Make to Eligibility Rules and Attachments for Product Groups
        2. Validate That Configurable Models Are Entered Correctly
        3. Increase Efficiency with Product Group Dynamic Choice Lists
    3. CX Sales Mobile
        1. Simplified CX Sales Mobile App Deployment
        2. Enable Sales Representatives to Stay Signed in to the Application for Longer Using Mobile Device Management Software
        3. Use Price Books in Opportunities
        4. Specify If Existing Records Can Be Added as Related Objects Using the Add Option
    4. Sales Analytics
        1. Support Renewal Selling Enhancements in Sales Pipeline Reporting
        2. Support Reporting on Email Address in Territory and Resource Hierarchies
        3. Secure Product Group Extension Visibility in Reports Based on Access Groups
  8. Sales Force Automation
    1. Customer Data Management
        1. Use Simplified Setup for Duplicate Identification Options
        2. Submit Resolution Request Dispatcher Jobs from the Duplicate Resolution Page
    2. Sales Assistant
        1. Archive a Team in Microsoft Teams Automatically When an Opportunity Closes in CX Sales
        2. Assign Roles and Regions to Access Oracle Sales Assistant via Microsoft Teams
        3. Request Specific Field Values for Records in Sales Assistant
    3. Enterprise Contracts
        1. Print Custom Object Attributes in Contract Deviation Reports
        2. Show Variable Values in Supplier and Customer Contract Deviation Reports
        3. Edit Contract Documents in Microsoft Word with Content Control Boxes Hidden
        4. Improve Visibility of Pending Variables in Contract Expert
        5. Automatically Send Contracts for Signature in DocuSign
    4. Sales for Microsoft 365
        1. Enable Improved Sign-in Experience for Microsoft 365 Integration with Microsoft Application Permission
    5. Intelligent Advisor
        1. Viewer Role in Intelligent Advisor Hub
        2. Intelligent Advisor Component in Visual Builder Supports Checkpoints
        3. Redwood Landing Page and Search for Intelligent Advisor Hub
  9. IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations

Update 22A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes

18 FEB 2022

Intelligent Advisor Viewer Role in Intelligent Advisor Hub

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 22A.

18 FEB 2022

Intelligent Advisor

Intelligent Advisor Component in Visual Builder Supports Checkpoints

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 22A.

18 FEB 2022

Intelligent Advisor

Redwood Landing Page and Search for Intelligent Advisor Hub

Updated document. Delivered feature in update 22A.

20 DEC 2021     Created initial document.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Update Tasks

This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.

Use the following resources to prepare for, deploy, and validate your update:

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.


Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Sales Automation Core Common

CX Foundation

Create Follow-Up Activities for External Appointments and Delete External Appointments

Update Supplied and Custom Fields on External Appointments

Get Reminded When a Task Is Due

CRM Common Components

Use Adaptive Search and Workspace for Accounts and Contacts with No Setup

Work Areas Powered by Adaptive Search Now Enabled Automatically for New Customers

View Group By Date Buckets Beyond Last and Next 6 Months

View the Adaptive Search Publish Job Progress

Provide Enhancements to Quick and Advanced Subtabs for the Configure Adaptive Search Setup Tab

Access Quick Actions from the Sales Tab

Create Routines to Automate Repetitive Tasks

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Undo Enrichment for a CX Sales Account

Use DataFox and D&B Together to Enrich Your Accounts


Dynamically Schedule Object Sharing Rules Processing for Access Group Rules

Copy Object Sharing Rules from System and Custom Access Groups to Other Groups

Import/Export Management

Track Import Job Completion Estimation

View and Save Only Your Export Maps

Use Do Call For Primary Contact Points in High Volume Import for Contact Object

Import and Export Access Extension Rules for Access Groups


Use Do Call and Primary Phone Identifiers in Contact REST API Header

Use Export REST APIs to Reuse a Saved Export Map

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Leads and Opportunities

Add Revenue Lines in Adaptive Search

Sales Catalog

See the Changes Users Make to Eligibility Rules and Attachments for Product Groups

Validate That Configurable Models Are Entered Correctly

Increase Efficiency with Product Group Dynamic Choice Lists

CX Sales Mobile

Simplified CX Sales Mobile App Deployment

Enable Sales Representatives to Stay Signed in to the Application for Longer Using Mobile Device Management Software

Use Price Books in Opportunities

Specify If Existing Records Can Be Added as Related Objects Using the Add Option

Sales Analytics

Support Renewal Selling Enhancements in Sales Pipeline Reporting

Support Reporting on Email Address in Territory and Resource Hierarchies

Secure Product Group Extension Visibility in Reports Based on Access Groups

Sales Force Automation

Customer Data Management

Use Simplified Setup for Duplicate Identification Options

Submit Resolution Request Dispatcher Jobs from the Duplicate Resolution Page

Sales Assistant

Archive a Team in Microsoft Teams Automatically When an Opportunity Closes in CX Sales

Assign Roles and Regions to Access Oracle Sales Assistant via Microsoft Teams

Request Specific Field Values for Records in Sales Assistant

Enterprise Contracts

Print Custom Object Attributes in Contract Deviation Reports

Show Variable Values in Supplier and Customer Contract Deviation Reports

Edit Contract Documents in Microsoft Word with Content Control Boxes Hidden

Improve Visibility of Pending Variables in Contract Expert

Automatically Send Contracts for Signature in DocuSign

Sales for Microsoft 365

Enable Improved Sign-in Experience for Microsoft 365 Integration with Microsoft Application Permission

Intelligent Advisor

Viewer Role in Intelligent Advisor Hub

Intelligent Advisor Component in Visual Builder Supports Checkpoints

Redwood Landing Page and Search for Intelligent Advisor Hub

>>Click for IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations

Sales Automation Core Common

CX Foundation

Create Follow-Up Activities for External Appointments and Delete External Appointments

Create the follow-up activities such as the follow-up tasks, appointments, and call reports for external appointments synced from Microsoft 365. You can now delete external appointments as well.

Teams can track follow-up activities and call reports for appointments set up outside the company and shared with Sales from Microsoft 365. These are known as external appointments. Teams can also delete a shared external appointment when it's no longer relevant.   

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Activities and Calendar" chapter in the Using Sales guide.

Update Supplied and Custom Fields on External Appointments

When you sync an external appointment from Microsoft 365, the appointment is read-only when viewed from the web application. Even though the appointment is external to the company, you may want salespeople to be able to edit fields -- such as supplied fields like account, opportunity, and lead, or custom fields -- from the web application. As the administrator, you can enable the editing of appointment fields so that salespeople can edit both supplied and custom fields.

Keep in mind that meeting details, such as day, time, description, and location, will still be read-only, except in Outlook.

External appointments synced from Microsoft 365 should be linked to your Sales data to allow for tracking and analytics. While this is possible from Microsoft 365, the ability was not available from the web application. Now, the sales teams can update this key Sales and custom data from Microsoft 365 or the web application.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task:

  • Offering: Sales
  • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
  • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values
  1. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for External Appointments Editing Enabled (ORA_ZMM_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_APPT_EDIT) and set the Site value to Yes.
  2. Save and Close the page.

Key Resources

See the "Activities" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Get Reminded When a Task Is Due

Salespeople can now be reminded by email or get an alert in the Notifications area when their tasks are due. They simply configure the default reminder period in their user preferences. As an administrator, you can enable or disable the reminder notifications across the site and for individual users. You can specify whether to notify users via email, notifications, or both. You can configure the ORA_ZMM_TASK_DEFAULT_REMINDER profile option to set a default reminder period based on the task due date. For example, you can configure to send a notification three days before the task due date or when the task due date is reached.

Task due reminders improve efficiency and help teams reduce the risk of having pending tasks.

Steps to Enable

Setup 1: Set Profile Options

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Activity Profile Options task:

  • Offering: Sales
  • Functional Area: Sales Foundation 
  • Task: Manage Activity Profile Options
  1. On the Manage Activity Profile Options page, access and enable these profile options:
  • ORA_ZMM_TASK_NOTIF_LIST_REMINDER: Enable to show task reminders in the Notifications area.
  • ORA_ZMM_TASK_EMAIL_REMINDER: Enable to show task reminders by email.
  • ORA_ZMM_TASK_DEFAULT_REMINDER: Set a default reminder period.
  1. Save your changes.

Setup 2: Add Due Date Reminder Field to the UI

Here's how you enable the Due Date Reminder field to allow salespeople to set a reminder period.

  1. In an active sandbox, use Navigator to go to Configuration > Application Composer > Activity > Pages.
  2. Add the Due Date Reminder field to the Task Create and Task Details page layouts.
  3. Save your changes and publish the sandbox.

Key Resources

See "Get Reminded When a Task Is Due" in the "Activities" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator
  • Sales Representative

CRM Common Components

Use Adaptive Search and Workspace for Accounts and Contacts with No Setup

Oracle now enables Adaptive Search and the Workspace for accounts and contacts for all customers, even those who haven’t enabled Adaptive Search themselves. Oracle automatically runs the Publish process behind the scenes to index accounts and contacts for Adaptive Search. All salespeople see the Workspace icon on the home page and can use Workspace to manage accounts and contacts without additional setup.

Leverage the high performance Adaptive Search experience and use the intuitive Workspace UI to easily find and work with key sales-related information.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Adaptive Search and Workspace" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Work Areas Powered by Adaptive Search Now Enabled Automatically for New Customers

New customers no longer have to opt in to get the high-performance Adaptive Search engine and other Workspace features for work areas tailored to many individual business objects. While the enhanced work areas are now available to new customers by default, existing customers must still opt in. The work areas that support the Adaptive Search and other Workspace features include:

  • Accounts
  • Activities
  • Assets
  • Campaigns
  • Contacts
  • Deal Registrations
  • Leads
  • Opportunities
  • Partners
  • Quotes and Orders
  • Territories

Object work areas now provide much better search and filtering capabilities, and users experience a more consistent search experience across the work areas, Global Search, and Workspace.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Adaptive Search and Workspace" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

View Group By Date Buckets Beyond Last and Next 6 Months

Grouping of search results from Workspace is now more flexible. When filtering search records using Group By on a date field, salespeople can now select Month to group data into monthly intervals without the previous six-month restriction. Salespeople can view data beyond six months by simply clicking Show More. This provides a more complete view of data divided by months.

Flexible grouping of results by month provides improved flexibility and usability.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

View the Adaptive Search Publish Job Progress

You can now view the real-time progress of Adaptive Search indexing jobs. When you click Publish, a progress bar indicates how much of the indexing job has been processed and what percentage remains before completion. This feature gives you better visibility on the Publish job progress so that you can plan your operations accordingly.

This feature gives administrators increased visibility into the Workspace and Adaptive Search Publish process.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Provide Enhancements to Quick and Advanced Subtabs for the Configure Adaptive Search Setup Tab

Adaptive Search configuration is now more intuitive and easier to set up. You can view and enable custom objects in Adaptive Search and Workspace from the Quick subtab of the Configure Adaptive Search Setup tab.  In the Advanced subtab, you can view field names and their data types. The number of fields available for cross object searches is increased to 15 fields and can be specified by selecting the Include in Object Reference column for each field.

Search setup and configuration is more intuitive and flexible.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Quick Actions from the Sales Tab

Salespeople can now quickly create sales records from just one page. Using the Sales tab on the home page, salespeople can use quick actions to create their opportunities, leads, contacts, and activities, including tasks, appointments, and call reports, from a single location.

Quick actions available from the Sales tab of the home page reduce the number of navigational clicks and let salespeople quickly create various records and activities more efficiently.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

To edit or remove the out of the box quick actions, please see "Configure Quick Actions" topic in the "Home Page and Navigation" chapter in the Configuring and Extending Applications guide.

Key Resources

See this content:

Create Routines to Automate Repetitive Tasks

You can configure routines for business scenarios that help to improve the sales performance of your salespeople. For example, you might create a routine to alert users when opportunities are stuck and require attention to move them along the sales cycle. Routines can enforce data hygiene by discarding obsolete or outdated information, and they can reduce risk by providing timely and relevant reminders to focus on key customers.

The Routines feature helps administrators manage repetitive tasks, thereby improving efficiency. This feature also helps process compliance tasks to ensure users have accurate and current data.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Manage Routines" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Role Information

Routines are configured by administrators with access to Application Composer. Access is controlled by the Manage Rouitnes (ZCA_MANAGE_ROUTINES) privilege.  The privilege is assigned to the following roles:

  • Application Implementation Consultant
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator
  • Sales Administrator

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Undo Enrichment for a CX Sales Account

Sometimes it's necessary to associate an account record with a new record through enrichment. Now you can undo the Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (formerly called Oracle Data as a Service or Oracle DaaS) enrichment that's been done for a Sales account record, so that you can re-create the association with Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment.

In certain scenarios, you may have to undo enrichment of an existing account and associate it again with Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) to get the right updates for your account. Let's see some examples.

  • In the UK, when a private limited company goes public, D&B creates a new company record with a fresh DUNS number and obsoletes the old DUNS number and records of the company. In such a case, you have to restart the enrichment to get the latest updates for your account. 
  • In a rare case, enrichment can result in an incorrect operation and a Sales account is updated with incorrect D&B company data.

In such cases, you can undo the existing enrichment and redo it so that right data is updated in the Sales account records.

Steps to Enable

The undo enrichment feature is available for the accounts already enriched by D&B. Here's the setup:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Data Enrichment Integration task:

  • Offering: Sales
  • Functional Area: Integrations
  • Task: Manage Data Enrichment Integration
  1. On the Manage Data Enrichment Integration page, select Enable DaaS for Enrichment.
  2. Select Enable DaaS for SmartData.
  3. Enter the DaaS Credentials.

After configuring, your users can find the Undo enrichment option in the Actions menu of the Edit Account page. 

Note: The Undo Enrichment option is available only for Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) enriched accounts. This option isn't available for the accounts that are not yet enriched or enriched only by Oracle DataFox.

Tips And Considerations

After you undo the enrichment, your account unlinks from Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), but the old data remains. Redo the enrichment so that the latest data from Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) replaces the old data.  

Note: The enrichment sync jobs won't run for accounts unlinked from enrichment. 

Key Resources

See this content:

Use DataFox and D&B Together to Enrich Your Accounts

Enrich an account using Oracle DataFox and Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) simultaneously in real-time. You can use D&B to enrich some of the accounts fields and Oracle DataFox to enrich the others. But, for smart data, you need to use either DataFox or D&B.

You can use D&B and Oracle DataFox to enrich fields in Sales account records. For example, you can get the firmographic data, such as employee count and revenue, from D&B, and account scoring-related data from Oracle DataFox. This way, you can leverage Oracle DataFox capabilities for account scoring along with D&B firmographic data.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Data Enrichment Integration task:

  • Offering: Sales
  • Functional Area: Integrations
  • Task: Manage Data Enrichment Integration
  1. On the Manage Data Enrichment Integration page, select Enable DaaS and Enable DataFox for Enrichment.
  2. Select Enable DaaS for SmartData. (Don't select Enable DataFox for SmartData).
  3. Enter the credentials for DaaS and DataFox.

Mapping DataFox Fields

  1. Map the following three fields: 
  • DataFox Company ID
  • Account Score
  • Account Scoring Tier 
  1. Remove the mapping for the other Oracle DataFox fields, because you can map only three Oracle DataFox fields for enrichment. See the Oracle DataFox documentation (https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/datafox/dfudf/set-up-and-administer-oracle-cx-sales-integration.html) to learn more.
  2. Ensure that the Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) (formerly Oracle DaaS) mappings are correct, and map all the desired fields for DaaS except the three fields mapped for Oracle DataFox. 

Tips And Considerations

In this release, Oracle has introduced a new task, Manage Data Enrichment Integration, to enable the coexistence of D&B and Oracle DataFox. Use the task to set up account enrichment.

Note: The following existing tasks that were used for enriching from Oracle DataFox and D&B are now deprecated:

  • Manage DataFox Data Enrichment Integration 
  • Manage Integration with Oracle Data as a Service

These tasks will be removed after a couple of releases.

Key Resources

See this content:

Role Information

Sales Administrator


Dynamically Schedule Object Sharing Rules Processing for Access Group Rules

You no longer have to manually schedule the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing job for each object to ensure access group object sharing rules are assigned at regular intervals. Provided an active rule exists for an object, the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing process is dynamically scheduled to run for the object. How frequently the process runs varies depending on whether or not an object supports near real-time processing. You can disable dynamic scheduling, or change how frequently the process runs, using profile options.

Dynamic scheduling makes it easier for you to manage object sharing rules processing and improves rule processing performance.

Steps to Enable

The profile option, Dynamic Scheduling of Scheduled Process Jobs Enabled (ORA_MOW_ENABLE_ESSJOB_DYNAMIC_SCHEDULING), controls whether or not dynamic scheduling of object sharing rules processing is enabled. This option is enabled by default, but you can disable dynamic scheduling if necessary using these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Open the Search page and search for the task Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  3. Search for the profile option Dynamic Scheduling of Scheduled Process Jobs Enabled.
  4. Change the default value of  the profile option to No.
  5. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

You can specify how frequently the object sharing rules processing job runs when dynamic scheduling is enabled. These profile options let you specify the processing frequency when near real-time processing is enabled, and when near real-time processing is disabled:

  • Frequency of Scheduled Process Jobs if Near Real-Time Processing Enabled (ORA_MOW_ESSJOB_FREQUENCY_WITHNRT): The default value is 6 hours.
  • Frequency of Scheduled Process Jobs if Near Real-Time Processing Disabled (ORA_MOW_ESSJOB_FREQUENCY_WITHOUTNRT): The default value is 1 hour.

Key Resources

See the "Access Groups" chapter in the Securing CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Role Information

Sales Administrator

Copy Object Sharing Rules from System and Custom Access Groups to Other Groups

You can easily copy all the predefined and custom object sharing rules assigned to an access group to other access groups. You can copy rules either to access groups you create, or to system access groups generated for custom job roles. You no longer have to manually assign rules to these types of access groups.

Creating custom access groups and implementing access groups generated for custom job roles is simplified. Instead of having to assign rules individually to these groups, you can copy the rules from an existing group that provides similar access to data as your custom group requires, and then publish only the copied rules relevant for your custom group.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Access Groups" chapter in the Securing CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Role Information

  • IT Security Manager 
  • Sales Administrator

Import/Export Management

For information on using Import and Export Management, see the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Track Import Job Completion Estimation

You can now track your import job completion estimation time. View the Manage Imports and Import Status pages to see the estimated time range within which an import job will be processed.

You can now know an estimated time range within which an import job will be processed, giving you better insights and predictability.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

View and Save Only Your Export Maps

You can now save and view your export maps, in addition to keeping the maps private.

Use cases and benefits:

  • During the export activity, there was significant rework while creating and accessing specific maps which you intended to reuse.
  • Save your maps and, on subsequent use, access only your maps, thus speeding up your export job creation process.
  • Mark maps as private, which will hide the maps from other users, thus personalizing your experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Use Do Call For Primary Contact Points in High Volume Import for Contact Object

You can use the Do Contact preference for primary work phone, primary mobile, primary home phone, primary email, and primary fax while importing contacts in Import Management.

These fields are available in Import Management under the Contact object for both standard and high-volume mode:

  • DoCallMobilePhoneFlag
  • DoCallWorkPhoneFlag
  • DoCallHomePhoneFlag
  • DoContactEmailFlag
  • DoContactFaxFlag

In addition to the above, these fields are available in Export Management:

Contact object:

  • MobilePhoneContactPtId
  • WorkPhoneContactPtId
  • HomePhoneContactPtId
  • FaxContactPtId
  • EmailContactPtId

Account object:

  • PrimaryContactDoCallFlag
  • PrimaryContactDoEmailFlag

Account Contact object (child of Account):

  • DoCallFlag
  • DoEmailFlag

The Contact preference information is important from compliance requirements. The Existing Phone and Email fields also provide Do Contact details. Contact point identifiers on the parent Contact object are helpful in integration use cases to easily map to child records in contact point child object for updates and fetch more information for that record.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Import and Export Access Extension Rules for Access Groups

Use Import and Export Management to import and export access extension rules in your sales environment. Access extension rules let you extend the access defined for an object in an object sharing rule to a related object. You can import access extension rules previously exported from the same or another environment, or can use this functionality to update multiple access extension rules at a time.

This feature lets you manage access extension rules more efficiently.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Access Groups" chapter in the Securing CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Role Information

Sales Administrator


Use Do Call and Primary Phone Identifiers in Contact REST API Header

You can use the Do Contact preference and Contact Point identifier information at header level for primary work phone, primary mobile, primary home phone, primary email, and primary fax in the Contacts REST web service.

These fields are added to the Contact REST API:


  • MobilePhoneContactPtId
  • WorkPhoneContactPtId
  • HomePhoneContactPtId
  • FaxContactPtId
  • EmailContactPtId


  • DoCallMobilePhoneFlag
  • DoCallWorkPhoneFlag
  • DoCallHomePhoneFlag
  • DoContactEmailFlag
  • DoContactFaxFlag

These fields are added to the Account REST API:


  • PrimaryContactDoCallFlag
  • PrimaryContactDoEmailFlag

These fields are added to the AccountContact child in the Account REST API:


  • DoCallFlag
  • DoEmailFlag

The contact preference information is important from compliance requirements. The existing Phone and Email fields will also provide Do Contact details. Contact point identifiers on parent Contact object are helpful in integration use cases to easily map to child records in contact point object for updates.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Use Export REST APIs to Reuse a Saved Export Map

You can now use Export REST APIs to reuse a saved export map using a unique identifier.

This feature extends the reusability of the user-created Export Maps through the Export REST APIs. You can now pass a unique identifier as a parameter to refer to any previously created export map and not have to pass the entire filter expression, hence reducing opportunities for error or passing an erroneous expression.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Leads and Opportunities

Add Revenue Lines in Adaptive Search

You can now add revenue lines when you configure Adaptive Search. This means that instead of having to navigate to each opportunity and find revenue lines within each one, salespeople can now view and search for revenue lines directly from Workspace.

Revenue Lines in Workspace

This feature helps salespeople quickly access revenue lines, thus improving their user experience and increasing productivity.

Steps to Enable

  1. Sign in to the application as the sales administrator or a setup user.
  2. Go to the Configure Adaptive Search setup task.
  3. In the Setup tab, select the Revenue Lines object and enable it.
  • Note: If you want to make changes to the default set of attributes for Revenue Lines, you can change them from the Advanced subtab.
  1. Click Save and then Publish.

After you publish, the revenue lines are available in Workspace.

Tips And Considerations

Sales users who have access to opportunities can use this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator
  • Sales Representative

Sales Catalog

See the Changes Users Make to Eligibility Rules and Attachments for Product Groups

View the audit history of changes users make to product eligibility rules and attachments for product groups. You specify the fields to track and then view the change history in a report. For each change made, the audit history shows information such as the field name, the date and time of the change, the original field value, the new field value, the user who made the change, and more.

This feature lets you know the history of changes made to product eligibility rules and attachments for product groups, and the specifics of those changes, for auditing and tracking purposes.

Steps to Enable

To enable and configure auditing on product eligibility rules and attachments for product groups, first enable auditing for the business object:

  1. Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search for the task, Manage Audit Policies.
  3. Select Configure Business Object Attributes.
  4. From the Product list, select Sales Catalog.
  5. Check the objects to enable auditing for.
  6. Select the attributes to audit.
  7. Save your changes.

Note: Administrators must have the FND_MANAGE_SALES_AUDIT_POLICIES_PRIV privilege to do these steps.

To view the audit reports of product eligibility rules and attachments for product group:

  1. Go to Tools > Audit Reports.
  2. Specify Date.
  3. Search and specify User.
  4. From the Product list, select Sales Catalog.
  5. Select the Business Object Type.
  6. Select other report filter criteria, as needed.
  7. Click Search.

Note: Users must have the FND_VIEW_SALES_AUDIT_HISTORY_PRIV privilege to view product group audit reports.

Tips And Considerations

  • Use this feature to audit changes made to attributes of a product group, a product group product, eligibility rules, product group relation, and product group attachments objects.
  • This feature audits changes made within the Oracle Sales application specifically. It doesn't audit changes made to product groups within in the Oracle Product Information Management (PIM) module, including changes made in PIM that are synched to Sales.
  • The Description field in the user interface refers to the product group reference number. This audit feature uniquely identifies product groups by the product group reference number, not by the product group name.
  • The Product object isn't auditable in this release. Only product groups and related objects are currently audited.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator
  • Sales Catalog Administrator

Validate That Configurable Models Are Entered Correctly

In the sales Products UI, you can validate that configurable model information is entered correctly. Model information in products and product groups includes the collection of model, model line model family, and model attribute values. These values are required to identify Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote (Oracle CPQ) configuration models. This validation enforces consistent entry of model information when managing products and product groups.

This feature lets you validate and enforce consistent entry of model information required to identify Oracle CPQ configuration models for the Oracle CPQ integration purposes. You can also use this feature in REST APIs and in Import Management.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

To enable validation of model information entry for Product, first adjust the page layout and expose fields for the Product object using Application Composer:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.
  3. Navigate to the Product object > Pages.
  4. Navigate to the Details Page Layouts region and duplicate the standard layout to create a new, custom layout.
  5. Edit the new layout.
  6. In the Details Layout region, click the edit icon in the Edit Subtab: Summary region.
  7. In the Configure Detail Form page, move the Configurable, Model, Model Line, Model Family, and Model Attributes fields to the Selected Fields area in the given order and save.
  8. Navigate to the Edit Product page in Sales > Products. Verify that the Configurable, Model, Model Line, Model Family, and Model Attributes fields appear in the Edit Product page.
  9. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.


  • To expose model information fields in the Create Product page, use the Creation Page Layouts region in Application Composer.
  • You must expose all five fields in the given order, for example: Configurable, Model, Model Line, Model Family, and Model Attributes.
  • You must set the Configurable indicator to Yes to enforce model information entry validation in the Products UI.
  • You can set the Default Operator to Is blank for the Configurable field in the Search Region configuration page under Search and Select Dialog Layouts (Application Composer > Product > Pages). This configuration lets users search pre-existing product records that have a blank Configurable field value without having to specify the Configurable condition explicitly.

To enable validation of model information entry for Product Group, adjust the Desktop page layout and expose fields for the Product Group object using Application Composer:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.
  3. Navigate to the Product Group object > Pages > Desktop Pages.
  4. Click Edit Summary Form in the Details Page region.
  5. In the Edit Details Page Summary Form page, in the Configure Default Summary region, move the Model, Model Line, Model Family, and Model Attributes fields to the Selected Fields area in the given order and save.
  6. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and Search for the task, Manage Product Groups.
  7. Select a product group and click Lock to edit the product group. Verify that the Model, Model Line, Model Family, and Model Attributes fields appear in the Product Group page.
  8. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.


  • You must expose all four fields in the given order to display in the UI, for example: Model, Model Line, Model Family, and Model Attributes.
  • You must specify the Model value to enforce model information entry validation in the Product Group edit page.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature is primarily useful for customers using the Oracle CPQ integration.
  • The validation is enforced to ensure entry of Model, Model Line, and Model Family field values when the Configurable field is set to Yes as a user creates or edits a product.
  • The validation is enforced to ensure entry of Model Line and Model Family field values when the Model field value is specified as a user edits a product group.
  • The entry of model attributes is optional.
  • You can also use this feature in REST APIs and in Import Management.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator or Sales Catalog Administrator
  • The user must have access to Manage Product Group task.

Increase Efficiency with Product Group Dynamic Choice Lists

Speed administrator tasks by setting up dynamic choice lists for product group data selection within Sales objects like opportunities and leads. After you configure product group dynamic choice lists in Application Composer, Sales Catalog administrators can use them with specific filter criteria. You can also use dynamic choice lists with your own custom objects.

The product group dynamic choice lists that you set up let catalog administrators filter data when making selections, thus boosting efficiency and performance.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

To enable Product Group dynamic choice lists, you first add a dynamic-choice-list type custom field for an object using Application Composer:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.
  3. Navigate to the Fields page in Opportunity, Sales Lead, or your own custom object.
  4. In the Fields page, create a new, custom field.
  5. Select Choice List (Dynamic) and click OK.
  6. Specify basic information in the Create Dynamic Choice List: Basic Information page.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Create Dynamic Choice List: List of Values page, select Product Group as the related object you want to query to populate the list.
  9. For List Selection Display Value, select Display.
  10. Expand the Data Filter region and click Existing Filter.
  11. For Data Filter Name, select GetProductGroupsForUsage.
  12. For Bind_usageCode, specify the expression value, for example, 'BASE'.
  13. For Bind_UsageModeCode, specify the expression value, for example, 'MOO' (for Opportunity).
  14. Click Submit.
  15. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.


  • Oracle supplies an existing filter named GetProductGroupsForUsage to facilitate setup.
  • The example filter expression value for Bind_usageCode is 'BASE'.
  • The example filter expression value for Bind_UsageModeCode is 'MOO' when you define a custom choice list field for Opportunity. This includes any other associated filter functions, such as the territory engine, if defined for Opportunity in the Manage Product Group Usage task.
  • If you want a choice list field to display all available product groups, use the filter expression value, 'QSC' for Bind_UsageModeCode.
  • The filter expression value for Bind_UsageModeCode is 'MKL' when you define a custom choice list field for Leads.

Tips And Considerations

For example filter expression values to set up for variable Bind_UsageModeCode when you define the custom choice list (dynamic) field for Opportunity, navigate and refer to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Product Group Usage > Select Usage: Base > Base Details > Modes > Description

Key Resources

Role Information

Sales Administrator. Must have access to Manage Product Group Usage task.

CX Sales Mobile

Simplified CX Sales Mobile App Deployment

This feature greatly simplifies mobile app deployment by generating a QR for your instance of CX Sales Cloud. It also provides a tool to check if all prerequisite steps have been completed and provides links to information about to complete them.

The system status tool helps you diagnose and correct any issues related to implementing CX Sales Mobile, enabling an easier and faster implementation of the mobile app. 

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

  1. Activate a sandbox and navigate to Application Composer.
  2. Click Mobile Application Setup.
  3. Click the System Status tab.
  4. The system status check starts automatically. When it's finished, check the results in the Results pane.
  5. Click the feature to view and resolve any issues.
  6. In the QR Code section, choose an authentication type and click Publish to add a QR code to the News and Announcements page in the CX Sales home page.

System Status Tool

Tips And Considerations

  1. The system status tool generates two QR codes based on the authentication type you would like your users to use.  Use the appropriate QR code to help your users connect easily from the mobile app to your CX Sales Cloud instance.  
  2. Use the publish option to publish the QR code to News and Announcement section or simply download and share it with your users to easily connect to CX Sales Cloud from the mobile app.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator
  • CRM Administrator

Enable Sales Representatives to Stay Signed in to the Application for Longer Using Mobile Device Management Software

Use your corporate Mobile Device Management software to preconfigure OAuth authentication tokens, making it easier for sales representatives to stay signed in to the mobile app securely, and for longer.

OAuth extends the user's sign-in duration to the mobile app, which provides for a simple yet secure means to sign in to the mobile app. If you're using Mobile Device Management (MDM) software and configuring OAuth using MDM, this eliminates the second sign in that's required if OAuth configuration is done only using Functional Setup Manager.

Steps to Enable

Use your Mobile Device Management vendor to create a configuration for CX Sales Mobile and set the following properties:

  • CXM_AUTH_TYPE: "<oauth|sso|basic>"
    • Set the authentication type appropriate for your deployment.
  • CXM_TOPOLGY_URL: "<oauth url>"   
    • Set to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service host for the instance.
  • CXM_CLIENT_ID: "<oauth client id>" 
    • Set to the client ID for the app from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance.
  • CXM_CLIENT_SECRET: "<oauth client secret>"   
    • Set to the client secret for the app from Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance.
  • CXM_HOST: "<oauth scope url>"   
    • Set to the host of your CX Sales instance.

Key Resources

Role Information

Sales Administrator

Use Price Books in Opportunities

Add price books to opportunities and accounts for consistent and accurate pricing for deals across your sales organizations. Tailor your application to default corporate-wide or account-specific price lists. Allow salespeople to immediately understand recommended prices when adding products to an opportunity.

Improve opportunity win probability and deal close velocity with access to customer-specific pricing in the field.

See a demo.

Steps to Enable

  1. Complete the steps listed to enable Price Books in Opportunities and Accounts within the "Price Books" chapter of the Implementing Sales guide on Oracle Help Center.
  2. In CX Sales Mobile Composer, add Price List fields to the Account and Opportunity summary and edit pages for roles and regions that need access to price books.
  3. In CX Sales Mobile Scripts, create an Opportunity script that updates Opportunity Revenue Item pricing when the opportunity Price List field value is changed.
  4. In CX Sales Mobile Scripts, create an Opportunity Revenue script that updates Opportunity Revenue Item pricing when a Product Group field value is changed. 

Tips And Considerations

It is important to complete the steps listed in Price Books in Opportunities and Accounts before completing mobile configurations for this feature.

Key Resources

Specify If Existing Records Can Be Added as Related Objects Using the Add Option

Using this feature, you can specify if sales representatives can add an existing record as a related object. This means that you can now allow sales representatives to create a related record, add an existing related record, or do both.

This feature lets your sales representatives manage data relationships in a way that works best for your business needs, all from a mobile device. This avoid issues where some business processes wouldn't be possible, or might lead to duplicate data getting created. 

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

  1. Activate a sandbox and navigate to Application Composer.
  2. Click Mobile Application Setup.
  3. Under CX Sales Mobile composer, select the object that contains the related object that you want to configure.
  4. Click on Summary layouts.
  5. Either clone the default layout or select an already cloned layout.
  6. For Related objects, hover over the card to see if a relationship is enabled for this feature.
  7. Click on the icon with the arrow.

  1. Click the icon to select an option for the create or add option.
  2. Select either Create, Add, or Both in the pop-up window.

  1. Save and test the changes before publishing the sandbox.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator
  • CRM Application Implementation Administrator

Sales Analytics

Support Renewal Selling Enhancements in Sales Pipeline Reporting

You can now use the subject areas, Sales - CRM Pipeline and Sales - CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time, to report at a more granular level on opportunity type categories. Sales teams can enable and configure revenue lines across different recurring, nonrecurring, and usage types and can report on more detailed aggregated revenue amounts for each category at the opportunity level.

The new attributes and facts added for reporting on renewal selling to the Sales - CRM Pipeline and Sales - CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time subject areas are:

Dimension Attributes


  • Contract Start Date
  • Contract End Date
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue
  • Monthly Usage Revenue


  • Opportunity Type
  • Opportunity Type Code
  • Renewal Process

Facts - Pipeline Detailed Facts

  • Opportunity Line Recurring Revenue
  • Opportunity Line Non Recurring Revenue
  • Opportunity Line Usage Revenue
  • Won Opportunity Line Recurring Revenue
  • Won Opportunity Line Non Recurring Revenue
  • Won Opportunity Line Usage Revenue
  • Lost Opportunity Line Recurring Revenue
  • Lost Opportunity Line Non Recurring Revenue
  • Lost Opportunity Line Usage Revenue

With these subject area enhancements, you can report on opportunity types and renewal processes associated with opportunities. You can analyze useful metrics at a more granular level on revenue lines like recurring, non-recurring, and usage revenue, which are also aggregated at contract start and end date. Monthly recurring and usage revenue measures are also added at revenue line level for more detailed reporting capability. Currency conversions are enabled for all measures and also on revenue attributes, such as monthly recurring revenue and monthly usage revenue.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

At the revenue line level, Revenue Type Category is not exposed. Therefore, at revenue line level, aggregations can't be categorized by Renew/New/Expansion.

Key Resources

Support Reporting on Email Address in Territory and Resource Hierarchies

With this additional attribute, sales users can report on territory owner and resource owner emails through territory and resource hierarchies across each level on any sales subject area. Sales users can add these attributes as a report content or use them as a filter to report on unique names.

Previously, in territory and resource hierarchy across sales subject areas, only name was available for reporting. Names might not be unique, so enabling email ID gives additional reporting capabilities across hierarchies.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Secure Product Group Extension Visibility in Reports Based on Access Groups

Users can view product groups and product group extensions with a related fact, and they see only the records that they have permission to view. Also, custom subject areas using product groups show only product groups that the user has permission to view.

Users can view product group and product group extensions with related fact and see only records which they have permission to view. Also custom subject areas using product groups show only product groups for which the user has permission to view.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Sales Force Automation

Customer Data Management

Use Simplified Setup for Duplicate Identification Options

Use the Manage Customer Data Management Options simplified setup page to review and configure the profile options used by duplicate identification. The new Duplicate Identification Options tab lets you configure the core duplicate identification profile options as a single configuration step. This new tab also provides on-page documentation and help to make it easy to choose the most appropriate options for your implementation.

Simplified Setup for Duplicate Identification Options

This enhancement simplifies the process for configuring profile options for Duplicate Identification by letting you configure multiple options as a single setup task and by making it easy to access the exact documentation sections needed to help your configuration decisions.

Steps to Enable

Here's how to access this enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Select the Customer Hub functional area in the Customer Data Management offering.
  3. Click on the link for the Manage Customer Data Management Options setup task.
  4. Navigate to the Duplicate Identification tab.

Tips And Considerations

It's still possible to review and configure Duplicate Identification profile options through other setup interfaces, but the Manage Customer Data Management Options interface provides a more efficient, tailored experience for the configuration process.

Key Resources

  • See the "Duplicate Identification Setup" chapter in the Implementing Customer Data Management (CDM) for CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Role Information

Users with the Master Data Management Application Administrator privilege can access the Manage Customer Data Management Options setup task.

Submit Resolution Request Dispatcher Jobs from the Duplicate Resolution Page

Submit the resolution request dispatcher jobs directly from the Duplicate Resolution page. Previously you had to go to the Run Request Dispatch Setup and Maintenance task to process resolution requests. Now you can click Dispatch on the Duplicate Resolution work area to set the status of pending resolution requests to new, as well as to send submitted resolution requests for processing.

Duplicate Resolution Page

The new Dispatch button on the Duplicate Resolution page lets data stewards to more efficiently advance the stage of in-progress resolution requests by running the request dispatch job without needing to leave the Duplicate Resolution page.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The new Dispatch button creates the exact same Request Dispatcher job that's created through the Run Request Dispatch Job Setup and Maintenance task. The Run Request Dispatch Job will remain available in the Setup and Maintenance module and will continue to be used for configuring Request Dispatch job parameters, as well as for configuring any recurring execution schedules. Clicking the Dispatch button on the Duplicate Resolution page immediately submits a Request Dispatch job using the current default parameters, and users can monitor the status of the job using the Scheduled Tasks page in the exact same way that they would to monitor a job submitted from the Run Request Dispatch Job setup task page.

Key Resources

  • See the "How You Merge Duplicate Records" section in the "Resolve Duplicates" chapter in the Using Customer Data Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Role Information

  • Customer Data Steward
  • Data Steward Manager
  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Sales Assistant

Archive a Team in Microsoft Teams Automatically When an Opportunity Closes in CX Sales

If an opportunity closes in CX Sales, then the associated team in Microsoft Teams is automatically archived. The team in Microsoft Teams is automatically restored when the associated opportunity gets reopened in CX Sales.

This feature reduces the number of unnecessary teams in Microsoft Teams. It eliminates manual archive and restoration of teams in Microsoft Teams when an opportunity closes and reopens.

Steps to Enable

As a prerequisite, you must have Signals functionality enabled before you implement the feature to automatically archive a team in Microsoft Teams. By default, Signals is disabled. Here are the steps to enable it.

  1. From Setup and Maintenance, navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for the profile option name, Common CRM Signals Active (ORA_ZCA_ENABLE_SIGNALS).
  3. Change the default value of the profile option from No to Yes.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Next, enable the Archive Opportunity Team in Microsoft Teams Enabled check box:

  1. From Setup and Maintenance, navigate to the Microsoft 365 task.
  2. From the Set Up Microsoft Teams Integration dialog window, select the Microsoft Teams tab.
  3. Enter the Application ID, Application Key, and Tenant ID. (You only need to do this if you're setting up the Microsoft Teams integration for the first time.)
  4. Select the Archive Opportunity Team in Microsoft Teams Enabled check box.

Key Resources

Role Information

Sales Administrator

Assign Roles and Regions to Access Oracle Sales Assistant via Microsoft Teams

Using the Microsoft Teams Composer administrator tool, you can select the roles and regions that can access CX Sales using Oracle Sales Assistant in Microsoft Teams.

Settings in Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams Composer

This gives you the flexibility to let users with specific roles and in specific regions to have a conversation with the sales assistant.

Steps to Enable

  1. From Application Composer, under the Common Setup Menu, click Oracle Sales Assistant Setup.
  2. Click the Microsoft Teams Composer tab to open the Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams configuration tool.
  3. Click Setting and choose the roles and regions in the drop-down fields for Assigned Roles and Assigned Regions.
  4. Click Save.

Tips And Considerations

If there are no roles and regions selected for the Assigned Roles and Assigned Regions fields, then Oracle Sales Assistant is available to all CX Sales users.

Key Resources

Role Information

Sales Administrator

Request Specific Field Values for Records in Sales Assistant

You can send questions or commands to the sales assistant and it retrieves the information or acts on your requests. You can now ask the assistant to provide a specific standard or custom field value for a record, such as What is the win probability for this opportunity? or Get the industry for the Vision account.

This feature helps further improve the usability of the sales assistant, since users can directly ask for values of fields on a record and quickly get the information.

Steps to Enable

Ensure that Oracle Sales Assistant is aware of the fields you want your users to use in a conversation with the assistant, from any of supported channels. Use the Sales Assistant Common Configurations administrator tool to add or update synonyms for a specific standard or custom field value, such as updating a synonym for a field used to search for a record.

Tips And Considerations

The sales assistant understands the synonyms for objects and fields that are defined by you. Synonyms allow the sales assistant to understand your company's jargon. For example, instead of sending "show the win probability for the opportunity", you can send "show the win prob for the opportunity" to the assistant. It will still understand you're asking to see an opportunity's win probability.

Key Resources

See this content:

Role Information

This feature can be used by any users who have access to sales assistant on the different channels.

Enterprise Contracts

Print Custom Object Attributes in Contract Deviation Reports

Details of custom child and related objects for contracts defined in Application Composer are available in the downloaded deviation data model XML file. Using these details, you can configure the Supplier Contract and Customer Contract deviation summary reports in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. When you download these reports, you can view the attribute values of custom child and related objects of the contract.

Use the opt-in Print Standard and Custom Attributes in Deviation Reports to enable this feature.

Adding attributes of custom child and related objects of a contract provides the approver with a more comprehensive deviation report, so they are better informed when making a decision to approve or reject the contract.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Enterprise Contracts

Key Resources

Show Variable Values in Supplier and Customer Contract Deviation Reports

You can view system and user variable values in the Supplier Contract and Customer Contract deviation reports instead of variable names. These reports are available from the Review Contract Deviations UI. The variable values are also displayed in the Compare Clause and Clause Text pop-up windows in this UI.

The improved readability of system and user variables values help contract administrators and approvers review and analyze contract deviations more easily.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Enterprise Contracts

Key Resources

Edit Contract Documents in Microsoft Word with Content Control Boxes Hidden

When you download a contract in Microsoft Word .docx format, you can enter contract text anywhere in the document without being restricted by content control boxes. Content control boxes are displayed only for system and user variables. Any text you modify or add to the various parts of the document is interpreted appropriately as section or clause titles, or clause text when the contract is uploaded to the application. If a clause title is added without any clause text, then the clause title is ignored in the uploaded contract document.

Content control boxes are no longer displayed in contract documents to improve the user experience.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Improve Visibility of Pending Variables in Contract Expert

After the Contract Expert process completes, a message prompts you to enter the values for the pending variables. The View field in the Edit Variable Values page is set to Pending variables by default to focus on those variables that don't contain values. In addition, you can view the Display Title and Number columns in the Contract Expert: Review Suggested Clauses train stop. If Contract Expert suggests multiple clauses, you can use a single checkbox to select or deselect all clauses at a time with one click.

Select or Deselect All Checkbox in Review Suggested Clauses UI

Pending Variable Message

This feature reminds the user to enter the values for the pending variables.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Automatically Send Contracts for Signature in DocuSign

Automatically send contracts for signature in DocuSign by setting the attribute AutoSendForSignature to Y when creating or updating them using SOAP or REST web services. Any value in this attribute is ignored if the contract being created or updated isn't enabled for electronic signature.

When you run the Track Electronic Signature Status scheduled process, any contracts in the Pending signature status are automatically sent to DocuSign for signing, up to the maximum threshold defined in the Send for Signature Maximum parameter. The process doesn't send contracts for signature that don't have any associated contract documents ready for signing.

You can submit eligible contracts for signing using web services to avoid taking the extra step to sign using the application UI.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Sales for Microsoft 365

Enable Improved Sign-in Experience for Microsoft 365 Integration with Microsoft Application Permission

This enhancement improves the sign-in and session experience for the Microsoft 365 add-in users while reducing the sign-in failures in the sync engine.

With this enhancement:

  • Users' sign-in experience is smoother. Users don't have to do any additional action to authorize the Microsoft tokens capture.
  • Frequent sign-ins are not required anymore because the Microsoft tokens don't fail.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Sales

Key Resources

Role Information

Administrative users

Intelligent Advisor

Viewer Role in Intelligent Advisor Hub

Any Intelligent Advisor Hub interactive user can now be assigned the Viewer role. Users with Viewer role have read-only access in the Hub to projects, deployments and statistics, and can test and run interviews and decision services. They cannot make any changes in the Hub and are unable to create, upload, update, branch or delete anything.

This new role gives stakeholders full visibility of interviews and decision services during development, without risk of accidental changes. It also provides read-only production access to reporting users that need only to be able to access, download and analyze deployment usage data.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Read-only users such as stakeholders

Intelligent Advisor Component in Visual Builder Supports Checkpoints

The Intelligent Advisor component in Visual Builder now supports the resume and resumeCheckpointOrStartNew action in addition to the existing start operation.

This means that interviews can be saved and later resumed by self-service users (in Digital Customer Service) and agents.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

In addition to the steps required to support this feature in Visual Builder, the policy model must also:

  • Have checkpoints defined for screens in the interview, and
  • Use a connection that supports checkpoints (the connection details page in Intelligent Advisor Hub indicates next to Status whether checkpoints are supported)

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Interview Integrator

Redwood Landing Page and Search for Intelligent Advisor Hub

The Intelligent Advisor Hub landing page now displays information based on relevant recent activity and the user’s role. There is also a unified search bar that can be used to initiate administrative tasks, open help topics and navigate to objects managed in Intelligent Advisor Hub.

The updated Hub landing page allows users to quickly navigate to and take action on any Hub object. Product capabilities can be learnt quickly via suggested actions and help topics.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The search field at the top of the page can be used to:

  • find particular deployments, projects, users, API clients, workspaces, connections, custom root certificates and client certificates.

  • search for information in the documentation related to key Hub functions. For example, searching for "charts" will provide a link that takes you to a topic explaining chart types. 

  • navigate to particular areas of the Hub. For example, searching for "change password" will provide a link that takes you directly to where you can change your password in the Hub. 

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Any Intelligent Advisor Hub user

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations


In this release, you can now run the Configuration Analysis report without having to create and enable a special profile option. The Configuration Analysis report provides a diagnostic analysis of all your custom application changes that were made in Application Composer. You can download the report in an HTML format for a maximum of 5 objects.

See the "How to View a Diagnostic Report of Your Application Composer Changes" topic in the "Add Objects and Fields" chapter in the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide, Update 22B.


In this release, the setSortBy() method handles null values differently from the previous release. Null values are sorted according to whether the sort order is ascending or descending:

  • If the sort order is ascending, then null values display last
  • If the sort order is descending, then null values display first

NOTE: If setSortBy() is called during the creation of a new row, then that new row isn't part of the sort and is always listed first.

Review your existing Groovy to confirm that everything still operates as expected, or modify your scripts as needed.


In this release, a new version of the Groovy scripting engine, version 2.5.14, is available with Application Composer. This new version changes some runtime application behavior, as described below. Review your existing Groovy to confirm that everything still operates as expected, or modify your scripts as needed.

1. LinkedList method behavior now matches Java behavior

The push and pop methods now work the same as in Java.

In Groovy 2.4.13 and below, LinkedList worked like a stack: Last In First Out (LIFO). In the new version, LinkedList works like a queue data structure: First In First Out (FIFO).

Let’s look at the push method:

def LinkedList list=new LinkedList();






In 21D (Groovy 2.4.13 and below), the result was:

[A, B, C, D]

In 22A (Groovy 2.5.14), the result is now:

[C, A, B, D]

To preserve the same behavior of Groovy 2.4.x, modify your scripts as follows in Groovy 2.5.x:

Instead of list.push(), use list.add().

Next, let’s look at the pop method:

def LinkedList list=new LinkedList();






In 21D (Groovy 2.4.13 and below), the result was:

prints "D"

In 22A (Groovy 2.5.14), the result is now:

prints "A"

To preserve the same behavior of Groovy 2.4.x, modify your scripts as follows in Groovy 2.5.x:

Replace list.pop() with def value = list.last() ; list.remove(value);

2. ObjectRange iterator now returns NoSuchElementException instead of null when hasNext returns false

Calling next() on an ObjectRange iterator now returns NoSuchElementException (instead of null) when hasNext returns false, to adhere to the Iterator contract.

def itr = ('a'..'b').iterator()

assert itr.next() == 'a';

assert itr.next() == 'b';

itr.next(); /* itr is null in 21D - in 22A it throws a NoSuchElementException) */

To preserve the same behavior of Groovy 2.4.x, modify your scripts as follows in Groovy 2.5.x:

To avoid getting the unchecked exception NoSuchElementException, always have itr.hasnext() check before calling itr.next.


With the migration to Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) 12C, all projects deployed for use with Application Composer object workflows are now part of the "FusionApps" space in BPM. Users who created and deployed projects in previous releases automatically have access to this space in Update 22A. Users can access this space by creating a new project, editing an existing project, or by getting a list of all projects from Application Composer.




During your upgrade, most existing customizations made in Application Composer are automatically updated to the latest enhanced behavior in the new release. However, there are a few exceptions that require you to manually initiate the upgrade script for each of those customizations.

NOTE: Some upgrade tasks will not be removed from this page even after the upgrade is completed, as they are re-runnable for certain feature enhancements that are expected in future releases.


You must sign in as a user with an administrator role to perform these steps.

IMPORTANT: Do not perform these steps when there are pending changes in an active sandbox. Be sure to save and publish sandboxes with any changes you want to keep before proceeding, and delete any sandboxes that you do not intend to publish.

  1. Sign into the application.
  2. From the Navigator, select Sandboxes (under Configuration).
  3. Create a new sandbox and set it as the active sandbox. The current active sandbox displays at the top of the application.
  4. Go to: Navigator > Application Composer (under Configuration).
  5. From the Application drop-down list, select the first application whose metadata you want to upgrade, such as Common or Sales.
  6. From the navigation tree on the left, under Common Setup, click Metadata Manager.

NOTE: You need to upgrade the existing customization metadata for each application separately.

  1. Click Metadata Upgrade.
  2. By default, the list displays the Not Started upgrade items that you need to manually upgrade. Highlight the first row in the list, and then click the Upgrade button.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. This process may take a couple of minutes. When the upgrade is done, the dialog box closes and the Upgrade Completed column shows an indicator.
  4. Repeat steps 7-8 for each row in the list.
  5. Repeat steps 4-8 for each application in the Application drop-down list in Application Composer.
  6. Publish the sandbox.

After the processes have completed, the application is ready to use.