Cloud Readiness / Oracle B2C Campaign Management (Responsys)
What's New
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  1. Update 21A
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Advanced Intelligence
        1. Intelligent Feature Management Enhancements
        2. Send Time Optimization Provisioning Enhancements
        3. Subject Line Prediction- Optimization and Insights
    2. API
        1. Responsys Event Notification Service Enhancements
        2. REST API Enhancements
    3. Audience Designer
        1. Support for Web Push Filters in Audience Designer
    4. Campaigns
        1. Differentiating Classic and Email Campaign Designer Campaigns
        2. Pinterest Widget
        3. SMS Campaign Purpose Attribute
        4. SPAN Support for India DLT Regulations
    5. General Enhancements
        1. New Look and Feel
    6. Mobile
        1. Cordova for Responsys SDK
        2. Mobile App Analytics
        3. Mobile App Uninstall Tracking
        4. Program Launch and Orchestration Capabilities for Message Center Campaigns
        5. React-Native for Responsys SDK
        6. Revenue Attribution for Push Campaigns
    7. Reporting
        1. Additional Pre-defined Date Options for Send Date Prompt in Insight
    8. Web Push
        1. Audience Targeting Option for Web Push Campaigns

Update 21A

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
17 FEB 2021     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update. All Oracle Responsys updates are conducted without disruption to service, meaning no downtime.

Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you. We frequently update this document so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Advanced Intelligence

Intelligent Feature Management Enhancements

Send Time Optimization Provisioning Enhancements

Subject Line Prediction- Optimization and Insights


Responsys Event Notification Service Enhancements

REST API Enhancements

Audience Designer

Support for Web Push Filters in Audience Designer


Differentiating Classic and Email Campaign Designer Campaigns

Pinterest Widget

SMS Campaign Purpose Attribute

SPAN Support for India DLT Regulations

General Enhancements

New Look and Feel


Cordova for Responsys SDK

Mobile App Analytics

Mobile App Uninstall Tracking

Program Launch and Orchestration Capabilities for Message Center Campaigns

React-Native for Responsys SDK

Revenue Attribution for Push Campaigns


Additional Pre-defined Date Options for Send Date Prompt in Insight

Web Push

Audience Targeting Option for Web Push Campaigns

Advanced Intelligence

Intelligent Feature Management Enhancements

If your account is an Advanced Intelligence subscriber, you will now see Subject Line Predictions listed within the Recently released features: Try out section of the Intelligence Feature Management page.

This feature was previously in the Labs section. It's now ready for more general use.

Steps to Enable

This feature is available as part of the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on that must be ordered for your account. Please contact your account manager or Oracle sales.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available for users with the following roles:

  • Account Administrator
  • Super User
  • Data Director

Send Time Optimization Provisioning Enhancements

The standard Send Time Optimization (STO) profile extension tables (PETs) for email and push are now automatically created for each profile list in your account after you enable Send Time Optimization using the Intelligence Feature Management page.

You are no longer required to create the PETs manually.

Steps to Enable

In order to leverage the Responsys Send Time Optimization feature to calculate a recipient's optimal send time, one of the following add-ons must be enabled for your account:

  • Send Time Optimization Service add-on
  • Advanced Intelligence Package add-on

Key Resources

Role Information

Users must have the Account Administrator, Super User, or Data Director role to enable Send Time Optimization using the Intelligence Feature Management page.

Subject Line Prediction- Optimization and Insights

In addition to predicting whether a subject line may lead to a higher or lower than the average open rate, the following features are also available:

Open Rate Prediction:

  • Predicts the open rate for a given subject line and the lift compared to average open rate.
  • Supported for English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese and Hebrew.

Optimization capabilities:

  • Highlighting the key phrases in the given subject line that are likely to have an impact (positive or negative).
  • Providing insight into top-performing phrases along with the average open rate and usage frequency.  This information will assist in crafting better subject lines.
  • Displaying subject lines that are similar to the given subject line with their corresponding average open rate. Similarity is based on the common key phrases.
  • Supported for English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish.

This feature allows you to optimize the email subject line before launching a campaign to result in higher open rates.

Steps to Enable

This feature is available as part of the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on that must be ordered for your account. Please contact your account manager or Oracle sales.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available to users with the following roles:

  • Email Campaign Manager
  • Email Campaign Director
  • Super User
  • Account Administrator


Responsys Event Notification Service Enhancements

The following new events are now supported on the Responsys Event Notification (REN) service:


Backup Callback URL is now supported.

Using this updated service, you can subscribe to selected events of your Responsys account to receive event notifications when the selected events occur in Responsys.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

The Responsys Event Notification (REN) service add-on is required to use this feature. REN is currently released under our controlled availability program.

Key Resources

REST API Enhancements

The following new Standard REST APIs are now available:

  • Update Supplemental Table: Enables you to update the properties of a supplemental table using the API.
  • Trigger Email with Attachments API: This API is similar to Merge and Trigger with Attachments, but it does not merge members into a profile list before triggering. It includes an attachmentData section for the attachment payload.
  • Get Segment Groups associated with an Account: Enables you to retrieve segment groups associated with an account.
  • Get Data Sources associated with a Campaign: Enables you to retrieve data sources associated with a campaign.
  • Get a Campaign Preview: Returns a preview URL of the campaign in the API response (both HTML & text).

The following new Advanced REST APIs are now available:

  • Update the Data Source of a Campaign: Enables you to update the data source for a campaign.
  • APIs supporting SMS: An API user can now 
    • Create/Get keywords
    • Get codes
    • Get Delivery Status codes mapping
    • Activate and Launch a SMS campaign

The following new Asynchronous API is now available:

  • Bulk Delete of Content Library Items: Enables you to send up to 200 library objects for deletion.

The following Asynchronous API was enhanced:

  • Asynchronous Reporting API: Now supports Unique Click-related metrics (Responders, Average Clicks, Click Per Responder, Responder Rate, Unique Clicks, Unique Click-to-Open Rate).

Added and enhanced APIs enable you to use more of the Responsys platform capabilities programmatically.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Key Resources

To learn more, see the following topics in the new Responsys Developer Help Center:

Role Information

Client applications that use the Responsys REST APIs must authenticate as an API user with the applicable Web Services Manager roles enabled.

Audience Designer

Support for Web Push Filters in Audience Designer

Web Push filters are now available in Audience Designer.

This allows you to include Web Push attributes and behaviors when you orchestrate audiences.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources


Differentiating Classic and Email Campaign Designer Campaigns

For accounts that have both Classic Campaigns and new Campaign Designer enabled, you now have the option of filtering your view of the Manage Campaigns page to show only classic email campaigns. To view only classic email campaigns, open the filters and select Email (classic) under Campaign type.

This enables you to easily identify your classic campaigns so that you can determine which ones to recreate in the Campaign Designer.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Effective December 21, 2021, Responsys will not support Classic Campaign functionality. Classic Campaigns will remain available to you to send email campaigns during the 2020 and 2021 holiday seasons. Beginning 2022, Campaign Designer will be the only Responsys tool for creating and sending targeted and personalized campaigns.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available to users with the following roles:

  • Account Administrator
  • Super User
  • Email Marketing Director
  • Email Marketing Manager
  • Email Marketing Producer

Pinterest Widget

A Pinterest widget is now available.

Use this widget to incorporate content from your Pinterest account or a specific board into the body of your email using simple drag-and-drop functionality.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available to users with the following roles:

  • Account Administrator or CX Apps Director role to install the Pinterest widget
  • One of the following roles to use the Pinterest widget:
    • Email Marketing Director
    • Email Marketing Manager
    • Email Marketing Producer
    • Super User
    • Account Administrator

SMS Campaign Purpose Attribute

All SMS campaigns now have a mandatory attribute, Purpose.

The attribute differentiates between promotional and transactional campaigns.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Previous behavior of assigning campaign purpose based on template is no longer supported. Existing campaigns will continue to have the previous data and will not be corrected with this update.

Key Resources

Role Information

Users must have the SMS Marketing Director, SMS Marketing Manager, Super User, or Account Administrator role to create SMS campaigns.

SPAN Support for India DLT Regulations

SMS marketers targeting Indian subscribers will now need to comply with Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) regulations. The Responsys SMS platform now enables you to create campaigns with:

  • Your organization's entity registration information (including approved templates), and
  • Approved templates to avoid message delivery failures

This enables you to comply with TRAI DLT regulations when using Responsys.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Users must have the Account Administrator role to configure DLT for your account and to add a DLT template ID to an invalid keyword message.
  • Users must have the SMS Marketing Manager, SMS Marketing Director, Super User, or Account Administrator role to create SMS campaign messages that use the DLT-registered templates.

General Enhancements

New Look and Feel

The Responsys user interface is getting an exciting new look and feel. Starting with this update, you'll notice a design refresh applied to different areas of the platform, which will continue going forward in subsequent updates.

The following product areas have been updated:

  • Home page
  • Global Search
  • Manage Campaigns page
  • Manage Programs page
  • Navigation ("Hamburger") menu and navigation panel
  • Fatigue Analysis dashboard

This provides a more modern look and feel and is a consistent design with other Oracle CX Marketing products.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources


Cordova for Responsys SDK

The Responsys Cordova plugin is now available. It allows developers to use the Responsys mobile services in Cordova apps (such as Push Notification, Message Center, inApp Messages). The plugin is designed to be cross platform, to leverage the same source code targeting both iOS and Android platforms.

This enables developers to make several platform-specific API calls as restricted to iOS or Android specifically.

Steps to Enable

Standalone Responsys Mobile SDK is required to use this feature.

Key Resources

Mobile App Analytics

Native Mobile App Analytics are now available. Use this feature to better understand app user behavior and mobile app performance.

Marketers can understand app user behavior by tracking and analyzing 25 KPI metrics directly within Responsys. This is enabled through a Mobile App KPI Metrics Dashboard that enables you to:

  • Monitor 25 out-of-the-box Industry standard KPI metrics
  • Review a comprehensive set of KPIs that cover entire user lifecycle (from user acquisition to app uninstall)
  • Analyze KPI trends through past period comparisons

This enables you to better understand app user behavior by tracking and analyzing 25 KPI metrics directly within Responsys.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

Your mobile app must be integrated with OCX Mobile SDK and OCX Responsys SDK.

Additionally, the Infinity Streams Cloud Service feature is required to integrate with the Infinity Analytics SDK.

Once the feature is approved, you will be provided a set of parameters to be configured in the Integration settings > Infinity data integration section of Account Settings.

Tips And Considerations

When navigating to the Mobile App Analytics area, some key Insights on KPI metrics and uninstalls are displayed for your app with the highest number of active users. You can then choose to navigate to the KPI Metrics Dashboard or the Uninstalls Dashboard to analyze the metrics in detail.

The KPI Metrics Dashboard shows app user behavior by tracking and analyzing 25 KPI metrics directly within Responsys. 

  • Six KPIs that most Marketers are interested in are highlighted at the top: New Users, Active Users, Sessions, Conversions, Revenue, ARPU.
  • The 25 metrics are split into three Sections: User Acquisition and Engagement, Revenue, Uninstalls.

Key Resources

Learn more about:

For details on how to integrate with the Infinity Analytics SDK, please refer to:

Role Information

This feature is available to users with the Mobile Apps Analytics Manager role.

Mobile App Uninstall Tracking

With mobile app uninstall tracking enabled for your mobile apps, Responsys tracks mobile app uninstalls independently of sending Push campaigns. Previously, this was only available when launching Push campaigns.

Responsys runs a periodic (daily) check to detect uninstalls for your app. You can monitor the following details regarding the last app uninstall tracking check / run:

  • Time of the check
  • Number of uninstalls detected
  • Any errors encountered during the check

Having more information about app uninstalls can help you understand the root cause of mobile app uninstalls and fix issues. You can also gain insights that will help you plan how to retain your app users in the future.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

Additionally, you must enable App Uninstall Tracking for the specific app you would like to proactively track app uninstalls for:

  • Navigate to Account Management > Mobile App setup > App Uninstall Tracking > Enable Uninstall Tracking for the App

Tips And Considerations

Reminder, in 20D, two new app channel list columns were added to enable more effective tracking of app installs:

  • UNINSTALLED_AT_DATE_: data type is Date/Time Stamp
  • CHANNEL_DELIVERABILITY_REASON_: data type is String / Text Field (to 255 characters)

These columns will start getting populated after this 21A update.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Users must have the Account Administrator role to enable App Uninstall Tracking for mobile apps.
  • The Mobile App Uninstalls dashboard is available only to users with the Mobile Apps Analytics Manager role.

Program Launch and Orchestration Capabilities for Message Center Campaigns

Program launch and orchestration are now available for Message Center campaigns.

A new Send message center campaign activity stage is available in the program palette.

To configure this activity stage, you need to specify:

  • the Message Center Campaign
  • Throttling and Notification Settings

This enables you to run multichannel marketing programs with Message Center as one of the mobile app messaging formats.

Steps to Enable

In order to leverage Program orchestration, the Multichannel feature must be enabled for your account. Multichannel is currently released under our Controlled Availability program. To enable Multichannel, you need to log a Service Request (SR).

Tips And Considerations

The new Send message center campaign activity stage supports both Bulk and Triggered launches.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • Users must have Push Marketing Director or Push Marketing Manager to create and edit Message Center direct campaigns.
  • Users must have Program Manager or Program Director to create Program orchestrations that use the Send message center campaign activity stage.
  • Users must have Program Director to launch Program orchestrations.
  • Users with Super User or Account Administrator roles can perform all of the tasks associated with this feature.

React-Native for Responsys SDK

The Responsys React-Native plugin is now available. It allows developers to use the Responsys mobile services in React-Native apps (such as Push Notification, Message Center, inApp Messages). The plugin is designed to be cross platform, to leverage the same source code targeting both iOS and Android platforms. Developers can make several platform-specific API calls as restricted to iOS or Android specifically.

This enables developers to make several platform-specific API calls as restricted to iOS or Android specifically.

Steps to Enable

Standalone Responsys Mobile SDK is required to use this feature.

Key Resources

Revenue Attribution for Push Campaigns

For each Push campaign, the following out-of-the-box revenue metrics are now available in Interactive Dashboards reports:

  • Revenue
  • Revenue per Message
  • Total Orders
  • Average Order Value (AOV)

Key Performance Metrics for Push campaigns now include Revenue Per 1K Messages.

Push Performance by Platform Type can now be analyzed for revenue.

This allows you to measure and attribute revenue to Push campaigns.

Steps to Enable

In order to use this feature, you must integrate with the 21A Responsys Push SDK (version 6.48.0) onwards.

Role Information

To view the Mobile Apps dashboard that displays these new metrics, users must have the Mobile Apps Analytics Manager role.


Additional Pre-defined Date Options for Send Date Prompt in Insight

The following additional pre-defined date send options for the Send Date prompt in Insight are now available:

  • Current year: Data will be displayed for the current complete calendar year at the time of executing the report. For example, if the report is executed at 11:30am on 2nd Feb, data will be displayed from 12:00am on 1st Jan to 11:30am on 2nd Feb (or till when data was last refreshed).
  • Current month: Data will be displayed for the current complete calendar month at the time of executing the report. For example, if the report is executed at 11:30am on 2nd Feb, data will be displayed from 12:00am on 1st Feb to 11:30am on 2nd Feb (or till when data was last refreshed).
  • Current week: Data will be displayed for the current complete week at the time of executing the report. Per international standards (ISO 8601), the week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, where Last Week = Monday to Sunday. For example, if the report is executed at 11:30am on 2nd Feb (Monday), data will be displayed from 12:00am on 2nd Feb (Monday) to 11:30am on 2nd Feb (or till when data was last refreshed).

This provides more Send Date options to better meet your reporting needs.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

This change will be visible to all users with any analytics manager or author roles.

Web Push

Audience Targeting Option for Web Push Campaigns

You can now create and use Web Push Audiences as a targeting option for both standalone Web Push Campaign launches as well as for Program based launches and orchestration of Web Push Campaigns.

This enables you to create an audience of Web Push users for targeting by combining both profile and behavioral attributes of the users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Role Information

  • To select the audience targeting option for a Web Push campaign, users must have either the Web Push Marketing Director, Web Push Marketing Manager, Super User, or Account Administrator role.
  • To create and publish an audience, users must have the Data Director, Super User, or Account Administrator role.