Cloud Readiness / Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Force Automation
What's New
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  1. Update 22B
  1. Revision History
  2. Update Tasks
  3. Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)
  4. Overview
  5. Feature Summary
  6. Sales Automation Foundation Common
    1. Leads and Opportunities
        1. Associate Campaigns with Leads and Opportunities
    2. CX Sales Mobile
        1. Personalize the Home Page and Report List
        2. Give Sales Managers Visibility into Team Performance with a New Home Page Experience
        3. Define the Default Email Client to Use with CX Sales Mobile. Also, Prevent Users from Copying Data.
        4. Personalize Sales Records on the App's Map Using Workspace Saved Searches and Use New Features to View Multiple Records
    3. Sales Analytics
        1. Add Additional Attributes in Existing Subject Areas for Enhanced Reporting Capabilities
        2. Enable Reporting on CX Sales and Eloqua Synced Marketing Web Activities
  7. Sales Automation Core Common
    1. CX Foundation
        1. Restrict Deletion of Master Geographies
    2. CRM Common Components
        1. Forecast Recurring Revenue Lines Using Only One Forecasting Date
        2. Add Current User as a Filter for Resource-Based Fields in Adaptive Search
    3. Accounts, Contacts, and Households
        1. Rollup Supports General Ledger Calendar
        2. Render Employee Size on the Suggested List of Accounts Shown by Smart Data
    4. Security
        1. Data Access Using Access Groups Is Enabled By Default for New Customers
        2. Monitor Access Group Scheduled Processes from the Access Groups User Interface
        3. Configure Team-Based Custom Object Security Using Access Groups
    5. Application Composer
        1. Compare Application Composer Changes Between Environments
        2. Enable Left Outer Join on Custom Subject Areas with Secured Related Objects
    6. Import/Export Management
        1. Use Alternate Keys to Link Custom Child Objects to Specific Customer Model Parent Objects During Import
        2. Dynamic Queue Size and Processing Improvements for Export Management
        3. Import and Export Assignment Rules
    7. APIs
        1. Use Enhanced Account Contact Child Object in REST API
    8. Search
        1. Latitude and Longitude Attributes Not Displayed in UI by Default
        2. Use Saved Search to View a List of Unaccepted Leads
  8. Sales Force Automation
    1. Customer Data Management
        1. Purge Duplicate Resolution Requests in Pending and New Status
        2. Verify Email and Phone Numbers in Bulk
    2. Enterprise Contracts
        1. View Supplier Sites in Fulfillment Lines
        2. Differentiate Base Contracts Created from Sourcing Negotiations
        3. Support Additional Parameters in Contracts Descriptive Flexfields for Setting Contexts and Filtering Value Sets
        4. Use Deep Links to Access a Contract
    3. Oracle Sales Assistant
        1. Collaborate on Business Plans Using Microsoft Teams
        2. Suggest Most Recently Accessed Records from Oracle Sales Assistant
        3. Recreate a Team in Microsoft Teams using the Go to Microsoft Teams Action
        4. Provide Tips and Help During a Conversation with Oracle Sales Assistant
    4. Intelligent Advisor
        1. Generate PDF/UA Accessible Forms
        2. Debug Unsubmitted Interview Values
        3. French and Spanish Web-based Rule Authoring
        4. Attach Interview Transcripts

Update 22B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes

17 JUN 2022

Sales Automation Core Common / Search

Latitude and Longitude Attributes Not Displayed in UI by Default

Added feature. Feature delivered in Update 22B.

17 JUN 2022

Sales Automation Core Common / Search

Use Enhanced Account Contact Child Object in REST API

Added feature. Feature delivered in Update 22B.

27 MAY 2022 Sales Automation Foundation Common /

CX Sales Mobile

Personalize Sales Records on the App's Map Using Workspace Saved Searches and Use New Features to View Multiple Records

Added feature. Feature delivered in Update 22B.

18 MAR 2022     Created initial document.



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at


Some of the documentation referenced in this article may not be available until after general availability of the release update on April 1. Check back after general availability for complete information.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

update tasks

This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy, and validate your update. We make frequent additions to this document, so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before your update starts.

Use the following resources to prepare for, deploy, and validate your update:

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

Oracle Cloud Applications delivers new updates every quarter. This means every three months you'll receive new functionality to help you efficiently and effectively manage your business. Some features are delivered Enabled meaning they are immediately available to end users. Other features are delivered Disabled meaning you have to take action to make available. Features delivered Disabled can be activated for end users by stepping through the following instructions using the following privileges:

  • Configure Oracle Fusion Applications Offering (ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV)

Here’s how you opt in to new features:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > New Features.
  2. On the Features Overview page, select your offering to review new features specific to it. Or, you can leave the default selection All Enabled Offerings to review new features for all offerings.
  3. On the New Features tab, review the new features and check the opt-in status of the feature in the Enabled column. If a feature has already been enabled, you will see a check mark. Otherwise, you will see an icon to enable the feature.
  4. Click the icon in the Enabled column and complete the steps to enable the feature.

For more information and detailed instructions on opting in to new features for your offering, see Offering Configuration.


Occasionally, features delivered Disabled via Opt In may be enabled automatically in a future update. This is known as an Opt In Expiration. If your cloud service has any Opt In Expirations you will see a related tab in this document. Click on that tab to see when the feature was originally delivered Disabled, and when the Opt In will expire, potentially automatically enabling the feature. You can also click here to see features with Opt In Expirations across all Oracle Cloud Applications.

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Leads and Opportunities

Associate Campaigns with Leads and Opportunities

CX Sales Mobile

Personalize the Home Page and Report List

Give Sales Managers Visibility into Team Performance with a New Home Page Experience

Define the Default Email Client to Use with CX Sales Mobile. Also, Prevent Users from Copying Data.

Personalize Sales Records on the App's Map Using Workspace Saved Searches and Use New Features to View Multiple Records

Sales Analytics

Add Additional Attributes in Existing Subject Areas for Enhanced Reporting Capabilities

Enable Reporting on CX Sales and Eloqua Synced Marketing Web Activities

Sales Automation Core Common

CX Foundation

Restrict Deletion of Master Geographies

CRM Common Components

Forecast Recurring Revenue Lines Using Only One Forecasting Date

Add Current User as a Filter for Resource-Based Fields in Adaptive Search

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Rollup Supports General Ledger Calendar

Render Employee Size on the Suggested List of Accounts Shown by Smart Data


Data Access Using Access Groups Is Enabled By Default for New Customers

Monitor Access Group Scheduled Processes from the Access Groups User Interface

Configure Team-Based Custom Object Security Using Access Groups

Application Composer

Compare Application Composer Changes Between Environments

Enable Left Outer Join on Custom Subject Areas with Secured Related Objects

Import/Export Management

Use Alternate Keys to Link Custom Child Objects to Specific Customer Model Parent Objects During Import

Dynamic Queue Size and Processing Improvements for Export Management

Import and Export Assignment Rules


Use Enhanced Account Contact Child Object in REST API


Latitude and Longitude Attributes Not Displayed in UI by Default

Use Saved Search to View a List of Unaccepted Leads

Sales Force Automation

Customer Data Management

Purge Duplicate Resolution Requests in Pending and New Status

Verify Email and Phone Numbers in Bulk

Enterprise Contracts

View Supplier Sites in Fulfillment Lines

Differentiate Base Contracts Created from Sourcing Negotiations

Support Additional Parameters in Contracts Descriptive Flexfields for Setting Contexts and Filtering Value Sets

Use Deep Links to Access a Contract

Oracle Sales Assistant

Collaborate on Business Plans Using Microsoft Teams

Suggest Most Recently Accessed Records from Oracle Sales Assistant

Recreate a Team in Microsoft Teams using the Go to Microsoft Teams Action

Provide Tips and Help During a Conversation with Oracle Sales Assistant

Intelligent Advisor

Generate PDF/UA Accessible Forms

Debug Unsubmitted Interview Values

French and Spanish Web-based Rule Authoring

Attach Interview Transcripts

Sales Automation Foundation Common

Leads and Opportunities

Associate Campaigns with Leads and Opportunities

You can now associate one or more campaigns with lead and opportunity records in your sales application. You can also mark one of the associated campaigns as your primary campaign for a specific lead or opportunity. When you convert a lead to an opportunity, the campaign associations and the primary campaign check box is preserved on the converted opportunity.

By associating and selecting campaigns on lead and opportunity records, you can determine the effectiveness of your campaigns. For example, you can tell which campaigns have influenced a lead and contributed to the progress of the sales pipeline.

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

Here are the high-level steps to expose the Campaign Members subtab in the View Campaign page.

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.
  2. Navigate to Application Composer, in the Configuration category.
  3. In the navigation tree, expand Standard Objects, expand Campaigns, and click Pages.
  4. In the Details Page Layouts region, click the duplicate icon.
  5. From the Configure Subtabs dialog window, move Campaign Members from the Available Subtabs to the Selected Subtabs window.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Publish the sandbox.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • All users who have access to campaigns

CX Sales Mobile

Personalize the Home Page and Report List

Your sales representatives and managers now have the flexibility to show, hide, or reorder content on their mobile home page, and visualizations in their Reports list. A simple reset restores the home page or Reports list to your administrator-configured settings.

This feature can:

  • Reduce IT backlog by allowing self-service personalization.
  • Increase the relevance of the first items users see anytime they open the app.
  • Improve the visibility of the most important reports to sales managers and sales reps.

Personalization Experience Demo

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Personalization is accessible at the bottom of each Home Page layout and under the ellipsis menu on the Reports list page.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Representative

Give Sales Managers Visibility into Team Performance with a New Home Page Experience

Accelerate sales managers' understanding of how their teams are performing with a prebuilt, metric-driven home page. Provide managers with a quick understanding of their team's open opportunities with the new team Pipeline card. Guide activity-based coaching decisions with insights into tasks that are overdue and due today with the Tasks card.

In addition to the new Sales Manager and pre-existing Sales Representative layouts, there's an additional layout with preferred list shortcuts for all other roles. These shortcuts are now available to add to any home page layout while performing an Add Custom Card action. This allows for the creation of blended experiences that include insight-driven summary cards, preferred list shortcuts, links to reports, and a Maps view.

Sales Manager Home Page Experience Demo

This feature lets you:

  • Drive results for the team from anywhere.
  • Reduce implementation time for CX Sales Mobile.
  • Increase adoption and evangelism among sales managers.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Sales managers who haven't been assigned custom home page layouts prior to Update 22B automatically will see two new prebuilt aggregation cards based on My Team's Opportunities and My Team's Tasks Workspace searches. By default, they won't see Calls to Log, Call Reports, Assets, or Partners. Review the new Sales Manager default layout and then update saved search criteria and layouts as needed. 

Here's a video that demonstrates how to configure these items: Sales Administrator Home Page Configuration Demo

Sales administrators can configure these items in Application Composer:

  • Additional insight-driven home page cards
  • Which Workspace search lists are represented in cards and navigator shortcuts
  • Which counts and aggregates to show on home page cards

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator
  • Sales Manager

Define the Default Email Client to Use with CX Sales Mobile. Also, Prevent Users from Copying Data.

Configure which default email client the CX Sales Mobile app will use. Once this is set up, tapping an email icon or email address in CX Sales Mobile will launch the configured email client, instead of the device's default email client. Also included in this feature is the ability to disable the copy, cut, and paste actions, so that you can prevent sales representatives from copying data from CX Sales Mobile to other applications on their mobile devices.

These features provide a secure mobile deployment, where the CX Sales Cloud data viewed from CX Sales Mobile is secured by preventing possible data leaks from either copying data into another application, or from using an email client that isn't your corporate one. 

Steps to Enable

Leverage Application Composer to expose and adjust page layout and attributes. To learn more about extending your application using Application Composer, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

  1. Inside a sandbox, navigate to Application Composer.
  2. Click Mobile Application Setup.
  3. Click Settings in the CX Sales Mobile Composer.
  4. Click Security Settings.
  5. Configure the Default Email Client or disable copy, paste.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Test the changes in the CX Sales Mobile app before publishing the sandbox.

Configure Security Settings

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator

Personalize Sales Records on the App's Map Using Workspace Saved Searches and Use New Features to View Multiple Records

Use Workspace saved searches to view accounts, contacts, opportunities, and leads that are near a sales representative's location. Users can scroll and search through multiple records shown on the map, using a list view. They can also view all contacts and opportunities at an account's location in a carousel view, and search for sales records in a targeted area on the map.

Around Me Experience Demo

This feature lets you:

  • Easily assess and prioritize customers or prospects to visit around your current location.
  • Optimize your time by scheduling future customer visits around a location you plan to be at.
  • Improve efficiency by easily creating activities or contacting the customer from the map view.
  • Show sales records on the map based on your custom criteria.

Steps to Enable

Use the Configure Adaptive Search task to enable Adaptive Search for the GeoLocation Field in the Account, Contact, and Lead objects. Opportunities will be mapped in Around Me using the geolocation of the associated accounts; therefore, no additional configurations are required for the Opportunity object.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and use the following:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
    • Show: All Tasks
    • Task: Configure Adaptive Search
  2. Ensure that the Account, Contact, Opportunity, and Lead objects are enabled for Adaptive Search. See Enable Business Objects for Adaptive Search for more details.
  3. On the Configure Adaptive Search page, click Setup > Advanced (callouts 1 and 2 in the screenshot).


  1. In the left pane, expand Account > Addresses (callouts 3 and 4).
  2. Click Address (callout 5) in the left pane to configure Address fields in the right panel.
  3. In the right panel, find the GeoLocation field.
  4. Select the Enable option corresponding to the GeoLocation field to index the field for Workspace and Global Search (callout 6).
  5. Select the Include in Object Reference option corresponding to the GeoLocation field to enable the field for search in related objects (callout 7).
  6. In the left pane, expand Contact > Addresses (callouts 8 and 9).


  1. Click Address (callout 10) in the left pane to configure Address fields in the right panel.
  2. In the right panel, find the GeoLocation field.
  3. Select the Enable option corresponding to the GeoLocation field to index the field for Workspace and Global Search (callout 11).
  4. Select the Include in Object Reference option corresponding to the GeoLocation field to enable the field for search in related objects (callout 12).
  5. Click Lead (callout 13) in the left pane to configure Leads fields in the right panel.


  1. In the right panel, find the GeoLocation field (callout 14).
  2. Select the Enable option corresponding to the GeoLocation field to index the field for Workspace and Global Search (callout 15).
  3. Select the Include in Object Reference option corresponding to the GeoLocation field to enable the field for search in related objects (callout 16).
  4. After making your option selections, click Publish. Publishing triggers an indexing process that you can monitor on the Monitor tab, Publish subtab. Your new configuration becomes available after the indexing process completes. If the process completes with errors for some reason, contact your help desk.

Tips And Considerations

You need to publish your Adaptive Search configurations to ensure GeoLocation is indexed properly. If the GeoLocation field is already enabled in the Setup tab of Configure Adaptive Search Page, then trigger the indexing process by publishing the Adaptive Search configuration sandbox. 

Key Resources

See this content:

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator
  • Sales Representative 

Sales Analytics

Add Additional Attributes in Existing Subject Areas for Enhanced Reporting Capabilities

Use more dimension attributes in the Sales - CRM Sales Account Resource and Sales - CRM Sales Account Territory subject areas. Supporting account resource and account territory reporting, the new dimension attributes include start date and archived date.

These reporting additions to sales account resource role and sales account territory role enable tracking of active start date and end date.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Enable Reporting on CX Sales and Eloqua Synced Marketing Web Activities

Enable reporting on CX Sales- and Oracle Eloqua-synced marketing web activities. This feature lets you report using the new subject area, CRM - Marketing Web Activities, by enabling reporting on activities synced from Oracle Eloqua into CX Sales. This reporting enhancement proactively provides marketing context for sales users. This new business intelligence (BI) subject area gives you a detailed reporting overview and lets you show combined Sales and Marketing interactions for leads generated and synced from Oracle Eloqua to CX Sales.

The existing Oracle Eloqua-CX Sales integration support synchronizes these marketing activities from Oracle Eloqua to CX Sales:

  • Email sends
  • Email opens
  • Email clicks
  • Page views
  • Form submits
  • Web visits 

With the new subject area, you can report on web activities associated with leads, contacts, customers, campaigns, and the signed-in sales user resource hierarchy.

Reporting on these objects can be achieved using these cross-subject areas:

  • Opportunity
  • Lead Territory
  • Account Territory
  • Resource Territory

The new subject area, CRM - Marketing Web Activities, lets you report on activities synced from Oracle Eloqua into CX Sales. Such reporting proactively provides marketing context information to sales users.

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

Key Resources

Sales Automation Core Common

CX Foundation

Restrict Deletion of Master Geographies

Restrict the deletion of master geography data that's shared and used across Oracle Cloud Applications, such as Oracle Sales, Oracle ERP, Oracle HCM, Oracle SCM, and so on. When you delete geography data without cross reference analysis, the consuming applications are significantly impacted.

For example, ERP relies on geography data to calculate tax, and if you accidently delete the geography data, the tax calculations become invalid. Such deletions may also result in re-provisioning of Point of Delivery (PODs) in some cases.

This feature protects you from accidently deleting geography data without performing impact analysis of geography references across applications. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

You or Oracle's Support team needs to submit a Service Request (SR) with these details:

  • Product: Oracle Fusion CX Sales Cloud Service
  • Component: Accounts, Contacts, Households
  • Subcomponent: Manage Geographies, including the country or countries to be deleted

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Customer Data Steward
  • Data Steward Manager
  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

CRM Common Components

Forecast Recurring Revenue Lines Using Only One Forecasting Date

You can now use a single date for forecasting recurring revenue lines. By setting a profile option, multiple recurring revenue lines are aggregated to a single close date (Opportunity Close Date). This means that only a single revenue line is required to calculate the total value for pipeline forecasts.

Viewing pipeline forecasts using a single opportunity close date reflects revenue aggregated across all occurrences. It also reduces the need to maintain large numbers of opportunity revenue lines while maintaining performance.

Steps to Enable

The profile option, Recurring Revenue Forecast Type (ORA_MOO_REV_RECUR_FORECAST), controls whether to forecast revenue lines based on every single, scheduled occurrence or aggregated based on the start date. The default is to forecast on each single occurrence.

Use these steps to change the default value of Each Individual Scheduled Occurrence (ORA_INDIV_SCHED_OCCURRENCE) to the Aggregated Based on Start Date (ORA_AGGR_BASED_ON_START_DATE) value so that existing, multiple recurring revenues lines are aggregated to a single close date: 

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance. 
  2. Open the Search page and search for the task, Manage Administrator Profile Values. 
  3. Search for the profile option, Recurring Revenue Forecast Type. 
  4. Change the default value of the profile option from ORA_INDIV_SCHED_OCCURRENCE to ORA_AGGR_BASED_ON_START_DATE
  5. Click Save and Close.

Tips And Considerations

When a customer decides to use a single date, the opportunity close date is the single date used for the calculations.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator

Add Current User as a Filter for Resource-Based Fields in Adaptive Search

You can now use the Is Me operator on resource-based fields in Workspace to add the current user as a filter when performing a search. This new operator lets you create saved searches with user-specific filters.

This feature lets you use resource-based filters to return a set of search records that best suits your requirements.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Applicable to all users

Accounts, Contacts, and Households

Rollup Supports General Ledger Calendar

General Ledger calendar, also known as accounting calendar, is used to define years from an accounting perspective, allowing users to decide on the periods and period types to be included when defining rollups. Example: Revenue from last fiscal quarter. You can now define rollups based on the general ledger calendar. The start and end of your fiscal year and the time periods in the accounting calendar are used when calculating the rollup values.

Administrators and beneficiaries of rollup data can get meaningful data based on the date ranges aligned to the General Ledger.

Steps to Enable

  1. Add the Manage Rollup Metrics privilege to a copy of the sales administrator user role with the ORA_ZBS_SALES_ADMINISTRATION job code. To the role, add users responsible for configuring and setting up rollups.
  2. Verify that these scheduled processes appear on the Scheduled Process page: Rollup Full Refresh, Rollup Hierarchy Refresh, and Rollup Incremental Refresh. 
  3. Enable the Rollup Test Enabled profile option.
  4. When creating new rollups, you can reuse the rollup attributes of unpublished rollups, or create custom attributes on the Rollup child under the object. If you have created a custom attribute, remember to publish it from the sandbox. The custom attribute will then be available on the Rollups setup page.
  5. Create a custom subtab for Rollups on an object’s Detail Layout and add rollup attributes to it.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator

Render Employee Size on the Suggested List of Accounts Shown by Smart Data

With the existing Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Smart Data feature, salespeople can reduce manual data entry when creating a new account. The D&B Smart Data feature suggests a list of matching accounts and helps enrich the account when salespeople create an account. Currently, the matching accounts list is rendered based on company revenue. Salespeople can see the account name, location, and revenue. With this release, the list will show the employee size as well.

Reduce Data Entry Time

With the accounts rendered by company name, location, revenue, and employee size, salespeople are more likely to see the company they're looking for. They can pick the right company from the list when creating an account. 

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Data Enrichment Integration task:

  • Offering: Sales
  • Functional Area: Integrations
  • Task: Manage Data Enrichment Integration
  1. On the Manage Data Enrichment Integration page, select Enable DaaS for SmartData. (Don't select Enable DataFox for SmartData).
  2. Enter the credentials for DaaS.
  3. Save your changes.

Key Resources

See this content:

Role Information

  • Sales Representative


Data Access Using Access Groups Is Enabled By Default for New Customers

New customers no longer have to enable and activate predefined rules for system access groups to use access group data access. System access groups and predefined rules are enabled by default. Existing customers, however, must still enable and activate access group rules to use access group data access.

The availability of access groups as the default security framework lets you easily configure data security for your users for an object and its related objects. You can also incrementally add custom access group rules to the existing predefined rules to further tailor data access. In addition, you can search Workspace for records assigned to users through their access group membership.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • IT Security Manager
  • Sales Administrator

Monitor Access Group Scheduled Processes from the Access Groups User Interface

The Monitor subtab on the Access Groups user interface provides a single location where you can manage all the scheduled processes for access groups. You can run or cancel a process, view or update the schedule for a process, and monitor the status of an active process -- all from the Monitor page. This enhancement simplifies the administration of access group processes and lets you more easily identify failed processes that might be causing issues with data access.

Monitor Page

Synchronize Custom Objects and Fields Page

Publish Rules Page

Update Groups and Members

The ability to administer access group processes without having to leave the access groups work area makes the experience of working with access groups easier and more efficient.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • IT Security Manager
  • Sales Administrator

Configure Team-Based Custom Object Security Using Access Groups

Enable team-based access to custom objects using access groups. Once added, a team member as well as his management hierarchy can access custom object records.

Customers no longer need to create custom data security predicates to secure custom objects based on team.

Steps to Enable

To use Team-Based Custom Object Security, first enable access group security and then enable the Configure Team for Access Group Security in Application Composer. You should then configure access groups in Sales and Service Access Management, via the Navigator. You must still configure functional security using the Roles table in Application Composer.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Sales Administrator

Application Composer

Compare Application Composer Changes Between Environments

Compare Application Composer configuration changes between two environments during the migration process. You can check for configuration differences so that you can more easily troubleshoot issues that are occurring in one environment, but not in another.

This feature lets you:

  • Do a proactive audit before starting a CSM Migration Import process
  • Self-troubleshoot issues that occur on one environment but not on another environment

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

On the Migration UI, before you perform an import, you can click on the gear icon to review the Source, Destination, and Delta configuration (comparison) reports.

Key Resources

Enable Left Outer Join on Custom Subject Areas with Secured Related Objects

You can now create custom subject areas that yield to a left outer join for both secured and unsecured dynamic choice lists on the related objects.

The enhancement provides endless reporting opportunities and reduces the need for multiple custom subject areas and joins, resulting in improved usability and performance.

Steps to Enable

Leverage new subject area(s) by adding to existing reports or using in new reports. For details about creating and editing reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports book (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Administration).

New custom subject areas have left outer joins automatically enabled and no additional steps are required. However, you must republish existing custom subject areas to have the left outer join available for parent-child relationships.

Key Resources

Import/Export Management

For information on using Import and Export Management, see the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Use Alternate Keys to Link Custom Child Objects to Specific Customer Model Parent Objects During Import

You can now use the Original System and Original System Reference attributes to link custom child objects to specific customer model parent objects such as account, contact, household, address, and account contact during import.

This feature:

  • Lets you use Original System and Original System Reference attributes as alternate keys so that you can link data import into a direct custom child object of a customer model object
  • Reduces the need to query primary key information of customer model object data out of the system before importing data into the direct child object

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Dynamic Queue Size and Processing Improvements for Export Management

The export platform now dynamically manages the number of parallel jobs based on system capacity at runtime, in order to achieve optimal performance.

Export management no longer needs administrators to specify how many export jobs can be run in parallel. The queue size is now allocated dynamically based on the available system resources.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Import and Export Assignment Rules

Use Import and Export Management to import and export the assignment rules in your sales environment. Assignment rules let you assign resources and salespeople to business objects, such as an opportunity and lead. Once assigned, resources, along with their managers, have visibility to the business object. You can import the assignment rules previously exported from the same or another environment, or you can use this functionality to update multiple assignment rules at a time.

You can easily move assignment rules between environments using Import and Export Management.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

See this content in the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guide:

Also see the "Work Assignment" chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Role Information

  • All users that have access to Import and Export Management


Use Enhanced Account Contact Child Object in REST API

You can now view more details of contact person record on the account contact child of Account RESTful web services. These attributes have been added to the Account Contact child of the Account REST resource:

  • Person Buying Role
  • Person Sales Affinity Code

These attributes are read-only and nonmandatory fields that have values synced from the Contact object.

Sales applications and integrations can now view contact-specific information on associated accounts through the Account Contact child.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources


Latitude and Longitude Attributes Not Displayed in UI by Default

The Latitude and Longitude attributes on the Address field are now set as hidden by default from the UI. Both attributes continue to be enabled in Adaptive Search but are mostly used in the background to support location searches. If you want to display these attributes in the UI, your sales administrator can display them from the Configure Adaptive Search > Configure UI screen.

Both attributes continue to be enabled in Adaptive Search, but are mostly used in the background to support location searches. 

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Use Saved Search to View a List of Unaccepted Leads

You can now view a list of qualified or unqualified leads that haven't been accepted yet by using the New Unaccepted Leads saved search. This saved search is available by default to all users. Administrators can go to Manage Saved Searches and manage this new saved search if needed.

This feature allows users to quick view a list of all unaccepted leads.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Sales Force Automation

Customer Data Management

Purge Duplicate Resolution Requests in Pending and New Status

Remove unwanted, active resolution requests with the Purge Duplicate Resolution Data scheduled process. In this release, we have enhanced the functionality of the Purge Duplicate Resolution Data scheduled process to allow the purging of resolution requests in New and Pending status. We've also provided the ability to restricted the purge scope to resolution requests created from a specific duplicate identification batch.

Purge Duplicate Resolution Data Scheduled Process

This enhancement lets you independently purge unwanted resolution requests that are in an active processing status. This feature improves operational efficiency and flexibility in scenarios where a large number of resolution requests are created by accident.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Keep these points in mind to get the most value from this enhancement:

  • The Purge Duplicate Resolution Data scheduled process can't run at the same time as the Schedule Duplicate Resolution Requests process. If one of these types of processes is submitted while the other type is running, the submitted process will be placed on-hold until the running process completes.
  • The Start Date and End Date parameters are required for all Purge Duplicate Resolution Data jobs.
  • The All Active option purges all resolution requests in Pending and New status.
  • The All Inactive option purges all resolution requests in Complete, Error, or Rejected status.
  • You can't purge resolution requests that are in Submitted status or Mapping status.
  • The Duplicate Identification Batch choice list lets you do additional filtering of the purge scope to include only those resolution requests created by a specific duplicate identification batch.

Key Resources

Role Information

Users with one or more of these roles can schedule and submit the Purge Duplicate Resolution Data process:

  • Customer Data Steward
  • Data Steward Manager
  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Verify Email and Phone Numbers in Bulk

Verify email addresses and phone numbers, in addition to street addresses, in bulk, using batch requests.

Verifying email addresses and phone numbers in bulk lets you import large numbers of phone and email records, and then verify them in one go. Large numbers of email and phone records can be created using a CSV file import, or using REST APIs. This feature helps you ensure that the email and phone data saved in the application are verified, and augments the address cleansing feature of the application.

Steps to Enable

  1. You can configure the batch email and phone verification in the Setup and Maintenance work area using the following:
  • Offering: Customer Data Management
  • Functional Area: Data Quality Verification Services
  1. Click the Quick Setup icon.
  2. In the Configure Verification Services page, select the email and phone services.

Tips And Considerations

  • After the release of this feature, recurring address cleansing batch jobs aren't automatically ported to the upgraded release. You need to cancel the previous address cleaning recurring jobs submit new recurring batch jobs.
  • Addresses verified by the new data verification batch job only process addresses that are associated with a party record. Addresses not associated with a party record won't be processed.
  • In the Navigator, under Customer Data Management, users need to use the new Data Verification cue-card for submitting batch jobs for email verification, phone verification, and address cleansing. The existing address cleansing cue-card won't be visible anymore.

Key Resources

Enterprise Contracts

View Supplier Sites in Fulfillment Lines

You can view all active sites for a supplier address in the fulfillment lines. The selected site is used in the agreement or purchase order created from the contract. The existing supplier address fields are renamed accordingly in the contract header, lines, and fulfillment lines to distinguish between the supplier address and the supplier site.

Supplier Address and Supplier Text in Fulfillment Line

Supplier Address and Supplier Site in Fulfillment Line

Identifying the specific supplier site on the fulfillment line prevents errors in the purchasing process and ensures items are sourced from the right location.

Steps to Enable

The upgrade script automatically updates existing editable supplier contracts with fulfillment lines. The supplier site defaults to the fulfillment line if the supplier address has only one associated site. If there's more than one associated site, it doesn't default. Instead, you need to edit the contract and select the supplier site from the list. Fulfillment lines that are closed or not in editable statuses are left unchanged during the upgrade.

Differentiate Base Contracts Created from Sourcing Negotiations

Search for base contracts in Enterprise Contracts. A base contract is created without any primary parties in a sourcing negotiation flow to negotiate terms with several invited suppliers. Base contracts are displayed in the search results, along with the transactional contracts you have with other parties. You can visibly differentiate a base contract from other contracts in the search results, contracts overview, and Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) reports.

You can delete a base contract only if the corresponding negotiation is canceled or deleted. In addition, you can't activate a base contract or share it externally in Oracle Supplier Portal.

Base Contract Search

Base Contract

This feature lets you:

  • Differentiate base contracts from other contracts with an icon
  • Exclude base contracts from the contract search results
  • Protect base contracts from deletion when referenced by an active negotiation
  • Prevent activation of a base contract by contract validation check
  • Generate OTBI reports for base contracts

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

An upgrade script automatically updates all existing base contracts and sets the Base Contract field to Yes. This ensures data consistency when you view the base contracts that were created before and after this feature.

Key Resources

See this content:

Role Information

  • Category Manager job role and all roles which have access to view or edit contracts

Support Additional Parameters in Contracts Descriptive Flexfields for Setting Contexts and Filtering Value Sets

You can use the additional parameter Intent in the Contract Header descriptive flexfield to automatically set the context to Buy or Sell. Based on the context, you can view the corresponding segments. Also, the additional parameters, ContractId and LineId, in the Contract Header and Contract Line descriptive flexfields, respectively, can be used to filter the values in the value set dynamically.

The additional parameters supported for the contract header and line let you tailor the descriptive flexfields. For example, you can filter and display only the bill-to accounts of the contract's customer in a descriptive flexfield segment. This enhances the user experience and improves the quality of data entered.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Use Deep Links to Access a Contract

You can use deep links to navigate directly to a contract, for example, from an email notification, or Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) reports.

You can copy and save direct links to a contract. You can share the deep link that opens a contract with someone else, or you can manually add the link to any page, such as a report or user interface page.

Create a Link from Contract Number in a Report

Providing a deep link takes you straight to the contract, so you don't have to search separately for it, saving time and extra steps.

Steps to Enable

You can set up deep links and use them in several ways:

  • You can use deep links to drill down to a contract from an OTBI report.
  • You also have the option to incorporate deep links into emails or notifications so that the reader can link directly to the contract.

Tips And Considerations

To see a complete list of the available deep links, use the Deep Links work area (Navigator > Tools > Deep Links).

When setting up the drill-down action from an OTBI report, ensure that you update the URL to reference the object key you've decided to apply. In the example below, the URL uses objKey=chrId.

Setting Up a Deep Link in an OTBI Report

Key Resources

Role Information

  • You can open the contract directly on the Edit Contract page from a deep link if you have the appropriate functional or data security to access that contract.

Oracle Sales Assistant

Collaborate on Business Plans Using Microsoft Teams

You can now view and collaborate on business plans from Microsoft Teams. Simply click the action to add existing members of the business plan to a team in Microsoft Teams and start the collaboration directly from the Business Plan UI.

Here's a screen shot that shows the Create Team in Microsoft Teams option from the Business Plan Actions menu:

Create Team in Microsoft Teams Option on the Business Plan Page

After clicking the option, the application navigates the salesperson to the newly created teams page in Microsoft Teams. Here's a screen shot that shows a sample team created in Microsoft Teams for the business plan:

Sample Team Created from the Business Plan Page

This feature allows the team members to easily start a team in Microsoft Team to collaborate with each other on the business plan.

Steps to Enable

Complete these setups:

  1. Set up Microsoft Teams for Sales. For steps, see the "Setup Microsoft Teams for Sales" topic in the Implementing Sales guide.
  2. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.
  3. Use Application Composer to add these actions to the Business Plan Detail page layout:
  • Create Team in Microsoft Teams: Add this action only to the user roles you want to allow.
  • Go to Microsoft Teams
  1. Save your changes and publish the sandbox.

Tips And Considerations

  • The business plan owner must be a Microsoft Teams user and will be the owner of the team in Microsoft Teams.
  • Any team member who's part of the business plan resource team and is a Microsoft Teams user will be added to the created team for the business plan in Microsoft Teams.
  • In order to map a CX Sales user to the user account in Microsoft Teams, the user's primary email address in their resource profile in CX Sales must match the user's email address in Microsoft Teams.

Key Resources

  • See the "Business Plan Team Members" section in the "Business Plans" chapter in the Using Sales guide. This section will be available on April 1 on Oracle Help Center.

Role Information

  • This feature is available to all roles, and is primarily for sales representatives and managers.

Suggest Most Recently Accessed Records from Oracle Sales Assistant

When you ask Oracle Sales Assistant for a record without providing context, the assistant suggests some records, if available, from the ones most recently accessed by you.

Sales Assistant Suggests Accounts to View When There's No Account in Context

This feature improves the user experience, since you can quickly have a conversation about your most recent records to view or act on.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature applies to all Oracle Sales Assistant supported channels.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • This feature can be used by users who have access to the sales assistant on the different supported channels.

Recreate a Team in Microsoft Teams using the Go to Microsoft Teams Action

When you create your opportunity team from your sales application, the Create Team in Microsoft Teams action on the Edit Opportunity actions list automatically changes to the Go to Microsoft Teams action. If for some reason, the existing team no longer exists in Microsoft Teams, then the Go to Microsoft Teams action triggers recreating the team and saves it to the opportunity. When you click the action again, it automatically launches Microsoft Teams for the new team created.

Go to Microsoft Teams Action on Edit Opportunity Page

This feature ensures that a new team is created in Microsoft Teams, if the original team is no longer available in Microsoft Teams. This allows salespeople to continue to collaborate with each other on the reopened opportunity.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • This feature is available to all roles, and is primarily for sales representatives and managers.

Provide Tips and Help During a Conversation with Oracle Sales Assistant

Oracle Sales Assistant provides tips about any recommended next steps at the end of a conversation. You can also request help when viewing a list or a summary card. The assistant responds with a help message matching the context of the list or summary card. This feature improves your user experience with Oracle Sales Assistant.

Sales Assistant Provides Tips and Help in Context of the Account Record

This feature improves the user experience of the Oracle Sales Assistant as it helps you learn how to use the Sales Assistant by providing examples of what you can say at certain parts of the conversations.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature applies to all Oracle Sales Assistant supported channels.
  • Each tip is shown once a day and is displayed up to five times to a user. You can click "Got it" to stop the tip from showing again.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • This feature can be used by users who have access to the sales assistant on the different channels.

Intelligent Advisor

Generate PDF/UA Accessible Forms

There is a new option to make forms generated in an interview from RTF templates be PDF/UA (ISO 14289) compliant.

This gives interview designers the ability to generate forms that conform to the PDF/UA standard to ensure maximum accessibility.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

To use this option, all fonts must be embedded or substituted.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Interview designers

Debug Unsubmitted Interview Values

There is a new option in the Debugger that allows you to include unsubmitted data in the inferencing that occurs in real time as screen data is entered. This enables you to use the Data and Decision views to understand behavior that occurs on an interview screen before the screen is submitted.

This is useful, for example, when debugging validation rules that prevent the screen from being submitted, or for investigating a visibility condition on a single-screen interview that doesn’t have a next button.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

While this mode is enabled, all of the input values on the current interview screen are visible in the Data tab and the Decision tab for further examination, including all the inferred values derived from those input values. Additionally, the screens and controls shown on left hand pane of the Interview tab, including the Details window, reflect the partially entered values, so the effects on visibility, relevance, default values and so on can be seen.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Policy testers

French and Spanish Web-based Rule Authoring

To support the writing of decision service rules in the language of business experts, the following functionality has been added:

  • You can choose French or Spanish (or English) as the authoring language for decision service projects. Language-specific rule function names are available for each of the supported languages.
  • You can use characters from any language when naming decision service fields and objects.
  • You can choose the format of numbers and dates (from a limited selection) and all literal values in rules must conform to these formats.

This feature allows French and Spanish speakers to write decision service rules in their native language so that they accurately reflect their source material.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

These settings are available as part of the Rule Language Settings accessed via the Actions menu in a decision service project.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Decision service project authors

Attach Interview Transcripts

An interview transcript, that contains all of the interview questions asked and answers given during the interview, can now be submitted to a connected application as an attachment (in JSON format).

The transcript enables system integrators to build standard transcript handling extensions that can process advice history for review and analytic purposes.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The attached file name includes the deployment name to identify the source of the advice.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Interview designers