Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Force Automation
What's New
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  1. Update 22C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Update Tasks
  4. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Sales Automation Foundation Common
    1. Leads and Opportunities
        1. Access to Opportunity Team Members for Partner Users
    2. Sales Catalog
        1. See Product Changes in Audit History
    3. CX Sales Mobile
        1. Disable App Screen Recording or Taking Screenshots of the App
        2. Use Filters On Dynamic Choice List Field Pickers on Mobile App
        3. Display the News Feed on the Home Page for a User's Most Relevant Accounts
        4. Remember the Last Used Saved Search on Dynamic Choice List Pickers
        5. Choose to Enable or Disable Confirmation Messages Globally, by Region, and by Role
    4. Sales Analytics
        1. Drill Down to User, Manager, Region, and Role in Application Usage Insights
        2. View Payment Balances by Earning Type Using the Incentive Compensation Analyst Dashboard
        3. Support Renewal Forecasting Enhancements in Sales Forecast Reporting
        4. Presentation Column Accurately Captures Product Group Deletion Values
  7. Sales Automation Core Common
    1. CX Foundation
        1. Support Delete and Restore of Predefined Data
    2. CRM Common Components
        1. Use Date Variables in Routine Actions
        2. Use Additional Fields for Mass Update in Workspace
        3. Select both Date and Time to Filter Date-Time Fields in Workspace and Work Areas Supported by Adaptive Search
        4. View Near Real-Time Smart List Saved Searches in Workspace
        5. Receive Email Notifications for Publish Jobs
    3. Accounts, Contacts, and Households
        1. Use Auditing to See Who Deleted Household Records and When
        2. Undo Enrichment of a DataFox-Enriched Account
        3. Use New Task for Data Enrichment
    4. Simplified Setup
        1. Review the Status of Your Sales Setup
    5. Import/Export Management
        1. Save the Advanced Options in Import and Export Management
        2. Use Specific Alternate Keys to Link Objects on Data Import
  8. Sales Force Automation
    1. Next Gen Sales User Experience
        1. Adopt the Next Gen Sales User Experience
    2. Customer Data Management
        1. Use Merge Request Override to Manage Organization Tax ID Attribute
        2. Use Survivorship Rules to Automatically Select the Master Record for Duplicate Resolution Links
        3. Access the Data Quality Rules Configuration Task in the Common Tasks Category in Application Composer
    3. Sales Assistant
        1. Show All of Your Saved Searches from the List of Matching Saved Searches
    4. Enterprise Contracts
        1. Use DocuSign OAuth 2.0 Authentication When Signing Contracts
        2. Notify When Contracts Are Shared in the Supplier Portal
    5. Sales for Microsoft 365
        1. Enhancements to Bi-directional Appointment Sync
    6. Intelligent Advisor
        1. Default Visibility for List Inputs
        2. New Permissions for API Clients
        3. Download a Project using the REST Service
        4. Enhancements to Deployed Decision Service Projects
        5. New Data Types and Functions in Decision Service Projects (22B Monthly Update 2)
        6. Control Access to Intelligent Advisor Interviews with Oracle Identity (22B Monthly Update 2)
        7. Intelligent Advisor Component in Visual Builder Supports Interview Redirection

Update 22C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
08 SEP 2022 Customer Data Management Updated document. Added section.
29 AUG 2022 Enterprise Contracts Use DocuSign OAuth 2.0 Authentication When Signing Contracts Updated document. Revised feature information.
05 AUG 2022 Next Generation User Experience Adopt the Next Gen Sales User Experience Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 22C.
17 JUNE 2022     Created initial document.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at


Some of the documentation referenced in this article may not be available until after general availability of the release update on July 1. Check back after general availability for complete information.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Update Tasks

This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.

Use the following resources to prepare for, deploy, and validate your update:

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.


Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Leads and Opportunities

Access to Opportunity Team Members for Partner Users

Sales Catalog

See Product Changes in Audit History

CX Sales Mobile

Disable App Screen Recording or Taking Screenshots of the App

Use Filters On Dynamic Choice List Field Pickers on Mobile App

Display the News Feed on the Home Page for a User's Most Relevant Accounts

Remember the Last Used Saved Search on Dynamic Choice List Pickers

Choose to Enable or Disable Confirmation Messages Globally, by Region, and by Role

Sales Analytics

Drill Down to User, Manager, Region, and Role in Application Usage Insights

View Payment Balances by Earning Type Using the Incentive Compensation Analyst Dashboard

Support Renewal Forecasting Enhancements in Sales Forecast Reporting

Presentation Column Accurately Captures Product Group Deletion Values

Sales Automation Core Common

CX Foundation

Support Delete and Restore of Predefined Data

CRM Common Components

Use Date Variables in Routine Actions

Use Additional Fields for Mass Update in Workspace

Select both Date and Time to Filter Date-Time Fields in Workspace and Work Areas Supported by Adaptive Search

View Near Real-Time Smart List Saved Searches in Workspace

Receive Email Notifications for Publish Jobs

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Use Auditing to See Who Deleted Household Records and When

Undo Enrichment of a DataFox-Enriched Account

Use New Task for Data Enrichment

Simplified Setup

Review the Status of Your Sales Setup

Import/Export Management

Save the Advanced Options in Import and Export Management

Use Specific Alternate Keys to Link Objects on Data Import

Sales Force Automation

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Adopt the Next Gen Sales User Experience

Customer Data Management

Use Merge Request Override to Manage Organization Tax ID Attribute

Use Survivorship Rules to Automatically Select the Master Record for Duplicate Resolution Links

Access the Data Quality Rules Configuration Task in the Common Tasks Category in Application Composer

Sales Assistant

Show All of Your Saved Searches from the List of Matching Saved Searches

Enterprise Contracts

Use DocuSign OAuth 2.0 Authentication When Signing Contracts

Notify When Contracts Are Shared in the Supplier Portal

Sales for Microsoft 365

Enhancements to Bi-directional Appointment Sync

Intelligent Advisor

Default Visibility for List Inputs

New Permissions for API Clients

Download a Project using the REST Service

Enhancements to Deployed Decision Service Projects

New Data Types and Functions in Decision Service Projects (22B Monthly Update 2)

Control Access to Intelligent Advisor Interviews with Oracle Identity (22B Monthly Update 2)

Intelligent Advisor Component in Visual Builder Supports Interview Redirection

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Leads and Opportunities

Access to Opportunity Team Members for Partner Users

Partner users can now access all opportunity team members, subject to resource security. For example, you can allow or restrict partner users to view only a subset of resources based on their roles or access groups they belong to.

This feature gives you the flexibility to control how partner users view, add, and modify opportunity team members.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See the "Can partner users view, add, and modify opportunity team members?" topic in the "Opportunities" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Role And Privileges

  • Partner user with access to opportunities

Sales Catalog

See Product Changes in Audit History

View the audit history of changes users make to Product fields and attachments for products. Administrators select which fields to track the audit history for and then view the audit history report. For each change made, the audit history reports such information as:

  • Field name
  • Date and time of the change
  • Original field value
  • New field value
  • User who made the change

This feature lets you see the history of changes made to product fields and the specifics of those changes for auditing and tracking purposes.

Steps to Enable

To enable and configure auditing on products, first enable auditing for the business object:

NOTE: Administrators must have the Manage Sales Audit Policies (FND_MANAGE_SALES_AUDIT_POLICIES_PRIV) privilege to perform these steps.

  1. Go to Navigator > Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search for the Manage Audit Policies task.
  3. In the Oracle Fusion Applications region of the Manage Audit Policies page, click Configure Business Object Attributes.
  4. From the Product list, select Sales Catalog.
  5. Select the objects (product and/or item attachments) that you want to audit.
  6. Select the attributes to audit.
  7. Save your changes.

To view product audit reports:

NOTE: Users must have the View Sales Audit History (FND_VIEW_SALES_AUDIT_HISTORY_PRIV) privilege to view product audit reports.

  1. Go to Tools > Audit Reports.
  2. From the Product list, select Sales Catalog.
  3. Select the Business Object Type (product and/or item attachments).
  4. Select other report filter criteria, as needed.
  5. Click Search.

Tips And Considerations

  • Use this feature to audit changes made to the attributes of a product and the attachments of that product.
  • This feature audits changes made within the Sales application. It doesn't audit changes made to products in the Oracle Product Information Management (PIM) module, including the PIM changes that are synced with Sales.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Administrator

CX Sales Mobile

Disable App Screen Recording or Taking Screenshots of the App

Use your corporate Mobile Device Management software, or the CX Sales mobile configuration app, to configure CX Sales Mobile so that users can't record the CX Sales Mobile app pages or take screenshots of the app. This helps prevent data from being copied and viewed outside of the app, making the data secure. This feature is currently available only for Android devices.

This feature allows you to manage a more secure mobile deployment by preventing the screen capture of data displayed on the mobile app. 

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Here's how you can disable screen recording and screenshot capture:

  1. Navigate to Mobile Application Setup in Application Composer.
  2. Click the CX Sales Mobile Composer tab and then click Settings in the Application Features pane.
  3. Expand the Security Settings and enable the Disable Cut, Copy, Paste and Disable Screen Capture option.
  4. Click Save and publish the sandbox.

Disable Screen Capture

Tips And Considerations

Due to differences in platform support, this feature is currently only supported on Android devices.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Administrator

Use Filters On Dynamic Choice List Field Pickers on Mobile App

Use simple or advanced filters on dynamic choice list fields, so that the corresponding object picker displays a filtered set of records. When users use the object picker, they see the records that meet the filter criteria, so that they choose from the correct set of records.

This feature lets users view the records that meet the filter criteria, so that they choose from the right set of records.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Here's how you enable the feature:

  1. Navigate to Mobile Application Setup in Application Composer.
  2. Click on the Edit layout of the object that you want to add a dynamic choice list field to.
  3. Clone the default layout, or select an existing layout to configure.
  4. Add the dynamic choice list field, if it's not already in the layout.
  5. Hover over the dynamic choice list field and click the pencil icon to view the options.
  6. Configure the following dynamic choice list settings:
    1. Use Filter Criteria: Enable this option to use the filter criteria of the dynamic choice list. If it's not enabled, CX Sales Mobile uses the Workspace saved search associated with the dynamic choice list target object.
    2. Show List by Default: Enable this option to display the list of records by default when the user taps the picker.
    3. Choose Search Field: Select which field is used when the user searches for a record.
    4. Choose Search Operator: Select the appropriate search operator.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Check your updates by force closing the CX Sales Mobile app, opening the app again, and verifying that the dynamic choice list filters are being used correctly.
  9. Publish the sandbox to make the change available to all users.

Dynamic Choice List Field Filters

Dynamic Choice List Fields Configuration Options

Tips And Considerations

  • Account or contact dynamic choice list fields don't support dynamic choice list filters. Instead, they use Workspace saved searches.
  • When using dynamic choice list filters, consider performance when deciding whether to display a list by default.
  • If you have existing layouts with dynamic choice list fields and you want to use the new dynamic choice list options, you must remove the dynamic choice list field from the existing layout, and then add the field back to the layout to start using the new options.
  • If you don't make any updates to your dynamic choice list fields, they will continue to use Workspace saved searches. 

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Administrator

Display the News Feed on the Home Page for a User's Most Relevant Accounts

Provide sales representatives and managers with timely news about their accounts on their CX Sales Mobile home page. This information is curated by Oracle DataFox so that salespeople reduce time spent on account research and meeting preparation. Sellers can quickly browse the recent news highlights, read the news articles of further interest, and have handy access to the related accounts to take notes or update contacts. Accounts that receive news are sourced from the "My Smart List for Accounts Workspace" search, so that users only see signals related to their priority customers.

This feature can:

  • Reduce the time spent on customer research by bringing account news directly to the mobile seller.
  • Increase top-of-funnel opportunity count and quality with insights into what drives customer buying decisions.

Account News Feed

Steps to Enable


  1. If you've not done so already, follow the steps to Integrate DataFox with Oracle CX Sales.
  2. Enable Smart Lists in Workspace as indicated in the Smart Lists topic.

CX Sales Mobile Setup:

  1. Navigate to Mobile Application Setup in Application Composer.
  2. Click the CX Sales Mobile Composer tab, and then click Cards in the Application Features pane.
  3. Select the layout(s) where you want to display Account News.
  4. If the selected layout was cloned from the Sales Rep or Sales Manager Card Layout, then do the following:
    1. Select the Account News Card.
    2. Under DataFox card settings, select Show so the card is no longer greyed out.
  5. If the selected layout was cloned from the Default Navigator Layout, then do the following:
    1. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select Add Custom Card.
    2. Select DataFox.
    3. Choose a Saved Search (My Smart List for Accounts is recommended, if you've enabled it in your instance).
  6. Save your changes.

Tips And Considerations

  • News is provided for the the top 10 account records that have associated DataFox Company IDs.
  • The default news age limit is 4 days. Sales administrators can change the age limit by layout to any value between 1 and 30 days.
  • The Account News feed shows up to 20 recent articles that meet the filters.

Key Resources

See this content:

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Administrator
  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Representative

Remember the Last Used Saved Search on Dynamic Choice List Pickers

Dynamic choice list pickers now retain the last used saved search on each picker separately from the list view for the object. With this enhancement, when you use a saved search on a dynamic choice list picker to filter the records displayed on a picker, each field retains the last used saved search by the user.

You can now have multiple dynamic choice list fields with each using a different saved search. This way, users don't have to toggle between different saved searches for dynamic choice list fields.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Here's how to enable this feature:

  1. Within a sandbox, navigate to Mobile Application Setup.
  2. Click the CX Sales Mobile Composer tab and then click Settings in the Application Features pane.
  3. Expand Dynamic Choice List Settings.
  4. Enable Use last used saved search.

Enable Option to Remember Last Used Saved Search for Dynamic Choice List Fields

Key Resources

See the "CX Sales Mobile" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide for information about configuring the app.

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Administrator

Choose to Enable or Disable Confirmation Messages Globally, by Region, and by Role

Configure which roles and regions receive confirmation messages when a record is created or a lead is converted. Alternatively, you can disable these messages for all users.

This feature empowers sales administrators to choose which roles and locales see confirmation messages when records are created, or leads are converted.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Here's how to specify which roles and regions receive confirmation messages, or disable confirmation messages for everyone:

  1. Navigate to Mobile Application Setup in Application Composer.
  2. Click the CX Sales Mobile Composer tab and then click Settings in the Application Features pane.
  3. Expand Confirmation Message Settings and select which roles and regions receive the Confirmation Messages in CX Sales Mobile. Alternatively, disable globally.

Confirmation Message Settings

Tips And Considerations

Your organization will continue to receive confirmation messages if you choose not to disable them for your organization, or for particular roles or regions.

Key Resources

  • See the "CX Sales Mobile" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide for information about configuring the app.

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Administrator

Sales Analytics

Drill Down to User, Manager, Region, and Role in Application Usage Insights

In Application Usage Insights you can now drill down from an organization or team view to insights for a specific user, manager, region, or role. Page filter labels are also updated with the terms "Enterprise” and “My Organization”. Sales administrators will typically use "Enterprise", whereas sales teams will typically use "My Organization".

Selectable Filters

Insights for Selected User

The drill-down features enable sales managers to view more granular usage insights targeting specific users, managers, regions, and roles within the Sales hierarchy.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

To accommodate the differing insight needs of sales managers and sales administrators, Application Usage Insight pages have two page filters.

  • The Enterprise filter displays usage data aggregated for the entire organization, and is typically used by sales administrators.
  • The My Organization filter restricts data to only the user's specific organization, based on user login, and is typically used by sales managers.The ability to drill into user, manager, region, and role is available when using the My Organization filter. It's not available when using the Enterprise filter.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Administrator
  • Sales Manager

View Payment Balances by Earning Type Using the Incentive Compensation Analyst Dashboard

Use the earning type filter in the Incentive Compensation Analyst Dashboard to view participant payment balances by Earning Type.

Earning Type and Description attributes have been added to the Incentive Compensation Participant Balances Real Time Subject Area to more clearly display balances by Earning Type.

This feature lets you easily review participant balances of different earning types.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Compensation Administrator
  • Compensation Manager
  • Compensation Analyst

Support Renewal Forecasting Enhancements in Sales Forecast Reporting

To protect your growth and reduce churn, analyzing your business for risk should be at the forefront of your renewal forecast process. Renewal forecasting reports enable sales managers and sales staff to manage their renewal subscription forecasts. This enhancement is added to the Sales CRM Forecasting and Pipeline Revenue Real Time subject areas.

The following new presentation tables are added:

Renewal Quantity Forecast Facts

  • Renewal Adjusted Quantity
  • Renewal Latest Adjusted Quantity
  • Renewal Quantity
  • Renewal Latest Quantity

Renewal Revenue Forecast Facts

  • Renewal Adjusted Best Case Forecast
  • Renewal Adjusted Forecast
  • Renewal Adjusted Worst Case Forecast
  • Renewal Forecasted Open
  • Renewal Latest Adjusted Best Case Forecast
  • Renewal Latest Adjusted Forecast
  • Renewal Latest Adjusted Worst Case Forecast
  • Renewal Latest Forecasted Open
  • Renewal Won - Forecasted
  • Renewal Latest Won - Forecasted

Forecast Item - Dimension enhancements

  • Forecast Item Category 
  • Forecast Item Category Code
  • Revenue Type Category         
  • Revenue Type Category Code

Opportunity - Dimension enhancements :

  • Renewal Process
  • Renewal Process Code
  • Opportunity Type
  • Opportunity Type Code

This enhancement lets sales users:

  • Report on renewal forecast metrics
  • Display forecast items
  • View forecast category indicator for renewal items
  • Enable more granular reporting capabilities

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This release only supports Forecast Item Category of type "Renewal".

Key Resources

Presentation Column Accurately Captures Product Group Deletion Values

Product group deletion attributes exist in sales subject areas and aren't showing correct, meaningful values. Instead of changing the values of the existing presentation column, the product deletion identifier has been hidden, and a new Active identifier attribute has been introduced. This identifier shows the active status of product groups accurately, inline with application interface.

This feature lets you to use the product group active identifier to get the status of product groups accurately, inline with the application interface.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Sales Automation Core Common

CX Foundation

Support Delete and Restore of Predefined Data

Support delete and restore options for predefined data, such as custom resource role and relationship type. This feature helps you to temporarily hide certain listed data and also re-instate them back later, if needed.

Setup and Maintenance tasks let you filter records based on active or inactive status. Deleted records appear in search results with a status of inactive. The Restore button also appears when you search for inactive status records. Selected records can be restored using the restore option.

Restore Deleted Resource Roles

Restore Deleted Relationship Types

You can easily manage set up data to hide lookup values, if they're no longer needed, and revert them back later. This helps you to restore accidentally deleted data.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

CRM Common Components

Use Date Variables in Routine Actions

Routines let you specify date variables to calculate the date based on the routine run date, plus or minus a specific number of days in integer format. For example, for the Update Field and Create Task actions you can create a task or update a field with a due date of the routine run date plus 7 days. This means that if all routines rules are met, the routine will continue to process and update records 7 days past the specified due date.

Creating routines with dynamic dates eliminates the need for periodic updates to routine actions. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

This feature is available to the following roles:

  • Application Implementation Consultant
  • Sales Administrator
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator

Use Additional Fields for Mass Update in Workspace

You can now mass update additional fields on multiple records. These additional fields include choice list fields based on objects that aren't available in Adaptive Search.

This enhancement makes the mass update feature more usable and complete.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

This feature is available for all roles. 

Select both Date and Time to Filter Date-Time Fields in Workspace and Work Areas Supported by Adaptive Search

You can now select both date and time filters on specific date and time fields to narrow down your list of search results. This saves you time, because you can conduct more focused searches.

This feature lets users do more granular time-based filtering.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

View Near Real-Time Smart List Saved Searches in Workspace

View near real-time smart list saved searches in Workspace. The user context engine now delivers near real-time user context, and in turn drives smart lists to display the most relevant and contextual records once every 10 minutes.

This feature:

  • Provides near real time user context reducing the refresh rates from once every 3hrs to ~10min.  It also drives My Smart Lists to display your most relevant and contextual records
  • Reduces navigation and search, bringing in efficiencies to Improve Sales user Productivity

Steps to Enable

To enable the near-real-time user contextual relevancy:

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  • Offering: Sales
  • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
  • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values
  1. In the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search by the profile option name, Enable Near Real Time User Context Relevancy, or by the code, ORA_ZCA_UC_ENABLE_NRT.
  2. Click the profile option name link.
  3. Set the profile option value to Y.
  4. Save your changes.

Key Resources

Receive Email Notifications for Publish Jobs

You can receive email notifications about the status of completed Publish jobs for Adaptive Search. For example, you're notified about the successful completion of published processes or receive an alert of failed processes that might be causing issues with data access. This helps administrators to better manage the Adaptive Search publishing process.

Email notifications about Publish jobs lets you know the status of completed jobs and alerts you if a job fails.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

This feature is available for all administrative roles that can do an Adaptive Search Publish.

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Use Auditing to See Who Deleted Household Records and When

Track deleted household object records using the Audit reporting tool. This feature is supported from all channels, including changes made in the UI, using REST, and using Import Management. You may have to perform certain configuration steps for the Household object and for specific fields to enable auditing.

Audit Report: Deleted Household

You can now audit the deleted Household records.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Audit Policies task:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
    • Task: Manage Audit Policies
  2. Click Configure Business Object Attributes in the Oracle Fusion Applications section.
  3. Select Common CRM as the product.
  4. Expand Audit Top Node.
  5. Click to select Household under Customer.
  6. In the Household: Audited Attributes panel, click the add icon to enable the Status field for auditing. Enable more fields for auditing as required and click OK.
  7. Click Save and Close.

Configuration in Manage Audit Policies for Household

Key Resources

Undo Enrichment of a DataFox-Enriched Account

The feature disables enrichment for a Sales account record that's been enriched from Oracle DataFox. Users can later enrich the account record to re-create the association with the Oracle DataFox record.

In certain scenarios, you may have to undo the enrichment of an existing account and associate it again with a new Oracle DataFox company to get the right updates for your account. For example, in a rare case, enrichment can result in an incorrect operation and a Sales account is updated with incorrect Oracle DataFox company data. In such cases, you can undo the existing enrichment and redo it so that the right data is updated in the Sales account records.

Steps to Enable

The Undo Enrichment option is available only for accounts enriched by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) or Oracle DataFox. The action can be found in the Actions menu of the Edit Account page of an already enriched account. This option isn't available for accounts that are not yet enriched.

Tips And Considerations

  • After you undo the enrichment, your account unlinks from the account in D&B or Oracle DataFox, but the old data remains. Redo the enrichment so that the latest data from D&B or Oracle DataFox replaces the old data.
  • The enrichment sync jobs won't run for accounts unlinked from enrichment.

Key Resources

See this content:

Use New Task for Data Enrichment

As announced in the Release Readiness documents in Update 22B, we have removed the following two deprecated Functional Setup Manager tasks from the Sales application:

  • Manage DataFox Data Enrichment Integration
  • Manage Integration with Oracle Data as a Service

The tasks have been replaced by the task, Manage Data Enrichment Integration. Use the Manage Data Enrichment Integration task for configuring enrichment credentials.

Basic Authentication in following tasks has also been disabled, and you're advised to start using OAuth Authentication (for DaaS Credentials in Manage Data Enrichment Integration and address verification credentials in Manage Integration with Oracle Verification Services).

There's no need to maintain multiple Setup and Maintenance tasks to manage the same configuration. We have consolidated two Setup and Maintenance tasks and created a new task in Update 22C, Manage Data Enrichment Integration. The deprecated tasks need to be removed.

OAuth Authentication is the recommended method to store connection credentials, so we're deprecating Basic Authentication for DaaS credentials in Manage Data Enrichment Integration and for address verification credentials in Manage Integration with Oracle Verification Services.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Use the new task, Manage Data Enrichment Integration, to specify Oracle DataFox and Oracle DaaS credentials, and set authentication to OAuth Authentication.
  • Use the existing task, Manage Integration with Oracle Verification Services, to configure verification services with OAuth Authentication.

NOTE: You can go to these tasks from the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Integrations

Key Resources

See this content:

Simplified Setup

Review the Status of Your Sales Setup

Customers starting a sales implementation can review the status of the required initial setup tasks by running a report from within the Setup Assistant. The report confirms which tasks have been completed and recommends actions for those that haven't. You can rerun the status check at any point. 

The setup check saves time by providing a quick snapshot of your setups in a single view, rather than requiring you to check each setup individually.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Import/Export Management

For information on using Import and Export Management, see the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Save the Advanced Options in Import and Export Management

You can now save the import and export job advanced options for subsequent reuse on the Import and Export Management user interface.

This feature:

  • Provides a quick and easy method for reusing advanced options without having to provide inputs again
  • Decreases the time taken to perform import and export tasks by reducing the number of clicks

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • We recommend that you check the Advanced Option values before running an import or export job.
  • To overwrite the current set of advanced options, you must click Save Advanced Options again.
  • The application will save the options, even if the import or export job doesn't complete.

Key Resources

Use Specific Alternate Keys to Link Objects on Data Import

You can use specific applicable alternate keys, such as Public Unique Identifier (PUID) or a combination of Original System and Original System Reference value, to uniquely identify and link objects based on pre-defined relationships on data import.

This feature:

  • Lets you use Public Unique Identifier (PUID) or a combination of Original System and Original System Reference value attributes as alternate keys, so that you can link data import into an object related to another object:
    • If related as a Dynamic Choice List (DCL) attribute
    • If defined as part of a 1:M relationship
  • Reduces the need to query primary key information of an imported object out of the system before re-importing the data to ensure that the data is uniquely identified and linked.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Sales Force Automation

Next Gen Sales User Experience

Adopt the Next Gen Sales User Experience

Oracle Next Gen Sales is the new user experience for Oracle Sales, built with the Redwood UX design platform. It’s purposefully designed for sellers to make their sales application as simple, intuitive, and fun to use as their favorite consumer applications.

The Next Gen Sales UX is unlike any other sales force automation or CRM system in that it emphasizes automation and proactive, prescriptive guidance. It features a reimagined take on the customer 360 and an action-oriented Sales Dashboard - both designed to maximize screen real estate. The ever-present, conversational Action Bar has redefined CRM adoption: users can search, filter, update, engage with customers, and even navigate within their CRM simply by asking in words, eliminating the endless clicking, searching, and scrolling of legacy sales tools. Automatic data capture helps sellers be more effective by arming them with a scrollable Activity Feed, and automatically tracks their progress against KPIs and interactive contests. It’s a CRM sellers will want to use.

Steps to Enable

Please request access through your customer success manager, Center of Excellence representative, or account team. See the Welcome Email for additional information.

Key Resources

Customer Data Management

Use Merge Request Override to Manage Organization Tax ID Attribute

Use the Merge Request override option for Organizations to manage the Organization's Tax ID attribute. As a Data Steward, you can now manually override the configured Tax ID attribute survivorship logic while processing merge requests.

As a Data Steward, you will now be able to better assure that Tax ID attribute values of master records are correctly selected.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Use attribute source confidence or other attribute survivorship logic options as the primary mechanism for resolving overlapping Tax ID attribute values when merging organization profiles.
  • You can now use the merge review override flow to manually review and modify the merge behavior for exception cases where configured attribute survivorship is not applicable.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

Users with any of the following roles can use this enhancement:

  • Customer Data Steward
  • Data Steward Manager
  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Use Survivorship Rules to Automatically Select the Master Record for Duplicate Resolution Links

Use your configured Survivorship Rules to automatically select the master record of Duplicate Resolution Link sets produced through the resolution request process. The same processing options and logic that have been available for Merge requests are now also be applied to Duplicate Resolution Link requests.

This enhancement lets you more effectively and efficiently implement Resolution Links functionality as part of your overall customer data quality practices.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, use the Manage Customer Data Management Options setup task to specify the Master Record Selection option to be used in resolution request processing. If Groovy script is chosen as the Master Record Selection option, use Application Composer to configure the Account Set Master and Contact Set Master behavior.

Tips And Considerations

  • If you have already enabled Master Record Selection as part of Merge request processing, no further action is necessary. The configured master record selection logic is automatically applied to Resolution Link requests.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Users with the Master Data Management Application Administrator role can enable and configure Master Record Selection options.

Access the Data Quality Rules Configuration Task in the Common Tasks Category in Application Composer

Access the Data Quality Rules Configuration task in the Common Tasks category instead of the Advanced Configuration area in Application Composer. This change helps you have a simpler and cleaner navigation experience.

This change helps provide a simpler navigation experience in Application Composer.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Only the location of the Data Quality Rules link has changed. There is no impact to the Data Quality Rules functionality and any existing scripts.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • This feature is available to users with the Master Data Management Application Administrator job role.

Sales Assistant

Show All of Your Saved Searches from the List of Matching Saved Searches

Sales Assistant provides a list of similar saved searches that match your search criteria. If you don't see the saved search you're looking for in the list of matches, you can click Show all saved searches to display all of your saved searches. 

This enhancement helps you locate and select the saved search that you want, if the saved search matches don't include the one you're wanting to run.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Users of Oracle Sales Assistant

Enterprise Contracts

Use DocuSign OAuth 2.0 Authentication When Signing Contracts

Sign contracts electronically with OAuth 2.0 authentication. When you sign a contract, the process uses OAuth 2.0 authentication when the envelope is submitted to DocuSign.

When you first sign a contract with this feature, you'll be redirected to DocuSign after selecting the Sign action to provide one-time consent to use the integration between Oracle Enterprise Contracts and DocuSign.

To view the signature history for your contract, use the Manage Signatures action or View Envelope Details from the History tab of the Edit Contract page. Then from the DocuSign envelope details, use the View History action.

View History

Signing contracts with OAuth 2.0 authentication provides better security and reduces the compliance risks associated with liability and privacy law.

Steps to Enable

IMPORTANT: You'll be able to use the same DocuSign account, but to sign your contracts electronically with OAuth 2.0 instead of using a username and password, you'll need to make the changes described below in the Manage Electronic Signature page. If you don't see the revised Manage Electronic Signature page, you must first set the profile option, OKC_DOCUSIGN_OAUTH_DISABLED, to N. To understand how to do that, refer to Doc ID 2891012.1 available on My Oracle Support.

  1. In DocuSign, enter the User ID associated with the user profile that has administrator privileges. This user must be the one who completes all the steps below to grant consent and validate the integration.
  2. Enter the Account ID and Endpoint URL. These are the API Account ID and Account Base URL, respectively, on your DocuSign account.
  3. Provide the OAuth URL for the DocuSign instance to which you intend to connect when submitting your contracts for electronic signing. This could either be your development or production instance of DocuSign:
  • Development Account:
  • Production Account:

Manage Electronic Signature Page

  1. Use the Validate action to provide one-time user consent to use DocuSign integration. The user who performs this step must be the same user identified by the user ID entered in step 1 in the Manage Electronic Signature page.

Validate Consent

  1. Click on the Allow Access button to grant consent.
  2. You'll see a message confirming the link between Oracle Enterprise Contracts and DocuSign.

Thank You Confirmation

  1. IMPORTANT: Make sure you press Validate once again to save the changes.

Key Resources

Notify When Contracts Are Shared in the Supplier Portal

Contract managers can notify suppliers when they share the contract for their review. The Share externally check box on the Edit Contract page indicates if the contract is already shared. To share a contract, use the Share in Supplier Portal action from the Edit Contract page.

Share in Supplier Portal action from Edit Contract Page

You can also search for the contract and use the Share in Supplier Portal action from the Search page.

Share in Supplier Portal Action from Search Results

On the Share Contract in Supplier Portal page, you can preview the documents you're about to share in addition to the contract and edit the notification you're sending to your supplier contact.

Share Contract in Supplier Portal

By default, no supplier contacts are checked to receive a notification. You may choose to share a contract without sending a notification, but you'll see a warning after you press the Share button.

After you've shared the contract, a confirmation is displayed, and the Share externally check box on the Edit Contract page is checked.

If you'd like to stop the contract from being shared at a later time, you can uncheck the Share externally check box on the Edit Contract page. No notifications are sent when you stop sharing a contract.

Share Externally Check Box on Edit Contract Page

The supplier contact receives a notification in the Supplier Portal.

Send Notification in Supplier Portal Worklist

They'll receive a more detailed notification message through email.

Once your supplier makes changes and uploads contract documents back to you, they can notify you using the Send Notification action from the Manage Contracts page in the Supplier Portal.

Send Notification from Manage Contracts

The supplier can review the documents they're sharing and write a custom notification message.

Send Notification

They'll see a confirmation that the notification was sent.

Send Notification Confirmation

Similar to the supplier contact, you'll receive a notification and a detailed message through email.

Email Notification from Supplier Contact

With this feature, communication between your organization and your suppliers is streamlined, and you can work together to process negotiation rounds more efficiently.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Enterprise Contracts

Using the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in Setup and Maintenance, enter the email you'd like to present as the From address in the profile option, Reply Email for Share Notifications.

Tips And Considerations

Use the Opt In UI and enable Share Enterprise Contracts in Supplier Portal to use this feature.

In addition to opting in, the Share in Supplier Portal action is displayed when:

  • You have edit access to the contract
  • The contract is of Buy intent
  • The contract is in Draft or Under amendment status

Key Resources

Sales for Microsoft 365

Enhancements to Bi-directional Appointment Sync

We are introducing these enhancements to the bi-directional appointment sync process:

  • The sync process enables auto-assignment of an account when syncing from Microsoft Outlook to Oracle Sales. 
  • The process won't sync past appointments from Sales to Outlook.
  • Current and future appointments deleted in Sales are deleted from the Outlook as well.
  • Appointments' sync is consistent with manual sharing, where users mark the appointments as Shared with Oracle.

Users can create and edit appointments in Oracle Sales or Microsoft Outlook and seamlessly sync in both directions. This means increased efficiency resulting from auto-assignment of accounts.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Sales Representative
  • Sales Administrator

Intelligent Advisor

Default Visibility for List Inputs

When using a list input in an interview, you can now specify a default visibility for the list, and individual values in the list can reference the default visibility. For example, you may want the default starting point to be for all list items to be hidden, and then you can manually select which individual list items you want to show.

This gives interview designers complete control over whether new values are automatically displayed to users, simplifying and streamlining the uptake of new values.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

An attribute can be used to condtionally determine the default visibility of the list items.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Interview designer

New Permissions for API Clients

The following roles can now be added to API clients in Intelligent Advisor Hub:

  • Viewer - this allows API clients to view projects
  • Author - this allows API clients to view and edit projects

This means that minimal privileges (read-only or limited permissions) can be provided when automating project lifecycle tasks.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

These roles can also be added or removed from an API Client using the Users REST API and Workspaces REST API.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • System integrators

Download a Project using the REST Service

Managers can now download a Policy Modeling project version from Intelligent Advisor Hub and build it using the Oracle Policy Modeling build command-line tool. The functionality available in the Projects REST API (v12.2.28) has also been expanded to include Policy Modeling projects (previously it only supported decision service projects).

This allows managers to then deploy it non-interactively to their integration testing environment.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You can specify "latest" as a project version value to download the latest version.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Managers

Enhancements to Deployed Decision Service Projects

You can now allow a deployed decision service to be shared with all workspaces. In addition, there is now a warning message if you attempt to delete a deployed decision service project that is referenced from a Policy Modeling project.

This allows Hubs with teams working in different workspaces to place a common decision service in a single, shared workspace.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

New Data Types and Functions in Decision Service Projects (22B Monthly Update 2)

Two new field data types have been introduced for decision service projects to enable authors to work with relationships between records. A reference refers to a single record, and a reference list is an ordered list of references to records.

New functions have been added so authors can make decisions for more complex object scenarios.

For example, filtering a provided list of records for internal use within the decision service, working on record lists that were defined in rules, and creating references to records of interest so you can reason about them.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

For those users familiar with working with entities and relationships in Policy Modeling, a record is equivalent to an entity instance, a reference is similar to a to-one reference relationship, a reference list is similar to a to-many reference relationship.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Authors

Control Access to Intelligent Advisor Interviews with Oracle Identity (22B Monthly Update 2)

Oracle Identity can now be configured as an authentication provider for interviews so users and groups managed in Oracle Identity Cloud Service can be associated with Intelligent Advisor for access control purposes.

Intelligent Advisor interviews validate access with Oracle Identity on launch, so that only authorized users can initiate an interview session. This eliminates the need for custom authorization via an Intelligent Advisor web service connector, which also ensures Intelligent Advisor sessions are not consumed by unauthorized users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

If the interview is not embedded (that is, the user is accessing the startsession or resumesession URL directly) and the user is not already authenticated with Identity Cloud Service, then they will be redirected to log in. If the interview is embedded (that is, using the OraclePolicyAutomationInterview.BatchStartOrResume API), then the site embedding the interview must provide the user’s existing access token to the API.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Administrators

Intelligent Advisor Component in Visual Builder Supports Interview Redirection

The Intelligent Advisor component in Visual Builder now supports the redirection from one Intelligent Advisor interview to another.

This is possible without requiring any kind of re-authentication in order to load and save data from the relevant connection (if there is one).

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You can seed data from the first interview into the second interview.

Key Resources

Role And Privileges

  • Interview designers