Cloud Readiness / Oracle B2C Campaign Management (Responsys)
What's New
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  1. Update 21C
  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. Feature Summary
    1. Advanced Intelligence
        1. Fatigue Analysis for Push Campaigns
        2. Push Title Optimization
    2. API
        1. Async REST APIs
    3. Apps
        1. CX Apps Now Generally Available in Oracle Responsys
    4. Campaigns
        1. Campaign Purpose Attribute for Mobile App and Web Push Campaigns
        2. Custom Key-Value Pair Support for SMS MT Messages
    5. Data
        1. New SMS Clicked Offer Metadata Columns
    6. Reporting
        1. CX Apps Usage Dashboard
        2. Filter Out Bot Clicks

Update 21C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
09 AUG 2021     Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Feature Summary

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Disabled)

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Advanced Intelligence

Fatigue Analysis for Push Campaigns

Push Title Optimization




CX Apps Now Generally Available in Oracle Responsys


Campaign Purpose Attribute for Mobile App and Web Push Campaigns

Custom Key-Value Pair Support for SMS MT Messages


New SMS Clicked Offer Metadata Columns


CX Apps Usage Dashboard

Filter Out Bot Clicks

Advanced Intelligence

Fatigue Analysis for Push Campaigns

Fatigue Analysis for Push Campaigns analyzes past Push campaign send data, as well as engagement data of each mobile app user. It automatically segments recipients into one of five personas: Under Saturated, Just Right, Saturated, Over Saturated, and Inactive. You can use these personas to ensure optimal messaging and to prevent a decrease in user engagement and user churn. This is an enhancement to the existing Fatigue Analysis feature available in Oracle Responsys, adapted for the user engagement characteristics of Push notifications.

Fatigue Analysis for Push Campaigns

The Fatigue Analysis feature provides insights on subscriber fatigue levels, so that you can spend your marketing resources more effectively.

  • You can use the out-of-the-box fatigue personas to ensure optimal messaging and to prevent a decrease in user engagement and user churn.
  • Dashboards help you see how your mobile app user base is distributed across the fatigue personas, as well as view recent performance of the fatigue persona segments.

Steps to Enable

  • This feature is available as part of the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on that must be ordered for your account. Please contact your account representative or Oracle sales.
  • If your account has the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on provisioned and you have not yet enabled the Fatigue Analysis feature, use the Intelligence Feature Management page to enable it.
  • If your account has the Fatigue Analysis feature enabled already and if your account has Push enabled, then the Fatigue Analysis Push profile extension tables (PETs) and filters will be added to your account automatically. You do not need to switch the Fatigue Analysis feature OFF and ON again to get the Push-specific PETs and filters.
  • Please note that if the Fatigue Analysis feature switch is switched ON or OFF, then the feature's Email, SMS, and Push channel functionality will be enabled or disabled together.

Tips And Considerations

  • Prerequisite features: Mobile App channel, Push Notification campaigns (including Rich Push), Fatigue Analysis
  • Ensure that the relevant campaigns are tagged as "promotional" (transactional campaigns are not considered for fatigue analysis)
  • "Recommended Send Frequency" is not supported for Push Fatigue Analysis.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available to users with the following roles:

  • Push Marketing Manager
  • Push Marketing Director
  • Super User
  • Account Administrator

Push Title Optimization

The Push Title Optimization feature enables you to optimize the Push campaign title at design time. You can use this feature to generate a prediction of whether a given title will lead to a "Good" or "Poor" open rate. You can use the prediction and its additional insights to further refine your Push campaign title. The prediction and insights are based on historic titles and associated open rates.

When you generate a prediction, you can view the following results and insights:

  • Title classification: Oracle Responsys rates the title as "Good" or "Poor," based on the open rates of your historic titles. When we can't generate a "Good" or "Poor" title prediction, Responsys displays a "No Prediction" label.
  • Key phrase highlighting: Identifies key impactful phrases in the title
    • Key phrases that are likely to drive better open rates are highlighted in green.
    • Key phrases that are likely to lower the open rate are highlighted in red.
  • Top performing Push title phrases: When insights on the key impactful phrases in the title are not available, we present top performing Push title phrases that you have sent to the mobile app previously.
  • Similar titles: View titles similar to the current one, along with their associated open rates.

Languages supported: English, Portuguese

Optimizing the title before launching a Push campaign helps you improve open rates for Push notifications.

Steps to Enable

  • This feature is available as part of the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on that must be ordered for your account. Please contact your account representative or Oracle sales.

  • This feature is generally available for current Advanced Intelligence subscribers and for accounts enabled with Subject Line Predictions. 
  • This feature is controlled availability for everyone else who is eligible for the Advanced Intelligence (Enterprise) package.

  • Enabling or disabling Subject Line Predictions enables or disables the feature for all channels (Email, Push).

Tips And Considerations

  • Prerequisite features: Mobile Apps Channel, Push Notification Campaigns, and Subject Line Predictions.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available to users with the following roles:

  • Push Marketing Manager
  • Push Marketing Director
  • Super User
  • Account Administrator



Your applications can now use the following new Responsys Async REST APIs: Trigger Custom Event and Trigger Push Message.

Several improvements have also been made to the Responsys Async REST APIs:

  • Increased API limits for the Merge Trigger Email API and the Polling API.
  • Your applications can request to display input metadata when using the Polling API for asyncTriggerPush, asyncMergeTriggerEmail, and asyncMergeTriggerSms requests.
  • Your applications can send up to 10 multiple request IDs in a single Polling API request.

Asynchronous APIs allow client applications to poll for API request status, rather than having to wait for a synchronous API's response to occur before the client application's timeout settings. This improves client application efficiency.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Tips And Considerations

You can use the Get Throttling Limits request to view the API limits of all Oracle Responsys REST APIs supported for your account.

Key Resources

Role Information

Client applications that use Responsys REST APIs must authenticate using an API user with the applicable Web Services Manager roles enabled.


CX Apps Now Generally Available in Oracle Responsys

CX Apps is now generally available in Oracle Responsys. If your account has interactions pricing, you no longer need to complete a Service Request (SR) to get access to CX Apps.

IMPORTANT: This change will be rolled out over time to accounts with interactions pricing. Messages (legacy) pricing customers must still subscribe to AppCloud to get access.

If your account has interactions pricing, this change improves your experience when enabling Oracle Marketplace apps in Oracle Responsys.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • For organizations that have interactions pricing, your CX Apps platform usage is deducted from your interactions commitment.

  • Messages (legacy) pricing customers will be disabled unless they are subscribed to AppCloud.

  • To verify which type of pricing is in effect for your environment, someone from your organization who has access to Oracle Cloud portal (for example, the person who created the service environment) can log in to Oracle Cloud portal and view the service environment information.  After you log in to Oracle Cloud portal, on the Service: Oracle Responsys - Overview page, scroll to locate the active service environment(s).  If the Type of Instance shows “Base” or “Additional”, then your Responsys environment has messages (legacy) pricing. If the Type of Instance shows “Base Interaction” or “Additional Interaction”, then your Responsys environment has interaction pricing.

  • Contact your sales representative, account manager, or Customer Success Manager if you have questions about the pricing model enabled for your subscription.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available for CX Apps Managers, CX Apps Directors, and Account Administrators.


Campaign Purpose Attribute for Mobile App and Web Push Campaigns

All Mobile App and Web Push campaigns now have a mandatory attribute, Purpose. Campaign purpose can be either Promotional or Transactional. Promotional campaigns are for marketing purposes, such as sales promotions. Transactional campaigns are usually reserved for account activities or commercial transactions, such as purchase confirmations or order status updates.

You must set the campaign purpose when you create the campaign.

Create Campaign Dialog with Purpose Drop-down List

The attribute differentiates between promotional and transactional campaigns for Push, In-app, Message Center, and Web Push campaigns. You can now set the campaign purpose accurately for mobile app and web push campaigns. It's important to specify campaign purpose accurately, because features such as the Advanced Intelligence features for Push and Multivariate Testing (MVT) for Push campaigns are only supported for promotional campaigns.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Prerequisite Features:

  • Mobile App Channel for Push, In-app, and Message Center campaigns
  • Web Push Channel for Web Push campaigns

Tip: If needed, you can change the campaign purpose after you create the campaign but before you launch it. This field becomes read only when campaign becomes active.

Location of the Purpose Field in the "About your campaign" Section of the Campaign Designer

Key Resources

  • View our Help Center to learn more about creating campaigns.

Role Information

This feature is available to users with the following roles:

  • Push Marketing Manager (Mobile App channel)
  • Push Marketing Director (Mobile App channel)
  • Web Push Marketing Manager
  • Web Push Marketing Director
  • Super User
  • Account Administrator

Custom Key-Value Pair Support for SMS MT Messages

You can send custom values to your SMS partners in the payload of SMS mobile terminated (MT) messages. For example, you may want to send custom values for attribution logic, reporting, auditing, and the like. With this change you can define up to five custom key-value pairs as dynamic variables in your campaign data sources. These keys and values will be passed to the associated SMS partner in the MT calls.

IMPORTANT: This feature is currently released under our Controlled Availability program. To request access to this feature, please log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request.

You can send more personalized messages to your SMS partners and better customize your campaign design.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

Tips And Considerations

You can define up to 5 custom key-value pairs in your SMS campaigns. Using the Data Sources dialog in Campaign Designer, define the key-value pairs as dynamic variables. Each key that you define must have RSYS_SMS_CUSTOM_ as the beginning of the key name (for example, RSYS_SMS_CUSTOM_MYKEYEXAMPLE).

To enable this feature, your account must have the following prerequisites:

  • SMS channel
  • SMS MT campaigns
  • Simplified Campaign Designer
  • SPAN (full-service or self-service)

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available for the following roles:

  • SMS Marketing Director
  • SMS Marketing Manager
  • Super User
  • Account Administrator


New SMS Clicked Offer Metadata Columns

You can view two new offer metadata columns in the SMS Clicked Contact Event Data (CED) output. The new columns are OFFER_NAME (link name) and OFFER_URL (long URL).

IMPORTANT: This feature is currently released under our Controlled Availability program. To request access to this feature, please log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request.

By providing the information on the URLs that recorded the events, you can better analyze click-through events.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

Contact Oracle Support for assistance in adding columns to your CED output.

NOTE: You must update your ingestion processes before requesting that Oracle updates the output configuration with the new columns. Otherwise, it may cause your CED ingestion processes to break.

Tips And Considerations

To use this feature, your account must have SMS and click tracking for SMS enabled.

Key Resources

Role Information

This feature is available for Data Directors, Super Users, and Account Administrators.


CX Apps Usage Dashboard

You can now view the CX Apps send volumes section on the Insight Interactive Dashboards - Usage dashboard.

Usage Dashboard, Showing the CX Apps Send Volumes Section

You can see your app usage (that is, send volumes for apps by month). This lets you verify usage for a particular timeframe. This also lets you see if you are meeting your marketing goals.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can find the new report in Oracle Responsys by selecting Interactive Dashboards from the navigation menu. Select the Usage tab, and then scroll to the CX Apps send volumes section.

  • CX Apps send volumes are available per app and are updated daily. The default date range is set to a 3-month lookback, but you can change the date range to look back as far as data is available.

  • CX Apps should be available or in use for the account. Otherwise, "No Data Available" will be displayed in the CX Apps Send Volumes report. For organizations that have subscribed with interactions pricing, your CX Apps platform usage is deducted from your interactions commitment.

Key Resources

Role Information

The Usage dashboard is available only to users with the Account Administrator role.

Filter Out Bot Clicks

You can now use the new Device Type value "Robot" to filter out bot clicks from the Device performance dashboard displayed in Insight Interactive Dashboards. You can also view this data in the Contact Event Data (CED) Email Clicked feed.

Email - Device Performance Dashboard Showing Device Type Menu with Robot Filter Criteria

Oracle Responsys determines which clicks are bot clicks (that is, Device Type is "Robot") by analyzing user agent strings and other data elements. Responsys uses an underlying library that is frequently updated to identify clicks that are not from a human source.

Filtering out bot clicks helps you view a more accurate analysis of the performance of various devices and browsers used to respond to email campaigns over time.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • To filter out bot clicks in the Device performance dashboard:
    1. From the Oracle Responsys navigation menu, choose Insight, and then choose Interactive Dashboards
    2. On the Analytics page, click the Email tab and expand Performance, and then click Device
    3. Using the Device Type filter, select all options except Robot, and then click Apply. The dashboard will filter out all results where the Device Type is "Robot".
  • The "Robot" device type value will only be populated (when applicable) after the 21C update. Historical data will not be updated to reflect the "Robot" device type.
  • For click events that Responsys determines to have originated from a bot, the Email Clicked CED feed will contain a value of "Robot" in the DEVICE_TYPE_INFO and BROWSER_TYPE_INFO columns. If these columns are currently not included in your account's Email Clicked CED feed, please log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request (SR) to have them added.

Key Resources

Role Information

The Device performance dashboard is available only to users with the Email Analytics Manager, Super User, or Account Administrator roles.